HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1951-09-28, Page 4F ®® ® T'.fy.Y'��'T JRON E Pe S R 0y�1'�f�1�'qi"J �'g 2 qty ,. Persoual8 Andrew McLachlin and Mrs. Ken, Mrs.. 04.40 v, heed �iafe McKellar visited with Mrs. Ruby day with Mr. atut- b7're. (1allq v#101,154th-„,.„ Routley at Kirkton on Saturday. rymple and family In Beafart I. Classified Ads. "SKINNY COPIR! GET LOVELY curves! Gain 5 to 10 Its.. new pep. Try famous health and weight -builder, Os -tree Tonic Tabled Introductory, "get, acquainted" size ONLY 60c. All dreg - gists. Classified Ads Inserted At New Low Cash Rates: HY 4I NIIC, STJPmaiin plain. (RUBBER serded FOR SALE, WANTED, LOST AND FOUND, ETC. --Per Word: envelope with price list 6 samples 25c; 156 week I Cent 24 samples 51.00. Mail -Order Dept, T-711, End week >!I Cent NOVA -RUBBER CO-. Box 91, Hamilton, lad week 1,a_. Cent Ont_ M&'nimemm charge. each insertion29 Cents Feet, figure, initial a d abbeeviation counts as one world, ,� Cards of 'Manse, In Memoriam Notices, Coming Events. -1 cant per owed, Maximum Auction Sales 50 cents per week. Enquiries may be directed to a Box No-, c/o The Huron Expositor, for 10 cents extra. Ten cents additional will be chanted if ads in above class are not paid within 10 dais of date of final insertion. Births, Marriages and Deaths inserted free of =large Auction Sales, Notices to Crede ms, Etc -Rases on appeicatioa_ • Coming Events THE ANNUAL NURSES' DANCE WILL be held .on Friday, October :6th. in the Community Centre, with Frankie Bank's Orchestra 4369-1 VE GOOD OLDE TYME HAYLOFT Hoedown at the Crystal Palace Ball- room. Mitchell, this Friday night, with Don Roberll-on and his Ranch Boys. 436911 BINGO, CAR DRAW, DANCE - BF:FP Oe:e'brr 5th open for 1500.00 Monster Bingo in the Mitchell Memorial Arena. Draw for 1991 Ford Oar same evening. followed by Dance in Crystal a'aiace Ball - mom. Bingo commences at 9:00 p.m; doors open at 7 :30 D.M. Proceeds for Arena Fund and Lions Service Work - 4369 -1 Wanted ar Wanted. WANTED - LARGE SIZE QUEBEC A UCT1ON SALE OF HOUSEHOLD FS - fees in the Village of Egmondville, Man St. on Monday, October 1st, at 1 lam: Crena enamel Princess Pat range, 4 -burner coat sal stove and oven; 2 -burger hot plate (like new) ; chesterfield bed (like new ): extension dining room table and chain;: porcelain top kitchen table; k lichen ohairs ; cupboard : sofa ; occasion- al einem; number of small tables: rock- ers and mirrors : clocks ; bookcases (new) writing desk- ; day bed; radio; 2 beds: heater. PHONE__' R springmat: tree: and maress : feather tick: aa - 4369x1 toque chest of drawers with mirror and stand to match; dresser and stand; 15 ratter mats; washstands: sealers, step '-adder: lawn mower: shoeels; garden tools; quantity of wood and kindling; 'guaat.:ty of deka and kitchen utensils. and other articles. Terns: -Cash- Alt- THUR ea FAIENCE, Proprietor ; Harold I Jackson- Auoeoneer ; E. P. Chesney, Clerk, 4368-2 AUCTION SALE OF HOUSEHOLD EF- 1forts at Lot No. 1S, Stealey Town - hip (Goshen Line), S miles west and 2 miles souls of Varna, on Wednesday, (ku.her IOJa, az 1:30 p.m„ the following: ?t,de_rn walnut bed: tubular bed: wooden ' bed : chest of drawers: ; chesterfield and 2 hesnerfie ld chairs; laza-boy chair: 2 ex- :casionaJ chairs: studio coach; 3 locoing chairs: wider armchair: Northern Eke- -roc cabinet battery radio: dining roots t:ebie : buffet and chairs ; recede: n maple 'breakfast suite of buffet, table and chairs: 2 corset nags in. Rum um rug ; scan2,er mars: weight clock: Coleman caarp _tyle gas stove and Coleman lan- tern: sea end small tables : kitchen chairs: bridge lamp: hand wash - :a; machine: step ladder: 2 sol: stoves: curtains; drapes : garden tools; dishes: pictures: otn,kine utensils. and numerous either arxie ,e. T.rtn ---Cash, MRS. JEAN BENNETT, Proprietress: K. W. Coigu- houn_ Clerk ; Edward W Elliott, Auct5un- eer. 4369-2 WANTED - BATTERIES, COPPER, matra-esse,, nem, caste. sled, chert metaL C. REEVES, Seaforth. 