HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1951-07-20, Page 6t,, ;qt rr e Council Lets Tile ►retract to E. Robinson i4fi4orne council met in regular monthly session on Monday even- ing, vening, July 9, with Reeve Wellington Brock presiding and Councillors Verne Pincombe, Harold Jeffery, Harold Hern' and Earl Mitchell in attendance. The minutes of the last regular meeting held June 9 were adopted as printed on motion of Jeffery and Pincombe. Offers for the supply of the tile required for the construction of the Jeffery drain were considered by the council. The qugtation of Ern- est Robinson, of Mitchell, at 51,- 400.15 delivered with delivery in the late fall or early next spring, was accepted on motion of Pin- combe and Jeffery and the clerk was instructed to place the order. W. H. Hodgson, representing the General Accident Assurance Co., interviewed the council in regard to the renewal of an Employers Liability policy held in that com- pany. Contract was renewed on motion of Pincombe and MitchelL Ray Cottle interviewed the coupr cil in regard to the damaged head- wall on the •Elimville drain on his property. Council instructed the clerk' to again remind S. W. Archi- bald that they would like his ad- vice regarding the proper repair of this and also the headwall on the Stewart drain. The court of revision on the Jeffery drain, adjourned at the last regular meeting, was reconvened. The clerk read a letter from S. W. Archibald, engineer on the drain, advising the council that after a further revie'v of the assessments in dispute, he felt that they were fair and equitable. After some fur- ther consideration the court dis- missed the Down appeal on motion of Jeffery and Pincombe and the Reynolds appeal was dismissed on motion of Mitchell and Hern. The court of revision was formally dos- ed and By -Law Nu. S. 1951, provid- ing for the construction of the Jef- fery Municipal drain was finally passed on motion of Mitchell 'and - Jeffery. An agreement for the reforesta- tion of six and one-half acres un- der the township reforestation by- law was signed by William J. Ker - nick Lot W?2 19-20. Con. 3. The reeve and clerk were authorized to sign on behalf of the township on motion of Pincombe and Hern. The road superintendent pres- ented his monthly report which was passed on motion of Jeffery and Mitchell. along with accounts Staffa Institute The regular meeting of Staffa Women's Institute will be held Wednesday evening, July 25, at the home of Mrs. W. O'Brien, the roll call to be answered by "Hints on houseplant care." The topic on Community Activities and Public Relations will be given by Mrs. W. J. Fell and current events by Mrs. Earl Treffry. There will be a demonstration of English smock- ing. quisette over faille taffeta. The barque bodices had nylon yokes. edged with a frill of nylon, end short sleeves- The full graceful skirts were trimmed with rosettes at the hipline. Their floral head- dresses and gloves harmonized with their gowns, and they car- ried old-fashioned nosegays of yel- low roses, , carnations and mauve sweet peas. Mr. Earl Ryan and Mr. Patrick Woods were grooms- men, and ushers were Mr. foseph Woods and Mr. Clarence Ryan, all of ]Dublin. The wedding dinner was served at the Old Homestead, near Shake- speare. Mrs. Ryan, mother of the bridegroom, received in a black af- ternoon dress figured in white with Clack accessories and red rose Cor sage. Following the dinner Mr and Mrs. Ryan left on a trip to Ste. Anne de Beaupre. Cleveland, Ohio, and Detroit. The bride trav- elled in a yellow gabardine sum- mer suit with navy accessories and corsage of Talisman roses. The couple will reside in Preston. Guests at the wedding were from Detroit, Windsor, Toronto. Galt. Parkhill and London. Taylor - Crich - Standards of pink and red roses formed a charming setting on Saturday, July 7, at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Herman Crich, Tuck- gtsmith, for the marriage of their younger daughter, Lois Emmeline. and Fred James Taylor. son of Mr. and Mrs- Harry Taylor, Exeter. The double ring ceremony was per- formed by Rev. D. Glenn Campbell, Seaforth. Traditional wedding mus is was played by Mrs. E. Wendorf. C1'nton, who accompanied the solo- ist, James T. Scott, Seaforth. who sang "Because"' and "O Perfect Love." - Given in marriage by her father, to the amount of $3,830.56. the bride was