HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1951-09-07, Page 4sified Ads• t1assifi d Ads Inserted At New Low Cash Rates: FOR SALE, WANTED, LOST AND FOUND, ETC.—Per Word: 1 Cent 2nd week Cent 'Sid week Cent Warm= charge, first insertion.— . , 26 Cent Each figure, 8uSt6a1 and abbreviation counts as ane word. Cards ed banks Memoriam Notices, Coming Events -1 ort per' ward. Minimum, 60 mute Emulates may be directed 4o a Baa No.. c/o Tho Huron Expositor. far Di amts extra Ten cants additional will be charged M ads is above class are not paid within 10 days of delta of 8na1 insertion. Birlye. Mmreteees and Deaths inserted tree et absrRa, Auction Sales, Notices to Creditors. Eta—.Saito on application, • 1st week Coming Events r'1THFIRF'S MANY A GOOD PLACE TO J1. dance, but one of be Best is the Crystal Palace Ballroom, Mitchell, every Friday night, 'to the music of Don Rob- ertson and his Ranch Boys. 4864x4 COMING TO THE CRYSTAL PALACE Ballrollan, 'Mitchell, Wednesday, Sept. 12, Ontario's Outstanding Dance Band of the year. Lionel Thornton and his Casa Royal Orchestra, featuring The Royalairs Trio and Neil McKay as vocalists. Danc- ing 10 to 1 'a.m. Admission 75c. 4866x2 Help Wanted WANTEDEXPERIENOED CARPEN- ter wanted immediately. Steady em- ployment.. Apply Box 56, HURON EX- POSITOR. 4366-1 WANTED MARRIED COUPLE TO WORK AT Huron County Home, Clinton. Good wages and living quarters to right couple. Apply to Superintendent, County Home, Clinton A. H. ERSKINE, County Clerk, Goderich, Ont. 4866-1 Notices RADIO REPAIRS—FOR ALL KINDS of radios, at TERRY'S RADIO RE- PAIR, opposite Dick House, Seaforth. Phone 84742. 4863-t3 For Rent FOR RENT—OFFICE SPACE IN THE Dominion Bank Building. Apply to the Manager. 4849-51 Personals WOULD LIKE MIDDLE-AGED LADY to share furnished apartment. Apply in writing to Box 67, HURON EXPOSI- TOR. 4366x1 HYGIENIC SUPPLIES (RUBBER Goods). mailed postpaid in plain, sealed envelope with Drift list. 6 samples 25c; 24 samples $1.00. Mast -Order Dept. T-73. NOVA -RUBBER CO., Box 91, Hamilton, Ont, Poultry TWO, THREE AND FOUR WEEK OLD, non -sexed, pullets, cockerels. Special prices on five to six week old, while they Iasi. Barred Rock, Red X Rock. Pullets, $47.95, non -sexed, $88.95, cockerels, 838.95. Assorted Heavy Breed, 31.00 per hundred ]e=s. Alio day old chicks. TWEDDI.E CHICK HATCHERIES LIMITED, Fergus, Ontario. 4366-2 Motor Cars For Sale FOR SALE '40 Dodge Panel Truck 1?4• TON NEW MOTOR Less than 5,000 miles Good Rubber Lost and Found LOST—SHEET OF 1/8 -inch PLYWOOD, 4radr, in the vicinity west of Sea - forth. Please PHONE 663 r 21, Sea - forth, 4366-1 FOUND -A SUM OF MONEY ON MAIN SLeeL Owner may have sane by proving property and paying for ad. Ap- ply Box 69, HURON EXPOSITOR. Auction Sales EXECUTORS' SALE SALE OF PROPERTY AND HOUSE- HOLD EFFECTS T_TAROLD JACKSON AUCTIONEER, has regeived instructions to sell by public auction for the Executors of the Estate of the date Mrs. Alexander Ster- ling, in the Village of Egmondville, op- posite Haney's Store. on Saturday, Sept. 8th, at 1 p.m.: Quebec cook stove; MeClary 2 -burner electric range; 2 -burner hot plate; 7',4 foot Frigidaire (like new) ; Beatty elec- tric washing machine; dining room suite, table, buffet and 6 chairs ; chesterfield bed: chesterfield and 2 chairs; drop -lest table; kitchen chairs; kitchen cabinet; drop head Singer sewing machine; fern- ery; number