4369-1 CUSTOM WORK WANTED - I A_el l� e tn,vd for entree p.L'w'-ng. Also 60 pullets for sale, laying. Apody to LYLE MONTGOMERY. RR. 1, Clinton. Phone SAI r 3I, Seaforth. 4369x3 For Sale FOR S-91 F-..,1ACliET HEATER NO reasonable offer refrced WILLIAM M_ BART. 436.9e1 FOR SALE --CORGI LIGHT WEIGHT motorcycle, in very good condetion- -WANTED--BOX TOPS OF WATER- recwnsble price- TED SAVAUGE. Ph.ne mane ink canoes and aro of Canada 120, Seafor:.h. 4369x1 Corn Star -ch or Benson Cara Starch. Will pay 1 rent a top for first fifty of each See LEO HAGAN, after 6 pm., at his home, Qouinlock St, behind Vittoria Park_ Motor Cars For Sale FOR SALE - '40 DODGE COUPE, buil:-:n radio. new tires: mechanical- ly A-1. PHONE 848 r 32, Seefarde 4365x3 Livestock Wanted DEAD HORSES, COWS AND HOGS remo:ed prempey. Cash at farm Phone WM. SPROAT, Seefornh 655 r 2.. VCILLIAM STONE SONS, L1MrrED, In- gersoll. Ont. For Rent HOUSE FOR RENT -NICE COMFORT. ableia.'>:e on No. 8 Highway. 2 male east of Se.stet-M. Recently decorated ; Hydro. Immediate peueession. Apply to JOHN MALONEY. RR 5, Seaforth, Phone 64 r 30, Dublin. 4369x1 FOR SALE -SIX 1 -YEAR-OLD SOARS for mile: two 2-y me -old sores, See JOHN S. HeGAVIN, RR 2, %Velem. 4369x1 I,`OR SALE--C.C.M. BICYCLE, LN A-1 ceedi'-ion ' balloon ti res : extras : chrome front forks. PHONE 377-W, Sea - forth. 436931 FOR SA-LE--1-2-TONT'R'O-WI.1FFLED , CLEARING AUCTION SALE OF FARRt trailer, in lewd condition. Apply to Stocl, and ImpIrnsents, aill. be held a NORMAN L. CARTER. Box 403, Clinton. Lot 26, Conoeesicn 5, McKillop, 21,:, miles 43692,2manth of SeIforth, Thursday. October 4th, 'at 1 p.m -.--the farm is sold: CATTLE - R SALE -ONE 5 H.P. BOILER, 5 Dual Purpose mors. dates of freshening suitable for heatinc large borne. Phene elven at time of sale: 7 Hereford grade 242, Seaforth_ N. SCOINS. y'earintgs: 6 Hereford grade spring calves - 436,9x1 POULTRY -150 yearling heavy here: 2 ' mows of well -cured hay. 1 IMPLEMENTS pos. SALE- C.C.at. MEN'S OR BOYS'---ht-H 7 ft binder : 2,1-11 514: ft mower oelleon tired ben. cle, 2 mon'hs old. in et of bench sleighs ; wagon scale.; ; 6- I good condition. WAYNE ELLIS. Sea- eectiore of harrows ; fanning mill ; wine ' footlesesgei fence stretcher; ele,-tric fencer; Redrster -•-enc spraying unit; McCormick -Deering pOR SALE - 3 -FURROW INTERNA- No. 3 Bream separator, almost new; Mel- " eonal pee. Apply Joffe; THOMP- otic hand cream separ,,tzr. like new; • SON. RR 2, SeaLsrh. Phone 530 r 31. Is -mese -ay hydro brooder: coal stove brood- lenen1 'r and colony house: number of other j r:icles : 1,117 Dodge truck. FURNITURE FOR SALE ---.MODERN KITCHEN CUP_ - Quarter -rut 8 -piece dinipg room suite, eared. white :un bine folding go- ''on'''eting of buffet china cabinet, exten- cart, silver grey color. like new. ANGUS `ion owls and 6 leather upholstered afacLEAN. Pyrone 363. -1369x1 chairs : kitchen buffet ; extension table :hairs. etc.: living room leather covered - FOR RENT -OFFICE SPACE, IN THE, FOR SATF, CHILD'S ALL -WOOL 3 uch: a number of reeking chain, tables, Dominion Bank Bonding. ADp'7 to piece winter outfit tvre.ruoise bine ec. : 2 bedroerm suites; McClaryk range: ¢ the Man ize •i veers, :nee • he seer. at SCOINS C ,lemon gas stove; 2 Coleman lanterns: ages. DRY CLEANERS. 436>xi Co,ornan lamp ; Coleman iron; Perfection -1 heater and other article_'. No outside FOR SALE ---VACANT LOT, SUITABLE "k allowed. Term: -Cash. F. BRUCE Help Wanted or bu'lki a -EDD, Proprietor: Harold Jackson, Ann- -Apply S. purpose-: F . 06 Se :iemeer. 4369-1 Apply to MRS. P. B, MOFFAT. Phone 210.W, Seaforth. 4369x1 CARPENTERS WANTED poe SALE - FOLDING ENGLISH seeeler. like new, suitable for cats. CLEAVE COOMBS, Egmondsille, CARPENTERS WANTED IMMEDIATE- 4369x1 ly : steady work throughout winter. =apply to R TIMMS CONSTRUCTION POR SALE -WINDOW GLASS: FEA- and ENGINEERING LTD., RC.A_F. Sta- tiler pillow,: 2 stoves: 2 pumps; tion- Clinton. 