HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1951-05-25, Page 4ti ossified Ads.1 jsfied Ads Inserted At New Low Cash Rates: FOR SALE, WANTED, LOST AND FOUND, ETC.—Per Word: 1st week 1 Ceszt aCerst wl week % Cent Minim,..,e charge, axst i ssetteme . - - 25 Ceals Each figure„ initial and abbreviation chests as one word. ggt'da of Thanks, In Memoriam Natives, Corning Eveub-1 oeat per word lUninitun. 60 cents per weeks. Ewa:ries may be directed td a Bos No., e/o The Hnroo SSyeatbue, bre 10 entre extra. Ten elents � final a ooalwell be charged if ads in above clear ere not paid windo !o days of Siitlts. Marriages and Deaths inserted free ef charge. Auction Sales. Notices to Creditors, lien --Bates on ei • Motor Cars For Sale Coming Events pop. SAI sr — 1934 CHEV. COACH. S.' CLAYTON DENNIS. Phone 3.55, 53� See - forth {OR S81$'..-3941 DODGE SPECIAL DE -LLuxe Sedan, in good condition, with heater and almost new tires- Apply to CAMPB11.T EYRE, Kippen, Ont., or Phone 684 r 13, Hensall. 4351x'' GQOD USED CARS Cars 35 CTEV. COACH 39 FORD SEDAN 37 FORD SEDAN 38 FORD COACH 40 PLYMOUTH COACH 40 PONTIAC SEDAN 47 FORD 5 -PASS. 49 MONARCH COACH Trucks 49 FORD 1 -TON EXPRESS 1,y -TON THAMES VAIN Tractors 42 COCKSHUTT 70 43 COCKSHUTr 70 47 COCKSHUTr 70 with Power Lift and Row -Crop Cultivator 41 FORD 47 FORD 49 FORD DALY MOTORS FORD -MONARCH SALES & SERVICE 51 CHEV. DE LUXE BELAIR HARD - TOPPED CONVERTIBLE — Two- tone in color, air conditioning, cus- tom radio, extras. 51 2 50 49 49 49 49 49 CHEV. STYLELINE COACH CHEV. DE LUXE STYLELINE COACHES -1 with custom radio CHEV. DE LUXE SEDAN CHEV. FLE);TLINE COACH CHEV. STYLELINE SEDAN CHEV. FLEETLINE SEDAN CHEV. DE LUXE FLEETLINE SEDAN CHEV. DE LUXE STYLELINE SEDAN 49 PONTIAC SEDAN 49 CHEV. STYLELINE COACH - 48 GHEV. 48 cl.v_ 47 ter. 40 STYLEMAS1ER SEDAN STYLEMASTER COACH COACH DODGE SEDAN 40 PLYMOUTH SEDAN 37 CHEV. COUPE 32 FORD COACH MANY 01'H.ilt MODELS FROM Y OU WILL BE SITTING ON TOP OF the world dance= at the Crystal Pal - See Ballroom. Mitchell, every Friday night, to the music of Don Robinson and His Ranch Boys- 4351x2 For Rent FOR R]S.NT — ,F -CONTAINED 3 - room apartment: heated. Apply Box 13, HURON EXPOSITOR. 4352x1 Fort RENT—OFFICE SPACE 1N THE Dominion Bank Bueding. Apply to the Manager. 4349-tf FOR RENT—MODERN2-ROOM APART - merit. with bath. lmmedia.te posses- sion. Situated on James St. PHONE 782. 4352x1 Help Wanted WANTED—GIRL OR 130Y FOR OF- fice work. Apply to CANADIAN BANK OF COM'r1FRCE, Seaforth. 4351 HOME ECONOMICS TEACHER WANTED Hay. Township School Area • • THE RU ow E OSITOR Pi is Wanted ]ANTED—APARTMENT OR RM41f house, at erre. Apv}y Box 19. HUR- ON EXPOSITOR. 4352-1 Personals HYGIENIC SUPPLIES Mel 13 BE n Goods), mailed postpaid in plain, sealed envelope with price )fat 6 samples 26c: 24 samples $1.00. Mail -Order Dept. T-78, NOVA -RUBBER CO-. Box 91, Hamilton. Ont. Auction Sales AUCTION SALE OF HOUSEHOLD EF- fects, on Lot 6. Coneession 18, Grey Twp., 1 i4 miles east of Walton, on Wed- nesday. May 30th, at 1.30 p -m.. .Ebel rack : 2 davenports ; autigne chest of drawers; antique bookcase; walnut parlor table; walnut wan pocket; antique shell ieeel box; 5 oak chairs, leather seats: 2 rucking charm; drop leaf table: wicker sewing stand; hair wreath; pictures: let- ter case: clocks ; ecngoleum rug; curtains; drapes ; 3 beds with springs; single bed; feather tick ; pair pillows; kitchen ewe board ; table; chairs and small tables: coueh ; 2 hanging lamps ; coal oil lames; quantity of dishes and glassware, soma antiques ; cutlery; table linen; sealers: coal oil stove with oven; coal oil heater: clothes horse: trunks. chests and suit.. cues ; 2 cream cans : lawn mower; tur- nip sower; water tank; quantity scrap iron; took, and miscellaneous articles. Terme—Cash- MARY A. SMILLIE ES- TATE: Milton Marriott, Auctioneer, St. Marys. 