HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1951-08-31, Page 4• THE IWRON F.AXP'Q$TOR q: t!' sified Ads.I Classified Ads Inserted At New Low Cash Rates: FOR SALE, WANTED, LOST AND FOUND, ETC.—Per Word: 1a4 week 1 Cent Bweek ft Cent led week IA Cent Minimmn charge. Brat k cation,.,25 Omits Each figure, initial and abbasvhdion counts es ens word. Cards cd `@Lanita. 1» Mir uariens Nalficw. Ooh Evouht--1 mot per weed. IK3 5o tante per week. Erundriea may be directed 4o a Baa Na, c%o less Hato» 8spoattse, for 16 amts sztro. Tar Brenta additional will be charged if ads in above dens ars not paid within 10 days of data of final insertion Direr. Marriages and Deaths masted free of chasm. *action Saks. Notices 4» Credeem, Eta.–,fiats m app4deoatioat Coming Events THERE'S ZANY A GOOD PLACE TO dance, but one of the Bests the Crystal Palace Ballroom, Mitchell, every Friday night, to the music of Don Rob- ertson and his Ranch Boys. 4364x4 Personals AAYGIENIG SUPPLIES (B U BBE & Coeds), mailed postpaid in plain, sealed envelope with price list. 6 samples 26c 24 samples $1.00. Mall -Order Dept T-78. NOVA -RUBBER CO.. Box 91, Hamilton. Ont Want 'ANTED TO BUY -50 OR 100 -ACRE farm with buildings, in Seafortb. vicinity. Apply to Box 51, HURON EX- POSITOR. 4363-3 Notices RADIO REPAIRS -FOR ALL KINDS of radios, at TERRY'S RADIO RE- PAIR, opposite Dick House, Seafortb. Phone 347-R. 436343 For Rent FOR RENT—OFFICE SPACE IN THE Dominion Bank Building. Apply to tete Manager. 4849.45 Property For Sale 1 OR SALE IN SEAFORTH — FIVE acres ; seven -room house; barn; hen- house; garage; colony house. Apply Box 53, HURON EXPOSITOR. 4563x3 pen SAT.1r-.7-ROOM FRAME COT- tage, with bath, furnace and modern conveniences, on Goderich St East Early Possession. Apply to Box 52, HURON EXPOSITOR. 4363x3 ONE HUNDRED ACRES CHOICE land. Logan Township, now pasture; large bank barn, eight -room house, drilled well, electricity throughout; reasonable offer accepted. WILLIAM ALLEN, 320 Spx4ngton Road, Upper Darby, Penna 4363x3 HOUSE FOR SALE FRAME 1STOREY HOUSE, SIX rooms and bath and attached garage: full basement; 2 lots with garden. Cen- tre Street, Seaforth. Residence of late Isabelle Hester. Immediate possession. Apply— McCONNELL & HAYB Solicitors for Estate. 4302-4 For Sale FOR SALE—NEW GILSON REFRIG- esodor, 7 reed' foot PHONE 670 r 41, Seaford'. 4365x1 Thee SALE -17 CUBIC FOOT " UNI - FR ORENT—FURNISHED HOUSE TO versa! cooler, suitable for store. Ap- rent All modern conveniences. MRS. p4v C. G. LFF, Hensall. 4363-3 EARL BELL. Phone 206, Seaforth. 4365-1 Help Wanted FOR SALE — CLAPP'S FAVOURITE pears; ready. end of August Apply MRS.. MESSENGER, Egmondville. 9365x1 TUPPERWARE VACUUM SEALED WANTED—A WAITRESS FOR THE dishes and beautiful six -gauge plastic TASTY GRILL, Seaforth. I tablesrloths. Please call MRS. FRED L. 4365x1 MILLER, . Rettenbury St, Clinton. Phone 334.,W, collect. 4361-6 WANTED—SALEA SLDIES FOR DRY goods and ladies' ready -'to -wear de- partments. Apply in person to STEW RT BROS.. Seafonth. 4364-2 Motor Cars For Sale 'POR SALE -1936 FORD CAR, IN GOOD 1 condition. Apply to BRUCE WAL- TERS, Seaforth. 4365x1 -rFOA SALE -1940 NASH CONVERT - custom radio and heater- $600.00 or best offer. PHONE 783, Seafophh. 4365x1 News Items - of Hensall and District Mrs. G. Elliott was last week's winner of the architect designed house plans in a contest sponsored by Simpson's, London. Her prize FOR. SALE — WESTINGHOUSE RE- frigerator, 60 cycle, in excellent condi- tion, 3200; to-H.P. motor. 