HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1951-05-18, Page 54
18, 1951
I4ee 76.8, 'Id, Morris 76.00I. SOWie
Grade 10 P.D.-•-:Mac Bolton 841,
the one and only boy e^ith hon.ora.
Having mentioned honors, we
will go a little further. Mr. Plum:
steel suggested that I leave this
till shortly before exams to give
some encouragement to Upper
School. From 1932 to 1950, students
from the' schools of Huron County
have won Carter Scholarships as
follows: Goderich 18, Seaforth 12,
Wingham 10,.. -Clinton 8, Exeter 2-
1932, none; 1933, no record; 1934,
Winnifred Savauge, 2nd; 1935
none; 1936, Dorothy Golding, 3rd;
1937, none; 1938, John G. Mills, 1st,
Jean McDonald, 2nd; 1939, Aldie
Eckert, 2nd; 1940, none; 1941, Ter-
esa McIver, 2nd; 1942, none; 1943,
Winnifred Russell, 1st; Wilma Hay,
3rd; 1944, no record; 1945, Donald
Stevenson, 1st; 1946, none; 1947,
none; 1948, Jean Mills, 2nd; 1949,
Jahn Wallace, 2nd; 1950, Robert
MacLennan, 1st.
Surely with a record like this,
you can't let us down. How about
This Week At the Seaforth High School
Without a doubt, last Friday af-
• ternoon was by far the moat en.*
joyable time spent by many stud-
-ants for a long while. Even if you
used to have a dislike for poetry,
I am sure you have changed many
of your viewpoints after hearing
Mr. Wilson Macdonald, the famous
Canadian poet. We were quite for-
tunate to have Mr. Macdonald
speak to us, as he is very busy
touring about giving lectures.
Everyone , sat with rapt atten-
ttertion listening to the "Song of the
.Ski," but after that most of the
•selections were so amusing that
•'the students found it had to keep
:still. Mr. Macdonald's witty re -
Three -Act Comedy
"11 Poor
,Married Man
in Seaforth Community
8:15 p.m.
by Shakespeare W. I.
Dancing Afterwards
Admission - 50c and 25c
Sponsored by Seaforth W, I.
marks and expressive gestures
made his leoiure the most enjoy-
able one ever experienced by high
school pupils. The Frenchman's
version of a ball game was hilar-
ious beyond words.
The Grade 12 girls enjoyed a
slight- variation in health period,
when Miss Reid, the public health
nurse, demonstrated the correct
method for bathing a small baby
Of course it would be very imprac-
tical to have a real baby, so a dol
was used, and a "waterless" bath
followed. It even surprised the
group with a cry of protest when
it was turned over.
Here's a fine list of honor pupils
from Grade X: M. Chamberlain
88.3, N. Nott 88.3, B. Boyd 86.4, E
_Martin 82.2, G. Christie 81.7, H
Slavin 81.0, J. Siemon 80.4, R. Pull
nian 80.3, B. Finnigan 80.3, M.
Laudenbaah 78.3, J. Brown 77.0, L.
Community Centre
Admission 50c
Linder auspices of
Seaforth Agricultural
Also Dancing Every Other
Friday Night
® Designed from the start for both
row crops and hay, this machine
makes the most of your tractor
power. As shown it chops and
loads green hay, cured hay, com-
bined straw. With row -crop unit
it cuts, chops and loads 12 to 16
tons an hour of silage corn. Come
in - get full information.
Rowcliffe Motors
Phone 147 Seaforth, Ont,
.Most important Paint Advancement in 25 years
New Fume -Proof, Sun -Proof House Paint
produces a film of unusual whiteness.
"It will not discolor or darken from coal smoke or industrial gases:
It's self-cleaning, too -removes surface dirt.
Years of extensive exposure tests under many types of climate
conditions, from strong sunlight and salt air to heavy industrial
fume areas, have proved the superiority of this new formula over
ordinary house paint.
