HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1951-09-07, Page 1:ro • 16} yrs• • Ninety -Second Year 41791wle Number 4366 • SEAFORTH, FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 7, 1951 kl; CONSTRUCT TWO LARGE GARAGES IN HENSA.LL NEWS OF HENSALL Mr. T. Lavender is erecting a (fine large cement garage which is nearing completion. The building, 40x40, has 2,200 cement blocks, which were laid by Frank Forrest, Hensall, and Dick Evans, Bayfield. It has a I4 -foot pit and will have a hoist. Earl Dick, Cromarty, will lay the cement floor,. and Lloyd Mousseau, F: Forrest and: Dick Ev- ans will put the root on this week_ The four -car garage te_ng built by Mr. Ed. Fink, is also nearing completion. " It has- an 8 foot wall containing 850' cement. blocks, which were laid. by Frank Forrest, 3lensall, and Dick Evans, Bayfield. Two apartments will be built over the garage in the near future. Hensall and Zurich Co-operatives• bad a float in the parade in the Labor Day celebration at Zurich on Monday and three over 100 bal- loons to the children lined on the streets. In each balloon was a pen- cil, but in one balloon was' a pencil sv-ith a note wrapped around it, ad- vising the receiver to call at the Co-op office and receive $5. Chas. Mickle, Hensall, was the lucky re- cipient. Mr. and Mrs. Jas. A. 'Paterson spent the week -end with relatives in Toronto and attended the Ex- hibition. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Faber and iMr. and Mrs. Jack Faber returned home from a pleasant trip to Kirk- land Lake and Timmins and at- tended the Scurey-Whitehead wed- ding at Matheson, and -also spent a day at the C.N.E. The Misses Lillian and Edith t1cEwan, London, were recent guests with Mr. and MTs. J. E. McEwau. Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Smillie have returned from a delightful vaca- tion spent with relatives at Mus- koka. Hensall public school reopened Tuesday with 120 on the roll, and 18 new beginners in Grade 1. The staff will include Principal J. F. Blackwell, Miss R. Avery, Miss Winifred Gray and Miss liIargar- et Schieck of Alma, assistants. This will be th.e first term for Miss Schieck. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Love, of Toronto, spent Sunday with the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Milton Love. Mrs. Love, who suf- fered a heart seizure last week, has been very ill ;but is showing signs of improvement, cher many friends will be pleased to learn. Miss Jean Henderson spent the week -end with Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Morris and family, Goderich. At the Labor Day celebration held in Walkerton Monday night,' William Hyde, 87, Hensall, took heat honors in the fiddlers' contest in the class over 60 years. Other winners in the same class were Fred Daters, Hensall, and Jack Wilsop, Chepstow. In the class un- cder 60 years, Cecil Maxwell, Hen- ' +' sail, placed first. Hensall Ladies' Auxiliary. ;held. its monthly meeting in the Legion Hall Tuesday night, with President Mrs. E. Dick presiding. At the con- clusion of the opening exercises a business session was held and' many business items were brought np for discussion. The following members volunteered to look af- ter the 'booth arrangements at the Legion Frolic Friday night: Mrs. L. Sangster, Mrs. W. Venner, Mrs.' A. Simmons, Mrs. A. ,loynt, Mrs.' A. Horton, Mrs. R. Dick and Mrs.' Bonthron. Each member,„is asked to donate a pie for this frolic. Mrs. J. Drysdale, secretary -treas- urer, reported on the proceeds re- ceived from the monster bingoes held recently. Correspondence was read from the S'oholarship Fund. (Continued on Page 4) THREE CHAMPIONSHIPS TO ONE FAMILY Junior, Intermediate and Senior swimming championships at the Seaforth Lions swimming meet last week were won by the three Flanagan brothers, sons of Mr. and Mrs. James Flanagan, Seaforth. Senior champion was Jim, 16 (left); intermediate was Bill, 13, apt!junior champion was Brian, 10. ActivirjAtattlie .Park wound up on Labor Day, which also saw the co4irpletiori'of Red Cross proficiency tests. Junior awards were e'�trned, by: Brian Flanagan, Bill Flanagan, Gar Flanagan, Murray Carter, Carolyn Dundas, Barbara Plumsteel, Marilyn Woodcock, Gene Dinwoodie, Eleanor Dundas, Ruth Sills, Ron Mason, George