HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1951-08-17, Page 4rn I ear iR ns B IIITRON EXPOSITOR • ;4. ft J rsmr ossified Ads. Classified Ads Inserted At New Low Cash Rates: FOR SALE, WANTED, LOST AND FOUND, ETC.—Per Word: lot week 1 Cent 2nd week Cent 811 week Cent Minimum charge, Amt imertien-.25 Cents Each figure. initial and abbreviation counts as one ward, Croda cd Thanks, In Mariam Make , Odra Events -1 sena par word, ifindmn_, 60 cents per week. Enquiries may be directed to a Box No., c/o The Hmvn Il podtar, far 11 ewes extra Ten mets additional will be charged tf air to oboes class are not paid within 10 dams of date of Anal insertion. Births. Marriages and Des Inserted fres r! charge. Isnotion Salve, Noti= W Oredibaa„Etc.—Bates an Coming Events YE GOOD OLD TYME HAYLOFT HOE - down at the Crystal Palace Ballroom, Mitchell, this Friday night with Don Rob- erton and his Ranco Boys. 436332 For Rent FOR RENT—OFFICE SPACE DI THE Dominion Bank Building. Apply to the Manager. 4349-tf Lost and Found ESTRAY—STRAYED FROM LOT 26, Con. 5, L,R.S_, Tuckerstnith, a black end white steer, weighing 800 pounds. Finder please phone SYDNEY GF.MMRL1. 663 r 41, Seaforth, 4363-1 Personals � YGLENIC SUPPLIES (RUBBER Goods), mailed postpaid m plain. sealed envelope with price list 6 samples 25c; 24 samples 51.00. Mail -Order Dept. T-78, NOVA -RUBBER CO., Box 91, Hamilton. Ont. Notices TO LOAN—ABOUT TWO THOUSAND dollars on mortgage, at 5 per cent interest- JOHN ELDER, Hensall. 4363-tf NOTICE—W. S. D. STOREY WILL DO custom combining and straw baling. Also for sale, 7 -foot International binder on rubber: hasn't cut 50 acres. PHONE 844 r 41, Seaforth. 436233 Wanted WANTED—.DISC PLOW; 4 OR 5 FUR - row. in good condition, Apply Box 54, HURON EXPOSITOR. 4363x1 WANTED—SMALL APARTMENT, 2 or 3 rooms, by lady in Seaforth. Pre- fer heated and bath privileges. PHONE BRUSSELS, 48 ring 8. 436331 • WANTED TO BUY -50 OR 100 -ACRE, farm with buildings, in Seaforth vicinity. Apply to Box 51, HURON EX- POSITOR. 4363-3 T TSED DESKS, SUITABLE FOR HIGH 11 or public school. Apply to WANTED -3 OR 4 -ROOM UNFURN ished apartment. by High School M. A. REID teacher and wife, by Sept. 1. R. H. Mc- Secretary, LEOU, 437 Dorinda St, London. Tel. Seaforth High School D@trict. 3.21613!, collect, evenings, 4363x3 4360-1 For Sale FOR SALE — FOLDING PLAY and pad. PHONE 597-W, Seasforth. 4363-1 FOR SAI.trSMITH PREMIUM TYPE - writer, in good condition. PHONE 311-R, Seaforth- 436331 BEETS FOR SALE—$L00 A BUSHEL SOc eleven quarts. F. P. PURCELL, Market St. Phone 145-R. FOR SALE—GLADIOLI BLOOMS FOR sale. Apply to KEITH HUISSER, one block west of Egmondville Church. Phone 668 r 3, Seaforth, 4362x3 FOR SALE—DRESSER; BED; SET OF =firings: piping : brick; corner cup- board; 2 small tables; 2 pumps: 2 sinks ; 2 Quebec stoves. C. REEVES, Seaforth. 4363x1 RADIO REPAIRS—FOR ALL KINDS ofradios, at TERRY'S RADIO RE- PAIR, opposite Dick House, Seaforth, Phone 347-11. 4363-tf HONEY—EXTRA CHOICE CLOVER honey, 18c a pound, in customer's con tainers. J. R MURDOCH, Brucefield. Phone 686 r 11. Hensall- 4363-1 FOR SALE—AN IRON WELL PUMP with eyiander, 3x11. complete for 59. No further use for same. JOHN ELDER. Hensall 4363-tf TUPPERWARE VACUUM SEALED dishes and beautiful six -gauge plastic tablecloths. Please call MRS. FRED L. MILLER, Rattenbury St., Clinton. Phone 334-W, collect. 4361-6 'pen SALE—NEW SINGER SEWING machineselectric and treadle R. sirs to all make~. SINGER SEWING 'ENTRE, 78 Ontario St.. Stratford. 4228-* MIXED TULIP BULBS -100 LARGE $1,50; 100 mglh'm, 75c: 100 sex 1!' 40e. Gladiolus Blom:, 75c a dozen. PURCELL FLOWER GARDENS. Phon 145-12, Seaforth. 