The Huron Expositor, 1951-07-20, Page 4aed Ads Inserted At New Low Cash Rates: FOR SALE, WANTED, LOST AND FOUND, ETC. -Per Word: off'- let week 1 Cent 2nd week % Ceht week Minimum charge, first rcs. -. , 26 C Cents en Each figure, initial and abbreabition manta ar ons woad. .Mods Of Thanks, In Memoriam N.tices, Coaiag Eve r--1 Dent per wood, s0 oasis per We* Lrnioiries may be directed to a Boss No., c/o Tim Sarson ikgesitoy for 1111 cants nota 'Ben mass additional will be charged it ads Pox above clams ars not paid within 10 days of date of final insertion - Births, Marriage& and Dwells&'� ``inserted from of charm auction Sales, Notice, to CA' tom. Eta -Bats on. aosalLemtfoa • For Rent "WADE RENT -OFFICE SPACE IN THE Dominion Bank Building- Apply to the Manager. 4949.41 'Fox RENT -A 4 -ROOM SELF-CON- tained apartment; heated: newly dec- orated. eo-orated. Apply Box 42, HURON EXPOSI- TOR 4359-11 Coming Events YOU'LL ENJOY DANCING AT THE Beautiful Crystal Palace Ballroom, Mitchell, every Friday night to the music of Don Robertson and his Ranch Boys. 4359x2 For Sale Notices NOTICE Hensall Union Cemetery All parties in arrears for care of lots are asked to ki"..'y remit at once. Any the Board, and of real a: s tante in this work. donations wi) l greariy appreciated by R. J. PATERSON, Treasurer. NOTICE FOR SALE USED DEARS, SUITABfl? FOR HIGH or public school. Apply to MA REID Secretary, Sealoet*i High School District 4360-1 Help Wanted WANTED - FULL-TIME GARDENER wanted at once. Most be experienc- ed preferably married. Living accomn,o- 43594 dation supplied APPLY DR E. A Mo - TrELE SEAFORTH PUBLIC LIBRARY will be closed from July 30 to.A,ugtast WANTED - GENTLEMAN REQUIRES 13. room and board. Apply to Box 43, GRETA THOMPSON, HURON EXPOSITOR 4360x1 Librarian. 4360-2 MASTER, Seaforth. 4360-1 Wanted Personals SKINNY MEN, WOMI:N1 GAIN 6 TO 15 1b`. New pep. too. Try famous Ostrex Tonic Tablets for double results; new healthy fis=h ; new vigor. New acquainted" size ONLY 60c. All drug gets, H YGIENIC SUPPLIES (RUBBER Goods), mailed postpaid in plain. sealed envelope with price list 6 samples 25e; 24 samples 51.00. Mail -Order Dept. T-78, NOVA -RUBBER CO., Box 91, Hamilkoq 0 at. Tenders Wanted TOWNSHIP OF HAY Tenders For Drainage Work Separate' Tenders will be received by the undersigned until 6:00 p.m-, July 31st, 1951, for the repair of the ZURICH DRAIN SOLITE and SCHWALM DRAIN 9.080 and 4.200 cubic yards respectively Tenders to call for complete job, includ- ing catch basins according to the En. gineer's Report. Specifications may be seen at the Township Office or at S. W. Archibadd's Office, 456 Wellington St, London. Certified cheque for 10% of tender to accompany tender. No tender necessarily accepted. H. W. BROKENSHIRE, Clerk Hay Township, Zurich, Ont 43694 WANTED - LADY DESIRES NICE dean room- Must be in town. Apply to Box 44, HURON EXPOSITOR 9360-1 C.ARPENTER-WORK DESIRED BY A skilled carpenter with 20 years' ex- perience in the building trade in Den- mark. Neat, efficient work; reasonable prices- GUNNAR SKORSTENGARD. Ann St„ Seaforth. or Secet Poultry Farms. Phone 2S4 -W. 4360x2 Lost and Found DOST -A SMALL BROWN COLLIE dog with collar. Phone WILLIAM LAMPORT. Kir kaon. 54 r 19. 