60 cycle. priced reasonable. Apply to LES. VICK, Li - toweL 4365-1 FOR SALE—NEW SINGER SEWING machines, electric and treadle. Re- pairs to all makes. SINGER SEWING CENTRE, 78 Ontario St., Stratford. 4223-i£ In Memoriam McBEATl3--In LOVING MEMORY OF a dear husbland and father, John McBeath, who diad one year ago, August 31, 1950. Our lips cannot tell how we miss him. Our hearts cannot Oen What to say ; God alone knows bow we miss him In a home that is lonesome today. —Ever remembered by wife and family. 4365-1 MIXED TULIP BULBS -100 LARGE $1.50; 100 medium. 75c: 100 small, 40c. Gladiolas Blooms, 75c a dozen. PURCELL FLOWER GARDENS. Phone 145-R, Seater-& 4363-3 1950 E, DE LUXFORD, WELL EQUIP- FOR QUICK SALE — 2 UPRIGHT ped ; low mileage; $600.00 below ni�nos : 1 organ; 2 piano stools; 4 new price (private); will accept light chairs: an.ir doable tools; 4 trade in as part Payment PHONE 116-1, heavy rope. and other article;. Must be H nsall sold by Skturday, Sept. 1. Can be seen at MRS. PECK'S STORE. 9365-1 e . '43fa3a8 TENDERS ARE WANTED FOR THE purchase of the farm. South one-half Lot 16 Concrosion 5 Township of Mee Tenders Wanted TENDERS WANTED Killop, containin<r 50 acres, more or less, I tenders to be .accompanied by a certified cheque for 10 per cent of amount of tcrekr. I TTSED DESKS, SUITABLE FOR V or public schooL Apply to M. A REID Secretary, Seaforth High School District 4360-1 COLEMAN—IN LOVING MEMORY OF a dear husband and father, Lorne W. Coleman, who passed away one year ago, September 1, 1950. It's lonesome here without you, There is such a vacant space, For we never hear your footsteps Or see your smiling face. As we loved you, so we miss you, In memory you are near: Loved, remembered, longed for always, bringing many a silent tear. —Sadly missed and ever remembered by his wife and family. 4865x1 NEW IDEA CORN PICKERS; 1 JOHN e,. -^e 1 -row corn picker: MM. 1 -row cern picker; Pax hog Seeders ; Lente Plow coulters; oil beaters and supply tanks; used manure spreaders: hay load- er ^ne side rakes. Apply to NFW IDEA 'ISTRIBUTORS. Goderich. Phone Car- lew, 2821. 9364x2 FOR SALE Highest or any tender not necessarily accepted. Tenders opened on September 15. 1951. 1, M. FRANCIS. Box 103. Exeter. Ont. Administrator with well annexed of the Eatste of the late Herald F. Lawrence. 43644 Auction Sales EXECUTORS' SALE I SALE OF PROPERTY AND HOUSE- HOLD EFFECTS HAROLD JACKSON, AUCTIONEER, has received instructions to seal be public anotion for the Executors of the Estate of the bate Mxs. Ale:rander Ster- ling, tecling, in the Village of Egmondville, op- ywsite Haney's Store, on Saturday, Sept &th, at 1 p.m.: Quebec cook stove: McClary 2 -burner electric range: 2 -burner hot plate; 7% foot Frigidaire llike new); Beatty elec-, tris washing machine; dining moan suite, table, bfrffet and 6 chairs : chesterfield bed; chesterfield and 2 chairs ;' drop-leaf table; kitchen chairs; kitchen cabinet; drop head Singer sewing machine; fern- ery: ern-ery: number of rockers and small tables; co•.Lclr : 2 furnished bedrooms : 2 chest drawers; quilt boxes and trunks ; hooked matt ; floor coverings : quantity of Bridal Wreath Limogee china; other dishes; kit- chen utensils ; linens ; rubber tired lawn mower (new) ; garden tools and other an..icles. PROPERTY — 7 -room frame house. in good condition. with hydro: good sized barn, garage: 7 vacant lots adjoining and good water supply. Terms — Cbattels, cash- Property, 10v/ down, balance in 30 days. For further pa:secnlars apply to A. W. SILLERY, Seaforth, or WILLIAM STERLING, Goderieh, Executors for the E tate. or Harald Jack- son, Auctioneer; E. P. Chesney, Clerk. 