of rockers and small tables ; couch ; 2 furnished bedrooms; 2 chest drawers; quilt boxes and trunks: hooked mats ; floor coverings; quantity of Bridal Wreath Limegee china; other dishes; kit- chen utensils ; linens ; rubber tired lawn mower (new) garden tools and other articles. PROPERTY — 7 -room frame house, in good condition, with hydro; good sized barn. garage; good water supply, and is situated on Lot 4, west side of Centre St., C. L. Van Esmond's Survey, of part of the Village of Egmendville and also Lots 3, 4, 5, 6 and 7 on east side Water St., in said Village of Egmondville. Re- served bid. Terms—Chattels, cash. Pro- perty, 10% down, balance in 30 days. For � further particulars apply to IW. A. W. SILLERY, Seaforth. or WILLIAM STERLING, Goderich, Executors for the Estate. or Harold Jack- son, Auctioneer; E. P. Chesney, Clerk. 4365-2 For Sale FOR SALE -17 CUBIC vernal cooler, suitable for store. Ap- ply C. G. LEE, Hensall. 4365.3 News Items of Hensall and District (Continued from Page 1) 1H. Brandon, Bayfield; electric ir- The second birthday of the Ladies on, Kenny Weido, Zurich. Inci- Auxiliary wti11 be observed next dently the frigidaire won by Earl month, Tuesday, Oct. 2. The mem- Weido, was purchased from his hers favored holding a turkey sup- electrical store by the Lions for per with all the trimmings, to be the major prize, and Kenny Weido held at 7:30 p.m. In charge of this who won the electric iron, is a son project will ,fie Mile L. Sangster, of Earl. Mrs. A. Joynt, Mrs. R. Dick, Mrs.I The monthly meeting of the Ev- F. Bonthron, Mrs. K. Buchanan andening Auxiliary in the form of a Mrs. W. Venner. Miss Gladys Luk- I pot -luck supper will be held in the er was appointed to secure a prize schoolroom of the United Church for the evening at a certain value. Monday night, Sept. 10, at 6 p.m. The mystery prize conducted by; Mrs. D. Kyle and Mrs. Lillian Hyde Mrs. A. Joynt, was won by Mrs. F. are arranging the program. Rev. Bouthron, 'Mrs. F. Beer drawing W. J. Rogers will bring the mes- the winning ticket. At the con- sage on this occasion. elusion of the meeting bingo was Miss Minnie Reid spent last highlighted in charge of Mrs. B. week with London friends. Kyle and Mrs. R. Mock. Winners 1 were Mrs. R. Dick, Vrs. F. Aiken - head, Mrs. J. Sa.nater, Mrs. T. Kyle, Mrs. Dick. Delicious refresh ments were served by 'Mrs. F. Mrs Wesley Taylor, of Lion's Bonthron, Mrs. H. Bonthron, Mrs- Head, has been the guest of her K. Buchanan, Mrs. T. Butts and aunt. Mrs. John Taylor. 1VIre. W. Brown. Mrs. Jack Simmons was the lucky winner of $50 in, one of the special games of bingo at the Zur- ich Labor Day celebration. Miss Elaine Beer is taking a business course at Westervelt's, Crandon. Mr, and Mrs. Cecil Kipfer andand farmed in this township all his Danny attended the Toronto Ex-' life. He attended Sproat's School, hibition this week. Linda Jane vis -land was a member of St. Thomas' ited w,ith her aunt and uncle, Mr. Anglican Church. Married in St. and Mrs. Ivan Kipfer, at Lucan while they were away. Mrs. Margaret Hemery, Carleton Place, visited with her brother, Stewart McQueen, recently. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Patrick, Ot- tawa, and Mrs. Annie Snell and Mrs. Morley, Exeter, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Harry Snell. Mr. and Mrs. Bartlett, Thames - ford, visited recently with Mr, and Mrs. Stewart McQueen. ., Miss Barbara Wright, 17, Credi- ton, was crowned Miss Huron County, 1951. at Zurich Labor Day celebration, taking the laurel from eight beauties. Elaine Taylor, Hen- sall, was second, and will accom- pany the Huron Queen to Windsor along with the third-place winner, Rosealie Denomme, Dashwood. Winners in the draw at Zurich Labor Day celebration were as fol- lows: Frigidaire, Earl Weido, Zur- ich; chesterfield suite, Ronnie Thiel, Zurich; power lawn mower, C. W. Weikel, Detroit; electric toaster. Mrs. Geo. Richardson, Zur- ich; electric kettle, Mrs. E. Gas- TUCKERSMITH Death of John Sholdice On Sunday morning John Shol- dice, well-known farmer of Tuck- ersmith, passed away in Scott Memorial Hospital, in his eightieth year. He was born in Tuckersmith- FOOT UNI- cho, Zurich; electric waffle iron, FOR SALE—A BABY BUGGY IN GOOD shape. PHONE 25, Seaforth. 4366x1 FOR SALE -- WINE AND GREEN ehisterfiold, velour, in good condition. Apply to Box 58, HURON EXPOSITOR. 4266-1 FOR SALE—LADY'S BICYCLE, USED very little. Apply to DAVID PAPPLE. Phone 5894, Seaforth_ 4366-1 FOR. SALE -2 SCOTCH PURE BRED Shorthorn bulls, 1 red and 1 roan, 12 months old. Apply Wilt BUTSON, Staffa. Phone 48 r 13. Dublin. 4366x2 For Sale FOR SALE -50 CORDS OF GOOD DRY wood, maple and elm. Reasonable. JAMES ELLIOTT, Chalk St Phone 563. 4366-3 Births DOLMAGE—At Scott Memorial Hospital, on Sept. 2, to Mr. and Mrs. William Dolmage, R.R. 1, Londesboro, a daugh- ter. WALSH—At Scott Memorial Hospital, on Sept, 2, to Mr. and Mrs. John Walsh, poll SALE—SHORTHORN BULL, 2 LAUYRR. I. Dublin. a son. years old, dark red; guaranteed quiet. '�tE--At Scott Memorial Hospital, WILLIAM MONTGOMERY. Phone 834 on Sept 8, to Dr. and Mrs. T. Malady, r 4, Seaforth. 4366x1 Dublin. a aon. WEIDO—At Scott Memorial Hospital, on FOR SALE -2 CHOICE HOLSTEIN Sept 4, to Mr. and Mai. Clifford Weido, heifers, springing;., vaccinated and R.R. 2, Hensall, a son. aoeredited. Apply to •1ET'ER SIMPSON. SOUTHGATE—At Peel Memorial Hospi- Phone 667 .r 2, Seaforth.. 4366x1 tal, Brampton, on Sept. 1, 1961, to Mr. and Mrs. 11. M. Southgate, a daughter. HONEY FOR SALE—LIGHT AMBER honey, mostly clover and goldenrod ; no huckwheat; 12c per pound in your' oonaringrs. ELMER SHADE, Egmond- ville. 4366x2 WRECKING MODEL 'A' FORD — Motor recently overhauled; perfect condition. Anyone wanting parts, apply to J. A. DARLING. Phone 9. Dublin. 4366x1 TUPPERWARE VACUUM SEALED dishes and beautiful six -gauge plastic tablecloths. Please call MRS. FRED L. MAY BE SEEN AT SHELL STATION MILLER, Rattenbury St., Clinton, Phone 416 OR PHONE 567, SEAFORTH 334-W, collect. 4361-6 4366-1 1 FOR SALE—NEW SINGER SEWING. —_ machines, electric and treadle. Re- pairs to all makes. SINGER SEW NG Tenders Wanted CENTRE, 78 Ontario St, Stratford. 4228-tf TENDERS WANTED TENDERS WILL BE RECEIVED BY the undersigned until Wednesday, September 19, 1951, for the SUPPLY AND INSTALLATION OF A HOT WATER BOILER IN THE PAR- SONAGE OF ST. ANDREWS UNITED CHURCH, HAYFIELD Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. fft HI fir fir f8 Further information may be obtainers at the Parsonage. JOHN L. WATSON, Chairman, Bayfield. 