4352x1 A PART-TTMF TEACHER WANTED TO teach Home Economics for four per- iods per week. or 454 hours approximate- ly, in the Zurich Public School. Duties to commence September 1 1951. Applicants to contact the Secretary for further par- ticulars. State salary expected. H. W. BROKENSHIRE, Sec.-Treas. Hay Township School Area. 4352-2 APPLICATIONS WANTED Township of Hullett APPLICATIONS WILL. BE RECEIVED for a mower operator: wages to be 70 cents per hour. Applications to be in hands of the undersigned by Saturday, June 2nd. at 1 P.m - GEORGE GOWAN Clerk LEN CALDWELL Superintendent LONDESBORO 4352-2 Property For Sale For Sale FUR SALE—AXMINSTER RUG, 9.12. Apply Box 22, HURON EXPOSITOR - 4352x1 FOR SALE --SMALL CABIN TRAILER. Cheap for cash. PHONE ST. MARYS s69 -J. 4352x1 FOR SAT.F 7 -ROOM BRICK HOUSE, all modern cenveniences: hardwood floors throughout Apply E. D. CROWE, James St, Phone 876. 43434f FOR SALE—A S_C.P. BALLOON -TIRED bicycle, in A-1 shape, new last year. Cheap- PHONE 337. 4352x1 port SALE—PRICED TO SELL, IN Dublin, 7 -room frame house; bath, furnace. hardwood floors, well finished. Apply DR. T. R.•LADY Dublin. Phone 80. 4351-2 HOUSE FOR SALE—FRAME lies -STORY house, six rooms and bath and attach- ed garage; fnbl basement: 2 lots with garden. Centre Street, Seaforth. Resi- dence of late Isabelle Hester. Immediate possession. Apply McCONNELL & RAYS. Solicitorsfor Estate. 43514 FOR SALE—GOOD DRIVING MARE, reliable; either for riding or driving. Bargain. No further use for same. N. LONG, Kippen. 4351-2 FOR SALE—ON MAIN ST., HENSALL, opposite Town Hall. 7 -room frame house with three-piece bath, new furnace, TO CHOOSE- double garage. Suitable for combination dwelling and business place. Also five 'building lots in west end of town. Apply T. CHUTER, Hensall, on week -ends. 4351x2 BRUSSELS MOTORS "The Home of Better Used Cara" OPEN EVERY EVENING FINEST CARS SOLD ANYWHERE!! LOWEST POSSIBLE DOWN PAYMENT We purchase most of our Used Cars out- right. When paying cash we select only the beet, this not being the case when trading on a new car. Inside and out, our Gars are the best for finish, upholstering, low mileage and all-around condition and price on the Used Car Market. Seeing our stock will convince you! 50 DODGE.SPECIAL DE LUXE SEDAN —=Air Conditioned. Nickle-Plated Rims; low mileage: extra clean: never had a dint on it ONLY 52100.00. New price, over $2600. 50 METEOR CUSTOM COACH — Air elonditioned unit, Metallic Blue finish : on- ly 7,000 miles. Absoluetly like new. Com- pare condition and price. ONLY $1895. 50 CHEVROLET DE LUXE 6 -PASSEN- GER SEDANETTE--Equipment and car dike new: Air Foam Cushions; deck, eta Total Price $1975, or nearest offer. 49 CHEVROLET COACH --Only gone 17,000 miles: 5 tire* like new; upholster- ing and floor fioverings not Boiled or show signs of wear. try and compare this car - anywhere for condition and price. Heater included, $1750. USED ELECTRIC POP COOLER—In good condition. 61 NEW DODGE te-TON PANEL—At the old price. 46 DODGE SEDAN—Anyone would be „proud to drive this beautiful one -owner car, . with not too many miles on it. Good tires. 41185.00 or nearest offer. 