HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1951-06-15, Page 2s kU fliC R9N .ExPo$r ;lolled 1860 A; Y. McLean,, Editor ublisb►ed all Seaforth, Ontario, ev- Thursday afternoon by McLean 0 1.. ember of Canadian ;Weekly eekly Newspapers Association. Subscription rates, $2.00 a year in vance; foreign $2.50 a year, dingle fipples, 5 cents each. Advertising rates on application. PHQNE 41, Authorized as Second Class Mail Post Office Department, Ottawa SEAFORTH, Friday, June 15, 1951 Reed for Action • The recent accident at Brucefield, in which one person lost his life and ethers were seriously injured, raises again the necessity of there being provided some type of warning de- vice at the corner. If accidents at the intersection of the Mill Road and No. 4 Highway occurred infrequent- ly there might be some excuse for de- laying action in, the matter. The truth is, of course, that during recent years there have been many acci- dents and several lives have been lost. While it is true, traffic on the coun- ty road is required by law to come to a stop before entering the provin- cial highway, in practise this is not always done, and frequently when the law is not observed an accident results. Motorists—strangers in the iistrict—don't know local conditions and are onto the highway before re- alizing the fact. The situation per- taining at the Brucefield corner is not peculiar to the district, because at Dublin an equally dangerous con- dition exists. Like the Brucefield corner, the Dublin intersection has also been the scene of several fetal accidents. The Province takes the stand that it is not responsible for providing safety measures or 'blinker lights, except at intersections of provincial highways; and then only when the intersection is not located within an urban municipality. That may be all very good, but when lives are lost because of the existence of hazardous conditions and lack of warning de- vices, haggling over the matter of responsibility should not be permit- ted. As the senior of the governing bodies concerned, - the Province should take the initiative in ensur- ing that everything is done that can be done to prevent further loss of life. • landwriting--Better or Worse Every now and then some one tells Ms that we write badly. Sometimes they go further and say, quite posi- tively, that our writing is illegible. Such comment at one time caused us some concern, so much so that we took careful note of the quality of the writing by others that we were called on to read. We decided we were no better or no worse than the average, so now when somebody comments we just don't pay any at- tention. The matter of handwriting came to our attention when we read that a pen company in the United States had conducted a survey of school principals. The concensus of the principals was that penmanship is improving. A committee on writing in Yonk- ers, New York, schools arrived /at the same conclusion after comparing the writing in old letters and other material with that of pupils now in the schools. All agreed that under pressure handwriting is apt to de- teriorate in quality, and the chair- man of the committee, a Mrs. Irene Burke, pointed out that doctors are the worst scribblers—next to news- papermen. • .Holidays Help "Keeping your nose to the grind- stone is a good idea—but don't grind it oft!" warns the Waterloo dIiron- kled "In this present-day world of th pressured Jiving, it does a per - World of good'to `pack up his els an : his old kit bag' and get �?iori the omits or place of busi- c t cut tv o, Getting away from the telephone, the multitude of;, duties and the steady grind, helps one to relax and 'blow off steam.' He comes back to the office with a dif- ferent outlook toward life—tired physically in many cases, but refresh- ed mentally. Getting several hun- dred miles away helps you to get a 'long ranged view' of your work." There is no doubt of the soundness of the Chronicle advice, but unfor- tunately for many, it just can't be followed. True, laws today provide that em- ployees be given holidays each year, and �"w-itb fewer working hours each week, the working force, as a whole, enjoys many opportunities to get away from the ordinary day-to-day activities. But for many, such as farmers short of help, the advice, while sound, isn't practical. And it won't be practical until some means is dis- covered whereby cows and hens and hogs can be shut down for a couple of days, or over a week -end, just as is the case with tractors. • Today's Trend As the standard of living improves man becomes further and further re- moved from the basic things of life. At the beginning of the last century it is true there were few in this dis- trict but those that were here were capable of providing themselves with food, clothing and shelter. They had to be, or they would soon have starv- ed or frozen to death. Pointing out that in Canada' today there are but twenty-five per cent of the people on the land, the Leth- bridge Herald recalls that not so many years ago nine out of ten fam- ilies lived on the land, producing