HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1951-06-01, Page 56
This Week At the Seaforth High School
'Oh, our aching banes and sun-
unburned noses! All our drilling and
' inarching is over at last, but it
was worth it after all the compli-
ments we received. Cadet Inspec-
tion. May 30, was quite a success.
Five platoons, led by the bugle
band, marched down to the Sea -
forth Lions Park where they par-
aded past the inspecting officer,
Captain Irwin. After this there
was a P.T. demonstration by both
the boys and girls, followed by
some intricate band drills (quite arr•
improvement over the one last
year.) Individual officers then
.drilled their own platoons. The en-
tire group formed a hollow square
and Captain Irwin delivered his
FIVE ROOM HOUSE — 3 -piece
-bathroom, modern kitchen. Excel-
lent condition. Good barn. Situ-
ated on George St. Priced reason-
able, with possession April let.
Insurance & Real Estate Broker
PHONES: Res. 220, Office 834
speech, presented the awards, and
congratulated the students on their
fine display. The award for the
best boy officer went to Mike Bech-
ely, and best girl officer, ,Shirley
McPhee; best boy and girl cadet
on parade, George Shaw and Ber-
nice Dolinage. Officers Were Mike
Bechely, Don Dale, Bud Zeigler,
Gord. McKindsey, Gar Baker, Patsy
Brugger, Shirley McPhee, Barbara
Wright; Sergeants: Larry Wheat-
ley, Eric MacMillan, Carol Ches-
ney, Barbara Hillis and Shirley
Frieday. It was very encouraging
to see so many townspeople on
hand to •see the display at the park.
At the invitation of St. Thomas'
Anglican Church, the high school
students assembled at Victoria
Park at 11 o'clock Sunday to par -
Ice Cream Bricks
McKindsey Drugs
For Setting Up and Repairing
Massey -Harris Machihery
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Seaforth Motors
Phone 141 Seaforth
Having installed one of the Latest Models o
High Speed Mixers .
Seaforth Brand Bread
Sliced at 13c
Sliced Clover Leaf at 18c
Try one of our Loaves To -day!
You will be more than pleased with its Flavour, Snowy White-
ness, and its ability to stay fresh long after inferior breads have
Our Driver will Call!
Seaforth, Ont.
P.S.—Thanka for all the phone calls, telling us how well you
liked the New Loaf.—J. C. C.
ads to'the ghuroh, They rea'c.Jied:;
down.`Godericll St. and, fli417 tGo
the A;# lfcan 0441. a ..Ii"iye plateglipsi'
and the entire inigle pond were
Present .and attended the service.
Because of the rain the wads
were dismissed i aimediately after
the services.
Having had no assembly for
some time, the one on Tuesday was
quite a treat in more ways than
one. Leave it to Fifth Form to
think one up like that! Miss
Theresa "Lostheart" Galivan and
Mr. Lloyd "Chic" Morrison were
summoned to the stage to stand
trial and face certain charges. Af-
ter many imaginary complaints,
the court was adjourned and the
"jury" returned with the verdict,
a linen table set for Miss; Gallivan
and an initialed briefease for Mr.
Morrison. We really and truly are
going to miss two such excellent
teachers. ' •
Don't forget the Cadet dance Fri-
day; it's the last of the year, so
make it a success, won't you?
The Flying Saucers Club, spon-
poresored by the Women's Institute,
composed of Girl Guides from Mit-
itchell and Dublin, anho are working
for their hostess badge through this
club, entertained at tea recently
at the home of Mrs. W. J. Stewart,
Dublin. The tea -table was decorat-
ed with bouquets of jonquils and
tall pale yellow tapers. Mrs. A.
Gettler, Fullarton, and Mrs. H.
Cook, Mitchell, presided at the tea -
The girls did all the planning,
made all fancy sandwiches, cakes
and mints. They received at the
door and assisted in the kitchen
and dining -room. A silver collec-
tion was taken, which will be used
for' further club work. Leaders of
the club in Dublin are Mrs. A.
Whetham and Mrs. W. J. Stewart.
At the Centennial Graduation of
St. Joseph's College School, Toron-
to, one of the forty graduates was
Miss Mary Simpson, niece of Miss
Mary Beale. She resided in Dublin
for three years, attending Dublin
Continuation School.
Capacity congregations attended.
the morning and evening services
of the Mission at St. Patrick's
Church, conducted by Rev. Father
Call and Rev. Father Lambert, of
the Redemptorist Order, London,
last week.
Personals: Mr. and Mrs. George
Gettler and daughter, Chatham,
with Mrs, A. M. Looby; Mr. and
Mrs. Leonard Steinbach and son,
Ronnie, London, with Mrs. Kath-
leen Feeney; Mr, and Mrs. Sack
Cleary, Chatham, with Mr. and
Mrs. Frank Evans; Mrs. Ellwyn
Young and twin daughters, St.
