The Huron Expositor, 1951-06-01, Page 4ossified Ads. ed Ads Inserted At New Low Cash Rates: :;FOR SALE, WANTED, LOST AND FOUND, ETC. --Per Word: Let week1 oena saal week Cent Sad week Ye Cent eeteeer a charge, first lnsmtcun25 Oene Emelt figure, initial and sbbrsr3a75on coonta ea ease word. 44texiis of Thmkre ha Memoriam NrSaces, Con irl --1 sena Dear email. Wader:me 30 cents per wreck. e •�lecequiebes may be directed to a Bar No, c/oThe Huron Exemitmu'. for 1e meta extra. Ifee qty additional w5 be cha t 5f ado in above class are ma paid se -ahem 10 dors of date of fizzed $Wattle, Marriages and :@unction Sates. Notices iM1 inserted free of charge G elitors, Etc --Rates oat araeLezatioe • dor Rent I Coming Events VOR RENT -OFFICE„ SPACE 174 THE I LUCKY ARE THE DANCERS WHO .1 Dean i3ion Bank Bnild.ixas- Apply toL dance at the Crysisl Palsies Rallecom. the 5 4249-3 Mitchell. every Fridas night. 'There is no finer place for a good night of Brie -See 4$53x2 reo RENT-APARTer-eNT ON GROUND - floor, consisting of bed -sitting room, kitdden and hath roam- App* Bax 27. HURON EXPOSITOR. 4353x1 Personals HYGIENIC SUPPLIES (R U B B E R Goods), mailed postpaid in plain. sealed envelope with price list. 6 samples Zito ; 24 samples 51.00. Mai) -Order Dept. T-73, NOV.e-RUBBER CO., Box 91, Her,.ttton, Ont. Help Wanted IIELP WANTED -PRACTICAL NURSE and woman to rook and help in kit- chen. Apply RIVERSIDE REST HOME. Phone 69, Mitchell. 4353x4 HOME ECONOMICS TEACHER WANTED Hay Township School Area APART-TIME 'TEACHER EACHER WANTED TO teach Home Economics for four per- iods per week. or 41=r hours approximate- ly, in the Zurich Public School. Duties to commence September 1. 1991. Applicants to contact the Secretary for further par- ticulars. State salary expected. S W. BROKENSEIRE, See.-Treas. Hay Township School Area. Auction Sales AUCTION SALE OF HOUSEHOLD EP - feces the Village of Hensall. oa Saturday-. June 9th. Full list next week. MRS. F, A. DEMOREST, Proprietress Ed. Corbett, Auctioneer. 43534 Property For Sale FOR SALE -7 -ROOM BRICK HOUSE, all modern eanvenieaee ; hardwood floors throughout- Apply E. D. CROWE. James Sr,. Phone 376- 4843-tf Motor Cars For Sale 1945 Donosm SEDAN -38,000 MILES • exiaelleeet waslitnm: good tires; doable air modhicaried. beaten Mast sell rr essicea"ble prod- A1+uLw S BURDEIT, W. \VDlasm St. Sesafeetle ' 4353xl tYba HF, FRAf OUSE FOR SAT.A11?:.-STORY house, sic rooms and bath and attach- ed garage; full basement; 2 lots with garden. Centre Street. Seaforth. Resi- dence of late Isabelle Hester. Immediate possession. Apply McCONNELL & HAYS. Solicitors for Estate 4351-3 Wanted VCR SALE -'4.9 GLV. DTs LUXE 3' Com.^. rest Bile a new car; only 18,000 x incl n,51us.-, lest he seen to be ale ,- r e ektred ; extras. W. EL 214MILLAN, r,o W. J. McDowell, ITR. 2. Seafarth Phone !' 6 r le 4353-1 WANTED -APARTMENT OR SSL4LL • house, at once. Apply Box 19, HUR- ON EXPOSITOR- 4353x1 WANTED -GARAGE TO RENT, CEN - tad. Apply Box 26, HURON EX- POSITOR. 4358x1 GOOD USED CARS Cars S5 CHEV. COACH 36 FORD SEDAN 37 FORD SEDAN 32 FORD COACH 40 PLYMOUTH COACH 4.0 PONTIAC SEfAN 47 FORD 5 -PA -C4 49 MONARCH COACH Oil FORD COACH Trucks 49 FORD 1 -TON EXPRR.S 1 -TON THAMES VAN Tractors 46 FORD earn LOADER 42 FORD WITH PLOW 42 COCKSHUZT 70 43 COCKSH'T 70 47 COCKSHUIT 70 with Power Lift and Row -Crop Cultivator 41 FORD 47 FORD 49 FORD DALY MOTORS FORD -MONARCH SALTS & SERVICE CH S'V. DE LUXE Fenian HARD - e71 TOPPED CONVERTIBLE - Two- tone in color, air conditioning. cus- tom radio, extras. 