HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1951-09-07, Page 5ji .,n Stephenson - North On ,Saturday, Sept. 1, the mar- riage took place in the United -Missionary Church, 'Marlette, Mich., of Helen Amaryllis, daughter of Mr• and Mrs. Orval Stephenson, to M'r. Edwin R. North. Those attend- ing the wedding from trhis vicinity were: Mr. Ralph Stephenson, Mrs. David Stephenson, Mr. and Mrs. Elmore Stephenson and family; Mr. 'and Mrs- David Kay, Mr. and Mrs. John Armstrong, Mr. acid Mrs. Lee McConnell and daughter, Barbara, mill' Mr. and 'Mr&. Prank 'M"eClinehey, 'McKinnon - Resole The United Church Manse, Till- sonburg, Saturday, Sept. 1„ at 5 pan„ ' was the setting for a very Pretty wedding when Jean Mae Regele, daughter of .Mrs. Wilson Allan, Henoall, and Donald James McKinnon, London, son or Mr. and Mrs. Donald E. McKinnon, Hensel', exchanged marriage vows. Rev. H- V. Workman performed the cere- mony. For her wedding the attrac- tive bride chose a street length dress of beige faille with brown accessories and corsage of orch- ids. The bride was attended by her mother, who wore a navy •crepe M -7 i1 tl� TMAOE MAP%. NEG. NO MUSS NO BOTHER P a •••• McKillop Fair Tuesday, Sept. 18 SPECIAL ATTRACTIONS • A Class For Heavy Colts of 1951—$5, $3, $2 • Public -Speaking Contest for KrauskopfTrophy; two pupils each, from Logan, Hibbert and McKillop. • The Huron Expositor Special Silver Cup, most entries. • Seaforth Co-op Best 21/2 dozen Brown and best 21/2 dozen White Eggs. $6.00 (divided). • William Boyd $5.00 -1st, $3; 2nd, $2, for Best Registered Holstein Calf (heifer). • Mrs. Carl Dalton $2.00—Divided 1st, $1; 2nd, 50c; 3rd, 25c; 4th, 25; for the Newest or Rarest Flowers. • Art Wright's Special $2.00—Best Layer Cake. • J. C. Steven's Special $2.00 --Best Dozen Tarts. BEAUTY CONTEST MISS McKILLOP and JUNIOR GIRLS — DRAW FOR BICYCLE — ensemble with Seceenor foo fn nary and aTer campma of Ted MO, ea, a grOQLq w•a e. attended by Wile,* Allan, AIenaall . Mr sash Dim1Vlcliain?a+P1} will' re ia, OWL k King >9 , bloc;oa. Binning , McKellar Cromarty Presbyterian Church was the scene of a pretty wedding on August $1, at 8 p.m., when Rev. R. Duncana4n united in .marriage Elizabeth Jean McKellar, daughter of Mr. and ears. Kenneth McKel- lar, Cromarty, to William Norman Binnieg, son of Mr. and Mrs. Nor- man Binning, of Listowel. Given in marriage by her father, the bride wore a lovely gown of blush satin, made . on princess lines, lily point sleeves, bertha edged, with French embroidered lace, the full skirt extending into a alight train. over which fell the full-length veil of ehibroidered illusion. Her head- dress was formed of orange blos- soms and lilies with a cluster of pearls on either side. She carried a white Bible from which fell pink roses and white streamers knotted with fern.- The bridesmaid was Miss Margaret McKnight, Loinfon, who wore olive green satin with braided headdress and mittens to match. Her flowers were baby mums and pink roses. The maid of honor was Mrs. Alvin Kemp; of Mum oe, who 'wore a 4roea of, 94 t:oso. , fitted tlodiee, Hill, a'kiet *0t **dot pe01,4111106 and Mitts tole to matC : Her AuW�en WprO Identical to that of the'it#ildesmalfl.. Mir. Jack Binning, I.is4owel, wee the groomsman, and Ames, won- eip, of Tavietoek, and Clift Half- penny, of Listowel, were the usl - era. 