47 DODGE SPECIAL COACH—Black, 5 new low --pressure tires : spotlights ; heat- er; backup light. Clean upholstering ; fin- ish dike new. Try and find one like this car for 31250, or nearest offer_ 46 CHEV. SEDAN—In fair condition. What offers! 41 FORD COACH—Original upholster- ing; newly painted. Motor overhauled - 650.00. «^ • 41 DODGE COACH—Re-finished ; good upholstering; perfect tires. 3750. 39 DODGE COACH—Excellent body: OP- holsteting and original finish. 3 FORD 'A' COACHES: 1-33 CHEV. SEDAN; 1-81 CHEV- — 5 ears for one price, $200.00, 40 DODGE fy-TON EXPRESS — New tooter, $56500. SPECIAL! NEW 1951 DODGE SEDAN 13 ILL etON OFSAFERED TO THE FIRST BARD FRITZ MOTORS nitn(%t aC fJES(,ro Zuric h, O lit Yi> t EVENMIS Tenders Wanted TENDERS WANTED TENDERS ARE INVITED BY file. Tuckersmith Township School Area Board No. 1 for the following mainten- ance work, to be done on Schools within the Area: SCHOOL S.S. 2.—Metal roof to be painted. One coat Galventex primer and one coat beet quality aluminum_ Bell tower to receive one coat exterior primer and one finish coat. Bell, one coat alum- inum. .. SCHOOL S.S. 4.—Interior to be paint- ed, including ceiling, walk, window sash, teacher's room, school entrance and stair- ways. SCHOOL S.S. 7. --Roof to be re -shingled with best quality asphalt shingles. Further particulars may be obtained, from Chairman of Board, or Secretary - Treasurer. Tenders will be closed at noon, 741, June, 1951. J. McINTOSH, W. 1'. ROBERTS, Chairman. Sec.-Treas. Tuckersmith Township School Area No. 1 4352-2 Notices LAWN MOWERS SHARPENED AND repaired. A. O'LEARY, Goderich St. East, Seeforth. 4352x4 WHITEWASHING AND CLEANING.— VICTOR HARGREAVES, Brucefield. Phone 625 r 23. 4351x6 NOTICE`—T WILL WORK GARDENS again thi a year. HARVEY MOIL WAIN_ Phone 589-W, Seaforth. 484941 NOTICE TOWNSHIP OF HAY Transient Trader's License FUR SALE -9 GOOD WEANLINGS. HENRY ENZENSBERGER, Con. 5, McKillop. Phone 839 r 25, Seaforth. 4352-1 FOR SALE—REGISTERED HEREFORD bull, 15 months old : O'Neill Bros. breed. Apply to GORDON HORNER. Phone 661 r 2, Seaforth. 4352x1 THAT ALL TRANSIENT TRADERS '4 and others, whose names have not been entered on the Assessment Roll in respect of income or business assessment for the then current year,and who offer Roods, wares and merchandise for sale e by auction, conducted by themselves, or by a licensed auctioneer or otherwise, or who offer them for sale in any other manner, shall pay a license fee to the Treasurer of the Towrukh}p of Hay before he or they can operate or sell any goods in the said Township of Hate The amount of license fee for such privilege shell be the etnm of One Hundred Dollars for each year. All rules end regulations contained In ebeeter 222. R.S.O., 1927, and amend- ments thereto referring to Transient Trades shall he deemed os part of thio Hy -Law. Rom +CAMPBELL Bia:OEE14211ihtE News Items of Hensall` and 'District Hearing Aid Clinic at Middle- service will be withdrawn in favor ton's Drug, on Tuesday, June 5. Mr. Dieite, of Rochester Hearing Aid Co., will be present to an- swer your questions and give ad- vice. Tuesday, June 5, Middleton's Drug Store, Hensall.—(Advt.). 2 FOR SALE — PLANTS: TOMATOES, Cabbage and Cualifiower; from the hot bed. Call morning or evening. WM. MURRAY, F,grnondville. Phone 664 r 4, Seaforth. 4352-3 C1 • lerk 4261-2 FOR SALE -2 -WHEEL CAR TRAILER eight feet long, with side racks, good tires and extra wheel; well made. Reas- onably priced. Apply B. BU,RDI:1'l, 63 West William St., Seaforth. 