HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1951-07-13, Page 1• SEAFORTH, FRIDAY, JULY 13, 1961 1 HENSALL GIVEN SEMI- ANNUAL FINANCE REPORT NEWS OF HENSALL The regular meeting of Hensall council was held Tuesday evening at S p.m. in the council chamber with all members present. The treasurer, J. A. Paterson, present- ed the half yearly financial report and presented each member with a copy of the same. The clerk resorted a request &nom Mrs:. McCreary,. asking per- m -maw o sell hot dogs and re- fresl ents from a trailer, and statb d she wished to operate e ate on P the street across the road from their shop on Wellington St. Coun- cillor L. Luker reported a request from R. Cook to place gravel on the street in' front of his garage on the west side of Wellington St. to park, cars on. Considerable dis- cussion took place as regards these two 'requests and it was decided that the council could not grant them as the streets were public property, clerk to advise the ap- plicants. C. W. Leonhardt asked about taking his holidays and was in- structed to take them when it would cause the least inconveni- ence to the .public. Correspondence was read as fol- lows: County Clerk, Bell Tele- phone, County Treasurer, City of Niagara Falls, Department of High- ways, Ontario Department of Health re waterworks, W. G. Thompson & Son, Board of Trans- port Commissioners, E. Chlpchase, J. Traquair, Imperial Oil - same considered and filed. Bills and accounts were read as follows: Hensall P.U.C., hydro, water, Hall, $16.74; C. W. Leon- hardt, salary, $148.08; J. A. Pater - ism', salary, $166.66; Exeter District High School, rates, $1,096.31; A. Hildebrand, policing hall, $4.05; W. 1R Dougall, labor, weeds,. $3; I. Geiger, labor, weeds, $3.75; E. Fink, repairs, hall, $6.63; School Board, current expenses, $2,000.00; iD Kirk, labor, hall, $20; Drysdalr3 Hard -ware, supplies, hall, $4.67; C.N.R., rent of bandstand property, $LOAD; County of Huron, hospital- ization, $78.50. Total, $3,545.64. The clerk reported re the Aux Bauble River Conservation Author- ity, stating there would be a meet- Mg eeting later and asked for a full at- tendance of the council at the same. ._._ The financial statement of the Village of Hensall from January 1 fo June 30 is as follows: Receipts -Tax arrears and penalties, $315.63 ; miscellaneous, $229.67; prepaid taxes, $3,580.00; rents, $208.00; licenses, $61.00; highway subsidy, $1,049.44; municipal sub- sidies, $3.06.61; share of fines, $3.44; dog taxes, $70.00; bank loans, $2,04)0; outstanding cheques, June 30, $13.75; bank balance, Jan. 1. 1951, $2,205.57. Total, 310,043.11. Expenditures - Miscellaneous, $605.30; salaries, 31,408.75; print- ing and postage, 326.69; mainten- ance municipal buildings, $505.62; charity and grants, $338.87; garb- age collection, $42.63; roads and streets, $942.69; fire protection, $1,503.29; public school, $3,000.00; interest, $109.02; law fees, 346.05; outstanding cheques, Jan. 1, 1951, $19.50; bank balance, dune 30, $1,494.70. Total, $10,043.11. Members of the Mission Band and Baby Band were entertained by the Women's Missionary So- ciety of Chiseihurst United Church at their July meeting on Tuesday. President Mrs. T. Brintnell was in the chair. The program was furn- ished by the visitors with June Ross in charge, and, included piano solos by Geraldine Parker and Marlene Ross; solos, Carol Ann Rogers, Elaine Ross and Fay Ross; readings by Mary Lou McLellan, June Munn and Dorothy Parker. Luncheon was served. The following pupils of S.S. No. 1, Tuckersmith, have, been promot- ed from Grade 8 to Grade 9: Maja Roobel (Hon.), Gerald Bell (Hon.), .James Bell '(Hon.), Kenneth Park- er, Wallace Maxwell. - Mrs. R. Simpson,.TCeacher. Mrs. J. D. Stewart returned home this week after spending a two -weeks' vacation with relatives in London. Mr. and Mrs. Russell Hedden,and baby daughter, of St. Catharines, are spending a week with the for- mer's mother, Mrs. C. M. Redden. The annual picnic of Kippen' East W.I., scheduled for Friday at the Lions Park, Seaforth, was post- poned ostponed until a later date owing to an epidemic of chickenpox and measles. Mr. and 'Mrs. Doug. Cook have returned from their wedding trip and are getting settled in their apartments in the .Fink Apartment Brock. Re''. W. J. Rogers was guest speaker on Church of the Air, CKNX, Wingham, Tuesday morn- ing at 10;30. He was assisted dur- ing the service by menbers of his choir. Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Appleby and family, of Burford, were week end visitors with Mr. and Mrs. F. J. Appleby. Mr. and Mrs, G. M. Drysdale and, Mr. and Mrs, George Hess, were in Mint, MIeh., last Week attending the funeral of their cousin, Ralph Hanna, $7, *fib d'161i sniddenly with a heart geizttra, e, - Mr. and Mrs, Ed,. Phrk and Mr. (Cent -billed Olt Page 4) Propose Needed Repairs To Former Waterworks IT PAYS! Another indication of the successful results which small Expositor Fop Sale Ads. bring, is a letter received this week from John Elder, of Hensall. Mr. Elder' says: "My little ad in your paper has done the trick again. ' First day after same appeared in the paper, it was sold" to a fine-looking po- liceman from where I don't know. I have done a lot of advertising, and to say it pays is saying the least." GRAND BEND TO ELECT MONDAY New :Village To Select First Reeve and Councillors. Two men have qualified for the reeveship and eight for the four council seats in Grand Bend's first election, to be held Monday. Trhe village was incorporated, as such on June 24. Herman Gill, presently chairman of the village trustees, and Bruce Boysenberry will run for reeve. Gill qualified soon after nomina- tion Monday night, and Bossen- berry filed his qualification papers just before deadline Tuesday. Qualifying for council were J. W. Holt, William Glenn, Kenneth Young, Peter Eisenbach, Eric Mc- I1roy, Emery Desjardine, Merrit Thompson and Herbert Pfile, Nominated for reeve, but failing to qualify, were John A. Manore, J.' W. Holt and James Dalton. Those failing to qualify for coun- cil were John A. Manore and Her- bert Wainwright. The new council will take office as spon as it is elected, but will serve only until December, when another election will be held. • Motorcycle Skids; Fractures Shoulder When the motorcycle which he was riding skidded as he attempt- ed to avoid a collision with a car at the entrance to the Lions Park Monday evening, Leslie Habkirk, 17 -year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. Scott Habkirk, Seaforth, suffered t fractured shoulder and abrasions Dr ver of the c -r. Fred Cooper, ,vas not injured, although the front of the vehicle was damaged. Examination at Scott Memorial Hospital revealed Mr. Habkirk's shoulder was fractured in four places. He will be confined to hospital for sorne days. • Merry Maidens Garden Club Has Brucefield Meeting The Merry Maidens Garden Club met at the home of their leader, Mrs. Wallace Haugh, Brucefield, on Monday evening, when many garden club members and their mothers were in attendance. Af- ter a visit to .Mrs. Haugh's ,floral gardens, the girls and their mothers met inside for a meeting. The house was very attractively decorated, with bouquets of flow- ers. Due to the absence of the president, Mary Hicknell, Mar- garet Stevens took charge of the meeting. The meeting opened with the singing of "0 Canada." The roll call for the evening was answer- ed, the first-year girls answering by "My worst garden insect and how I controlled it"; second -year girls by "My special project and how it has progressed," and third - year •girls by "My new venture and how it has progressed." Eleanor McCartney read the minutes of the previous meeting. The minutes were moved to be correct by Eileen McCartney and seconded by Sue Nixon. Business was conducted by Haugh. She reminded the g,rls that their gardens would be' j dg - ed the week of the 16th, and tl\at the next meeting would be held the last week in July with Miss Jean Scott as guest. The girls 'were also told that the Achieve- ment Day would be held on Aug. 23. At this point of the meeting little Suane Haugh favored with a beautiful piano solo. - Mrs. Haugh introduced the guest speaker, Mr. Cooke, who is a flor- ist at Clinton. Mr, Cooke's talk on care and treatment of flowers proved interesting and worthwhile to everyone present. Nancy Nott moved