HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1951-05-18, Page 7ti+ 1�. tiG riegeeeedete CHAPTER VII Synepain John Saxon, private investi- gator, and his pardner Moe, were hired by J. T. Smith to guard hene Smith, whose hus- band was murdered. Irene was suffering from amnesia. Kay, daughter of Irene, took John- ny across the bay to see her uncle, J. T. Smith, who explain- ed to Johnny that he wanted the murder solved and Irene protected. On the return trip, someone with a silenced rifle fired at them. They dove ov- evboard and managed to reach shore without being bit by the would-be killer. Steve, a guard, found them and aided Johnny in returning the boat and hunting for the trespass- ers. "Who's Nicky Walker?" "A close friend od Nancy's. Mother's sister never married." She smiled a little. She had beau- tiful eyes, but they were troubled: "Maybe I'll see you later." "I hope so," said Johnny. He stood there looking at the door as it closed behind her. He thought she was a lovely, intelligent girl. Downstairs a few minutes later, he entered upon a curious scene taking place in the library. Moe Martin sat cross-legged on the floor in front of one of the high wall bookcases. Beside him was piled a great stack of papers, fold- ers and books. Moe's round bald spot glistened with perspiration in the light from a table lamp almost above him. - A big curly -headed men was re- moving more books and papers from a wall case and passing them down to Moe Martin. Johnny judg- ed the man was in his forties. He wore white flannels and a fancy sports jacket. A briar pipe was stuck into the side of his mouth. Moe was saying, "Well, we'll keep looking. You never can tell." The big fellow mopped his neck with a handkerchief. He had thick black hair. "It'll take hours. Be- sides, I think we're only wasting time." He handed Johnny's partner some more books and papers. "Hello`" said Johnny, coming in- to the room. Moe looked around, .grunted as he climbed to his feet. He intro- duced his partner to the big man with the pipe. "This is Nick Walker," he in- formed Johnny. "He raises hors- es." Nick Walker smiled. "Hunters," he explained. "I have a stock farm Your Business Directory MEDICAL DR. M. W. STAPLETON Physician and Surgeon Phone 90 Seaforth JOHN C. GODDARD, M.D. Physician and Surgeon Phone 110 Hensel! JOHN A. GORWILL, B.A., M.D. Physician and Surgeon IN DR. H. H. ROSS' OFFICE Phones: Office 5-W; Rea 5-J Seaforth SEAFORTII CLINIC E. A. MCMASTER,. B.A., M.D. Internist P. L. BRADY, M.D. Surgeon Otlsee Hours: 1 p.m. to 5 p.m., daily. except Wednesday and Sun- day. umday. EVENINGS: Tuesday, Thursday Mid Saturday only, 7-9 p.m. Appointments made in advance are desirable. DR. F. J. R. FORSTER 53 Waterloo St. South, Stratford Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat Graduate in Medicine, University of Toronto. Late assistant New York Opthal- mei and Aural Institute, Moore - field's Eye and Golden Square Throat Hospital, London, Eng. At COMMERCIAL HOTEL, Seaforth, third Wednesday in every month, from 2 to 4:30 p.m. CHIROPRACTIC D. H. McINNES Chiropractic - Foot Correction COMMERCIAL HOTEL Monday, Thursday - 1 to 8 p.m. ACCOUNTING RONALD G. MnCANN Public Accountant CLINTON - ONTARIO Office: Phones: Royal Bank Office 561, Res. 455 VETERINARY J. O. TURNBULL, D.V.M., V.S. W. R. BRYANS, D.V.M., V.S. Main Street - Seaforth PHONE 105 THE McKILLOP MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE CO'Y. HEAD OFFICE-SEAFORTH, Ont. OFFICERS: President - E. J. Trewartha, Clinton Vice -Pres. - J. L. Malone, Seaforth Manager and Sec.