HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1951-07-13, Page 31'. I�• 777 7, JTThY I,3 1981. United Church and Sunday ;School, Hensall, Hold Picnic The annual congregational` and* Sunday School picnic of the Unit- ed Church was held at Turnbull's Grove Wednesday afternoon with a good attendance. A full line of sports was enjoyed, including bath- ing, ball games and other events. A delicious supper was enjoyed. Following are the prize winners: Races, under five, Margaret Ann 'Mickle, Nancy Kyle, Joyce Flynn; under eight, Steve Kyle, Bob Mickle; boys, 12 and under, Bill Schoeder, Jim Hyde; girls, 12 and under, Connie Corbett, Patsy Jones; girls, 15 and under, Ruth -Soldan, Eudora Hyde; boys, 15 and under, Murney Twitchell, Murray Harburn; married men, Rev. W. J. Rogers, Jack Corbett, Laird 411111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 TERRY'S Radio Repairs Opposite Dick House Phone 347-R SEAFORTH 111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 Mickle; horseshoe game, Rev. W. J. Rogers, Joe Flynn; kick the siip- eter, Shirley Coleman; wheelbar- row race, Murray Harburn and Steve Kyle; car contest, Mrs. J. Flynn's side; sack race, Murray Harburn, Bob Mickle; sack race, Ruth Soldan, Audrey Walsh; dodge ball, Dave Kyle won by four mint utes. On a contest .sponsored by a radio station Thursday morning, Gladys Baker, of Hensall, and Mrs. H. J. Stokes, of London (nee Martha Carlile), were winners. Mrs. W. B. Cross was in the chair for the July meeting of the W.M.S. held in the schoolroom on Thursday afternoon. 'Mrs. E. Gei- ger conducted the devotional per- iod; Mrs. Coates gaves notes on Foreign Missions; Mrs. F. J. Ap- pleby gave temperance notes, and Mrs. T. C. Coates sang, accompan- ied by Mrs. Appleby. Miss Consitt and Miss Ellis presented the stu- dy, "Mi.ss Work in Trinidad," il- lustrated with pictures by Miss Ellis. Many items of business were discussed. The Rev. Donald R. Sinclair, WE WERE 100% RIGHT ! ! Yes! We were 100% right! We thought if we put our Shorts on sale in the middle of the season that they would sell. And we were right. They are selling—selling so well that we are going to leave them on Sale for a while yet. Buy a pair of SHAMROCK CORDUROY SHORTS for $3.49. Yes, you save $1.49. They are regularly $4.98. SHORTS—in all sizes, 2-20, from $1.39 - $3.49 Ladies' Wear TUDOR'S Dry Goods PHONE 70 HENSALL Young "the tailor" Men's and Ladies' Garments Altered, Repaired Broken Zippers Replaced IT PLEASES US TO PLEASE YOU Established 1902 PHONE 75 Sebringville Store Open Thursday and Saturday Evenings 7th ANNUAL COMMUNITY ASSOCIATION Garden Party Kirkton, Wed., July 18th GIRLS' SOFTBALL GAME — 6 p.m. STRAr1=ORD KROEHLERS vs. CLIFFORD SWING SKIRTS ((rut. Intermediate Champions, 1550) (Western Ont. Sr. Champions, 1950) Juvenile Amateur Contest — 7:30 Outstanding Amateur Juvenile Talent from wide area All-Star PROFESSIONAL PROGRAM -9 p.m. • THE GIBBARD SISTERS—Toronto's tip-top tap dancing line. a BILLY MEEK—A brand new song and dance comedian. Good clean humour for young and old. • 'I'It7XIE McCORMICK—From Butte Montana. Trick rope spinning, unicycle performing,and novelties. • JOI-INNY GOR,DASII—Detroit's sen atonal 16 -year-old juggler. An outstanding perform(r. • Rl''I'H GIBBARD—Acrobatic dancing and talent and beauty. • NANCY McCAIG—Personality Accordianist. • TOM I-IAMILTON—Star of our 1949 show, back by popular request. Scotch comedy at its best. • BETTY GRAY—"Miss Versa.t:lity" wizardry on the Xylophone, baton twirling, popular vocals and