Come in and ask us about new Fume -Proof,
Sun -Proof House Pant.
Crown Hardware
- Phone 797 ,Seaforth;
Weddi▪ ngs
Thomas - Lemon
St. Adian's Chapel, St. Paul's
Cathedral, London, was the setting
for a pretty spring wedding on Sat-
urday, May 12, at 2 .p.m., when
Donna Margaret Lemon, of Toron-
to, and Wesley Thomas, of London,
exchanged marriage vows. Rev,
Charles Brown officiated, for ,the
ceremony. The bride is the daugh-
ter of Mr. and Mrs, Howard. Lem-
on, of Varna, and the groom the
son of Mr. and Mrs. 11. Thomas, of
London. For her wedding the bride
chose a rust suit with navy acces-
sories, with a corsage of Amel•ica4r
Beajity roses. Miss Betty Smale,
of London,' attended the bride,
wearing a pale blue suit with ac-
cessories in navy. Her corsage was
Talisman roses. Harry Roelofsen,
of London, was groomsman. Fol-
lowing the ceremony t.h.e bridal
party motored to the home of the
bride's parents at Varna, where a
reception was held for 60 guests
from Toronto. London and Hen-
sall. The bridal table, centred the
three-tier wedding cake and spring
flowers completed the decorations.
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas will reside in
Dalton - McClure
A quiet wedding took place on
Saturday, May 12, in First Presby-
terian Church, Seaforth, when
Mavis Lillian, daughter of William
McClure, Seaforth, and the late
Mrs. McClure, became the bride of
Percy- Foster, son of Mr. and. Mrs.
Carl Dalton, Walton. The bride
was lovely in a street -length dress
of blue lace, white accessories and
a corsage of ret(' carnations and
roses. Her only attendant. was Miss
Elsie Storey, cousin of the bride,
who was gowned in a dress of pink
lace, white accessorries and wore a
corsage of white carnations. Mr.
Walter McClure was the grooms-
man. Following the ceremony din-
ner was served to the immediate
families at the home of the bride's
sister, Mrs. Robert Dalton, by Joan
Wheatley, Fern Dexter and Eleanor
Storey. The happy couple left amid
showers of confetti and good wish-
es on a trip to northern points,
the bride travelling in a navy
dress trimmed with white, and a
navy coat. On their return they
will reside on the groom's farm in
Baker - Dayman
At Metropolitan United Church,
London, Saturday, May 12, the Rev.
Anne P. Graham solemnized' the
marriage of Ida Elizabeth, daugh-
ter of Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Day -
man• Kippen, and Frank Thomas
Baker, son of Mr. and Mrs. Leo
Baker; Lambeth. A' white satin
prie-dieu was banked with tall
baskets of gladioli. palms, ferns
and cathedral tapers. T. C. Chattoe
played the wedding music, and
Clark Wilson was soloist. Given in
marriage by her rather, the bride
wore a gown of ivory brocaded sat-
in with fitted bodice, softly folded
revers accenting the neckline and
flared skirt forming a slight train.
Her finger-tip veil was caught to a
beaded headdress, and she carried
a hand bouquet of Better Time ros-
es and Stephanotis. The bride's
sister, Mrs. Elgin Johnston, as
matron of honor, wore a lilac gown
in similar style, ankle -length, with.
matching headdress and mittens.
She carried Queen' Elizabeth roses.
Jack Baker, of Lambeth, was his
brother's groomsman, and Elgin
Johnston, London, and Keith Bak-
er, Lambeth, ushered. Receiving at
the Cobblestone Inn, the bride's
mother wore gray figured crepe
with cherry accessories and cor-
sage of Happy Day roses. The
groom's. mother assisted in navy
blue with matching accessories and
corsage of red roses. Leaving for
their wedding trip to New York,
the bride wore a two -niece ensem-
ble of green tweed with gold and
tan accessories and corsage of
orchids. Mr. and Mrs. Baker will
reside on R.R. 10, London.