charming in a floor - Correspondence was tabled and length gown of white slipper satin dealt with as follows: Ctnty of in princess style with a sweet - Huron, county levy for 19o1: gen-, heart neckline and lily - point eral rate. 5.5 mills, $14,596.33; , sleeves, ruffled peplum and rows county highways, 3.5 mills. $9,-1 of frills across the front tif the 238.57; total, $23,584.90; J. A. skirt. Her finger-tip veil was held Coombs, district engineer, Depart- in place by a Queen Anne head- ment of Highways, confirming re dress and she carried a shower ceipt of formal complaint re dam- 1 bouquet of red roses and baby's age to road by traffic to airport, breath. Mrs. Ross Trewartha, her filed. County of Huron, copy of sister's only attendant, wore a By -Law No. 24, 1951, county equal-, gown of yellow taffeta with match- ization for 1952 taxation, Usborne ing ,headdress, and carried a bou- total 52.651,300, county total, $54,- quet of Talisman roses and mauve 086.082. Filed, Livestock .Branch, baby's breath. Ivan Taylor, broth - re application for grant under the ,er of the groom, was best man. Warble Fly Control Act, the reeve Following the ceremony a re - and clerk were authorized to sten ception was held at Hotel Clinton. the application on motion of Mit-, The bride's mother wore a dress chell and Hern. Current accounts of white figured nylon with white to the amount of $602.75 were pass- I accessories, and the groom's moth - ed for payment on motion of Hern er wore a navy dress with white and Mitchell. i accessories. Each wore a corsage On motion of Hern and Pincombe of pink roses. the clerk was instructed to prepare Later the young couple left by an amending by-law to By -Law N.o. l motor for points north and east, 8, 1951, the Jeffery drain, providing , the bride travelling in a white for the collection of only 50 per figured nylon dress with white w - cent of the assessments in 1951, 1 cessories, and a wine shortie coat. and the balance in 1952 for the rea Her corsage was pink carnations and pink baby's breath. On their return they will reside in Seaforth Prior to her marriage the bride was guest of honor at a mist el- laneous shower given by the Tuck- ersmith Ladies' Club at the home son that construction of the drain would likely be delayed until th• spring of 1952. The clerk reported that James A. Howe had secured all docu- ments relating to the Whilihan, Johns, Gardiner and Sauble River of Mrs. Frank Falconer. The bride - drains preparatory to making an elect was presented with many examination and report as he had beautiful and useful gifts. The eve- ning was brought to a close with the hostess serving delicious re- freshments. Also honoring the bride, her mother, Mrs. Herman Crich, enter- tained at a delightful trousseau tea on Wednesday evening, July 4. Roses and other summer flowers were attractively arranged through- out the house for the occasion. The guests were welcomed by the hos- tess and her daughter. Trousseau and gifts were shown by Mies Mar nret Rogerson. Miss' Margaret Hudson and Mrs. Bill Gibbings. Those serving were Mrs. George Hildebrand and Mrs. Frank Fal- coner. Also assisting were Mrs, Floss Trewartha. Mrs. Newman Garrett, Mrs, Warren Whitmore 'nd Mrs. Alden Crich. been instructed to do; also that S. W. Archibald had indicated that an early start would be made on the Kerslake drain. All motions were unanimously passed and council adjourned to meet again in regular monthly ses- sion on Monday evening, Aug. 13. District Weddings Ryan - Woods In a double ring ceremony in St. Patrick's Roman Catholic Church, Dublin, at 10 o'clock Saturday morning, Catherine Irene, daughter of Mr. Patrick Joseph Woods, R.R. 1, Dublin, and the late Mrs. Woods, was united in marriage to Mr. Leo Benedict Ryan, Dublin, son of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas F. Ryan, R.R. 1, Dublin. Rev. Father O'Reilly, of .the Redemptor•ist Order, London, officiated at the ceremony, and Mrs. William Lane presided at the organ. At the Offertory of the Mass Misses Mary Margaret, Ther- esa, Geraldine, Patricia and Alice Ryan sang an "Ave Maria" and "On This Day, 0 Beautiful Moth- er," during the signing of the reg- ister. The altar was adorned with blue and white delphiniums and candles for the occasion. Given in marriage.by her father, the bride looked charming in a gown of traditional white satin wade in colonial