HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1951-07-27, Page 4+r. assified Ads. 1 Classified Ads Inserted At New Low Cash Rates: FOR SALE, WANTED, LOST AND FOUND, ETC.—Per Word: 1st week 1 Cent 2nd week it Cent 8rd week ',4 Cent Minimum charge, first insertion---26 Cents Each figure, initial and abbreviation counts as ape wend. • tL of Thamim, In Memoriam Natives, Gaping Evente-•-1 cent per ward. M,inimam, 60 conn per week. Enquiries may be directed to a Boz No., c/o This Mums Eos aft r. for 10 contig antra Ten cent; additional will' be charged if ads in above claw ala not paid within 10 dais of date of final insertion Births, Marriages and Deaths inserted fres of charge. Auction Salm. Notices to Creditors, Etc. -Rates on appileatiom. Coming Events THERE'S MANY A GOOD PLACE TO dance, but one of the best is the Crystal Palace Ballroom. Mitchell, every Friday night, with Don Robertson and his Ranch Boys. 4361x2 ANNOUNf'>Ft 1 T - DON'T FORGET the Garden Party being heard on the St James' Church grounds on Wednes- day evening, August 16th. 4361-1 Wanted CARPENTER -WORK DESIRED BY A ykilled carpenter with 20 years' ex- perience in the building trade in Den- mark. Neat, efficient work ; reasonable prices. GUNNAR SKORSTENGARD, Ann St., Seaforth, or Scott Poultry Farms. Phone 284-W. 4360x2 For Rent • For Sale Fort SALE - GIRL'S BICYCLE, IN good °audition: reasonably priced PHONE 27, Seaforth- 4361-1 part SALE -1 BICYCLE. MAN'S, IN good condition, newly overhauled; 1 aft H.P. motor. PHONE 230, Seaforth. 4861x1 `WANTED TO SELL -40 WEANLING " pigs; 460 month-old chickens. Apply V 1 V AN COOPER. Phone' 653 r 41, Sea - forth_ 4361-1 FOR SALE -NEW POTATOES. AP - ply to WILLIAM PEPPER, Lorne St. Hensall Phone 41-W, Hensel. 4361-2 F OR SALE -SMALL ENGLISH COL - lie pup ; also- the mother, a very good watch dog. PHONE 667 r 41, Seaforth. after 6 p.m_ 4861x1 FOR SALE -ONE LII -u R OF 12 YORK pigs 6 weeks old. Apply to JONA- THAN MCGILL. Phone 667 r fi, Sea - forth. 4360-E FOR RENT -CABIN TRAILER. CALL 164-M, Seaforth. 4361-1 FOR SALE -SEA iruh, AND CHAIR TO rostch (as new) ; battery radio (North - FOR RENT -OFFICE SPACE IN THE ern Electric) ; cream separator (Ren - Dominion Bank Building. Apply to Frew); lawn mower. PHONE 88, Hen - the Manager. 4349-41 sail, Ont. 4360x2 Personals H YGIENIC SUPPLIES (RUBBER Goode), mailed postpaid in plain. scaled envelope with price list 6 samples 26c; 24 sample; $1.00. Mall -Order Dept. T-73, NOVA -RUBBER CO., Box 91, Hamilton. Ont. Property For Sale FOR SALE -COTTAGE IN SEAFORTH. 4- rooms and bath, hot and cold wetter all the time; extra good cellar; well drained: winter fuel, coal and wood. Will sell everything. Possession soon. Apply H. McLLWAIN, Seaforth. Phone 589-W. 4360x2 Lost and Found TUPPERWARE VACUUM SEALED dishes and beautiful six -gauge plastic tabledloths. Please caul MRS. FRED L. MILLER, Rattenbury St, Clinton. Phone 334,W, collect. 4361-6 'IOR SALE -NEW SINGER SEWING machines, electric and treadle. Re- pairs to all makes. SINGER SEWING CENTRE, 78 Ontario St, Stratford 4223-tf HONEY FOR SALE - NOW IS THE time to have your empty honey ecn- taineas filled with fre h plover honey at 18c a ,pound. WALLACE ROSS, Apiari-t. North Main St, Seaforth. 4361-1 USED DESKS, SUITABLE FOR HIGH or public school. Apply to M. A- REID Secretary, Seaforth High School District 4360-1 FOR SALE -ONE MASSEY-HARRIS 2 - horse gas engine, only used two LOST -AVON PIN. FINDER PHONE months' priced at 560.00; 1 exten-ion Sable with 4 .leave-, 910.00. Apply to MRS. ALBERT BAKER, Avon Re- JONATHAN HUGILL. Phone 667 r 5, 1 pre.entative, 356 Seaforth. Reward. Seaforth. 