HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1951-08-24, Page 44i PAM, FOUR classified Ads. 1 THE HURON EXPOSITOR a! ifs �rJ 1r4 Classified Ads Inserted At New Low Cash Rates: FOR SALE, WANTED, LOST AND FOUND, ETC.—Per Word: 1st week 1 Cent 2434 w% �E 3rd week Minimum charge, first insertion.... 25 Cents Each figure. initial and abbreviation counts ea ens word Garda of Thanks, In Memoriam Nation, Comlug Events -1 Dent ala ward. Miadmam. 50 cents per week. Enquiries may be directed Mt a Box No., c/o The Hum's E peettor. far 10 arab extra. Ten cents additional will be charged if ads du above slaw ars not pstd within 10 dere of date of final insertion. Births. Marriages and Deaths inserted free ed charge Auction Sallee, Notices to (keditoas. Ete.—Bates on application. s Coming Events THERE'S MANY A GOOD PLACE TO dance, but one of the Best is the Crystal Palace Ballroom. Mitchell, every Friday night, to the music of Don Rob- ertson and his Ranch Boys_ 4364x4 YE GOOD OLD TYNE HAYLOFT HOE - down at the Crystal Palace Ballroom, Mitchell, this Friday night with Don Rob- ertson and his Ranch Boys. 4363x2 Personals SKINNY MEN, WOMEN! GAIN 5 TO 15 1be. New pep, too. Try famous Ostrex Tonic Tablets for double results; new healthy flesh; new vigor. New "get acquainted" size ONLY 60c. All drug- gists. HYGIENIC SUPPLIES (R U BBE R Goods), mailed postpaid in plain, sealed envelope with price list. 6 ,ample, 26c: 24 samples 51.00. Mail -Order Dept, T-73. FOR SALE—AN IRON WELL PUMP NOVA -RUBBER CO., Box 91., Hamilton. with tydunder, 3x11, cmrplete for 59. Ont No further use for same. JOHN ELDER, Hensail. 4363-tf For Rent FOR RENT—OFFICE SPACE IN THE Dominion Bank Bnnld.ing. Apply to the Manager. 4349-tf For Sale FOR SALF STUDIO GOUCH, KIT - ,`m. cabinet, white enamel top. ]'HONE 489-11, Seafortd, 4364x1 FOR SALE—L1ME GREEN BUDGl.f, male, end cage. PHONE 4.5. 4364x1 FOR SALE ---ONE YOUNG SOW DUE in two weeks; also 11 chunks weigh- ing about 70 Ile. each. J. S. O'REILLY. Phone 46 r 3, Dublin. 4364x1 RADIO REPAIRS—FOR ALL KINDS of radian, et TERRY'S RADIO RE- PAIR, opposite Dick House, Seaforth_ Phone 347-R 4363-tf Motor Cars For Sale FOR SALE -1931 CHEV_ SEDAN AND ly 11.P. garden tractor. Both in ,nod shape. Apply MRS. IL G. MELS. Phone 306. 4364x1 13150 E. DE LUXFORD, WELL EQUIP - 1.7 pal; low mileage; 5600.00 below new price (private) ; will accept light trade in as part payment PHONE 116-J, Hensel, 4363x8 FOR SALE—GLADIOLI BLOOMS FOR sale. Apply to KEITH HUISSER. one block west of Exmondville Church. Phone 668 r 3, Se1forth. 4362x3 OR SALE—TRUNK, METAL COVER- 'eci• in good condition; size 34x21x23 inches ; also number of small wooden framed pictures. Apply to Box 55, HUR- ON EXPOSITOR. 4364x1 TUPPERWARE VACUUM SEALED dishes and beautiful six -gauge plastic tablecloths. Please call MRS. FRED L. FOR SALE -1949 PLYMOUTH SPECIAL MILLER, Rattenbury St., Clinton. Phone De Luxe Sedan, in excellent condition_ 334-W, collect 4361-6 Privately owned, with air --conditioning, white, wall tires, slip 4eVers, etc. Can be seen at SHELL STATION Monday to Fri- day. PHONE 570, Seaforth. 4864-1 5`OR SALE—NEW SINGER SEWING machines. electric and treadle. RR Pa ire to all makes. SINGER SEWING CENTRE, 78 Ontario St., Stratford. 4223-tt Help Wanted WANTED—A WAITRESS FOR THE TASTY GRILL, Seaforth. 4364x1 MIXED TULIP BULBS -100 LARGE $1. ;0 ; 100 medium, 75c ; 100 srn-Il, 40c. Gladiolus Blooms. 75e a dozen. PURCELL FLOWER GARDENS. Phone 115-R, Seaforth. 