style. The nylon yoke was outlined with a lace frill which extended over the long lily point sleeves. The full skirt was fashioned with five tiers of lace in the front and the back swept gracefully into a cathedral train edged sdth lace. Her flinger -tip veil of illusion was held in a head- dress of orange 'blossoms, and she carried a shower bouquet of red and w'hi'te rosea with satin stream- ers knotted with sprays of baby's breath. pjt S> ixldl attendants, Mlda Rose ario' ` 'tfdda, sestet of the bride, r Pone and M!se Mary 1ll- iq; bricleantalcl, wore Iden- .fitimeo ii3�ion mkt. There were 5,847 hotels in Can- ada in 1949 and these could accom- modate 268,343 persons. Future radio officers of the R.C.A.F. in training at the Air Radio Officers' School at Clinton, Ont., not only train on ground installa- tions but under actual flying conditions as well. Here, student and instructor are shown during a training flight in a Dakota radio trainer. Left, is Flight Cadet W. (Steve) Herman, of St. Cath- arines, Ont., receiving instructions from Flight Lieutenant J. W. (Jack) Watson, of Toronto. THE MIXING BOWL By ANN E,ALLAN Hydro Home Economist Hello Homemakers! We have re- about ceived a new cook book — "'hot" from the press. The proud group who compiled the contents of Favourite Foods are the Girl Guides away down (or up) in Grand Falls Newfoundland. These recipes are their mothers' favour- ite dishes. These Guides do not know how much their efforts will mean to them until they have a home of their own, will they? 'fake a look in your desk drawer or mother's cupboard! Can you sort out your mother's recipes? Maybe you should start to paste these recipes on three by fourinch cards which you buy in a pack and file them under a card index. The recipes that appeal to us from Newfoundland are, naturally, the economical fish dishes. Here are a few. Smoked Fish Souffle Pemove the flesh from previous- ly cooked cod or haddock, about halt a pound, and flake it. Put one ounce of butter in pan and melt it: Add one tablespoon flour and pour on a cup of water. Let this thicken. mix with fish, season well and beat in two egg yolks. Fold in carefully the stiffly whip- ped whites of two eggs. Turn the mixture into a buttered souffle dish, sprinkle with grated cheese and bake in a hot oven, till brown and well risen, about 20 minutes. (Delicious made with canned lob- ster). Tuna Fish Mould 1 (6 oz.) tin tuna la, cup cold water 1/4 cup chopped cucumber 1 cup chopped celery 1 cup peas 1',2 cups salad dressing 1 ibsp. lemon juice 2 envelopes gelatine Red pepper Salt. Method: Dissolve gelatine in cold water. Let stand for five min- utes. Separate tuna with fork to make it flaky. Thoroughly mix tuna, cucumber, celery, peas, pep- per and salt with salad dressing. Add lemon juice. Then stir in gel- atine and pour into mould which has been rinsed in cold water. Chill firm, then unmold on lettuce or cress. Garnish with stuffed olives and sprigs of parsley. Baked Fillet Wash fillet. drain and dry. Cut into serving pieces. Dip pieces of fish in seasoned bread crumbs, then in milk. then in bread crumbs again. Place fish in totter Coate I baking dish. Pour melted butter over it (using about 4 tablespoons hurter to 11,2 pounds fish). Bake in very hot oven (500 d(grees) for 15 or 20 minutes. • Savory Oysters la pound sausages cups milk i,; teaspoon salt Dash .of pepper 1 pint of oysters 3 tablespoons flour. Saute sausage until cooked, then cut the sausage In cubes. Blend the flour into this, then add the milk, salt and pepper. Cook until thick and add oysters. Heat thor- oughly- until edges of oysters be- gin to curl. Pour at once over toast points or in pastry shells. Garnish with parsley. Take a Tip 1. There are six distinct spec ies of salmon, differing in color, flavor, texture and oil content. Due to quality differences the prices o canned salmon, especially,' varies widely. The pink is good far cas- serole dishes. Red salmon, always labelled sockeye, is desirable for sandwiches and salads. Medium - red salmon is priced between these and is used for cooking or serving in salads. 2. Some smoked and cured fish are cooked partially and may be eaten without further cooking, or with just heating. Fish of this type include goldeye, chub and whitefish. Other cured fish, such as kippered herring or finnan had - die, must be cooked. 