4360xl Property For Sale 14"'OR SALE- COTTAGE IN SEAFORTH 4 rooms and bath, hot and cold water all the time; extra good cellar; well drained; winter fuel, coal and wood. Will ,;1 everything. Possession soon. Apply r.. McLLWAIN. Seafarth. Phone 589-W. 4360x2 Auction Sales (AUCTION SALE OF HOUSEHOLD EF - feels in the Town of Seaforth- on Saturday, July 21st, at 1:30 p.m.. at the home of Levi Making, Railway Street:, 9 -piece during room suite; 1 love seat: 1 cheiterfleld bed: number of raking chairs; 3 small tables ; 2 couches: 1 kitchen cup- board ; table and chain : 1 Finlay cook ;stave; 2 -burner electric plate: electric toaster and electric iron: 1 single bed, springs and maitre. -s : 2 bedroom suites sewing machine: electric Tampa; floor' covering: Quilts: kitchen utensils and dishes ; washing machine: garden tools; 1 'set of 25-1b. scales ; other articles too num- erous to mention- Terns -Cash. LEVI MAKINS, Proprietor: Harold Jackson, Auctioneer: E. P. Chesney, Clerk. 9360-1 For Sale (AUCTION SALE OF HOUSEHOLD EF- fccas will be held in the Village of Kinburn, on Friday. July 27th. at 1:30 p.m_ at the home of Mrs. Mary Nichol- son: 3 bedroom suites; 2 cook stoves: 1 Quebec heater; -4 necking chain : dining room table and 6 chairs: 8 kitchen chairs; cab - FOR SALE -30 PIGS, EIGHT WEEKS "-ardmbe; chest of drawers; kitchen cab- old- Apply JACK RIVERS, Norio ;net; large , ,,,.,rd: couch: washing iron; 2 -hurter hot plate; electric washing ma - FOR SAT,F - RASPBFRRTIrc THOS. ROBIN SON. Egmondville Phone 666 r 31, Sen.forth. 43604 ii a:n St 4361:tx1 chine; hand washing machine: 1 set farm 1 1 OR SALE -QUANTITY AMERICAN scales, weigh 2,000 lbs.: cream separa- tor ; 3 end tables : 3 wash tube: copper c.ment NORMAN MacLEAN. Phone boiler; 1 wash board: 6 cream cans: roll 3-1. Egmondville. 4359$ chicken wire; electric toaster: roll new' FOR SALE -23 TONS OF MIXEDlinoleum: 2 iron stove pots: 1 set single nes, hars ; boggy; cutter; quantity plank grain. Apply to JAMES SOUTER. and !timber- large feed bin: stovepipe, • RR- 1, BruceSelrL Phone 668 r 14, Sea 2 hand wringers ; ironing board ; china - forth. 4360-1 and kitchen utenotls : garden tools. Terms �jQR SALE-TR'O HEIFEBS, SPRING --Cool, MRS. MARY NICHOLSON, Pm- -post s : Harold Jack ---on. Auctioneer. 1 ing. Apply to JOHN E. MURRAY. 4360-1 Dublin. Phone 37 r 20, Dublin. News Items of Hensall and District Mr. and Mrs. Robert Cook and Mr. and Mrs. Morley Sanders are vacationing at Lions Head and Wasaga Beach. Pupils of Miss Greta Laramie K will present a program on the kid- dies' studio party, CNX, Wing - ham, Saturday, July 28, commenc- ing at 11:15 am., lasting half an hour. Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Kinsman, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Treffry and Mr. and Mrs. T. Brintnell attended service at Bluevale United Churcb last Sunday morning, and also vis- ited with Rev. and Mrs. 11 A. Brook. Miss Maja Roobol and Miss Mar- ilyn Eyre have returned from spending a week's vacation in Ridgetown. Mrs. Herb Allen, Toronto, was a week -end visitor with Mr. and Mrs. JohnMcMurtrie, and also visited with Mr. and Mrs. J. E. McEwan. Mrs. Reta Charles, London, is spending two weeks' vacation with her aunt, Mrs. Anna Walker. Miss Gladys Luker is enjoying a week's vacation_ MissLillian MacKay, Windsor, is vacationing with her sister and brother-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Shepherd. Mr. and Mrs. Garnet Cudmore, Toronto, are holidaying at their home here. Mrs. Mina Slater, of Islington, Mass., is spending a month with Mrs. J. W. Bonthron. The July meeting of the Hensall- Exeter Women's Christian Temr'er- ance Union was held at the home of the president, Mrs, E. Geiger, Tuesday afternoon, July 17, at 3 p.m. with a good representation of Exeter and Hensall members. T h e devotional period w a