Shaw, Pat Taber, Bruce McFadden, Ferg Row- land, Bill Eckert, Joanne Sinclair and Marion McLlwain. Inter- mediate: Jean Nixon, Ron Mason, Pat Tabor, Ruth Sills, Ken Dupee, George Shaw, Alice Nixo,t, Ferg Rowland, Bill Eckert, Joanne Sinclair and Marion McLlwain. Senior: Fergus Rowland, Bruce McFadden, Christena Lillico, Sheila McFadden, Marion McElwain, Shirley Kleber, Kenneth Dupee, George Shaw, Alice Nixon, Ruth Sills, Ron Mason, Joanne Sinclair, Gerhardt Reitz. Kippen Labor Day Shoot 'Attracts Forty Entries NEWS OF KIPPEN At the annual Labor Day shoot, held at Kippen on Monday, spon- sored by Kippen Gun Club, Gordon Johnson, Ridgetown, won the clay target championship trophy of Hur- on County in one of the largest shoots ever held -in this locality. Over 40 shooters took part. For the trophy, Johnson broke 47 out of 50, with Hedley Prowse, Gode- rich, runner-up, with 45 out of 50. High over all went to John Ander- son, Hensall, and Hedley Prouse, Goderich, who tied 66 out of 75. In the doubles, Bill Lumby, Gode- rich, was high with 21 out of 25. Shooters were present from Ridge - town, Chatham, London, Wood- stock and Goderich. Mises Nancy Love, of Caro, Mich., has been holidaying with her aunt and uncle, Mr. and- Mrs. Robert Dalrymple. We are sorry to learn of Grant 'McGregor breaking his leg in a recent accident when the tractor upset, and we hope to soon see him out and around again. Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Cudmore had as guests over the holiday week -end, Mr. and Mrs. Eldon Southwell and their three children of Oshawa. Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Hubbert and Mr. Melville McClymont, of Detroit, visited Mrs. McClymont, l also Mr. and Mrs. Robert Dayman 0 • over the holiday week -end. Mr. and Mrs: Stasik and George visited on Sunday with friends in Cromarty. Mr. John Jarrott spent the week -end with his daughter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Smith, in Guelph. Mr. and Mrs. Stewart Cudmore and family of London visited his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Cud - more, on Labor Day. Mr. and Mrs. 'Frank McConachie and daughters, Patricia and Cath- arine. were in Toronto over the holiday at Mr. McConaohie's par- ents home. Mr. and Mrs. Elgin Johnson and family, of London, visited their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Day - man, over the week -end. Mrs. Futcher and daughter, of London, visited friends in the vil- lage on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Norman Dickert visited relatives in Clifford on Sunday. We are pleased to report that Don Bell is improving in health and hopes to be home from a Lon- don hospital this week. Mrs. Jas. Campbell and daugh- ter, Linda, of Toronto, visited her mother and father, Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Cooper, over the week -end. Mr, and Mrs. Pat Curran, Lon- don, spent the holiday with their grandmother, Mrs. McClymont. TEACH AT BRUSSELS SURPRISE OCTOGENARIAN WITH BIRTHDAY CAKE R. B. Rogerson, Sperling St., Seaforth, found the occasion of his 86th birthday had not been ignored by his two youthful housekeepers. Elaine Dale, left, and Evelyn McPhee, who kept house for Mr. Rogerson for a fortnight while his regular housekeeper .was' away, got busy and produced the surprise cake for hair;, Ma' Rogerson, a native of Hullett Township, eetired from his Hullett faun two years ago, and moved to Seaforth. He is an active 4arderiew now, aAtl takes pride In his Weed -free pilot, whibh hoe been o6nttibutinp generots suppilek of corwof=the'ceb to the household iarder, dee 1 Daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Sydney Pullman, of Seaforth, Miss Doris Pullman graduated this year from Stratford Nor- mal School and will teach at Brussels Public School. S.D.H.S. STUDENTS WIN BURSARIES MormvILLE PEOPLE SPLIT BINGO JACKPOT There were two cries of "Bingo" as the $1,000 jackpot game a as played at the Seaforth Arena Thursday evening, with the result Mrs. Ted Brown and A. O. Rout- ledge, both of Egmondville, each won, $500. The last in the series of jack- pot bingoes 'is being held next Wednesday evening, when ancti.er $1,000 prize will be offered, as will as other special prizes. Winners of the special prizes of $100.00 last week were Mrs. N. Scoins