'Margaret Ann Wallace was the flower girl and carried a nose- gay of yellow mums and. pink roes- es, and Linda Deering, the . ring - bearer, carried a heart -shaped pil- low of yellow satin. They were dressed alike in yellow taffeta, long skirts with scalloped edge. finished with narrow frill and trim- med with bows of baby blue vel- vet ribbon. Mrs. Henry Harburn, Staffs, played the Wedding music, while the male quartette, consist- ing onsisting of Gordon Houghton, Robert Laing, Eldon Allen and Donald Scott sang "0 Perfect Love" 'be- fore the ceremony, and Gordon Houghton, London,- sang "May the Good Lord Bless and Keep You" during the signing of the register. For travelling the bride wore a suit of powder blue, topcoat of old rose with wine accessories and a corsage of pink rosebuds. Guests were present from London, Tavi- stook, Woodstock, Ingersoll, St. Thomas, Toronto, Listowel and Good Used Cars '49 Dodge 4 -Door Sedan—Black, perfect con- dition '49 Dodge 4 -Door Sedan—Blue '49 Dodge 2 -Door, Sedan—Maroon 2 '47 Dodge 4 -Door Sedans '47 Dodge 4 -Door Sedan—Custom '41 Dodge 4 -Door Sedan '41 Dodge 2 -Door Sedan '39 Chev. Sedan '39 Plymouth Sedan '41 Chev. Truck—Stake body '46 Ford Truck Rowcliffe Motors Phone 267. Seaforth OWNER -PROVED t l 1 1 1 a fl �.. and now with ORDOMAICTDRIVE "Test -Drive" the °51 Ford and listen to its famous time -proved, owner -proved V-8 Engine. It's so quiet you can hardly hear it—yet it packs the pace and eager response of a full 100 Horsepower. Here's quality performance with dependability and long life resulting from year upon year of progressive Ford research and development— proved by hundreds of thousands of Canadian owners—over millions of miles—on - all types of roads—under every kind of weather and driving conditions. And here's • economy, proved in the 1951 Mobiigas Economy Run, with the Ford V-8 the winner over all other cars in its class! Now the Ford V-8 is available with Fordomatic • Drive—the newest and finest in no -shift, no -clutch driving. Test -Drive the Ford V-8 with Fordomatic Drive•—owner-proved by tens of thousands of drivers—feel = the quality performance and the quality difference. Compare, and you'll buy Ford ! •FORDOMATIC DRIVE optional at extra cost. Conventional transmission is available as standard, with Ford Overdrive optional at extra cost ... a choice of three kinds of drive. c,rT '. ✓ud •,� monoRC1I TEST-DRIVE it for POWER and New DRIVING .EASE! senereesee- NO CLOTS* TO PASA! NO GEARS TO SIIFT! DALY MOTORS Phone 102 Seaforth, Ont. . BRIEF (cottoned filum Page 8) D; a714i Mrs, Hugh Williams in •S.outh B. end,. Indiana, has returned I;one, • Rev, Wand• 'Mrs, Wililame &c- companiod her here, returning tel betroit on Tuesday; • Mrs. • Peter Hay and Miss Thompson, of Niagara Falls, are guestseof Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Oliver and older friends. • Mr, and 'Mrs. Ray McGeocb of Halifax, visited 'Mr. and Mrs. Roy McGeoch and Mr. and Mrs. Paul Doig last week. • Mr. and Mrs. John Patterson attended the wedding of the for - other surrounding centres. A very pretty wedding was sol- emnized in Ontario St. 'United Church, Clinton, on Saturday, Sept. 1, at 12 o'clock noon, when Kath- leen Mary, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. George L. Falconer, Bruce - field, became the bride of James Thompson Keys, son of Mr. and Mrs. Clifford H. Keys, Varna. Rev. H. C. Wilson performed this cere- mony. The bride, given in marriage by her father, wore white slipper sat- in, French nylon lace yoke, trine med with seed pearls, lily pointed sleeves, lace trimmed peplum, tiara of bugle beads and seed pearls, veil of French illusion extending into short train and a cascade bou- quet of red happiness roses. She was attended by Miss Bernice