43634 HONEY FOR SALE—YOU WILL HAVE nit. 10 dry, lent +o have your empty ~envy o i1< fillyd with clover honey. • t 18c a pound, at the WALLACE ROSS APAIRIES, North Main St., Seaforth. 431;3-1 FOR SALE FOR SALE—VICTORIA - BLACK CUR- rnnt bushes, ready to plant out. in October. These are excelled for yield- ir;c l:.rge fruit of the finest quality. 1 LEVEL 100 ACRES, FREE OF STONES, had 26 quarts from five bushes this year, good buildings, reasonably priced. and almost double that In 1950. They Cash buyer. Please write description, never fail. Four plants for 61.00; less price. than four, 35 cents each- Order now. Wm. Pearce, Realtor EXETER WILLIAM MURRAY, R.R. 3, Seaforth. Phone 664 r 4. 43633 4363x2 HONEY — OUR 1951 CLOVER EX- "' tracted and ready for delivery. Choice No. 1 extracted under sanitary condi- tions. Our bees are Government in,pec ed and free iron disease. Prices ate .e by the Ontario Honey Board. Choice No. 1, in your own container, 20c per Ib.; in 2-16. pails, 50e per pail ; 4-16. pails, 95c: case lots, 2 -Ib. size, 510.00; 4-11. size, $9.50. Try this heavy bodied, fine flavour- WANTED—fiOIISRKERPER FOR ELl)_ ed honey and be convinced with the g.od erly couple, in modern home; own quality. You must be satisfied or yru room, no cleaning or washing; evenings money will be cheerfully refunded. C 11 and Sundays off. Write GORDON EL- evenings or Saturday afternoons. ED. A. LIt:TT, Blyir, Ontario, 4363-2 NOAKES, Hensall, Ont. Phone 123-J. 4363-3 rARETAKER WANTED FOR EGMOND-, v';le United Church. Duties to begin Se; temler 1, 1951. Applications to be ma 'e to A. J. HOUSTON, Chairman of F !d of St vnrrd< 436332 Help Wanted WANTED—GIRL TO SERVE AS WAIT - t s in '1HE TASTY GRILL, Sea - forth. 4363-1 -- GIRL FOR OFFICE Typing Essential. Apply to SEAFORTH SHOES, LTD. 4363-1 REQUIRE A MANAGERESS FOR AN Order Office in Seaforth. Frail train- ing given. Reply, stating age, marital state;. education. past experience and phone number. to W. B. BAULD, c/o Simpson's Order Office, Galt, Ont Replies strictly confidential: Personal interview will be arranged- 4363x1 CABINETMAKER MACHINIST AND 4th CLASS EN- zineer. We are expanding. Pleasant working conditions. top wages, group in-' -u-ante, definitely steady employment. five day 48-hour week- See or write JAMES COLE FURNITURE COMPANY, Inger- soll. 4363-2! Recessed Bathtubs $60 S MART MARTHA WASHINGTON AND Rat:ledge stainless three-piece bath- room sets. White 53367-00 to 8189.00, Col- oured 9273.00, comple'e with to tutiful chromed fitting,. Air conditioning furn- aces 8295.00. Special offers to plomters and builders text. S:se many vlu hie dollars. buy with confidence and have a nicer home. Satisfaction guaranteed. Extra discounts off cstal.rgue price, if we supply everything you need far crmelete plumbing or he•tng in.t Haden. Cata Logue includes litho rho'os of m in fx- tures, prices and installation diagrams. Select style of sinks, cabinets, laundry tubs, showers, ,stoves, refrigerator:. Pre,- 'ure water systems. oil burners. septic and oil tanks, etc. Visit or write JOHNSON MAIL ORDER DIVISION, Streetsvi]le Hardware. Street:vi le - Ontario Phone 261; Evenings 51 R 15 Cards Of Thanks T WOULD LIKE TO EXPRESS MY AP- 'predationand '8- nks by the nurse and staff of Scott. M:mc.ria] Hospital. als., to Dr. McMaster and Dr. Brady, for their services, and to those who sent cards and flowers. 436331 MPS. HARRY REGELE M IL AND MRS. JAMES A. FOSTER Property For Sale Hen -all. de ire to expre s their deep- est thanks and appreciation to their many FOR SALE IN SEAFORTH — FIVE acres; seven -room house: barn: hen- house: garage; colony house. Apply Box 5Y, HURON EXPOSITOR. 