51 2 50 49 49 BOARDER WAN11±:D-ALL MODERN 149 con'.' enience.. `PHONE 44-W, Sea - forth. 4303-1 149 4352-2 AGED MAN DESIRES WORK IN GASO- line station. Apply Box 23. HURON I49 EXPOSITOR. 4333x1 WANTED -BELL THRESHER, 22 OR, 49 14" cy'tindea. straw cutter preferred. Apply Box 24, HURON EXPOSITOR. �Q - 4353x1 40 Township of Hullett ELDERLY LADY WANTS ROOM IN or around Seaforth. Able to look af- 48 APPLICATIONS WILL BE RECEIVED ter herself. Apply Box 28, HURON EX - for a mower operator: wage* to be POSITOR. 4353-1 70 mon per hour. Applications to be in APPLICATIONS WANTED hands of the undersigned by Saturday, 41 June 2nd, at 1 p.m. GEORGE COWAN Clerk LEN C-'`LDWi ELL Superintendent LOSNDESBORO 4352-2 Notices T AWN MOWERS SHARPENED AND repaired. A. O'LRARY, Goderich St. East, Seaforth. 4354 WHITEWASHING AND CT,FANDIG.- VICTOR HARGREAVES, Brttcefield_ Phone 623 r 23. 435156 SHAV NGS AVAILABLE FREE IF RE - moved immediately. If trading is .required, a charge will be made. JOHN BOSHART & SONS. Seaford] VOW SA I.71 -A etee HUNDRED 10" 4353-I 1P _ and " • grey tile. Ape?y to JACK P-4TRIC K_� i Phone 634 r 33. Seaforth. 4363-1 For Sale FOR SALE -13 CHUNKS OF APply W. C. MONTGOMERY. SL34 ,r 4, Seaforth. PIGS. Phone 4353-1 FOR SAT P. 10 PIGS 10 WEEKS OLD. ARTHUR FLNLAYSON. Phone 651 ✓ 33, Seaforth. 4353-1 FOR SALE --SUNSHINE BABY CAR- riage, with snow runners ; also cod- lapeible play pen. PHONE 215, Seaforth. 4353x1 tpR '18.11' - 900 SECOND-HAND r bricks : 2 cents a brick. Write AL- LEN TOWNSEND, Hensall, Ont., or Phone 1414, Henson • 4353-1 FOR SAFE -PAIR OF BUDGIES (LOVE birder, large cage and stand; 530 com- plete. PHONE 842 r 14, Seaforth. 4353-1. MEETING OF HURON COUNTY COU-NCIL THE NEXT MEETING OF l at. HURON County Council will be held in the Council Chambers. Court House, Goderich, commencing TUESDAY. JUNE 12th, at 10:00 A.M. FOR SALE -NEW EVERCOLD RE- fri*erater. 10 cubic foot, De Luxe, 60 cycle. PHONE 241-W, Seaford] 4353x1 FOR SALE -SEVERAL YOUNG SHORT - born bulls. serviceable age, grandsons of 'Tray -mem Iroffiide." Phone GEORGE MANN. 500 r 11. Clinton_ • 4353x2 EOR SALE -GENTS BALLOON TIRED bicycle- in A-1 condition. Has shock absorbers for extra riding comfort. PHONE 120 4333x2 40 40 39 37 36 CHEV. S'TYLELINE COACH 50 CHEV. DE LUXE STYIFI I1j1; COACHES --1 with custom radio CREV. STYLELINE SEDAN CHEV. FLE$TLINE COACH CHEV. STYLELINE SEDAN CHEV. FLEETLINE NE SEDAN CHEV. DE LUXE STYLELINE SEDAN -Radio, air conditioning PONTIAC SEDAN PLYMOUTH SEDAN -Custom radio sun VkOI, many extras CHEV. S1Yi-EMASTFe SEDAN' CHEV. STYLEMASTER COACH DODGE COACH CHEV. COACH DODGE SEDAN FORD COUPE CHEW. COUPE DODGE SEDAN ay, I, ' Jl. I4FT+`HON EXPOSITOR OR News Items of Hensall and District Hearing Aid Clinic at Middle - ton's Drug, on Tuesday, June 5. Mr. Dieite, of, Rochester Hearing Aid Co., will be present to an- swer nswer your questions- and give ad- vice. Tuesday, June 5, Middleton's Drug Store, Hensall.-(Advt). 2 Brownies wi r be picking up papers and magazines this Satur- day, June 2, for the last time until September. Papers and magazines not tied will -not be accepted.