4368-2 dressers; wooden bed; corner cupboard: pieces of oilcloth. C. REEVES. Seaforth_ 4369-1 THE MAN WE WANT 28 YEARS OF AGE 011 OLDER, WHO needs an income of at least $3.000 t hie had sale: experience but has not found the kind of business be is satisfied to masse nt life work; must be of good character and ambitious. The Man select- ed will be thoroughly .trained in ora sales procedure at our expense_ Applicant must ,tate po..,t sales experience, age, derpend- en-s. an -d names of three references. Re- ply he'd in strict eonfrdence. Box 62. He RON EXPOSITOR 4368-2 Poultry FUR SALE ---165 B_431P S SUCCFe pulises. Apply BRUCE WALTERS, Seaforte. 236ex1 F -- OR SALE -1200 LIGHT SUSSEX,X New Harnp. pullets, five mantis old, ROY BROS., Londgsboro_ Phone 131s-th, fe r 6. 4369-1 Property For Sale FOR SALE - 1?§ STOREY FRA,M'S ho:Se, 7 rooms., wits wood-sbed : Hy- dro; le acre land_ S4 ated on No. 8 Highway. about era -mate from *town. AD - ply Pees 61. HURON EX105Fr0R 4369x1 ' 0R SALE -.-RED BUILDING. 24x14 eel_ in good repair: to be roved. Suitable Inc garage_ implement cn• stock building , 5225.00: let miles east of Kip - Pen and es mate south_ PHONE 693 r 4. 4369x2 Fj OR ` Lr SALE IN ZENSAL-T{ryO GOOD ..sae hooses, each wife ''trrnace, hydro, garage., garden. One good brick home insulated, hot wafer furnace, hydro, full bath, extra /and, WM. PEARCE, 1 6 Realtor. Exeter. 4368x3' FOR SALE-McCLARY WHITE EN. amel cook stove, coal or wood, in A-1 condition. Apply GEORGE DUBS. Hullett Twp„ Con 10, Lot 10. Phone 27 r i Blyth. 4369x1 CLEARING AUCTION S ALE OF Household Effect in the Village of Rrucefield on Saturday, September 29th •t 1 p,m_, at the home of Mrs. Haugh Newcombe piano; ohesterfield suite and chair; settee: 3 antique matching chairs reeking theirs: 3 small tables: 1 Bed rium rug 18x111: 1 rug 19x10112); Sday clock: buffet; dining room table: 6 din' leen chains; drop leaf table and 2 chains kitchen cabinet: 1 cupboard with glass top: kitchen table; Perfection oil stove and oven; fernery: New Williams sewing machine: 2 small tables: 2 fern stands mahogany veneer bedroom suite: iron be rad springs: 2 wooden beds: 3 mattresses ' dresser and commode; large chest o ^rawer : guilt box: wardrobe: hall tree; FOR SALE -GOOD GRASS FARM LOT "'•k dining room upholctoe'd ',hairs;. �; fl',wer stand: antique mahogany table Con_ _ Tuckerm°th, See ra) .cycle: ch i'Id's sleigh: kitchen stool crier -1 "nrin-s of water. Apply to NOR- ^each real or wood stove; walnut dining MAN L. CARTER. Box 403, Clinton- rem table, like new ; cooking utensils 1 :xwee washing machine, like new ; tubs w`?ah'ooard : electric iron: electric toaster arden shat rs : lawn mower : spinning wheel: storm door 7 ft. x 34 inches: storm 6 ft, x 10 in, x 33 in.: 2 screen ''ors. 7 ft x 33 in.: 15 -gallon "oil can: upper boner! 2 step ladders: garden electric }amp: 2 -burner ere enc tee 2 clothes driers- pail;, etc. 'terms Csyh, MRS. C. HAUGH, Proprietress; Harold Jackson. Auctioneer: E. P. Clam - nay. Clerk. 32611-2 News Items of Hensall and District Wanted WANTED -CATTLE 'I'O FEED FOR winter, PHONE 695 r 2, Heaxiart 4369x2 Auction Sales CLEARING AUCTION SALE 01° FARM, Farm Stock and Tractor Machinery. Harold Jackson has received instruceinaaa to seal by public auction at Lot 10, Con. I. Hay Township, !tai miles south of Hen- sall, on No. 4 Highway, on Wednesday, Octssber lOth, at 12 noon, D.S. Time: CATTLE -8 Holstein cows 3 years old, bred to Hereford bull, due Jan. 1, 1952; 1 Jersey oow. POULTRY -300 Red Sussex pullets : 250 White Leghorn and Red Sus- sex pullets (all laying good), MACHIN. ERY -1949 W.D. 9 McCormick -Deering tractor, fully equipped: 1950 LH. McCor- mick -Deering traet:or, 2 -row sco$er and fully esteemed; 1950 McCormiek•Lleering 4 -furrow plow•: 1948 McCormick -Deering hay baler with motor; 1950 3 -ton Dodge truck, b ester brakes, D.P. axle, hoist, No. 10. 