4363-3 FOR SALE -2 SINKS, 2 PUMPS, 2 WANTED—SALESLADIES FOR DRY Quebec staves, white brick, corner goods and ladies' ready-to-wear de- erotrboard, linoleum, 2 pair coil bed partments. Apply in person to STEWART springs, commode, dresser, crib, piping, BROS., Seaforth. 4364-2 7 -inch stovepipes. Apply C. REEVES, Seeforth. 4364-1 WANTED—HOUSRRF:FPER FOR ELD- erly couple, in modern home; own room, no cleaning or washing; evenings end Sundays off. Write GORDON EL- LIOTT, Blyth, Ontario. 4368-2 CARETAICER WANTED FOR EGMOND- vine United Church- Duties to begin September 1, 1951. Applications to be made to A. J. HOUSTON, Chairman of Board of Stewards. 4363x2 CABINETMAKER MACHINIST AND 4th CLASS EN- gineer. We are expanding. Pleasant working conditions, top wages, group in- surance, definitely steady employment, five day 48-hour week. See or write JAMES COLE FURNITURE COMPANY, Inger- soll. 4368-2 Tenders Wanted TENDERS WANTED rlaENDERS ARE WANTED FOR THE purchase of the farm, South one-half Lot 16, Conception 5, Township of MA - K 'Dn, containing: 50 acres, more or less.] tenders to be accompanied by a certified a....,00 for 10 per cent. of emount of tend. r. Highest or any tender not necessarily accepter,. Tenders opened on September 11 1951. B. M. FRANCIS, Box 103, Exeter, Ont. Adinini-traitor with will annexed of the Estate of the Sate Herald F. Ipwrence. 4364-3 Wanted WANTED TO BUY -50 OR 100 -ACRE farm with buildings, in Seaforth vicinity. Apply to. Box 51, HURON EX- POSITOR. 4363-3 WANTED -8 OR 4 -ROOM UNFURN- iahed apartanent, by High School teacher and wife, by Sept. 1. R. K Me- LEOD, 437 Doninda St, London. Tel. 3-2161M, collect, evenings. 4363x3 WANTED LEVEL 100 ACRES, FREE OF STONES, good buildings, reasonably priced. Cash buyer. Please write description, Price. Wm. Pearce, Realtor EXETER 4363x2 Property For Sale FOR SALE IN SEAFORTH — FIVE acres ; seven -.room house; barn; hen- house; garage; colony house. Apply Box 53, HURON EXPOSITOR, 4848x8 FOR SAL1i-7-ROOM FRAME COT - nerd. with bath, furnace and Modern conveniences, : on Goderich St East. Early Possession. Apply to Box 62, HURON EXPOSITOR. 4868x3 poll. SALE—TWO-STORY FRAME HEN house, approximately 40 by 16 feet. In good condition. Can be moved. Apply Box 50, HURON EXPOSITOR. 4363x2 ONE, HUNDRED ACRES CHOICE land, Logan Townahip, now pasture: large bank barn, eight -room house, drilled well, electricity throughout; reasonable offer accepted. WILLIAM ALLEN. 320 Sprin ton Road, Upper Darby, Penna. 4368x3 FOR SALE IN HENSALL Two good frame houses, each with furnace. hydro, garage, garden One good brick house, hot water furnace, hydro, full bath, extra lama. Others in Exeter and Crediton. Also stores, r'estaar'anta, gar- age, farms. WM. PEAIUIL. Realtor Earl Parsons, Salesman EXETER 426322 HOUSE FOR SALE FRAME 1'�-BTOREY HOUSE, SIX rooms and bath anti melted surege: fall basement; 2 lots With garden. es 'Ire Street, Seaforth. Haldane* of idtL , Isabelle Hester', Immollate riseeearioa. APO"-MAPO"— MeC4 At latia sot toile Sot' .70Wdiftir. 4162.4 RAti';lli s l en ..Si . xn,rotl HONEY FOR SALE—SATURDAY WILL be the 1.s',t day to have your empty cant-iners filled with fr,"h clover honey at 18o a pound. WALLACE ROSS APAIRIES, North Main St, Seaforth. 4364-1 FOR SALE—GEORGE WHITE THRESH- er•, steel body, 28x50, Ebersol feeder, cutter, and raider bear -ins; good running condition; finished with threshing for this season and ready for immediate sale. Price reasonable. Would sell or exchange on cattle. .DAVID TRIEBNER, Kippen, Ont. Phone 677 r 3, Mainsail. 