4366-2 TENDERS WANTED TENDERS ARE WANTED FOR THE purchase of the farm, South one-half Lot 16, Concession 6, Township of Mo- Killop, containing 50 acres, more or less, tenders to be accompanied by a certified cheque for 10 per cent of amount of tender. Highest or any accepted. Tenders 15, 1051. B. M. Box 108, Administrator with Estate of the late tender not necessarily opened on September FRANCIS. Exeter, Ont. will annexed of the Herald F. Lawrence. 4864-i Notices To Creditors NOTICE to CREDITORS In the Estate of MABEL STIRLING A L L PERSONS HAVING CLAIMS against the Estate of Mabel Stirling, late of the Town of Seafoeth, in the County of Hunan, deceased, who died on or about the lath day of August 1961, are hereby notified to send in to the un- derrigned on or before the 22nd day of September, 1951, full particulars of their claims. Immediately after the said last men. tionod da the assets of the said estate oto will be distributed amongst the 'armee entitled efrereto, haeinng regard only to claims of whioi the undersigned shall then have settee, to the exeldelon of ail others. and the uhdetetgned wall not be liable to any iterate of wbioee Clain 'the wtdereigte 'ed Asti ate then Wive netl.le for the assets to dOstribit'ted or 0*W' ,'tiart theme. AYr . Eittf.titit, • Allllal. Ontario, tOtt Or the Feats. 496611 FOR SALE --1 BABY CRIB; 1 HIGH rhair: 1 toidy Fent: 1 sold oak buffet; 6 solid ark dining chairs to m^tch; 1 drop -side couch with new mattress. AP in good condition_ Can be seen at JOHN E. PATTERSON'S, East William St. 4366,71 CHEAP FOR QUICK SALE — CASE I'"'c'v.r. M.s:lel S : A-1 shape, on rvb- h'r tires; Nash Sedan automobile; stiff - tooth eultiva for in wood repair: 12 '-oe seed drill; 4 -section harrows; single erpl cut chrow d;'•c 'with ti -actor hitch. MRq. H. F. LAWRENCE. or B. M. FRANCIS, Administrator, with will annexed of the F.,tate of the late H. F. Lawrence. 4366.2 FOR SALE USED DESKS, SUITABLE FOR HIGH or public school. Apply to M. A. REID Secretary, Seaforth High School District. 4860.1 In Memoriam COLEMAN --IN LOVING •REMEM- brance of my dear brothers who pass- ed away, John, five years ,ago, Sept. 20: Arthur, three yearn ago, Dec- 26; Wsaley, two years ago, Sept. 11. Theme is a road we call remembrance, Where thoughts and• wishes meet : We take the road in thought today, For ones we cannot greet. --Ever remembered by their sinter and brother -in law, Milton and Mary St-vo rt. 1306x1 COLEMAN—IN LOVING MEMORY OF my dear (tither, William Coban n who passed away 46 years ago, Sept. 29, 1906, and my dear mother. Sarah .sane Coleman• one year ego, Sept. 12, 1050. G^.I called them home. It wry His •ill. But in my heart I love them still: Their memory in as dear today As in the hour, they passed away. I often ait and think of them Wlhen I am all 'alone, For memory is the only thing That grief can ( call its own. —Ever remembered .by their daughter and eon -in -Paw, Milton and Mary Stewart. Cards Of Thanks TEM FAMILY OF THE LATE meet. IVIiirgaret McClymont wish to thank relative; and friends for the kindness shotbn them during their recent bereave. Brent, and for the beautiful floral tributes 'and_ carie. 