- (Adv't.). John Anderson Wins Venner Trophy John Anderson, of Kippen, local ;harp shooter, captured the Ven- ner trophy in the biggest annual May 24 shoot ever held at Kippen, sponsored by the Kippen Gun Club. Anderson's score was 49 out of 50, Hedley Prouse. of Goderich, took the handicap event, with 24 out of 25. The Goderich team, with a score of 109 out of 125, took the team title. There were three thou-' sand rounds. Following are the winners in the merchandise shoot and Hensall merchants who donated the prizes: Donated by Hyde Bros. Ltd., Allis. Chalmers dealers, won by Hedley Yrouse and Jack Gilbert, Goderich: Norman Harburn. Staffa; F/O. Geo. Kercher. Centralia: \Vm, Lee Rest- •ulrantwon by Bert Peck, Kippen; Bob Cook Motor Sales. won by Norman Harburn. Staffa; Wes. Richardson, B.A. Gas Station. won by John Anderson, Kippen; T. Coates. Hensall Motor Sales, won by W. Lumby, Goderich; Geo. T. Mickle & Sons, won by John An- derson. Kippen. J. F. Blackwell, principal of Hen- sall public school, was taken to Clinton Public Hospital Monday evening for an appendix operation. Mrs. Blackwell is relieving at the school during his absence, Miss Margaret Sangster, of Hen- sall. and Miss Alice Pfaff, of Exe- ter. have returned from spending a week's vacation at Eureka Springs. in the Osark Mountains, in Arkansas. Mrs. J. Dallas. who has been in Victoria Hospital. London, with a fractured hip and shoulder, has left the hospital, and is now at Mrs. Hodgert's Nursing Home, Ex- eter. At the bingo held in the Legion Hall Saturday night. 'Mrs. T. Butt, of Kipper. won the door prize, and Wilbert Parker, of Ohiselhurst, was the lucky winner of the jack- pot. Mr. P. L. McNaughton has pur- chased the residence of Mrs. J. Dallas. Mrs. Aida Simmons has returned home after spending the winter months in Santa Barbara, Califor- nia. She Was accompanied home by her sister. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Rowcliffe, re- cent bridal couple. were the recipi- ents of a lovely wedding gift from the Huronia Male Chorus of Exe- ter, of which Jim is a member. Miss Velma Ferguson, nurse -;n - training at Victoria Hospital. Lon- don. spent the week -end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. Ferguson. Mr. and. Mrs. Milne, of Bayfield, were week -end guests with Mrs. J. W. Bonthron. Mrs, F. Farquhar has left for Ripley, where she expects to spend some time with Mrs. W. Crawford. Mrs. Reta Charles, of- London, I tt'as a guest this week with her aunt, Mrs. Anna Wacker. Mrs. F. A. Demorest, of Regina., !Sask.. is spending some weeks with Mr. and Mrs. G. Armstrong. The Presbytery of Huron-Mait- i land met in Carmel Presbyterian (Church Monday afternoon. May 28, with Rev. Alex Nimmo, of Wing - ham. chairman. St Andrew's Pres- byterian Church. Molesworth, call- ed Rev. R. J. Rogers from County Down. Ireland. The call from Liv- ingstone Presbyterian Church. in Montreal. to R.ev. P. A. Ferguson. minister of the church since 1945, was approved, to take effect the end of June. Witmer Adkins. son of Mr. and Some of these Cars are on display at the Snpertest Service Station. Seaforth. For further information contact the lessees. MANY OTHER MODELS TO CHOOSE FROM BRUSSELS MOTORS "'The Home af Bettis Used Cate" OPEN EVERY EVENING Cards Of Thanks MR H AND MRS. SOL WILLIAMS WIS to thank all those who sent rnagratn-. latory messages. gifts and flowers, and to thank their family for a gift of money on