4365-2 CLEARING AUCTION SALE OF Valuable Real Estate and Househoid Effects. on the premises. East Side Wel- lington Street, in the Village of Hensall. The undersigned auctioneer has been in- structed to sell by public auction on Wed- nesday. September 6th• 1961, commencing at 1:30 o'clock pm., sharp: REAL ESTATE—Corwivting of Lots 1, 2 and 3 of Wilson's Survey, Village of Hensall, on which .is situated a wen -built two- storey brick house, equipped with bath- room; has water pressure a yatemr and funsace; also a fair sized barn and gar- age: all in good condition: best of gar- den land Land is in ideal location for good building bots. Temps of Real Fe. tate-40ofc on day of sale; balance in 80 days. Will be sold subject to a reason- able reserved bid. HOUSEHOLD EF- FFOTS—sCam)rination bookcase and writ- ing desk: davenport: oak round-tnp ex- tension dining room table; 6 chairs; 8 complete bedroom suites with esprangs and mattress: new rongoleum rug 10x14 ft.; small tugs and mals ; 2 small rockers; couch ; 'piano stool: chest of drawers; day bed; 3 large antique style chairs ; shaving mirror; centre baste; outer antique furni- ture; fern stand; 1 large cabirest radio; mall Indio, dike new; radio table; bullet: leather rockers: electric lamps; small electric stove; kitchen range, lake new; 2 lenge 'trunks: cellar table • pictures and picture frames; kitchen airmails; 96 -piece beautiful design dinner set: avenue dish- es; sityii-wvaare: glassware: variety of dishes: liealera, crocks, etl•pper boiler: aas- dortmeai'f of linens, quilts, comforters and bedding AIee sausage Wader and pry: large Order kettle; gelvanite d tubs' bearer seedier; 2 eiteteure Butter aiid=iali.*other tri 11 teettee us *6 r eetIott. All tea 5 Ilea cottdltion. Tents Oath. teethe • Pied Theetion, VOA: IV 1;C`alri$ar. A9ietiol ea(t eteell i.: HIGH FOR SALE—VICTORIA BLACK CUR- r::nt bushes, ready to plant out in October. These are excelled for yield- irrn Large fruit of the finest quality. I had 26 quart from five bushes this year, and almost double that in 1950. They never fail. Four plants for 31.00; less than four, 35 cents each. Order now. WILLIAM MURRAY. R.R. 3, Seaforth. Phone 664 r 4. 4363 .3 HONEY — OUR 1951 CLOVER EX- tnLct.ed and ready for delivery. Choice No. 1 extracted under senit+ry condi- tions. Our bees are Government inepec.- ed and free from di case. Prices are •e by the Ontario Honey Board. Choice N 1, in your own container, 20c per lb.: in 2 -Ib. pails, 50c per pail : 4-1h. pails, Plc : case .Iota, 2 -Ib. size, 510.00: 4-1b. see. 09.50- Try this heavy bodied fine fl •your ed honey and be convinced with the good quality. You must be satisfied or ei u money will be d,eerfully refunded. C 11 evenings or Saturday afternoons. ED. A. NOAKES, Hcssall, Ont. Phone 123-J. 4363-3 Recessed Bathtubs $60 QMART MARTHA WASHINGTON AND Rdghledge stainless three-piece bath- room sets. White 5160.00 to 5169.00. Co'- oured 5274.00, complete with beautiful chromed fittings. Air conditioning furn- aces 3295.00- Special offers to, plumi',ere and bonders 40o. Save many v elusble dollars, buy with confidence and have a nicer home. Satisfaction guaranteed_ Extra discounts off catalogue prices if we supply everything you need for eemrkate plumbing or heating