The Huron Expositor, 1951-07-06, Page 4li'I tlest � PAGE FOUR r. aid Ads.I Classified Ads Inserted At New Low Cash Rates: FOR SALE, WANTED, LOST AND FOUND, ETC. -Per Word: 1st week 'X Cent Bra Cent Minimum cbarge. *list insertion25 Cents Each figure, initial and abbreviation cow/to as sue woad. Cards of Thanks. In Memoriam Notices. Coming Event» --1 cent per woad Minimum. 60 cents per week_ Enquiries may be directed to a Bos No.. c/o The Swan Expositor. far 16 amid watt.. Ten omits additional will be charged 4f ads du above ekes ate not paid within 10 dice of date of final insertion. Births. Marriages and Deaths inserted free of shams. Auction Sates. Notices to Credito®, Etc. -Rotes en oprdlaatisn. • Coming Events I Help Wanted VE GOOD OLDE TYME HAYLOFT I 'WANTED - MIDDLE-AGED WOMAN Hoedown at the Crystal Palace Rail—' YY fo; general .housework. Apply to room, •Mitchell, every Friday night, to the Box 41. HURON EXPOSITOR. music of Don Rbbentson and His Ranch 4858x1 Boys. 435732 . Notices Auction Sales AUCTION SALE OF HOUSEHOLD EF- N'OTICE - POSITIVELY NO TRES- feats. Centre Street. in Town of 'Sea- "' Sea - passing of children on or around forth, on Saturday, July '14th, at 1:30: Bell's Dam. Order will be strictly en- Quebec cook stove; Quebec heater; kitchen forced. STEW:ART BELL. HewsalL table and kitchen chairs; day bed; exten- 4356-3 sion tahle : dining room chairs; buffet; occasional chairs : upright piano and bench; number of rockers and small For Rent tables : phonograph and records; studio couch; 2 furnished bedrooms, beds, dress- ers, stands, springs and mattress- chest VOW RENT - A CABIN TRAILER. of drawers : 2 coal oil heaters ; trunks PHONE 164-M, Seaforth, after 6 Dem. floor coverings; 2 -burner hot plate: step 4357x2 ladder; extension ladders; garden tools; dishes and kitchen utensils, and other FORENT -OFFICE SPACE IN THE articles. Terms -- Cash. ESTATE OF R Dominion Bank Building. Apply to LATE WILLIAM HILL; E. P. Chesney, the Manager. 4849-tf Clerk: Harold Jackson, Auctioneer. 4358-2 Personals SKINNY- MEN, WOMEN! GAIN 5 TO w' 15 ib . New pep, too. Try funnies Ostrex Tonic Tablets for double results; new healthy flesh : new vigor. New "get acquainted" size ONLY 60c All drug- gists. HYGIENIC SUPPLIES (R LI B B E R Goods), mailed postpaid in plain,sealed envelope with price list 6 samples 26e: 24 samples 61.00. Matt -Order Dept. T-73. NOVA -RUBBER CO., Box 91, Hamilton, Ont. Property For Sale F®R SALE TO CLOSE AN ESTATE. THE FORMER Tannery property of the late Henry M. Jackson is offered for sale. Tenders will be received by the undersigned, and must be filed on or before the 10th day of July, 1951. H. G. MEM Dominion Bank Bldg- Seaforth 4358-1 Motor Cars For Sale ,GOOD USED CARS Cars 1947 FORD COACH 1949 MONARCH COACH 1938 FORD COACH 1937 FORD SEDAN 1936 FORD SEDAN 1938 CHEV. COACH 1940 PLYMOUTH COACH Trucks 1949 FORD 1 -TON EXPRESS 1946 FORD, -TON PICK -IIP 1982 FORD 2A -TON PICK -IIP Tractors 46 FORD WITH LOADER 42 FORD WITH PLOW 42 OOCKSHUTr 70 43 COCKSHU'T 70 47 COCKSHIITT 70 with Power Lift and Row -Crop Cultivator 41 FORD 47 FORD Births CARTER -In Clinton, on Friday, June 29 1951, to Mr. and Mrs. Whitney Carter (nee Ruth Hedden), a daughter. CARNOCHAN-At Scott Memorial Hospi- tal, on July 4, to .Mr. and Mrs. John Carnochan. R.R. 3, Seaforth, a son. DICK -At Scott Memorial Hospital. on July 4. to Mr. and Mrs. Earl Dick, R. R. 1, Cromarty. a son. McEWEN-In Clinton Public Hospital, on Wedne=day, June 27, 1951, to Mr. and Mors. Walter MacEwen, Brucefield, a daughter -Joyce Manlene. Deaths CURTIN-In Scott Memorial Hospital. Seaforth, on Tuesday, July 3, William Curtin, of Dublin, in his 59th year. TUCKERSMITH Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Forsyth, Kip - pep; Harry Charters, Seaforth, and Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Cameron, Tuck- ersmith, were week -end visitors of Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Dunsmore, in Wallacetown. Mr. Charters was a 'schoolmate of Mr. Dunsmore, and the others are sons and daughter of former schoolmates. The men of the party visited the stock farm of Carmon Lyons. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Christie, of Brantford, spent the week -end holi- day with Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Cam- eron, Tuckersmith. The Tuckersmith Euchre Club held a weiner roast at Bayfield on Wednesday evening and all report a good time. Winners at sports were: Running race. under four, Stine Cameron; carrying peanuts •n a stick, Mrs. Roy McGeoch; Ladies kick the slipper, Mrs. Allan Nicholson; 'men kick the slipper, Allan Nicholson; clothespin race, Mrs. Elmer Cameron; guessing the beans. Allan Nicholson, hammer - 'ng the nail, Harry Chesney. DALY MOTORS t Bayfield Scene of FORD -MONARCH SAW.51 A SERVICE For Sale FOR SALE -A BABY PRAM_ BORDEN RIEHL, R.R. 2, Phone 24 r 9, Dublin. APPLY Walton. 4358x1 McAllister Clan's First Reunion The first McAllister clan reunion was held at Jowett's Grove on Sat - It -NOR SALE -12 PIGS SEVEN WEEKS Sat- urday and was a great success. old. Apply ARTHUR DEVEREAUX- There were over sixty present Phone 661 r 25, Seaforth. 4358x1 from Detroit, Applegate. Mich.. �j OR SALE -M. -H. HAY LOADER, IN Houston. Texas, Toronto, George - good condition. Apply to HARVEY town. Galt, Ayr. Ottawa- Hamilton, COLEMAN. Phone 695 r 12, HensaR. London, Hensall, Exeter and Wat- 4358x1 ,rtord, Ont. The afternoon was s;.eat with visiting and sports. Af- ter dinner was served the elect`on of officers for the coming year was held. Dr. Arthur McAllister. of Georgetown. was elected presi- dent, and Mrs. Rose Passmore, of Exeter. secretary -treasurer. The reunion closed with singing "Auld Lang Syne" with prospects for a much' larger gathering in 1952. Mrs. R. B. Johnston left this week for Hamilton. where she is 1' OR SALE - •McCORMICK-,DEERING taking a summer course in kinder- _ ._,..._._ binder. 6 -,ft. cut. good canvas. sheaf garten. -work: carrier and trucks. HUBERT JOHNSON, Mrs. Malcolm Toms has retUrn- McKillop. Phone 45 r 25. Dublin. 4351-1 ed .,home after spending the past Week in Mount Forest and Guelph. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Weston and family, of Detroit. are visiting the latter's father, Mr. Geo. Weston. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Forbes, of FOR SALE - QUANTITY OF Waterford, Ont., are at their home mixed grain. oats and barley; also for the summer. They have as their feed wheat, ground fine and bagged if dr' sired. RUSSELL COLEMAN. Phone 6651 Lt'OR SALE -8 PIGS, SEVEN WEEKS old, York-T'atnworth cross. DOMINIC MURRAY, R.R. 2, Walton. Phone 45 r 9. Dublin 4358x1 "pOR SALE—TWO HEIFERS, SPRING- ing. ADply to JOHN E. MURRAY, Dublin. Phone 37 r 20, Dublin. 435833 �'OR SALE -40 NEW HAMP CHICK - ens, four months old; also gent's WMzzer bicycle and a Wbizzer motor. AB very reasonable. ROY VODDEN, RR. 2. Seaforth. 435811 FOR SALE -NEW SINGER SEWING machines, electric and treadle Re- pairs to all maker. SINGER SEWING CENTRE, 78 Ontario St., Stratford. 62811 -id r 4.1, Seaforth, 4358-1 FOR SALE -A NEW 14 -INCH LAWN mower. made in England, with five knives and smaller wheels. It is too bard to pnr-h with one hand. as I have to do. 510.00 takes it JOHN ELDER, Hensall. 