s conducted by Mrs. Geiger and Mrs. F. J. Appleby. Prayers were offered by Mrs. Miners, Mrs. W. Cook. Mrs. C. W. Down and ,Mrs. Geiger. Many items of interest were discussed at the mee:ing. rhe August meeting will be Lehiin Exeter. Refreshments were served. New Books At Library The following new books have been received at Hensall Public Library: Fiction - Great Oaks. Williams; Joy Street, Keyes; Toil Ei t rglades, Slaughter; Star Mon- ey. Wisner: Flood Tide, Yerby; The Faith of Mrs. Rulem, Felnne- gan; For Fire. Seton; The Long- est ongiest Way Round, Marshall; The Parson, Colver: Prairie Avenue. Meeker; The Glass House. Covert; Each Man's Son, McLennan; The Outlander, Guevremont ; Doctor Christopher, Dern; Four Gardens. Sharp; The Balance Wheel, Bat - tome; A Woman Called Fancy, Yerby: Proud New Flags, Mason; Kentucky Stand, R-heelright; Miss Doctor. Seifert; Are You Ready, Caroline? Feiner; The Holly and the Ivy. Cowlin: The Beautiful Re- quest. Hotch; A Clear Dawn, Peck; Red Cloak Flying. Widde- mer; The Marriage of Josephine, Coryn; Gay Pursuit, Cadell; Bron- eho Apache, Wellman; Murder Makes the Mare Go. Dolph; Sum- mer Lightning. Dare; The Wild Bunch, Haycox; Hop Along Cas- s'.dy's Private War, Mulford; The Hangman of Sleepy Hollow, Dres- ser: Range War West, Cassidy; The Killer Brand. MacDonald; The Scarlet Woman. Hocking; Sleep No More. Taylor; Lost Gold, West; Signal Guns At Sun -up, Carpen- er; Joss of the Diamond Cross, Smith; Doomrock. Joscelyn: Trails By Night. Hopkins; Riders of reckless Gold, McCoy; The Phan - nm Spur. Fox: Lookout For Liza.,Baldwin; Double -Double, Queen; file Willow Cabin. Frankaw. Non -Fiction -Farewell To Privis Ford, Buchan; The Salt Bov, :ard; Reluctant Farmer. Thane; es Eye is on the Sparrow, Wa- Cards Of Thanksl ets; The Rev. Mr. Red, HurSton; FOR SALE -TWO -WHEELED TRAIL - fir with rack. nearly new. Apply I HARRY .7ES501tE, Elgmondville. Phone I WISH TO EXPRESS THANKS TO K 6143, r 4. 4360x1 'r:,•nds win remembered me while patient in Scott Memorial Hospital: sre- cird thanies to the nurses and staff, also .et Go and Let God. Cliffe; The ing's Store, Duke of Windsor. Juvenile Fiction- Puddr and His A'lying Balloon, Garis: The Prin- FOR SALE - NORGE ELECTRIC stove. brand new : original price, 3:09 95. Will sell reasonable. Apply BILL HENDERSON. Seaforth. 4360x1, • POR SALE -ONE LITTER OF 12 YORK pigs 6 weeks old. Apply to JONA- I THAN HUGILL. Phone 667 r 6, Sea - fort![.. 4360-2 1'OR SALE -SETTEE AND CHAIR TO match las new): battery radio (Norio - e -n Electric,: cream separator. (Ren-' £rewl : lawn mower. PHONE 88, Hen - sal/, Ont. 4360x2 ' FOR SALE-C•OAL OIL HEATER; hand washing machine with wringer; ki,elon cupboard in good condition ply MRS. J. POLLARD, Centre St, Sea - forth. Phone 131-3. 4360-1 port SALE -RASPBERRIES ARE RIP- "- ening. Place your order now : 35.e a quart MPS. ANGUS ROBERT- SON. R.R. 2, .tipper. Phone Hensall 684 ✓ 12. 4153 pen SALE -NEW SINGER SEWING machines, electric and treadle Rs pair, to all makes. SINGER SEWING CENTRE. 78 Orrtarin St., Stratford. 4228-11 HONEY FOR SALE --ORDERS WILL be .accepted 04 1Sr pound in your own pails. Comb honey in =mall or large sec- tiotts will he avail ,He by the mid. le 'f next week. WALLACE ROSS AP;AR- IES, Seaforth. 4360-2 "pos. SALE -2 REGISTERED PURE - • bred Hereford Mills, 10 and 11 months old, from accredited herds : alw a two_ wheeled trailed. Apply A. .1. FINLAY- SON. Phone 651 r 3, Seaforth- 4360x1 V4 OIR SALE -ONE MASSEY-HARRIS 2- home Ra engine, only toed two months: priced it 660.00: I erten ion bate with 4 1cs- e . 