Catharines, with Mr, and Mrs. Jos.
O'Rourke; Mrs. May Dorsey, Sea -
forth, with Mr. and Mrs. David Mc-
Connell; Mr. and Mrs. A. Forster
at Wroxeter; Mr. and Mrs. George
E. Holland, Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Hol-
is easy to carry home
Apply to
Scott Memorial
"Softball season 1951" opened .in.
grand style at the Centralia, Air
School Tuesday night when the
locals came up with a 11-1 win over
the Centralia Flyers. Jack Huff-
man did a wonderful job on the
mound for the locals, as he gave
Centralia only four hits', knocking.
down 12 and walking seven. Grayer
and Thornton teamed up for the
Airmen, with Thornton coming
through with four strikeouts, al-
lowing no walks, and Grayer hand-
ing out two free passes and send-
ing six down.
Fred Panchok singled after Bill
Ward struck out, while Glen Reist
was tagged at first. Bill Smith also
singled and sent Ward home for
the locals first run. Jack Bell flied
out to the first bagger. For Cetntra-
lia, Walsh and Winebar were walk-
ed; Barker headed down when Bill
Smith dropped the •ba1L Pankie-
wich and Sasso swung.
The second was scoreless with
Knight singling, and Horton clout-
ing out a double. Miller and Kear-
ney went drown swinging; Sumner
was walked and Thornton flied
out in the Flyer's half.
Fred Panohok hit the ball into
centre field as he led off in the
third. Reist slammed a triple send-
ing Panchok in; Reist tallied when
Smith came up with his second hit
of the game. Jack Bell advanced
on an error by Wineber, and Smith
got home as Boussey, who replac-
ed Kuntz, was tagged, and Knight
and Horton flied out. 'Centralia's
first hit off Huffman came,in this
frame, after Walsh swung out, and
Wineber flied out. Barker hit the
ball into the left field for a single,
but Pankiewioh left him stranded
as he went down one, two, three.
Huffman singled and went home
when Bill Ward slashed out a hom-
er. In this fourth frame Sumner
hit a single for the losers. The
fifth saw Bousseyka swing out,
Knight single, and Horton hitting
a double, and both going home on
Miller's error in centre field on a
hit by Ward.
'Panchgk and Smith brought in
rune for the locals in the sixth
frame, while the Flyers still badn't
found their wings.
The seventh was a three -up,
three -down affair for the locals, but
the last half of this Innings saw
the Centralia Flyers get their only
run of tiie game. Grayer up to bat
for the first time was walked by
Huffman; Walsh grounded out to
first base. Wineber singled and
Grayer stole one bag, advancing to
third. Barker flied out to the first
baseman. 'Men Pankiewich came
to bat. He hit the ball towards the
Seaforth pitcher. Huffman dropped
the 'ball and during this fumble
Grayer went home. Sasso flied out
to the third bagger to leave two
men stranded.
Top of the eighth saw no action
by the locals. The last half saw
the locals cut down Centralia's
chance of winning when Miller was
walked, advanced to second on a
hit by Kearney. Sumner struck
out. Grayer then bit the ball into
the infield. Ward at third latched
on to the ball and tagged Miller,
who tried to advance to his bag.
He then fired the ball to Boussey
at first in time to tag Grayer, who
had not yet reached the base.
Eisler came in with Seaforth's
last run in the ninth, while Huff-
man sent three of the four batters
he faced down swinging.
After,seeing this game, we can
assure our readers that this should
be the best year yet in "A" ball.
Seaforth .... 103 222 001-11 13 2
Centralia ... 000 000 100-1 4 6
SEAFORTH—Ward, 3b; Panchok
ss; Reist, 2b; Smith, If; Bell, c;
Kuntz, ib; Knight, cf; Horton, rf;
Huffman, p; O'Shea, 2b in 7th; Bous-
sey, lb in 2nd; Eisler, cf in 5th;
Cameron, rf in 5th.
CENTRALIA—Walsh, 1b; Wine-
ber, ss; Barker, If; Pankiewich,
3b; Sasso, c; Miller, cf; Kearney,
2b; Sumner, rf; Thornton, p;
Grayer, p in 6th.
land and Gerald Holland attended
the Heard -Holland wedding- in
London on Saturday; Miss Dorothy
Kistner, St. Mary's Hospital, Kit-
itchener, with her parents, Mr. and.
