HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1951-05-25, Page 6r4 def .10 iw{ eee a ie11 Holds Meeting When plan to the intual buy- ing of food, plan the buying. check r the supplies on hand, consider the -- meal patterns, make a, grocery Haat y,; be regular meeting of Hay and finally buy where you get the `lf i'tenable Council was held in the Stretch Your Food best food for the money spent. ' peptide chambers, Zurich, on Mon- When . checking food supplies be diay, May ,, at 1:30 p.m. The fol- Dollar sure that there is a sufficient stock Dar lowing motions were passed: That of such necessary items as flour, the minutes of the last regular sugar and salt always on hand. U 'Meeting and special meeting of Have you ever stood in the mid- these items are bought in suffice April 24 be adopted as read. That dle of a grocery store and looked ent quantity to last a fairly long in response to the request made by around,, bewildered, wondering just time, rather than in dibs and dabs, �. W. Haberer, the council of the where to start your shopping? Township of Hay will grant per- There, displayed before you are mission to the Zurich Lions Club colorful rows of fruits and vege- to conduct several bingoes during tables, tin after tin of canned 1951, provided that the laws of the goods and packages of all types and Criminal Code be complied with. sizes„ just waiting to be bought. That Hay Twp. again become af- What you should actually buy and filiated with the Huron County the amount you should spend from Municipal Officers' Association and the family purse on each item is a the 1951 fees of $10 be paid. That complex problem. F. Ogletree be refunded his dog tax for 1950. That on the request of the merchants of Zurich and Dashwood, we authorize the clerk to publish in the Zurich Herald, Exeter Times -Advocate and The Huron Expositor, By -Law No. 16, 1929, of the Township of Hay, gov- erning the license for transient traders who operate in the Town- ship of Hay. That 1950 audit for Hay Twp. as presented by Mon- teith & Monteith, chartered ac- countants, be accepted and that their account for $440 be pair as per statement. That By -Law No. 5 of Hay Twp. to levy 2/5 of mill Federation fees be given third reading. That a grant of $35 be given to the South Huron Agricul- tural Society for 1951. That the accounts for Hay Twp. Roads, re- lief, Hay Municipal Telephone Sys - counts be paid as per voucher. 1:: General Accounts Bruce J. Klopp, $148.57; H. W. Brokenshire, $184.98; Treasurer Huron County Association of Municipal Officers, $10; J. W. Haberer. $615.22; Rader & Mittelholtz, $92.21; H. G. Hess, $15.05; Earl Rader, $13.50; Freak Ogletree, $2; Thos. Whillier & Co., $19.25; Fred C. Kalbfleisch, 92c; Wm. Watson, $626.45; Monteith & Monteith, $440; Treasurer South Huron Agricultural Society, grant, $35; Melvin Brown. $4.50: K. R. Westlake, $15; Dr. D. B. Ferguson, $18; Hay Municipal 'Telephone Sys- tem, $800. Roads-Supertest Corp., $57,30; Dept. of Highways. $33; Jas. Masse $234.33; Lorne Becker. $59.15; Rouse Auto Electric, $8.20; Klopp's Garage, $45.53: Armco Drainage & Metal, $1,095.U5; J. W. Haberer, $90.74; Earl Simmer. $5.05: Larry Snider Motors, $9.30; Dominion Road Macbhinery Co., $4.70; S. W. Archibald, $500;• . L. A. Pran.g & Son, $5.48; H. W. Brokenshire, ,$50; Payroll No. 5. $756.30; Alphonse Masse, $179.07; Michael Masse, $92.89'; Alvin Walper, $16.69; Al- fred Denomme, $7.S0; Matthew Denomme, $12.35; Roman Meidin- ger, $9.10; Andrew Ducharme, $48.75; Nelson Masse, $44.20; Louis .yotte, $32.50; Steve Maid inger, $11.70; Billie Masse. $3.25; Philip Masse, $3.25; Harry Bassnw, $3.25; Allan Smith, $3 25; Frank Wildfong, $36.70; Robt. Wildfong, $22.10; Jack Tinney, $11.05; Fred Deicherte $23.40; Leon ,Jeffrey, $6.50; Rudolph Becker, $10. Hay Municipal Telephone Sys- tem Accounts -H. G. Hess, $2,- 012.44; Bell Telephone Co, Limited, $727.66; Northern Electric Co, Ltd. $160.78; H. W. Brokenshire, $9.04. The meeting adjourned to meet again on Monday, June 4, at 1:30 p.m. WIN CHELSEA Mr. and Mrs. Harry Armstrong moved to Heusall last week. Mr. Geo. Kellett has purchased the property from Mrs, Irene Smith of Thames Road and is moving 'shortly. Mrs. Walters, of London, spent the week -end with her son and daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Walters. Mr. and Mrs. Alf. Collier, of Kirkton, visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Harry Bailey, Mr. and Mrs. Bev. Morgan, of Thames Road, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Newton Clarke. Mr. Cliff Whitlock and sister, Joy, -of St. Thomas, and Mr. Clar- ence Ford, of C'rKitclhener, spent Sunday with relatives in the com- munity. Mr. and Mrs. John Batten visited on Sunelay with Mr. and Mrs. Lew- is Johns, of Elimville. Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Stevens and family, of Glencairn, spent the week -end with Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Brock. Mr. and Mrs. Colin Gilfillan and family spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. C. Horton, pf the Boundary. Mrs. Wm. Walters visited on Sunday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Clarke, of Farquhar. In. The Garden . Spread Out Except where the summer is un- usually hot and dry one can go on planting beans, beets, carrots, let- tuce and such vegetables and some of the quick -growing annual flowers too, right up to mid-July with good chances of getting a crop or bloom. In a few sections of the country where first frosts do not usually asrivti•'until October, and summers are cool and moist, one can also plant early spring type vegetables like lettuce, peas and spinach along in late July or early August with fair chancel;' of success. Beating the Last Frost In certain parts of the country there may be still danger of late frost, For a few extra early and tender things Like melons, cucum- bere Mid tomatoes one doesn't need tei worry if some extra pro- beetle/1e in the form of special pa - ethic coifs or miniature glass or p1tie grednhouses are used, These oil tarnish atki,ple protection, tf est attite ti revere ft'Ont for etlitg'woekik tfs$ilg them 'ohne ii refit' edy. of these tender ki ° gV'tipUl tts al. to ;three How mu'cn money to spend on food is important to every home- maker. Actually, your food costs depend upon many factors. The home economists of the Consumer Section, Canada Department of Agriculture, list the first point as the number in the family, their ages, their activities and their likes and dislikes: It is important to buy sizes and amounts which are suitable to the size of the fam- ily. If the family is large Mr's. Housewife knows from experience that slie should buy in large quan- tities. For instance, she finds that it is more economical to buy 25 pounds of potatoes at a time than five pounds, enough for only a meal or two, several times a week. For a small family small amounts should be bought which may be used up and not wasted. Another point to consider in the food budget is how much enter- taining is done in the home and whether it is simple or elaborate. If food costs are running too high try to make all entertaining as sim- ple as possible. The number and types of meals eaten away from home and box lunches for the chil- dren, are other factors to consider when thinking of the food dollar. PIan box lunches so that they are nutritious and appetizing and as economical as possible. Away - from -home meals should be cut down to a minimum if the budget is beginning to be stretched too far. the saving in money may be not- ed. oted. When checking the menu pat- terns atterns with the grocery list it is most important to keep in mind that each day each member of the family should have their necessary food requirements as outlined in Canada's Food Rules. Shopping by telephone is sometimes necessary, but it is well to remember that carry -home habits are 'practical and generally pay dividends. Plan to keep track of price trends, and take advantage of especially good buys. When actually buying good the well -arranged displays and the col- orful array of packaged foods •are very tempting. Here is where it is important to remember the food list, It should prevent the spend- ing of too much money on the less essential foods. Basic food accessories such as seasonings, sauces or flavorings, if used care- fully", may be excellent for adding variety and contrast in the flavor of foods, but impulse buying of such accessories is costly and not always necessary. When shopping, the ' careful homemaker is constantly compar- ing the prices per serving of the various forms in which some foods are solei, such as frozen or canned vegetables, fresh or canned meats. A good rule to follow is to buy the least expensive type that suits the purpose. It is also wise to com- pare the prices of bulk and pack- aged foods and the prices of new vegetables as compared to that -of older, stored vegetables. A food sold in bulk is usually of gust as good& quality as that sold in an elaborate package, while new vege- tables, granted colorful and attrac- tive, are naturally higher priced. Homemakers today are making a practice of buying by grade. They read the labels and buy the grade Swap your Old, Worn Tires NOW Also available in Rib Tread FOR NEW LONG -MILEAGE G ,A EAR TIRES Why risk the danger of driving