4360-2 4361-1 HONEY FOR SALE -WHITE CLOVER FOUND -ON NIGHT OF LIONS CARN- honey of excellent quality lin ens- ival, two keys on chain with plastic tomer's containers. 20c a pound): a mbar rectangular tab. Owner may have same honey, 12c a pound. J, HABERER & by applying to Box 46, HURON EXPOSI- SONS, Zurich, Ont Three blocks truth TOR, 4361-1 of HoteL 4360-3 LOST -A TISSOT WATCH IN Ina MEW IDEA AND MINNEAPOLIS - vicinity of Market and High Streets,' 1V Moline farm equipment;Boom's wag - about July 1. Has pinkish colored face, i on unloadety: Fairbanks -Mone hammer - Reward. MRS. ANTHONY PHILLIPS.' mills: Cibson refrigerators. Ask for our Seaforth. 4361-1' fetters and prices; it pays. NEW IDEA t11STRIBUTORS, Goderich. Ont Phone Carlow 2821. 4359x3 Help Wanted WANTED - MIDDLE-AGED HOUSE -I k'cper; light work. Apply Box 45. , HURON EXPOSITOR. 4361x1 MALE HELP WANTED WANTED IMMEDIATELY, A TIME- keeper and a cost clerk for temporary work. PHONE 460, Seaforth, and ask for Mr. Blum. 4361-1 HELP WANTED, MALE - YOUNG man, mechanically inclined, to serve as motor nreehanic apprentice. This is a trade with a good future. Good pay; holi- days with pay, sickness and accident bene- fits. en- dts. DALY MOTORS, Ford -Monarch fleeter. Phone 102, Seaforth. 4361-1 Agents Wanted DOUBLE YOUR INCOME BECOME DIRECT FACTORY REPRE- sentative for large company establish - •.ed over 25 years. Lovely dress and lin- gerie styles. newest range of fabrics and colours.' Also highest commissions, bonus- es. Write MILS. R. DOBIE, British Kait District Mgr., Lucan, Ont. 4361-2 Tenders Wanted TENDERS WANTED SCOTT MEMORIAL HOSPITAL Tenders For Painting and Decorating SEPARATE TENDERS WILL BE RE- ceived by the undersigned for the ex- terior painting and decorating of Scott Memorial Hospital, until August 15, 1951. Tenders a:il for: 11) Complete job, time and material; or 2. Separate tender.; for material ate ill onl r y. and time only. Specifications may be had from the un- dersigned at the Post Office. Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. CHAS. P. SILLS, Chairman Property Committee, Scott Memorial Hospital, 4361.2 Notices NOTICE - FOR A BABY SITTER. PHONE 292. 4361-1 NOTICE Hensall Union Cemetery AB parties in arrears for care of Iota are asked to kindly remit at once. Any donations will be greatly appreciated by the Board, and of real asaiatlnce in thio work. R. J. PATERSON, Tr usurer. 48rr9-3 NOTICE THEE SEAFORTII PUBLIC LIBRARY will be closed from July 30 to August 18. GiMTA THOMPSON, Librarian. 4860-2 Sell that unnecessary piece of i'utialture through a Huron End* for ela> lsifled Axl'. Phone 41. Built In Bath Tubs $60 THE SMART MARTHA WASHINGTON and Richt-edge three-piece bathroom sets complete with lonely chromed fittings, white $179. colour $.274. Illustrated cata- logue. Helpful installation diagram. Lustrous mother of pearl plastic top sink cabinets with stainJ<ss enamel sinks and chromed swing faucets, 998. Air condi- tioning furnace units, $295. Refrigerators, stoves, oil burners, pressure water sys- tems, Satisfaction guaranteed. Buy with confidence and save many dollars. Special offer to plumbers and builders. Write or visit JOHNSON MAIL ORDER DIVISION Streetav11le Hardware, 6rREETSVILLE, ONTARIO. Phone 261 T Cards Of Thanks THE FAMILY OF THE LATE MRS. Daniel Slei.as wish to express their sincere thanks for themany acts of kind- s nese and sympathy extended to them dur- ing their recent • bereavement, and to thank those who lo..ned car;. 