4364-1 News Items of Hensall and District Miss Jean McQueen, bride -elect of Saturday, August 18, was show- ered with miscellaneous gifts at Poultry FOR SALE -100 HYBRID PULLETS, 6 months old. Apply to GEORGE CAMPBELL. Phone 849 r 3, Seaforth. 4364-1 Notices TO LOAN—ABOUT TWO THOUSAND dollars on mortgage, at 5 per cent intermit JOHN ELDER, Hensall 4368-t1 NOTICEI—W. S. D. STOREY WILL DO custom combining and straw bailing. Also for sale, 7 -foot International binder on robber; hasn't cut 50 acres_ PHONE 844 r 41, Seafortd, 4362x3 For Sale A PRIVATE SALE OF HOUSEHOLD furniture, including antiques, will commence Saturday, August 25th, from 7 p.m. to 10:30 pan., at the apartment of Miss Ferguson. Sproat Apartments, High Street, Seaforth. Being offered for sale are the following: Walnut dining room suite, table; china cabinet and 6 chairs; oak library table and writing desk, ,com- bined ; antique solid walnut sideboard; r tu:lio couch; occasional chair; rocker: walnut dresser ; small table; porcelain top kitchen table end kitchen ohairs ; trilight lamp ; sewing machine.: cedar chest: Wil- ton rub, 9'x9' ; brass fireplace screen: porch furniture; lawn mower: step lad- der, and other artielt. All furniture is in excellent condition. Births ELLIS—At Halifax infirmary, on August 5, 1951, to Mr. and Mrs. C. V. Ells (nee Margaret Drover), of Bedford. N.S., a son—Robert Keith. IA brother for Jean). JOYNT—Mr. and Mrs. Donald Joynt, Hensel] (nee Audrey Russell), are hap- py to announce the arrival of their son at St. Joseph's Hospital, London, Wed- nesday, August 22, 1951. YENNY—At Scott Memorial Hospit• 1. ,- August 17, to Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Yenny, Seaforth, a daughter. presentations arranged in her hon- or during last week. At the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Stew- art McQueen, over fifty neighbors and friends gathered to honor .her with a miscellaneous presentation. One of the highlights of the affair was a contest, "Dressing the Bride," the winner being Miss Jean McQueen. Piano solos were given by Miss Donna Rigby, of Blenheim, and Miss Maja Roobol, of Hensall; Mrs. Roobol, M. Harold Parker, Mrs. Thos. Brintnell, Mrs. D. Kins- man and Mrs. McLellan sang sev- eral numbers in costume with Miss Roobol as accompanist. Mrs. J. Glenn directed contests, and Mrs. M. Glanville, Mrs. Calvin Horton, Mrs. T. Brintnell, Mrs. J. Glenn, and Mrs. S. Mitchell arranged the presentation. Many beautiful gifts were received by the bride -elect. Mrs. Bertha Moir was hostess for the Arnold Circle Evening Aux- iliary at her home Wednesday eve- ning. Baskets of pastel gladioli and pink and white decorations formed, an attractive setting for the affair. Many lovely gifts were received by Jean, Mrs. Harry Hoy reading the address, and gifts pres- ented by Mrs. Moir. Mrs. R. Gimp, son directed the contests. There were twenty-five present. Mrs. Milton Laing, Exeter, ar- ranged a presentation at her home Thursday evening, when relatives and friends met to honor the bride - elect and to shower her with many lovely gifts. A pot -luck supper will be held by Hensall Women's Institute on Sept. 12 in the Legion Hall, Men- sal]. Members are requested' to bring exhibits for elimination to prepare for Exeter Fair, ineludino piece of tatting, leatherwork, need- lepoint, smocking, baking rolls. Five hundred dollars will be of- fered in prizes at the monster bin- go Monday night, sponsored by NEW IDEA CORN PICKERS; 1 JOHN I -row corn picker; M.M. 1 -row) corn picker: Pax hog feeders; Lantz plow coulters : oil heaters and supply tanks; used manure spreaders ; bay load- e- end side rakes. Apply to NEW IDEA .USTRIBUTORS• Goderich. Phone Car- low, 2821. 