310.00. Apply to JONATHAN HUGiLL. Phone 667 r 6, Se.aforth, 17,e HONEY FOR SALE -WHITE CLOVER honey of excellent quality (in ons. tamer's containers 20c a peendt; -mb'r bxinel•. ,12e .a pr•nttd. .t, HAPRICER L S:']' S Zurich, en'. Three block, troth of- Hotel. 4360-1 FOR SALE -KITCHEN SUrTE 'N GOO' condit5,ncnn i tirp . ,np''o rd, 4 chairs and rrireel res rn'lle dor neck sale. Also 1035-, panel 1.1 -ton track #n- good condition: priced reasonable for quick sale. Apply E. S. RA 51t'. Sea• forth 41164-tf 1161Elilir IDEA AND MII+l'N'18APOLIS- lHotlitta fern, etypireeetst;Renm'a war F'irbarks-Morse h3sntner- llls CJbcort reftleeratora. Malt for our dtattt maria Wee,: .s4; pay,. NEW 7D'EA 11'R1110.1T01t64 IGsdoriclt, Ont. Plicae 3621. 4'J59rt3 b dt Dr. McMaster and Dr. Brady. MRS. GEORGE POLLARD. Blyth- Births BALDR'IN--At Victoria Hospital, Lon- don,. on ;Monday, July 16, to 94r. send Mrs. J. A Baldwin. Seaforth. a son -- James Steven HENDERSON--At Scott Memorial Hoap;- 1 on July 15. to Mr. and Mrs- Writ Henderson Seaforth, a slaughter. LITTLE-- At Scott Memorial Hr,rpi4ai. on ytx!y 15. to Mr, and Mrs. William Little• RR. 1, Seaforth. a son. MANLEY-At Scott Memorial Hospital. .•n July 13, to Mr. and Mos. Joseph Manley. Walton, a son. cess and Curdy \lac•Donald: Cher- ry Ames At Spencer. Totham: Jen ny At St. Julians. Barnes: Hone_ Bunch. Her First Day on the Farm, Her First Tour of Toy Cowboys. Fletcher; Bimbo and Topsy, Blyton; Tartan and the Jewels of Opar, Burroughs; Irish Red, Kigeigaard; The Wailing Sir- en iren Mystery, Dixon; Dan Carter and the Haunted `Castle, Wirt; Golden Cloud, Leland; Ozema of Oz, Baum; Bosambe of the River, Wallace; Indians and Cowboys, Tousey; The Clue in the Old Al- bum, The Clue of the Black Keys, Keene; The Mystery of the Toll- ing Bells, The Baby Bunny, Evers; Baby Susan's Chickens, Berg; Stories From Scott, Thorndyke; Captain Kidd's Gold, Crome; The Cordova Treasure, Voelz; Stories From Dickens, Thorndyke; The Little Silk Apron, Richards; Am- meliaranne's Moving Day, Morris; Ammeliaranne Gives a Concert, Gilmour; Hear Our Prayer, Stearns; Buttercup Fairy, Cane; The Story of Bill Frog, Cane; Bun- nikins Picnic Party, MacGregor; Animal Pets, Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs, The Ginger Bread Boy. WINCHELSEA Mr. and Mrs. W. Walters, Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Batten and Mr. and Mrs. J. Batten spent Sunday even- ing at Grand Bend. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Walters and family spent Sunday at Ipperwash. We are sorry to report Miss B. Delbridge is on the sick list. Mr. and Mrs. E. Pym and Mr. Cephas Pym, of Thames Road, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. J. Horne. Mr. and Mrs. Ira Marshall, of Kirkton, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. N. Clarke. Several people in the community motored to the cherry orchards at 1pperwash during the week. BRUCEFIELD Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Anderson and Ina and Mrs. J. Paterson. of Montreal. are visiting here with \!r. and Mrs. A. Paterson. Many in this district attended the Baird picnic on Saturday at Bright's Grove. Mr. and Mrs. 13. D. Kaizer. of Detroit, are holidaying with Mrs. H. Zapfe. Misses Ruth Scott and Marion Paterson 'spent the week -end with their parents. Mr, Cam Henry visited his par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. Will Henry. over the week -end. The annual congregational pic- nic will be held in Jowett's