135313 FOR SALE -7 -ROOM FRAME COT - teat, with bath, furnace and modern convenience, on Goderich St East Early possession. Apply to Box 52, HURON EXPOSITOR 4363x3 FOR SALE—TWO-STORY FRAME HEN h5u se, approximately 40 by 16 feet In good condition. Can be moved. Apply Box 50, HURON EXPOSITOR, 43633.2 ONE HUNDRED ACRES CHOICE land, Logan Township, now pasture:I friends and neighbors for acts of kind- ness end sympathy shown them during their recent bereavement, for slmp,thy cards and lovely floral tribute+: special thanks to H. Bonth:ron, funer-I director. 4363-I WE WISH TO EXTEND OUR GRATE. fel thanks and ap-retiat:on to all those who donated their blood, those who sent cards, fruit, flowers, also Dr. Steer, +•he nurse.. the Rev. T. Dale Janes. the iRev, Dr. Hurford, and all who helped in any w -.y while Robert was a patient in St Joseph's Hospital, London, and since re'urncns home. MR. AND MRS. R. DALRYMPLE '363x1 large bank barn, eight -room house. drilled well, electricity throughout; reasonable offer accepted. WILLIAM ALLEN, 320 Springton Road, Upper Daiuy Penna. 4363x3 FOR SALE RV HENSALL Two good forme houses, each with furnace, hydr', garage. garden. One good brick house. hot water furnace. hydro, full bath, extra land. Others in Exeter and Crediton. Also stores, restaurants, gar- age. farms, WM. PEARCiE, Realtor •a Earl Parsons, Salesman EXR,t•LR 4363:2 HOUSE FOR SALE PRAMS l> -.STONEY HOUSE, SIX rooms and hath and attached garage; fall basement; 2 fats with garden. Cen- bre Street, Seaforth. Residence of ,tats Isabelle Hester. Immediate pesa iOn- Aplily— McCoLL & BAYS &Melts= for Estate. 43624 Births HODGERT--At Scott Memorial Hospital ..r; August 7, to Mr. and Mrs. Mervin Hodgert, R.R. 1, Bornholm, a daugh.er. HOMUTH—Nr. and Mrs. A. M. Homuth (nee Roth Pinkney), of Stratford, are happy to announce the birth of their daughter, Shirley Ann. a sister for Ron- ald, at Stratford General Hospital, Fri- day. Angst!! 3, 1951. LITTLE—At Scott Memorial Hospital, on August 13, to Mr. and Mrs. Wilson Little, Winthrop, a son. MELADY—At Scott Memorial Hospital. on Augaxt 12, to Mr. and Mm. Edwin Melady, R,R. 2, Dublin, a son. NOTT—At Scott Memorial Hosrital, on August 18, to Mr,' and Mrs. Earl Nott, R -R, 4, Olinton. a daughter. O'CONNOR—Ah Scott Memorial Hospital, on August 9, to Mr. and Mrs. Norman O'Connor, R.R. 1. Dublin, a son. STONE—At Scott Memor al Hospital, on Angnat 15, to Mr. and Mrs. George Stone, 1-11- 1, Walton, a daughter. WHYTE--At Community Hospital, Clin- ton, on Tuesday, August 7, 1951, to Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Whyte, Hallett Twp„ a Bonn. WATTIMMO/ R — At Scott Memorial Hospital, op August 8, to Mr. and Mrs.. Reg. Wettgreharth, Seaforth, a daugh- ter. Po mon sm.tr i55 SUSSEX AND NEw laying EEApply to HRS. GORDON ORT per E Phone 661 r 2. Seaforth. 4863x1 Motor Cars For Sale FOR SALE -1949 %-TON DODGE EX - Prete truck. or 1941 1 -ton Fargo stake truck. WM. G. CAMPBELL, Seaforth, Phone 486-W. 4363-1 Fj OR SALE --4940 NASH CONVERT- tble, custom radio and heater: 5600 or beat. offer. PHONE 783, Seafortb. 436331 1950 DE LUXE_ FORD. WELL EQUIP - Ped; low mileage; 5600.00 below new price (private) ; will accept light tirade in as part payment. PHONE 116J, itens.11 436333 Deaths STERLING -In Seaforth, on Thursday. August 16, Mabel L. Dempsey, widow of the late Alexander Sterling, in her 69th year. 4 fee News Items of Hensall and District (Continued from Page 1) London, were appointed sports committee for the 1952 reunion. Following the Gilbert reunion, Mr. and Mrs. Orr and Jimmy visited For Sale APRIVATE SALE OF HOUSEHOLD furniture, including antiques, will commence Saturday, August 25th, from 7 p.m. to 10:30 p -m., at the apartment of Miss Ferguson, Sproat Apartments, High Street, Seaforth- Being offered for sale are the following: Walnut dining room suite, table: china cabinet and 6 chairs; oak librm.ry table and writing desk, com- bined; antique solid walnut sideboard; studio couch: occasional chair; rocker; walnut dresser; small table; porcelain top kitchen table and kitchen chairs; trilight lamp: sewing machine; cedar chest; Wil- ton rug, 9'39r: brass fireplace screen; porch furniture; lawn mower; step lad- der, and other articles. Ail furniture is in excellent condition. THE SENSATION OF THE YEAR! COMING TO LUCKNOW! Here's Your Opportunity To See An Attraction That's Being Brought Back To the C.N.E. For the Second Consecutive Year! The KING AND HIS COURT in The Caledonian Park LUCKNOW Monday, Aug. 20 See this Internationally Famous 4 -Man Team play the Lucknow Legionnaires THEY'RE SENSATIONAL on the DIAMOND and will give an Amazing Exhibition of TRICK BASEBALL D em onstration GARNERING GRAIN WITH Forage Harvester The Seaforth District High School, in co -o; er. tion with thee' Huron Crop. improvement Association, w'll harvest roux' acres of oats at the High School, demonstrating the labor- saving Forage Harvester method, which is attracting so much attention this year. The Demonstration will take place during the - week of August 20th, at 7 p.m., and•on a day to be announced over CKNX, Wingham. The day to be selected will depend on the weather. PLAN NOW TO ATTEND AND SEE A PRACTICAL DEMONSTRATION! YOUNG MEN! YOUNG WOMEN! Ontario Fruit Growers Need Harvest HeIp! Ontario fruit growers are expecting a big crop and extra help is needed to harvest it. Here is your opportunity to get six to eight weeks healthy, well paid work on one of Ontario's finest fruit farms. Help is needed to pick peaches, plums, apples and grapes. Comfortable accommodation is provided in beautifully situated summer camps. All you have to supply is your own bedding. Trans- portation is provided. Each camp is under expert supervision and all meals are prepar- ed under the direction of a fully qualified dietitian. Apply Now . , Help is Needed Immediately Ontario Ferro Labour Service 9 Richmond St. East Toronto EMpire 3-9461 Please seed me more information on this job opportunity: Name Address Telephone (Auspices Federal -Provincial Farm Labour Committee) with Mr. and Mrs. Win. •McEaohen of Sarnia. Mrs. Minnie Sangster visited re- cently in London and Niagara Falls. , Rev. al. Goddard and Mrs. God- dard, of Calgary, are visiting at the home of their son and daugh- ter-in-law, Dr. and Mrs. J. C. God- dard and family._ Mr. Andrew Cromarty, of Dor- chester, was a week -end guest with Mrs. Minnie Sangster and family. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Hedden, Bobby and Jimmy, of Dresden, are spending this week visiting with Mrs. C. M. Hedden and Herb. Mr. and Mrs. Laird Mickle spent Sunday in Chatham. Rev. P. A, Ferguson, Mrs. Fer- guson and family, of Montreal, are visiting with friends in the village. Miss Margaret Sangster spent the week -end in Kincardine. Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Aason, of Toronto, visited at the Hesshaven cottage at the Pinery recently, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Parimer and Carol and friend, of Windsor, spent the week -end with Mrs. Bella Parimer and Mrs. J. Fisher, Mrs. Redmond, of Milverton, and daughter, of Springfield, visited friends in Hensall last week. Mrs. Gertrude Keene and grand, daughter, Miss Kay Bell, visited Mr. Harold Henderson in Buffalo last week. Mr. and Mrs, Laird Mickle and 'amily are holidaying for two weeks at Schade's Beach, Lake Huron. Miss Hannah Craig is in Scott Memorial Hospital, Seaforth, in the interests of her health. Mr. and Mrs. A. R Orr and Jim- my- spent some holidays at Ches- ley and Langside and- visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs, William