HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1951-07-13, Page 4.-THE HURON EXPOS3TOR • ssified Ads. 1 sled Ads Inserted At New Low Cash Rates: FOR SALE, WANTED, LOST AND FOUND, ETC.—Per Word: 1st week 1 Gent 2nd week % Cent 3rd week 116 Cent Minimum charge, drat ismertion15 Cads Each figure, initial and abbreviation coons as ens ward. Card. of Thanks. In Memoriam Nausea, Corning Event -4 neat per wed. Mintonon, 60 cents per week_ Veostries may be directed 6o a Box No.. c/o The Hama Expositor, Lar 10 cents extra. Tea cents additional will be changed if as in shove c ims are not paid within 10 day Of date of final insertion - Births, Marriages and Deaths insetted fres ef Auction Sates, Notices to Creditors, Etc.—,Bats ea eVpan. • Coming Events For Sale VOU'LL ENJOY DANCING AT THE FOR SALE—NEW CULTIVATOR. 536_ Beautiful Crystal Palace Ballroom, McCormick -Dearing- Apply ALEX Mitchell, every Friday night to the music THOMSON, Brucefield. Phone 627 r 33, of Don Robertson and his Ranch Boys_ Clanton- 4359x1 4359x2 FOR SALE -2 STOVES; QUEBEC COOK stove - corner cupboard; white Krick 4 -pinch the ; taming ; bed springs ; child's rocking chair and table : dishes : baby's crib ; 2 odd kitchen chairs ; oxl stove and oven. Apply CLARENCE REEVES, Sea - faith. 4359x1 For Rent FOR RENT—OFFICE SPACE IN THE Dominion Bank Buliding. Ayply to the Manager. 4349 -if FOR,RENT—A 4 -ROOM Ci•;i,F.CON- tained apartment: heated: newly dec- orated. eo-orated. Apply Box 42, HURON EXPOSI- TOR 4359-t3 Wanted WANTED — A SMALL LOT IN SEA forth, large enough for small building. State price. Apply CLARENCE REEVES. Seaforth. 4359x1 Lost and Found LOST—AVON PIN. FINDER NOTIFY MRS. ALBERT BAKER, Avon Re- presentative. Phone 356. Reward. 43&9x1 Notices NOTICE Hensall Union Cemetery All parties in arrears for care of Iota are asked to kindli' remit at once. Any donations will be greatly appreciated by the Board, and of real assistance in this work. R. J. PATERSON. reasurc r. 4359-3 Tenders Wanted TOWNSHIP OF HAY Tenders For Drainage Work Poultry FOR SALE --150 HAMP-SUSSEX PUIr lets, starting to lay_ Also 175 Ramp - Sussex pullets 10 weeks old_ Apply BRUCE WALTERS, Seafortb_ Phone 838 r 2- 4359x1 Personals H YGIENIC SUPPLIES (R USHER Goods), mailed postpaid in plain. sealed envelope with price list 6 samples. 25c . 24 samples $1.00. Main -Order Dept T-73 NOVA -RUBBER CO_, Box 91, Hamilton. Ont Cards Of Thanks THE FAMILY OF THE LATE HERALD F. Lawrence express their deep ap- preciation to all for their many expres- sions of kindness daring their recent be- reavement. 4359-1 MRS. WILFORD CAMERON WISHES to thank the nursing staff of Scott Memorial Hospital, also Dr. McMaster, the Women's Intitute, and all who sent flowers, cards or treats, and ones who came to see me while a patient in hts- pitaL 4359x1 I TAKE THIS OPPORTUNITY TO thank ail .those who kindly sent me gifts, Bowers and fruit and canis, and visited me during my recent stay in Scott Memorial Hospital_ Special thanks to all the nurses and staff and Dr. John Cor - will and Dr. Wan_ Sproat, and Rev. D. Glenn Campbell. 