4352x1 (Continued from Page 1) port of the 37th annual meeting of the Hamilton and London Synodi- cal Society of the W.M.S. of the Presbyterian Church in Canada, held at St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church in Sarnia, which she at- tended as a delegate. Mrs. P. A. Ferguson, in a very capable man- ner, discussed the different and various funds belonging to the W. M. S., the supply, expense and al- location. Wednesday, June 21, was sented an inspiring and concise re - the date sec for the annual picnic to be held on the lawn at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Archie Mac- Gregor. Plans were discussed for the booth whioh this organization in conjunction_with the ,Ladies' Aid are operating, at the Sring Show Friday, May 25. Mrs. A. Kerslake is convener. Mrs, C. Forrest was program convener for the meeting. Luncheon was served by the hos- tess, assisted by Mrs. Bertha Moir, Mrs. L. Toberio, Mrs. J. E. MCEw- an and Mrs. C. Kennedy. FOR SALE—STRAWBERRY PLANTS; also limited quantity of raspberry anes. Apply JAMES BARRY, Egsnond- ville. Phone 668 r 15,.Seaforth. 4350x3 FOR SALE—NEW SINGER SEWING machines, electric and treadle. Re- pairs -pairs to all makes. SINGER SEWING CENTRE, 78 Ontario St, Stratford_ 42284/ FOR. SALE—GLADIOLUS BULBS, MIX - ed at 53.50 per 100 for large: 82.00 per 100 for meditm, size. Delivery charges extra. Stock limited. MURRAY E. TYNDALL, Brucefield_ Phone Clinton. 618 r 12. 4352-1 CEMENT AMERICAN CEMENT STILL IN STOCK Act now 1 Rogers & Benson' of Chiselhurst anniversary. Hensall United Church anniversary servic- es will take place Sunday, June 3. Rev, F. C. Miller, of Preston, is the guest. minister. Special music is being prepared by the choir un- der the leadership of Mr. S. G. Ronnie and Miss Greta Iammie, organist. The district annual of the Wo- men's Institutes. will be held in Elimville Tuesday, May 29, with morning and afternoon sessions. Members planning to attend and all who are going, are asked to meet at the Town Hall, Hensall, Tuesday at 9 a.m., in order that transportation may be arranged. Mr. and Mrs. A. Skidmore and little daughter, Sharon, of Toron- to, are guests with Mr. and Mrs. Sank Ronnie. Mrs, Skidmore is the former Jessie Paisley. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Lammie, Bob- by and Jean, Centralia, and Miss Amy Laramie, London, visited ov- er the week -end with Mrs. Agnes Laramie and Greta. Mr. and Mrs. Don Rigby and Donna, of Blenheim, were week- end guests with Mr. and Mrs. Stewart McQueen and Jean and with Mr. and Mrs, Jack Traquair and Ruth Ann. A reception for Mr, and Mrs. Mrs. P. A. Ferguson is teaching I Jack Clark. bridal couple, held in at S.S. 10, Tuckersmith, _relieving! the Town Hall Wednesday of last for Arthur Finlayson. who is ill. Week. was well attended. Disjar- Members of the Kippen Gun Club held a raising bee in the Commun- ity Park Monday night to raise their building„ 12x1Rx16 feet high,,. which they recently purchased from the Hensall Council. They jacked the building up Tuesday and placed timbers under it, and on Wednesday Wilson Allan mov- ed it to the field of William Kyle, of Kippen, 2';z miles north of Hen- sall, where it will be used for a clubhouse. W. R. Cooper was in charge of proceedings. The Brownies and Girl Guides, accompanied by their respective leaders, Mrs. W. Taylor and Mrs. R, Middleton, attended divine wor- ship in the United Church on Sun- day morning. Rev. A. E. Hinton, of St. Andrew's United Church, Kill - pen, the