HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1951-05-11, Page 4al lassified Ads. 1 -Classified Ads Inserted At New Low Cash Rates: FOR SALE, WANTED, LOST AND FOUND, ETC.—Per Word: 1st week 1 Cent 2nd week % Cent 3rd week Cent Mlniwum charge, first insertion25 Cents Each figure, initial and abbreviation counts es one word. Cards of Than®. Ln Memoriam Notices, Coming Event» --1 amt Per wogd. Minimum, 60 cents per week.. Enquiries may be direoted to a Box No.. c/o The Huron Ex oe3tm. Los 10 cents extra. Ten cants additional will be charged .43 a4B in above class ere not paid within 10 days of date of anal insertion. Births. Marriages and Deaths inserted fres of chazg auction Sales, Notices to Creditors, Etc.—,Batas on applraittca1. • Coming Events DON'T MISS THE BIG FRIDAY NIGHT Denote at the Crystal Palace, Mit- chell. You will enjoy dancing at this Popular Ballroom. Dancing 9 :30 to 4 49x2 2:80. Help Wanted WANTFID-WAITREU SS FOR RESTAR- ant. Apply to Box 16, HURON EX- POSITOR. 43503.1 Poultry PULLETS FOR SALE --4, 6 AND 8 weeks. Reasonable chBr'ge. AL L 69-R. Hensall. Property For Sale FOR SALE-7-ROO151 BRICK HOUSE. all modern conveniences; hardwood floors throughont Apply E. D. CROWE. James St Phone 376. For Rent FOR RENT—OFFICE SPACE 1N THE Dominion Bank Building. Apply to the Manages. 4349-41 FOR RENT—GOOD GARDEN ON GOD- erich St PHONE 185, Seaforth. 4350-1 Auto Supplies FOR USED PARTS FOR ALL MAKES of cams, see MERRILL DUNLOP. Phone 164-M. Seaforth. 4348x4 Motor Cars For Sale GOOD USED CARS Cars 36 FORD SEDAN 37 FORD SEDAN 38 FORD COACH 49 MONARCH COACH 35 OHEV, COACH 40 PLYMOUTH COACH 40 PONTIAC SEDAN Trucks 49 FORD 1-Tbet EXPRESS 48 CHEV. 2 -TON 32 -TON THAMES VAN Tractors it 41. 0 ME MT,YRON EXPOSITOR • News Items of Hensall and District Hensall Pupils Present Conceit 42 COCKSBU F 70 43 COCKSHUTT 70 47 COCKSHUTT 70 with Power Lift and Row -Crop Cultivator 41 FORD 47 FORD 49 FORD DALY MOTORS FORD -MONARCH SALES & SERVICE A delightful concert was presenlr ed in the auditorium of the United Church Friday evening by the pup- ils of Hensall public school who took part in the Huron County Music Festival, held at Goderich recently. J. F. Blackwell, principal of the school, was chairman; 'S. G. Rannie, music supervisor, ac- companied o-companied at the piano, and Miss Greta Lammie, church organist, was at the organ console for the opening and closing exercises and during the taking up of the offer- ing. The program featured chorus- es by the pupil:. piano solos by Carol Brown, Bobby Mickle, Beth Goddard, Rod. Ferguson, Charles Mickie, Gwen Spencer, Dwayne Tinney, Marilyn Mousseau and Maja Rtwbol; piano duet, Jane Horton and Catherine Anderson; vocal solos, Jerry McCiinchey, Dianne Rannie, Jean Henderson, Marjorie Donaldson, Rod. Fergu- son. Mary Ann Vanhorne, Sharon Smillie, Mary Ann Rannie, Bob Lavery; vocal duet. Dianne and Mary Ann Rannie; a double trio composed of Mary Ann Rannie, Joan Koehler. Marilyn Mousseau, Mary Ann Vanhorne, Jean Hender- son and Gladys Moir sang "0 Wor- ship the King." unaccompanied. Also included on the program were selections by Grades 1. 2 and 3, and two-part choruses. The pupils did remarkably well and are to be congratulated upon the splendid manner in which they acquitted themselves. FOR RENT—GOOD SIX -ROOM BRICK CrT0N. DE LUXE IIELAIR HARD - house. Dublin: 4/5 acre land. $25.00 51 TOPPED CONVERTIBLE — Two- month. PHONE 3-0360. Brantford. tone in color, air conditioning, nus - 4350 -1 tom radio. extra FOR RENT — 2 -ROOM APARTMENT, partly furnished; suitable for couple Apply to Box 1S, HURON EXPOSITOR. 4350x1 Notices LAWN MOWERS SHARPENED AND repaired. A. O'LEARY, Goderich St East Sbaforth. - 4348x4 NOTICE -1 WILL WORK GARDENS agate iyear. HARVEY IL Mc WAIN. 11'th s hone 569-W. Seaforth. 4349-tf NOTICE--W1L.L THE PERSON WHO took the wheel orf the mower at Regiera Piggery. please return same. 4350-1 NOTICE --ASHES, CANS AND BUB- bage of all kinds removed promptly and reasonably. H \BOLD MALONEY. Phone 217-J. Please call at noon hour or evenings. 4342x10 WE ARE AGENTS FOR MELBOURNE Seed & Nursery Co.. New Mel- bourne. Nfld. Orden; taken on all lines of seeds. PURCELL FLOWER GAR- DENS. Phone 145-R, Seaforth. 