a vote of thanks to Mr. Cooke for coming and speaking to the girls and their mothers. This vote of thanks was extended to Mr. Cooke by the chairman. Anne Haugh conducted a game, which proved interesting. Following up Mr. Cooke's talk on flowers, a very attractive dem- onstration on arrangingbouquets was given by Eleanor and Eiltyen McCartney. Following the meeting a delicious. lunch was served. The girls wish to thank their leader, Mrs. Haugh, for the kindness which she extended to them by allowing them to hold • their .meeting at her home at Brucefield. •Seaforth Council Author- izes Civic Holiday On Monday, August 6. At the regular meeting of Sea - forth Council held Monday even- ing, Councillor 13. F. Christie re- ported at length the many needed repairs of the town house, situat- ed at the old' waterworks. He was authorized to proceed with these, which included: repairing veran- dah and eavetroughs, tearing down old kitchen and• using the old brick for rebuilding chimney, painting and rewiring were needed. A shed on the same 'property will be re -shingled and resided for use as a storage building. In his pro- perty report Councillor Christie al - ,so said that a desk had been ob- tained for the police office, but that redecorating ,had not been completed. During July and August, council approved of the closing of the town scales on Wednesday afternoons. Councillor Daly said in his street committee report that three catch basins had been created, one at the west end of Goderioh Street, and the other two on West Wil- liam Street. The matter of 30 -mite -per -hour traffic signs at the four entrances to the town was discussed and council is going to ask the Cham- ber of Commerce to plan some new attractive ones with an invit- ing greeting. Mr. Daly reported that the park was being extensively used as a parking area, and suggested that the lights be left on on Saturday and Sujnday nights. The Mayor/ congratulated Councillor E. H. Close on the good appearance of the park. Council authorized the Mayor to proclaim Monday, August_6, a civ- ic holiday. A tractor proposition for town work was left over until the fin- ance committee has its estimates in, The tax rate will be struck next Monday night at a special meeting. The Municipal Board has notified council that the term of the $275,- 000.00 debenture for a new public school may be for only 20 years, instead of the 30 as originally planned. : The by-Iaw authorizing the coun- cil to enter into an agreement with the H.E.P.C. for the conkersion of the equipment at the'>Chnrmunity Centre was given the required three readings. The matter of milk and its de- livery was raised, and council de- cided to refer it to the County Health Unit. The building by-law was again brought to the attention of the council by A. W. Sillery. He stat- ed that with few changes it cov- ered everything, but that it should to enforced in order to protect the purchasers of properties. Fire Chief J. F. Scott reported that only one alarm was sounded last month, that of D. Papple, in •Cgmondville. Accounts approved for payment included the following: Ontario Munic'pal Board, fee, $40; J. F. Scott, acct.. $124.22; Receiver General, scales inspection, $19.50; Treasurer Seaforth Public School, $3,000; S. Williams, wages, $6.00; H. Hoggarth, wagee, $25.50; E. Miller, wages, $69.75; Seaforth Public Library, $400; County of Huron, indigents, $45.50; relief, 319.30; Receiver General, rent, $10; Treasurer of Ontario, police. $481.04; D. H. Wilson, salary, $170; J. Cummings, $108.16; H. Maloney, $150; A. Bashie, 3125; Franklin! Press, acct., $91.85; Hillside Nurs- ery, $34.10; Johnson Office Furni- ture, $65; Baldwin Hardware, $9.23; M. E. Clarke, $25.37; C. E. Smith, $11.85; C.N.R., $6.18; Lowe Bros., $38.80; Robert Bell Indus- tries, $42.20; Cornell Construction, $3,963.81; Seaforth Farmers Co- up, 33.20; Bali -Macaulay, $109.66; Bell Telephone Co., $17.45; sun- dries, $4.72; E. Miller, $30; H. Mc- Elwain, $67.50; H. Hoggarth, $5.25; Seaforth News, $93.13; Steffen, 365.75; Daly Motors, 3112.70; Robt. Bell Industries, $23.26. • Mr. an,, Mrs. F. Reeves Are Honored The family of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Reeves