Mrs. Charles Kistner; Mr. and
Mrs. George Coyne, Toronto, with
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Atkinson;
Miss Mary Costello, London, with
her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Dan Cos-
tello; Billie Feeney in Toronto;
Mr. an4 'Mrs. Basil Byrne, Mr. and.
Mrs. Gerard Byrne, Detroit, with
Miss Monica Byrne.
Death of Miss Catherine Burns
Suddenly stricken with a heart
seizure while at St. Patrick's
Church on Sunday morning, Miss
Catherine Burns was rushed to
Scott Memorial Hospital, Seaforth,
but died before arrival at the hos-
pital. She was the daughter of the
late Mr. and Mrs. James Burns,
Hibbert Township. She was un.
married, and had resided all her
life on a farm on the 7th conces-
sion. She was a faithful member
of St. Patrick's Church, Dublin, of
the Altar Society and the Propaga-
tion of the Faith. Surviving are
one sister, Mrs. Mary Jane
O uk ore Detroit, and three broth-
ers, Frank of Dublin, and Mack
and Daniel, Hibbert Township. The
funeral was held Tuesday morning
from the residence of Mr. and Mrs.
Dan Burns, to St. Patrick's Church,
Dublin; where Dev. J. B. Ffoulkes,
D.C.L., sang Requiem High Mass.
Mrs. William Lane presided at the
organ. Numerous spiritual and
floral offerings testified to the es-
teem in which deceased was held.
The pallbearerswere six nephews:
Joseph and Andrew O'Rourke, De-
troit; Kenneth •. Burns, Windsor;
Harry Burns, London; Jos. Burns,
Dublin, and Joseph Burns, Staffa.
The flower -bearers were Patricia
La Blande and Eileen O'Rourke.
Burial took place in St. Patrick's
cemetery, Dublin, where Rev.Dr.
Ffoulkes officiated at the grave
service. Among- those attending
Thursday - Friday - Saturday
May 31st ' June 1st June 2nd
All Spring and Summer .Merchandise
The KIDDIES SHOP- - - Seaforth
(Continued from Page 8)
L., was in Delhi this week attend-
ing the annual convention of that
• Mrs. Gilchrist Coppin, of De-
troit, spent a day in town last
• OS, Lorne Goudie, son of Mr.
and Mrs. E. B. Goudie, Seaforth,
who has completed his basic train-
ing at Cornwallis and spent a 30 -
day leave at his home here, left
Monday for Naden, B.C., where he
will sail on the Cruiser Ontario.
• Mr. Donald Munn, of the Uni-
versity of Western Ontario Medi-
cal School, spent the week -end al
his home here. He will be on the
staff of the Ontario Hospital, Lon-
don, forthe next year, as a junior
• 'Mr. George Daly left Montreal
Sunday evening by plane for Paris,
France, to attend the 2,000th anni-
versary of the city. He will also
attend the Festival of Britain.
• Mrs. William Fleischer and
son, Leon, of Hamilton, spent a
few days with her parents, Mr. and
Mrs. Sam Sbinen.
• Mrs'. J. G. McDermid, of Lon-
don, and Mrs. R. A. Walter, of
Dundas, were guests of Mr. and
Mrs. J. E. Willis on Wednesday.
Mrs. Willis returned to Grand Bend
with them for a visit.
• Mrs. Andrew Oliver, Encino,
California, is visiting with Mr. and
Mrs. Robert Eberhar•t.
the funeral were Mrs. M. J.
O'Rourke and sons, Joseph and
Andrew, Mrs. Anne Donnelly, Mrs.
La Bland* and daughter, Patricia,
all of Detroit; Kenneth Burns, Leo
Perry, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Morri-
son, Windsor; Mr. and Mrs. Geo.
Holtzhauer, Galt; Mr. and Mrs,
Harry Burns, London.
North - Dutot
A pretty wedding took place on
Saturday, May 26, at the United
Church Manse, Brucefield, when
Bessie Irene, youngest daughter of
Mrs. Clara Dutot, of Brucefield, and
the late Stanley Dutot, became the
bride of Edward Lloyd, son of Col-
in North, of Florence, Ont., and the
IMP RIMIO lillllllllllllllllllllllllllIIIMlllllRlllllll
Funerals are conducted with
dignity and beauty at BOX,
and the cost Is determined
by your family budget.
Funeral Service
Res. 6! -W or 18 - Store 43
n Iliill.,.l o;i!IJI
Cotton and
tipNew Radiant Southern
Shades ... Spicy Tangerine,
Bali Lemon, Rico Mint, Java Red ...
or softly glowing pastels ... Blossom
Coral, Bud Blue, Green Fern. Inter-
esting new materials, fittingly mod-
elled styles for all figures and sizes.