-Treas. - M. A. Reid, Seaforth. DIRECTORS:. E. J. Trewartha, Clinton; J. L, Malone, Seaforth; S. W. Whit- more, Seaforth; Chris. Leonhardt, Bornholm; Robert Archibald, Sea - forth; John H. McEwing, Blyth; Prank McGregor, Clinton; Wm. S. Alexander, Walton; Harvey Fuller, Goderlch. AGENTS: J. E. Pepper, Brucefi.eld; R. F. 14lcKercher, Dublin; George A. Watt, Blyth; J. F. Prueter, Brod- bagen; Selwyn Baker, Brussels, C.N.R. TIME TABLE GOING EAST (Morning) Ooderieh (leave) seatore. Strafford (arrive) A.M. 5.40 6.20 7.16 (Afternoon) P.M. 0oderilh (leave) 8.00 Beaforth 8.46 Stratford (arrive) 4.40 GOING WEST (Morning) A.M. Stratford (leave) 10.45 Seaforth 11.86 Goderldh (arrive) 12.20 (Afternoon) P:alr. Stratterd (leave) 983 9iedrforth 1 y11111 � .,.0y�,y Oadettleh (arrive) ........., . 1.Y.AIA LEGAL A. W. SILLERY Barrister, Solicitor, Etc. Phones: Office 173, Residence 781 SEAFORTH - ONTARIO MCCONNELL & HAYS Barristers, Solicitors, Etc. PATRICK D. McCONNELL H. GLENN HAYS, K.C. County Crown Attorney SEAFORTH, ONT. - Telephone 174 MUSIC TEACHER STANLEY J. SMITH, A.T.C.M. Teacher of PIANO, THEORY, VOICE TRUMPET Supervisor of School Music Phone 332-M - Seaforth 4319-52 OPTOMETRIST JOHN E. LONGSTAFF Optometrist Eyes examined. Glasses fitted. Phone 791 MAIN ST. - SEAFORTH Hours: 9 - 6 Wed. 9-12.30; Sat. 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. AUCTIONEERS PERCY C. WRIGHT Licensed Auctioneer, Cromarty Purebred, Farm and Household sales a specialty. For a better auction sale, call the WRIGHT Auctioneer. Phone Hensall, 690 r 22. --EDWARD W. ELLIOTT Licensed Auctioneer Correspondence promptly answer- ed. Immediate arrangements can be made for sale dates by phoning 203, Clinton. Charges moderate and satisfaction guaranteed. JOSEPH L. RYAN Specialist in farm stock and im- plements and household effects. Satisfaction guaranteed. Licensed in Huron and Perth Counties. For particulars and open dates, write or phone JOSEPH L. RYAN, R. R. 1, Dublin. Phone 40'r 5, Dublin. 4217x52 HAROLD JACKSON Specialist in Farm and House- hold Sales. Licensed in Huron and Perth Counties. Prices reasonable; sat- isfaction guaranteed. For information, etc., write- or phone HAROLD JACKSON, 661 r 14, Seaforth; R.R. 4, Seaforth. SURGE MILKERS DAIRY MAID Hot Water Heaters J. B. HIGGINS PHONE 56 r 2 : BAYFIELD Authorized Surge Service Dealer Seaforth Monument Works T. PRYDE & SON 'Memorial Craftsmen Seaforth Exeter Clinton Seaforth >dhowroems Open Tuesday See Dr. Harburn for appoint• Meat any Other time, or Phone 414 IG>retet. notfar from here." He and Joker ny shook haade. Thee male's grip was firm and powerful. He had an easy-going .manner. Johnny decided he was the type of Long Islander who was wealthy enoegih not to worry about working for a living. Johnny wish- ed ished he had enough money so he could own an estate and raise hunters. • "We're looking for that .manu- script whieh Irene was supposed to be writing," he said. "Irene has been questioned a dozen times, of course, but she has no idea what we're tacking about." Momentarily the smile had left his face. Johnny asked, "By the way, where is she? Kay said . . "Outside on the terrace." Nick Walker motioned toward one of the doorways across the "wide room: "It was so hot. Nancy's with her." Johnny nodded. He looked down at the pile of stuff on the floor. "Find anything?" Moe shook his head. "I can't un- derstand it. That manuscript ought to be here." Determination came into his worried -looking eyes. "I'll find it if I have to go throtigh ev- ery bookcase in this library." He waved his hand, indicating the many ceiling -high cases, and his arms sort of stopped in midair. "Can you imagine buying all these books?" he asked in amazement. "That just goes to show that any author has a chance." "Let's not get started on that," said- Johnny. He saw Nick Walker smile. "My friend is interested in struggling writers," he e)(plained for the big man's benefit. "So I understand. We've been having quite a talk_ But as I was telling Moe, I don't think he is going to find any manuscript. In act, I don't think there even is one." _ Johnny was standing in front of the high shelves, casually riffling the pages of a book he had re- moved. He replaced the book and