installation. Cata- logue includes litho photos of main fix- tures, prices and installation diagrams. Select style of sinks. cabinet, laundry tubs, showers, stoves, refrigerators. Pres- sure water systems. oil burners. septic and on tanks, etc. Visit or write JOHNSON MAIL ORDER DIVISION, Steeteville Hardware. Streetsville - Ontario Phone 261; Evenings 51 R 15 Notices To Creditors NOTICE to CREDITORS In the Estate of MABEL STIRLING A L LPERSONS HAVING CLAIMS against the Estate of Mabel Stirling, l:..te of the Town of Seaforth, in the County of Huron, deceased, who died on , or about the 16th day of August, 1951, are hereby •notified to send in to the un- dersigned on or before the 22nd dry of September, 1951. full particulars of their Ashes. Cards Of Thanks I WLSH TO THANK MY NEIGHBORS, friends and relatives for cards, treats and flowers while a patient in St JceePtes Hospital. London, and since I carne home; also anyone who •h•E4ped in any other way. MRS. HOWARD FINKBEINER 4365-1 T WISH TO THANK ALL MY FRIENDS and neighbor who were so kind to me during my illness. and thanks to Rev. W. A Jonas, Dr. McMaster and the Nurs- es at the Roselle!. They were all most thoughtful. 4365-1 MRS. F. DUNGEY Irmmedlately alter the said last men- tioned date, the assets of the said estate will be tBatr-lbated amongst the parties entitled thereto, having regard only to claims of which the andernigned shall then have notice, to the exclusion of ail others, and the undeaigned will not be liable to any person of whcse claim the undersign- ed shall not then have notice for the assets so distribatal or any part thereof. ALVIN W. SILLERY, Seaforth, Ontario, r Solicitor for the Estate. 4365-2 The mighty little Classified Ado. in The Huron Expositor bring best results. Phone 41, Beaforth. i(+ Daly Motors Ford - Monarch Dearer PHONE 102 SEAFORTH Have in stock for immediate delivery: WED AT BRUCEFIELD NEW 1951 Monarch Sport Sedan --Star- light Green, with fully auto- matic transmission 1951 Ford Custom Fordor—Ever- glade green 1951 Ford Custom Fordor—Sheri- dan blue 1951 Ford Custom Tudor—Sheffield green 1951 Ford -Ton Pick-up—Sheri-I dan blue 1951 Ford and Fordson Major Tractors Dearborn Implements in stock— Plows: 3 styles, disc plows, culti- vators, discs, drag harrows, soil pulverizers, front-end loaders, cord- wood saws, posthole diggers, soil scoops, corn planters, Fordson plows and cultivators. USED '950 Pontiac Sedan—Heater, radio, sun visor; 12,000 miles 1947 Ford Tudor—Heater, radio. 1940 Chevrolet 5 -Passenger Coupe 1940 Plymouth Coach 1949 Ford 1 -Ton Express 1938 Ford ih -Ton Pick-up Four -Ford Tractors Three Cockshutt Tractors One Case Model L Tractor DROP IN AT DALY'S The Dealer with the Stock Murray Evan Squire, Sarnia, son of Mr. and Mrs. Carman Squire, Glencoe, is pictured with his bride, Anna Elizabeth Allan, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Allan, Brucefield. Married at Brucefield, they will make their home in Corunna. village Saturday, Sept. 8, sponsor- ed by the Girl Guides. Please have papers and magazines tied in bun- dles and placed in front of your homes by 9:30 a.m., when they will be picked up. Wire coat hangers, tied, and flat cardboard boxes will be appreciated. Dr. and Mrs. J. C. Goddard, Beth and Peggy, attended the Toronto Exhibition Wednesday of this week. Scores for the gun shoot held at Kippen Tuesday night, sponsored by Kippen Gun Club, were as fol- lows: Lloyd Venner, Hensall, high, with twenty-five