4361-1 I WISH TO TAKE THIS OPPORTUN- ity td thank those who so kindly sent me gifts of flowers, fruits and cards dur- ing my recent stay in Scott Memorial Hospital. Special thanks to all the nura- e3 and staff, Dr. Rosa and Rev. S. Bren- ton, Londesboro. 4361-1 MRS. CHARLES DEXTER MRS. WILLIAM CURTIN AND SON, James Curtin, wish to express their sincere thanks to their many friends dur- ing the illness and recent death of Wil- iiam Curtin, especially for the loan of cars, floral and spiritual offerings, and assistance on the day of the funeral. 4361-1 Merchandise imports into Canada reached in 1950 the all-time peak of $3,174 million. + at i:ririr ' THE-'URQN EXPOSITOR • News Items of Hensall and District Hensall Library will be closed the first two weeks in August from the 4th to Aug. 21st, and all books are date August 4. Mr. G. M. Chellew, of Los An- geles, California, and Mr. Brian Bell -Irving, of Vancouver, B.C., who have been visiting with Mr. and Mrs. C. Cook, returned home Mon- day of this week. Mr. and Mrs. Stuart MacClem- ents, of Lynn, Mass., and grand- daughter, Cathleen Reagan, Dan- vers, Masa., visited over the week- end with Mrs. C. Hedden and Herb. Mrs. MacClements is a daughter- in-law of Mrs. Hedden's, and Cath - In Memoriam CIUDMORE---IN EVER LOVING MEM- ory of our mother, Margaret Ann Cudmore, who pulsed away on July 26.h, 1932. 4361x1 -Sons and Daughters. TAMONT IN LOVING MEMORY OF a dearly beloved son, A627 Tpr. Hec- tor J. Lamont, missing July 25, 1944, lat- er presumed killed in action at Verrierea, France. Memories are treasures no one can steal. Death is a heartache nothing can heal; Some may forget you, now you are gone But we will remember no matter bow long. -Sadly missed and ever remembered by Mom, Dad, Sisters and Brothers. 4361x1 Births ROY -At Scott Mmnorial Hospital, on July 24, to Mr. and Mrs. Lionel Rog, Seaforth, a son. REID--Olarence and Iva Raid, of Hensall are very happy to announce the birth of their son at the Clinton Hospital on Tuesday, July 24, 1951. A brother for Jerry. SMITH -At Scott Memorial Hospital, on July 22. to Mr. and Mrs. Stanley J. Smith, Seaforth, a son -Donald John, Deaths MacKenzie, Margaret N. -At Toronto, rn Sunday, July 22. 1951, Margaret -N. Drummond. of Toronto, age 40 years, beloved wife of Orme V. MacKenzie, dear mother of Margaret, Dorothy, Patricia and William. Rested at Ma. I.anathen end Re's Funeral Home, 206 Norfolk St., Guelph, where funeral ser- vice was held Wednesday. July 25, at 3 p.m.. D.S.T. Interment was in Wad- 1 lawn Cemetery, Guelph. leen is her great-granddaughter. Mrs- Grace Harpole, who ihas been visiting with her brother and sister-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Jarvis H•Orton, have returned to London. Miss Irma Kipfer, Toronto, is va- cationing at her home. Mrs. Scriver, Home Service De- partment of a flour mill, will con, - duct a home cooking school under the auspices of the Hensall United Church Evening Auxiliary, in the Sunday School room of the United Church on August 146 Pupils of Miss Greta Laramie will broadcast on the Kiddies' Stu- dio Party on CKNX, Saturday, July' 28, at 11:15 a.m. The broadcast will last 'half an hour. At the recent examination of the Royal Conservatory of Music, held at Stratford, Rod Ferguson was successful in obtaining 78 marks with honors in Grade 2, Piano. Rod who recently moved with his par- ents to Montreal, was a pupil of Miss Greta Laramie. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Geiger and daughter, of Whitby, are visiting with the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. Geiger. Mrs. Inez McEwan, Mrs. M. Moir and Mrs, Elsie Case left Tuesday morning on a motor trip 'through Northern Ontario, Mr. and Mrs. Laird Mickle and family have returned home after a pleasant two weeks' vacation spent at Rondeau Government Park, Lake Erie. • ' Mrs. N. Blatchford is visiting with her niece and nephew, Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Hudson, in St. Marys. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Pettigrew and sons, Bruce and Leonard, of Lincoln Park, Mich., were week -end visitors with Mr. and Mrs. George Hess. Mr. and Mrs. J. L. McCloy, of Toronto, are vacationing for two weeks at the Hesshaven cottage in the Pinery. Mrs. John Pfaff, who has been spending the past two week's with members of her family in London, returned home on Sunday last. Miss Edna Walsh s'-ent the first part of the week at her home in P1yth. CEMENT NOW IN STOCK Ball Macaulay PHO ERTH PH787 BUILDERS' SUPPLIES HCLINTONE97 97 LIME CEMENT WALLBOARD PAINT TILE & BRICK GOOD CARS ONE 1951 NASH SEDAN The Leading Car of the Year — in Style, Economy and Performance! One 1947 Chevrolet Coach—Just a dandy car for any one One 1949 Austin Coach—A car that will open your eyes in performance One 1942 Dodge 1/, -Ton Pick -Up, in nice shape One 1951 Austin Sedan GET IN TOUCH WITH Jonathan Hugill AT ONCE Phone: 616-34 Clinton 667-6 Seaforth 4i' ' /�%//?/.� `:,�%'•-�',.',.!�% %- •c/.k./i%f: ?:.moi/'.�s;i'••i.'t>!<;.;i?:;:)` you hove neverseen AnjtIin3 like it! Smartest ... safest ... most economical of all fine cars. Built the better way—of Airflyte Construction—twice as rigid and lastingly free of body -bolt squeaks and rattles. Tope in comfort and luxury, too. Hydra -Matic Drive and exclusive Nash Selecto-Lift start- ing optional. See and 'drive the 1951 Nash Ambassador today; BEFORE YOU DECIDE, TAKE AN AIRFLYTE RIDE IN THE WORLD'S MOST MODERN CAR JONATHAN HUGILL Phone: 616-34 Clinton — 667-6 Seaforth . Congratulations are extended to Mr. and Mrs. George Hess who on Wednesday, the 25th, celebrated their twenty-eighth wedding anni- versary. The event was spent at the Hesshaven cottage in the Pin- ery, a family dinner 'marking the occasion. Mrs. H. Bolger and daughter, of London, spent Saturday with Mr. and Mrs, Milton Love. • Kathy MCCloy, of Toronto, is spending two weeks with her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Hess. Mrs. T. Brintnell, Mrs- Mae Mc- Lellan and Bob McKenzie, of Hen- sall, were winner at the monster bingo held in the Community Centre, Seaforth, Tuesday evening. Mr, and Mrs. Clem Geisled and Lois, of Birmingham, Mich., spent last week visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Wright. Mrs. R. J. Wright and daughter, Mrs. O. Reichert, and Master Ken- neth, returnedhome last week af- ter visiting friends in Regina, Banff, Vancouver and Victoria, making the round trip by T..CA. Mrs. Elizabeth Markham, of London, is visiting with Mrs. J. D, Stewart. A delightful evening was spent at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Jack Kinsman, of Hibbert, Monday eve- ning when seventX-five neighbors and friends gathered at their home to honor them following their re• cent marriage, and to present them with a lamp and end -table. The address was read by Ross Hob garth and the presentation made by Nelson Pfaff and Ross Sararas. Bingo was one of the highlights of the evening, p:,Lunoh was served. RRUCEFIELD Visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Al- ton Johnston and other friends in - eluded: Mrs. J. Churohill, Miss Margaret Button, Mrs. N. Howard and daughter Dorothy, Mr. John McKay and. Mr. Bert" Gunn, Mr, and