4866x1 Thomas' Rectory to Mary Jane Mc• dents of this community. Surviving besides his widow is one brother, William Sholdice, Tuckersmith. The funeral took place on Tuesday from the G. A. Whitney funeral home, Seaforth, with Rev. W. A. Jones officiating. Interment was in Maitlandbank cemetery. The pall- bearers were: Robt. Wallace, Ar- thur Wallace, Robt. Archibald, Robt. Tyndall, Wm. Oldfield and Win. M. Sproat. CROMARTY Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Gillespie and two young daughters, of Toronto, spent the week -end with Mr. and Mrs. T. Laing. Rev, G. Young and 'Mrs. Young, of Forest, visited with Mr, and Mrs. T. Scott and also attended the Mc- Kellar and Binning wedding. Marguerite 'Duncanson and Mrs. Duncanson spent a few days at Fort Erie last week. Marguerite has returned to her duties there. Rev. N. Clow, of Chatsworth, had charge of the seriice here last Sunday, while Rev. R. Duncanson had charge of the service at Chats- worth, his former charge. Mrs. Robertson has returned home from a two weeks' visit with her daughter, Mrs. Chittick, of St. Marys. Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Houghton. Leonard, Gordon and Frank have returned to Wingham ' after a week's visit with friends in Win;:- sor, Preston and Toronto. ZION Mr. and Mrs. R. S. Aikens left on Monday for a trip to the West. Mr. and 'Mrs. J. W. Britton spent a few days in London with their daughter and son/in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Hunter' Used Farm Machinery 1 V.A. Tractor 1 McCormick -Deering Farmall Tractor Model M 1 Cockshutt 60 Tractor 1 Cockshutt 70 Tractor 1 set Used Disc Harrows 1 Used Dump Rake 1 Used 71/2 -foot Stiff Tooth Cultivator 1 A6 Combine, like new Rowcliffe Motors Phone 147 Seaforth Threshing Machine 24 -inch Cylinder — Solid Wood Body §old by Bell Threshing Machine Co., with Feeder and Shredder, all ready to go SALE PRICE $1,075.00 See this machine if interested, at Jonathanilugill's FARM or Moue 667 r 6 - Seaforth Mr. and Mrs. Mac Graham, To- ronto; Miss M. Graham, Dresden, and 'Mrs. Geo, Graham visited on Thursday evening with. Mr. and Mrs, Dalton Malcolm and Mrs. Jas. Malcolm. Miss Gwen Britton visited with her cousins, Mr. and Mrs. Thomp- son, Brucefield. Miss Joan Britton spent last week with her friend, Louise Cor - man, Port Dover. Miss Margie and Kenny Britton visited their uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Keyes. Mr. James Malcolm is stilt a patient in 'Stratford Hospital. Miss Gladys Robinson visited' last week with her uncle and aunt, 'Mr. and Mrs, Jack Stacey, in Mit- chell. itchell. Mr. and Mrs. K. Salton and fam- ily visited with Mr. and Mrs, J. W. Britton on Sunday. Miss Donna Gordon, Seaforth, is spending a few days with her grandmother, Mrs. J. Malcolm, while her parents, Mr, and Mrs. Ross Gordon, are spending a few days in Toronto. Mr. and 'Mrs. Lionel Strathdee and family, Mitchell, visited Mrs. Rena Stacey and Mowet on Sun- day. VARNA Death of Mrs, McClymont The late Mrs.' McClymont, who died in Clinton Public Hospital on Friday, Aug. 31, after a short ill- ness, was born in Stanley Twp., daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Diehl. Following her mar- riage to the late Jas. McClymont, she has since resided on the Parr Line. Mrs. McClymont was a mem- ber of the Varna United Church and for many years was organist, and also teacher in the Sunday school. She was a life member of the W.M.S. She is survived by two sons, Ernest, of New York, and Fred at home; also five grandchil- dren. A daughter, Violet, prede- ceased her in March, 1950. Funeral service was 'held Sunday at 2.30• o'clock in Varna United Church, with Rev. T. J. Pitt officiating. In- terment was in Bayfield cemetery. Pallbearers were Edward Foster, Lloyd Keys, Alfred Johnston, Geo. Reid, Carl