Hinz - Thornton
A pretty wedding tools place on
Saturday in St. Patrick's Church,
Dublin, when Katherine Louise
Thornton, daughter of Mrs. Cath-
erine Kenny, Dublin, and the late
Frank Kenny, became the bride of
Mr. Ernest Alvin Hinz, son of Mr.
and Mrs. John Hinz, Monkton. The
altars were decorated with flowers.
Rev. J. B. Ffoulkes sang the nup-
tial masa and performed the cere-
mony. Mrs. Wm. Lane presided at
the organ, and the soloist., Miss
Dorothy Kistner, niece of the bride
sang, "Ave Maria" at the Offertory
and "On This Day, 0 Beautiful
Mother," at the -signing of the reg-
ister. The bride, given in marriage
by her brother, Mr. John Kenny,
Detroit, wore a floor length gown
of blush pink nylon over satin
with high neckline and gathered
skirt with double insert of lace.
Her shoulder -length veil was held
by a headdress of 'pink flowers.
She wore elbow glove9. la match-
ing shade, and carried a' white
1motbeit-o4 pearl prayer book topped
With act or 14d troll, Which • fel,
white .Patin 1treamera The brides*
maid, Miss Tbereaa Kistner, Poor
lin, niece of the bride, wore a ;oOr
length gown, e1 pale blue nylon!
over satin with headdress and el-
bow gloves in matching shade, and
carried a nosegay of spring flow-
ers and maiden hair fern. The best
man was Ivan Hinz, Monkton, a
brother of the bridegroom, and the
ushers were Mr. John Kenny, De-
troit, and Mr. Frank Kintner, Dub-
lin, nephews, of the bride. The wed-
ding dinner took place at the Roy-
al Hotel, Mitchell. The dining -
room and table were decorated in
pink and white and there was a
three -tiered wedding cake. The
Chryco Micronic Oil Filters re-
tain / more dirt per square
inch of filtering than ordinary
filters; remove harmful abra-
sives down to the size of a mic-
ron (.00039 of an inch); provide
571 sq. in. of filtering surface,
(conventional types provide 69
sq. in.). Save money! Insist on
Chryco for longer engine life!
'Chryco is a trade -mark of the
Chrysler Corporation of Canada,
Rowcliffe Motors
It's Servel
When you've looked at
o t h e r makes you'll
agree with the millions
of Servel owners who
know from experience,
"It's the freezing sys-
tem that counts."
SERVEL - and only
Servel - freezes with
no moving parts. There
is no motor to wear ...
no machinery to cause
noise. That's why Servel
stays silent, lasts long-
In addition, SERVEL
• Long life design
• 90 -second quick-
change interior
• Ten -Year Guarantee
Funeral and
Ambulance Service
Res. 595-W or 18
Store 43
br 4404other received the greats
wearing a navy crepe dress and
eprsag t,: of pink carnations, asaiat-
(Oda byt the •bridegroom's Mother
wSaritig dusky rose crepe with eor-
sage of white carnations. In the
afternoon the wedding party mot-
otored to the home of the bride's
sister,. Mrs. Charles Kistner, where
a buffet luncheon was served, and
the bride and bridegroom received
many gifts from relatives and
friends. For travelling, the bride
donned a midnight blue taffeta
dress with gray shortie coat and,
navy accessories. After a honey-
moon in Detroit, Niagara Fails and
eastern centres, Mr. and Mrs. Hinz
will reside on the bridegroom's
farm at Monkton. Guests were pre-
sent from Detroit, Kitchener, Sea -
forth, Monkton and Brodhagen.
Before her marriage the bride was
entertained by her sister-in-law at
Seaforth, where she received many
gifts of china and linen. Mrs. Clay-
ton Looby, Dublin, also sponsored
• shower, when neighbors present-
ed an end table.