4359-1 MRS_ ALEX McNAB T WISH TO TAKE PHIS OPPORTUNITY to thank neighbors. relatives and friends for flowers. lettans, fruit. c,ndy and cards while a p -ti nt in Scott Mem- orial Hospital. Special thanks to Dr. Separate Tenders will be received b9 Brady and McMaster. all the hospital staff the undersigned until 6:00 p.m., July 31st, and olso the domestic help in d.e tom^, 1951. for the repair of the and our d minister. Rev. Don::1! Sty." who visited me. "Thank you n.11 kindly." MRS. ROBERT VIVIAN. Staffa ZURICH DRAIN SOUTH and SCHWALM DRAIN 4.050 and 4,200 cubic yards respectively. Tenders to call for complete Sob, includ- ing catch basins according to the En- gineer's Report Specifications may be seen at the Township Office or at S. W. Archibald's Office, 456 Wellington St., London. Certified cheque for 10r'i of tender to accompany tender. No tender necessarily accepted. H. W. BROICENSHIRE, Clerk Hay Township, Zurich, Ont. 4359.2 • Auction Sales AUCTION SALE OF HOUSEHOLD EF- fect-, Centre Street, in Town of -Sea - forth, on Saturday, July 14th, at 1:30: Quebec cook stove; Quebec heater; kitchen table and kitchen chairs; day bed: exten- sion table; dining room chairs: buffet; occasional chairs: upright piano and bench; number of rockers and small to Wa ; phonograph and records ; studio couch ; 2 furnished bedrooms. beds, dress- ers, stands, springs and mattress; chest of drawers; 2 coal oil heaters ; trunks; floor coverings: 2 -burner hot plate; stei, ladder ; extension ladders : garden tools ; dishes and kitchen utensils, and other articles. Terms — Cash. ESTATE OF LATE WILLIAM HILL: E. P. Chesney, Clerk : Harold Jackson, Auctioneer. 4358-2 For Sale 4359-1 Births BENNEWIES—At Scott Memorial Hos- pital, on July 7, to Mr. and Mrs. Ed- win Beanewies, a son—Daniel John. BURDGE—At Scott Memorial Hospital, on July 11, to Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Burdge (nee Helen Johnston), Brucefield, a son --Richard John_ CARNOCHAN—At Scott Memorial Hospi- tal. on Judy 4, to Mr. and, Mrs. James Carnochnn, RR 3, Seaforfh, a son— Douglas Alexander. FISHER—At Scott Memorial Hospital, on July 11. 10 Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Fisher, R.R. 2. Walton, a son hEDDEN—•In the General Hospital. St Catharines, on Sunday. July 8, 1951, to M,r. and Mrs, Lloyd Redden t nee Pearl Kennings), a son- MONTGOMERY—At Scort Memorial Hos- pital, on July 9, to Mr. and Mrs. Ross Montgomery. Seaforth, a son — Gary Malcolm. O'REILLY—At Scott Memorial Hospital, on July 5, to Mr. and Mrs. Joseph O'Reilly, R.R_ 2, Dublin, a daughter— Pauline Ani TOWNSEND—At Scott Memorial Hospi- tal, on July 9, to Mr. and Mrs. Ray- mond Towns -end. Seaforth, a daughter. WATT—At Scott Memorial Hospital, en July 11. to LAC. and Mrs. Archie L. Watt, RR 1, Exeter, a son.. Deaths BEUERMANN—In Seaforth, cm Friday, July 6. Frederick John Beuermann, of McKillop, in his 6011 rear. LAWRENCE- In Seaforth. on Friday, Jn!y 6. Herald F. Iawrence, in his 66:1 year. 'NICHOLSON--In Milton, on Wednesday, FOR SALT -QUANTITY vTITY AMERICAN July 4, Adam Forest Nlcholaon. beloved cement. NORMAN MacLEAN. PhoneWHITNEY—In HI band of. Mary Marro. or his 70th rider. 3-1. Egmondville. 4359-2 WHiTNF, sioeo M athew n. ne Friday, July 6. Wesley Mathew Whitney. in his FOR SALE.—BEATTY WASHING MA-, 48th year_ chine, in good condition. Apply t• LES. VICK. Victoria SL Phone 580-W. 4359x.1 A farmer's barn was burned FOR SALE—TWO HEIFERS, SPRING- down and the agent for the insur- ing. Apply to JOHN E. MURRAY, ance company told him that his Dublin. Phone 37 r 20, Dublin. 'firm would build another exactly 4358x3 like the one destroyed instead of FOR SALE--M.ASSEY-HARRIS BINDER paying the claim in cash. 6 -foot cut. good shape. ERVIN The farmer was furious. "If ROCK. Phone 74 r 13. Dublin. 