on worn tires any longer? We'll give you the biggest trade-in allowance for your old tires when you trade them in for big -value, long -mile- age Goodyears. Come in today for the best tire deal in town• - G-72 LOOK FOR THIS "HIGH SIGN" OF OUAIIIY SEAFORTH MOTORS PHONE: 141 CHEV:.OLDS-SALES & SERVICE • TERHURON EXPOMOR County Report The second annual Huron Here- ford sale 'was a considerable suc- cess. Thirty-five head brought .some $17,430, making an average of ap- proximately $500.00 per head. Top female sold for $835.00, and the top bull brought $700.00. Nearly all cattle now are out on grass and milk production is` showing the seasonable increase. Poultry are mostly all on range and looking very well. Hog prices declined again during the week. Practically all seeding is now completed. Hay and pastures still continue to do very well, although some frosts during the early part of the week may have injured al- falfa in certain areas. Farmers are busy preparing ground for beans and corn and some sugar beets have been seeded. CONSTANCE Mr. and Mrs. Borden Brown and family visited with Mr. Brown's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Brown, Allan Park, Sunday visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Buchanan were: Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Buch- anan and family, Milestone; Mr. and Mrs_ Gordon Buchanan, Lon- don; Mr. and Mr& Donald Buchan- an_ Mr. and Mrs. Jack Medd and son, David, spent Sunday with eirg, Meddfs .parents, Mr. and Mrs. Phil- lips, in Blyth. that suits their purpose. They con- sider the financial advantage or disadvant*e of buying such pre- pared mixes as pudding powder, cake or pie mixes. They consider each and every one of these fac- tors before spending the family food dollar so that it will go just as far as possible. The Consumer Section has an excellent booklet entitled, "Foods For the Family," which would be helpful to all home- makers. This booklet deals with buying, storing and cooking foods. It may be obtained free of charge by writing to the Department of Agriculture, Ottawa. 'Dixville, WI Hears Talk on English Trip Glamour Tan Sunburn can spoil all the fun of vacation you've anticipated for months. By acquiring your golden brown tinct in slow instalments, you can avoid all the pain and mis- ery that go with too large doses of King Sol. Start in May to take daily ten-minute "sunni,ngs" for the first week, fifteen minutes the second week, and. so on. By vaca- tion acstion time you'll have a protective coating of tan to ward off burning. X -Ray For Safety Canada is waging a ceaseless war against tuberculosis but it is the responsibility of every indi- vidual to co-operalte by taking reg- ular egular X-ray chest examinations, to discover early symptoms. X-ray facilities are available, free of charge, in almost all Canadian communities. Summer Sniffles The disappearance of winter doesn't mean the end of the com- mon cold . . . and the cold you catch in summer can be even more miserable than the winter variety. Sitting around in damp clothes or in a draft, together with low re- sistance to chills, all help to bring on colds. Well -'balanced meals, with general health care, will help you to enjoy summer healthily. Dodgethe he It h c es Just about now, the early sum- mer pests put in their appearance. Poison ivy, black flies and mosqui- toes can ruin a trip into the coun- try. Carry a good fly repellent and use it against the insects. If you think you have come* into contact with poison ivy. wash the skin very I thoroughly with strong household The Wee held their meeting in the hall Wednesday evening with the new 'president, Mrs. Harold Hunter, in the chair. The meeting opened with the Ode and Creed, Roll' call was answered by naming of your birthday. The motto, "Be careful where you step for every mark will show," was ably given by Mrs. Phil_ Hern. Readings were given by Mrs. 1. Ford and Mrs. Geo. Kellet. Mrs. R. E. Pooley was guest speaker and spoke on her recent trip to England. Mrs. Ther- on Oreery was in charge of the program and Mrs. E. Skinner was hostess. Considerable business was attended to pertaining to the W.I- convention to be held in Elimville Church May 29• The hostess and committee served a dainty lunch. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Price, of De- troit, spent Mother's Day week -end with Mrs- Thos. Bell. Mr. and Mrs. Franklin Skinner and family visited Sunday with soap to remove the oily substances that causes tihe rash. Well -Dressed Spud Wears Jacket The common, potato provides vit- amin A and C as well as miner- als, carbohydrates, protein, cal- cium., phosphorus and iron. Pota- toes are at their beset when they are baked in their "jackets" but are good in various ways of serv- ing, either alone or used as an in- gredient with other foods. NOTICE Saivage WANTED LOUIS HILDEBRAND WE WILL PICK UP Iron and All Kinds of Metal, Rage Highest Cash Prices paid. Mr. awd 1>t,e. Keri gergeelfeglel . .