straight at sixteen yards, with Hedley Prouse and Bill .Lumpby, Goderich, with twenty-four, runners-up. In the handicap, John Anderson was high with twenty-three; Hedley Prouse, runner-up, with 21. The aneual Labor Day shoot will be held at Kippen on Monday, Sept. 3, for Kippen Gun Club Tro- phy Clay Target Championship of Huron County, open to all shoot- ers: 59 -bird event, 25, 16 yards; 25 handicap; also 25 -bird event handi- cap; 100 option on each 25 birds. Mr. John L. Nichol, A.C.C.O., or- ganist and choir director of Car- mel Presbyterian Church, who left this week for Timmins to oversee the superintendence of music in five schools there and to be organ- ist of First United Church, was honored at a party in the .church in appreciation of the work which he did here. He was presented with a gift in recognition of his faithful services. Mrs. Al Kerslake made the presentation and lunch was served:. Mrs. William Mickle attended the C.N.E., Toronto, this• week. James A. Paterson, Clerk of Hensall, has received word 'that Warren Stephenson, of Mount For- est, who was appointed policeman for the village, is not coming. will be plans for a dream house appearing in the August issue of the Canadian Home Journal. Mrs. G. M. Chellew and daugh- ter, Carolyn, returned to Los An- geles last week after vacationing for two months with Mrs. Chel- lew's parents,. Mr, and Mrs. C. Cook, at their summer cottage at Grand Ben& Mr. and Mrs. Chester Lee are moving this week into one of Mr. Ed. Fink's apartments over his store. Mrs. Archie Noakes underwent a major operation in St. Joseph's Hospital, London, this week, and at date of writing is doing n'cely. Mrs. Harry Smith, of the Bell Telephone staff, is on vacation for two weeks. Mrs. Roy •Smythe, Nelson, B.C., is spending a month or so with her sister and brother-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. C. Cook. Announcement( Dr. and Mrs. Ross P. I. Dougall, of Petrolia, announce the engage- ment of their elder daughter, Mona. Alice, to Mr. William Gordon Brett, of Windsor, son of Mr. and Mrs. William H. Brett, of London. The marriage win take place Monday, Sept. 10, at Glen Gordon Manor, Blenheim. Mr. and Mrs. David Dignan, of Hensall, have returned home from Saskatchewan, having visited the former's brother, Arthur Dignan, of Marquis, also' other relatives. Go- ing by T.C.A. to Regina and motor ing through Saskatchewan, they report a. very delightful trip. - A paper drive will be held in the Births ANDERSON—At Stratford General Hos- pital, on August 21, to Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Anderson, formerly of McKillop, a son. BEUERMANN—At Scott Memorial Hospi- tal, on August 25, to Mr. and Mrs. Orville Beuermann, R -R. 5, Seaforth, a daughter. ELLIOTT—At Scott Memorial Hospital. on August 29, •ho Mr. and Mrs. Fred Elliott, Seafortb, a daughter. NOA.KES—Mr. and Mrs. Earl McKellar, Simeoe (nee Helen Noakes), are very happy to announce the arrival of their daughter, Susan Lynn, at Sirncoe, Gen- eral Hospital, Monday, August 27, 1951. A granddaughter for Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Noakes, Hensall. Threshing Machine 24 -inch Cylinder — Solid Wood Body Sold by Bell Threshing Machine Co., with Feeder and Shredder, all ready to go SALE PRICE $1,075.00 See this machine if interested, at ataHugill'aus FARM or Phone 667 r 6 - Seaforth NASH Leads the Parade IN STYLE and PERFORMANCE ! We can supply you in any color, and your best buy is the