gathered at the home of their daughter, Mrs. James Mc- Nairn, e-Nairn, and Mr. McNairn, Egmond- ville, on Sunday, to honor Mr. and Mrs. Reeves who celebrated their fiftieth .,wedding anniversary on June 26. A buffet supper was served to about 40' relatives, dur- ing which they were presented with a purse of money by their family, and Mrs. Reeves was pres- ented with a corsage of yellow roses by her granddaughter, Karen Hewlett, of Toronto. Relatives from Detroit, Royal Oak, Toronto, Clinton and Exeter were present. Mr. and Mrs. Reeves received many lovely cards from friends, including messages from Prime Minister Louis St. Laurent, Sena- tor W. H. Golding, Thomas Pr34le, M.L.A., and Andrew Y. McLean, M.P., also a scroll from the Prov- ince of Ontario: • Dominatiing factor in Canada's, climate is the movement of air from the west and northwest AGRICULTURAL REP. IS PROMOTED; GOES TO TORONTO R. G. Bennett Named As- sociate Director 'Of Branch. For the past three years agricul- tural representative in ' Huron County, R. Gordon Bennett, has been promoted to the position of associate director,' and will be at- tached to the head office staff of agricultural representatives branchf The promotion was announced this week by Col the Hon. T. L. Ken- nedy, Minister of Agriculture, Mr. Bennett during the years he has been in Huron has been a highly efficient and popular repre- sentative. In his new position he will have the particular responsi- bility of supervising boys' and girls' club work and will also as- sist with administrative duties. The new• agricultural representa- tive in Huron County will be G. W. Montgomery, a n t e of North a iv Gower, Ont., and a 1946 graduate from O.A.C. He has been r•eere- sentative in the District of Nipis- sing for the past two years. Pre- vious to that time he served as assistant representative in both Lambton and Hastings Counties. The changes are effective Aug. 1. • Trousseau Tea Honors Recent Bride On Wednesday, July 4, Mrs. Gor- don Richardson entertained at a trousseau tea in honor of her daughter, Miss Lois Richardson, previous to her wedding. The rooms were beautifully decorated with baskets of summer flowers. In the afternoon Mrs. Anson Coleman, mother of the groom, and Mrs. Nancy Richardson,grand- mother of the bride, poured tea at a table covered with a lace cloth centred with a silver bowl of roses and orange blossoms, also pink tapers in silver candleholders, Misses Eileen McCartney and Mar- i caret Stevens served; Miss Elean- or McCartney displayed the house - ::old trousseau; Mrs. Hartley Boyce, the personal trousseau, and Mrs. Ward Knox, the gifts. Mrs. Frank Dunn attended the door. In the evening Mrs. Sandy Pep - pe,, , aunt of the bride, and Mrs. Watson Webster, aunt of the groom, poured tea. Misses Mar-1 iory Webster and Marilyn Dowson served; Miss Mona Caldwell dis- played the household trousseau; Mrs. Ralph Stephenson, the per- sonal trousseau, and Mrs. Elgin Nott, the gifts. Mrs. Wallace Haugh attended the door. Misses Shirley Knox and NancY Pepper were in charge of the guest book. Mrs. H. C. Carey was at the piano and rendered soft music. Other assistants were Mrs. John Broadfoot, Mrs. W. D. Wilson, Mrs. Reg. Knight and Mrs. Wm. Foth- eringham. Look for Record Carnival Crowds FIs Skies Clear for Final Nights McALIISTER CLAN Threatening Weather Cuts HAS REUNION AT !Attendance on Wednesday BAYFIELD GROVE Pioneer Members of Fam- ily Came From Scot- . land 1n18 1842. A very successful clan gathering was held at Jowett's Grove, on the eastern shore of Lake Huron, at Bayfield, when as many as could of the descendants of John, Alex- ander and Robert McAllister gath- ered from far and near, including Houston, Texas; Applegate, Peck and Detroit, Mich.; Georgetown, Ottawa, Toronto, Hamilton, Ayer,' Galt, Exeter, Ilensall and vicinity. An adhlress and presentation was given by Ross Forbes, principal of Cambridge Public School in Ot- tawa, tawa, iu honor of Dr. Arthur Mc- Allister, of Georgetown, who is the last member of the family of the late Mr, and Mrs. John McAl- lister, of the Parr Line and Hen- sall. The prize for the oldest member attending went to Mrs% Ellep