3 -ft. solid rack with 2 -ft. stock extension, 2.200 miles; 1950 Anis-Chalmers No. 60-5 Combine, Sas roils, auxiliary motor, large size scour cleaner; Irani; pick-up, fully equipped; 1950 Case 12 -ft. : w-ather : 1950 New Idea corn picker, one row-, fully equipped; 1949 John Deere 15 - dee power drill, fully equipped: 7 -foot McCormick -Deering tractor mower: 1950 Allis-Chalmers power side rake; 1990 48- i.ot John Deere E. hay and grain eleva - tor; McCormeet-Deering bale loader: 1950 Jelin Deere manure spreader: McC.armick- Deeritnc¢ tractor, double dise. 16 -plate: John Deere 6 -ft. one-way disc; McCor- mick -Deering stiff tooth cultivator: 5 -sec- tion diamond harrows: 10 -ft. Bimel cults packer : 1951 Bob -a -Long power lawn mower: 1949 De Laval milking machine, •inglr unit ; mi cans: rubber tire wag- on: 16 -ft. hay rack and grain box: 30 -ft. corn crib: Litz grain grinder: grain roll- er: 3 H.P. motor I new r : 2 small motors newt; fanning mill: 1.000 5-iucia file: mat; r emit: rubber tire wheelbarrow: 3 - ten hydromatic jack, other jacks: power oil pump: set farm scales : root puller ; walking plow : :tone boat: ropes. pulleys, chains : set carpenter teals: full set f..rm eels: electric broader and poultry equip- ment: 6 rain shelters. HAY and GRAIN 22.000 bushels nixed grain: e50 bales second on alfalfa : 2 9014 bales mixed hay. HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS -Hot Point 4 - burner electric stove: Wingham clipper; white enamel cook stove: 17 cubic foot L'niversaI rcfrtgerator a newt ; chesterfield =vice: dining -room suite. table, china cab- inet, 12 chairs; 3 bedroorn suites: ches- terfield bed; rugs; walnut finib flat top .,slice desk with swisel chair, dike new) : occasional chairs: small tables; lamps : washing machine; mirrors, end other art- icle, too numerous to mention. REAL nSTATE---Parcel 1: 100 -acre farm more or lees. 1? a mile south of Hen.all on No- 4 High say. Good brick hone, hot water heating system with oil burner m.,d,•rn bathroom; large bank barn, driv- er shed. proure system throughout: • c. henhouse for 500 hens, boder :muse for 1.000 chicks. Clay loam, well 3rained: good water supply: 12 acres of Lush: 1S acres of permanent pasture. 'areo: 2: 225 acres. part Lot 17, Con. 1, it. -fw p„ n, mile south of Henall on No. 4 Highway. AU workable land with ▪ ;i mel!. Terms -Chattels, cash. Real Estate: Will be offered day of sale if not pert tetaly sold. Terms -10"i down ; bxJ- 1:ce 50 days. Subject to reserve bid. ESTATE OF LATE OLIVER ROA- CLIF'FE: Executors --Lloyd McLean. H. C. Risers, Hensall; E_ P. Chesney, Clerk: Harold Jackson, Auctioneer, 4369-2 In Memoriam BARBOUR -IN LOVLNG MEMORY OF . a dear wife, Harriet C. Barbour, who _ passed away one year ago. September 26, 1950_ nig ; "Thy will be done" seemed hard to say. When one we loved had passed away ; Often Thy purpose, we fail to see, But all c a -ell, when done by Thee. I -Sadly missed and ever remembered by ; : her Husband. 4369x1 f' ;369x? FOR SALE -NEW SINGER SEWING machines, el=-rtric and t"esd)e Re - mere -e all makes, SINGER ?FW NG I CENTRE, 78 'Ontario St, Stratford, • - :ref FOR SALE --CORGIS, 140 MILES PER 54''56c, ri t•y m• el'. ftr+te,' ^n" n.,.- e'Ee. ve RTH CORGI SALES. Phone 377.W nr 120. 4369x1 ('LEARING AUCTION SALE OF FARM l• Sock Lm•lemenos and Household Ef- 4R LOAD INTERESTED IN NIGHT fere. to he held at Lot 28, Conecaa5sn 6, ,re 1" r' eeeel v -pd .vv Township, l:, mile south of Hills - Wednesday of each week V nu"d- --en Store. on Friday. October 5th. at ing aril other ca urs'r, PHONE 666 r 1 p.m.. D.S.T.: HORSES --Middle aged Sea for- h, 23cc. -..r mare, 1700 Ile. HARNESS -2 sets of -k harness and collars, CATTLE -A)1 FOR SALE -TWO USED OTL E SPA^C-'"rte have two T. B. tests (clear): 2 ee t -r• .-•C black rows wilts calves at foot: 1 roan -`fir .o£ coder nee",s on hand. BORreod - w�'h calf at foot: I Hereford cow 641 0WN oY . Sto-e, C.natan. e Phon� le ifers early ne November; thee of sale:: 1 white-faced w,, 4369x2 r e'S two month : 3 2 -year-old heifers, Y fat): 1 Hereford steer, 2 years old: 1 FOR SALE -1 SMALL WHITE ENAM- Hereford steer, 1300 Ira-: 10 Dnrhsm and - -" 1 1--• 011 ie-'- Hereford year -one: 1 baby beef, ready heater: I hall o®t : baby's commode ewe-. ''r market: spring calf. PIGS -56 pigs. 8 1 *Lewd bed with springe : 1 larere o -k 5- r V.