Mr. and 'Mrs. J. J. Holland an-
nounce the engagement of their
daughter, Mary Lenore, to Mr. John
Donald Heard, son of Mr. and Mrs.
Homer Heard, of Hamilton, the
marriage to take place in St.
Peter's Cathedral, Ldndon, May 26,
at 10 a.m.
Personals: Mr. and Mrs. Gerald
Feeney, Kitchener, with his par-
ents, Mr. and Mrs. Mac Feeney;
Mrs. Dan Costello and Dorothy
Anne in London; Joseph Costello,
Kitchener, with his parents, Mr.
and Mrs, Dan Costello; Mr. and
Mrs. Frank Krauskopf, Tillsonburg,
with his mother, Mrs. Catherine
Krauskopf; Mr. and Mts. William
Curtin and Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Cur-
tin and family in Niagara Falls;
John Morrison, Toronto, with his
parents, Mr, and Mrs. Jas. Morri-
son; Mr, and Mrs. Jerome Nichol-
son, London, with her parents, Mr.
and Mrs. Jas. Krausltopr; Mr. and
Mrs. Peter Groski, London, with
Mr. and Mrs. Dan Costello; Gordon
Costello, Hensall, with his parents,
Mr. and Mrs. lostello; Miss
Dorothy Kistner, nurse -in -training
at. St. Mary's Hospital. Kitchener,
with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. C.
Kistner, and, attended the Hinz -
Thornton wedding here Saturday;
Mr. and Mrs. John Kennyi Detroit,
with Mr. incl 'Mrs. Chas. Kistner;
Leo Krauskopi', London, with his
brothers and sister here.
The engagement is announced of
Vera Grace, youngest daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. John Jackson, Unity,
Sask., to Aubrey Jahn, only son of
Mr. and Mrs. John McNichol, of
Blyth, Ont., the marriage to take
place the latter part of May.
Mr. and Mrs. Wes. Fisher and
Miss Viola Fisher, of Fullarton,
and Mr. and Mrs. 'Mulholland and
baby, of Ellice, were Sunday visi-
tors at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
Harry Regele.
W,'e are sorry to report that Mrs.
Henry Welt.ersen is confined to her
bed with an attack of pleurisy.
Miss Grace Jackson is at present
staying with her sister, Mrs. Nor-
man Eggert.
Mr. and Mrs. Irwin Rock, Dianne
and Paul recently visited Mr. and
Mrs. Alvin Schellenberg at Mit-
Reelv, R. S. Lederman preached
his farewell sermon in the Evan-
gelical Church here on Sunday. He
based his sermon on the 103rd
Psalm. Mrs. i9lnrer Koehler sang a
solo, "My Mother's Prayers." At
the close of the service Rev. Led-
erman was presented with a maga-
zine rack. Mr. Irvin Rock read the
address and Mr. Laverne Joegy
made the presentation. Rev. Led-'
erman made a suitable replay. Rev.
and Mrs. Lederman and baby are
moving to his new charge at
Bridege.port. Rev. Brox, of Seb-
ringville. is the new minister.
Mr. and Mrs. D. M, Secord, of
Glencoe, Ont., wish to announce
the engagement of their daughter,
Elaine Grace, to John Gordon Kin•s-
FRIDAY, MAY 18th, 7:30 p.m.
EARL HEYWOOD-R.C.A. Recording Artist
- ON -
Dancing from 10 'til 1
Admission 50c
Everyone Welcome
You Can't
Afford To
Miss This
Of Misses' & Women's Coats& Sui
Friday, Saturday - May 17 to 19
12 only Coats
in navy, black,
green, wine, Por-
al and brown
Shortie Coats, to
wear all through
the Summer. A
big bar- 1 ei
gain at.. mull"
About 20 Coats
worth up to .50.00.
AlI the newest
shades and
weaves, smartly
styled by Can-
ada's best maI-
ers. Our best and
newest 2950
Coats at..