434813 For Sale FOR SALE -12 PIGS. SIX WEEKS old. Apply to PAT MURRAY. Phone 855 r 13. Seaforth. 4350x1 eeOR SALE ---BOY'S 3 -PIECE LIGHT brown suit size 10:.like new. PHONE 2.80. 4350-1 VOR SALE—QUANTITY OF COB CORN. Apply to MOORE'S POULTRY FARM Phone 666 r 3, Seaforth. 4340-tf FOR SALE -33 CHUNKS. APPLY "TO ,LACK McIVER. St. Calumban. Phone 22 r 13. Dublin. 4350-1 FOR SALE—SOLID WALNUT 3 -LEAF extension dining -mom . 'sb:e. round atvie. ' 513.00. .Apply MRS. FRANK PHILLIPS. Phone 359. 4350-1 e.,,OR SALE — QUANTITY OF IRISH Cobbler seed potatoes. JOSEPH L. O'REILLY. Phone 41 r 13. Dublin. 435011 51 CHVV. STYLELINE COACH 50 50 50 49 49 49 49 9R SALE- I JERSEY COW. FRESH: "VI yearling Durham bull: 3 heavy work h.:r_,. J. .5 >ie}:ENZIE. Phone -6th r 25. Seaforth. 4358-1 FOR SALE — RED CLOVER. A7 s,cee: clover. timothy. Apply to ,JOHN W. THOMPSON. R.R. 2, Seaforth, Phone 533 r 3:. 4348-tf 48 2 48 42 40 39 37 35 FOR SALE ---STRAWBERRY PLANTS: also ;:n,::ed ouantily of raspberry canes. Apply .1A`1E5 BARRY, Egmond- viUe. Phone 665 r 15. Seaforth. 4350x3 i FOR SALE --2 GENUINE SILVER FOX furs, -old <epa rate!y or together: leartia a boat 48 inehe-. Wil! sell ie,son- abie for quick sale. Apply Box 15. HUR- ON EXPOSITOR. 434082 FOR SALE—NEW SINGER SEWING m nobi nes, electric ant treadle. a. pairs to all mak. SINGER St.WING CENTRE, 78 Ontario St. Stratford. 4223-u FOR SALE — BLUE CHESTERFIELD coat brown tweed suit grey crepe dram- yellow Gileon Girt drew. brown gabardine skirt all size 12: ell in good condition. Apply to MRS. R. S. BOX. 455011 It1OR SALE—BUII-DING 64' x 8r x 8'. hemlock fiat shiplap siding. good roof. floored. splendid condition. Also quantity of heavy English orb chicken wire. 6 feet high by 125 feet long. A. W. McBEATH. Phone 659 r :14. Seaforth. 4350x1 M. OBEY. FLEETLINE COACH CHEV. DE LUXE STYLELINE COACH CIV. STYLELINE SEDAN CHEV. DE LUXE FLEETLINE SEDAN CIV. FI.F'1.'`TLINE CHEV. STYLELINE CJ EV. FLEETLINE (:RFV. SEDAN COACH SEDAN SEDAN 48 CHEV. STYLEMASTER COACHES • CHEV., FLEETLINE COACH PLYMOUTH Sb:UAN—Radio CHEV. COACH PONTIAC SEDAN with radio CHEV. COUPE PLYMOUTH COACH --8100.00 ANY OTHER MODELS TO CHOOSE FROM BRUSSELS MOTORS "The Home of Better Used Cars" OPEN Evh.HY EVENING F(OR SALE -1 WHITE ENAMEL WING - ham range with deden firebox, new, warming closet : 1 Queb4 vane with res- ervoir: both stoves in gond shape: 1 drop - head sewing machine. nearly new : 1(s dozen antique kitchen chairs. Apply after 6 p.m. or on Saturday to JACK PETHICK. North Main St. Seaforth. 4350X1 Auction Sales AUCTION SALE A. Ferguson will deliver' the ser- mon. Hensall United Church has withdrawn their evening service in favor. Mrs. R. J. Cameron, librarian; Mrs. W. G. Goodwin and James A. Paterson, members of Hensall Lib- rary Board, attended the County Library Board meeting held in Goderich Monday evening. Fancily Christian Day will be ob- served in the churches next Sun day, May 13. At the United Church the sacrament of Baptism will be held at the morning service. The evening service will be withdrawn in favor of special services at the Presbyterian Church. Please note that the home-made cake sale, sponsored by the Ladies' Aid of Carmel Presbyterian Church will be held in the Legion Hall, Hensall, on Main St.. on Saturday, May 12, at 4 p.m., not in the school room of the church as previously announced. Looby & Looby Construction Co., Dublin, has been awarded the con- tract to build three culverts on No. 84 Highway in the vicinity of Zur- tion of sidewalk in the village of ich. The contract includes a por- Zurich and a Quantity of fill. Music Pupils Give Recital The pupils of Jahn L. Nicol, A.C. C.O., gave a recital in Carmel Pres- byterian Church Monday evening. The following. participated: Piano solos, Sharon Smillie, Margaret Smillie, Bonnie Kyle. Brian Bon- thron. Joan Kerslake. Bobbie Mid- dleton, Norma Passmore, Carol Brown. Judith Ferguson. Marion Pepper. Marilyn Mousseau, Elaine Bell. Gwen Chapman, Maja Robool; vocal solos, Donelda Lostell. Phyl- AUCTION SALE ON MAY 225th. AT 4 p.m.. in the Hen -al', Community Park. of the old buildings and material already wrecked of the former open .air skating rink. said material to Ix removed as =con as possible. FOR SALE --650-1b. VIKING CREAM separator. electric or hand driven : us- ed dens than one month. Will be sold reasonable. Also tubular milk cooler, cools milk in a minute. complete with cover: set of team harness. brass mount- ed; 3 bridles. Will sell all above at bar- gain. OHARLES BARNETT. Railway St.. Seaforth- 4348-tf Recessed Bathtubs $50-$60 Term .