guest speaker, brought an inspiring message. The choir of- fered an anthem, "Sanctuary." Previous to this service Mr. Hin- ton conducted worship in Chisei- thurst United, Church. Mr. Hinton provided a beautiful solo, "My Song is Love Unknown." Next Sunday evening .at 7:30 the Young Peo- ple's anniversary will be featured in Chiselhurst United Church. Rev. G. Hazlewood, of Walton, will be guest speaker, and muses will be furnished by a young people's choir with Miss Jean McDonald, of Exe- ter, as guest soloist and will sing two numbers. The morning ser- vice will be withdrawn. Rev. W. J. Rogers will conduct morning service in Hensall United Church on May 27. The evening PHONE 4 " MITCHELL 4851-2 Built -In Bathtubs $55 QAVE UP TO 5100 ON YOUR BATH- "rooln alone and have a nicer home Helpful installation diagram with ship- ments_ The smart Martha Washington and Richiedge- sets complete consisting of a five-foot recessed stainless sitting ledge bathtub, most modern vitreous Basin aid Sy -lent toilet with lovely chromed fittings, 8155 to 5187. Luxurious coral, green, blue and yellow sets, $274. Attractive powder room sets. Sink cabinet units complete with chromed swing spout faucets, crumb cup strainer, stainless enamel sink and plastic tops, $98. Electric, coal, wood stoves, refrigerators, oil burners, furnaces and pipes, shower cabinets, sanitary de luxe enarnle laundry tabs.- Guaranteed satisfaction. Also special plumbers' and builders' offers. You can't afford to ig- nore these opportunities. Write or visit JOHNSON MAIL ORDER • DIVISION Streetsvil.le Hardware, STREETSVII.LF, ONTARIO. Phone 261 4351-4 Cards Of Thanks T WISH TO EXTEND MY SINCERE thanks for cards, letters and fruit, to friends and neighbors for kindness during my stay in hospital- Special thanks to doctors and nurses of Clinton Public and Victoria Hospitals, and Rev. A. Hinton. 4352x1 GORDON WREN In Memoriam McINTOSH—IN MEMORY OF JOHN McIntosh, a kind and devoted hus- band, father and grandfather, who passed away in Detroit 9 years ago, May 21st. Memories are treasures no one can steal, Death is a heartache nothing can heal; Some may forget you, now you are gone But we will •remember no matter how long. Sadly missed by Wife and Family. 4352-1 ROBINSON—IN LOVING MEMORY OF a dear wife and mother, Mrs. Thomas Robinson, who passed away May 28, 1943. Oh ! Call it not. death, it is life begun, For the waters are passed, the home is won: The ransomed spirit hath reached the shore, Where they weep and suffer and sin no more. She is safe in the Father's home above, In the place prepared by her Saviour's love, To depart from a world of sin and strife And 10 be with Jesus—yea, this is life. ---Lovingly renembered by Husband and Daughters. 4352x1 Births MORRISON—Mr, and Mra. Douglas Mor- rison are happyto announce erns gift of a daughter, ducgneline Eleanor, on May 22, 1961, at Galt General Hospital. PURCELL—At Claresholm Municipal Hos- pital. Claresholm. Alta., on April 20, to Mr. and Mm. Joseph Purcell (nee Anna Mae Bell, Reir.N.), Claresholm, Alta, a daughter—Patricia Louise. Deaths MAKINS—In Seaforth, on Friday, May 18, (Margaret Rummel, dearly beloved wife of Levi Makins, -.in her 74th year. SCOTT --in TTorwsto, an Monday, Maly 21, Robert Brute Scott,eon of the late Mr. and Mee: Robert -Scott, of Namur - hey, in his 57th year. dine's orchestra furnished music for :he dance- Mr. and Mrs. Clark were presented with a purse of money. the address being read by Clarence Dilling and the presenta- tion