Grove. Bayfield, on Friday afternoon of this week. A full line of sports is being prepared by the committee. Miss Janie and Master David Beecroft, from Wingham, have been visiting their grandparents. Mr. and Mrs. R. P. Watson. W. M. S. Holds Meeting The July meeting of the Bruce field W.M.S. was held in the school room on Tuesday afternoon wilt, the. president. Mrs. A. Zapfe, in the chair. The program was in charge of the associate members. Mrs. T. Baird, associate members' secretary. had charge of the eon ship service, "Worship and Work." The meeting opened with Hymn 256- The Scripture readings were all taken by Mrs. N. Walker, Mrs. R. Watson gave a very interesting reading, "The Church's Claim On You." The program, "A Work Camp in Europe," was very inter- esting and taken in a capable man ner by Mrs. L. Wilson, Mrs. W. Henry, Mrs. Ed. Allen, Mrs. W. Stackhouse and Mrs. H. Dayman. Mrs. Hayman also gave a reading. "It Wa.s a Sheep. Not a Lamb." The meeting closed with Hymn 255 and prayer by the president. KIPPEN home for some holidays. Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Cooper spent Sunday in Toronto, accompanied by their daughter, Mrs. Campbell and granddaughter, Linda, who had been vacationing with her father and mother. Mr. and Mrs. Cook, of Goderich, spent a few days with their friends, Mr. and Mrs. Dowspn. Mrs. Winder had her sister-in- law, Mrs. Anderson, of Detroit, visit her recently. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Smith and family spent Sunday in London. Mrs. Robert Dayman visited a few days with her daughter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Elgin Johnson, of London. Mr. and Mrs. J. Linden and Ver- na, of Denfield, were Sunday visi- tors with Mr. and Mrs. Archie Par- sons. Quite a number from here at- tended the Cochrane family reun- ion in Bayfield on Thursday last, Mr. and Mrs, Atkinson (nee Roma. Chandler), newlyweds, visit- ed friends in the community be- fore returning to their home in Dundalk. Mrs. W. Horsey spent the week- end at her home -in Exeter. Mr. and Mrs, 1. Torrence visit- ed recently with relatives in this vicinity. The annual Sunday School pic- nic will be held at Jowett's Grove, Bayfield, on Friday of this week. W.M.S. Holds Baby Band Meeting The W.M.S. of St. Andrew's Unit- ed Church here met on Wednesday afternoon last at the home of Mrs. E. McBride. Thirty-six adults and forty-seven children were present,,. The president, Mrs. Winston Work- man, presided. The opening hymn was 488. The responsive reading was 712. The Lord's Prayer was repeated and Hymn 306 was sung Sharon, Mary and Ruth McBride sang, accompanied by Marjorie McBride. The minutes were follow- ed by the roll call. Miss Marjorie McBride favored with a piano in- strumental. Marie Sinclair and Bram Benindyke favored with an impromptu duet, accompanied by Ann Sinclair. Mrs. A. MCMurtrie reported for the visiting commit- tee. Mrs. J. Sinclair and Mrs. W. Workman were appointed as visit- ing committee for July and Aug- ust. The flower convener for the church for July is Mrs. E. Mc- Bride: for August. Mrs. John Coop- er and Mrs. W. Workman, Mrs. A. Gackstetter personally thanked the ladies for cards sent. Ann and Marie Sinclair favored with a piano duet. The children's hymn, No, 163, was sung. Ilene McLean Carol Faber and Marlene McLach- lan favored with a piano trio. Mrs. H. Caldwell gave the children's story, which was much enjoyed. Mrs. Workman tendered a vote o` thanks to the hostess and all those taking part in the program. The benediction