Orr and family at Langside and with Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Orr, Sr., and Mr. and Mrs, Melvin Orr, Jr., of Chesley. Mr. A. E. Carlile, of Detroit, =rent the week -end with bis sis- ter, Mrs. Anna Walker. Mr. and Mrs. Lee Schwalm and family, Hamilton, Dick Kerr, Ham- ilton; Pte. Don Perdue, Mrs. Per- due and Danny. Kingston, and M'ss May Schwalm, London, were recent visitors with Mrs. Violet Schwalm, Pte. Perdue expects to get embarkation leave shortly be- fore o-fore leaving for Europe, Mrs, Orr and, Jimmy left Sunday for Sarnia and Flint, Mich., to spend three weeks' holidays. The interior of : the United C'`.turch is being redecorated and he artist is Mr. E. Wilkinson, of Wingham. Reopening services will take place Sept. 9 and 16. Rev. A. Snclair, of Windsor, and Rev.' R. A. Brook, of Bluevale, will be the guest speakers on these occa- sions. Miss Bernice Jinks, who has been on vacation for three weeks, eturned to a London hospital on Wednesday, where she is in train - ng for a nurse. George and Bob Hedden, of St. Catharines, sons of Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Hedden, visited over the week -end with their grandmother, Mrs. C. M. Hedden, and also re- lewed acquaintances with some of he friends .they knew when they ived in Hensel', who were pleas - d to meet them again. Mr, Alvin Warrener, of Pontiac, }Sich., spent the week -end with r. and Mrs. Manley Jinks and amity. Mr. and Mrs. S. Barbour, of imico, spent a visit at the home f Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Hoggarth. can and Mary Lyn Kennedy re- urned home with them for a vis- it. Mrs. Churchill, Toronto, is a guest with her daughter and Bon- in -law, Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Shad - dick. Miss Sharon Scruton, Port Dov- er. spent a holiday with Mr. and Mrs. P. McNaughton and family. Miss De Lora Cieminski, of Ro- chester, Minn., visited at the home of Mrs. A. C. Meidinger last week- end. Mr. and Mrs. 'Mhos. Gittus, of Adrain, Mich., and Richard Gittus and son, Dickie, of Rochester, r 1 e M f M 0 J When He Grows Up It will be all the average young fellow can do to make a living, pay his taxes, estab- lish a home, raise a family—. after he begins to earn his own living. Our Junior Estate Policy starts Junior out with a stan- dard $1,000 Policy . . , when he becomes 21 years of age, the face value automatically becomes $5,000.00—with no in- crease in premiums. Just im- agine how nicely this will fit into hs increasing responsi- bilities. For full particulars, con- sult— ERIC MUNROE North American Life Phone 394-M : Seaforth Minn-, spent last week with their aunt, Mrs. A. E. Meidinger. Mr. Jas, Stephenson, Varna, was a recent visitor with his sister-in- law, Mrs. Mary Ann Stephenson. On Sunday morning, August 12, at 11 o'clock, a large representa- tion of Junior Farmers of this area attended worship in Chiselhurst United Church. Lovely floral bou- quets were in evidehce. Rev. W. J. Rogers, the guest speaker, pre- sented a challenging message, re- ferring to the life of Micah. "Let us not follow his example: (1) That of putting our faith in inven- tions of a man's band, (2) That of Putting our faith in ordinary man but rather let us live the Chris- tian principles, having in our hearts the love of God and love of our brethren." A splendid choir was in attendance. Mrs. R. Mock, of Henson, favored with two im- pressive solos, "Green Pastures" and "How Lovely Are Thy Dwel- lings." Miss Gladys Luker was at the piano. Next Sunday morning rite Chiselhnrst regular services will be held at 9:45 a.m. Rev. Simpson, of St. Marys, will speak. Mr. Simpson will conduct worship in Carmel Presbyterian Church