and Don Elliott (tied), alai Mrs. Brazier, Stratford. Other winners of $20.00 were: C. Abel, Thedford; Mrs. Ellen Yuill, Clinton; Mrs. Jas. Flanagan, Seaforth; Mrs. E. Cameron, Sea - forth; Jas. Watson, Bill Elliott; Mrs. J. Ladd, Stratford; Mrs. Glew, Clinton; Mrs. Dale, Clinton; Mrs. John Stier, Exeter; Bill Smith, Exeter; Stan Hill, Stratford; Mrs. Ina Wolfe, Stratford; - Mrs. Zim- merinan, Goderich; Mrs. G. Glenn, Grand Bend; Mrs. Burke, Mitchell; Miss Delores Bedard, Zurich; Mrs. Eva Smale, Toronto; Mrs. K. Cook, Clinton. • BELL TELEPHONE RATE REQUEST AFFECTSSEAFORTH If approval is given by the Board of Transport Commissioners to the request of the Bell Telephone Co. for increased rates, Seaforth sub- scribers will be called on to pay monthly increases up to $1.00 in the case of individual business phones, and 50 cents for individual residential' phones. The Bell Telephone Co. on Fri- day applied for permission to boost. its ;rates for local service on about 1,700,000 phones in Ontario and Quebec. For homes, the increase asked of the Board 'of Transport Commissioners would range be- tween 35 and 75 cents a month, depending on the type of service and the size of the community. Individual business phones world jump anywhere from $1 to $3 a month. According to C. B. Symonds, the company's manager here, the p1.co- posed increase for individual fine business service' is $1.00 montnly, and for two-party business service it is 75c monthly. • A comparison of present rates for typical classes of service with proposed rates in Seaforth follows: Pres- Pro- I n- ent posed crease Announcement was made th's week that Mary Lou Sills, Slaugh- ter of Mr. and Mrs'. C. P. Sills, Seaforth, had :been awarded a Dominion•Provincial bursary, val- ued at_$400.00 per annum. A gradu- ate of the 'Seaforth District High School, she will enter Ursaline College, University of Western Ontario; this fall. She has also been awarded a bursary at Ursi- line College. Bursaries valued. at $100 have been awarded three other Grade 13 students, who will continue their studies at the Seaforth school. They are Shirley Frieday, Marilyn Hillis and Shirley McPhee. • BRIDE -TO' -BE IS HONORED A pleasant event took place in Sproat's School recently when about 35 neighbors and friends gathered to honor Miss Ruth Wal- lace, bride of last week, a:d pre- sentee her with a miscellaneous shower. Bingo was enjoyed during the evening with the following win- ning prizes: Miss Katherine Doig, 'lrs. Jas. Doig, Mrs. Russell Mil- ler, Mrs. Thos. Hodgert, Mrs, H. Chesney, Mrs, Harold Rice, Miss Elaine Etue, Mrs. Earl Papple, Miss Ruth Wallace, Mrs. R. Wal- lace, and Misses Mary Lou Roe and Shirley Love. 'Kra. W.'H. Coleman read a poem after which a shower of misozl- laneous articles, which included lamps, blankets and other useful articles, was presented to the guest of honor. Following the pres- entation lunch, was served. BROTHERS INJURED The old adage that troubles never come singly is certainly true as Ear as the sons of Mr. and Mrs. E. Albrecht are con- cerned. Donald was in collision with a car while riding his bicycle Friday morning. The fall to the ground resulted in a gash to the back of his bead, which required four stitches to close. Another son, Leonard, had broken his collarbone the pre- vious day while playing with tither youngsters in his own Vied. - • Residence: Individual line 2 -Party line Rural Extension tel. Business: Individual line 2 -party line Rural P.B.X. trunk Extension tel. 3.05 2.65 2.45 1.00 5.00 4.25 3.25 7.50 1.25 • 3.55 2.90 2 80 1.00 6.00 5.00 4.00 9.00 1.25 .50 .25 .35 1.00 .75 .75 1.50 Seaforth Brigade Answer: To McKillop, Hallett Farm Fi .McKILLOP BARN, ,. SEPARATOR LOS SAVE RILEY BA Attendance Up Forty In Seaforth Schools . Attendance at Seaforth schools* is up by 40 pupils, according to ;figures released• by the principals of the three schools, after regis- tration was completed last Tues day. At the High School, the enrol- ment has increased by 15, bring- ing the total attendance to 276. Several additional enrolments are expected. There was little change at the Separate School, the number cf pupils being up only three, there now being 75. At the Public School, enrolment is 276, as compared with 264 of last year. There are over 40 in the