Blake, Clinton, who wore orchid embroidered nylon over taffeta, matching net headdress, colonial bouquet of Gloria roses. The mat- ron of honor was Miss Mary Mor- ritt, of London, who chose Nile green brocaded taffeta with net overskirt and matching net head- dress and colonial bouquet of yel- low Gloria roses. The flower girls, Barbara Falconer, Seaforth, a cou- sin onsin of the bride, and Bonnie Allen, Goderich, niece of the groom, wore identical gowns of yellow taffeta, headbands of bronze and white mums, old-fashioned nosegays of Talisman roses and white pom- pom mums. The groomsman was Clayton Keys, of Varna, and the ushers were Jahn Dowson and Charles Reid, Varna. Mrs. J. W. Treleav- en played the wedding music and accompanied the soloist, Miss Kathleen McGill at the opening of the ceremony when she sang."Tbe Lord's Prayer," and during the signing of the register when she sang, "I Love You Truly." A reception was held at the Commercial Hotel, Clinton, when the bride's mother wore violet bro- caded crepe, emerald green acces- sories and a corsage of yellow ros- es, while the groom's mother chose plum crepe and lace, black acces- sories and a corsage of yellow Gloria roses. A toast to the bride was proposed by her grandfather, Mr. W. J. Falconer, and respond- ed to by the groom. The waitress- es were Thelma Glazier, Clinton; Gladys Pepper, .Seaforth; Verna Eyre. Brncefield, and Elva Love, Varna. Following a trip to the Pacific coast, Mr. and Mrs. Keys will re- side on the groom's farm near Var- na. The bride travelled in a suit of dawn blue, topcoat of American Beauty rose, black accessories and corsage of white starlight roses. Guests were present from Sombre, Fergus, Goderieh, Seaforth, Varna, Bayfield and Brucefield. Keys - Falconer H.F.A. FINALS Winthrop .vs. St. Columban WEDNESDAY, SEPT. 12 WINTHROP COMMUNITY PARK Game called at 6:30 p.m. Daly Motors Ford - Monarch Dealer PHONE 102 - SEAFORTH Have in stock for immediate delivery: NEW 1951 Monarch Sport 'Sedan --Star- light Green, with fully auto- matic transmission 1951 Ford Custom Fordor—Ever- glade green 1951 Ford Custom Fordor—Sberi- . dan blue 1851 Ford Custom Tudor—Sheffield green 1951 Ford %-Ton Pick-up—Sheri- dan blue 1951 Ford and Fordson Major Tractors Dearborn implements in stock— Plows: 3 styles, disc plows, culti- vators, discs, drag harrows, soil pulverizers, front-end toaders,cord- wood saws, posthote diggers, soil scoops, corn planters, Ferdson plows and cultivators. USED 1950 Pontiac Sedan—Heater, radio, sun visor; 12,000 miles 1947 Ford Tudor—Heater, radio. 1940 Chevrolet 6 -Passenger Coupe 1940 Plymouth Coach 1949 Ford 1 -Ton Express 1938 Ford r( -Ton Pick-up Four Ford Tractors Three Cockshutt Tractors One Case Model L Tractor DROP IN AT DALY'S The Dealer With the Stock mato b'ottl .;in PoterboFo pn.• 1 Ilyd'a'y:.10,140/g, 4011.Bund 4l on 4010/4. Patters= their grau(1p entte .in GederieJn, a Miss Belle Cummings, .who 1s. holidaying at Grand Bend, • Was a Meat of Mr. and Mrs. ,T, CuafomIliga. on Friday. • Mr. Louis Hildebrand, Mr. and Mrs. Robt. King and family, M,a Grace King and Doric spent the week -end at Mr. Hildebrand's cot- tage at Midland. • Mr. and Mrs. Ken Woods, Mrs Shaw and Mrs. McLeod. of Toron- to, were guests on Sunday of -.Mr and Mrs. 4. W. Hillery. • Mr. and Mrs. R. Cumming and Mrs. Rosa Hug son, of Toronto Spent the week-eend with Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Keating. Miss Awn Hugh - son, who spent the .past two weeks here, returned home with them. • Miss 'Eleanor Elgie, Kitchener, spent •the week -end