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can, Editor
'shed atSjeaforth, Ontario, ev-
Ursday afternoon by McLean
in . taxation on the Huron side as a
• /'exult of equalized assessment was
one factor. The ratepayers chose to
ignore, however, the almost certain
increasewhich will follow in Lamb -
ton when equalization is completed
there. They ignored, too, the relati''e
financial standing of the two coun-
ties. Difficulties experienced in re-
cent years in the enforcement of two
different liquor acts is also said to
have been reflected in the vote.
Whatever the reasons, the decision
has been made. Grand Bend can now
get down to business and as a self-
governing municipality, plan for the
expansion which undoubtedly will
come to one of the most pleasant and
popular summer resorts on Lake
ember of Canadian
eekly Newspapers
Subscription rates, $2.00 a year in
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Advertising rates on application.
Authorized as Second Class Mail
Post Office Department, Ottawa
$EAFORTH, Friday, May 25, 1951
!. 4.T,0. Pilots Graduate
Huron County residents may take
justifiable pride in the fact that the
first graduation ceremony of pilots
trained under North Atlantic Treaty
Organization arrangements took
dace ' Friday at R.C.A.F. Station,
Centralia. The ceremony was a prac-
tical demonstration of the extent to
which member countries of N.A.T.O.
are co-operating in order that collec-
tively they may be prepared to resist
any effort on the part of aggressor
nations to alter the democratic way
pf life which each holds so dear.
Rich in color, the impressive cere-
mony saw pilots from France, Italy,
Belgium, Holland, Norway and Can-
ada receive their wings from Air
Marshall W. A. Curtis, chief of the
Air Staff of the Royal Canadian Air.
Force. Also participating in the
ceremonies were Hon. Brooke Clax-
ton, Canada's Minister of National
Defence, and Ambassadors of the
countries represented in the graduat-
ing class.
As Mr. Claxton pointed out when
he addressed the students, it is just
ever a year ago that he, on behalf of
Canada, offered to train pilots and
navigators for the partners in the
North Atlantic Treaty Organization.
Under Group Captain W. F. N.
Newson, the Commanding Officer of
R.C.A.F. Station, Centralia, the stu-
dents for many months have under-
gone a rigorous course of training.
In the process the difficulties raised
by the differences in race and lang-
uage were overcome, and the cere-
mony on Friday was proof of the suc-
cess of the undertaking.
That Huron .County residents,
probably to an extent greater than
those in many other sections of Can-
ada, are air force conscious was ap-
parent by the large attendance at
the graduation ceremonies. During
the war years four R.C.A.F. units,
located within the county, made a
major contribution to the allied vic-
tory. The citizens of the district felt
they, through their co-operation and
interest in the Air Force, had a part
in that contribution. They were
proud of their associations with hun-
dreds upon hundreds of air force
personnel, who for varying periods
were stationed within the County.
They took a personal pride too, in the
achievements of individual airmen
from Huron schools who distinguish-
ed themselves in battle. They felt a
sense of personal loss when some of
those same airmen made the supreme
Now that Canada, together with
her allies, is again preparing her
forces to resist aggression, there will
be an increasing interest in the work
being accomplished at R.C.A.F. units
within Huron County. Huron: knows
that the R.C.A.F. is doing a job of
which all Canada is proud.
Grand Bend Chooses Lambton
The citizens of the new Village of
Grand Bend have decided to join •
Lambton County rather than Huron
County. While Huron residents will
regret the choice, they will neverthe-
less extend every good wish for the
future growth and success of the new
village. Grand Bend, instead of be -
one of the family of Huron mun-
icipalities, becomes a neighbor, and
a . neighbor its progress will be
`watched with kindly interest by the
towns, villages and townships :of
he' cause's underlying the Grand
end ..ecigion- to ally itself with
i' ton. Were deep rooted, Increase
What Other Papers Say:
Talking To the Tide
(Vancouver Sun)
A visiting chiropodist from New
York has been telling Vancouver col-
leagues about the evil of high' heels
and nylon stockings.