4358-1 ; FOR SALE-ALLIS-CHALMERS MOD - el GO Combine. A-1 condition; 8 -foot -john Deere binder. cut 50 agree; Oliver beet lifter, two -row: John Deere 6 -foot filler, like new. R. FABER, Kippen. Phone 694 r 11, Hensall. 4857-2 Q.PECIAL ANNOUNCEMENT -TODAY'S beat dollar valve in refrigeration: jest announced -a full 8 cubic foot Super De Luxe Weitinghouoe Refrigerator for only 8399.09. Never before such value. Ask to nee We-,tinghou=e M.S.D. 8 at FRANK KLiNG'S. Seaforth. 4358-1 FOR SALE-KrrCHEN SUITE IN GOOD condition. consisting of cupboard, 4 chairs and table: priced reasonable for nick sale. Ako 1935 panel 14 -ton track in good condition: priced reasonable for quick sale. Apply K. J. BARRY. Sea - forth. 43544f FARM MACHINERY FOR SALE - '47 Ford tractor in A-1 condition, with! plough and cultivator George White threshing . machine. nearly new: 6 -food b apscey linins hinder in root( condition: thn*er Avpiy Os PRANK CUMMINGS. 64g44, 4257-2 0eeelaary giec®, Of a Huron EZ»e t- 1A6il Aft. ' 1ionec 41. ....r Y sr ?v- 777, •EB . P —EXPOSITOR` :: ►. News Items of Hensall and District , soisrusss- Mrs. John Alexander, of George- town, and her son, Douglas, a vet erinary student at the O. A. C., Guelph, were recent visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Albert Alexander. Dr. J. C. Goddard, Mrs. Goddard, Beth, Peggy and John David are spending a month vacationing at the lakeside. Mr. and Mrs. W. J. McLean and family, of Hamilton, were week -end visitors with Mr. John Passmore. 'Mr. and Mrs. Harold, Shepherd and family, Toronto, spent the week -end and holiday with Mr. and Mrs. James Smillie. Mr. and Mrs. Sam Rannie and family- spent the first part of this week guests of Mr. and Mrs. How- ard Harris, of Detroit. A Large congregation attended union services in the United Church Sunday morning last. Rev. W. J. Rogers, the minister, deliver- ed a very inspirational message, and Mrs. H. McEwan sang "Teach Me To Pray." During July mem- bers of Carmel Presbyterian Church will worship in the United Church, and during August the United congregation will worship in the Presbyterian Church. Flow- ers in the church were in memory of the late, Mrs. S. Merner. Mr. John Soldan, who was rush- ed by ambulance to St. Joseph's Hospital, London, Sunday evening, to undergo an emergency opera- tion, is doing as well as can be expected, Mr. and Mrs. J. Soldan and chil- guest Mr. John Forbes, of Hous- ton, Texas. Mrs. Dick O'Connell and small daughter. Regan, arrived on Mon - dray from New York City to spend the summer at their home here. Miss Betty Lou Larson, of Lon- don, spent the week -end at her home in the village. Miss Ruble Fisher, of Kitchener, spent the holiday week -end with Mrs. F. A. Edwards. • Mr. and Mrs. G. Knight and Miss Mary Knight, of Toronto, were week -end guests of Mrs. Mary Genleinhart. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Avey, John and Joan Avey and Mr. Grimshaw, of London, were holiday week -end guests of Mr. and Mrs. 'P. H. Mack, Miss Merry Mack returning to London with them on Monday. Mrs. A. Furter, of London, and Mrs. A. Stumpf,- of Port Washing- ton, Long Island, were called home last week owing to the serious ill- ness of their sister, Mrs. M. Pren- tice, who is at present a patient :n Clinton Public Hospital. Mr. Lawrence Fowlier and Mr. and Mrs. Fred Fowiie, of London, are guests of their sisters, Misses F. and E. Fowiie. Mrs. Jack Prounder left from Crumlin Airport, London, via T.C. A., for Calgary on Monday morn- ing to join her husband. Mr, and Mrs. Howard Burt and babe, and Mrs. Lulu Burt and Mary Lou Burt, of London, were guests of Mr. Fred Baker over the week -end. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Parker and Bonnie, of Toronto, and, Mrs. Keith Pruss. of London, spent the week -end with Mr. and Mrs. Jack Parker. Rev. and Mrs. Harold Paull, of Listowel,_ are. speypding a few days in the village this week. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Miller, of Mt. Clemens. Mich., were guests of Mors, M. Elliott for a couple of days last week. Mr. and' Mrs. Beverley McClin- chey and babe, of Midland, spent the week -end with the latter's par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. Walter West- lake. Logan Council Deals With Engineer's Reports Logan Council met with all mem- bers in attendance on Tuesday eve ning. Council authorized a grant of $20 to Monktou School Fair. The engineer's report (S. W. Archibald) was introd>}ced. discussed and adopted:. and the clerk instructed. to prepare 'a by-law five-year 4 per cent debenture issue, C.O.R., set for August N. at 8 p.m. (Hobbs Drain, Con. 16. on Schade St.). Engineer's report (W. G. Mc- George) was introduced. discussed and; adopted. and clerk instructed to prepare a by-law five-year 4 per cent. debenture issue: C.O.R. set for August 20 at 9 p.m. (August Bauer Drain. Con. 2, boundary Mitchell -Logan). Total roads expenditures raise' was $10.431.33; total general ex- penditures passed, $1,443.03. Council adjourned to meet again Monday. August 6, at 7.30 p.m. Gold, copper. nickel. coal and zinc, in that order, led Canada's 1950 mineral production, WANTED Caretaker for the Lions Park Duties to commence at once Apply to— BOX 40 THE HURON EXPOSITOR - Seaforth dren were in Kitchener on Thurs- day last taking in the circus which was staged in the new Memorial Auditorium. Mr. and Mrs. Ross Love, Mr. and Mrs. J. E. McEwan and Mrs. Wins- ton Workman attended the Love. Green nuptials at St. George's Unit- ed Church Chapel, Toronto, on Saturday, June 30, at 4 p.m., and the reception held at Strathgowan Badminton Club. They were also guests with Mr. and Mrs. Earl Me - Ewan, Toronto, and with Rev. Keith Love, Mrs. Love and daugh- ter at Burlington. Mr. and Mrs. Miller, of Listowel, and Mr. and Miss Arnuson, of High Bluff, Man., vhted with Miss Min- nnie Reid last week. Mrs. Reta Charles, London, vise ited over the week -end holiday with her aunt, Mrs. Anna Walker. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Bell and daughter, of Waliaceburg, spent the week -end with the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Be1L Miss Minnie Reid spent the week end in Owen Sound and Kincar- dine. Mr. and Mrs. R, A. Orr and Jim- my visited over the week -end holi- day with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Bell - airs, of Strathroy, and also took in the horse races in Strathroy on Dominion Day. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Hedden and family, of Dresden, and Mr. and Mrs. Alex Shorthouse and Gwen, of St. Catharines, G'-ent the week- end with Mrs. C. Redden. Mrs, Howe, of Regina, and Mrs. Kennard' and Mrs.. McKenzie, of Brucefield, spent Tuesday with Miss Minnie Reid. Make Plans For Fall Bingoes President Mrs. E. Dick presided for the July meeting of the Legion Ladies' Auxiliary held in the Leg- ion Hall Tuesday evening. A lengthy discussion was held re- garding monster bingoes, and a motion was passed that these bin - goes be held in the Hensall Arena early in the fall, members of the Legion to help share the responsi- bility. The committee appointed for this project were the president, Mrs. Dick, Mrs. Fred Beer, Mrs. A. Clark and Mrs. J. Drysdale. Mrs. Drysdale, secretary -treasurer, pres- ented the financial statement. Mrs. Jas. Sangster was given a round of applause for selling 32 books of tickets on