Diehl and Elgin McKin- ley. Flower -shearers were Sherlock Keys, John Ostrom, Roy Keys, An- son Coleman, Robt. Keys and Rus- sell Keys. Those attending the funeral from a distance were: Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Diehl and daugh- ter, Lois; Mr. a.nd Mrs. Louis Diehl and 'Miss' Florence Diehl, all of Hamilton; Messrs. Robert and Russell Keys and Mrs. E. Parker, Mitchell; Mr. Lorne Forest, Lon- don; Mr. Fred Dennison and Mrs. Mary Dennison, Thamesford, and Mr. John Harilwell, Goderich. Oi rregor presented beautifully col- ored snider of trip taken through the New England -'States, Nevltr 'Brunsauick, along the Bay of Fun- d, and in Quebec, which were - much enjoyed. Refreshments were served and a social hour spent. The 'Women's Association of Brucefield United' Church met on Tuesday, Sept. 4.. The meeting op- ened with Hymn No. 280; Mrs. Keyes read the Scripture lesson frons Luke 10:25-37, and Mrs. Broadfoot gave the topic for Sep- tember, "The Good Samaritan." Hymn No. 383 was sung, and Mrs. Broadfoot closed with prayer. Af- ter repeating the Creed, the presi- dent took the chair for the busi- ness period. The roll call was an- swered by 23 members. Mrs. Berry gave the treasurer's report. It was decided to hold the bazaar on Wednesday, Nov. 7. The meeting closed with the W.A. hymn and prayer, Group No. 1 took charge of the social hour. Mrs. Hender- son sang a solo, and 'Mrs. Robert Allan conducted two very interest- ing contests. Lunch was served. BRUCEFIELD A pleasant time was spent in the schoolroom of the ohurch on 'Tues- day evening when the members of Group 2 entertained their Home Helpers. Solos were rendered 'oy Mrs. J. Cairns with Mrs. W. J. Mc Beath at the piano; and several contests conducted. Miss Margaret Falls From Ladder, Condition Serious Condition of George 'Mogk, Brod- hagen, continues serious. He is confined to Scott Memorial Hos- pital, Seaforth, suffering from head injuries and fractured ribs. He suffered a 25 -foot fall from a lad- der at his home while painting his house two weeks ago. WALTON Death of John Pryce The death occurred at Walton on Sunday, Sept. 2, of John Pryce, following a short illness. He was born in Wales 85 years ago and came to this country 69 years ago. Going to the Canadian West, he later spent some time in the Unit- ed States, returning to live in this vicinity some years ago. He was married to Annie E. Taylor, who survives him, together . with a sis- ter in Wales. Deceased was a member oftT3uff's Church, Walton. The funeral was held. Monday from the G. A. Whitney funeral home, Seaforth, with Rev. M. Thomas of- ficiating. Interment was in Mait- landbank cemetery. The pallbear- ers were: Percy Taylor, Wilbert Taylor, Thos. Pryce, John Pryce, Oliver Pryce and Wm. Taylor. CONSTANCE 'Miss Betty Addison left Tuesday for Stratford, where she will train as a nurse at the Stratford Gen- eral Hospital. Mr. and Mrs. A. Lawson and son or Pickering visited M. and Mrs. Jas. Medd. 'Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Hoggart left Tuesday on a motor trip to the Western Provinces. Mrs. E. Adams and Donelda were recent visitors with Mr. and Mrs. J. A. McDonald, Staffa. Reeve W. J. Dale is attending the C.N.E. at Toronto this week. He is showing three of his horses. His many friends wish him the best of luck. Mr. and, Mrs. Elwood Clark are spending a few days in Toronto at the Exhibition. Mr. and Mrs. E. F. Warren, of London, 'spent the holiday week- end with Mr. and Mrs. Earl Law- son. Miss Donelda Adams has return- ed to her duties as teacher at the McCurdy school at the R.C.A.F.