High heels, he says, are dyna-
mite." They cause fallen arches,
corns and ingrown toenails and some-
times deform the foot.
Nylon stockings don't absorb per-
spiration. They cause the skin 'to
All this enlightens the chiropodists
and doubtless is good for their in-
But do you suppose it will result
in the sale of high heels --or nylon
stockings being diminished by a sin-
gle pair? Of course it won't.
This wise man from the East mere-
ly puts himself in the distinguished
company of the Danish Canute who
rebuked the tide, and the owner of
the "voice crying in the wilderness."
What a thankless job is reform!
When the Circus Came • to
Town --A Day to Remember
Ontario's Failing Water Supply
(The Ottawa Citizen)
The people of Ontario no more ex-
pect their lands to become desert
than did those who once flourished
where the North African sands now
shimmer in the sun. Yet facts like
the evidence cited in Maclean's Mag-
azine recently by Fred Dodsworth
prove that the water table under Old
Ontario has been sinking at an
alarming rate. Tree cutting, swamp
drainage, and bad farming methods -
have resulted in the swift run-off and
the washing away of much good soil.
When studied in the spring of 1942,
for example, the small Dumber Riv-
er was spilling half of a heavy rain-
fall into Lake Ontario within twelve
hours, taking with it 2,700 tons of
earth every hour. Over much of the
province, the mileage of permanent
streams is only a third or less of its
former length. According to the re-
port of a legislative committee on
conservation in 1949, "farmers com-
plain that wells are going dry, and
many cities are finding it difficult to
secure water." Some districts find
that crops are poorer than they were
a generation ago.
To reverse these trends; conserva-
tion authorities have been establish-
ed in fourteen watersheds since 1946.
The minister of planning and devel-
opment, Mr. William Griesinger, re-
ported in a radio address early this
week that the province is paying 75
per 'cent of the cost of flood control
measures in several Iocalities. The
federal government is helping to fin-
ance dams and reservoirs on the
Grand and the Thames. The Ganar-
aska Authority is concentrating on
reforestation. But shortages of ma-
terials now threaten projects like the
Conestoga dam, while flood control
on the South Nation seems to be de-
layed by an inter -governmental dis-
pute over the division of costs.
" When these works have all been
completed, however, much will re-
main to be done. Germany, an old
country,' still has 27 per cent of its
land in forests. The percentage in
Southern Ontario is less than 10, and
in many counties less than five. To •
save the soil, many more farmers
will have to establish permanent sod
pastures on steep slopes and adopt
contour plowing' to let the water soak
in. Only reforestation on a wide scale
can restore an adequate forest Cover
within the next hundred „years.
(Byi Frances $tockwell Lovell, in The Christian Science Monitor)
Forty years ago a circus was a
circus. Forty years ago 'circus day
began at the crack of dawn and
didn't stop until the big tents be-
gan to come down after the even -
',ng show.
We always knew, weeks before,
that the circus was coming to town
because we watched the men in
the funny wagon, slapping paste on
bills that pictured beautiful lady
bareback riders and snarling lions.
If they put them on your barn, you
got free tickets to the Big Show.
We didn't have any barn to offer
because we only rented it along
with the house; and besides, they
didn't put circus bills on barns in
town. So we had to begin plan-
ning as soon as the first poster
went up outside the livery stable
door when we could already hear
the rumble of the long train of
wagons through the night.
We were so enthralled for weeks
ahead that the only thing which
kept our feet on the ground was
the need for earning some money
so we could sit on the hard edge
of a plank in the rush seat section
on the Big Day!
There were four of us besides
the baby—who didn't count—and
we knew there was no chance of
our seeing the trapeze artists• and
the dancing ponies unless we got
to work. So we scoured the neigh-
borhood like unwelcome leeches
until someone, to get rid of us, let
us cut their fawn or clean out their
shed. Being a girl, I was supposed
to ask for genteel' things like dust-
ing and baby tending only I had
all of both right at home that I
cared about.