their own food, their own fibre for clothing, and their own shelter. Today we are going all out for specialization in industry, for short- er hours—and we are grumbling harder and harder about the cost of food and the cost of clothing and housing while forgetting, like the gulls, more and more about produc- ing them for ourselves. "In this complex society we are building up, isn't there just a chance that we're going too far in expecting someone else to do for us what we should do for ourselves, or at least know how to do for ourselves?" asks the Herald. What Other Papers Say: Medical Surgical Progress (March Issue, Canada's Health and Welfare) The past decadea•bas seen dram- atic advances in the diagnosis and treatment of cardiovascular dis- eases. Improved methods of in- vestigating nvestigating the heart and its ac- tion, increased resbarch activity and new surgical techniques for correcting or alleviating malforma- tions and diseased conditions have provided the opportunity for a hap- py and, useful life to many other- wise destined for a considerably restricted existence. Recent investigations in various research centres, including the Sick Children's Hospital in Toron- to. have given rise to the hope that the Severity of rheumatic fev- er, w i.h its frequent involvement of the heart, may bt draat10a11y re- duced by early treatment with the new hormones, ACTH and corti- sone. The Cost Of Housing (Port Elgin Times) What's the sense of any politician, no matter which party he belongs to, talking about cheap housing for the masses? The only way that it can be accomplished under present-day conditions is through subsidies— which means general taxation. Take Toronto for instance, where the de- mand for houses is so acute. There bricklayers lay 400 bricks a day. Un- der the Labor Government of Great Britain an apprentice lays 1,000 bricks a day. What applies to mas- ons is equally true of most of the other trades. We believe in free en- terprise and most labor leaders do too, but with short work weeks and high wages low cost housing is an impossibility. • What War Means (From a speech in the House of Com- mons by Hon. L. B. Pearson, Minis- ter of External Affairs) To the infantryman slogging over the muddy fields of Korea, it may seem odd to hear someone say that his mission is to prevent a third world war. He may well be forgiv- en for not seeing much difference be- tween a world war and the bloody business in which he is now engaged. I certainly sympathize with that view. But it is necessary to remember that in the present circumstances a new world war will be very different from the campaign now being fought in Korea. It would be an atomic war which would result in the death of hundreds of thousands of people at one stroke, and which would leave the earth pockmarked and infected with radioactivity for years to come, even if it did not, as is conceivable, result in something far worse. That is the nightmare we are try- ing by every means in our power to avoid. in Canadian universities and medi- cal institutions. Life insurance companies support many heart re- search projects in Canadian uni- versities. In addition, grants by the National Research Council and under the National Health Program are helping to finance various pro- jects devoted to cardiovascular re- search. New surgical techniques, many of them developed within the last four or five years, have opened the way to useful and productive lives for many afflicted with malformed or diseased hearts. At least seven different types of operations are mow used with success, several be- ing of particular benefit to those suffering froze ceztg@Altal malfor- mationa Since the lungs are not used uiI til birth there is, prior to birth, a blood vessel known as the ductus arteriosus which short circuits blood from the pulmonary artery to the adi-ta. Sometimes this art- ery remains open after birth, al- lowing blood which has been oxy- genated to circulate back through the lungs. Surgeons can now cor- rect this condition by tying off this artery and so restoring a normal circulation. A few years ago surgical proce- dures were devised for improving two conditions known as the tet- ralogy of Fallot and tricuspid atresia, which are "blue baby" types. In these conditions there is a diminished flow of blood to the lungs to receive oxygen, as well as defects permitting unpuri- fied blood to pass into the aorta. The operative procedures used to- day attempt to increase the flow of blood to the longs. The Blalock operation creates an artificial duct by taking one of the arteries which go to the arms and attaching it to (Continued on Page 3) Among the diagnostic tools is the electrocardiograph which, with the employment of more leads, has become even more effective. Better diagnosis and investiga- tion is also possible by catheriaa.