looked questioningly at Walker. "I mean," said the man, "she never said anything to me about writing a novel. It wage probably some drivel she was scribbling and which she later threw away. Oth- erwise, why isn't it around?" " Johnny decided not to go into detailed explanation about various writers' habits, and why many of them were touchy about parading their wares for all to see. Nick Walker didn't look like the type who would understand sensitive, temperamental people. "Perhaps you're right" Johnny agreed. He saw Moe give him a startled and worried look. Moe Martin had sat down on the rug again and, was pouring through more material. "Have you known her long?" Johnny asked. "Long? Ten years!' That's how long I've been going with her sis- ter, Nancy." His big face spread in a pleasant grin. "Ten yearsand she still hasn't married' me. But you can't discourage me." Across the room the outer screen door at one of the floor - length windows had opened noise- lessly on well-oiled hinges and a slim, tall woman had started to come into the room. Shaded lights in the big room made it impossible for Johnny to see her face clearly before she turned and stood there in the door- way, looking outside, apparently doing something to her eyes Johnny guessed the woman in the doorway was Nancy, Irene Smith's unmarried sister. Nick Walker had- not seen her. He was occupied helping Moe Martin. The woman was stili standing there motionless, her .back to them. "I'd rather drive any time," Walker rambled on. "I'm not much for boats. I guess I just missed you." "What way did you come?" John- ny ohnny asked. "Along 25-A. That's the only road from Northport." Moe Martin had momentarily, paused in his close examination of some papers and was looking up at Johnny Saxon. He seemed' on the verge et' saying something, but for some reason was waiting. Nick Walker put his pipe in an ash tray on the table. He had seen the woman standing with her back to them in the doorway. "Just a minute," he said. He moved across the long room. Johnny saw that Moe Martin was still watching him. His stocky SOLUTION TO BOXWORD PUZZLE ACROSS DOWN 1. Pawns 1. Parole 4. Gusto 2. Whist 7. Tea 3. Stool 8. Tempo 4. Gobi 10. Rhino 5. Sot 1L Bethel 6. Owe 15. Ego 7. Tress 16. Ossein 9. Mis 18. Little 12. Engage 22. Girba 13. Harem 23. Stem 14. Learn 25. Rumba 17. Serape 26. Pinta 18. Elmer 27. Gamin 20. Impact 30. Boa 2L Tango 31. Parcel 24. Table 34. Closet 28. Alcove 37. Cue 29. Items 38. Delta 32. Attach 40. Taboo 33. Cabin 41. Manna 35. Lamest 42. Vast 36. Sinai 45. Noble 38. Dined 46. Cancel 39. Libel 49. Slight 43. Alight 52. Ism 44. Timid 53, Dilate 47. Atlas 56: Ling 48. Chile 57. V1tanda 50. Lewd 58. Had 51. Gun 50, Lurid 54. fit 60. Sv eet 55. Alii eN ie+FiY+dii4 ehree The "School On Wheels" has been home and place of employment for Fred Sloman for the past 23 years. The Railway provides the car and moves it along the line. Books are set aside and a full scale railroading project is organized. Interesting games which add to the pupils' general knowledge and en- courage them to think out problems for themselves are features of the classes. Interest is high and attendance regular. Geometry and other subjects parallel the standard studies that other pupils take in the educational program of the Department of Edu- cation for the Province of Ontario. The car brings education to out-of- the-way places along the C.N.R. in Northern Ontario. A piece of panelling conceals a series of discs, which can be rotated to spell out names, or add and subtract figures. The word -builder helps to give a different presentation of the spelling lessons, and is one of many original ideas which have helped the children to learn. Mre. Sloman takes an active part in the work of the rolling schoolhouse, in which ample space is provided for both study and for recreational and educational games. Many original ideas