Mrs. Ben Kaiser , and Mrs. J. G. Kaiser, Detroit, have re- turned home after visiting with friends. where. Mr. and Mrs. H. Berry, accom- panied by Mr. and Mrs. W. Mof- fatt, holidayed. recently in Graven- hurst. Mr. and Mrs, Stan Neil and chil- dren, of Glencoe, •have returned hone after a three weeks' holiday w!th Mr. and Mrs. W. Stackhouse and Eva. Hugh Za.pfe, London, is holiday- ing at his home. Mrs. C. Snelling had the misfor- tune to break a bone in her foot. Mr. and Mrs. William Elsley, of Mount Forest, visited over the week -end with Mrs, W. Stevens. CROMARTY Miss Ellen Park, of Riverside Nursing Home in Mitchell, spent a week's holidays with Mrs. Duncan McKellar and other relatives. Mr. arid Mrs. Wallace, of Avon - ton, visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. G. Wallace. Mr. and Mrs. Bender, of Grand Bend, and) Mr. and Mrs. J. Baech- ler, of Zurich, were Sunday visi- tors with Mr. and Mrs. Donald Scott. Mr. and Mrs. Ken McKellar and. Betty visited on Sunday with friends at L's -towel. Mr. and Mrs. Archie Hoggkrth and family are 'tpen d'ing the holi- day season with Mrs. Bella Hog- garth and Jim, Hoggarth, Shirley Miller, of Galt and cher sister, Viola, are holidaying with Mr. and Mrs. Ross Houghton. Mr, Roderick Park, of Detroit, spent a week or two with Miss Sarah McKellar and other friends. Mr. and Mrs. William Guest, of London, accompanied Mr. and Mrs. Ted Storey to visit friends at Kin- cardine. Miss Margaret McKnight, Lon- don, spent the week -end with Bet- ty McKellar. Gordon Houghton, Frank Stagg, Shirley Gale, Audrey Kemp and Mrs. M. Houghton visited Mr. and Mrs. Len Houghton on Sunday. Leonard Gordon returned with them for a few weeks holidays. Many from this district attend- ed the McLachlin, Allen and Hog - earth reunion in Stratford Park on Saturday. Mr. Jack Houghton and two daughters, Jacqueline and Joanne, called at the home of Mrs. Hough- ton one day recently. KIPPEN Mr. and Mrs. Frank Baker, of London, also Mr, and Mrs. Eldon Johnston and family, of London, and Mr. Joe Dayman, of Fort Erie, were Week -end guests of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Dayman. Mr, Norman Long, of Kippen, was the week -end guest of his daughter and son-in-law in Windi- sor. Mrs. Anderson, of Marlette, Mich, is the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Elston Dawson, of Kippen. Mrs. Chapman, of Egmotldville, is renewing, acquaintances in the neighborhood. Mr. and Mrs, Jack Reid and son, Ian, of Toronto, who have been the guests of Mr. and Mrs, William Chapman, have returned home. Mr. and Mrs. Chapman returned with them. - Mrs. Grant Love and girls, of Caro, Mich., spent a few days re- cently visiting relatives in this vi oinity, Miss Verna Linden, of Denfield, spent the weelc-end' with her sit, ter and brother-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Archie Parsons. Mr. Bran van Velden and Mr. Marius Bakker, of Hamilton, spent the week -end with friends to this vicinity. Mrs. A. Gackstetter visited Sun- day with her husband, Mr. Arnold Gackstetter, at Westminster Hos- pital, London. Mr. and Mrs. A. Parsons visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Amos Ferguson, of 'Ilderton. Quite a number from here at- tended ttended the Sunday School picnic held at Jowett's Grove, Bayfield, on Friday last. Mr. and Mrs. Wilmer Ferguson, Donna and Muriel, visited recent- ly with Mrs. Jennle Schilbe, of Exeter. Mr. and Mrs. 