- tion of the heart and blood vessels, a procedure in which a tiny cath- eter is passed up a vein right into the heart. Special X-ray techniques, such as angiocardiography, recently intro- duced, have increased the useful- ness of this method of diagnosis. By injecting certain radiopaque substances into one of the veins or arteries leading to the heart certain defects can be shown. The amplifying stethoscope, used to demonstrate various heart sounds and murmurs, and the phonocardiograph are of great va- lue. In the field of research, too, pro- gress is being made on an ever- expanding scale. Independent re- search on the heart andarteries has been carried on for many years To The Editor Toronto, June 11, 1951. Editor, The Huron Expositor: Dear Sir: That was certainly a revealing editorial on "Change in Agriculture" in your June 8 issue, giving chapter and verse on the massive trend to mechanization along the farm front, in the United State, and I note that "the coming agricultural census will provide data for measuring .the similar ad- vance in Canada," according to your Prairie contemporary, Winni- peg Free Press. However, from my viewpoint, I would suggest that there is a cer- tain weakness as well as strength in the developing trend toward a decline in the rural population gainfully employed in agriculture, based on the estimate that for Canada "the farm working force is about 18 to 20 per cent of the total labor force; in other words, less than a fifth of our working people feed the country and produce a great export surplus." Even today there is something close to a critical situation in terms of farm labor, and the fact seems to this reader to be directly relat- ismurso ed to the point brought forward by one of the farm leaders the other day, namely, that there are 500,000 fewer dairy cattle on Canadian farms today than as recently as 1944, despite the increase of 2000, 000 Canadians during those same years. If the milk producing busi- ness was as profitable as some city folk think, how explain this two- way trend? While I've my pen in hand, per- haps there is room for a brief com- ment on the adjoining editorial, "Census Time," in that same Ex- positor, intimating that "the 1951 census is more than a counting of noses. It is a national stocktak- ing which, in addition to population statistics, will provide important facts and figures on our labor force, income levels, housing, busi- ness and farm conditions." The need was never clearer to me, because only this morning I saw a front-page story in the New York Times, in which your distin- guished contemporary figures we have 131/ million Canadians. It seems to me that said figure is 750,000 below the fact. STUDENT Feed Savings in Poultry Pasture Good pasture, if it is of a nutri- tious type, and receives proper at- tention, can be relied on to improve the growth, health and maturity rates of pullets on the range, re- ports Head Poultryman W. F. Mountain of the Experimental Sta- tion at Harrow, Ont. One of the important savings ef- fected by the use of good pasture is through the utilization of its vita- mins, proteins and minerals which allows a reduction of these in pre- pared mashes. It also is generally held that good pasture makes for better con- trol of soil -borne diseases and para- sites. Another of its benefits is its ap- parent ability to fortify growing pullets to withstand the stress of heavy egg production later. This has been shown where shortages of mash and grain were imposed on pullets on range. This observation, Mr. Mountain says, was based on resultsof range management tests carried• on at Harrow. Consumption of green feed was encouraged through feeding a minimum of other feed. Egg pro- duction during fall and winter still was very free of interruption. A bulletin on Pasture for Poultry is available from the Canada De- partment of Agriculture. • Costs Of Operating Forage Crop 'Harvester and Pick-up Baler Power take -off forage harvesters and pick-up hay -balers cut time and labor requirements. But, they are a good investment for farmers on- ly if their operational life can be extended to 2,000 hours. Those are the .conclusions report- ed by A. A. Brown of the Experi- mental Farm at Brandon, Man., machine. Cost of operating the power take- off forage harvester, initial cost of which was $1,250, was 98 cents a ton for green corn. Cost of oper- ating the harvester, plu cost of tractor and operator, was $1.32 a ton. It cost $1.70 a ton to bale hay with the automatic pick-up hay bal- er, which had an initial cost of $1,980. Total cost per ton of baler, tractor and operator was $2.74,. To get profitable returng on the capital expended, the average op- erational span for the forage har- vester should be from 100 to 120 hours a year, and for the automa- tic hay baler from 140 to 170 hours a year, Mr. Brown says. Hints On Submitting Samples By almost every mail officials of the Federal Department of Agri- culture and no doubt other agri- cultural scientists across Canada, receive a miscellaneous collection of specimens for identification or analysis ranging from minute in- sects to bottles of well water. Only too often no explanation accom- panies the specimens; frequently the senders/ name and address is omitted. Here are some suggestions about sending specimens for