the occasion of their fiftieth wedding anniversary; also to thank Han Looe St. Laurent, Senator W. H. Golding A. Y. Melee,- M.P., Thomas Pryde, M.LfL, and the Legislative Assembly, and also the neighbors for their lamb' gift, 4353x1 FOR SALE -3 -BURNER COAL OIL I WISH TO EXTEND MY SINCERE stove. in good condition. Apply to tb+«tics for cards, fruit and treats Box_'., HURON EXPOSITOR. .eat .to me while I was a patient in 4303x1. Scott Memorial Hospital and to the neigh- bors and friends who kindFy helped at FOR S ALE --TWO PURE BRED SHORT- home- Special thanes d,9 to Ds- Braand horn buil:e co:or red. 14 and 11 month, McMaster. nurses and staff of Scott Mem- old. Apply to GEORGE L. REID, Varna. 'rte Hospital: also to thank Mrs. P- A - Ont. 9353.1 Fe'ritwon who stmpfied at my school 4353-1 ARTHUR FINLAYSON All accounts. notices of deputations and , .FOR SALE -:60 HA31P.SLbb X PUL - other busing- reeuirirre :he attention +f; 'sits. fou- n-.n::s old Apply. Box 29, Collect! should be in three hands of tae' HURON EXPOSITOR. or Pbone 838 - 2.In Memoriam County than Clerk not later Saturday ' Sea.forth. 4358x1 June 9, 1951. OR SALE - MAN'S BICYCLE. IN TAYLOR. -IN LOVING L_ORY OF ` A. H_ ERSKTN-E. VORr. ¢rv-d rend -ekes. Apply ROBERT D. our mother. Mrs.. Henry Taylor. who County Clerk. ' SC -OTT. Phone ;52-W. Seeforth armed away June 1, 1950. Goderich. Ontario. 43.53-2 4353-2 In Maitland safely steeping. FOR SALE --HOLSTEIN BULL CALF. Where the gentle breezes wave suitable for vealing. WESLEY Mc- Lia one we loved so dearly, BRIDE. R.R. 1. Varna. Ont Pbone Hen- The one we could not save. sal1. 681 r 21. 4313x] We think of her in silence, FOR SALE - PLANTS: TOiLATOES. Her name we oft• recall. Cablere and Coaliftower: from the But there's nothing left to answer. ',et' bre. Ca.. morning or even lag. Wel But her picture on the wail. MURRAY. Egmondville. Phone 664 r 4. Seaford] 4352-3 --Ever remembered by her Fa ify. 4353x1 Tenders Wanted TENDERS WANTED tlutel TUC'KERS3I.t I if T O W N S H-1- School Area Board 'invites tenders for the followint: nes beeeerme mor* meSehoas : S.S. 7. --Complete interim. painting. M- enadi•.g basement and hallway. SS 2-Oub;ide Lem_ w redoes. doors, etc. Forepecife.tzore see Chairman or Sec- retary of Sceaai Board. Tender close moon. 7th June. J. McIntosh Chairman W. P. Roberts Secretary -Treasurer FOP. SALE-CONGOLEUM 813G. IN zood coneitioo. practicably nese.' 9r x 12'. price 53.40. Please apply c/o REV. W. A. JONES. St Thomas' Rectory. 4353-1 FOR SALE -NEW SOWER SEWING machines, electric end treadle R. pairs to all snakes SINGER SEWING MITRE, 78 Ontario Si, Stratfard 422-tf FOR SALE -BONNY BEST TOMATOES. Danish Bald Head Cabbage. Snowball Cauliflower plant for sale rizht fro® the embed to your garden : all hardy pi%inih. Not in container. the-efore more pl'nts for 5 -mar money. MRS. GORDON 5Racheli SCHHWALM. Hensel'. Ore. 43.5.7-2 Births this section of Ontario. He also' showed a colored film, "O -Day," which depicted the procedure of planning and getting materials and execution of converting frequency sensitive appliances, etc., to the new pulse beat of 60 cycles. The benefits to Hydro consumers was pointed out in this 20 -minute col- ored film. Special guests present were members of the Legion Branch of Exeter. Past President Jack Tudor moved a vote of thanks to Mr. av ebber. Refreshments