at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Elgie, in Tuekerswith. • Mr. and Mrs. A. Becker, Kit- chener, are visiting this week with Mr. and Mrs. C. Cunningham, • Mr. and Mrs. Al. Jones and Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Hodgert spent Monday at the C.N•E., Toronto. • Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Goven- lock, of Waterford, are spending a few days with his mother, Mrs. J. M. Govenlock, and Mrs. Mae Dor- ranee. • Miss. Whiteman, Kippen, was a recent guest of Mr. and Mrs. DuncanAikenhead. • Miss Evelyn Cardno and Mils. A. W. Dunlop have returned from a two weeks' visit to Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Orren in Roswell, New Mexico. • Mrs. Walter Cole and Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Philips and two chil- dren, Toronto, spent the week -end with Mrs. J. J. Sclater, • Miss Alice Daly left Thursday morning to attend the annual con- vention of the -Ontario Council of the C.W.L. beieg held in Peterboro. • Mr. and Mrs. Richard Aubrey and son, of Nakina, are guests of Mr. A. F. Cluff. • 3Ir. and Mrs. Howard Hartry, ' nndon, are guests of Miss Maude Hartry. . • Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Tainan, Toronto, and Mr. and • Mrs. Fred Chesney, Bay City, Mich., were re- cent guests of Mr. and Mrs, i Loy McGeoch. • Mrs. Wm. Levy, Mitchell, spent the week -end with 'Mr. and Mrs. C. Cunningham. • Mr. Donald Stephenson, who has been on Ube staff of the Na- tional ational Research Council, Ottawa, since his graduation two years age, left here Wednesday for Quebec City. from where he will sail on the Empress of Scotland for Lon- don, England, where he will study for two years at the Imperial Col- lege of Science in that city. His parents, Mr. and Mrs. Leo Steph- enson, and brother William, ac- companied him as far as Quebec City, and then will drive on to Lae Eastern Provinces on a motor trip. EGMONDVILLE Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Finlayson and family, of Toronto, spent a Lew days with the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. James Finlayson. The following teaohers have re- turned to their teaching duties af- ter spending the holidays at their homes here: Miss Laura McMillan to Toronto; Miss Jessie Finlayson to Centralia; Mrs. Ruby Dundas and family to Belmont. Mrs. Geo. Pearce and Mr. and Mrs. Thachuk and family, St. Cath- arines, and Mr. and Mrs. Albert Hey. Thames Rd., were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Robe. Dal- rymple. Congratulations are extended to Mrs. Ed. Brown who was a lucky winner at the Seaforth bingo on Thursday evening last. She won $500. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Weiland and Mr. Roy Weiland and son, Ralph, were holiday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Henry Weiland over the holi- day. Mr. and Mrs. Jones and family, of MacTier, and Mr. and Mrs. Ar- thur Vincent were visitors with Mrs. Mae Vincent. Miss Nyall Doig, who visited the Toronto Exhibition, has returned home. WINTHROP Death of J. A. Montgomedy A resident of Winthrop for the long span of his life, John Andrew Montgomery passed away sudden- ly at his home in the village on Monday. Mr. Montgomery was born. in. McKillop and was in his 77th year, In 1901 he was married in Jamestown to Margaret Azela Simpson, who predeceased him In 1946. Mr. Montgomery in his early life was a farmer, but later was a linesman' on the McKillop Tele phone System, and' during the past few years had conducted a grocery business in Winthrop. Surviving are