was repeated in uni- son. The children retired to the lawn where games were conductei by Carol McMurtrie. Lunch was served by Circles.1, 2 and 3. The Late James Jarrott Mr. James Jarrott, life-long resi- dent of this community, passed away in Scott Memorial Hospital Seaforth, Thursday, July 5, in his 89th year. The deceased was born in Stanley Township and had farm- ed on the Town Line, west of here. since bis marriage to Mary Hud- son, who predeceased him six years ago. He was a member of Hillsgreen United Church. Two daughters and two sons survive: (Ann) -Mrs, Hugh Love. of Hen - sal]; (Luella) 'Mrs. Harry Norris. and John and Eldon Jarrott, all of Kippen. One sister, Mrs. Dan Saunders. and one brother. Nor- man, both of London, also survive. The private funeral was held from he Bonthron funeral home on Sat- rday, conducted by Rev. A. Nin- on. Miss Jean Ivison sang. ac- ompanied by Mrs. Bruce Walker. The pallbearers were John Coch- ane, Archie Parsons, Ross Love. ordon Love. Orville Smith and ruce Walker. The flower -bearers ere grandchildren and great- andchildren, Marie and Ruth nn Jarrott, Laird, Billy and Doug- las Norris. Margaret Campbell Norma and Lorne Love. Intermen; was in Bayfield cemetery. Those attending the funeral from a dis- tance were Mr. Dan Saunders, Mr. Norman Jarrott and Mr. Norman. Jones, all of London. u The many friends of Mr. Walter c Dinsdale, son of George Dinsdale. r w:ll be pleased to note he has G been elected Progressive -Conserv- B alive member for Brandon. Mani- w toba. Walter has been on the Igr teaching i ff f B d A s a o ran on I sheds Town. Thorndyke: Buddy and His I ily and is following his father's Cowboy. Garis: The Jackie Robin- footsteps as member. son Story. Mann; The Mystery of the Swaying Curtain. Judd; Cher- ry Ames Mountaineer Nurse. Tot• ham: The Spirit of Fog Island. Mr. and Mrs. Pat Curran. Lon- don, visited Mrs. McClymont over the week -end. Mr. and Mrs. Ross McKay and Sutton: Boobsy Twins.One Arm !June are spending their vacation Railroad, Cherry ,Ames. Cruise with their brother, Oliver. and Nurse. Wells; The Big Book of sister Miss Margaret McKay. Suntlay visitors of Mr. and Mrs. Norman Dickert and Meryl incled ed: Mr. and Mrs. E. Dickert and Carol, of Clifford; Mr. and Mts. Anson Wolfe and family and Mr. J. Lawrence, of Melbourne; Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Marks and Ken• neth, of Atwood; also Mr. and Mrs. E. Wahl, of Listowel. and Mr. snd Mrs. C. Stricker, of Kitchener. Sunday visitors at the home of Mr.' and Mrs. Robert Thompson were his daughter and son-in-law -Ind family, from Goderich; also Mr. and Mrs. Schneider, of Strat- ford. A family reunion was held at the home of Mr. Jonah Green on Sunday. July 15, Some of the fam- ily included: Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Greene and family, of Mitchell Mr, and Mrs. Win. Grieve, of Exe- ter; Mr. and Mrs. Robert Greene and family, of London; Mr. and Mrs. Charles Greene and son, of Egmondville: Mr. and Mrs. Ross Greene and daughter, of Ridge - town; Mrs. Raymond Le Clair and sons, of London; Mr. and Mrs. Steve Seplate and family, of Gode- ric4; Mr. William Riley. of Lon- don;' Mr. Gordon Bedwell, of Mit- chell; Mr. and Mrs. Cyrus Greene. of Grand Bend; Mr. Henry Greene of Grand Bend; Mr. and Mrs. Jack Taylor and family. of Seaforth; Mr. and Mrs. Beverley Beaton. of Goderich. Mr, and Mrs, Miller McConnell, of Detroit. visited Miss Whiteman and Mrs. Dinsdale over the week- end and Mrs. Dinsdale and Miss Wh•teman accompanied thea. back