were served. CROMARTY Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Baechler, of Zurich, visited on Sunday with their daughter, Mrs. Donald Scott, and Mr. Scott. Sergeant Ray Sorsdahl, of Camp Borden, spent a few days at the home of his brother, Lloyd Sors- dabl, and Mrs. Sorsdahl. Mrs. Henry Adkins. Hensall, is at home suffering a badly sprained ankle. Wilmer. who is employed with the Hensall District Farmers Cooperative. trucked a load of cattle to oronto Saturday. On reaching night an he cra on so BUBXE-At Scott Memorial Hcrepital, on Cooker May 29, to Mr. and Mss_ Joseph Burke. receiv Hibbert. a 50n Mr. an. trs. Fred Smallacombe, DIETZ-At Scoot Memorial H"p'tal «i of Guelph, spent the 24th with rel - Dublin. 24. tv Mr_ and Mos. Ha.ro4d Dalt, Dublin. a son. ' atives in Hensall. They were ac- GACKSaHTTER-hir. and Mrs Arnold I companied home by Mr. Fred Gaetetter (nee Irma Ferg son>. of Smallacombe. Sr.. who will visit in Remait are happy to announce the ar- risal of their daagbter, Lean Loree, to Guelph for a few weeks. Clinton CQmmnn*ty Hose cal. co Sc'ar- - Mr. and Mrs. J. L McCloy and LAV"ERY weeen and Bernice Iavery ; Kathy. Toronto. spent the week -end ince Harris) of Preerra7 are seri hap- with the latter's parents 31r and e stockyards at mid - finding the gates locked, ed over the gate landing e bricks. He drove to Ile on h - way home and me i'•- attention there. day, May 26_ A sister far Gail Ann. 43,3-1 py to aanoonae the a.,:.®1 of their Mrs. George Heal. Mrs. McCloy darerbser, born at Heraall Saturday. May TENDERS WANTED Built -In Bathtubs $55 2n.t'Al;a P*7NDERS ARE INVI i r u BY 1 Hs , 1 'Tuckersmith Township School Area Board No. 1 for the following maintea- once work. to be done on Schools within the Area: SCHOOL S.S. 2 --Metal roof to be Painted. One coat Gaiveatex primer and one coat best quality aluminum. Bell tourer to receive one east exterior primer and one tnisb coat. Bell, one coat alum- irtam: SCHOOL S.&, t_ -Interior to be paint- ed, blelnding telling, walls, window sash. t'eacher's room. school entrance and stair- sews- SCHOOL tair-SCHOOL S.S. 7. -Roof to be re.shinglerl With best quality asphalt shingles. Further particulars may be obtisinddi from Chairman of Board. or Segretary- T*easurer. Tenders, will be closed at ftaor4 1eth June 1931: ai lomat. itcOsitis. Obi SAVE UP TO 5100 ON YOUR BATH - room alone and have a nor: berme. Helpful installation diagram with ship- ments. The smart Martha Washington and Richledge sera complete comist9ng of a Sve-foot recessed stainless sitting ledge bathtub, most modern vitreous basin and Sylent toilet with lovely charmed fittings. 3155 to 5187. Luxurious Doral, green. blue orad yellow- sets. 5274. Attractive powder room sets. Sink cabinet units complete with chromed swing spout faucets. crumb cap strainer, stainless enamel sink and plastic tope, 398. Electric. anal. wood stoves. refrigerators. oil burners, triremes and pipes. shower cabinets. sanitary de luxe enacts laundry tate. Guaranteed weeefactaon. Alco special plumbene and builders' offers. Yon can't afford to ee- nore these opportnnitits. Write or visit JOHNSON MAIL ORDER DIVISION Streetsville Hardware. S 1 iusS iGVILLE. ONTARIO. Phone 261 43514 Pa titriftyt'! Phone 41, Sea - re .. 