4364x2 FOR SALE USED DESKS, SUITABLE FOR HIGH or public school. Apply to M. A. REID Secretary, Seaforth High School District 4360-1 FOR SALE—VICTORIA BLACK CUR - rant bushes, ready to plant out in October. These are excelled for yield - int large fruit of the finest quality. I had 26 quarts from five bushes this year, and almost double that .in 1950. They never faiL Four plants for 51.00; less tnan four, 35 cents each. Order now. WILLIAM MURRAY, R.R. 3, Seaforth. Phone 664 r 4. 4363-8 HONEY — OUR 1951 CLOVER EX - treated and ready for delivery. Choice No. 1 extracted under sanitary condi- lions. Our bees are Government inspec - rd and free from disease. Prices ate re by the Ontario Honey Board. Choice No. in your own container: 20c, per Ib.; in 2-11). pails, 50e per pail; 4 -Ib. pails, 9.5e; a:e .lots, 2-I1. size. $10.00; 4-15. size, 39.50. Try this heavy bodied. fine fl :your ed homey and be convinced with the gsod duality. You must be satisfied or ••c u money will be cheerfully refunds:. C Il evenings or Saturday afternoons. D. A. NOAKES, Hannah, Ont. Phone 123-J. 4363-3 Auction Sales (ILEARING AUCTION SALE OF Heuadhold Furnkure, on Saturday, August 25th, at 1 p.m. sharp, at the home of Miss Bella Cox, Ord St, Sea - forth, of: Combination desk and book- case: china cabinet; wardrobe; 2 heater stoves: 1 cook stove; 1 oil stove; 1 kit• 1 chen table; 1 round dining table; odd 'Mdse and rocking chairs; 1 sideboard; Iresser; 2 washstands; 2 wooden beds; 1 iron bed; dishes ; pots; cutlery; sealers: iotnre : ironing board ; . lamps : stove. pires ; Raymond drophead sewing ma- chine. Terms—Cash. BELLA COX, Pro- prietres. ; Lew Rowland, Auctioneer. 4364-1 G''LEARING AUCTION SALE OF Valuable Real Estate and Household Effects, on the premises, East Side Wel- lington Street; in the Village of Hensen. The undersigned auctioneer has been in- ••trucbed to sell by public auction on Wed- nesday. September 54th. 1951, commencing at 1:80 o'clock p.m.. sharp: REAL ESTATE—Conriinting of Lots 1, 2 'and 3 of Wilson's Survey, Village of Hensall, 'n which is situated a well-built two- storey brick house, equipped with b ath- •ocen ; has water pressure system and "urruace; else a fair sized barn end gar- age: 'all .id good condition; best of 4ar- den land. Land is in idea] ion tion for woad building '.lots. Terms of Real Re - 'ate -410% on day of sale; balance in 30 .' a ya, Will be sold subject to a res • on- •l,le reserved bid. HOUSEHOLD RF- FDC'1'S—Combination bookcase and writ- ing riting deck; davenport; oak round -top ex- tension dining room table ; 6 eh irs ; 3 •,*rrdete bedroom suite; with springs and ','ttrees ; new congoloum rug 10x14 -mall rugs and mats: 2 small rockers ; --'ueh : piano stool ; chest of drawers ; day bed; 3 large antique style chairs ; shaving mirror; centre t^'ble; other antique turni- 'ure; fern stand; 1 large cabinet radio; mall radio, dike new: radia table: ouffet• leather rockers: e3eetric lamps • ems0 'eerie stove; kitchen range, like new: 2 'large trunks; cellar table: pictures end picture frames; kitchen mteesils ; 96 -piece '-evatiful design dinner set; antique dish- es; silverware; glassware; variety of dishes; sealers, crocks, copper boiler: as. sortment of linen,, quilts, comforters and bedding. Meo sausage grinder and preen; large iron kettle; galvanized ' 0 flower Vida r garden tiosoj's tu; ons'-e-bar'se seuflldei; 2 ladders ; earl -lege ; cotter, and Maar other maiden too nurrrerotla to mention. All are in Antedate condition. Texans Cash. A11A ORM.O, Proprietress: Fred Dawson, Clerk; Alvin Wolper, Auctioneer. 