blade by Bob Traquair. Ross Forrest and Ken McLean arrang- ed the affair. minutes of the 1950 convention, held in Exeter, were read by Miss A, Consitt, of Hensall, recording - secretary.. The ddb'otional period was in charge of Mrs. H. Powe and Mrs. C. Down, of Exeter. Mrs. Geo. Johnston, Goderich, officiated at a very impressive memorial ser- vice for two departed tuembers, Mrs. John Passmore, Hensall, ani Mrs. Ada Walters, Goderich. Splendid reports from the super intendents of the various depart- ments were submitted. The -report (Continued on Page 5) BRUCEFIELD Mr, and Mrs. B. McKay, of Lon- don, visited friends here on Sun- day. Mr. and Mrs. J. Newland and Mrs. Ross Preston spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Orland John- ston. Mr. and Mrs. D. Skaiffe family, Clinton, visited Mr. Mrs. A. Zapfe on Sunday. Mrs. D. Herne and Mr. Cam Hen- ry, of London, anis Miss M. Stew- art, of Seaforth, spent the week- end with Mr. and Mrs. W. Henry. Mr, and Mrs- J. K. Cornish were in Stratford on Sunday. Members of the I.O.O.F. will hold their annual church parade to Brucefield United Church on Sun- day evening, May 27. Decoration services will be held in Baird's cemetery on June 10. and ane W.C.T.U. Holds Convention The- Christian Women's Temper- aneg inion of Huron County con- vened for their annual convention In the Baptist Church, Goderich, Friday last, at 2 p.m., and had as their guest speaker Rev. Dr. W. A. Beecroft. of Wingham, who ad- dressed the meeting, basing his thoughts from the theme, "Canada Temperance Act." Mr- Beecroft, in his address, told of conditions as he ]knew them in the days before prohibition, when a great many taverns were sometimes scattered about a small area. This has not 'been repeated in rural communi- ties. Under the Canada Temper- ance Act, no' licensed outlets for the sale of • liquor are permitted. Where liquor is given ee minors, the offense is made punishable by a la's contributing to juvenile ce- I,nciuency. The drinking in public places charge sometimes made asainet the C.T.A., can be answer- ed• by the right to make arrests for drunk, driving, or becoming a .public nuisance, Dr. Beecroft said. Mrs. C. Pennington, of Goderich, occupied the chair, assisted by Mrs. Doherty, of Goderich„ and Mrs. E. Geiger, of Hensall. The BRADSHAW'S GREENHOUSE We have • TOMATOES • CABBAGE$ • CAULIFLOWERS •PEPPERS • SPANISH ONIONS • VERBENAS • ZINNIAS also— • ASTERS • SNAP DRAGONS • MARIGOLDS • PANSIES • PETUNIAS • COCKSCOMBS PHONE US AT 50 Or Come and See the Plants MARKET STREET - SEAFORTH YOUTH FOR CHRIST BRINGS TWO GREAT SERVICES May 31, 8 p.m., in Wingham Presbyterian Church REV. QUINTON J. EVEREST, "Your Worship Hour" Pastor South Bend, Indiana JACK VAN IMPE, the Inimitable Accordionist, of Detroit MRS. ARNOLD KELLY, Soloist, Kincardine Sat., June 2, 8 p.m., in the Clinton High School JACK VAN IMPE, Speaker, will bring a final message before he leaves Canada for his native Belgium for missionary work. Jack will play his accordion along with other special music. Both of these men are return engagements, having been excep- tionally well received before. - DO NOT MISS THESE RALLIES! To The Citizens of Seaforth The Huron -Perth Unit of the Cancer Society at Stratford wish to express their appreciation to those in the Town of Seaforth whd 'have so - wonderfully supported our efforts this year to raise money for the Cancer Fund. - However, we note that there are still some who have not responded. to our appeal and wewould,atthis