dance routines, recent- ly featured. with Guy Lombardo. JAN LA.'1'IN—A breath -taking aerial acrobat. One of our feature attractions. . • LEN BURT—Professional accoml'n.nist.. ADULTS 75c CHILDREN 30c Milliliter. qt Oaven Presbyterian Church, Meter, IMP the follow- ing ollowing important announcement: A meeting of members and adber ents o f Carmel Presbyterian Church, flensall, will •be held in the church on Wednesday evening, July 18, at 9 pan. The regular monthly meeting , of the Presbyterian Women's Mission- ary Society takes places in Car- mel Church Thursday afternoon. Miss Dora Alair arid! Mrs. H. Work- man are in charge of the program. Rev. W. Jr. Rogers was in charge of the morning service at Chisel- huret last Sunday, after which ser- vice followed in the Hensall Unit- ed Church at 11 o'clock. At the latter service Mrs. R. Mock ren- dered the solo, "Green Pastures," accompanied by Miss Greta Lam- mie at the organ. Service will be as usual neer, Sunday morning. The congregation of Carmel Pres- byterian Church worship in the United Church during the month of July. Mr. J. L. Scott, of Guelph ac- companied ccompanied by his sisters, Milk Bal- lantyne, M'rs. Graham and Miss K. Scott, spent Sunday in Palmerston. Mr. R. Koch, of Sturgis, Mich., spent a vacation with bis mother, Mrs. A. E. Meidinger. WINCHELSEA Mr. and Mrs. Tom Stevens, of Glencairn, spent the week -end with Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Brock. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Walters and Mr. and Mrs. William Brock, of London, spent the week -end at Chesley Lake. Mr. and Mrs. Garnet Johns were in. London on Sunday visiting Mrs. William Johns, who is in Victoria Hospital. Mr. and Mrs. Newton Clarke and Mr. and Mrs. Harold Clarke at- tended the Dobbs reunion at the old homestead at Saintsbury on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Wib. Batten and Mr. Harold Denham, of Wallace - burg, were to see the Fanshaw Dam on Sunday. DUBLIN Funeral of William Curtin The funeral of William Curti4 was held at St. Patrick's Church, Dublin, on Friday morning when, Rev: Dr. Ffoulkes offered Requiem High Mass. A large congregation was present to pay a final tribute to a life-long resident of this dis- tridt. Numerous floral and spiri- tual offerings testified to the es- teem in which he was held. The pallbearers 'were Patrick Maloney, Thomas L. Butters, John V. Flynn, Harold Meagher, 'Maurice Ryan and Edwin Stapleton. Interment took place in St. Patrick's ceme- tery, Dublin, where Rev. Dr. Ffoulkes officiated at the grave- side services. Among those at- tending the funeral were Mrs. Phil McFarlane, Dearborn, Mich.; Miss Marie Neven, Toronto; Mr. and Mrs, Jack Feeney, Stratford; Mr. and. Mrs. Mac Robinson and Mr. and Mrs. Ted Carrol, Guelph; Mrs. Owen Flynn and son, Thomas, Clinton; Mr. and Mrs. Morris and two children, Stratford; Mr. and Mrs. Grattan Dwyer, Leamington, rind Miss Dorothy Jordan and Jack Jordan, Kitchener. "Strathaven" REST HOME A Home for the —Aged —Invalids and —Convalescents MRS. ETTA MacKAY HODGERT Phone 184 Exeter Lakeview Casino GRAND BEND DANCING EVERY NIGHT BOBBY DOWNS and his Orchestra £o/# rke chaffcesoro-spo*d6o/baq/ Get new % \` GOOD %EAR TIRES NOW! Worn tires can cause delays or acci- dents—spoil your holiday. Let us equip your car with new, dependable, long -mileage Goodyears . . . and enjoy a holiday free from tire trouble. Let us check your tires today. • LOOK FOR THIS"HIGH SIGN"OF QUALITY v GOO•Dl\ EAR TIRES 5 4 SEAFORTH MOTORS PHONE: 141 CHEV • OLDS • SALES & SERVICE MEMORIAL WINDOW ` JNSI D A memorial window was recently unveiled and dedicated in St. Thomas' Anglican Church, Seaforth, by Robert Archibald, Tuckersmith (extreme right, on behalf of the Archibald family, in memory of their parents, Mr. and Mrs. William Archibald. Assisting at the unveiling were Rev. T. -Dale Jones (left) of St. Paul's Cathedral, London, a former rector, and Rev. W. A. Jones, rector. Miss Kay Woods, Dublin, Feted at Shower by Friends • Miss Mary E. Murray sponsored a miscellaneous shower in honor of O'Reilly; Dr, and Mrs. Frank S leton andchildren, Galt, with Stap- letonMr. ss Kay Woods, whose marriagel to Mr. Leo Ryan is au event of and Mrs. Wm.Stapleton; Vire. T. this week. The living room at the J. Molyneaux in London; Mrs. Woods home was tastefully decor -;Hubert O'Reilly in London; Leo ated with summer flowers, and Holland and daughter, Stephanie, about fifty ladies were present to ! Windsor, a i .h Mr, and Mrs. J. V. extend felicitations to the guest of ,Flynn; Mr. and Mrs. O'Neil and honor, Miss Mary E. Murray read family, Windsor, and Mr. and Mrs. a congratulatory address and Miss Blonde and children, Chatham, Mary Horan assisted in opening with Mr. and Mrs. James Delaney; numerous gifts of linen, silver and Mr's. Mary McGrath has returned china. Several games of progres- sive euchre were played and suit -,mer months with Mr. and Mrs. able prizes awarded to the win -Thomas Morris; Miss Margaret ners. A bountiful lunch was serv- Holland, Toronto, with her par ents, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. E. Hol- land; Mr. and Mrs. Stuart McKay and Mrs. Long. London, with Mr. and Mrs. Walter Carpenter; Miss Margaret Atkinson, 'Toronto, with her parents. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Atkinson; Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Carpenter at Blyth; Mr. and Mrs. Fred Jones and family at Port Stanley and Toronto: Jerome Mur- ray underwent a major operation in Scott Memorial Hospital, Sea - forth; Mrs. Fred Eckert. at Galt. Rev. Dr. Ffoulkes, P.P., St. Pat- rick's Church, .Dublin, left on a vacation trip to England by plane on Monday. It is thirteen years ed by a group of young friends of the bride -elect. Devlin - McIver White summer flowers adorned the altar of Holy Rosary Church, Toronto, for the wedding of Rita Anne McIver, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William McIver, Hibbert, to Mr. Clarence Benedict Devlin, of Toronto, son of Mr. and Mrs. C. B. Devlin, Fort William. Rev. John J. McIver, S.F.M., brother of the bride, officiated at the ceremony and the nuptial mass, and Rev. Thomas McQuaid, S.F.M.,-and Ilev. Father MacDonald were in the Sanctuary. The soloist was Miss s'nce his previous trip to his na- Patricia Morrison, who sang "Pan- tive land. Rev. Father Wildgen, is Angelicus," "Ave Maria" and St. Peter's Sem ra.ry. London, will "Sacred Heart of Jesus." Given substitute durin his absence.. in marriage by her father, the bride wore a ballerina -length gown of white Swiss embroidery over jj smile Or Two taffeta; designed with fitted jack-! I1 et, cap sleeves and Peter Pan col- lar. Her finger-tip veil was caught with a matching hat, and she car- ried a bouquet of white carnations with white streamers. She was at- tended by her sister, Miss Cather- ine McIver, Toronto, gowned in • F'rst Communist: 'What are you thinking about, Comrade?" Second Communist: "Same as you." First Communist: "I thought so mauve Swiss embroidery over tatand. of course, you know I've got