examina- tion. Frequently your agricultural representative, agronome, or local field man dan identify the speci- mens and suggest corrective treat- ment if necessary. If special ex- amination or analysis is needed he can advise where the specimen should be sent. Plants forwarded for examina- tion should include when possible the root, flower and seed. They should be kept fresh by wrapping in moist paper before packaging. If this cannot be done, the plant should be carefully pressed and dried before mailing. When sending diseased or insect infested plants, make sure bhat the specimen is a representative one. Sometimes it may be necessary to send the whole plant, including the root. With such specimens remove the earth from around the roots. Insects for identification should be placed in strong cardboard or tin boxes, or in glass phials, and should be packaged with heavy wrappidg paper. If possible, in- clude both the young and adult stages of the insect. it is important to state in an accompanying letter what you wish to know about the specimen. Give the name of a plant (if known) and state if grown in field, garden or greenhouse. The more information you give, the more help it will be in identifyifig the specimen quick- ly. Last, but not least, place your name and address on the package end, on your accompanying tetter. Ev ry puddle on the street Attracts some little wand'ring feet. Rubbers keep feet dry and warm Protected from all cold and stormm. Dept. of Nattoad iioalth and Wonsan Years Agone Interesting Items Picked From The Huron Expositor of Twen- ty-five and Fifty Years Ago. sae 11 -INE 15,euro .. Seen in the County Papers Quarter Century Of Service W. A. Coulthurst was on Friday night presented with a pen and pencil set by the Goderich District Collegiate Institute Board in recog- nition of the completion of •twen- ty-five years of service on the board. Mr. Coulthurst made a brief address of thanks in which he not- ed oted that he had seen the teaching staff grow from a total of seven to the present total of sixteen.—Gode- rich Signal -Star. Hollanders Arrive Among the families immigrating from Holland recently are Ralph Sunday, wife and two children, who are placed with Mr. Valle Becker, Dashwood. A brother, Bert Sun- day, is working for Stanley Sauder, Blind Line. The Hamond family with four children, moved into Mrs. James Carnie's house, Bronson Line, Mrs. Hamond taking work at the Clinton public hospital, while their daughter is employed with Mr. Asa Steckle.—Zurich Herald. Built Own Dream House Last week a London man, known in The Standard office, because he called on us for some time as a peper supply representative, won the Kitchener Dream House. A lo- cal young man, Gerald Watson, went him one better and built his own "dream house" which is now on display in our window. The house, of course, is a miniature, but is complete to the last detail, Oven wired for electricity, and' equipped throughout with venetian blinds.—Blyth Standard, Lizard 'Petr Sent To Museum From The 'Huron Expositor June 18, 1926 Mr. C. E. Diegel, of Brodhagen, who recently secured a good posi- tion with Mr. Jas. Watson, Sea - forth, shows promise of becoming a huge success in the insurance field. Humphries & Co., of Walton, have had four carloads of coal ar- rive in the past week, and it is nearly all disposed of. Dr. W C. Sproat, son of William Sproat, of near Kippen, a recent graduate in medicine of the Uni- versity of Western Ontario, Lon- don, who has just passed the medi- cal council examinations, will shortly open an office in Seaforth. Mr. and Mrs. Alex Broadfoot, who have been spending several weeks with relatives• here, returned to their home in Moose Jaw on Tues- day. The best fall wheat we have seen this season is on the farm of David Boyd, on the Leadbury Line. The street dance held on Main Si. pavement Tuesday evening was a great success. Excellent music, was furnished by Hogg's orchestra, with Earl Van Egmond at, the piano. Dancing kept up with en- thusiasm until early morning. Reeve W. D. Sanders, of Exeter, and the Exeter Council were in Seaforth this week inspecting the town's fire equipment with a view of improving their fire protection. Mr. Rutherford Henderson, of Holstein, has been appointed. ledg- erkeeper in the Standard Bank at Brodhagen, On Friday night of last week the St. Columban boys played in Con- stance, but went down to defeat by a score of 4-1 in favor of kinburn. On Wednesday the Kinburn boys visited Winthrop to try conclusions with them and won by a score of 3-0. Mr. Austin Hoggarth, of Cromar- ty, who has been on an extended business trip through the Western I5rovinces, motored up from Lon- don on Sunday last to visit his parents. The largest picnic at Bayfield' so far this season was that of the Webster -Troyer families, which was held in Jowett's Grove on Sat- urday, when about three hundred were in attendance. ..h From Th Huron Expositor June 21, 1901 A`Very serious accident occurred on Friday at a barn raising on the farm of Mr. Geo. Henderson, west of Winthrop. Mr. J. J. McLaughlin, a