'Classified ads. are re- • 1t-gbttitig. The tUrtin gapes - too. A sister for Gordon- Bobby and Kathy are remaining for this week. WILBFZ-At Soots Memorci Hos-pinni• on Mr. atld Mrs. John Pfaff spent Wo May to Ise. and air. Thomas last week visiting with members of eafo+rt..h• a ems their family in London_ Hensall Library will be closed on Thursday during the months of June. July and August Mrs. O. Twitcbeil" returned home Monday after spending a few days with her daughter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Allan Davidson, In Port Colborne. Group 4 of the Ladies' Aid of Carmel Presbyterian Church met in the Sunday School room of the church Tuesday afternoon and The regular service of Cromarty quilted two quilts. They have six more to complete. Church has been cancelled, owing to special services at Roys Church- Hear Talk By Hydro Official Mr. and Mr's. T. L. Scott and Meanbers of she Hensall branch family spent the w=eek -earl at of the Canadian Legion held a so - Burlington with Mr. and Mrs- Deo- tial evening in the Legion Hall on ton Taylor. Tuesday- evening, and had as their Mr. and Mrs. George Wallace special speaker, Grant Webber, of have returned home after spend -1 the Frequency Standardization of - hag a few days at Carlingford with fice in Seaforth, who spoke off the Mfr. and Mrs. Donald Wallace. changeover to 60 cycle power in Deaths BURNS -In Stott Memorial Saspital. Sea - forth. on Sunday. May 27. Catbe'ine Ann Barns, of Bib err, in her 63rd year. HAYES-In Seaforth. on 'iTi ocsdas. May 3I. Arirde ld_ Martin. wife of John Hayes. in her 80th year. CROMARTY Bride -To -Be Honored At Brucefield Shower with friends in the village. Mrs, Flaie Forrest, of London, spent a few days with Mr. and Mrs. Arthur McQueen. Mr. and Mrs. John McMurtrie, of Hensall, visited Murray and Mary Gibson on Sunday. Congratulations are extended to Bob Allan for his success in judg- ing at the Achievement Day held in Seaforth last Saturday. Bob captured top honors for seniors, and also won a cup for being top in judging dairy cattle. Bob also wins a trip to Chicago for having highest average in judging over a two-year period. The members of the Brucefield I.O.O.F. marched Ito the United Church Sunday evening for their anneal churoh service. Visiting brethren were present from Gode- rich, Seaforth, Hensall, Clinton, Exeter and Stratford, and Rebekah members from Clinton, Goderich and Hensall. Rev. E. R. Stanway preached a very forceful and in- spiring sermon, his subject being "This Do and Ye Shall Live." The choir, under the direction of Mrs. J. R. Murdoch, rendered the an- them, "Sweet Hour of Prayer," and Mrs. Stanway sang two beautiful solos, "The Lord's Prayer" and "Bless This House." On Tuesday evening of this week the Egmondville Fellowship Group presented their minstrel show and play, "The Bachelor's Dream," un- der the sponsorship of Brucefield choir, to a very appreciative audi- ence. Mrs. Frank Kling was solo- ist, and mouth organ selections were given by Ronald McIntosh and Mrs. S. Pepper, and a vocal solo by Nancy .Pepper. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Livingston and Mr. Ed. Noonan, London, visited friends during the holiday. A very enjoyable time was spent in the Sunday school room of the church last Wednesday evening, when friends and neighbors gath- ered to honor Miss Bessie Dutot. After a short program. Bessie was presented with a shower of many beautiful gifts. The bride-to-be made a fitting reply. A social half hour followed. Mr. and Mrs. W. McBeath spent a few days in Detroit. Mr. and Mrs. George Griffiths and children, of Stratford, spent a few days with Mr. and Mrs. H. F. Berry. Misses Ruth- Scott and Marion Paterson, of London, spent the week -end at their homes here. Mr. and Mrs, Harvey Moore, of Seaforth, spent Sunday with Mrs. Dayman. Mr. Wesley University, is here. Mr. and Mrs. William McQueen, of Toronto. spent the 24th with Mr. and Mrs. A. McQueen. Mr. James Bowey and Mrs. Olive Grabnger, of Exeter,, spent Sunday. Ham, of Toronto visiting at his home 'AN N I VERSARY SERVICES HENSALL UNITED CHURCH SUNDAY, JUNE 3rd + Rev. F. C. Miller, Preston Guest Speaker i MORNING SERVICE - 11 a.m. "The Great Alternative" Hensall United Church choir will supply the special music. + EVENING SERVICE - 7:30 p.m. "The Universality of Jesus" Special music by the Huronia Male Choir. REV. W. J. ROG▪ ERS - Pastor S. G. Ronnie - Choir Director Miss Greta Lammie - Organist Bend, visited Mr. and Mrs. Mous- Beau on Tuesday. Congratulations -aye extended' to Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Gacktl,tetter on the gift of a daughter, 'born Sat- urday, May 26, at Clinton. We all wish mother and babe the best of health. - Mr. Gordon Wren is improving in health and is able to be out daily. M,r. and Mrs. Dean Brown, of Greenway, visited' their daughter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Blear Mousseau. KIPPEN Lakeview Casino GRAND BEND Mr. and Mrs. O. Workman and Mr. and Mrs.John Consitt visited at Niagara Falls and Buffalo. Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Schneider and daughter, of Stratford, spent the 24th of May with Mrs. Schneid- er's father and mother, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Thompson. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Mansbridger of Toronto. visited a few days last week with Mr. and Mrs. Norman Long. Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Ulch, of Windsor, were week -end guests at the home of their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Long. Mr. and Mrs. Norman Dickert spent the 24th with relatives in Clifford. Mr. and Mrs. Dowson spent a few days with friends in Goderich. Mrs. Armstrong returned to Mr. and Mr's. Cudmore's home after spending a week in Ripley, the guest of her daughter and son-in- law, Mr. and Mrs. Winocks. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Little and daughters, Marcia and Cheryl Anne, of Iiderton, spent Saturday evening at their parent's home. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer McBride and family, of Exeter, visited their par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. Robert McBride, one day last week. Mr. Wm. Ivison has returned home after spending the winter with his sister in Peterboro. Mr. and Mrs. Elston Dowson spent a day in London on Tues- day. • Mrs. Reid Torrance, of Porter's Hill, visited her father, Mr. Henry Ivison, and sister, Miss Jean, a few days. Mass Kate Bengough had a visit paid' her by her nephew, of Lon- don, the early part of this week. Mr. and Mrs. Turnbull, of Grand IMMUNIZAT1ON An Immunization Clinic for Pre-school Children will be held by the Huron County Health Unit on MONDAY, JUNE 4 - from -2:00 - 3:30 p.m. - - Place--Seaf orth : Basement of Library Building Children from 4 mon