Canadian Statesman, nude right in Toronto. You can travel anywhere and rest in your Nash with extra mattress and screens. No looking for hotels or cabins — that's a big saving on your pocketbook. Also have 1/2 -Ton 1951 Ford Pick-up 1947 Chevrolet Coach, in perfect shape SEE YOUR NASH DEALER Jonathan Hugill Phone 667 r 6, Seaforth Three Miles West of Seaforth welcome her o the village. Mr. and Mrs, William Henry moved this week to their new home in. Hensall. Miss Minnie Reid, Hensall, spent a day with relatives in the village last week. Mrs. G. Griffith and children, of Stratford, are visiting friends in the village. Mrs. H. Zapfe is visiting her daughters in Detroit. The members of the Mission $and held their picnic at the Lions Park, Seaforth„ last Wednesday, having as their guests the W.M.S.; and C.G.LT. -In spite of cool wea- ther, a very pleasant afternoon un- der the leadership of Mrs. S. Baird and Mrs. Ed. Allan. Races and contests were enjoyed by all and a delicious picnic supper was served. KIPPEN Master Donald Parsons is holi- daying at the home of his aunt and uncle, Mr. and Mrs. J. Fergu- son, at Chiselhurst. Misses Gail Ann and Lynn Gack- stetter spent a few days last week with their aunt and uncle, Mr. and Mrs. Elniore Gackstetter, of Exe- ter, Carolyn and Earl Gackstet- ter returned with them for some holidays Mr. and Mrs. Alex McMurtrie visited recently with relatives in Windsor. Wedding bells are ringing in this community. Mr. and Mrs. A. Fawcett and daughters, of Caledonia, were Sun- day visitors with Mr. and Mrs. H. Jones. Mr. and Mrs. A. Gackstetter and Mr. and 'Mrs. William Horsey, of Exeter, were guests at the Har- vey - Desher wedding in Ridge- way on Thursday last. The groom, Dr. Donald. Horney, spent several months with his cousins, Mr. and Mrs. A. Gaekstetter, before enter- ing college four years ago. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Westlake and children, of near Bayfield, vis- ited recently with Mr. and Mrs. Harold Jones. Miss' Marion Thompson, who has been employed in London for the summer months, is spending some holidays with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Thompson. Mr. and Mrs. A. Gackstetter vis- ited last week with the latter's brother and sister-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Ferguson, in Fort Erie, and also visited in Buffalo and Hamilton. Mr. John C. Doig is visiting his mother and sister after returning from a boat trip on the S.S. North American to Chicago, Mackinaw Islands and Sault Ste. Marie. He will also attend the Toronto Ex- hibition before returning to his home in Grand Rapids, Mich. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Long. of Owen Sound, spent the week -end with Mr. and- Mrs. Norman King. 'Mr. and Mrs. Norman Dickert spent 'Sunday with relatives in Clifford. Mr. and 'Mrs. Tom Hill. of Luc - an, visited with Mr. and Mrs•. Long on Sunday. Congratulations are extended to David Cooper, son of Mr. and Mrs. John Cooper, of Kippen, in win - Hold Successful Bingo'. The monster :bingo held in the Community Arena Monday even- ing, sponsored by the Hensall Branch of the Canadian Legion and Ladies' Auxiliary, was a great success. Five hundred dollars in prizes was given away during the evening. Winners of the three spe- cials were: $150.00 special, Mrs. Florence Joynt, Hensall, and Mrs. H. Fairservice, Clinton (tied), re- ceived $75 each; $75, Jack Cooper, Kippen; $50, Mrs. R. McDonald, Clinton, and Bob