3. When we extend fish serv- ings by adding other less expensive foods such as vegetables, macar- oni or spaghetti, cereals or bread crumbs to make loaves, casserole dishes, and salads, we get more servings per pound. 4. Like the white of an egg, fish must be cooked so that the album- inous part is delicately soft and 1,1'.,111111I,1�11i lllill'Ii 111 IIIllnllllllllllnlllnnnlllllllinlnllliilllilllilll Wool Wanted SALADS FOR CANADIANS Canadians are awakening to the fact that a salad is one of the fin- est dishes a housewife can serve. This is known from a collection of facts from various sources--fig- tiles on food products, surveys of eating habits, and so on. . Almost invariably a salad is made up, or at least contains a number of fresh foods—fruits, veg- etables—and other unprocessed it- ems such as cheese, fish, meats, all creamy. When perfectly cooked the lial:es of the fish can be eas- ily pulled apart yet full of juice. 5. Wrap fish fillets or steaks in wet parchment paper and bake in oven. ']'here is no escape of aroma during cooking. 6. Fillets or small fish may be broiled or pan-fried in oil or fat and should be basted to prevent fish from drying out. Pre -heat the broiling element, place fish skin - side down on the rack and broiler pan about two inches below heat- ing unit. When fish is well brown - 00 on one side, turn it carefully and brown other side. It will take five to eight minutes cooking time for small fish and 15 to 20 minutes for broiling large fish. 7. Prepare tartar sauce or snap- py cole slaw to accompany cooked fish. 8. Portions of leftover fish may be made into a delicious fish and, vegetable casserole or flaked and served with diced celery and grat- ed beet for a fisb salad. .All Wool shipped to JACKSON'S is Graded in Seaforth and full settlement made by them. H. M. JACKSON SEAFORTH Phones: Days 684-W; Nights 8-J tllYlroti)HllliillllllllNlnIIIIIIIIIIIIIINIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIUIIIIIIInllnnlllllnnnlnlllln�lnllnlm Anne Allan invites you to write to her c/o The Huron Expositor. Send in your suggestions on home- making problems and watch this column for replies. (Continued from Page 2) At this laboratory, cultures of the virus which attacks European saw - fly were developed, from importer tions made from Sweden. Also under study there at pres- ent are diseases of the Spruce Bud - worm, European Spruce Sawfiy, Forest Tent Caterpillar and Gypsy Moth. Co-operation is maintained with United States scientists, who re- port encouraging results in New Jersey with viruses imported from the Sault Ste. Marie laboratory. Making allowance for the dan- gers of over -enthusiasm, it is high- ly probable that, next to cultural control, biolog'ca1 control will prove one of thbest solutions to the majority of our forest insect problems, scientists declare. of them extremely tasty, pleasant to look at and highly nutritious as well. The comparatively recent availability of frozen foods has re- duced the troubles of the salad - maker, too, and enhanced the use of fresh foods through salaIs. But Canadians can still learn a lot about salads, particularly how good they are, how convenient as warm -weather dishes, how healthy as all -season servings. To opresd the word, a national Salad Week will open July 27, sponsored by the Canadian Horticultural Coun- cil and supported by 'government departments and food industries interested in promoting the use of the products from Canada's farms. During this campaign hostesses, housewives -and chefs will have more information on salads at their fingertips than was ever available at one time before. Pressure Points There are various spots in the human body at which the arteries are located close to the surface of the flesh and where, in case of ex- cessive bleeding, the flow of blood may be controlled by pressure. Everyone should' know how to deal with such an accident emergency, a knowledge which its part of train- ing in first-aid to the injured. In most communities, first-aid classes are available or may be arranged by interested groups. Highest Cash Prices for DEAD STOCK HdRSES....$5.00 each CATTLE....