Father said that if we were so
energetic we could just as well
clean out our own barn as do a
good turn for all the neighbors who
certainly never cleaned out his
barn for him! But we went on
strike until he said that he would
pay us.
We made a nice pile of trash in
the back yard, ready for the junk
man, but father discovered his fish-
ing creel in it and ,his good shovel
and his bait pail, which he thought
were lost or lent to the neighbors.
So he made us put it all back again
until he could look it over. Mother
said she would rather eat salt cod-
fish for a week and dish out the
money to us than have the whole
Place upset.
Eddie counted his mQ,ney the
night before circus day. He found
that it wouldn't include any pea-
nuts or crackerjack. So, as com-
pensation, mother said he could
get up early and go down and
watch the circus. unload. Father
said well then, he would have to
go along too to see that Eddie
didn't get into trouble. I said that
I ought to go along too because mortal and I looked for him every
Father would forget to come home
and get to work on time. I was year.
twelve and very responsible. I knew too, that Mr. Barnum
Father set the alarm clock so we started the first circus that ever
could sneak out before daylight, was and called it Barnum's Great
and we all ran down the hill and l Asiatic Caravan Museum and Men -
up the long, dark street, still half agerie and, that the first parade
asleep, to the $ig Field. It was consisted of ten elephants harness -
funny to see so many people all
hurrying the same way, practical-
ly in the dead of night! The men
were all like Father; they had ,to
see that their children didn't get
trampled by the elephants or gob-
bled up by the tigers.
On one such occasion a man ask-
ed Eddie if he would like to earn
a free ticket, and he said, sure,
oh boy, did he! Before Father could
say a word Eddie had disappeared,
because he thought that even
fathers couldn't argue with a cir-
cus man! Eddie lugged water all
day for elephants and ponies and
zebras and they sneaked .him in
under the back flap of the Big Tint
but he didn't see much on. account
of the people's legs. Ile never . of-
fered to work again, and Father
said that some folks have- to learn
Sizings the hard way.
There was always the parade at
11 o'clock, no matter how sleepy
we were, and we went down to
the Methodist Church corner to
see it. The parade was always late
and everyone was getting obstrep-
erous by the time the first tootling
of the steam calliope was heard.
Parades were always the same yet
always different, whether it was
Walter L. Main, Sells Floto, or
Barnum and Bailey --which didn't
often bother with our Little whistle
stop. Always there were the ele-
phants swinging along trunk to
tail, the lovely lady bareback rid-
ers, and the clowns, on foot and
mule -back, dodging foolishly in and
out of the crowd, to the terror and
ecstasy of us children.
Once, a circus folded up right in
our town: Ward's Great London
Show, which wasn't so great that
it could stand a lot of rainy
weather and pay its trapeze art-
ists and animal keepers too. They
had an auction, and for years
there was a lovely gilded cage in
town, which local parades used ev-
en if it only carried the poultry
show wthich you might say com-
prised "birds in a gilded cage."
After the parade it was a mad
rush to get the children ready for
the Big Show at two o'clock, and
father always stayed home flom
the office like all the other fathers
because he had to take us; and
we found that after all, we could
afford a wooden plank ---which of
course wasn't the grandstand but
Left us money for popcorn and a
box of crackerjack wthich never.
held the pair of silk stockings that
the vendor pulled out of his own
These kept us quiet until the fan-
fare of the Grand Entrance, when
the plumed horses stepped deli-
cately around the ring to the mus-
ic. Sometimes it was a three-ring
circus, sometimes only two, and
only one if it was something like
the John Gentry Dog and Pony
Show or Buffalo Bill or Pawnee
Bill or the 101 Ranch.
I always hoped that Mr. Bar-
nuh would come to your town with
General 'Tom Thunab.; I had -read
about the Little General, born
Charles E. Stratton, whom Phineas
T. Barnum exploited all over Eng-
land and Europe before Queen Vic-
toria and the Prince of Wales and
the Duke of Wellington and the
King of Spain! Mother said that
that was long ago, but it seemed
to me that he must be sort of Ina
ed in pairs to a chariot on Broad-
way. I had read about Tom
Thumb's marrying the lovely mid-
get Lavinia Warren and living
happily ever after even if he did
almost have to fight another mid-
get for her hand—which was very
romantic. I knew all about his
tiny ponies and his coach, but I
never saw them although the cir-
cus came to town every summer.