kindergarten class this year Mrs .Dolmage Wins Kling's Radio Contest Miss Delphine Dolmage, R.R. 1, Seaforth, was the winner of a new Westinghouse radio in a contest held at Kling's store. • • LOGAN ASKS FOR ROAD SUBSIDY The Logan Township, Council met on Monday with all members in attendance and with Reeve Gaffney presiding. The reeve and clerk were instructed to petition tat Minister of Public Works of Ontario showing that during the period, Jan. 1 to Aug. 31, 1951, there has been expended upon the township roads the sum of $28- 087.35, requesting the statutory grant thereon, as provided by the Ontario Highway Act and amend- ments thereto. Councillors Eisler and Siemon reported they had examined Branch 3 of the Ahrens Drain and estimated the costs for digging, levelling spoil banks, letting work, inspection and clerical fees at $347. The clerk was instructed to pre- pare the necessary by-law for re- pair of the drain. John Siemon, of McKillop, was paid balance on con- tract of Brodhagen Drain. the op- en portion being completed. His security amount was ordered re- funded. By -Law 565 amending By -Law 563. rates 'by-law, was read and passed, fixing Separate School rates (No. 6). Insurance on F. W. drive truck was renewed with J. F. Prueter, agent. A resolution was passed . granting the Women's In- stitute permission to build a cup- board in the township hall for use at their meetings. Council instructed the clerk to notify F. Kistner to complete the tile portion of the Brodhagen drain and the reeve and clerk were in- structed to sign agreement be- tween the H.E.P.C. and the coun- cil to secure a street lighting sys- tem for Brodhagen, the line to be erected in the near future. The engineer's report from Ful- lerton council concerning the Thiel drain, was presented and is to be read Oct. 1, at 3 p.m., and the clerk is to notify assessed rate- payers. Reeve Gaffney and Coun- cillor .Siemon were appointed to seek contractors for the construc- tion of the A. Bauer Drain and Hobbs Drain., The clerk was in- structed to prepare voters' lists in lot and concession order as in 1950. Council/ approved a grant of $20 to Monition School Fair. Accounts approved included: Roads expenditures, $468.19; gen- eral expenditures, $1,338.90; secur- ity cheques on- Brodhagen Drain, $100;, gravel contract, $300.00. Lighting Strikes Regier Chimney Lightning demolished a chimney on the southeast corner of the Regier. building about 3:30 a.m. last Friday morning during a severe thunderstorm. No damage was done to the building. Pieces of brick were found a hundred t'eit away, and small panes of glass were broken in the doors of the garage owned by M. H. Hoff, ad- joining the Regier building. • Will Train At Stratford Hospital Miss Diane Mowatt, who gradu ated from Seaforth District High School this year, has been accept- ed as a student -nurse at Stratford General Hospital, and commenced her studies on Wednesday. Mrs E. H. Close accompanied her to Stratford for the opening exercis es. CHILD INJURED ON STAFFA FARM Five-year-old Barbara Ann Dock- ing suffered a fractured left hip on Wednesday when a tractor, driven by her father, Lyle Docking, ran over her leg, on their R.R. 1, Staf- fa, farm. The child was admitted to Strat- ford General Hospital where her condition was reported satisfac- tory. Mrs. Docking said thg@ girl was riding the step -board of the trac- tor as she and her father were returning from plowing. Arriving at the gateway to the field the girl jumped from bhe moving trae- tor to open the gate for her father. She tripped and fell under the wheel of the tractor. IS COMMISSIONED Joseph A. Laudenbach, son of Mr. and Mrs. L. Lauden- bach, Seaforth, who received his commission as a Pilot Of- ficer and the coveted Radio Officer Wings in a ceremony at R.C.A.F. Station! Clinton, re- cently. DISTRICT BUTTER IN MONEY AT EX In competition with creameries throughout Canada at the Cana- dian National Exhibition., Seaforth district creameries took high hon- ors in all butter classes. ■ Seaforth fire brigade answered! two rural calls within 24 hours ov er the week -end. Called to the farm of Sam McPherson,113th con- cession of !McKillop, 14 miles northeast of Seaforth, Saturday at noon, the firemen found the blaze beyond control after a fast twenty - minute run. A (barn on the farm of Alex :Riley, northwest of Con- stance, was saved when firemen confined the fire to a large straw - stack early Sunday afternoon. The large McPherson barn was completely destroyed, together with, a quantity of grain and imple- ments which it contained. Threshing had been underway on the previous Thursday, and a separator owned by Alex Mitchell, which was in position beside the barn, was also destroyed. The fire was discovered as the family was having dinner. The cause is un- known. nknown. Mr. McPherson has. been a pat - lent at Scott Memorial Hospital here for two weeks as a result of' a heart attack. He has not been informed of the fire which destroy- ed his barn. Sunday afternoon's fire was at the Hullett farm of Alex Riley. A large straw stack behind the barn was,found to be on fire shortly after mid-day, and calls were put in to Seaforth and Clinton: Both. responded immediately and in the meantime neighbors using a gar - Iden hose helped keep the blaze down until help arrived. Firemen kept the end of the barn sprinkled and bucket brigades hauled water for the two trucks. The smoldering stack was spread around the yard and doused with water. In the creamery solids section, Hibbert Co-operative Dairy, with 96 points, and Seaforth Creamery with 96.30 points, were in the third prize group. For creamery prints the Hibbert Co-operative with 96.80 points, was in the second prize group, while Seaforth Creamery, with 96.40 points, was in the third prize group. Canada Packers, Clinton., with 96.30 points, was in the third prize group for June butter. Hibbert Co-operative won a spe- cial prize in section two for the :best finish in class. • First Church Choir Receives Hymn Books Rev. D. Glenn Campbell conduct- ed an impressive dedicatory ser- vice Sunday morning in First Pres byterian Church, when a gift o thirty new hymn books, 'bound in wine leather, were presented to the choir by 'Mrs. E. L. Box, in memory of her late husband, E L. Box. James T. Scott, president of th choir, received the gift on behal of the choir, after which he wa assisted by F. E. Willis in present ing each member with a book. • Mother and Daughter Teach Same School The 59 pupils of the Hawkesville school, eight miles northwest of Kitchener. learned there would Ibe no school for three weeks until contractors finished rebuilding the school to two room size. They will have two teachers, a mother and daughter. The mother is Mrs. Geraldine Eckert, the daughter is Miss Geraldine. Both are from Seaforth. Another daugh- ter, Anne, teaches at Wallaceburg. Receive Donations For Memorial Fund The fund to put a permanent tribute to the work of former kin- dergarten teacher, Miss S. I. Mc- Lean, in the new Seaforth Public School, is now well under 'say. From the far north of Ontario and from below the border, from for- mer pupils and friends, alike, nave come promises of support, cheques and cash. Donations may be made either to this newspaper or to James A, Stewart, treasurer, at Stewart Bros. store, Seaforth. • Search -and -rescue operations of the Canadian Air Force in 1950 Pinkney, Mrs. Gilchrist Coppin, totalled 252. Included were 137 Mary Jackson Hinton, Mrs. J. A. mercy flights. Stewart and Thomas R. Cluff. I Judging from the start, the com- mittee expects to have a very sub- stantial sum on hand very soon, and it acknowledges the generous support df the following first don- ors: Mr. and Mrs. T. A. G. Gor- don, Mrs. Grace Mullen, Miss Clara LATE AUGUST WEDDINGS The former Marion Therese Kale, youngest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph B. Kale, R.R. 6, Seaforth, is pictured on the left with her husband, Mr. Francis Stephen Murray, son of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Murray, R.R. 2, Walton. The couple were married in St. Solumban's Church, St. Golumban. They will live in McKillop Township. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Gordop Dewar (right) are seen as they cut their wedding cake at the reception following their marriage In First Presbyterian Church, Seaforth. The bride Is the 'former' Marilyn Isabel Chesney, elder daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Walker Hart, Tuokersmith, and the groom's parents are Mr. and Mrs. John G. Dewar, of Fingal. G7