$5.00 each HOGS..:$1.00 per cwt. According to Sin- ape Condition Call Collect SEAFORTH 15 DARLING it COMPANY. • OF CANADA, LIMITED r MAW Mr. and Mrs. Austin Dillinag, Ross and Hazel, of London, at- tended the silver wedding celebra- tion of Mr. and Mre. Wilbur Dia- ling, Hensall, on Friday of last. week. Mr. and Mrs. Roy McNaughton and Donna, of New Liskeard, vis- ited on Wednesday evening with Mr. and Mrs. Charles Stephen. Mrs. Drummond, of Brandon, Man., is visiting for a few weeks with her daughter, Mrs. John Min- ers. Murray and Donnie Parrish are spending the holidays at the home of their grandfather, Mr. Harry Sparling. Mrs. Thos. Bell returned home last week after spending the past month with her granddaughter, Mrs. Milan Nasi, Montreal. Misses Florence Bell, Reg,N., and Sallie., Reg.N., of Nassau Hos- pital, New York, spent the past week at the home of the former's mother, Mrs. Thos. Bell. Murray Stephen returned home from a two weeks' motor trip to Winnipeg, through the U.S.A. Miss Anna Routly is spending this week at tthe girls' camp, Gode- rich. Mr. David Bradshaw, Seaforth, visited with his uncles, Amos and Herman Herdman, this week. Betty Anne Stephen is spending the holidays with her sister, Mrs. Jack Robinson, Rannock. STOP*ITCHN rte eatfas6 Quick! Stop itching of insect bites. bet rash. eczema, hives, pimples, scales. scabies. athlete's foot and other externally caused skin troubles. Use quick -acting. soothing, antiseptic D. D. 0. PRESCRIPTION. Greaseless, stainless. Stops Itch or money back. Don't suffer. Your drug. gist has D. D. D. PRESCRIPTION. 14 Twentr a ix Bones, The atuman,„foot” Contains. about 2s bones in addition to many mus - Cleo and tendons. Childrel 's feet In their growing stage need &VeciaB attention so that they may grows normally, without distortion from ill-fitting shoes. A child's footwear should be large enoughto allon for growth. His hosiery should also be large enough and allowance made for* shrinkage through laun- dering, so that his toes do not be- come cramped. In 1950 direct taxes in Canada totalled $1,663,0'00,000; indirect tax- es totalled $2,060,000,000. aacc enure ITS BETTER BUSINESS TO WORK REFRESHED !11',,(11, 11111'1'111 IIl1'i',1ll11 ill 1111111111'1111, 11! i r til;',I:1 , A Complete Service Auditing Bookkeeping Office Systems • Phone 3065-R FEN L . GIBBS Lloemesed Public Accountant ?3 Ontario St., Stratford .ii,l 1 11 like Riding a er tin for MARMAK lubrication to -day ! That good "cushiony" feeling you get with Texaco Marfak is due to its toughness and long life. It resists "pound -out" and "squeeze -out", sticks to bearings, fights wear all the way. Drive is and enjoy a Texaco Marfak job—now! RICE MOTORS PHONE 799 SEAFORTH 5 Huron & Erie Debentures "A Time -Tested Trustee Investment" 3' 2 -- 5 year term • Interest payable half -yearly. • $ 100 or more accepted. • Comparable rates for shorter terms. ' o Huron&Erie MORTGAGE CORPORATION DISTRICT REPRESENTATIVES: Watson & Reid, Seaforth, Ontario F. G. Bonthron, Hensall, Ontario The Huron & Erie Mortgage Corporation, London; Ontario `1te, Case of the Mrs Buch by t<oe rarms Service uepT. 71'0 LIKE TO TAKE A CHANCE ON THESE BIRDS BERT TO MAKE EXTRA MONEY BY HOLDING ON TO THEM. BUT I CAN'T '�<, AFFORD TO FEED , TIRED LAYERS VIII- ` DON'T CROSS YOUR BRIDGES BEFORE YOU COMETOTHEM, BILL, THERE SAWAYTOBM L E66 PRODUCTION. HERE'S DOC ROE. LETS ASK HiM HELLO, DOC. YOU'RE JUST IN TIME. BILL,HERE,IS WORRIED. HE DOESN'T KNOW WHETHER TO SELL OR NOLO WITH rFIRST. GIVE YOUR LAYI NG FLOCK THE ONCE vjta: juets EASYI�EAT EASYII�D/!!;ElST RIGN IN VITAMINS. alt '_ si1 ARE THEY PRETTY 000D. DOC ?) OVER, CULL CAREFULLY FOR POOR BI RDS. SECOND. GIVE THE REST OF YOUR FLOCK A GOOD. THEY ARE JUST THE THING 1 TO GIVE YOUR FLOCK AN ADDED SPORTING CHANCE BY FEEDING THEM ROE VITA -LAY PELLETS. THEY'LL PUT WEIGHT ON ON HIS LAYING FLOCK. EGG PRICES HOLDING UP, HE. WANTS TO KEEP THEM LAYING ROE VITA -LAY PELLETS ARE MINERALS AND \�.,t,.. PROTEINS "' 171EQU/CKEsr. - WAYT POTWE/6#7.40 ,, nn,,,, /ynC 061----3.- irdAii MORE E66S IN YOUR BASKET MDEPROF/TINYOURPX�ET II I f0/,'' _E OIL -12 SPURT - JUST RIGHT TO MAKE YOU AN EXTRA DOLLAR %� YOUR BIRDS --AND KEEP THEM LAYI N6 SEASON RIGHT THROUGH THE LATE SE YOUR �,I - /�, !` �. 6fiitli, agilliri -' I f.- .,;,,,,,w7..., - /i / ^ ' ', t :. girl ii� T .►', 1:1 i;i�� ..� e % ( r. �. . ��� ,�w�� .:- ' t, . • I. ,�It 11 �` its. — ;:'' '�`o 1t> _Ii L�,^ 1 . , �, I W. ! . _ ' / . �, ' ` 1 _ W. _ k„.., I y ' J "'�'F-•1�1 ZIllie ° /��� fit0 '- ' 'iiia, I 1 p144f r ` P r' / � W. Kerslake, Seaforth Lorne Hay, Henson A. J. Mustard, Brucefield TA Sadler, Staffs ®. Shouldice Brodhn en std lan