Mother said that I was born 50
years too late . . . I only know
that 40 years ago circuses were
something! Today they are only
a memory.
Higher Feeding Value From
Timothy Hay
To get the •highest feeding value
from timothy hay, the crop must
be cut at the stage when the first
blooms appear. Protein feeds are
expensive, so it is logical to cut
hay before the protein content of
the leaves and stems is lowered in
the natural process of ripening.
Studies made at the Forage
Crops Division, Central Experiment
Farm, Ottawa, of the protein con-
tent of timothy at different stages
of maturity, show that the protein
content of the bay drops rapidly
after the first blooms appear, says
W. R. Childers.
In studying the changes that
take place in plants chemists find
that the cell walls of the tissues
become hardened by the produc-
tion of an insoluble lignin (fibre)
substance asthe plants become
more mature. These lignin sub-
stances provide strength to tae
stems but they lower the nutrition-
al value of the plants for feed.
Where timothy is grown for hay
it is usually sown in a mixture
with red clover. Here again, it
pays to cut early! It has been
shown that there is an increase in
the size of undigested bits of plant
tissue in the feces of sheep, as
the maturity of the red clover
plants advanced from an early
vegetative stage to a stage where
the heads become brown.
Mr. Childers points out that
many people are guilty of waiting
to cut hay until that bottom grass
grows—just a little more, Don't
waste protein feedby late cutting
this summer, it's the quality of
hay that fills the milk cans.
Check the Cutting Bar
Many people. spend countless
hours top-dressthg, rolling, fertiliz-
ing, watering 'iind weeding their
garden . lawn, and then; in half -an -
hour with a lawn mower undo much
of the good by cutting the grass
too short. Most Iawns are fully
exposed to the sun,. and the :,horter
hp grass the more the roots will
be burnt by its scorching summer
rays; the more quickly the mois-
oilture in the soil will dry out; and
the more easily will weeds en-
The cutting bar of the lawn
mower should never be set lower
than 11/e to 2 inches from the
ground—except for creeping bent
grasses which are seldom used for
garden lawns. Frequent cutting is
preferable and then the 6-lippiug&
can be left on the lawn where they
will be a good source of rich nutri-
ent. If the mowing is infrequent
and the grass long, the clippings
should be removed., because they
smother the grass, roots and cause
dead patches in the lawn.
Merely sprinkling the lawn with
water won't do much good except
to encourage the shallow -rooted
weeds. Watering should be con-
tinued until the soil is thoroughly
moistened to a depth of four inch-
es. A good soaking once a week is
better than a light sprinkling ev-
ery other, night.
Legume Inoculation
Through the air over every acre
of land contains tons of nitrogen
it is of no" use to most plants. But
this nitrogen can be utilized by
legumes properly inoculated with a
certain soil bacteria.- called rhizo-
bia. Legumes have the ability to
live co-operatively with rhizobia
which cause the formation of no-
dules on the plant's root system,
says F. D. Cook, Soil Research
Laboratory, Swift Current, Sask.
The conversion o tmospheric nit-
rogen to a for r adlly, used by
the legume 10 carr ed out in these
nodules. Thus, leguminous plants
have an advantage over other
(Continued ort page 8)
Where are you going to,
my pretty maid?
I'm going a -milking, sir,
she said.
And what will you do with
the milk you take?
We'll pasteurize it for
safety's sake.
Dept. of National Health and Weifore
Years Agone
Interesting Items Picked From
The Huron Expositor of Twen-
ty-five and Fifty Years Ago.
From The Huron Expositor
May 31, 1901
Mr. C. R. Banks, of Galt. intro-
duced what was quit^ a novelty in
Hensall one evening last week by
riding into the village in company
with his friend, Mr. Gemmell, of
Tuckersmith, on a motorcycle,
which has a speed of 25 miles an
hour. The machine is a very hand-
some one, costing $250, and was
procured in Buffalo.
