HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1951-09-07, Page 7CiIAPTER XXII Synopsis John Saxon, private investi- gator, and hie pardner Moe were hired by J. T, Smith to guard Irene, widow of his mur- dered brother. Irene was suf tering from amnesia, One night Kay, Irene's daughter, and John ollowed Irene to the deserted gun house. The next day they returned and found the manu- script Irene had been writing before the murder. As the en- tire party were taking a swim they discovered Grandpoppa Smith on the bottom of the pool. Johnny told Moe that he was sure Grandpoppa had been shoved into the pool and that he had decided to call J. T. Smith before another mur- der took :place. 'Moe shook his head. "I don't see who could have done it. Nick Wal- ker and the doe hadn't even ar- rived' yet. Neither had that young guy—Ralph Dunkirk. They drove up while you and I were still up here in the room. And Karen was with Irene Smith—" "Was she?" said Johnny.. "She left Irene for awhile in order to go to her room and put on a bath- ing suit. How long do you think it takes to walk down to the pool, see someone standing there, and shove them in? Only a few min- utes." "All right, then," Moe agreed. "There was the nurse and Irene around. And Kay." "You're forgetting Nancy Eng- land." Moe said, "She was in her room with the door locked. She still is. as a matter of fact. Nick Walker can't figure why she won't see "Where is he? Where's every- one?" "Around," said Moe. "Kay's all upset about the old man. Young Dunkirk's worried about her. Nick Walker's worried about Nancy, and the [doe's hanging around to see that Karen's all right: But the place is a morgue." Moe's gaze went to the window and he listen- ed to the steady beat of the rain for an instant. "It does get under your skin, doesn't it?" An hour later the storm was ev- en worse. There was lightning ac- companying the rain. Thunder that had been a distant rumble now split the heavens close by with rending cracks that sounded like planks splitting. Johnny Saxon walked the floor of Irene Smith's bedroom. The tall, L 1 1 1 1 1 1 r 1 1 1 1 1 ■ 1 1 WITH STEADY, YEAR-ROUND EGG PRODUCTION! Be sure of steady egg production—through- out the ,year. Feed your birds a well- balanced "Freshly Mixed" Feed. A laying mash made from NATIONAL EGBILDER CONCENTRATE— a completely - balanced mash, with essential. 'proteins, vitamins, and minerals. Keep your birds vigorous and healthy —producing eggs week after week—by feeding a "Fresh Mixed" laying mash, made the NATIONAL way. MANAGE YOUR FEEDING METHODS LIKE A STEERING WHEEL hist as you turn the steering wheel of your car to left or right as needed, so vary your feeding methods to suit flack requirements. If the birds are losing body weight on good egg production, increase their weight by adding more grain to their feed. But if egg production slumps, step up the weight fed of protein -rich mash. Always aim at good steady egg production which the flock can maintain rather than at high egg production which burns the birds out early. See your NATIONAL Dealer to-day— took for the bright Orange and Black Sign. ,® FEED MIX FOR POULTRY, TURKEYS, HOGS and CATTLE WILLIAM STONE SONS, LIMITED • INGERSOLL, ONTARIO Fertilize Your Crop with NATIONAL Will -Cured, Properly -Blended FERTILIZER o beautiful woman stood{ watching him, a tenseness in ter straight figure, a 'look 'of confusion in her eyes. She was talking earnestly. • "Don't you see, I'M' trying to re- member? Yes . . yes, it was in Greenwich Village. 1 recall that now. I was with Bert, and we had dinner in a little restaurant . - ." She paused, stared intently at Johnny. "Yon are so much like him , , ." Johnny shobk his head quickly. "No," he said firmly. "Bart was only in the book, Irene, can't you understand? You just imagined. such a person. Think! The book which you were writing. What ac- tually happened Irene, on that Saturday night?" He waited, as she kept staring at him. He knew that this accovia- tion of ideas; connecting familiar things together, was a method us- ed dxy specialists iu helping, amnesia victims. Sometimes it was only a single incident that snapped them out of it, a familiar song, a name, a sound . . In this case, Johnny thought, it' was the tie-up between the manu- script and her real life. She had not answered. He re- peated, "It was Saturday night. You must have been down at "Please," Irene begged, rubbing tapered fingers acrossher fore- head, don't ask questions so fast. They confuse me." On a sudden inspiration, he said, "Look! There's something I want you to read. I'll get it, and you sit here alone and read it. I think perhaps it win help," He 'hurried from the room, re- turned in a minute with part of the manuscript. He did not stay with her. He thought it would be better if she was left alone. Be- sides, there was something