43691. that's the way you do business.' he roared, "you can Cancel the in- FOr. SALE --PAIR BLACK HOLSTEIN surance on my wife!" heifers, one with calf et foot, and other to freshen soon. IVY BENDER - SON, Seal, r. h. 4359x1 FOR SALE—RASPBERRIES ARE RIP - ening. Place your order now ; 35e a quart. MRS. .ANGUS ROBERT- SON, A.R. 2, Kippen. Phone Hensall 684 ✓ 12. 4359x2 FOR SALE—NEW SINGER SEWING machineselectric and treadle_ Re- pairs to all makes. SINGER SEWING CENTRE, 78 Ontario St, Stratford. 4223-tS FOR SALE—KITCHEN SUITE IN GOOD condition, consisting of rupbo^rd, 4 chairs and table: priced reasonable for quick sale. Also 1935 panel %-ton truck in good condition: priced reasonable for -quick safe. Apply E. J. BARRY. Sea - forth. 4354-44 NEW IDEA AND MINNEAPOLIS - Moline farm equipment :Boom's wag- on unloadets : Fairbanks -Morse hammer - mills : Gibson refrigerators. Ask for oar folders and prices: it pays. NEW IDEA DISTRIBUTORS. Goderich, Ont. Phone Carlow 2821. 4359x3 Built In Bath Tubs $60 T• Ita SMART MARTHA WASHINGTON and Rich7edge three-piece bathroom sets complete with lovely chromed fittings. white $179. colour $2$4. Illustrated cata- logue. Helpful installation diagram. Lustrous mother of pearl plastic top sink cabinets with stainless enamel sinks and chromed wring faucets, 898. Alit condi- tinninit furnace units. 9295. Refrigerators, atnv'es, oil hamlets, pressure water sye- tem". Satisfaction guaranteed_ Bay' with confidence and save many donate. Special offer 1.. plumbers and buftic1a. Write or visit JOHNSON M'A'IL.. MIME DIVISION ,STR 1a1✓, brine 261 that : 'itilneeers arp t1lece o. tiro through a Th.iron d rte l ,1fle A Phone 41. 'S Vii ONTAit1 O. sftltin p re For the Best Buys in USED CARS TRUCKS & TRACTORS see Daly Motors Your Ford -Monarch Dealer CARS 1949 MONARCH COACH 1947 FORD COACH 1946 FORD COACH 1940 PLYMOUTH COACH TRUCKS 1949 FORD 1 -TON EXPRESS 1946 FORD SS -TON PiCA-UP TRACTORS 3 COCKIITTT TRACTORS 4 FORD TRACTORS 1 CASE TRACTOR DALY MOTORS SEAFORTH News Items of Hensall and District (Continued from Page 1) and Mrs. R Drysdale left Sunday, - by motor for London, where they took a special train to New York to attend a Shrinera' convention. They expect to be away until Fri- day. Mr. Fink is in the provost corps in the Shriners. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Spencer, Gwen and Gregory, are spending two weeks vacationing at Shady View. J. Reid, of Drumbo, is here as section foreman at the C.N.R. Ce- cil Maxwell is relieving as section foreman at Centralia. This is due to the 40 -hour week new set up, but is not permanent. Messrs. John Anderson, Lloyd Venner and W. R. Cooper, mem- bers of the Kippen Gun Club, at- tended the Michigan State Shoot, held at Detroit Friday, Saturday and Sunday. One hundred and fifty shooters were there from all over the United States and from St. Thomas, Harrow, Windsor, Ridge - town and Kippen. Three of the shooters from the States hit 97 out of 100, and one hit the 100 mark straight. W. R. Cooper, of Kippen Gun Club, brought home a fine trophy, which he won in the handicap shoot. Mrs. ,Anderson Mrs. Cooper and Mrs. Wm. Kyle also attended the shoot. The reception for Mr. and Mrs. Bert Thomson, held in the Town Hall Wednesday evening, was largely attended. The guests of honor were presented with a purse Hay Council (Continued from Page 1) $48.10; St. Joseph Service, $18.10; Dept. of Highways, $16.50; William Watson, $140; H. W. Brokenshire, $55.21; Larry Snider, $32.55; Mich- ael Masse, $57.01; Alvin Watper, $14.06. Relief—Mrs. Edith Mason, $30; Emma Bassow, $8.90. General