McKenzie, Hen- sall (tied), $25 each. Winners of the fifteen rounds at $15.00 each were: Bob Sangster and Mrs. P. Graham, Hensall (tied);. Bob Row- cliffe, Hensall; Paul Boa, Wes. Venner, Hensall, and C. Sanders, Exeter (tied); Reg. Elliott,' Exe- ter; Mrs. James A. Patterson, Hen- sall; Muriel Rivers, Seaforth; T. Brintnell, Hensall; E. Sims, Exe- ter, and Mrs. A. Townsend, Hen- sall (tied) ; MI'S. Scott, Royal Oak, Mich., Bob McKenzie, Hensall, Mr. Halley, Exeter, Sam Rennie, Hen- sall, and Ted Johnson, Exeter (tied); Miss Hannah Hurray, Hen- sall; Miss Gladys Luker, Hensall; Mrs. Harold Bonthron and Joe Flynn, Hensall (tied) ; Ed. Cowan, Exeter; John Farquhar, Hensall, Mrs. T. Brintnell and Mrs. G. Broderick, Hensall (tied). In a novelty bingo twenty-two received, free passes to the next monster bingo to be held in the Arena on Monday, Sept. 10, with over $1,000 in cash, to be given away, includ- ing ncluding a $500.00 jackpot to be won that night. Jack Tudor was mas- ter of ceremonies. Members of the Legion were linesmen, and ladies of the Auxiliary conducted a booth. STAFFA Mr. and Mrs. Garnet Taylor, Mrs. Simpson and Mr. James Mc- Clure, of McKillop, left by motor on Monday for Russell, Manitoba. District Weddings Van Egmond - Fraser The wedding was solemnized re- cently at the Wesley -Willis Unit- ed Church manse, Clinton, with the Rev. Hugh C. Wilson officiat- ing. Viola Fraser, only daughter of Mrs. Charles Fraser, Clinton. was united in marriage to 'J. Wil- lis Van Egmond, of Hullett Town- ship. The bride chose a powder blue crepe afternoon dress with matching accessories and a cor- sage of American Beauty red ros- es. Attendants were Mr. and Mrs. Charles Brown, the latter a sister of the groom, and wearing a red crepe dress, black and white ac- cessories with a corsage of white carnations. Their small daughter, Elaine, as flower girl, wore a red taffeta frock with white carnation corsage. At a reception held at the bride's home, Mrs. Fraser re- ceived, wearing black crepe with pink accessories, assisted by the bride's aunt, Mrs. McKelvie, of Winnipeg, Man., in a printed crepe and a corsage of pale pink roses. The couple left on a week's honey- moon to points north prior to tak- ing up residence on the groom's farm' at R.R. 1, Clinton. BRUCEFIELD Mr. Doug McBeath, Wingham, spent the week -end with his par ents, Mr. and Mrg: W. McBeath. 'Mr. and Mrs. G. Beecroft and children, of Belgrave, were Sun- day visitors with Mr. and Mrs. R. Watson_ Mrs. A. Consitt, formerly of Sea - forth, has taken up residence with her sister, Mrs. Wm. Douglas. We "you mutat avoid all forms of ex- cite*neht on your vacation," a doc- tor told the young man. The latter gulped and asked: "Can't 1 even look at 'em across the street?" 1r( : UG'U C 014.1951 ring $76 ilq cash at a ,binggoheld in Hensall on 'Monday 'night Mr. z£nd Mrs. Wilmer i eGregor, of Goderieh, called on their father and mother, Mr. and Mrs. William McGregor, on Saturday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Thompson and family held a picnic at Turn - bull's Grove on Sunday. Mr, William Sinclair received word on Tuesday of the sudden death of his brother, Mr. Gilbert � JE M.G!