Famous Suntops, bra boned for
rounded contour and ample sun-
ning support, removable or tuck -
away straps. New charm in the cuff -
top trims. Smooth classics, flattering
skirted styles, easy to` wear Iwo--
late Mrs. North. Rev. E. R. Stan-
way officiated. The bride' was love-
ly in a turquoise blue sheer gown
over taffeta with white hat and ac-
cessories and corsage of pink rose-
buds. The bride was attended by
her sister-in-law, Mrs. Alvin Dutot,
who wore a blue flowered dress,
white accessories and corsage. The
groom was attended by A. Dutot,
brother of the bride. A reception
was held at the bride's home. Mrs.
Dutot received the guests wearing
a grey gown and hat and a corsage
of carnations. Later the bride and
groom left on their honeymoon. the
bride travelling in a grey suit with
white accessories. On their return
they will live in London.
Mrs. Garnet Johns, Mrs. C. Gil -
filial], Mrs. N. Clarke, Mrs. H. Del -
bridge and Mrs. W. Batten attend-
ed the Blossom Tea at Thames
Road on Wednesday.
Mr. and Mrs. Newton Clarke and
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Dobbs, of Exe-
ter, spent Thursday evening in
Stratford with Mr. George Dobbs,
who is on the sick list.
Mr. and Mrs. Freeman Hornd
and family and Mrs. W. Batten
spent. Friday evening in Goderich.
Mr. and Mrs. Garnet .Tohns and
Mrs. Fred Walter and Sandra spent
the week -end in Det,�ait.
Mr. and Mrs. John Batten at-
tended the wedding on Saturday of
his sister, Catharine, to Mr. Em-
merson Penhale, of Elimville.
Mr. and Mrs. Emmerson Horne
and family spent Sunday at Ba.y-
Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Westlake, of
Mount Forest, spent the week -end
with the latter's parents, Mr. and
Mrs.. Malcolm Toms.
Mr. Lawrence Fowlie, of London,
spent the ,holiday week -end with
his sisters', 'Misses F. and E. Fow-
Mrs• F. A. Edwards returned.
home on Thursday after spending
the past six months with her
daughter in Broadview, Sask.
Mr. and Mrs. Keith Pruss, of
London, spent the week -end with
the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Jack Parker.
Misses Margaret and Rhea
Kruke, of Dearborn, Mich., have
been at their home in the village
for the past weals.
Mrs. F. Lambert, of Detroit, has
taken the Miller cottage,
Mr. and. Mrs. G. Weston and
daughter, Judy, of London, were
guests of Mr. and Mrs. E. Weston
over the week -end.
Mr. and Mrs. George Fisher, of
Waterloo, and Miss Rubie Fisher,
of Kitchener, were holiday week-
end guests of 'Mrs. F. A. Edwards.
Guests of Mr. and Mrs. Grant
Turner over the week -end were
Mr. and Mrs. T. Reynolds, of Lon-
don, and Mr. Fred Turner, of
Dr, and Mrs. Robin Hunter and
family. of Toronto spent the week
end at their home Tri the village.
Among those attending th e
Pounder -York wedding on Saturday
last from a distance were: Mr. and
Mrs. Robert Clark, Miss Roberta
Clark, of Cleveland, Ohio; Mr. and
Mrs. Harry Baker and family, M'r.
and Mrs. Don Robinson, Mrs.. Lulu ;
Burt, Miss Mary Lou Burt, Ronald
Burt, Mr. and Mrs. Shrive, Miss
Lois Greene, Miss Kay Beattie,
Mrs. Howardr vi
Burt. Miss Joyce
Stephenson, of London; Mr. and
Mrs, Toni Sherritt, of Hensall; Mr.
and Mrs. Jim Lumsden, Mr. and
Mrs. Ray Pounder, Mr. and Mrs.
Ivan Pounder, Mr. and Mrs. Oscar
Pounder, Mr. and Mrs. Harold
Pounder, Mr. Bunn Glass, Miss
.Tanet Drummond. Mrs. Marjorie
Hoyle. Mr. Bob Davidson. of Strat-
ford; Mr. .Tim Cray. of Montreal:
Mr. and Mrs. Frank C,allton}. of
Goderich: Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd
Walkorn, of Mitchell; Mr. and Mrs.
E. Walkom• of Toronto. and Mr.
ani Mrs, Harry Lewis, London.
Mrs. T. H. Mack and Miss Phyli-
lis Mack spent a few days in Iktia
trait and Windsor last wed
where Mrs. Mack attended her
class reunion at Harper Hospital.
Miss Betty Lou Larson, of Lora -
don, spent the week -end with TM,
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Reheny Liar
Community Centre
Admission 50e
Under auspices of
Seaforth Agricultural
Also Dancing Every Other
Friday Night
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