time, like to remind them that our special effort has been extended to the end of May. We feel quite certain that every citizen of the town would like to have a part in trying to ,help those who are unable to help them- selves when stricken with this disease. Therefore, we would urge yoti to forward your remittance to 23 ONTARIO STREET, STRATFORD at your earliest convenience. ay, June 7, will leave Kippen at a.m. and, will travel to Detl'oit via Windsor, as the rates are cheaper going that way. Mr. and Mrs. Alex Murray, of Waterloo, were Sunday guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Norman Dickert. Mr. and Mrs. Michael Keay and son, of Exeter, visited 'Mr. and Mrs. Staslk on Sunday. Mrs. Armstrong returned to Mrs. Cudmore's home since spending a week with her daughter and son- in-law, onin-law, Mr, and Mrs. Willocks, of Ripley. We are pleased to report Mrs. Mousseau is home and feeling some better since being a patient in Scott Memorial Hospital. Mr. and Mrs, Stewart Cudmore and son, Lorne, also Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Oke, of London, were Sun- day visitors with the former's par- WINCHELSEA The lady members of the W.M.S. and W.A. of Winchelsea attended the meeting held at the home of Mrsc Franklin Skinner, of Elimville, Wednesday afternoon. The pupils of S.S. No. 6, Win- ohelsea, held their annual musical concert at Thames Road Church Wednesday evening. Mrs. Freeman Horne and Mrs. Harry Ford attended the funeral of Mr. J. S. Smithson, of St. Thomas, on Tuesday. The 'B' Group of the W.M.S. held a fashion show in the basement of Elimville Church Friday evening, which was largely attended. Mr. R. C. Vance was in Owen Sound this week attending the con- vention of the Black Knights. Miss Margaret Walters spent the week -endrin Buffalo. The Mission Band held theiie monthly meeting at the home of Raymond and Ruth Horne on Sat- urday afternoon. A miscellaneous shower for Miss Kay Batten, of Exeter, was held at the home of Mrs. Freeman Horne Monday evening. Mr. Clarence Ford, of Kitchener, spent'the week -end with his 'par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Ford. Mr. and Mrs. Cliff Carty, of Lon- don, spent the week -end with Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Prance. Mr. and Mrs. Newton Clarke vis- ited with Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Turn- er, of Saintsbury, on Sunday. CROMARTY Sunday visitors with Mrs. Rob- ertson and John were: Mr. William Ferren and Blanche, Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Scott and Stanley, Jr., all of Sarnia, and Mrs. Margaret Chit - tick and Mr. and. Mrs. Charlie Mills and daughter, Rosetta. Mr. and Mrs. John Wallace and family and Mr, and Mrs. Ross Houghton motored to Niagara on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Coleman visited on Sunday with his father, Robert Coleman, who is a patient in a°London hospital. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Weitzman, of Niagara Falls, U.S.A., spent the week -end with her sister, Mrs. Grace Scott, and other relatives. Mrs. Duncan McKellar and Sar- ah McKellar epent the week -end in London with James Ballantyne and daughter, Janet. Bob Laing attended anniversary services at Munro on Sunday. Master Billie Ramsay is con- valescing in Scott Memorial Hos- pital, Seaforth, after an operation. Mr. Archie McKellar has pui chased a new car. Mr. Don Scott is wearing a broad smile these days, over the arrival of twin daughters. Mrs. Wm. Houghton, accompan- ied