4844-2 M,r MORE THAN A MILLION CANADIANS PAY BILLS BY B OF M CHEQUE Every day, every office of the Bank of Montreal bundles hundrecs and thousands of cheques. Some cover business transactions of mil- lions of dollars, others are used to settle personal accounts of just a dollar or two. A11 over the country, people in every walk of life find it convenient to carry a B of M cheque book. • When you pay your bills by cheque, you avoid the time -wasting round of stores or offices. The stubs give you an exact record of how ^such you've spent, and your cashed and cancelled cheques, which your hank will return on request. serve as your receipts. It's safer, too. If you have the misfortune to lose bills or coin, you may or may not find your money again. But you can't lose the money in your B of M account, and no cheque is worth a cent until YOU have signed it. Mr. W. W. Jarrett, manager of the Bank of Montreal branch at Hensall, cordially invites you to open an account at hie office. Try out for yourself trhe merits of a B of M ohequing account. Tenders Wanted Persons interested are invited to submit tenders covering the operation of a GROCERY STORE AT R.C.A.F. STATION, CLINTON on a concession basis. Further information may be obtained from the COMMANDING OFFICER R.C.A.F. STATION - CLINTON Hensall Branch Canadian 'Legion and Ladies' Auxiliary, to be held in the Community Arena. Miss Linda Geiger, wtho has Haan visiting with ber grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. E. Geiger, returned to her home in Whitby on Tuesday, accompanied by her grandmother, avho will spend a few days visit- ing. Miss Arlene Hanson, Stratford, is visiting with her grandmother, Mrs. Violet Schwalm. The many friends of Mrs. Annie Logan. and Mrs. M. Harvey *i11 re- gret to learn are confined to their rooms with illness. Mr. and Mrs. Edgar McClinchey and Jerry are vacationing this week in Northern Ontario. Mr. and Mrs. W. O. Goodwin are spending two weeks vacationing at Shady View. Rev. Simpson, St. Marys, was guest speaker at Ohiselthurst Unit- ed Church, and Carmel Presbyter- ian Church_Sund,ay last, delivering two fine discourses, basing his thoughts from Acts, chapter 16, verses 7 and 8. Through disap- pointments and broken plans we can render great service to our fellowmen and to our Master. Let us, like Paul, allow ollr faith to enter into our circumstances. Let us not push Christ out of our lives, said the speaker. Mrs.. William Brown rendered a lovely solo, "Re- pent Ye, For the Kingdom of God is At Hand," Mr. J. L. Nicol, A.C. C.O., accompanied at the organ. C ROMARTY Messrs. Oswald Walker, Alex Gardiner and Gordon have left for the Western Provinces. Misses Anita and Alice Sorsdahl accompanied their aunt and uncle, Mr. and Mrs. Anton Rittalar on a motor trip to Niagara. Rev. R. Duncanson and Mrs. Duncanson and Marguerite visited with Miss' Mary B. Currie on Mon- day. 