•rk chunks- 75 1trs : York sow. bred. POUL r•L All cheap fir quirk sale- pemere TRI --300 Hybrid Red Rock pullets ready 490-h' 4369.1 "o lay : 3 rain shelters and feeders; brood - r s:eve_ MACHINERY -Men. binder - -kering mower: sulky rake; Mello drop - end hay loader: MeH. manure spreader: Men. 13 -rot drii with fertiiator: three- ' -um steel roller: M. -H, bean sniffler and :+oiler: spring tooth cultivator: 1 14 -plate a1. -H. out -throw disc: 1 14 -plate Bissell e -throw d4sc; 1 hand seu5ier t pew! : 1 set of farm sleighs and fat rack : 1 New "-a rubber 'tired wee= with I6 -foot -roll- ing flat rack: 1 wagon box with stock -sok : 1.000 -lb. scales: walking plow: fan - USED DESKS. SUITABLE FOR HIGH eine mill: foot spray pump: Viking cream or public=eparartor and milk pail ; g,ees sem: '00 cedar rail=: cedar Pinta : enantity e.f M. A. REID , circular wood: oil lath vrindmill ; forks Secretary. s.'veis, drains, serine bags sod other Seaforth High School District. tredve. HOUSO,HOLD )'ECTE --Quare 4360.1 ' '*'y of household chair- : tables : bcdeoorn rnihrre and ot21er household effects: a . rine:a Pat (oak sem-e. Terms --Cash_ FOR SALE --2 M -M MODEL. Z TRACe nRi:CE WALieee... Preprietor- Harold tine:: 1 VAC Caae tractor with he- -`ek'.o'rr_ Anrtian'rer: R P- Cbesnay, ramie lift and et:Rivetor: I New' Idea-f,rrlt.' 4.308-2 one -row 0 model: corn picker, 195odei : I No. 101 John Deere corn picker. 195-0 model: e. -D, tsa'o.furrow plow: Tee, --a, three - plow; Otaco two-fnrr plow with robber tires: Fleury-Rinse/I two-fnr- row phew: Fleury -Bissell 8 -ft tandem Breit• -FAY -AS Clinton Public neepltai itL-rkl 36 -plate tractor disc: M.-91. en FPrided'.Sesrte ser 21, er btr and' 32 -plate tractor disc: New idea, Massey- Mete Clarke Keaaede. Hensen_ :pee Harris and Mc. -D. manure spreaders; side !retie thence til, a de:Petite,- es and hay loaders: New Idea & CobHOOVER- HOOVER- At Graeae Flospitel. Windsor. .beer sired weron;: P:x hog feeders; .n September 19. to 11r, and Maxi D. Boerne forraere wagon =loaders.: tc : Fair.. L Hoaxer f nee Me Keang), of banks -Morse hammer trolls: McDougall & r' "- a daughter. r- raatferd watesystems: Giessen and COLCLOUGH c -At Sat Memorial iiclapi- rge refrngerebers. stoves and ':rashes_ trot., on Sept a. re Mr, and Elea- David rite or phone Inc decrr ptive folders sane 0alek.trrh, Ci katem, a POZEL _; cm NEW IDEA DISTRIBUTORS, ; +RUSKOPF-At 'Soo G Memorial How:- Goderie9. Ont. Phone_ Carlow 2621- 1 :eat, oa Se3. 26. to Mr. ,,ray Mrs. James 436922 K,.-an:kopf, rattan_d , a aago'er. Cards Of Thanks MRS- E A. NOAKES. HENSALL. wishes to express her deepest ap. precrat)sn ro the many relatives, friends •:rad neighbors, svho so kindly remembered : her web cards, letters. flowers and treen while a patient at St Joseph's He pattl, London. and :.ince her rehire Some, 43a -S-1 APPLES FOR SALE --SPRAYED W.N. _^_ - ne'r a 1• es,c '-)'v ...- Fine, P,ussetc Stews and TeImen Sweet, Beek year orders rev e„ r1,,,: -a ,rein -r P1-=' ROPeERT ARCIOI P'r es •:'r 16. Senfegh. 4165 Di XTRA i HUNDRED -ACRE FARM ON No. 4 Hitrhway- ideal location. choice buildings with conveniences in house and barns- Silo implement sheds. benboases, ' Early passes -cion, WM_ PEARCE. Realtor:! Earl Parsons, Salesman. Exeter. 436853 FOR SALE IN DUBLIN ONE AND A HALF' SM STOREY FA5 HOUSE Priced Inc araick sale. APPLY BOX 63 M The Huron Expositor f"R°w FOR SALE scbooL Apply to II Births 4168-L disc Notices lV N OT10E - GENERAL TRUCKING ; wood for sake CEM, LON13Y- Bbone 332-8, Seaforth, 4368x11 No tADIO REPAISS--P'OR ALL KINDS W' of radia,, at TERRY'S RADIO B% pn PAIR, opposite Dick Home. Seeforne Phone 347-R 4 032 tf rak rn Notices To Creditors Recessed Bathtubs $60 N07'ICE to CREDITORS S MART MARTHA WASHINGTON AND Itioth3edre etaaanleso three-piece. bath. I room sees, While 5160.00 to 5189.00. Col - 1(N THE ESTATE E" of Alice Ci trcoctt [ate oared 5914.00, complete with beautiful of the V-s11nlre of Egm�eaCe, in the aces , d fittings_ Air eoen, t nine farn- (:sntits of Hinraa, Married Weinraa, Ilse acs =•O0. Special olfern to p3oar;tier�s ceased and btniders foo. Save many valuable