U -S -E -D Farm Machinery 1 Cockshutt Hay Loader, nearly new 1 Model S Case Tractor 1 Model L Case Tractor 1 Model VA Case Tractor 1 Model H McCormick -Dearing Tractor 1 Model 70 Cockshutt Tracor 1 Model 60 Cockshutt Tractor 2 Sets 8 -foot Disc Harrows 1 Model J Forage Blower 1 7 -foot Stiff Tooth Cultivator IdrEW MACHINES Forage Harvester Limited Number A-6 Combines Tractors 7 -Foot Power Mowers Rowcliffe Motors Phone 147 Seaforth y;. Announce (Continued from Page 1) tory 'lst, Math- 1st, Science 1st, Latin 1st, French 1st. H. Nolan -English 1st, History 1st, Maths. 1st., Science 2nd, Latin 1st, French let. M. Roach -English 1st, History lst, Maths. lst, Science 3rd,,Latin 1st. French lst Grade XI Highest standing- Mary Cather- ine Stapleton, 7S%; second, Marie Bruxer, 68. M. Bruxer-English 2nd, History 2nd, Algebra 2nd, Physics 2nd, You Have a Lucky Number, Too If you're a little skeptical about there being suck things as lucky numbers, here's your proof. Take the Number 91, your Expositor phone number for instance; thousands have found it their lucky number for filling any need from find- ing lost pets and vaivables to securing scarce articles. You'll find it lucky, too. whether you want to rent a room• get a job, extra cash. or find help. for home or office. Try it for luck today, remember it's so easy to place an Expositor Want Ad- just telephone 41. Expositor Want Ads Bring Results. If. , Latin Ord, French 3rd;, A. Butters -English 2nd History 2nd, Algebra 1st, Physics 2nd, Lat- in atin f, Freneil c. J. Murray -English 3rd, Hiatory 2nd, Algebra f, Physics 2nd, Latin f, French c. K. Roach -English 3rd, History 3rd, Algebra c, Physics f, Latin c, French 1. Grade XII • Highest standing -Jack Murray, 77%; second, Francis Flanagan, 76. R. Bowman -English 1st, History 2nd, Algebra 1st, Physics 3rd, Lat- in 3rd, French 2nd. F. Flanagan -English 1st, His- tory 1st, Algebra 1st, mics 1st, Latin 2nd, French 3rd.` L. Lane -English and, History 3rd, Algebra lst, Physics 1st, French c. Lorraine Mahoney -English 2-nd, History and, Algebra 1st, Physics 2nd, Latin 3rd, French 2nd. Alphonse Meagher -History 2nd, Chemistry c, Jastin 2nd, French 3rd. Alphonsine Meagher - History 3rd, Algebra c, Physics 3rd, Latin f, French e. M. Morrison -English 2nd, His- tory 3rd, Algebra 1st, Physics 1st, Latin and, French 2nd. Jack Murray History int, Alge- bra lst, Physics 2nd, Latin 2nd, Fr. 2nd. A. Ryan -English 2nd, History 1st, Algebra 211d, Physics 2nd, Latin 2nd, French 2nd. Hand Fractured As Car Forced Off Road A car driven by Ross M. Sav- auge, Seaforth, was forced off the Maitland concession road into the ditch northeast of Benmiller late Sunday afternoon by a car that failed to stop. Miss i Norma Jeffery, a passen- ger in the Savauge car, received a fractured hand in the accident. Other passengers in the cat, Mrs. Savange, Mrs. H. Jeffery and San- dra and Linda Savauge, were bad- ly shaken. Three .hundred and fifty dollars damage was done to the car. Provincial Constable H. Stott of Goderich investigated. A Smile Or. Two Bus Driver: "How old are you, little girl?" Little Girl: "If you don't mind, big boy, I91 pay full fare and keep my statistics to myself," • Two women were among the spectators watching a skywriter doing his stuff. Said one (a sternvisaged, buxom type) to her friend: "I wonder whatever in- MURIEL'S BEAUTY SALON Wi 1 Be Closed for vacation July 23 to August 4 Reopening August 6 'I111 II11111i1f 1119i:i J llltii 11;116u 11 ,;i it:!:ii' h r:! ii•'. i r "' RASPBERRIES ARE IN FULL