devel- oped by the Slomans have been installed since the car was inaugurated in 1927. School on Wheels (From the Canadian National Magazine, March, 1951) Fred J. Sloman, a native of Clinton, and well known in this district, is one of the pio- neers of the school car. He has been in charge of the one at Capreol for many years, and in addition to his school work, has done some free-lance writ- Ing in his spare time. tJp North, along the line of the old National Transcontinental, the stations are pretty far apart. and the population per square mile isn't very big. But there are some very import- ant Canadians living there, import- ant because they are the ones who are opening andkeeping open the Northland that hold's Canada's fu- ture. To get education to the children of these hardy Northerners is quite a problem. By right of their being Canadians, they are entitled to the same opportunities to ac- quire learning as their fellow -citi- zens in the more densely populat- ed areas of the country, but it is manifestly impossible to build schoolhouses and maintain teach- ing staffs at each little hamlet or village, and circumstancesmake it very difficult to transport the youngsters to the schools, the nearest of which might well be a hundred miles from where they live. The Ontario educational authori- ties decided that .11 the children couldn't be brought to school, then they would bring the school to the children, and the school cars, de- veloped with the co-operation of the railways,provided the answer. Rolling educational institutions, embodying the best of teaching methods in restricted space, they give the kiddies in the scattered settlements the start 'toward an education that they might not oth- erwise get. Pupils continue their studies at home when the car moves along after spending an av- erage of one week with them. These photographs, chosen from a seriesdone a few months ago by Staff Photographer Ken Hand, show better than a million words how Schoolmaster Fred Sloman Fire towers are a feature oP the country through which the school car travels. Their importance is emphasized through the use of models,' the tube and plants are part of the lesson. Spin the top and learn your numbers at the same time. It's all fun and helps to keep up interest. The car is full of ingenious devices to make learning pleasant. and Mrs. Sloman, who live and Fred Sloman aids Eugene Late ndresse to spell out "Anstice," work in their travelling school- station where he lives. Word buil ding on the board gives Gene house, bring learning and wisdom lief from text -book spelling, and he -follows his teacher with keen to the remote places in the North terest. Gene is the son of the section foreman at Anstice. country. - the re. • in - partner got quickly to his feet as big Nick Walker went across the room. "I met Kay as she name back to the house," Moe said quickly, his voice 'still low-pitched. "She didn't want anyone to know." Moe shrugged. "I dunno. So t haven't said anything. She said somebody who must have used a car took some shots at you from the shore-" "Someone who was very handy with a silenced rifle," admitted .fohnny, with a rueful grin. Then suddenly, Nancy and. Wal- ker had left the doorway and - were coming across the wide room. Johnny had removed a cigarette from a pack and was reaching for a match. He looked across the room and smiled. His manner was relaxed and casual when he made the proper introductions. He .held the woman's arm through• his in a somewhat possessive manner, and he tried to be jovial. "I'm so glad you're here," Nancy said. Johnny could tell that she had been crying. "Mr.