McAllister, Hensall; young- est person present, Colleen Bayn- ha Hensall. Congratulations wer extended to Mr. and Mrs. Frank Brooks, Toronto, (former Maude M4iAllister), who were ob- serving their 286h wed1ing anni- versary. The pioneer members of the Mc- Allister clan sailed from Scotland in 1842 and after a very stormy and discouraging voyage finally arriv- ed in the land of their choice., Coming in a sailing vessel, first to, arrive were John and Alexander McAllister and Charles SWbie and his family from Glasgow and vicin- ity in Scotland. The McAllisters who came first were passengers on the same ship as the Scobie's. John and Alexan- der came to the Huron Tract in 1849 and took up 400 acres of choice land on the Parr Line. Lae er ohh-'r members of 'the McAllis- ter family- came across and took up their allotted farms, namely, Rob- ert McAllister, and the parents. William and a sister, Ellen. In 1852 John McAllister married a Miss Scobie, who came over with her family and at the same. time Alexander married 'a Miss Hunter. Robert married a Miss Cochrane, and Ellen married a Mr. Fawns, of Fannsviile, near Hensall on the Zurich Road. The Scobie's being more mechanically minded later on. came to Upper Canada, where they set up milling machinery, in- cluding flour and saw milling, and later John Scobie, son of Charles Scobie, went into the salt busi- ness in Goderich. Flour mill ma- chinery made from patterns by the Scobie's entered into the flour mill in Seaforth. The McAllister's fol- lowed the agricultural part of the development of the new settle- ments. Telegram Book Editor Recalls His Teacher • (In his weekly column, "Book Talk," James Scott, Book Editor of the Toronto Telegram, makes reference to the resignation of Miss S. I. McLean, from the staff of the Seaforth Public School af- ter a teaching career of 41 years. Mr. Scott is a son of Mrs. H. R. Scott, Seaforth). Just across the corner from the lives a woman I wish the whole of Canada could know. They say that Miss S. I. McLean is eighty-three years old, but I don't believe it. The other day I saw her coming down the street. I knew who it was, of course, because there's only one person in the whole town whose shoul- ders are thrown back like that; who puts her feet down with just that degree of elegant firmness. The white gloves she wears with her navy-blue suit have just a lit- tle extra lustre which could not. belong to anybody else. It was Miss McLean all right -no doubt about that -and if she's eighty- three, I'm five. And maybe I am at that. Any- way, this is one thing I'm sure about. Right now if I were lucky and Miss McLean said to me, "Sit down and I'll tell you a story," I'd 'put down tine best book that's been written in my lifetime and listen to Miss McLean. You see, It was this wonderful woman who introduced me to the fascinating world of make-believe almost thirty years ago. It was Miss McLean who first taught me that the things a man can "make up" in his mind are more import- ant than a red and white ball or a new pair of skates. It was Miss McLean (although she never said it) who made me know that the creative imagination is the sublime gift which takes men away from the monkeys and lets them come close to God. Miss McLean knows about God. She knows so much about Him that after teaching at the Seaforth e_hnni 4a.M eel., le Public School for five days every week, she would get up on Sunday morning and draw on her white gloves and go down to the Presby- terian Church to tell the same lit- tle gods and devils she had been teaching all week the story of the little boy Samuel, whom God talk- ed to and God loved. I don't know whether the men and women who came out of the Seaforth Public School are better men and women than anybody e'se I don't know whether they read or buy more books. But I do know, this: There's not a mother's son amongst them who doesn't know how important it is to tell a story. There's not one or today's mothers and fathers who started with Miss McLean who would ever have the courage to tell their own children that they were too busy to read a story. They would know that Miss Mc- Lean's reproachful eye was upon them, and they would do what she