neighbor, who was assisting at the raising,was standing on the top of the stone wall and with a crowbar was prying a stick of tim- ber. The bar slipped and Mr. Mc- Laughlin fell 10 or 12 feet. His spinal column was paralyzed and he has little hope of recovery. During a heavy storm Friday af- ternoon, the barn of Mr. Watt, on the Mill Road, was struck by light- ning. Mr. Fotheringham, a neigh- bor, had a sheep killed. There were 130 tickets sold for the Guelph excursion on Saturday. Mr. John Landsborough, furni- ture dealer of town, furnished a house complete in Thorndale, a few miles from London. He also furnished one south of Londesboro. Mr. A. W. Campbell, of town, has sold 27 new buggies this season so far. Mr. Alex MhNevin, of Kippen, who has been assisting in the post office here for some time, has gone to Clinton where he takes a posi- tion in the Molsons Bank. Mr. N. D. Buchanan, second son of Dr. Buchanan, Zurich, has pass- ed Me. second year examination in medicine at the University of To- ronto with honors. Mr. Mowatt, the headmaster of Seaforth Collegiate Institute, has been offered and bas accepted the principalship of the Brockville Col- legiate Institute at a salary of $1800 to begin • with' Mr. Hogg, mathematical master, having secur- ed, a fellowship in 'Harvard Uni- versity, goes there to take a post- graduate course. Mrs. Kirkman, who has been teacher of modern languages for nearly 20 years, de- sires to retire from the profession partly on account of impaired health. The retirement of these teachers will be a distinet lose to the Institute. Mrs. Hugh Chesney, Sr., of Tuck ersmith, had the misfortune to slip and fall while working on the lawn in front of her residence. missed in the community. Zurich. Herald. Mark Silver Anniversary Mr. and Mrs: Fred McClymont.. two of the 'highly esteemed rest, dents of Varna vicinity, quietly celebrated their silver wedding an- niversary nniversary on Sunday last when all their family were home with them. During the day the family took the opportunity of presenting theme with achrome finished trilight floor lamp. Both Mr. and Mrs. McCly- mont take an active part in the - life of Varna United •Church. For many years Mr. McClymont has been well known in apple growing circles, and also hast served for some time on the Board of Direc- tors of Bayfield Agricultural So- ciety.—Clinton News -Record. Varna -Goshen Extends Calf Varna - Goshen United Church/ charge has+ extended a call to Rev. T. J. Pitts, at present in the New- foundland Conference, to become minister of the charge effective July 1. Rev. Mr. Pitts plans to ac- cept the call, subject to the trans- fer committees of both Newfound- land) and London Conferences. Rev. Mr. Pitts succeeds Rev. Reba Herm who has served the charge for - several years. The charge, at pres- ent, comprises two churches, Var-- na'and Goshen. During Miss Hern's; pastorate a new church was built. at Goshen and extensive • repairs-. made to the Varna church, includ- ing a new basement. — Clinton_ News -Record. A blue -tailed skink, one of a very rare species of lizard., was shipped to the Royal Ontario Museum from the Exeter High School this week. The skink has been fed and cared for at the school for several weeks in the agricultural department. Quite active and a healthy eater of slugs, earthworms and insects, it became a pet of the pupils. The lizard was found near Grand Bend by a telephone worker and brought to the school.—Exeter Times-dvo- cate. Painting Unveiled At Church An impressive service was held in the Wingham Baptist Church on Sunday morning. A ,beautiful oil painting has been installed above the baptistry and on this special occasion it was unveiled and dedi- cated. The artist was Mrs. T. E. Moszkowska, of Wingham. Mrs. Moszkowska is a new Canadian of just a 'year ago, is an artist of some note, doing both landscape and portrait painting, many of her works having been exhibited in the Royal Academy and the Royal So- ciety of Portrait Painters, London, Eng.—Wingham Advance -Times. Pastor Resigns Rev. Miss Reba Hern, pastor of the Varna circuit of the United Church of Canada, has tendered her resignation and has left for London, where she is engaged in similar work. Miss Hern, who has served the Varna circuit for the past 10 years, was a very forceful speaker, very positive and sincere in expounding the sacred word She really spoke with deep convic- tion, rebukedsin, and had high ideals of manhood. Her services as guest speaker were always in great demand. She will be greatly Orangemen Rally At Grand Bencf Local citizens and numerous summer week -enders at Grande. Bend were amazed Sunday to hear the early morning music of the Woodham L.O.L. fife and drum: band as they led a procession of. some 200 Western Ontario Orange- men to Sunday service. Rev. Kew Wood, popular pastor of the Unit- ed Church, delivered the message to an overflow congregation of vis= iting brethren r and local church. goers. After church service a very delightful luncheon was served on Lake Huron shore and the Orange- men, their wives and families, en- joyed a delightful visit with dis- trict of Biddulph brethren, as well, as many Western Ontario lodges. Arrangements were well managed/ by Greenway Lodge No. 219.