'A. Parsons attend, ed the funeral of the latter's aunt, Mrs. E. Long, in ,Denfield last i week. I Mr. N. Dickert spent a few days last week with relatives at Clif- ford. Mrs. W. Horsey, of Exeter, who spent the past seven weeks with Mrs. A- Gackstetter, returned to her home on Saturday. Miss Marion Thompson, of Lon- don, spent the week -end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Thompson. Mr. Lloyd Workman and daugh- ters, Barbara and Ann, spent a few days last week with Lloyd's mother, Mrs. Thos. Workman, and Mr. and Mrs- Orville Workman. Barbara remained for a few more holidays. Mr. Nelson Yoe, of Toronto, is visiting Mr. and Mrs. Charles Switzer. Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Hood and Joyce returned home after spend- ing a month and a pleasant holi- day with her mother and friends in Winnipeg, Man, Mrs. McClymont visited friends in Cottam and Belle River over the week -end. Mr. Norman Long visited four days with his daughter and son-in- law, Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Dick, in Windsor. Mr. Elzar Mousseau has purchas- ed the Moore home in Kippen. Mr- and Mrs. Frank McConachie and family are holidaying at the Lake -of -Bays. Mr. Black, of Centralia., visited the Stasik family last week -end. Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Cooper were in London on Saturday. Mn and Mrs. Cudmore and Mrs. Long visited with relatives in Us - borne Township, on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Donald Cooper and son visited their parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Cooper, on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. W. Winder and Mrs, Franks, also Miss Margaret Winder, all of London, called on Mrs. Dawson and Mrs. Winder on Sunday. Miss Eleanor Ries, of Kitchener, is the guest of her cousin, Merle Dickert, this week. Mr. and Mrs. Charlie E. Ewasack of Stratford,- spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Dawson. Sunday guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Norman Dickert in- cluded: Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Wright, of Rodney; Mr. and Mrs. Ervin Dickert, Murray and Ron- ald. Mr. Alex Wojkowski, of Sarnia, spent Sunday with lir?' and Mrs. Henry Stasik and George. Doris Scott, of Exeter, visited her friend, Berva Switzer, last week. A number of families from School Section 14, Stanley Town- ship, held a weiner roast at the school on the evening of July 19. A pleasant evening was enjoy e,' by all. WALTON The death took place on Tues- day, July, quite suddenly of Mary Beuerman, widow of Daniel Steins, at her home. Born in McKillop, she was married to Mr. Steiss in 1908, and lived, all her life in this community. She was in her 66th year. Surviving are three sons, Clarence, London.; Lawrence and John, Welland, and four daughters, Mrs. Casey Hudson, Goderich; Mrs. John Rutledge. Welland; Mrs. HURON COUNTY JUNIOR FARMERS Third Annual Church Service JAMES ST. UNITED CHURCH EXETER SUNDAY, JULY 29th 8:00 p.m. Guest Speaker— Rev. Harold Snell Special music by the County Junior Farmers' Choir EVERYBODY WELCOME Orville Fuller; St. Catharines, and Mrs. Eldon Hulley, Walton; also three brothers, John, George and David Beuernl'an, of MCKillop. The funeral was held from her late residence in Walton on Friday, July 20, with Rev. Kerr, of Brus- sels, officiating. Internlent was in Cranbrook cemetery. CONSTANCE Miss Beulah Woods, of Ander- son, Indiana, is visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Montgomery. Mr. and Mrs. Russell Sebring and son, Jeff, of Herkimer, N.Y., were guests this week of Mr. and Mrs. E. Adams. Mrs. Chas. Dexter has returned, from Scott Memorial Hospital. She is recuperating at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Wm. Jewitt. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Lawson and son, Reg, were guests on Sunday of Mr. and /Mr•s.• Wm. Webster, of St. Helens. Haying operations have been completed and harvest is in full swing - Mr. and Mrs. Andrew ReekIe, who have been spending the past few weeks with her father, Mr. William Britton, have returned to their home in Brantford. Mr. and Mrs. H. L. McDonald, London, and Mr. and Mrs. Clyde McDonald are guests of Mr. and Mrs. E. Adams. Mr, and Mrs. Pierre Davis and son, Paul, of Lake George, Mich., and Mrs. C, Montgomery and fam- ily motored to Niagara Falls and spent an enjoyable time. Mr. and Mrs, Verne Dale and, family were guests of Mrs. J. S. McNeil and Carol, of Fullarton, on Sunday. JULY 27, 1951 Miss Lois Jamieson was promot- ed with a number of pretty and useful gifts on Tuesday evening at the home of Mrs. Harvey Taylor.. 4 The proposed Turnover Tax, 3 per cent at retail level, would raise the cost -of -living' index by 5.4 points. Waiter: "I would like the dish that gentleman over 'there is eat- ing." ating." "Very good, sir; I'll call him to the telephone while you snatch his' plate!" RASPBERRIES ARE IN FULL PRODUCTION NOW! In strawberries this season lots of people were disappointed. in not getting their full supply.. Don't let this happen to you with raspberries. You can order your berries RIGHT NOW and we will flit your order as they ripen, and at the lowest prevail- ing price this season. You will get Fresh Raspberries right from the field — not the stale trucked -in Raspberries which are dear at any price! We Guarantee' Fresh Berries and Well -Filled Boxes! Chas. Barnett • PHONE 130-W SEAFORTH West of the Creamery ,:I IPS II •.III�UI II '1 1111' i• Lakeview Casino GRAND BEND Dancing EVERY Night BOBBY DOWNS and his ORCHESTRA • • MIDNIGHT DANCE Civic Holiday Week - End Did you get your tickets on "THE THING" Sponsored' by The Grand Bend Lions trEETEUED For Your Building Needs • WHITE PINE—Dressed in all required widths and lengths. • NORTHERN SPRUCE — 1" and 2", dressed in all required widths and lengths. • HEMLOCK — 1" and 2" Merchantable Rough. Car expected this month. • CEDAR -1" and 2" Dimension Lumber in all lengths and widths. Also Shiplap„ and Bevel Siding • Your Orders Carefully Filled and Promptly Delivered Ball - Macaulay Seaforth •• Clinton Phone 787 Builders Supplies Phone 97 Lumber - Lime - Tile - Roofing - Siding BRAND NEW CARS Any FORD Ali at Regular ,List ALSO G.M.C. Make! — Any Style! — Any Color ! CHEVROLET OLDSMOBILE BUICK PONTIAC METEOR Price — Approximately 24 -Hour Service — GUARANTEED SERVICE CHEVROLET FORD MERCURY TRUCKS USED CARS '51 CHEV, DE LUXE BELAIR HARD -TOPPED _ CONVERTIBLE—Two-tone in color, air conn ditioning, custom radio, extras BRAND NEW CHEV. STYLELINE CHEV. STYLELINE SEDAN CHEV. FLEETLINE COACH CHEV. STYLELINE SEDAN CHEV. FLEETLINE SEDAN CHEV. DE LUXE STYLELINE radio, air-conditioning '51 '50 '49 '49 '49 '49 SEDAN SEDAN— '48 PONTIAC FLEETLINE COACH—Radio, conditioning , PONTIAC COACH. '47 c EV. COACH . '40 DODGE SEDAN '39 DODGE SEDAN '39 CHEV. SEDAN '38 CHEV. COACH '36 FORD COACH '36 DODGE SEDAN '36 PLYMOUTH SEDAN SPECIALS—'49 Chev. 5 -pass. Coupe, $1,550.00 '47 Chev. Sedan, $1,150.00 A written guarantee for 60 days on all late model cars. Some of these Cars are on display at the SUPERTEST SERVICE STATION, SEAFORTH. For further information, contact the lessees. MANY OTHER MODELS- TO CHOOSE FROM PHONE 73-X aq BRUSSELS MOTOR'S BRUSSELS -- ONTARIO "The 'Home of Better Used Cars" OPEN EVERY wit EVENING