he [,anted to do. Johnny Saxon left Irene's room and started along the hallway. He knodked'on the 'next door, that of Karen's, the nurser,and waited an instant for a response. There was a tense impatience about his slen- der, tall form. He knocked agaih. There was no answer. He flung open the door, presse,i on the light switch. Karen was not in the room. Snapping off the light, closing the door quietly behind him, he stepped up the hall to a door on the opposite side—Nancy's room. He did not knock. Instead, care- fully and without sound, he grasp- ed the knob and slowly turned it. Such extreme care was hardily nec- eseary. The cracks of thunder would have covered any noise. The door was still locked. Johnny eased the knob back in. to its original position and hur- ried down the hall toward the front •stairs. Positive he heard a door close some .place in tkie far hall, he ducked up the stairs lead- ing above to the servants' quar- ters, turned, waited. Nancy England came along the hail, paused, and seemed{ undecid• ed whether to go downstairs or not. S'hie looked ill. Her features were white, stark mad; her glistening hair, usually combed back straight and flat, was mussed. Her eyes held a frozen stare, and looked, somewhat blood- shot. Tice long, wine -colored robe flap- ped arpund her legs like a monk's cloak, One hand was in the pork - et of the robe. In the other she held a key ring. Johnny, heard' a key jangle. Abruptly, as though coming to a decision, she contin- ued along the second' -floor. An in- stant later he heard the key grate softly in a lock. He followed swift. Iy, peered around the corner, saw Nancy open the door to ber ow n room. She disappeared' inside. He wondered where she had been, as he returned to the stairs. Johnny found Nick Walker and trim 13octor Clark In the pantry. They were preparing a trayful of drinks. "How's Irene?" the doctor want- ed to•`"know. "She is coming downstairs," Johnny said, not answering the question directly. "She's dress- ing." Nick Walker's usually jovial fea- tures were glum. "I can't under- stand about Nancy," he told John- ny. "She won't let me see her. She is keeping the door locked." "Where is Karen?" asked Johi- ny. "Oh. I think you'll find) her in the conservatory with Kay. This storm has Kay on edge. The poor girl's been through plenty." "Wasn't it tough about Grand- poppa Smith?" asked Nick Walk- er. He shook his big head sadly "He' was such a nice old guy." Johnny was looking at the doc- tor. ' "Are you slightly deaf?" Doctor Clark nodded somewhat self-consciously. "My right ear," he explained "That's why I try to have folks stand to the left of me." "That would explain," said John ny, "why you did not hear Irene yell last night. My partner thought you were lying, because he and the dog beard her." Moe's voice sounded in the kit- chen. He came into the pantry, followed by the butler. Each car- ried several large, thick candies. "Sometimes the lights go out," said Moe. He nodded his head to- ward Nick Walker. "He was tell- ing me. So we're getting prepar- ed --just fn. case." "That's right," the sportsman explained for Johnny's benefit.. "Every time we have a bad storm out this way, you never can tell when the current's going off. ' It might happen several times in one night. because storms around this particular part of Long Island cir- cle and then come back. It's a peculiar thing." "Atmospheric conditions," said Homer, the butler, opening a cup, board, crud reinpving 00 ne callid ._ iheiders, 1io Spoke xo Deeter ixlaxls. "Do yen wish me to f'x the drinks, sir? "I'll do it," the doctor Bald. Johnny made a slight `xrtotiptt his head and Moe Mart followed him into the kitchen. '' uipstaire and get that automat c," Johuwy said, "You'll find it under nay p11 - low." Moe -looked' surprised. "What are you going to do?" t "I just remembered it." "Do you think you're going to need a gun?" asked Moe. gis.eyes were bright. "I didn't say that." Moe looked at Johnny, then dis- appeared toward the'front hall and the stairs. The doctor and Walker went into the living room. Johnny continued into the conservatory and found Kay with the nurse. The dog, Michael, was lying,on the tile floor. The two women had been talk- ing. Kay got to her feet quickly. "Tell me," she said tensely, "how much more does mother remem- ber? Is she going to be alt right, Johnny? Is she? Moe said you've been with ber for an hour." She talked breathlessly and fast. Her eyes were the deep green of fresh limes. Johnny patted her arm. "Stop worrying, child," he said He turn- ed to Karen. "I was looking for you. Irene's coming downstairs, but I don't like to leave her alone." "I'll go right up," the nurse said, starting to leave the room. "Karen!" said Johnny. The nurse turned. The cool, ef- ficient manner there had been about her when he'd first met her, had