Spring Coats
Greatly Reduced
These new coats sold regu-
larly up to 42.50. The size
range includes 111/2 to 261/2
in fine quality wool coatings
in navy, red, beige, green,
grey and royal. 20 Coats
Reduced to.clear at r-■+l5�
Every higher priced coat
in the store goes into this
group. Most of them sold at
59.95. They include belted
models and full backs in bet-
ter grade coatings, in beige,
grey, powder, red and navy.
A real bargain! 39r 50
To clear at
Values To 59.95
O very best Suits, none re-
4,erved, \in all -woo?, gabardine,
flannel, worsteds and Englislht
suiting. A good choice of col.
3 9 ■5Q
While they last a7
Smart Spring Suits
Stewart Bros.
man, son of Mr. and Mrs. Earl
Kinsman, Kippen, Ont., the mar-
riage to take Place Saturday, May
26, at 6:30 p.m. in Burns' Presby-
terian Church, Mosa.
Mother's Day was observed in St.
Andrew's United Church, Kippen,
Sunday morning. Pupils of the
Sunda.y School occupied the front.
pews in the church. Rev. A. E
Hinton, minister of the church, de-
livered a very fine discourse ap-
propriate for the occasion; an all -
mother's choir sang an anthem;
five young girls, composer( of Bon-
nie Kyle, Elaine Bell, Ann Sin-
clair. Lois MacLellan and Marie
Sinclair, sang "My Mother's Bible."
Poems were given by Sharon Mc-
Bride and Marie Jarrott, while the
offering was taken, by Mrs. J. Don-
aldson and Mrs. Robert McBride.
Rev, Hinton presented Mrs. Robt.
McBride with a lovely plant, as
she had the honor of being the
oldest mother present. Mrs. J. Sin-
clair expressed thanks to the min-
ister for the gift of a pair of love-
ly fern stands made by himself,
and a gift to the church.
Mr, Jonah Green celebrated his
Public School
This week the school is a bee-
hive of activity. Open House being
this Friday night, May 18, We hope
that everyone will be present. We
are busy preparing our program
for the evening entertainment.
We are glad that Mr. Sims is
now back at school and is feeling
much better.
While Mr. Eastman is away,
Mrs. MacDonald has taken his
Next week, or the week after,
Mr. Sims is going to pick the boys'
and girls' baseball teams. Then
we will play the surrounding
Glen Checks, Pick and Picks,
(Pil•Wool Suitings in a grand
choice of colors. These are a
super bargain. No q �, 95
footin'. SALE PRICE,. i ■
>51h birthday '•on Sunday. His
daughter, Mrs. 130v -rt Beaton, and
Mr. Heat 031. of Goder!ch, ,t broth-
er and skier-in-I;tw. Mr. x11(1 Mrs.
Green. of Grand Pend. Mr. an.si
Mrs. Wesley Green. or Milchen,
and Mr. and Mrs. .huhu' Baker, of
Grand Bend, were :111 present.
Mr. and Mrs. Norman Smith and
Mr, and Mrs. Keith Smith called
on Mr. and Mrs, John L. Henden.
n on Sunday last.
Mr. and Mrs. Tom Hill, of Luo-
un. visited Mr. and Mrs. Norman
Lanz nn Sunday- evening.
Mrs. Alice Cook and Mrs. Pat
Curran. of London. spent Sunday!
with Mrs. MoCly-mont.
Massey Harris
1 10' Cultivator
1 55 G.S. Tractor
1 used 15 -Run Drill
1 102 Junior Tractor
1 M. -H. Pony Tractor
1 81 Standard Trador
70 Oliver R.C. Tractor
1 32 -plate Disc Harrow
1 Model H International Tractor
Model W.C. Allis-Chalmers Tractor
Used 3 -Furrow Narrow Bottom Plow
1 60 Oliver Row Crop and 4 -Row Cultivator
1 Allis-Chalmers "G" Cultivator, Mower
. and Plow
Massey -Harris Sales & Service
a lit