the recent draw. The mystery prize was won by -Mrs. Fred Beer, the ticket being drawn by Mrs. Byran Kyle. A recreation- al period of bingo was held, con- ducted by Mrs. R. Mock and Mrs. B. Kyle, and+ the winners were Mrs. R. Mock, Mrs. J. Sangster, Mrs. F. J. Appleby, Mrs. Roy Smale. Mrs. Bertha Moir, Mrs, E. Dick, Mrs. J. Drysdale and Mrs. A. Simmons. Lunch committee for the August meeting will be Mrs. H. Bonthron, Mrs. F. Bonthron, Mrs. W. Brown, Mrs. K. Buchanan, Mrs. T. Butt. Luncheon was served. VARNA A joint meeting of the and W.A. was held in the church basement on Thursday evening, June 28. Mrs. Geo. Reid opened) the meeting with the Call to Wor- ship and was followed by Hymn 4:88, "Come, Let. Us Sing Of a Won- derful Love." The Scripture real- ing was read' in unison from the Hymnary and for prayer all re- peated Hymn 187. Minutes of the last meeting were read and their adoption seconded by Mr. Gordon Johnston. Fourteen members were present and the roll call for the August meeting is to relate to "Harvest." Three calls were re- ported to shut-ins. The meeting was then turned over to Mrs. An- son Coleman, president of the W. A. At the close of the meeting Mrs. W. R. Stephenson, who was a faithful worket in both societies, and who Is moving to Henson, was presented with a gift. Mrs. Fred Reid gave the address and Mrs. Lorne Coleman presented the gift. Mrs. Stephenson thanked the lad- ies and after lunch was served a social hour was spent. STANLEY The following are the promotions of S.S. No. 7, Stanley: Promoted to Gradle VIII: Gerald Coleman, Marion Lemmon, Jas. Love, Floyd Turner, Phyllis Workman. Proltlot ed to Grade VI: Ivan Coleman, Jack Coleman, Donald Forrest, Norma Love, Harold Parsons, Mar- ion arion Turner, Ruth Turner. Promot- ed romoted to Grade IV: Jean Turner, John Consitt. Promoted' to Grade III: Marion Forrest, Wayne Love, Don- ald Parsons, Glen Reichert, Leroy Workman. Promoted to Grade II: James Consitt, Kenneth Reichert, Charles Stephenson, Keith Steph- enson, Robert Turner. -Mrs. Laura-, belle Reichert. Teacher. - RRUCEFIELL) Mrs. Alice Hohner spent a' few days with her sister in Exeter. Rev, and Mrs. Maine and family arrived in the village on Saturday. We welcome them and hope they will be happy ,here_ Mr. James Bowey' and Mrs, O. Gainger spent the holiday in the village with friends. Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Keyes and children, of Hensall, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. B. Keyes. Mr. and Mrs. H. F. Berry and Mr. L. Smillie, of Erin, visited in London on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. John Bach and daughter, of Seaforth, spent Sun- day with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Scott Mr. and Mrs. Harry Thornton, of Hamilton, are visiting Mr. and Mrs. A. Paterson this week. Dr. and Mrs. J. Aikenhead, To- ronto, called on friends during the week. They were on .their way to their home in Calgary. Miss Blanche Zapfe left this week on a motor trip to the West Coast and Vancouver Island. She will take in the Calgary Stampede en route. CROMARTY Mr, and Mrs. J. M. Gibson and Carl, and Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Halpenny, Cheryl and Billie, of Listowel, visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Ken McKellar. Mr. and Mrs. Mac McKellar and two, children, of Mitchell, • spent the week -end with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Lindsay McKellar. Dr. M. Giffin, of Chatsworth, and Mr. and Mrs. Shepherd, of Kitchen- er, were Sunday visitors at the manse. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Hamilton and Mrs. R. Robertson attended the funeral of William Monteith at Exeter on Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Cadick, of I St. Thomas, with. Mr. and Mrs. Don 'Scott and Mrs. Grace Scott over the holiday. Mr. and Mrs. Gershemn Speare, of Toronto, with Olive Speare on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Lorne McGill, of Lindsay; Mr. and Mrs. Murray Mc- Gill, of Waterloo, and Mrs. J. Ful- ton, of Mitchell, with Mrs. D. Mc- Kellar. Sheila and Mary Lyn Allen, of Mitchell, are holidaying with their grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Allen. Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Scott, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Hamilton and Mr. and Mrs. Ross Houghton attended a banquet at St. Marys, when they celebrated the 75th anniversary of Hibbert & Usborne Fire Insurance Co. Rev. R. Duncanson and Mrs. i:t;,3:i k:;}ism: ,e.:�:...:l:.,::,...:.;:.::J: A young travelling salesman we know gets down in the dumps once in a while these days because, as he says, he doesn't seem to be able to save anything. ,jdre 114 �V He told us yesterday that he finally asked his wife if she knew why they couldn't save, and she blamed the neighbours. Seems these neigh- bours are always doing something out young friend and his wife can't afford! Well, we were pleased to be able to help this chap make a Very decided saving on tires for his car ... and without any loss in value, either. Of course, we're referring to the famous low-priced Goodyear Marathon. TAMELY TIPS from Bill Taylor Here's a tire that helps thrift -wise buyers makea real saving. 6.00-16 $ 23.20 What's more, the Goodyear Marathon is a fully guaranteed tire. It has that famous Goodyear center - traction tread, and as for mileage - well, as its name implies, it runs and Runs and RUNS. Yes sir, there's plenty of EXTRA value and EXTRA mileage in a Goodyear Marathon . . and it's yours at a really BIG saving. So, drop in soon and let us help balance your budget. LOOK FOR THIS "HIGH SiGN" OF QUALITY GOODYEAR TIRES HEDSJRLL MOTOR SALES HENSALL PHONE: 31 DODGE DESOTO SALES & SERVICE ,AUTHORIZED GOO* EAR. DEALER 'SI l;j Duncanson are leaving Car a. 's holidays at their cottage at .Dore,near the Ottawa Valley. Word was received a few days ago of the sudden illness of Rev. G. Young. He was removed to Victoria Hospital in London. Lat- est reports are that he is progress- ing favorably. Picnic Held- At S. S. 2, Tuckersmith NEWS OF KIPPEN The teacher and pupils of S.S. No. 2, Tuekersmith, entertained the- section at a picnic on the school grounds on Wednesday eve- ning, June 27. Over 75 sat down to a picnic supper. After supper races were held, the results of which were as follows: Pre-school, Bobby McNaughton; girls, 6-9, Margaret Jean Broadifoot, Marie Sinclair; boys 6-9, Douglas Norris, Nelson McClinchey; girls, 12 and under, Elaine Bell, Ann Sin- clair; boys, 12 and under, Brume Bennendike, Bill Norris; girls ov- er 12, Elaijte Bell, Ann Sinclair; boys over 12, Ray Consitt, Jack Bell; married ladies, Mrs. R. Chap- man, Mrs. R. Elgie; married men, Roy Consitt, Jack Sinclair; three- legged race, Elaine Bell and Brum Bennendike, Lois McLellan and Roy Smith; potato relay, Elaine Bell's side; clothes relay, Ray Con- ;itt's side. The children then enjoyed a pea- nut scramble. Ross Broadfoot Won ;uessing the beans in a par fon- test. A ball game brought the eve- ning to a close. Mrs. Armstrong visited Mr. and Mrs. Elgin McKinley one day dur- ing the week. Mr. and' Mrs. Elston Dowson vis- ited friend's in Goderich last Mon- day. Mr. and, Mrs, Malcolm J. Arm- strong and son, John, of Port Ar- thur, pleasantly surprised his, mother by calling