—Exe- ter Times -Advocate. Presentation To Principal - Students, ex -students and friends of W. I. Carroll, retiring principal of Mitchell District High School,.• after twenty-seven years of service' in that capacity, thronged the Crys- tal Palace here Saturday night for pay him tribute. Originally plan- ned for the school campus as a garden party, uncertain weather forced the event to be held indoors, where nearly one thousand packed the building and a large crowd' thronged the out-of-doors, unable' to gain admittance. As well as those from this community, ap- preciative ex -students gathered from Stratford, Seaforth, Se,bring- ville, London, Kitchener, Waterloo,. Zurich, Hensall, Exeter, Toronto, Wil'lowdale, Cooksville, Clifford, Wingham, Oakville, Port Colborne, Atwood, Londesboro, Goderich, Lake Orion, Mich., Halifax, Ridge - town and Elora.—Mitchell Advo- cate. Modern Firefighting Means For Counties and Townships (Civic Administrations) Several Canadian counties have set up their own fire protection service similar to a plan long us- ed in England—and several others are considering developing such a plan for this area. The County of Halifax, N.S., was one of the first in Canada to organ- ize and install a complete fire pro- tection service. County and rural areas right across the country are becoming more fire -protection minded every day, brought about by the ever-in- creasing cost of building mater- ials, the development of new and special firefighting equipment to cope with fires where there is lit- tle or no water, and by more en- lightened public opinion. Under the county control sys- tem, each ratepayer pays an equal amount on his mill rate assess- ment; as against one area or com- munity selling its 'fire protection services, sometimes at a high cost, to neighboring communities. With the county controlling the fire service, several units—all of the same type—are usually pur- chased- at one time. This.lowers production costs and consequently the rate to the taxpayer is lower. By this system, everyone re- ceives equal fire protection so far as possible, since sufficient units are bought and so located as to give fast and efficient service to all areas. When, a large fire occurs, one or more trucks may easily be brought into service. If one unit becomes damaged, the other truck can eas- ily cover the area until the break- down is repaired. The five Halifax County units are built on heavy duty three -ton chassis with two-stage centrifugal pumps, rated at 500 Imperial gal- lons at 120 lbs., and having a top pressure of 400 lbs. The booster tanks have a capacity of 500 Im- perial gallons. The ladder con- sists of a 35 -foot, a 24 -foot and a 14 -foot roof. Each trunk carries 1,000 feet of 2'%, -inch hose, and 1,000 feet of 1% -inch., 200 feet of 1 -inch booster hose and 30 feet of 4-inoh auction. All acbessories, axes, nozzles and lights are uniformly placed on each truck so that firefighters know eaisctly where they are when fighting fires under conditions of darkness or smoke, whether it is; their own truck or one of the oth- er units. To meet the ever-increasing de- mand for better firefighting equip- ment Bickle-Seagrave engineers. have come forward with a new type high pressure pump. This new four -stage centrifugal. unit is designed for city and coun- try use to give smooth, trouble- free operation, since it produces pressure up to 1,000 pounds for fog. firefighting. It has been found that the best fog is produced at pressures be- tween 800 and 900 pounds. This new pump will feed 60 gallons of water a minute to two high-pres- sure fog guns. Consequently, much water dam- age is avoided and in stubborn ar- eas where water is at a premium, firefighters can work effectively for over an hour with 400 to 500' gallons of water. This new, compact unit is about 20 inches long, 10 inches in diame- ter, weighs less than 200 pounds. and is made of cast bronze. It is driven by the power -take off on the transmission of the vehicle. This pump can be readily in- stalled on any fire truck now in service, thus providing in a few hours high pressure fog along with low pressure volume. The Township of Yarmouth in Elgin County, has received the first of these new fog producing pumps. It is mounted along with a 420- g.p.m. Underwriter pump on a spe- cial chassis with a 120 A.P. motor. This new truck, rated as one of the moat efficient types of town- ship unit, also carries 450 Imperial gallon water tank, a portable relay Pump that can be carried to out- - of -the -way water supplies a n d pump water back to the tank on the truck, two high pressure hose reels, 700 feet of larger hose and standard accessories. In 1949-50, 22 cents out of every federal government tax dollar went. for welfare, social services and grants to special classes, particn- larly farmers, In the -lame year the U.S. government spent 6 cents per tax dollar for similar pur'posee-