• Station, Centralia. `Among the Junior Farmers who attended, the C.N.E. last week were Ken Dale, Wei. Medd, Eric Anderson and Fred Buchanan. V''red was a judge of battle at the show. CLINTON "Back to school" was the order of the day in this town on Tuesday. The Women's Association of On- tario St. Church held its Septem- ber meeting Tuesday in the church withladies hall wl' 54 1 die present and the president, •Mrs. J. Radford, in the chair. Routine 'business was at- tended to and it was decided to have an anniversary supper at an- niversary time, which is Sept. 30, and to have some repair work done at the parsonage. Mrs. Treleaven and Mrs. E. Radford favored with piano solos. Ladies of the Base Line and the 16th concession of Goderich Twp. served a delicious lunch at the conclusion of the meeting. Miss M. Gibbings has returned to her teaching duties at Dundas. Miss H. Turner has again re- sumed her public.school duties in Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Tyndall have returned from a week -end visit with Mr, and Mrs. F. W. Lawrence in Hamilton. Mrs. G. Darville and daughter, Janice Lynn, have left town to take up residence in Montreal. Mrs. Wendorf accompanie3 thein to their new home. Mr. and Mrs. Rees Jenkin§ have taken up residence in Craton. KIPPEN Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Little and daughters, Marcia and Cheryl Ann, visited their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Long, on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Hill, of Lucan, visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Long. Dr. and Mrs. Lawson and family of Listowel visited Mrs, Lawson's mother, Mrs. W. W. Cooper, on Sunday. 'Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Mellis had as their guests over the holiday, Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Hutchison, of St. Thomas. Little Dorothy Cornish returned to her home in Goderich since va- cationing with her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs.'Robt. Thompson. Mr. and Mrs. Dowson returned home after spending a week with relatives in Michigan, and report having had a very fine holiday. Miss Meryl Rickert attended a wedding in Clifford on Saturday afternoon. Last Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Roy Anderson, of Detroit, and Mr. and Mrs. Leo Marnchke, of Alena, vis- ited Mr. and 'Mrs. Dowson. The Andersons of Kippen held a family picnic on Sunday at the Lions Park, Seaforth. 1 Hensall UnitedChurch Rev. W. J. Rogers Minister • RE -OPENING SERVICES Sept. 9th -11 a.m. REV. A. SINCLAIR Guest Preacher Sept. 16th -11 a.m. REV. R. A. BROOK Guest Minister The newly -gowned Choir will provide Special Music at both these services. Mr. and Mrs. Archie Parsons, Harold and Donnie, were Sunday visitors of Mr. and Mrs. Russell Ferguson, Ohiselhurst. 