'Margaret and Joan Coleman have been holidaying with Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Laing. Mr, and Mrs. Stanley Allen, Col- leen and Norman, have returned to their home in Edmonton after vis- iting with their many relatives here. Mr. and Mrs. Anton Ritallar and family have left for their home in Filmore, Sas'k. They spent several weeks with Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Sorsdahl and other friends. Mr, and Mrs. T. Laing and Rob- ert Laing, accompanied by Mrs. Jean Chalmers and David, Mr. and Mrs. Ted Storey and Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Scott. visited on Sunday with Rev. G. Young and Mrs. Young at their cottage at Forest. Miss Sarah McKellar visited ov- er the week -end with Mr: and Mrs. Malcolm McKellar in Seaforth. Wold was received by Angus McKaig of the accident which oc- curred to his young niece, Mar- 1111111111111111111fl111I1111111 errt'r.e PLUMS About September 5th — at — C. HOARE'S ORCHARD NO. 4 HIGHWAY Mile North of Clinton IIIIIIIIuIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIluJIuu,lifilllttl' Wanted DOMESTIC HELP APPLY TO SUPERINTENDENT SCOTT MEMORIAL HOSPITAL BRAND NEW CARS Any FORD All at Regular List ALSO G.M.C. Make! — Any Style! — Any Color! CHEVROLET OLDSMOBILE BUICK PONTIAC METEOR Price — Approximately 24 -Hour Service — GUARANTEED SERVICE CHEVROLET FORD MERCURY TRUCKS USED CARS '51 CHEV. DE LUXE BELAIR HARD -TOPPED CONVERTIBLE—Two-tone in color, air con d'itioning, custom radio, extras '51 BRAND NEW 'STYLELINE SEDAN '50 CHEV. DE LUXE FLEETLINE SEDAN—Fully equiioped '49 CHEV. DE LUXE S'TYLELINE SEDAN—Fully equLpped '49 CHEV. FLEF/TLINE COACH '49 CHEV. FLEETLINE SEDAN SPECIALS—'47 Chev. Sedan, $1,150.00 A written guarantee Some of these Cars are on display at the further information, contact the lessees. '46 '49 CHEV. DE LUXE STY7.F.LiNE SEDAN Radio, air-conditioning '48 PONTIAC FLEETLINE COACH—Radio, air conditioning '47 CHEV. COACH '41 CHEV. COACH '39 CHEV. SEDAN '36 PLYMOUTH SEDAN '36 DODGE SEDAN ' 36 DODGE COACH '35 CHRYSLER SEDAN Mercury Coach, $950 '36 Chev. Coach $100 for 60 days on all late model cars. SUPERTE87 SERVICE STATION, SEAFORTH. For M'ANY 6THER MODELS TO CHOOSE FROM BRUSSELS MOTORS BRUSSELS — oNr,ltiO PHONE 73-X "The' Home of Better Used Cars" meanseenneemenasseetemenessoneemee ) OPEN EVERY EVENING jorie 'McKaig, at Sudbury, when she was hit by a car. She is a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William McKaig. Mrs. E. MacDonald, Miss Olive Speare, 'Mrs. Lin McKellar . and Mrs. William Houghton visited on Thursday with Mrs. Andrew Mc- Lellan in Egmondville. KIPPEN Mr. John C. Doig, of Grand Rap- ids, is vacationing at the family home. Earlier in the week he was accompanied by his mother, Mrs. L. J. Doig, and sister, Miss Janet, on a trip to Niagara Falls. Before returning to Grand Rapids he plans a lake cruise to Duluth and Chicago. Mr. and Mrs. J. Cochrane visited recently with Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Walker of Hillsgreen. Mr. Harold Parsons spent last week at the United Church Cramp, north of Goderich. Recent visitors with Mr, and Mrs. A. Gackstetter were Joanne and Bobby Harvey, of Ridgeway; Mr. and Mrs. Mervin Collingwood and Tim, of Hamilton, and Mr. and Mrs. Roy Horney, of Toronto. Mr. and 'Mrs. Harold Jones, Grant and, Kenneth visited on Sun- day with Mrs, J. Love, of Varna. Mr. and Mrs. O. Jacques, of Clifford, wer recent visitors with Mr. and Mrs. N. Dickert. Mr. and Mrs. Charles McSorley of Vancouver, B.C., arrived in To- ronto by plane and spent last wee!: visiting the latter's uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Fair- bairn, of Hensail, and cousins, Mr. and Mrs. Ross Love. Mrs. McSor- ley is a daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. John Dodds, former resi- dents of this district. Mr. and Mrs. A. Gackstetter, Lynn and Gail ,Ann visited their aunt and uncle, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Wilson, at Sarnia on Sunday. Miss Margaret Torrence, of Por ter's Hill, visited recently with her grandfather and aunt, Mr, Henry Ivison and Jean. 