by Mrs. V. McMurtrie, of Win- nipeg, visited on Wednesday last week with Mrs. R. Dalrymple in Clinton. Mrs. McMurtrie is a niece of Mrs. Dalrymple. Kippen Church Has Anniversary Successful anniversary services were beld in St. Andrew's United Church, Kippen, Sunday, under the auspices of the Young People's Un- ion, Rev. W. J. Rogers, minister of Hensall United' Church, was the guest minister for the day, de- livering very inspiring messages. The choir, under direction of Miss Jean Ivison, for their numbers sang "How Firm a Foundation" and "Thy Kingdom Come." Mrs. R. Mock, of Hensall, in lovely voice rendered two ,selections, "Green Pastures" and ' "How Lovely Are Thy Dweliingee at the morning ser- vice. At the evening service tlbe male quartette from Hensall, com- posed of S. G. Ronnie, R. Mock, J. HarrisonJ o and Row li ffe ran C g three selections, unaccompanied, "Joy Bells," "Wandering Child, Come Home" and "Abide With Me." These %numbers were well re- ceived and much enjoyed. Bas- kets of spring flowers adorned the church. Mrs. Robert McGregor and Miss Ethel Wilson, of Brucefield, will spend the week -end in Detroit, the guests of Mt. and Mri2. Wellitlgton Wilson. The bus chartered by Itlppen Eas Women's I Stitute for Thurs- YOUR PRESENT Life Insurance WHAT WOULD IT BUY? Your present Life Insurance was designed to help replace your earning power if you should die. Would it keep your family in relative com- fort, in spite of 100 per cent increase in food costs, and with living costs in general so much higher than in 1939? ASK ABOUT THE, "LIFE PREFERRED" PLAN It's a policy designed for the family man who has day-to-day demands on his income and a home and future to make se- cure. ERIC MUNROE North American Life Phone 394-M : Seaforth C ents, Mr, and 5allnuel Gndr. more. We are haPP7" to -Vernet Mr., Go1F- don Wren} is house, ,again a114 pro greasing favogably n Ivan Wren visited his Parents over the week -end. The farmers in the surrounding district are smiling since the shower we had last. Sunday night Mr. and Mrs. Dowson spent at day in Goderich recently. 4' Several of the Kippen peOPle at" tended the graduation day at Cen- tralia last Friday. PHILCO 912—THE VALUE SENSATION OF 1951 Yes, up to 2 cu. ft. of extra space, plus today's newest design and features—yet priced no higher than other smaller refrigerators. It's the biggest value anywhigre —the new Philco 912. See it now at our store. DALY MOTORS Seaforth, Ont. Phone 102 eswerler+ r Beat the Heat! Don't let the heat get you down, Be prepared for it. Check this list—then come to TUDOR'S and get outfitted for Summer: • Shorts • Halters • T -Shirts • Jeans • Ankle Sox • Dresses • Gowns • Pyjamas • • Strapless Bras. • Sun Bras. • Garter Belts • Nylon Girdles Be Sure to See the Kiddies' Jeans and Sho 2-6`X TUDOR'S PHONE 70 HENSALL Ladies' - Wear Dry Goods Massey - Harris NEW and IJSED MACHINES 1 55 G.S. Tractor 1 102 Junior Tractor 1 81 Standard Tractor 70 Oliver R.C. Tractor 1 M. -H. 44 Demonstrator Tractor 1,'Model H International Tractor Model W.C. Allis-Chalmers Tractor Used 3rFurrow Narrow Bottom Plow 1 M. -H. Pony Tractor with Cultivator ° 1 60 Oliver Row Crop and 4 -Row Cultivator A Few New Tractor and Horse Spreaders USED CARS 1950 CHEV. 5 -PASSENGER COUPE 1950 CHEV. COACH 1939 DODGE COACH 1936 CHEV. SEDAN 1946 3 -TON FLAT RACK 1945 11A TON WITH STAKE RACK 1949 3/4 -TON FARGO PICK=UP, with Rack SEAFORTH MOTORS Massey -Harris Sales & Service PHONE 141 SEAFORTH a 34? •s. ' 1 4 f • 1