hs of age and over may receive protection against Diphtheria, Whooping Cough, Tetanus (Lockjaw), and Smallpox. If your child is beginning school this Sep- tember, it is advisable to have him or her start immunization or receive a ,reinforcing inocula- tion before this time. NASH STATESMAN AIRFLYTE For 1951, the popular Canadian Statesman offers new aerodynamic Sky -Flow styling plus the smoothest most comfortable ride you've ever enjoyed! This is the big economy car that delivers over 25 miles a gallon at average highway speed. • Built of Airflyte Construction for Greater Strength, Safety and Rigidity. GET A DEMONSTRATION! Jonathan E. Hugull Highway No. 8-3 miles west of Seaforth Phones: Seaforth 667 r 6 - Clinton 616 r 34 Dancing Saturday June 2nd ART HALLMAN and - His Orchestra • Admission $1.25 each ;If hitt ;TM It IS • • MOTH Damage You can (stop . mot damage In your home. As authoris- ed BERLOU SERVICE DEAL- ER ER we give you a 5 -year guar. antee. if Berlou fails, if there is any damage, we pay the bill. Why not let us mothproof your blankets, carpets, ruga, garments and upholstered furni- ture? BERLOU MOTH SPRAY is colorless, odorless andstain- less. The® cost is small. A man's suit . . . a womarl'c dress or coat can be moth- proofed for only 20 cents a year. Any material moth.. proofed with BERLOU retains its original softness. Remember - BERLOU pro. fessional mothproofing pro- tects you for 5 years, or we, pay the bill. Gillespie Cleaners PHONE 196 SEAFORTH Summer Dresses Crisp, Cool, Washable Dresses for Warmer Weather Ahead! • SPUNS • SHANS • WASH CREPES • SUNNIVALES and • PICOLAYS 3.95 4.95 5.95 6.95 9.95 SHORTIE COATS - 12 left at 14.95 Hurry and see these. They are real bargains! TUDOR'S PHONE 70 Ladies' Wear HENSALL Dry Goods BOY., and GIRLS IOK at these Valuable Prizes You Can WIN 8y SAVING a r IBM MUIR s /7( 1. A Brand New BICYCLE \� It's smart! It's streamlined! \� les yours ebroiately free .. just for saving "lucky" Kist Bottle Tops. Think of the fun you'll have this summer with a brand new bike like this .. . and you can have yours with- in a few weeks time ij you get started right away. 2. A MANTEL RADIO Hear all your favourite adventure stories In your own room on yonr very own radio. In• vire the gang in to listen, too. You'll be amazed how easy it is to win this powerful radio. Get your Kist Contest rules from your Kist Dealer and find out today/ 3. A BASEBALL GLOVE Pia, ball this season like a big league star with this professional glove. If yon prefer, you may have a $5.00 merchandise certificate, instead of the gime. Your Kist Contest rules will tell you how yon can edn either the glove es the cerdficate. 4. A FLYING 'SAUCER Comes complete with pistol type atomic eiector. Pull the trigger and the Saucer whirls into air ... then comes to earth in a spinning landing. Re the San in your neighbourhood with this exiting Flying Saucer and atomic ejector. Start ntv- ins -tacky" Kist Bottle Tops today. Hcre's how you can fad out all about this meting new contest- Siatpiy go to your nearest Kist Dealer and ask him for a free copy of Kist Contest title;, Then while you read all about it .. enjoy a frosty mid bottle of delidoas K'tst, it's the "Tops in Pops"! and the Kist Contest s tops is 1hd bnd• pr13 , Get Your Entry Blank from Your KIST DEALER TODAY! el! is a • P 4 • r • • • 9 a a • •e •