'Mr. and Mrs. A. Gackstetter and daughters and Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Horney, of Exeter, and LAC. Ken Hayes, of Manitoba, attended dec- oratiop, services at St. James' cem- etery, Ctandeboye, on Sunday and visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs, Joe Carter. .Miss -Merle Dickert spent the week -end with relatives in Clif- ford. Messrs. Gerald Parsons, Keith and Bob Love spent several days last week at the C.N.E. in Toron- to, also in Buffalo, Niagara Falls and Crystal Beach. Carolyn and Lorne Gackstetter, who spent last week at the home of their aunt and uncle, Mr. and Mrs. A. Gackstetter, returned to their home near Exeter on Satur- day. Mr. and Mrs. Ross Love are spending this week in Toronto. Miss Marion Thompson left on sg Monday for Londesboro, where i4;bei will teac'h eglh41o1 Mr. and Mee Q. `A11113o4 Vis$tt on Monday with the latter's sinter and Ibsother-in law, Mr. and !1VIrl, Samuel Thompson„ Quite a number from here at- tended the Labor Day celebration. at Zurich. COME TO THE FALL FAIR AT MILVERTON September 21 and 22 Community Talent Show and Modern Dance on Evening of September 21 • Horse Races • Baby Contest; SPECIAL ATTRACTIONS Increased Prize List Modern and Olde Tyme DANCE on Night September 22 George Gernhaelder - 'Sec. Treace $1,000 CASH GIVEN AWAY MONDAY, SEPTEMBER At Monster Bingo Sponsored by Hensall Branch Canadian Legion, No. 468, B.E.S.L., and Ladies' Auxiliary AT COMMUNITY ARENA, 111 NSALL $500.00 JACKPOT MUST GO THAT NIGHT ! Three Specials — $150.00, $75.00, $50.00 15 Rounds — $15.00 Each DOORS OPEN 8 P.M. Everybody 'Welcome ADMISSION $1.00 Extra Cards, 25c BINGO, 9 P.M. SHARP Booth in Arena Special Rounds, 25c Bargains - Bargains MUST REDUCE OUR STOCK OF USED TRACTORS! — Make Us An Offer! — M. -H. 55 Gas Tractor—Used 2 yew's; excellent condition. M. -H. 81 Standard Tractor—Extra good; runs and looks like new. M. -H. 44 Standard Tractor—Used to demon- strate; has hydraulic; new guarantee. Allis W.S. R.C.—Like new. Cockshutt 70 Standard — Completely overhaul- ed; new paint. See this one. - Cockshgtt 70 R.C.—New paint; reconditioned. John Deere 'H' R.C.—New motor, new paint; like new. Ford-Ferguson—New rings and sleeves, field cultivator, new paint. Real good. Used No. 7 Massey Spreader • IT WILL PAY YOU TO SEE US AND MAKE AN OFFER ! SEAFORTH MOTORS Massey -Harris Sales & Service Phone 141 Seaforth BRAND NEW CARS Any FORD All at Regular List ALSO G.M.C. Make! — Any Style! — Any Color! CHEVROLET OLDSMOBILE BUICK PONTIAC METEOR Price — Approximately 24 -Hour Service — GUARANTEED SERVICE CHEVROLET FORD MERCURY TRUCKS USED CARS '51 CHEV. DE LUXE BELAIR HARD -TOPPED CONVERTIBLE—Two-tone in color, air cone ditioning, custom radio, extras '51 PONTIAC DE LUXE •SEDAN—Fleetline, conditioning '50 PON'I'IAC DE LUXE SEDAN '49 CHEV. .STYLELINE SEDAN '49 CHEV. DE LUXE STYLELINE ,SEDAN— Radio, air-conditioning :49 CHEV. DE. LUXE S'14YLELIN'E SEDAN—Fully equipped '49 CHEV. FLEETLINE COACH '49 CHEV. FLEETLINE SEDAN SPE'CIALS—'47 Chev. Sedan, $1,150.00 A written guarantee Some of these Cars are on display at the further inforeaation, contact the lessees, air PHONE 78-X '49 CHEV. EYE LUXE STYLELINE SEDAN Radio, air-conditioning '48 PONTIAC FLEETLINE COACH—Radio, air conditioning '48 CHEV. FLEFITUiNtE COACH — Custom radio '47 CHEV. COACH '47 PONTIAC SEDAN '41 CHEV. COACH '41 DODGE COUPE '39 CHEV. SEDAN '36 DODGE SEDAN '35 CHRYSLER SEDAN '48 Chev. s/ -ton Stake Truck '86 Chev. Coach, $100 for 60 days on all late model ears. SUPERTEST, SERVICE STATION, SEAFORTH. For MANY OTHER MODELS: -TO CHOOSE FROM BRUSSELS MOTORS BRU'SStLSONTARIO "The 'Home Of Better Used Cara" OPEN EVERY EVENING eagessuosseiregiseetieeeleseserameneesee Ir