Mr. D. R. Landsborough, Tuckir-
smith, has passed his final exam-
inations with honors at Trinity
Medical College, Toronto; Mr. W.
M. Elliott, son of Wm. Elliott, town
clerk, has also passed.
Miss Kirkwood, classical teacher
in the Collegiate Institute, has
been appointed an examiner in
connection with the departmental
On Monday afternoon last about
half past one, the alarm of fire was
sounded in Zurich. The fire was
located in the flax mill barn along-
side the agricultural grounds. It
was a mass of flames in .no time,
and was completely destroyed.
The survey steamer, Bayfield, is
surveying the east shore of Lake
Huron with headquarters at Gode-
Mr. S. F. Church, a Bayfield boy,
has been appointed to an import-
ant position in Knox College, To-
Mr. Roy, of Belgrave, has been
engaged to make cheese at the
Walton Union Factory for the com-
ing season.
Mr. W. Rogerson, of, Tucker -
smith, had his barn jacked up Last
week and will put a stone founda-
tion under it.
Mr. I. V. Fear, druggist of this
town, recently offered a prize to
the person who could write on a
post card the greatest number of
times, "I. V. Fear sells pure drugs."
The prize was won by Miss Alice
Walker, of Roxboro, who wrote the
sentence 2,800 times, and had each
sentence numbered.
While on their way to Seaforth
Thursday night, the circus employ-
ees held a scirmage on the train,
when`one negro shot another. The
wounded man was sent to Strat-
ford, where he died.
Seen in the County Papers
Breaks Leg Bone in Play
Heather Morris, 2 -year-old daugh-
ter of Mr. and Mrs. Earl Morris,
Sebringville, cracked the large
bone in the lower part of her leg
while playing, necessitating the
application of a cast which will
have to be on for six weeks.—Mit.
shell Advocate.
Chosen For Banff Trip
Kenneth Wood, Clinton District
Collegiate Institute student, and
son of Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Wood,
Hullett Township, has been chos-
en by the Cadet Training Officer
for Western Ontario to attend the
National Cadet Camp at Banff dur-
ing the summer months. Ken was
one of 16 boys from Western On-
tario high schools chosen to at-
tend the camp.—Blyth Standard.
Principal Going To Whitby
Returning to the town of Whit-
by where he spent his first year
of high school teaching, W. I. Car-
roll, who is retiring from the prin-
cipalship of Mitchell District High
School in June, will take the posi-
tion of science teacher on the On-
tario Ladies' College staff in Sep-
tember. The good wishes of his
host of friends will go with him to
the eastern town in which he and
his family will take up residence.
—Mitchell Advocate.
From The Huron Expositor
- May 28, 1925
Mr. M. McKellar, of town, has
purchased the residence of Henry
Edge, on Goderich St. West, and
Mr. J. G. Grieve, 'McKillop, has pur-
chased Mr. McKellar's cottage on
Jarvis St.
The contract for putting up the
concrete work in connection with
the new sheds to be built on the
Lutheran Church ground, Zurich,
has been awarded to Alex Foster,
and it is expected that work will
start this week.
On Monday afternoon the Cana-
adian Girls in Training of Egmond-
ville went on a hike to McLeall's
bridge, Tuckersmith. After an
hour of softball the regular meet-
ing was held, with Laura McMillan
presiding. After a walk through
the woods, lunch was enjoyed.
Mr. D. H. Engel, of Zurich, hos
purchased the premises occupied
by ,him as a garage from Mr. ,T.
Hey, Jr.
A number of ladies .from Hen-
sall had an unpleasant experience
on Tuesday when the closed car in
which they were driving ran into
a ditch a short distance west of
Zurich, and upset. They had to
break ,their way out by cutting a
hole In the top. None were ser-
iously injured.