• Saxon, my sister keeps referring to you as someone . named Bart. Have you any idea whom she means?" Johnny shook his. head. "I wish I did." "Bart must be a popular fellow," Nick Walker said brightly.. The comment fell flat. Nancy did not smile. England was her Iast name, Johnny learned. That was the maiden name of Irene Smith, But unlike Irene, Nancy was dark-haired and her eyes were a serious gray. Her hair "was comb- ed back flat, and glistened. Her features seemed to have no ex- pression when she spoke; they were serene, and her skin was very white against the dark background of her hair. Moe said, "Is Irene out there alone?" "She's all right," Nancy told him. "It's a little cooler out- side." "Think I'll get a little air," said Moe, strolling toward one of the doorways. He cast a glance at Johnny Saxon. His expression said that he was not going to Leave Irene Smith out there alone. "Where's the nurse?" asked Johnny. "Isn't She with Irene?" Nancy shook her head. "Karen needis a little time to .herself. That's why I'm staying here for a few days, to help out with Irene. It's horrible, though, trying to talk to her. She doesn't even know who I am." "Karen's with Doctor Clark . Bob Clark," Walker explained for Johnny's benefit. "They're taking a stroll." "Doctor Clark?" Johnny put out his cigarette in a tray. It was the first time'he'd beard the name. "Bob's on the staff of the Gov- ernment hospital just the other side of Northport. Swell guy. -He drops over here once in a while." "He's 'not the family doctor, then?" "Oh, no," said big Nick Walker. "Though he is interested in Irene's ease, I guess he used to know Irene end Martin before . . . the accident." Johnny's' eyes watched Nancy's [d4J1Yi'4um•..S.1iNnlij,�d'+ro�l�i face as• the man made the remark. The woman had sat down in a chair near them and idly picked up one of the books Moe Martin had, been examining in his hope- less quest for the missing manu- script. Tlits expression of her eyesi said that her thoughts had drawn up sharply, for an instant; she was not looking at the book at all, but was absorbed in Nick Walker's statement. That look that swept briefly through her eyes puzzled •Johnny Saxon. Nick Walker picked' up his pipe and started toward the hallway. "Meanwhile, fill fix some drinks. This is the butler's night off. What we need are some Singapore Slings." And chuckling loudly,. the big man disappeared. "Mr. Saxon . . Nan.6y was standing up. Her features looked ivory -white in the subdued light of the room. If BACKACHE is HoldingYou Back It's Dodd's You May Need! When your kidneys ad up and backache follows -get and use Dodd's Kidney Pills, the 50 -year-old Canadian remedy. Dodd's Kidney Pills quickly and safely help restore your kidneys to normal action -help relieve backache and that "tired-all=the-6me" feeling by treating the kidneys. Ask any druggist for Dodo's Kidney Pills, look for the blue box *rah the red band, 156 Dockis Kidney Pills ___ ner it Johnny paused a moment. "Yes?" He wished her face weren't so masklike. It was un- pleasant to talk to a woman who 'did not try to be attractive and expressive. Nancy went on. "You'll probab- ly hear some things about Martin . Irene's husband." "I mean, you will bear that he was . . . well, not thoughtful of Irene ... that he was living a life that she did not suspect. Some- one's bound to telt you these things." He remembered Kay's remarks this afternoon. He wondered if this woman bad something speci- fic to tell him. "An investigator is told lots of things. If I believ- ed everything I heard-" "Don't believe what you hear about Martin." Her voice had ris- en slightly. There was something unnatural about her eyes. "He was a fine man, I don't care what they say! He did everything in the world for his family." GUARANTEED TRUST CERTIFICATES 31-4 % INTEREST !w Attractive Short-T'ersaa Legal ihrrsetnaent 'ii4nollpal and Interest Pally Guaranteed CROWN TRUST COMPANY �a L Hughes, Manager, 284 Modes St, London HEAD OFFICE..: TDICO:N`1'O Ometarile Iiranehes at Loudest, Satanitord and;liebdilint Applications «eeeivekl Theiatigia Your Local Agent ieir qtr „t,a�le,er.=+•.,afh:i,.N.,r .a.�.it'�x.l,.��lFth !a;