on her at Mr. Cudanore'e home. Mrs. Orville Workman entertain- ed a few friends and served tea on her beautiful lawn in honor of Mrs. Thos. Workman's sister, Mrs. Horton, of Oshawa, who left for her home on Thursday. and Mr. and Mrs. Eddie Taylor are at present visiting Mrs. Dinsdale Lakeview Casino GRAND BEND DANCING EVERY NIGHT BOBBY DOWNS and his Orchestra and her sister, Miss Mabel White, man. Mr. and Mrs. Wm, Vetterling, of Cleveland, Ohio, called on ,the Dickert family one day recently. Mrs. McClymont returned home from London since being with her daughter, Mrs. Cook. Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Cooper, ac- companied by their daughter, Mrs. Campbell, of Toronto, spent Satur- day. In London. We are sorry to hear Mr. James Jarrott, of Kippen West, was stricken with a severe heart at- tack on Saturday morning while at the home of his son and daughter- in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Eldon Jarrott. Dr. Goddard, of Hensall, attended and had him removed to Scott Memorial Hospital, Seaforth. Mrs. Harry Norris has been re- ceiving treatments for infection in the nose and has been in Victoria Hospital, London, for three weeks. She returned to her home last Sun- day. Dr. James Jarrott and son, Dex- ter, of New York, returned to 1 their home on Illic harY, a ter plaiting his motb.er, re," Cat oraeJar- • Mize Etta Jattett, tgaae$r 15, ac Toronto public) school;, fl 'home "toir the summer, months. ; Mr. anC Mrs, ' NorMan Dinkeat visited Listowel relatives and their family . in fiord over She wee» end. t. The Kippen East Women's IneL7r.- Lute will hold their annual pleb at the Lions Park, Seaforth, Fri- day, July 6. Everyone is welcome and each Is to bring a basket. Sup- per will be at 6:30, followed byf sports and games. Please be OR time in order to serve supper at. 6:30 p.m. GRIM( TRAVEL SALE of SHOR U'S What a buy! Famous makes! And at such an opportune time - right at the start of the season. EVERY PAIR OF SHORTS ON SALE Corduroys, Denims, Cottons and Drills - All completely washable and all marked down to sell, and sell fast! Don't delay - get two or three pair now for the Summer_ EverySize, from 2 -20. Ladies' Wear TUDOR'S Goods PHONE 70 HENSALL ti Fixing -Up Can Be Fun BALL-MACAULAY Yards at Clinton and Seaforth carry a full line of PLYWOODS, MASONITE, ARBORITE, and DRESSED LUMBER Come in and see our stock of BUILDING MATERIALS for every need. • Ball - Macaulay Aelf0,17Builders'•iSupp s Pkone 97 Lumber - Lime - Tile - Roofing - Siding Take Your Choice. OF ANY OF THESE BRAND NEW CARS Any Make! — Any Style! — Any Color! FORD CHEVROLET OLDSMOBILE BUICK PONTIAC METEOR All at Regular List Price — Approximately 24 -Hour Delivery GUARANTEED SERVICE ALSO G.M.C. CHEVROLET FORD MERCURY TRUCKS 51 Chev. De Luxe Belair Hard -Top- ped Convertible — Two-tone in color, air-conditioning, custom radio, extras 50 Chev. De Luxe Styleline Coach 49 Chev. Fleetline Coach 49 Styleline Coach -2 -tone in color 2 '49 Chev. Styleline Sedans 49 Chev. Fleetline Sedan 49 Chev. De Luxe Styleline Sedan— Radio, air-conditioning 48 Chev. Coach 48 Chev. Fleetline Coach 46 Chev. Fleetline Coach, two-tone in color, custom radio 40 Dodge Sedan 40 Chev. Coach 39 Chev. Sedan 39 Pontiac Coach 37 Chev. Coupe 36 Dodge Sedan 36 Chev. Coach A written guarantee for 60 days on all late model cars. Some of these Cars are on display at the SUPERTEST SERVICE STATION, SEAFORTH. For further information contact the lessees, MANY OTHER MODELS TO CHOOSE FROM., BRUSSELS MOTORS BRUSSELS - "Tire Home of Better Used Cars" . wawsseaseveseeelaweiweisomassiseasealow ONTARIO Open Every Evening I,1 R.� •' i{t4 , v '6 M