Mrs. Fred Hess, of Hensall,
while going about her house doing
her work, had the misfortune to
trip on a rug and hurt her knee
very badly, and will be laid up for
some time. Is1rs. Harry Smith, al-
so of Hensall, had the misfortune
to injure her arm severely.
Mr. Orville Twitchell, Hensall,
who recently returned home from
Seaforth ,Memorial Hospital, suf-
fered a relapse and; is confined to
Mr. R. H. Sproat and Mr. J, E.
Willie were in Elmira this week on
Rev. Andrew Boa, of Hensall,
left for Stratford this week where
he will attend Conference, which
is •being held there, and ,where he
will be ordained this coming Sun-
The Young ,People's Society of
Egmondville met Monday evening
under the leadership of Miss Sadie
Howatt. Her topic was "The Am-
bitious IMe," and it was both in•
teresting and instructive.
Cadets Strut For Inspection
On Thursday afternoon of last
week the annual cadet inspection
was held in the gymnasium at Ex-
eter District High School. Captain
J. A. Carson, inspecting officer
from London, complimented the
added a great deal to the hilarious
affair. A lively sing -Song and =lai-
cal contest followed, Just before
refreshments were served, Mr. c.
Pepper spoke words of presenta-
tion on behalf of the forum, while -
Mr. K. Horner presented the gift,.
an electric iron. The groom very
fittingly voiced words of apprecia
tion to the group. The enjoyable
evening closed with "For They Are
Jolly Good Fellows" and "God Save.
the King."—Zurich Herald.
Town Sells Building Lot
Meeting on Monday evening the
town council opened tenders for
the purchase of a lot immediately
south of the built-up area on Jos-
ephine Street. The lot which is
situated on the east side of the
street, was sold to Hartley Smith:
on condition that a building be
erected within one year. No gaso-
line is to be sold from the proper-
ty. A repair bill amounting to
$33.96 for damage to Albert Rin-
toul's residence was ordered paid.
The damage was caused during the
felling of a tree by town employ-
ees. Gordon McGregor was grant-
ed an increase of $150 per year
for hauling of garbage to the dump,
since the dumping ground is now
farther from town. Plans for the
proposed mausoleum at the ceme-
tery were also considered' at this
meeting. — Wingham Advance -
Lodges Attend Service
The members of Clinton Lodge
I.0.O.F. No. 83 and Huronic Re-
bekah Lodge. No. 306, augmented
by visitors from Goderich, Strat-
ford, Brucefield and other sur -
cadets and bugle band on their ex- rounding points, and headed by
cellent showing. Awards were pre noble Brands of each lodge, 3, E.
sented to Eleanor Brown as the Dale and Mrs. Edith Johnston, par-
best girl cadet; Neil Wildfong as aded to 'Wesley - Willis United
the best Grade IX cadet, and Bill Church for the evening service on
Yungblut as best Grade X cadet. Sunday. C. O. Martin, represent -
We congratulate them for their Ing the Order, assisted the minis -
splendid efforts and good success.'
—Zurich Herald.
Wins Safety Award
ter, Rev. Hugh C. Wilson, by read-
ing the Scripture lesson. The Par-
able of the Good Samaritan was
the subject of Rev. Mr. Wilson's,
For driving a Bell Telephone sermon. Special music provided by
motor vehicle one year without an the choir, with Mrs. M. R. Rennie;.
accident, C. L. Besnier, of Exeter, of Seaforth, at the organ, and Mr:
was one of nearly 950 company Rennie leading, included an an
workers to receive a safe driving them, "Sun Of My Soul," with Mrs.
award for 1950 from the Ontario W M. Nediger and Robert N. Ir -
Safety League. The award' con- win taking the solo parts; a, male
sists of a button inscribed with the chorus, and a violin and organ:
number of years of safe driving duet played at the offertory by A.
and a certificate. Of the grand to- R. Pers and Mrs. Rennie.—Clinr
tal of some 950 awards, six were ton News Record.
for 18 consecutive years' driving
of a Bell vehicle without an acci-
dent of any kind, and one for 17
years.—Exeter Times -Advocate.