'Mr. and Mrs. Robert Thompson accompanied 'by their daughter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Stokes, of London, motored to Parry Sound for a few days, to be with their daughter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Moyer. 7Mr, and Mrs. Stewart Cudmore and family, of London, visited Sun- day with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Samuel 'Cudraore. 'Mrs. 'McConachie, of Toronto, spent a few days with her son and daughter-in-law, 'Mr. and Mrs. Frank McConachie. Mr. and Mrs. Orville Workman spent the past week -end in Detroit. Mr, and Mrs. John Cooper, also Mr. and 'Mrs. Alex iMcMurtrie spent the week -end in Windsor. Mr. and Mrs. James Campbell and Linda, of Toronto, returned home after spending a week with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Cooper. Patricia McConachie returned home after spending a week witb her grandparents in Toronto. Mr, and Mrs. Ed, .Little visited their parents, 'Mr. and Mrs. Nor- man Long on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Dickert and Moryl spent Sunday in Listowel. We are sorry to report Mr. Don Bell is a patient in St. Jose:h's Hospital, 'London. We trust he soon is well again and able to be out and around. Mr. and. Mrs. Joe McLellan left last Friday morning for the West and Victoria, B.C., to visit Wends and relatives. They expect to be absent two months. Lois is spend- ing a week at camp. Mrs. Thompson, of Clinton, is spending 'a few days with her daughter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Orville Workman. Dr. and Mrs. V. F. Onhauser, of Winnipeg, visited recently with Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Hood. A>T!T,TSTL.24i, 1,951, of Peerless red roses and French carnations. Miss Marguerite Manson, cousin of the bride, as matron of honor, had chosen a gown of pastel green net and straw lace over taffeta, with matching mittens and bonnet, and she carried a Colonial bouquet of Gloria roses. The bridesmaids, Miss Ann Westlake and Miss Joyce Greer, Bayfield, cousins of the bride, wore similar gowns in em- broidered pink organdy with snatching mittens and headdress. They carried nosegays of pink and white Virginia carnations. 1Mr. Don Squire, Glencoe, broth- er of the 'groom, was best man, and ushers were Mr. Bob Allan, Bruceeel& Ihrother pit OP bride, ff'bride, and Mr.:'.Jerry' $igi're,`-,... Veno:, y brother of the gr.4o14. For a reception vadat, was `held in the C'btlrcl, t allUtr i. followings the ' ceremoiiy, the ether, of the bride received 'yWQaring a dawa blue dress with yoke of FrencFa embroidered riet over .palest pink. and a corsage of pink Briarcliff° roses. She was assisted by the groom's mother, who had chosen a dress of dusty rose crepe and a corsage of Killarney roses. For a motor trip to Northern Ontario and Quebec, the bride travelled in a navy French faille suit, navy and white accessories, and a corsage of Peerless roses. SCHOOL OF COMMERCE CLINTON, ONTARIO Opens September 10, 1951 Many years of Successful Experience prove this a BETTER SCHOOL COURSES: Commercial, Stenographic, Clerical, Secretarial Write or Phone — Clinton 195 B. F. WARD, M. A. STONE, Principal. Com. Specialist. Good News for Knitters For a limited time only, we will sell Knitting Yarns at these new prices. Stock up now for future need,,] Ali the popular brands. Beehive 55c Silk Twist 49c Kroy Sock Yarn . 