disappeared. Her wide -set dark eyes were friendly now. "Yes?" she asked. "Were you in my room any time yesterday? Were you looking for something? He was looking at tall Karen. "Yes," the nurse said frankly. "Why?" "I wanted to be positive who you were." "Who I was?" She nodded. "You see, I was! employed as more than a register- ed nurse. J. T. Smith employed; me through Doctor Clark. They' are close friends . Well, Kay's Uncle Thomas asked me to be sure to check up on you when you arrived here. He was so worried about Irene, and it was my duty to see that nothing happened to her. I was to make positive that you were the right person." Johnny waved his hand. It was one of the few times' he ever look- ed ill at ease. "Come on, Karen," he said quickly, "go upstairs and get Irene." She nodded and left them. o�eliY'our��s; :There are three ways for a .'fes pier to sell trees from his Nab.' The worst way is for ihlm to Sell all tlpe trees outright. Th10 is Us- ually done to obtain a fairly sub statitial return at once and' to be "[tone with the matter." It 10 dif- ficult to estimate the number of Board feet in a standing tree and the figure arrived at when the bush is sold outright generally fav- ors the buyer. Also.the seller has little control over the methods of logging and his property is often left in poor shape. A second method, and wiser than the first, is for the farmer to mark trees in his bush for a con- tractor to take out. This gives him control of the cutting and he may check scale the logs when cut. A third method, and often the best, Is for the dormer to mark and cut his own logs. Here the project is entirely in his own hands and"•he can often do better financially. Spare winter time may be utilized in this way and the Iogs when cut may be sold at the moat favorable price. The Zone Forester is your lo- cality offers a free tree .harking service. At least part of•your b_sh will be marked on request with points on better woodlot manage- ment stressed. The forester wit also show the landowner the fun damentals of measuring logs so that he may be in a better posi- tion to sell his material. It will pay any farmer to con- tact the Iocal Zone Forester before commencing wood operations. "Tell me about mother," Kay said. Her hand was on his arm. Looking at her, her young splen- did features, her fine green eyes, he thought it was going to be the toughest assignment he'd ever had been through too much already. It wasn't fair . . He said, "Come, let's get "every- one together in the library." He took her arm, guided her through the large connecting living room in the front of the wide house. The storm, outside, seemed to hold tale mansion in a world set apart. At least this was the feeling Johnny had. He was aware of the steady, beating rain, and the intermittent cracks of thunder, and he was un- easy. He was seldom like this, and it bothered him. But Kay looked at him, bright in- terest in her eyes. She had pausori.• a moment before continuing into the library. "Johnny! Does she know? Has she remembered? Is she going to be able to tell us what happened that . . . night?" (Continued Next Week) I r$. Ll?n ; Y I ax .iBox'am trp,,Ri}orefT a 4P144e114,OOMie shower le I0ZiOr 01 Jidtde N[sry Murray, wtiooe ivaafrl ge tQ>, lxlr Joseplx C. Delaney took place at St. Pa_trie 's Chore* PA114l4; 0l4 Saturday, Sept. 1. The spent was held at the hoilte of hire,, John B. Murray, McKillop Townellip, IXhei4 .a large group of young fri latIA as- sembled' to extend felicitations to the bride-to-be. A congratulatory address was read by Mrs. Leo Ry. an and Miss Mary Horan assisted' bhe honored guest to open-numer- ode varied gifts of linen, china and silver from an artistically decorat- ed basket. Several tables of bingo were arranged and the winners re- ceived suitable prizes. The spon- sors and their assistants served a dainty lunch. HENSALL The following prizes were won by Elaine Taylor (Mrs. Wm. Tay lor), of Hensall, who came close second in the beauty contest spon- sored by the Zurich Lions Club on Labor Day. Mrs. Taylor received a cup, four pairs of nylons, six boxes 1, fin's •Airs. t;,a; d Mir O €, ,' X'zn*Y, *r, •Sheik 4t?ttl' Mira. doyat #0eAt ttpr D , 04. • Mr. 'and 11'Irs. Cee. F.. Farre a;; 4 5M s. Nlsihai, ail' of %Mx):#s, W l guests lash. week. Via* Mr. a40. P's - L. Clark, S1. The reopening of Belleau Xflgited Church after being closed for 're novation, will held. 'Sunday, Sept 9 and 1.6, at 11 a.m. Two former pastors will be present for th. e. oee casion: Rev. A. Sinclair, Windsor,. „ iCaa g1i l�i� is t tae '.egteru 4,11, 4:0 staged e Now"Skinny" Girls Get Lovely Curves Gain 5 to 10 lbs. New Pep Thousands who never could gain weight before now have shapely,attractive figures. o more bony limbs, ugly hollows. They thank Osires. 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