three sons: Wm., McKillop; Andrew, Brantford, and Neil, Lon- don, and one daughter, Mrs. Sidney McCullough, Blyth. One son prede- ceased him in 1939. Also surviving are one brother, Wm. Montgombry, Seaforth, and two sisters, Mrs. Gif- ford Crich, Tuckersmith, and tit s. Williamson, Wingham. Deceased attended S.S. No. 10 •School at Winthrop, and was a member of Cavan Church and. an honorary member of L.O.L. No. 793, Sea - forth. The funeral was held on Thursday from his late residence at 2 o'clock, with Rev. H. E. Livingstone, officiating. Interment was in Maitlandbank cemetery. The pallbearers were: Theron Bet- ties, Thos. Blanchard, Austin Dol - mage, Wilson Little, John Leem- ing. Sam Pethic, and the flower - bearers were Irvine Johnson, Har- ry Johnson, Wilbur Chambers, Glen McClure a.nd Earl McSpadden. The Helping Hand Mission Band of Cavan Church will meet Satur- day, Sept_ 8, at 2 o'clock in the schoolroom of the church. -Mr. and Mrs, Geo. A. McClure, London, spent the week -end with Mr. John McClure and family. Jacqueline Davidson has return- ed home after spending her holt- days in Milverton. Mr. and Mrs. Ron Cox, of Pick- ering, spent the week -end with i t AT THRIFTY PRICES WOOL PLAID SKI RTS Pure wool, authentic plaids, in all shades and sizes. //�� 96 Special sF• • GABARDINE SKIRTS Grey, brown, r e d, navy and greeny, Cel- anese gabardine skirts. All 3,81 4.98 sizes.. • CORDUROY SKIRTS Generous pockets, well cut corduroy skirts in all popular shades. Priced 'U� to CO at • NEW MELBOURNE FLANNEL S K 1 R TS, Velvet p,C Trimmed a�il • NEW SWEATERS Soft botany wool cardigans or pullovers in fawn, grey, blue, red, yellow, peach, pink and assorted greens. Also Nylons in both styles. All sizes. 4.50 to 7.95 3 SPECIAL VALUES in CREPE BLOUSES Daintily trimmed Cel- anese crepe blouses in either long or short sleeve styles at three big bargain prices. They come in white, red, tangerine, rust and navy. All Sizes. SpecialF 2.98 - 3.'98 4.98 For Your Fall Knitting HERE ARE THE NEW YARN PRICES! NYLON YARNS - 55c Ball KROY WOOL -.-- J 53c " BEEHIVE BABY WOOL 57c " MONARCH DOVE 42c " SPEEDWAY 79c " MONARCH "SANFORLAN" YARNS45c " ALL COLORS ARE AVAILABLE STEWART BROS. Mr. and Mrs. Robert McClure. Mr. and Mrs. Ross Davidson, of Suatford, spent the week -end with Mr. and Mrs. R. K. Davidson. • Miss Marjorie McClure and Miss Rose Axtmann have returned hone from Leader's Training Camp, Al- ma College, St. Thomas. A miscellaneous shower was held at the home of Mrs. Robert McClure on 'M'onday afternoon, as- sisted by Mrs. Jas. McCiune, Dor Mrs. Ron Cox (M:}rgaret Broad - foot), of Pickering, a niece ottf Mrs. McClure, The afternoon was spept quilting and making a recipe book. An address was read by Martell(' McClure, and Dorothy Taylor, of Staffa, and Ethel Mae McClure, of London, presented a basket of beautiful and useful gifts. Ma-- garet thanked her many friends, and Iunch was served by Marjorie McClure, Elizabeth Taylor, Mar- garet Rogerson and Joyce Pfaff. Wa nted DOMESTIC HELP APPLY TO SUPERINTENDENT SCOTT MEMORIAL HOSPITAL 144111111111111111111111111111111/ NASH Leads the Parade IN STYLE and PERFORMANCE ! We can supply you in any color, and your best buy is the Canadian Statesman, made right in Toronto. You can travel anywhere and rest in your Nash with extra mattress and screens. No looking for hotels or cabins — that's big saving on your pocketbook. Also have 1/2 -Ton 1951 Ford Pick-up 1 1947 Chevrolet Coach, in perfect shape SEE YOUR NASH DEALER Jonathan Hugill Phone 667 r 6, Seaforth Three Miles West of Seaforth