expected From all her boys and girls. And, you know, they would read a good book. In the training they got they acquired a distaste for the shoddy and the dishonest. They grew up to love the true because Miss McLean never let them go. She has been a member of the 10- cal library board as long as I can remember. She is always on han8 to make sure that the nourishment which acmes from the great story- tellers of the world is available to the little grubby youngsters she long ago taught to savor the rich- ness of literature. Yes, we are lucky in Seaforth to have Miss McLean and whenever The Telegram's book editor is like- ly to go off the rails all he has to do is look out the window and across the street and see his old teacher. She's over there now -straight and staunch -and if I ever slip with Katie Scott, I've got to an- swer to Miss McLean. 91st BIRTHDAY Mrs. James R. Sproat, high- ly respected and well-known Seaforth resident, celebrated her 91„t birthday ather home on Victoria St., Seaforth, on Sunday. Mrs. Sproat is in good health and thoroughly enjoyed a gath- ering of some forty friends, who extended congratulations to her. Guests were present from Detroit, North Bay and Stratford. PEE WEE TEAM GUESTS AT PICNIC Sponsors Present Boys With Crests. Members of the Seaforth Beav- ers Pee -Wee hockey team and their families were guests at a picnic arranged by the sponsors of the team and held at Turnbull's Grove on Wednesday. There were about 60 persons in attendance. The committee supplied i c e cream and pop for all. After sup- per Mayor E. A. McMaster, Sea - forth, presented the boys with their crests and explained to them that learning the rules of the game and abiding by them would help them become better players and better citizens in the years to .come. He thanked their manager, Harvey Mason, for the time and energy he spent in organizing the team, and expressed thanks also to Ralph (Farmer) McFadden, the team's coach, adding that a better one could not be found in Ontario, and that it was a wonderful priv- ilege for the boys to be under his care. Sports were enjoyed by all, with the following results: Races, Pee- Wees, Kenneth Thompson, Billie Strong; visitors, Larry Dale, Alice Christie; small girls, Joan Robert- on, Donna Mae Berger; throwing the softball, Bruce McFadden, Bil- lie Roberton; kir king the foot- ball, Bruce McFadden, Billie Rob- erton; wheelbarrow race, team, Ronald Mason a n d Kenneth Thompson. Jack Matthews and Donald McClinchey; wheelbarrow race, visitors, Murray- McFadden and Don Matbhews; kicking the slipper, Mrs. L. Strong, Mrs. N. Scoins; kicking the football, wo- men, Mrs. N. Scoins. Mrs. H. Mas- on; men, Ralph McFadden, Frank Roberton; dodge bail, Larry Dale, Murray Carter. • Mahaffy Reunion Held At Lions Park Approximately 50 members of the Mahaffy family gathered at Seaforth Lions Park on Saturday for their 14th annual reunion. Members were present from Lon- don, St. Marys, St. Pauls, Avon - ton, Mitchell, Dublin, Staffa, Crom- arty, Elimville, Munro, Kippen and Hensall. During the afternoon the sports program was conducted by Mr. and' Mrs. Arthur Mahaffy, Ross and Hazel Dining. The results of the races are as follows: Children under six. Johnny Ma- haffy, Wesley Kraemer; children 6 to 10, Allan Mahaffy, Gwen Ma- haffy; women's race, Mrs. Lorne Hay. Hazel Diiling; men's race, Ross Diiling, Harper Kraemer; bag race, Mrs. Wilson Broadfoot; shoe race, Mrs. Betty McCullough, Harper Kraemer; threading the needle, Mrs. Harper Kraemer; rolling a cigarette, Wesley Mahaf- fy; kicking the slipper, women, Mrs. Harper Kraemer; men, Ar• thur Mahaffy; children, Helen Bar- bour; mak`.ng an animal from a potato, Mrs. Alvin Barbour, Mrs. Harper Kraemer: peanut scram- ble, Mary Barbour, Helen Barbour; guessing contest, Mrs. Dalton Dav- idson. During the "evenr g meal the President, Wesley OMahaffy, con- ducted the business meeting. The following were elected as the 1952 officers: President, Bill McLean, Exeter; vice-president, Ross Dillin'g, London; secretary - treasurer, Mrs. Arthur Mahaffy, Wilton Grove; sports committee. Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Barbour, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Bingham, Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Howe; lunch committee, Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Templeman, Mrs. 011ie Hoggarth and Mr. and Mrs. Frank Harris. • There had been a lot of commo- tion after the train came to a sud- den stop. "What happened, con- ductor?" asked a nervous lady. "Nothing mueh, we just ran over a cdw." "Was it on the track?" "No," replied the conductor, "we had to chase her into a barn." • Draw For Major Prize is Program Feature On Friday Evening. .An all -day rain which fell throughout the district Wednes- day, cleared sufficiently by eight o'clock to permit the first even- ing's program of the Seaforth Lions summer carnival to go on. The threatening weather, however, resulted in a greatly lowered at• tendauce. The parade planned or Wednes- day night was postponed until Thursday night. The program as planned was carried out and thor- oughly enjoyed by the crowd in the park. With the thought that it might notbe possible s eto p goaheadat the park, arrangements were made late in the afternoon to move the pro- gram and some games to the Com- munity Centre in the event con- tinued rain made impossible the use of the park. By eight o'clock, however, it became apparent this would not be necessary. Witt) clearing skies, record crowds are anticipated for Thurs- day and Friday nights, Outstand- ing programs are arranged for both evenings, and on Friday eve- ning the draw for the car takes place. The first night's draw for an ironing machine and blankets were won a.s follows: Iron, 27378, Ken Howey, 176 Albert St, Stratford; blanket, 20496, Mrs. M, J. Meehan, 458 Aberdeen, Hamilton; blanket, 26740, Pat Nicholson, West Monk - ton, The winning tickets were drawn by Lion H. E. Smith, President of the Lions Club, and by Ken Pap- ple and Ken McIlwain. • Hay Council The regular monthly meeting cf Hay Township Council was held Tuesday, July 3, at 8 p.m., with all members present. The meeting was held in the Township Hall, Zurich. Correspondence presented was as follows: Grand Bend Vil- lage, re fire protection account; insurance, J. W. Haberer. T:ere was alto a report presented by Mr Wm. Haugh on the Ausauble F.iv- er Watershed Authority, re pro- posed dam in the Hay Township Swamp. - The following motions were passed': That the minutes of the June 9th and June 18th meetings be adopted as read. That we in sure the•township road machinery against loss or damage as listed in the Municipal Equipment Floater Policy, for 80 per cent of their va lue. That the various rates for Hay Township for 1951 be as follows: County rate, 8.9 mills; road rate, 7.8 mills; Exeter District High School rate, 2 mills; general school rate, 3 mills; general township rate, 1.3 milks, making a combined rate of 23 mills for public school supporters and 20 mills for separ- ate school supporters for 1951; Zurich Police Village rate, 12 mills; Federation of Agriculture, 2/5 mill, and that' a by-law be drawn up confirming rates. That the clerk make application to the Department of Agriculture for subsidy payable under the Warble Fly Control Act. That application be made to the Ansauble River Watershed Conner • vation Authority for immediate permission for Hay Township to proceed in making a municipal drain out of the area drained, by stream commonly called the Mous- scan Drain. That we pay the Zurich Police Village account for $75.00 for the Louis Masse. fire, and that the clerk render account to Cyril Masse for 337.10 and to the Hay Mutual Fire Insurance Co. for $37.50. and that the clerk notify the Village of Grand Bend that since Hay Township has no fire protection agreement with them, the account be unpaid. That in response to the written request made by Lloyd McDonald, owner of Lot 14, Con. 1, Hay Town- ship. to have the McDonald Drain repaired, the council proceed to make arrangements to have this, drain repaired. That we call for tenders to con - LOTS OF RAIN Continued rainy weather during recent days has not only interferred with a Large number of events in the dis- trict, but has also prevented district farmers from getting in hundreds of acres of hay. Rain on Wednesday forced