{ aEG.' =AT BENCH :OR DESK Sinclair, of Wetton- Sympathy 1*,, extended to tho. idattlliF. ipi Egir,. lostt Rev. and Mrs. Hinton. retinue* borne after spending a Mont*'* vacation with their family't-n Verb, dun, Quebec. Mr. and Mrs. Roy 'Smith antis family are moving this week tree Centralia. Miss "Jean Ivieone is at 'presents " having her v o ation. FALL FROLIC Sponsored Iby the Hensall Branch Canadian Legion in the Community Arena, Hensall FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 7th Bingo - Games of Chance - Wheels of Fortune • GIANT DRAW • •DOOR PRIZE, $25.00 CASH Admission 25 Cents THE VOICE OF • TEMPERANCE The Exeter Times -Advocate of August 23 reports a Gdderich court case of August 18, in which two young men escaped conviction be- cause their offence wan not indict- able under the Canada Temperance Act. The magistrate described their offence "disrupting the peace of the town," "interfering with peaceful citizens." "rowdyism." No one ever claimed that such an of- fence was indictable under the Canada Temperance Act. But ev- eryone knows that it is a breach of the Criminal Code. Who blun- dered that these men were charg- ed with law infraction under the C.T.A.? Wbo blundered that they were not charged under the Crim- inal Code? When such offences! as are descr'.bed above are comes milted, the people of Huron want administration under the Criminal Code and they do not want words of contempt for the Canada Tem- perance Act which is not applicable to the case.—(Advt.). • . • money to make money Electricity and modern machinery are time- savers and money-makers. The BofM is ready to lend you money to help yon make more money. Ask or write for our folder "Quiz for a Go-ahead Farmer." Better sta74 see your Bof M manager today. 'MY BAND TOA aaame a MUS 4rurnr(frci a ip ever) ti,ilk-of life titre 181' Hensall Branch: WALTER JARRETT, Manager Bargains -Bargains MUST REDUCE OUR STOCK OF USED TRACTORS! — Make Us An Offer! — M. -H. 55 Gas Tractor—Used 2 years; excellent condition. M. -H. 81 Standard Tractor—Extra good; runs and looks like new. M. -H. 44 Standard Tractor—Used to demon- strate; has hydraulic; new guarantee. - Allis W.S. R.C.—Like new. Cockshutt 70 Standard — Completely overhaul- ed; new paint. See this one. Cockshutt 70 R.C.—New paint; reconditioned. - John Deere 'H' R.C.—New motor, new paint; like new. Ford-Ferguson—New rings and sleeves, field cultivator, new paint. Real good. IT WILL PAY YOU TO SEE US AND MAKE AN OFFER SEAFORTH MOTORS Massey -Harris Sales & Service Phone 141 Seaforth BRAND NEW CARS Any FORD All at Regular List ALSO G.M.C. Make! — Any Style! — Any Color! CHEVROLET OLDSMOBILE BUICK PONTIAC METEOR Price — Approximately 24 -Hour Service — GUARANTEED SERVICE CHEVROLET FORD MERCURY TRUCKS USED CARS '51 CHEV. DE LUXE BELAIR HARD TOPPED 49 CHEV. STXLELINE COACH CONVERTIBLE—Two-tone in color, air con, '48 PONTIAC FLEETLINE COACH—Radio, 1 ditioning, custom radio, extras air conditioning '51 BRAND NEW STYLELINE SEDAN '48 CHEV. FLEETLINE COACH—Radio, "50 PONTIAC SEDAN - ` heater '48 CHEV. STYLEMASTER COACH '49 CHEV. DE LUXE STYLELINE SEDAN—Fully '47 CHEV. COACH equipped '41 CHEV. COACH '49 crfrv. FLEETLINE COACH '41 DODGE COUPE '49 CHEV. FLEETLINE SEDAN '39 CHEV. SEDAN '49 CHEV. DE LUXE STY'Lli1LINE SEDAN '36 DODGE SEDAN Radio, air-conditioning '35 CHRYSLER SEDAN SPECIALS—'47 Chev. Sedan, $1,150.00 '• '48 Chev. %-ton Stake Truck '36 Chev. Coach,'$900 A written guarantee for 60 days do all late model cars. Some of these Cars are on display at the SUPERTEST SERVICE STATION, SEAFORTH. For further information, contact the lessees. MANY OTHER MODELS TO CHOOSE FROM PHONE 73-X •BRUSSELS .MOTORS BRUSSELS -- ONTARIO "The 'Home of Better Used Cars" OPEN EVERY oyealeokeeeeela EVENING R' P tr • .r,