feta, with matching headdress and to report. you to the district com- mittens. She carried a nosegay of missar for thinking it." mauve sweet peas and white car- nations. The best man was Mr. Thomas McIver, Toronto, brother of the bride, and the ushers were Mr. Wesley Hicks, Toronto, broth- er-in-law of the bridegroom, and Mr. John. Corkery, Peterborough. The wedding lbreakfast was served• at the Royal York Hotel. Toronto. The bride's mother received the guests, wearing a navy blue sheer dress with blue and white acces- sories; she was assisted by Mrs. Wesley Hicks, Toronto, sister of Three old gentlemen were die the bridegroom, wearing navy and. cussing the ideal way to die. The white flowered crepe. Each wore first, aged 75, said: '•I'd like. to a corsage of pink carnations. For go sudden. I'd like to get hit by a honeymoon trip to Fort William and Chicago, the bride chose a natural -colored linen with mauve blouse and navy accessories and corsage of white carnations. On their return Mr. and Mrs. Devlin will reside at 26 St. Joseph St., 'To- ronto. Guests at the wedding were from Detroit, Sudbury, Nortb Bay, Fort William, London, Windsor, Stratford, Dublin and Toronto. Prior to her marriage the bride was honored at a miscellaneous shower at the home of Miss Anne Berry, Toronto, also at a. shower sponsored by Mrs. B, Blainey. Her office staff presented her with a sterling silver carving set. She was also feted at a cup -and -saucer shower sponsored by Mrs. Thomas Morris and Miss Alicia Coyne, of Staffa. - • Ibixtio wi-1i Wite101y 001k O!* ` TifiOCrs ,.en; # .,NYet taiVI,R. eometbieg allgut its tliey Nif41114ft STOVng, ltd beepltne 14449ted When We say stunted; we Mean 'studied through hart througkt.. Yeeing birds and their tylialrters should; be looked over: carefully First of all, an``99 and every Weak or .deformed bird should be culled out as it is far bet'fer to kill Such birds than to continue wasting food, ort theist. Then if you have mixed birds, as 'Continued from Page 2) we are going to be a province that 000n t feed itself." Agricultural production is not keeping pace with industrial and population growth, and many pro- ducts, he pointed out, are already 'n short supply. Buyers of cattle, especially dairy cattle for export are finding them more difficult than ever to find this year, and he forecast that the time is not far off when cheese producers will sell all their production right here at home. Agricultural producers will be in a position where 'they will not have to go looking for buyers on the world market, but will stay at home and Jet the buyers come to them. Culling is Profitable Although a great deal has been said and written in reference to culling poultry flocks, we feel that a word to the wise is in order, Spring and early summer bring a multitude of duties and problems and the best of us are apt to let some things slip: Overcrowding of poutry is par- ticularly damaging so far as future profits are concerned. The young • Mother: "Jimmie, run over and see how old Mrs. Smith is this morning." Jimmie (returning) : "She said, to tell you it was none of your business." Mother: "Why, Jimmie, what in the world did you ask her?" Jimmie: ".rust what you told me to. I said you wanted to know how old she was." a train." The second, aged 86, said: "I'd, like to go sudden, too— in a jet aeroplane." They both turned• to the third old fellow, ager 93. and said: "How about you, Charlie?'4, Charlie: just smiled quietly and said: "1'd. like to be shot by a jealous husband." Canada's