at 11 a.m. Sunday, August 26, Rev. Sinclair, father of Rev. D. Sinclair, Exeter, will be in charge of the Chiselhurst service at 9:45 a.m., after which he will occupy the pulpit in Carmel Church at 11 a -m. 1 The Orr reunion was beld at Formosa with forty members of the clan present from Detroit, Parkhill, Ripley, Cthesley, Lang - side, Kinlow and Hensall- Follow- ing a delicious dinner, a line of sports were run off in charge of three sisters. Mrs. John Curry, Wingham, Mrs. W. Lapp and Mrs. Harold Percy, Kinlow. Prizes for the oldest grandmother present went to Mrs. W. Orr, Langside, youngest, Mrs- Melvin Orr, Sr., of Chesley. It was decided to hold the 1952 reunion at Formosa, with the following in charge of arrange- ments: Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Orr, Jr., Chesley; Mr. and Mrs. David Henderson, Ripley; Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Orr, Parkhill. Attending from Hensall were Mr, and Mrs. R. A. Orr and Jimmy. Following are the winners in the WANTED Dump Truck Driver Apply to LOOBY & LOOBY CONSTRUCTION DUBLIN, ONT. Tone Cleaning and Pressing All work Guaranteed Satisfactory I will pick up and deliver to.your door PICK-UPS EVERY DAY Deliveries on Mondays and Thursdays PHONE 230 FOR SERVICE A. Calder AGENT various sports events: Races. six and under, Mary Joan Lapp, David Percy, Bruce Currie; eight and under, Betty Ann Lapp, Jean Alpe Currie, Bill Percy; 11 and under, Anna Orr, Douglas Lapp; 16 and under, Jimmy Orr, Marvin Orr; young men, Bill Allbright, Dick Orr; young ladies, Jean Ogden, Opal Orr; married men, Dave Hen- derson, Bud Orr; married ladies. Jessie Lapp, Reta Orr; kicking shoe, ladies, Tena Percy, Myrtle IP! Orli" kiCkiAg ��® 1,T1,�11,, ,Q.II;(�Y, p'�• Bud 11 mllir tittle race, Diels. Orr Jtnz ' PEOPLE LIKE WHERE THEY WORK ATTENTION! -- All Girls BE SURE TO ENTER THE 'MISS HURON COUNTY' BEAUTY CONTEST TO BE HELD IN ZURICH, ONT., ON LABOR DAY, SEPTEMBER 3, 1951 AT ZURICH LIONS CLUB VAUDEVILLE JAMBOREE (Open to Residents of Huron County Only) Single or Married, between the ages of 15 and 27 — lst Prize, $35 Cash and Trophy; 2nd prize, $15 Cash and Trophy; 3rd prize, $10 Cash. Over $150 in Merchandise donated by various business places, Each Contestant entered will receive several Consolation Awards Alt. CONTESTANTS MUST APPEAR iN BATHING SUiTS (Dressing rooms .provided) The Grand Winner will have the privilege of representing Huron County in the Miss Weatern Ontario Contest to be held at 'Wind- sor Firemen's Field Day at a later date (all expenses paid). Official crowning will be done by "Miss Canada"—bliss Margaret Bradford, in person. •ENTRY BLANK (No Entry Fee)—ALL ENTRIES MUST BE EN BY AUG. 2t3 NAME ADDRESS AGE Mail this Entry Blank to BEAUTY CONTEST, Box 3, ZURICH, Ont. Tenders Wanted Submission of tenders are requested for the operation of a GROCERY STORE AT R.C.A.F. STATION, CLINTON on a commissioiil basis. Further information may be obtained from the COMMANDING, QFFICER>.. R.C.A.F. STATION CLINTON • • • • • NOW •0 , IT'S' • ., \ L�n • /lifer '- i t r • • • • • • • 1951 '5l • • • • • •• • • 11(R(1;RY MAKE IT It's here—it's new—it's exciting! From massive new grille to newly -styled, swept -back rear fenders; from gleaming new .front bumpers to vastly enlarged rear window—the new Mercury is a luxurious, distinctive car. It's here now with ne* longer -looking lines; hew body and engine features! Come in and see it . , . arrange your demottstr'aticia drive today! A DATE TO VISIT Bob Cook . Motor ales HENSALL, ONTARIO s; + .s Also Complete Selection 01 Used Caths MrPA cess, ww r a • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •w • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • s • . '0 0 • •