50c Super Sock 4 -oz $1.50 100% Nylon... . 45c Monarch Dove . 38c Fuzzy Wuzzy Angora ....89c SALE OF SKIRTS ! Just in time for back -to -school. Every Skirt on our racks is marked down to sell — Gabardines, Alpines, Wools, Corduroys, etc — at generous savings to you. Ladies' Wear TUDOR'S Dry Goods HENSALL PHONE 70 ouster Bingo Sponsored by the Hensall Branch Canadian Legion No. 468, B.E.S.L., and Ladies' Auxiliary WILL BE HELD IN TEE COMMUNITY ARENA, BEN.SALL Monday, August 27th ® $500.00 IN PRIZES • — THREE SPECIALS — $150.00 - $75.00 - .$50.00 15 Rounds — $15.00 Each Doors open 8 p.m. Bingo 9 p.m., sharp Everybody Welcome Booth in Hall ADMISSION: $1.00 Extra Cards 25e 25c FOR SPECIAL ROUNDS BRODHAGEN I1 Bargains - Bargains Mr. and Mrs. George Mogk and Nancy in Toronto; Mr. and Mrs. John L. Bennewies in Windsor and Detroit; Mr. and Mrs. William L. Querengesser returned home after a three-week motor trip to the west coast and United States; VIi's Manuel Beuermann, Misses Myrtle and Esther Kahle at Grand Bend; Mr. and Mrs. David Sholdice and Graham, Walton, and Mr. and Ml's. Earl Sholdice, Thornhill, with Mr. and Mrs. Russell Sholdice; Mr. and Mrs. Howard Querengesser, Susan and Patricia„ Waterloo, with Mr. and Mrs, W. L. Querengesser; Mr' and Mrs. Milton Eickmeier and sons, Detroit, with 'Mr. and Mrs, George Eickmeier; Mr. and Mrs. William Diesel, •Merleen, Calvin, and Arthur, and George Diegel at 1pperwash. District Weddings Squire - Allan Brueefield' United Church was the scene of a pretty autumn wed- ding on Saturday, August 18,, at three o'clock, when .Anna Eliza- beth Allan, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Allan, Brucefleld, was united in marriage to 'Murray Ev- an Squire, Sarnia, son of Mr. and Mrs. Carman Squire, Glencoe. Rev. E. R. Stan'tvay, assisted by Rev. W. J. .Maines, performed the sere mony. Mrs. R. J. Murdoch, as or- ganist, accompanied 'Miss Doreen Armstrong, who sang, "I'll Walk Beside You" and. "Because." The church was decorated with stand- ards of pastel colored gladioli and fern. The bride, given in Marriage by her father, wore a gown of Chan- tilly lace and marquisette. The sculptured, bodice, in Chantilly lace over satin, had a nylon yoke at the nock, and long lily -point sleeves. The long full skirt of Marquisette peas panelled in lace, and her 'linger -tip Veil of French, illusion wad, :'held in place by a Coronet of sed pearls: "She car- ried a shiiWered cascade bouquet MUST REDUCE OUR STOCK OF USED TRACTORS! — Make Us An Offer! — M. -H. 55 Gas Tractor—Used 2 years; excellent condition. M. -H. 81 Standard Tractor—Extra good; runs and looks like new. M. -H. 44 Standard Tractor—Used to demon- strate; has hydraulic; new guarantee. Allis W.S. R.C.—Like new. Cockshutt 70 Standard — Completely overhaul- ed; new paint. See this one. Cockshutt 70 R.C.—New paint; reconditioned. John Deere 'H' R.C.—New motor, new paint; like new. Ford-Ferguson—New rings and sleeves, field cultivator, new paint. Real good. IT WILL PAY YOU TO SEE US AND MAKE AN Os,Pi tt.,,-- SEAFORTH MOTORS Massey -Harris Sales & Service Phone 141 Seaforth a e 1'r