Health Eating Out of Doors The open air adds something to any kind of food,, so plan picnics as often as you can, even if they are only in your own hack garden. lie sure to protect all food from in- sects and don't drink water from wayside streams. if you must use water from unfamiliar sources. boil it for not less than five minutes to The following district teachers render it safe. have completed their school terms: Miss Marie Dillon, Ingersoll; Miss -- Joan Flanagan, Beechwood; Miss Glamor Dish Margaret Flanagan, St.. Clements; Miss Mary E. Stapleton, Guelph; Food that is poorly prepared los- Miss Mary E. Murray, London; es lis attractiveness as well as Miss Kay Woods, London; Miss muoh of its nutritive value. Too Geraldine Ryan, Stratford; Mrs. long cooking and. too much water ,tames P. Krauskopf, Walenstein; also help to spoil food. Quick cook - Miss Marion Kale, McKillop Town- ing with the minimum amount of ship; Miss Bernadette Barry, Kin: water will help to preserve the kora; Miss Hazel Roney, Strat- leafy types of vegetables—and the ford; Miss Lorraine Rowland, Es- water in which they are cooked sex; Leo Bicknell, Kitchener; makes a tasty addition to gravies. Hugh Benn'nger, Kingsbridge; Jim Lane, Sudbury. Personals: Mr. and Mrs. Harold Rheumatic Fever and Heart Stanley and family. Rochester, Disease Mich., with Miss Monica Byrne; The great Dr. .Tenser who devel- Miss B. Dalton, Chicago, Ill., with aped vaccination against. smallpox Mr. and Mrs. Thos. J. Molyneaux.; I in the 1700"s also made discoveries Mr. and Mrs. Frank Evans in To- lin.lrirng heart trouble and rhumatic ronto; Miss Dorothy Donnelly, of fever. Medical science today is Kitchener, with her parents, Mr. better equipped to deal with rhen- and Mrs. Joseph Donnelly; Mr. and i mantic fever and to prescribe the Mrs.. Sylvester Kelly and children,,necessary care that helps to pre - London, with Mir. and Mrs. Hubert vent the after-effects of the disease. CUSTOM-BUILT FURNITURE and KITCHEN CUP .OARDS Antique Furniture Repaired and Refinished Agent for Moore's Upholstering RE-COVERING RE -STYLING All work expertly dohe G. A. WRI HT WOOD PRODUCTS John St. Phone 342-W SEAFORTH ip7 1401,ei nr sq}f1 gltti (ani the4�ile'r} 1[u t401: ekiri; llll� 1 tPrfa 1#n0l<ol ed at t'be deQel,pl smaller ittrfie wxen chaz}ce, Be sttre to keep ever -0 titularly clean. ft PLAN TO ATTEND THE FINAL NIGHT of the Seaforth Lions Clul 16th Annual SUMMER CARNIVAL AT THE BEAUTIFUL LIONS PARK Friday Nite, July 13th FRIDAY NIGHT ATTRACTIONS • POWERS DOG and MONKEY ACT • JIMMY LEE— The Voice of Hollywood Ventriloquist, Comedian and Clown • ELAINE SHAFFER— One of the most sought:after Baton Acts in Canada and the United States R.C.A.F. STATION BAND, CLINTON DRAWING FOR GRAND PRIZE Winner will be presented with 1951 Dodge Crusader BINGO — GAMES — DANCING MECHANICAL RIDES Entire Proceeds of Frolic for Lions Welfare Work and Maintenance of Lions Free Park and Pool YOU ENJOY THE .PARK— HELP SUPPORT IT, PLEASE! Admission 25c Children (under 12) Free Lots of FREE PARKING Space Available 9 ouster BI GO SPONSORED BY CLINTON LIONS CLUB CLINTON LIONS ARENA Friday, July 20th 1,275 including x475 in Cash Prizes $800 Jackpot (Consolation Prize of $25.00 if Jackpot not won in 45 Numbers) FOUR SPECIAL GAMES: $50 $75 $150 as well as the $800 JACKPOT 16 REGULAR GAMES FOR /10 EACH 1 FREE GAME FOR $15 Admission: $1 for 16 regular games; 25c for extra cards; 25c each for each of four special gamut Doors open at 8:30 o'clock Games start at 9:00 (TI.S.T.).. REFRESHMENT BOOTH