` b11dr'1Vi 4efgee411✓b W440 Bobby'visited with Mt and Mrs). Jas. McLaughlin, of London.. Mrs. Wm. Julius attended W40, in Chatham 'last, week, being a delegate for Huron county W.M.S. - Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Dining and perigee. Mx. $amid ,1)11 ,fri"tali'. of WDi1lmlegs • Qt fdiree cel ing a'ild see Miss Awe" and Ross Pilling, of t..ondon, visited: on S'tun+da ': •'wlt111 - Mr: and•I. Mrs. Austin Di11ing: • 'Mr. Elgin Skinner. teacher or New Toronto; spent the weekend' at his home here. A new and different blend with a mild and pleasing flavour. Firm and smooth to chew. Never crumbles. Just to be different .er•,t- • .ft•.t%,•fl ,t••If•• ••^+.•...A...^'•r•1,.D.•'. 006.5111, se.. ."-'." r.tl..artn�l�"►,1' M :.ucuyelNZM11'1n�Hll iliir,..' R` {.mw.l.s .. �a I • 1 �� III�"N!ut1UlW,, w1 of IIJM�l81►. �,trrrlll! �'-til'ti = - •' I, „• !seIa. � 1GJf�"IE;4t414��•• •� r. �!�r'.(� I � ► tY1M��A1�111i� 'WiUiiiLnl�rrGii�-�� . The WOOD DUCK, most beautiful of waterfowl, differs greatly from most ducks. Instead of nesting on the ground, he habitually lives in trees! Perhaps his beauty makes him want to be different. You'll find that nature is filled with different quirks and habits. You'll find yourself going all out for conservation when you get to know nature. It's yours to protect and yours to enjoy. Nature Unspoiled YOURS TO PROTECT - YOURS TO ENJOY CARLING'$ THE CARLING BREWERIES LIMITED WATERLOO, ONTARIO 2-29 the re e ReagG3 BE FREE FROM HELP PROBLEMS Mechanize with Massey -Harris Machines Manpower is not too plentiful -in fact good, experienced farm help is downright scarce even at the present high wage rates. Industry needs manpower for armament production and making of civilian goods and the armed forces are recruiting to bring their units up to strength in the new program. Yet food 'production must be maintained in these busy and critical times in spite of the shortage and high cost of farm help. Mechanization is helping more andmore fanners to get work done when it should be done -farmers are proving easy -operat- ing, fast -working machinery to be . their most dependable help. From the complete line of Massey -Harris equipment you can select machines that will help you master the help problem. MASSEY-HARRIS Makers of High Quality Farm Implements for over One Hundred Years {it) { I II I ) r�� 1� �Ltll'I Ic 11 I IIS {.IIIIIf, II 71-7‘.-''.1-1 i. 11I + ,'��- �{1 Prig rr ,'---+•�:, , t1 ll�iillj��l�ldl.l„i Illil���fl IlII 1 5' "Imjustgoing � to the bank,Anft" SHE'LL SO ON be back - her cheque cashed{, her deposit made, her bank book written up. OP Mrs. Johnson's is one of the 3,200,000 new bank accounts opened 'during the past ten. years. Like most people nowadays, she relies on her bank to safeguard her money; she expects her bank book to show how she stands; she\finds bank cheques convenient to pay larger bills. The chartered banks appreciate - and depend on - the confidence of depositors like Mrs. Johnson. For the money which Canadians keep in 8,000,000 bank accounts provides the basis for bank lending. I Safeguarding these funds is the banker's first concern. One of a series by your bank ///// By Roe Farm Service £ept 50 YOUR BIRDS ARE HOME ON THE RANGE, JACK- HOW ARE THEY MAKING OUT ? `---�- u . -. ROE ir-,0'.:411/ `i NOT 50 BAD, DOC. BUT THERE'S A LOT MORE TO THIS RANGE BU5INE55 THAN MEET5THE EYE. ' ,{„ „:rr..w-, YOU BET THERE 15, JACK. PROPER HANDLING OF BIRD5 ON THE RANGE. MEAN5 PROFIT OR L055 IN THE LAYING PEN • J-.- YES, JACK. A GOOD RANGE I'M 15 MIGHTY IMPORTANT- A GOOD GROWING MASH 15 JUST A5 IMPORTANT. 50 DON'T FORGET TO USE ROE V/TA-GROW. ONE UP ON YOU THERE, DOC- I ALWAY6 USE. VITA-6ROW. WISE HERE , ../._ MAN, JACK- ARE A FEW TIPS Two Ways Bigger Egg hofd5 A 600D RANGE GOT ANY TIPS TODAY, ? '`. .. ;�� e�,y6E ya- a�ma`.. ,gELY yE4yS5494,4, 13.440 2. �yh,Ezr�,eS� r�,typ/ °aL/Gs•7lyarCyA OR O/osis .. ..yl AF •t 1 i "" : !� 1 ol �' ��d� `'/� �1 11 q" mffriS(l;== 41 E N N GOPETIM°/,111%kSI1--,#j--4` °I`artae�1���LV . 90„FwoM` _..I�Ti..s'. % - •e��.,' /- ."'�, .. e,• ko,ro li Ccic �.; ,,• ll%■'�` �' , ; v ye -t...,_-...„. J 're la ry„ IV /`/�//.`_107, i: _ h•ii/ :i � i✓ :', „� , .�t..•..•:....;. •:,.,�.�:•:,,, �1.. '':/ / :„ � Li.1'„ , L: W. Kerslake, Se®forthl,y Hay, A. J. Mustard Srveefeld J A. sae, 5 U Ai shouhlite,broad: ` �tI .li]A snF f,r: `.,ill