PRODUCTION NOW! In' strawberries this season lots of people were disappointed in not getting their full supply. Don't let this happen to your with raspberries. You can order your berries RIGHT NOW and we will fill your order as they ripen, and at the lowest prevail- ing price this season. You will get Fresh Raspberries right from the field - not the stale trucked -in Raspberries which are dear at any price'. We Guarantee Fresh Berries and Well -Filled Boxes! " Chas. Barnett PHONE 130-W : SEAFORTH West of the Creamery U11G 11„1111Ili 1111:118111111liJ!111111!@1!1!111:,;!.d,i4ili11!IIIIWI1113 9!':I 1111111. diced that, fool pilot to take up skywriting?" 'Before cher friend could reply. a gentlemen standing behind them remarked: "Frustration, lady. No doubt his wife wouldn't let him smoke in the house!" • "Hey, there!" a passing motor- ist called to a hillbilly who was reclining under a tree. "Your 'house is on fire!" ' "Kaow it," the hillbilly replied without moving, "Well, why don't you dor.soIRO+ thing about it?" Dain' it naw." the thillbilly rigs plied. "Bin a-prayin' felt rain eve er since she started," GUESTS WELCOME Cerifj r2LDE 5555 alt SALE OF DRESSES This is it! What you have been waiting for! TUDOR'S ANNUAL CLEARANCE SALE OF SUMMER DRESSES Every Dress is being offered at substantial savings to you - savings up to 50%. This includes Sun Dresses as well. Just in time for ,hot weather. Everything from size 12 - 48. P.S.-SHORTS ARE STILL ON SALE, TOO ' - Ladies' WearTUDOR'S Dry Goods PHONE 70 HENSALL GOOD CARS ONE 1951 NASH SEDAN The Leading, Car of the Year - in Style, Economy, and Performance! One 1947 Chevrolet Coach -Just a dandy car for any one One 19.49 Austin Coach -A car that will open your eyes in performance One 1942 Dodge 1/ -Ton Pick -Up, in nice shape One 1951 Austin Sedan GET IN TOUCH WITH Jonathan Hugill AT ONCE Phone: 616-34 Clinton 667-6 Seaforth Lakeview Casino GRAND BEND Dancing EVERY Night BOBBY DOWNS and his ORCHFSTRA , • • Concert By BOBBY DOWNS and his ORCHESTRA and a GREAT Popularity Contest � y SUNDAY, JULY 22nd, 8:30 p.m. CONTESTANTS: "LION QUARTETTES" • EXETER LIONS • GODERICH LIONS • PARKHILL LIONS • ZURICH LIONS • LUCAN LIONS • WINDSOR Lions (the Daddy of 'em all) • GRAND BEND LIONS SOME OF THESE QUARTETTES ARE TERRIBLE! To be judged on popularity only Come and support your favourites for a $50 prize (Bring youry.ear-plugs), All proceeds for, the South Huron $ospital. Colne ofi, boys and gals! BRING YOUR DOLLARS - LET'S GET HIKING! BRAND NEW CARS Any Make! - Any Style! - Any Color! FORD CHEVROLET OLDSMOBILE B,UICK PONTIAC MMI TEOR All at Regular List Price - Approximately 24 -Hour Service - GUARANTEED SERVICE ALSO G.1111C. • CHEVROLET FORD MERCURY TRUCKS USED CARS '51 BRAND NEW CHEV. SEDAN '50 CHEV. STYLELINE SEDAN '50 CHEV. DE LUXE STYLELINE COACH '49 CHEV. FLEETLINE COACH '49 CHEV. STYLELINE SEDAN '49 CHEV. FLEETLINE SEDAN '49 CHEV. DE LUXE STYLELINE SEDAN - radio, air-conditioning -- SPECIALS-'49 Chev. 5 -pass. Coupe, $1,550.00 A written guarantee for 60 '48 PONTIAC COACH '48 CHEV, COACH '48 CHEV. FLEETLINE COACH '40 DODGE SEDAN '39 DODGE SEDAN '37 PLYMOUTH COACH '37 CHEV. COACH '36 DODGE SEDAN '36 PLYMOUTH SEDAN '47 Chev. Sedan, $1,150.00 '39 Chev. Sedan $250 days on all late model cars. Some of these Cars are on display at the SUPERTEST SERVICE STATION, S,EAFORTH, For further information, Rontact the lessees. MANY OTHER MODELS TO CHOOSE FROM \\ f BRUSSELS MOTORS BRUSSELS -- ONTARIO "THE HOME OF BETTER USED CARS" OPEN EVERY EVENING LIU rut ,tl