ALL PEESONS 13laii INC FLAnts, dollars, buy with confidence and have a eq.a''attst fire liber of the above de• 'er S*. Satisfy ogu grew i tee caased are rertrirvd In file the sabre' teifh Extraet discounts o8 catalogue prices if are tore tifdersig'ned Soli�itor' for the laid meets everything yea need 00r'eimrvlete S,eba$� ora or berm* pftmabing or iron- - installstlon, Oata- i, after a detly the/ rias!! grid �1 t✓�' the 0156,00 et a nee= tan, ataawtlta, atostas, r Yf raters, Pan- t steer loiter slat s, ail bnnnna, septic and Neve been gins ea maria, Viet en write pa Dart Makin n, Chr o, hat -\Mt Otdei A.D- 13'5 am t e ' l d'Wit Bae Inelztdec 35151e phirta5 of mat, em- aersteth • 1611 1* disLtlb : ! ' e' Sao' pstele of xis lai5on tartlets a:.oitirlcd*e'te: launder' A.D. i tlallaIreette KAM i; °gum 01 0102, Bt;ti+ •NitAtie. Streettelle Clm'lario 4i041 Phone t61: Eeoninge SL a it OP- ' WOULD LIKE TO TAKE THIS portuni:y to thank all those who re -nen:bel-d me with fruit. flowers, re ne; 'rad card, during my illness in the Hos- eta', and at home. Special thanks to Dr. A. Corwill. Dr, Prac'y and Dr. Me.Ma'- 'er, and to the staff end nurses of Scott \e•.rr:oriel Hacpiral, Seaforth. MRS. 3. W. JOH23STON. 169x1 Varna Wanted Save Your PAPER AND RAGS for Fall Salvage Drive corning up! PROCEEDS FOR THE INSTITUTE FOR THE BLIND Watcb for further announcement. "Strathaven" REST HOME A Home for the -Aged -Invalids and -Convalescents M RS. ETTA MacKAY HOOGEHT Phone 184 Exeter dinniumallimmoloommor ONTARIO'S FIRST Bean, Corn and Sugar Beet Day. on Cameron McTaggart - R, Campbell - DePutter Bros. Farms MIDWAY BETWEEN APPIN AND GLENCOE Middlesex County WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 3rd Dourer meing at 14) nen, Variety Plots -- Mazhines Paraded and "At Work" Speakers at I:00 p.m. -C. D. Grattan:, Prof. N. R. Richards, A. H. Martin and other crop and machinery specialists, Free Parking - No Admission Charge Hosts-M1DDL'ESEX CROP IMPROVEMENT ASSOCIATION (Continued from Page 1) to be held at Mrs. Upshall's (an afternoon meeting), with Mrs. A. Finlayson assisting, and Mrs. W. Workman in charge of the pro- gram. A bearty vote of thanks was expressed by the president to the hostesses and their assistants. The national anthem followed, and delicious refreshments were serv- ed under the direction of the com- mittee. The enjoyable affair was largely attended. Announcement Mr. and Mrs. Walker Carlile, of Hensall, wish to announce the en- gagement of their daughter, Mur- iel Elaine, to Glenn Lawrence Weido, son of ,Mr. and Mrs. Wil- fred Weido, of Lurioh, the mar- riage to take place the middle of October. The Women's Christian Temper- ance Union meeting was held at the home of Mrs, Win- C. Pearce, hlceter, on Tuesday with a good attendance. The devotional period was led by Mrs, H'. Powe. Tribute was paid to the late Miss Jean Murray and her unflagging inter- est in the work of the W.C.T.U. Items of business were realt with and one new member added. Some discussion followed, re the ea - extensive and threatening custom of social drinking which has been introduced d into thousands of Can- adian homes. The long continued insidious propaganda of the liquor trade has aided and abetted the practise. The Christian Church, without delay, must improve the quality and quantity of its temper- ance education, Some Christian communions are already support' ing a campaign for voluntary total abstinence. To date the United "'hurt'h has printed 40,000 Declara- tion of Purpose cards, and over 'hree-quarters of these are now in use, V'ARNA Mr. and Mrs. H. J. Ludeington returned to H.E.P.C. Ralphton last week, Mrs. Luddington spent the past two weeks with her mother, Mrs. J. W. Johnston. who has re- turned home after two weeks in Scott 'Memorial Hospital. Seaforth. Mr. and Mrs. J. Perce Johnston and Robert spent last weekend with Mrs. J. W. Johnston and fam- ily, also with relatives at Sea - forth. Mr. and Mrs. Hilliard Rahn and Mrs. Donella Boyer, of Hanover, called on Mrs. T. W. Johnston Sunday. KIPPEN Sunday guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs: Robert Da5-nr'an in- cluded: Mr, and Mrs. Peter Mc- Cowan and family, of Seaforth; al- so Mr, and Mrs, Frank Baker, of London. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Consitt visit- ed Mr. and Mrs- Orville Workman on Sunday. CINQUEFOILS Cinquefoils, usually called "Po erty Weeds," get this name fro rhe -r ,bebit cf growing on "pove ty" soils -that is, :oils which ar low in ferti;ity. According to W. MacRae, . Fieldman for th Crops Branch, Ontario Departmen of Agriculture, Cinquefoils - lik some people - cannot stand to much prosperity, and the easier way tq control these weeds Is t improve the soils on tthioh the are growing. He goes on to point out tha there are four distinct varieties o Cinquefoils; of which only on Rough Cinquefoil is usually foun :n 'hay Gelds and the seed is a impurity in timothy seed. It h three leaves on an upright hair_ stem. The small, bright yeilo flowers form a terminal cluster Mr. MacRae states it can be read ily controlled by clipping sevfeal times during' the year. as ibis pre- vents the formation of seed. The other three varieties are perennials and- generally grow in old meadows and pastures- the, Upright Cinquefoil has larger yel low flowers than the Rough Cin- quefoil and hes five to seven leaf- lets in each leaf, Silver Cinque- foil is distinguished by its Sve fol- iate leaves which are silvery white on the lower side. The last of these varieties -Silver Weed -is a creeping Cinquefoil. It can be quite easily recognized by its pin- nate leaves. which -are green above and silvery white underneath, The flowers are also yellow and re- semble the Buttercup. Mr. MacRae points out that as the last thee mentioned above are perennials, they are more diff cult to control than Rough Cinqueff.il However, he feels that where yon Bible the field should be broken up, ultivated and put under a short otation of crops. Where this is either possible nor practical, in- fested pastures may often be im- roved by sowing a good perman- nt- pasture mixture and by the udidious use of commercial fertil- zers. Apparently Cinquefoil can ithstand neither prosperity in the form' of fertile soil, nor competi ion from legumes and grasses. Thus, he says, one of the best methods of controlling this weed 1 increase the fertility of �+be soil 3s automatically improves the tends of more favorable crops and ence Cinquefoil will Soon be roWded ,out v - m r- e J. e e O O f e- d n as v • w c r n p e 7 w t to Th 6 h c A small boy was being sent ,to summer cam. much against his will and was making no bones about it. "Why, you91 just love camp," his aunt said soothingly. "You'll have a simply wonderful vacation," 'eq won't," was the acid retort, "but my mother will." The' mighty little Classified Ads, in The Huron Expositor brine best results. Phone 41. Seaforth, Mrs. Mcelymont has returned home after spending' a week with her daughters, Mrs. Schilbe and Mrs. Ducharme, Mr. and Mrs. Keay and Michael, of Exeter, were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Stasik_ Several people from Kippen at- tended the Egmondville United Church service on Sunday. Mrs- Winder has returned home, having spent a very pleasant holi- day. Mrs. Lawson, of Listowel, is vis- iting her mother, Mrs, W. W. Cooper. TUCKERSMITH The Tuckersmith Ladies' Club will hold their regular meeting at the home of Mrs. Prank Walters on Wednesday, Oct 10. Please note change of date. BRUCEFIELD Mr. and Mrs. Alton Johnston spent Sunday with Mr. and Mr's, C. Halstead in Stratford. MissViolet Petrie is visiting her sister, Mrs. R_ Allan, and Mr. Al- lan. Miss Janet Watson, Alymer, spent the' week -end with her par- ents. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Brock. Centra- lia, were week -end visitors with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. K. Cornish. Mr. and Mrs. Don McDonald, of Clinton, visited with his mother. Many attended the shower ter Miss Ethel Wilson, bride -elect of this week, at Mrs. W. Haugh's, A very interesting program was giv- en an some so a contests held_ ;4I.ss Eva Stackhouse read an address, and Ethel was presented with many beautiful gifts. A dainty lunch was served. Rally Day services were held in the United Church on Sunday with Rev. Maines in charge. There was a junior girls' choir, under the leadership of Mrs. Murdoch. Ron- ny Johnston read the story. CROMARTY Messrs. Oswald Walker and Alex Gardiner have returned bottle from the Western Provinces. Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Falconer and family called on friends in the village on Saturday. Mr, and Mrs. Stewart Robertson and Mr, and Mrs. Earl (Robertson and daughter, Dorotby, visited on Sunday with John Robertson anti Mrs, R. Robertson. Miss Grace Scott attended the Western Fair, also visited with Janet Ballantyne and her feeler, Tames Ballantyne in London, and with Mr. and Mrs, Frank Cadick at St. Thomas. Mr, and Mrs, Ken McKellar vis- ited on Sunday in Mitchell with Mr. and Mrs: William Binning. Mr. and Mrs. Gilbraith an d daughter, Mary Alice, Mrs.' Camer- on and Mrs. McConnell, of Chats- worth, visited on Saturday at ;he manse with Rev. R. Duncanson and Mrs. Duncanson. Mr, and Mrs. Ed. Allen, Mr. and Mrs_ Thomas Scott. Mr. and Airs. 65inzivezx r�AaE M4iI. RE,^,. WORK REFRESHED Frost Steel Weld SILOS • Fibreen Paper • Snow Fence ALSO LIMITED AMOUNT OF Steel and Embossed ALUMINUM ROOFING SEAFORTH CO -OPERATIVE or oti/ of their INCREASED EARNINGS 111, IIAN p Wa Y1L18t 0500:00 If yon want to increast'your income by buying more cattle, the Hof M will be glad to finance the purchase, and you can pay back your loan out of your regular milk cheques. See your nearest BofM manager today. Ask or write for folder "Quiz for a Go-ahead Farmer." BANK OF MONTREAL working wsrb Con:d:oaf in every walk ,af dsfc sine 1817 Hensall Branch: WALTER JARRETT, Manager 1 MONSTER CASH BINGO Sponsored by the Zurich Lions Club Will be beld in the ZURICH ARENA - on - MONDAY OCTOBER lst BINGO AT 9 P.M. DOORS OPEN AT 3 P.M- • $500.00 JACKPOT • Must Be Won! Three Specials -- $100.00 - $75.00 - 350.00 15 Regular Games for $15.00 a Game ADMISSION $1.00 Extra Cards and Specials, 25 Cents Entire Proceeds of this Bingo to be used to purchase Equipment for a Boys' and Girls' Band BargainsBad' rens MUST REDUCE OUR STOCK OF USED TRACTORS! - Make Us An Offer! - 1 Used 28 -inch Bell Thresher on Rubber --Cutter and drive belt 1 7 -foot Binder on rubber 1 8 -foot Binder on rubber M. -H. 55 Gas Tractor -=Used 2 years; excellent condition. Cockshutt 70 Standard - Completely overhaul- ed; new paint. See this one. Cockshutt 70 R.C.-New paint; reconditioned. Int. -H. Tractor -New tires and motor John Deere 'H' R.C.-New motor, new paint; 'like new. Used No. 7 Massey Spreader • IT WILL PAY YOU TO SEE US AND MAKE AN OFFER ! SEAFORTH MOTORS Massey -Harris Sales & Service Phone 141 Seaforth BRAND NEW CARS Any Make! - Any Style! - Any Color! FORD CHEVROLET OLDSMOBILE PONTIAC METEOR BUICK • All at Regular ListPrice- Approximately 24 -Hour Service - GUARANTEED SERVICE ALSO G.M.C. CHEVROLET FORD 'MERCURY TRUCKS USED' CARS: BRAND NEW PONTIAC STYLELINE SEDAN ' BRAND NEW CHEV. STYLELINE SEDAN '55I PONTIAC DE LUXE SEDAN-Fleetline, air conditioning; reduced price '51 CHEV. HARD -TOPPED CONVERTIBLE '50 CB1iEV. STYLELINE SEDAN '49 CHEV. DE LUXE STYLELINE SEDAN - Fully equipped • 149 CHEV. FLEETLiNE COACH '49 CHEV. STYLELINE SEDAN '49 CHEV. DE LUXE STYLELINE SEDAN - Radio, air-conditioning '49 MERCURY SEDAN -Custom radio- many extras '4S CHEV, FLEIETLiNE COACH - Custom radio '48 CHEV, STY LEMASTER COACH '47 CHEV. SEDAN '47 PONTi4.�1j"SEDAN' '46 M i;l;d°r,lt�"*` COACH '40 'MERCURY COACH '39 DODGE COACH '36 DODGE SEDAN '35 CHRYSLER SEDAN SPECIAL - '48 Chev, 14 -Ton Stake Truck A written guarantee for 60 days on all late model cars_ Someof these Cars are on display at the SVPERTEST SERVICE STATION, SEAFORTH. For further information, contact the lessees. MANY OTHER MOBELS TO CHOOSE FROM BRUSSELS MOTORS BRUSSELS --->•: O1mTTA�IO ' PHONE 73-X 'The Horne of Better Used Cana OPEN EVERY EVENING aft )