I.O.O.F. Holds District Meeting
The annual meeting of District
No. 9, I.O.O.F., was held Wednes-
day last in Maitland Lodge rooms.
Delegateswere present from Wrox-
eter, Blyth, Brussels, Teeswater
and Wingham- The officers elected
for incoming term are: D.D.G.M.,
Harold Jacklin, Brussels; District
Warden, Carman Thompson, Tees -
water; District Secretary -Treasur-
er, W. H. Haney, Wingham, who
has 'held office since 1936. P. G.
Williamson, Brussels, presented
the retiring D.D.G.M., E. S. Lewis,
with a P.D.D.G.M. jewel and com-
plimented him on his work during
his term of office.—Wingham Ad-
vance -Times.
Couple Honored
The Unique Farm Forum met at
the home of Mr. and Mrs, C. Schade
last Friday evening in honor of
the newly-weds, Mr. and Mrs. Ell-
wood Truemner• The highlight of
the evening was a mock wedding.
The gaudy and humorous costumes
A Smile Or Two
Observations by radio star: "The
human brain is a wonderful. thing.
It' starts working the moment you:
are born, and never stops until you.
stand up to speak in public."
The waitress watched as the C1.15 -
tomer put eight spoonfuls of 'sugar
in his cup of coffee and proceeded
to drink it without stirring it first.
"Why don't you stir it?" shiet
The customer regarded her cold-
ly and said, "Who likes it sweet?"'
It was after the opera. The ex-,
pensively dressed woman approach-
ed the broad -shouldered man. "Ifet
am not mistaken," she said, "I
have the honor of speaking to the
renowned bass, have I not?"
He felt flattered'. "And what
can I do for you, madam?"
"I can't find my car," she" an-
swered pleasantly. "Would you be
so kind as to call out 'Charlie' at
the top of your voice?"
By Jimmy Rae
World Copyright Reserved
4—A narcotic
7—Three (prefix)
8—Drive back
10—Nucleus (prefix)
15—Constricting snake
16—Wild. Nepaul sheep
19—Short clay pipe
22 -Concord
25—Due as a debt
26—Plea of absence
277 --'Prevent
31 ---Oil of orange
37—Plural of ovum
38—Be of one mind
41—Prink (colloq.)
42—Kind of fobt
45—Inner court (Sp.)
46 --Longer than
9 --To tell
53 —Printer's errors
57--Bric-a brae
58 --.Small bed.
1—Japanese emperor
2—Sunk in mud
3-01d woman
4-011 (comb. form,)
5—iufantry (abbr.)
7 --Country (Asia)
9—Stockade (N.Z.)
13—Be of opinion
18—Species of willow
20—Time allowed for
•21—Choicest ,part
28 --Piddle
20—Kingdom b
32—Trap for eels
33—Sage-like plant
36—Arabian gazelle
39—Dynamo's rotating
43—Agent's officer
44—Rough diamond
48—CCo mand
50—Eery one
51—Agriculture (abbr.)/
4—A narcotic
7—Three (prefix)
8—Drive back
10—Nucleus (prefix)
15—Constricting snake
16—Wild. Nepaul sheep
19—Short clay pipe
22 -Concord
25—Due as a debt
26—Plea of absence
277 --'Prevent
31 ---Oil of orange
37—Plural of ovum
38—Be of one mind
41—Prink (colloq.)
42—Kind of fobt
45—Inner court (Sp.)
46 --Longer than
9 --To tell
53 —Printer's errors
57--Bric-a brae
58 --.Small bed.
1—Japanese emperor
2—Sunk in mud
3-01d woman
4-011 (comb. form,)
5—iufantry (abbr.)
7 --Country (Asia)
9—Stockade (N.Z.)
13—Be of opinion
18—Species of willow
20—Time allowed for
•21—Choicest ,part
28 --Piddle
20—Kingdom b
32—Trap for eels
33—Sage-like plant
36—Arabian gazelle
39—Dynamo's rotating
43—Agent's officer
44—Rough diamond
48—CCo mand
50—Eery one
51—Agriculture (abbr.)/