postponement of races and a bowling tournament at Exe- ter, but cleared up enough to permit the Seaforth Lions carnival to continue. The July 12'th celebration at Bayfield on Thursday went ahead, as the weather cleared early in the afternoon_ WILL POULTRY' IN TUCKERS Council To Provide Pa ment Where Wild ,A.n- irnals Involved, Owners of poultry or livestoaig•-' destroyed in Tuckersmith by" wild;. animals will be compensated;- the: township council decided at its/, meeting Saturday evening. The'' move followed complaints from ratepayers that foxes were de- stroying large numbers of poultry. The necessary by-law will be pass- ed at the next meeting of council, and will include a retroactive clause effective to July 2, 1951. Council approved payment of $80 to Eldon O'Brien to cover chickens killed by dogs. The council met in the Town Hall, Seaforth. All members ". were present and, Reeve A. Nicholson presided. The clerk was instructed to ap- ply for subsidy on 1950 expenditure for fire protection and on 1951 ex- penditure for warble fly control. Seaforth Agricultural Society was given a grant of $125.00 and the Brucefield Fire Department was granted permission to hold a bingo at their frolic on August 9. George F. Elliott was paid $1,120 on account of the Etue Drain and S. W. Archibald, Engineer, was paid fees on drains as follows: Moore, $430; Watson, '$225; Alex- ander, $360. Surety bond on the treasurer with the Dominion of Canada General Assurance Co., was renewed through agent, M. A. Reid, and premium of $20.00 was ordered paid. Council instructed the road sup- erintendent to employ Allan Nich- olson as grader operator at a wage of 90c per hour, and also author- ized the signing and sealing of deed in duplicate to Frederick Hurst for certain street allowanc- es running through his property and closed by an order of County Judge T. M. Costello, dated June 14, 1951. Accounts passed included: Re - dee $61; fox bounty, $15; printing and advertising, $16.65; hospital- ization, $10; salaries and allow- ances, $125; drainage, $2,135.00; chickens killed by dogs, $82; in- surance premiums, 320; roads, 3809.50; grants, $125; O.A.P., $2.50. • Provincial Police Changes Here Police Constable Gordon Ferris, Guelph, has been transferred to the Seaforth detachment of the Ontario Provincial Police. He re- places P.C. Ken Sheardowe�. who has been posted to the Wdlkerton- detachment for duty in the Sauble Beach Area. Mr. Ferris is married with three children. • Horse Comes First In Dresden Races Ray Oke, Windsor, son of Mr. Wilson Oke, of Seaforth, was an outstanding winner at the recent Dresden horse show when his en- try, Bobby Sox, won first prize, competing with 26 entries for the best Western Ontario Pinto under Western track. Along with this coveted award, she won three first Prizes in timed events, making it a winning day. Meteor is Reported Seen From Bayfield The mysterious flash of light which streaked across Michigan and Ohio skies Saturday night was reported seen by a London woman from her cottage at Bayfield. Mrs. J. S. Scott, 1079 Richmond St., London, said that she saw what she believed, was a meteor about 10 p. Saturday. Describing the sight, rs. Scott said it appeared to be somewhat oblong and seem- ed to carry all the colors of the rainbow, and yet resembled a ball of fire. "It went across the sky so fast," said Mrs. Scott, "that by the time I yelled 'look' it was gone. I've never seen a meteor before and/ the chances are that I never will again," she added. struct the Zurich Drain South and the Schwalm Drain according to the engineer's report, these ten- ders enders to be inserted for two issues in the Zurich Herald, Exeter Times -Advocate and The Huron Expositor, tenders to be in by July 31. That accounts for Hay Township. roads, relief, Hay Township:.• gen- eral eneral accounts and Hay Municipal Telephone System be paid as per voucher. Road System Accounts• -'-James; Masse, labor and miscellaneous, $230.56; Su.pertest Corp., $32.03; Huron Expositor, $3.68; Dentition, Road Machinery Co„ $47.26; Sher- win-Williatne Co., $21 0; Ai. phonse Masse, $170.$2; Andre* Ducharlue,, $67:3'4 Aleft Den0M1314,., (Contlicllted kin Page 4). iw.