Accounts—Mrs. Helen Thiel, unemployment insurance stamps, $52.20; S. W. Archibald, drains, $500; Harrison Schoch. $3; J. W. Haberer, $24; H. W. Broken - shire. $130; Delphine Van Dyke. re- fund, $90; Hay Stationery, $89.60; Bruce J. Klopp, $13; Zurich Police Village, $75; Huron Expositor, adv. $4.72; Treasurer Hay Municipal Telephone System, $1,800. Municipal Telephone System—• H. G. Hess, salary, extra labor, truck, operators, etc., $2.249.51; E. J. Frederick, rent, $212.50: F. C. Kalbfleiscrh & Son Ltd., $48.20; E. R. Guenther, rent, $60; Stromberg- Carlson, $293.75; Bell Telephone Co., $1,151.60; H. W, Brokenshire, $43.66; Northern Electric, $616.24. The meeting adjourned to meet again on Wednesday, Aug. 1, at 8 p.m. STAFFA Mr. and Ips, O.'R. Francis, of Woodstock,' visited with Mr. J. Warden on Sunday. Mr. Jack Carmichael. Chesley, M:ch., and Mr. Len Smith, Toron- to, called on Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Sadler following the funeral of Mrs. Robert Dalton, of Toronto. Sunday visitors with Mr. and .irs. R. A. Sadler were Dr. and Mrs. Robert Bruce, Mich., and Mrs. David Bruce, Cromarty. Mrs. J. M. Miller is spending a few days with Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Hodgert, Thames Road. Mrs. R. D. Sadler is spending a few days with Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Balfour. Sault Ste. Marie. Several from this .community -'ttended the McKellar and Chap- pel reunions in Seaforth on Sun - d ay. Diane Smade is holidaying with Mr. and Mrs. Allan Quance. Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Kerslake. of Toronto. spent the week -end with Mr. and Mrs. Ken McKellar. Deanna Lawson. Grand Blanc, Mich., has been holidaying with Mr. and Mrs. Walter O'Brien. Joan and He:en ('hristie. Roys. 'ire holidaying with their cousins. Linda and Jo Dearing. Dr. and Mrs. Harry- Treffrey, of Stratbroy, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Walter O'Brien, Eric Norris and Don Dearing are attending camp at Bimini. Kathy Harburn left on Wednes- day for Camp Bimini. A Smile Or Twc Steno: "May I have my next week's salary in set once" " Boss: "No. I promised my wife not to make any advances to you." • City visitor (to a Country na tive): "I suppose even in an out of the way place like this the price of necessities has risen?" Native: "Yes, an' it ain't worth drinkin' when you get it." • Photographer (taking picture): "I'd suggest your son stand with his hand on your shoulder." Father: "It'd be more appropri- ate if he'd hand with his hand in my pocket." • "Daughter," asked the father, "is that young man serious in his in- tentions?" .. "I think he is, Dad," replied the daughter. "He asked what kind of meals ma served, and if you're 'lard to live witdh." A widowed mother had raised five very successful sons and Was given a recognition banquet by her home town folks. In intro- ducing her for the presentation, the toastmaster suggested she explain her secret of raising five fine, in- dustrious sons. The proud woman stood up and said: "Mr. Toastmaster, the sec- ret lies in an occasional pat on the back. It gets positive results if administered young enough, of- ten enough, and low enough." of money and. a bouquet of flowers to Mrs. Thomson. Edison Forrest read the address, while Donald Bell of Kippen made the presentations. Desjardine's orchestra furnished the music for the dance. The annual reunion of the McAr- thur family was held recently at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Melve Elliott, of Zurich, with forty in at- tendance. Members were present from Niagara Falls, Blenheim, Lon- don; Exeter, Hensall and Zurich. A program of sports was enjoyed, directed by Mr. and Mrs. Glen Bell and. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Traquair, Hensall_ The 1552 reunion will be held- at the home of Mr, and Mrs. Hilton Laing, of Exeter. Officers elected were: President, Hilton Laing, Exeter; secretary -treasurer, Miss Jean McQueen, Hensall; sports, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Lamont, Mr. and Mrs. E. Elliott, Zurich. Miss Mavis Spencer, accompan- ied by her cousin, Miss Lois Stat- ham, of London, left Wednesday morning of` this week by plane to spend- a two weeks' vacation. at Nassau in the Bahamas Islands. They left London by plane at 8:30 a.m. Wednesday morning and arrived 6:30 that evening. Hensall Legion are sponsoring a fall frolic in the Community Arena Friday evening, Sept. 7. The many friends of Mr. Jarvis Horton will regret to learn he suf- fered a relapse and is confined to his room with a heart condition. Celebrate 25th Anniversary Mr. and Mrs. Wilbert Dilling. of Tuckersmith, celebrated their 25th .vedding anniversary Friday even- ing. A dinner was served to 27 guests, and later a reception was held for a group of relatives, neigh- bors and friends. Dinner was serv- ed under the capable management of Mrs, George Walker, of Hen- sall, and the Misses Eleanor and Eileen McCartney, of Seaforth, served. During the evening Mr. and Mrs. Dilling were presented with a silver tea service from the family, and also were recipients of many other beautiful gifts of sil- ver. In the evening progressive euchre was enjoyed, with prizes going to the following: Ladies, Mrs. Maurice Quance, Exeter; Mrs. Glen Bell, Hensall; gents, Maurice :Quance, Exeter; Gerald Bell; Hen- sall. Group 1 of the Ladies' Aid of Carmel Presbyterian Church are bolding a baking sale in the Leg- ion Hall on Saturday, TUCKERSMITH The annual Crich reunion will be held at Seaforth Lions Park on Wednesday afternoon, July 18. KIPPEN Kippers East Women's Institute will now hold their community pic- nic on Tuesday, July 17, at the Lions Park, Seaforth, with supper at 6:30 p.m. The regular meeting of the Kippen East Women's Insti- tute has been obanged to July 31. We welcome Mr. and Mrs, Robt. Thompson, who moved to their home in Kippen. _ Sympathy is extended to the family of the late Mr. Jarrott, who on Thursday morning, July 1, pass- ed away in Scott Memorial Hospi- tal, Seaforth. Mr. Jim Campbell, of Toronto. spent the week -end at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Cooper, Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Workman and their daughters from Oshawa, spent last week with Mr. Work- man's mother, Mrs. Thos. Work- man, and brother and sister-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Orville Workman. Mr. and Mrs. Eddie Taylor re- turned home to Stratford after holidaying with Mrs. Dinsdale and Miss Whiteman. Visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Thompson one day last week included Mr. and Mrs. Pi'iestap and family, of Mitchell; Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Sohneider and Judy, of Stratford, and Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Cornish and children, of Goderich. 1 Mr. and Mrs, Norman Long spent last week -end at the home of their son and daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Long. of Merriton. Mr. and Mrs, Beverley Beaton, Goderich and Mrs. Green, , of Grand Bend. spent Sunday with Mr. Jonah Green. Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Cooper visit- ed over last week -end with friends in Detroit. Mrs. Holmes and Danny, of Cen- tralia, visited Mrs. McConachie on Monday. EVERYONE IS INVITED TO THE Progressive Conservative PICNIC - SEAFORTH LIONS PARK WEDNESDAY, JULY 18th 2:30 p.m. Special Speakers: MAJOR THE 'HON, JOHN FOOTE, V.C. Minister of Reform Institutions THOMAS PRYDE, M.L.A. ELSTON CARDIFF, M.P. JOHN HANNA, M.L.A. GAMES AND RACES FOR THE CHILDREN BRING YOUR LUNCH Coffee supplied on the grounds BABY BUGGY, TO BULLDOZER It's all in the day's work — for an Expositor Want Ad. Under Articles For Sale, you will find exceptional opportunities to furnish your cot- tage, sell a stove or refrigerator - 1,001 chances to make or save a dollar. s - Phone 41 and ask us to help you word your ad. A few cents spent on a Want Ad may make you -many dollars t: Mrs. Schilhe, of Exeter, called on her . mot4er, Mrs. McClynlont, on Monday. Mr. John Doig, of Grand Rapids, Mich., was the guest of his mother, Mrs. Doig, and sister Janet, a few days last week.' Mr. and Mrs, Edgar Wahl, of Listowel, visited the Dickert fam- ily on Sunday. BAYFIELD Mrs. Henry Lord and son, of Montreal, are the guests of the former's mother, Mrs. K. David- son_ Mr. Ronald Burt and Miss Joyce Stephenson, of London, are the guests of the former's aunt, Mrs. Lloyd Scotchmer. Miss Merry Mack, who spent the past week in- London, returned home Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Griern and family, of Kitchener, were week -end guests of Mrs, F. A. Ed- wards. Mr. Keith Pruss, of London, who spent the past two weeks visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Weston, returned home on' Sun- day. Mrs. Orlo Miller and son, Gor- don, and Mrs. H. Everest and two daughters, left on Saturday morn- ing for Jamaica, B.W.I., where they hope to make their home. They are motoring to Florida where they will take a boat for the islands. Mr. Miller and Mr. Everest will follow later in the fall. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Westlake, of Mount Forest, and Miss Moral Guest of Guelph, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. M. Toms on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. G. Weston and Judy, of London, spent the week- end with Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Weston. Mr. and Mrs. Norman Toms, of Detroit, are spending their vaca- tion at their home in the village. Mr. and Mrs. Cy. Shuler and Mr. and Mrs. Gerry Crane and' baby, of Detroit. were guests of Miss E. Weston over the week -end, Mrs. Robert Watson and son, Edwards, of Broadview, Sask., ar- rived Tuesday to spend the sum- mer with the former's mother, -Mrs. F. A. Edwards. The members of L.O.L. No. 24 marched in a body to Trinity An- glican Church Sunday morning, where Rev. Herbert Webb, rector, welcomed them and delivered a most inspiring sermon. CROMARTY Mrs. James Reidie, of Erin, ac- companied by Mrs. Barr and daugh- ter, Jennie, of Simcoe, called on friends in the village and with Mr. and Mrs. T. Laing and Mrs. Grace Scott. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Routley- and Muriel and Billie Craigo visited with Mr, and Mrs. Andrew McLach- lin on Sunday. Guests of Miss Sarah McKellar during the past week were Mrs. R. Williams and children, of De- troit; Malcolm McKellar of Sea - forth, and Neil McKellar of Toron- to. Mrs. Harold Pethick and Olive Speare visited on Sunday with their aunt, Mrs. Shute, at Kirkt,ou. Allan McPhail and sisters, Mrs. Reiland, Mrs. Harper and Mrs. Earl Cole,,, of Fullerton, visited with Mr. and Mrs. John McLean and Mrs, D. McKellar. George Coleman and son, Bobby, of Moose Jaw, are visiting with his father, Robert Coleman, at the home of Mr. and Mrs. T. Laing, also with his brothers and sisters. William Patrick, of Wyoming, called on friends one day recent- ly. William Wright, of Detroit, vis- ited for a few days with his broth- er, Howard Wright, and Mrs. Wright. Mr, and Mrs. Calder McKaig, Mrs, T. Scott and Mrs. William Houghton visited on Sunday with Miss Mary Currie, at the home of her niece, Mrs, John Young, and Mr. Young. Dr. R. Bruce and Mrs. Bruce, of Onaway, Michigan, are holidaying with Mrs. Dave Bruce and Mr. and Mrs, Frank Bruce. The McKellar, Chappel a n d Wright families each held a re- union at the Lions Park in Sea - forth on Sunday. The W.M.S. held their meeting on Thursday at the home of Mrs. T. Scott, with Mrs. T. Laing pre- siding, who had charge of tike de- votional part. Mrs. Grace Scott read the Glad Tidings Prayer. A chapter from the study book was read by Mrs. T. Scott. A very fine paper, prepared, by Miss Currie, was read by Mrs. Sorsdahl. The meeting closed with the Lord's Prayer in unison. Mrs. Houghton had charge of the Ladies' Aid meeting and opened the meeting with a Scripture read- ing and prayer. The financial re port showed a balance on hang after paying for the redecorating of She exterior of the manse and the oil for the church floor. The ladies did the work of the church float' and, .0.1x Mr ' .Ales Rana R�r -t . work at the manse. After ogiell items pf buslne00 *eke Oscnaefew the mee_tln.$ defied with 814 1044; the national anthem. Clear Title? Forced Sale? .1 These alternatives facing every home -owner may well rob you of peace of mind. You can make certain there will be no need to settle your estate by forced sale if you should die before your mortgage is paid in fuli. Yes, it can be done—quick- ly, inexperasivelyi A Mortgage Redemption Policy may be "Custom Made" to suit your particular requirements. 1 would appreciate an inter- view on this important sub- ject. You will be under no obligation. ERIC MUNROE North American Life Phone 394-M : Seaforth MEM Before You Buy a New REFRIGERATOR BE SURE AND SEE THE LATEST 1957 PHILCO REFRIGERATORS DALYPYA SEAFORTH Take Your Choice OF ANY OF THESE BRAND NEW CARS Any Make! — Any Style! — Any Color! FORD CHEVROLET OLDSMOBILE BUICK PONTIAC METEOR All at Regular List Price — Approximately 24 -Hour Delivery GUARANTEED SERVICE ALSO G.M.C. CHEVROLET FORD MERCURY TRUCKS u y I&,�„ Myit Sei / , ,?sj. 51 Chev. De Luxe Belair Hard -Top- 49 ped Convertible — Two-tone in color, air-conditioning, custom radio, extras 50 Chev. De Luxe Styleline Cbach 49 Chev. Fleetline Coach 49 Chev. Styleline Sedan 49 Chev. Fleetline Sedan 48 48 40 39 37 36 Chev. De Luxe Styleline Sedan, radio, air-conditioning Chev. Coach Chev. Fleetline Coach Chev. Coach Dodge Sedan Plymouth Coach Dodge Sedan SPECIALS — 49 Chev. 5 -pass. Coupe, $1,550.00 47 Chev. Sedan, $1,150.00 39 Chev. Sedan, $250.00 A written guarantee for 60 days on all late model cars. Some of these • Cars are on display at the SUPERTEST ..SERVICE STATION, SEAFORTH. For further information contact the' lessees. MANY OTHER MODELS TO CHOOSE FROM BRUSSELS MOTORS BRUSSELS ter. "The Home of Better Used Cars" — ONTARIO A,,' Open Every Evening ,i,