-. C ash_ High Gun At Waterloo Shoot John Anderson, of Hensall, won the club championship trophy, also cash, at thVaterloo Conservation Club trap shoot held in Kitchener over the week -end. His individual scores were 23, 25 and 25, for a total of 73, out of a possible 75 targets. This is the second fifty straight targets in as many weeks. At a shoot at St. Thomas last week end, Mr. Anderson had a run of 68 straight targets before missing any. A paper drive held here Satur- day, sponsored by the Girl Guides, netted then over two tons of paper and magazines. The monthly meeting of the Eve- ning Auxiliary will be held in the United Church 'Monday night, May 14. Mrs. J. Harrison and Mrs. R. Thurtell are hostesses. The study will be given by Mrs. A. Shirray, and the devotional by Mrs. W. Richardson. All members are urg- ed to attend. At the bingo held Saturday night lis Lostell, Grace McLeod, Jean in the Legion Hall, Wm. Taylor, of Henderson. Mrs. Wm. Brown, Mrs. Hensall. was the lucky winner of Hobt. Middleton and Rod. Fergu- the door prize. Members of the Cromarty Come- dians square dance and old-time e fiddlers kill' compete in an old -tiro fiddlers' t'bntest to be held in Strat- ford on May 18. Rev. R. H. Sanderson and Mrs. Sanderson returned to their home on Peace. Mrs. Geo. Reid gave a report on the morning session of the Presbyterial and MDs. Fred Reid on the afternoon, both reports being very interesting. Mrs. Reid pilo read a prayer and the closing Mean was No. 285, "Peace, Perfect Peace," followed by the benedic- tion. son. Rev. P. A. Ferguson was chairman. Bowling Club To Elect Officers The following citizens, G. M. Drysdale. J. K. Irvin. Dr. Doxcey, and W. O. Goodwin. were a dele- ation to the village council Tues- at Lumsden. Sask., last week after day night. to ask their permission I spending the winter months at the to fix up the bowling green onlpresbyterian manse. guests of Rev. Main Street for the coming season. and Mrs. P. A. Ferguson and faro - Council graciously gave their un- animous consent. and a meeting to appoint the bowling club officers and plans for the work will be held next Monday evening, May 14, at 8.30 p.m.. in the Town Hall. All business men and others interest- ed are invited to be present. Mrs. James W. Bell, who has spent the past five months with her relatives at Oakland. California, re- turned home Saturday last. Mr, Milton Love moved this week into one of the upstairs apartments in the Fink Block. Hensall Lodge I.O.O.F. 223 and Amber Rebekah Lodge 349 will march to Carmel Presbyterian Church Sunday evening, Rev. P. The 1949-50 herring season in British Columbia was worth about ;8.000.000 and gave employment to 500 fistrermen. For Sale 11 y The Brownies, accompanied by their leader, Brown Owl Mrs. W. Taylor, enjoyed a hike to the bush Saturday last. Mrs. Bertha Bell is visiting with relatives in Toronto for two weeks. Mr. and Mrs. G. Voth and aim- mie, of Birmingham, Mioh., spent the week -end with Mrs. L. Simp- son. Miss Bernice Jinks, student nurse at Victoria Hospital. London, spent the week -end at her home here. Mr. and Mrs. T. Chuter. Ron and Wdarne. residents of Hensall for some years. recently took up resi- dence in London. where Mr. Chuter has accepted a position with the Hydro Commission. Mr. and airs. W. R. Bell and their son, Bob. are getting settled in their new home in the village, re- cently purchased from the Taylor estate. Mrs. P. B. Buchanan. of St. Thomas, plans to come to Hensall in May to take up residence with them. Miss Eleanor Cook. student nurse I, -OR SALE- 2 SCREEN DOORS: 2 at Victor'.'i Hospital. London, was punr:x:: w -,a, bricks: 2 mattrersc, ; 2 a week -end visitor with her par - Monster BING Seaforth Community Centre • Wednesday, May 30 Sponsored by Legion and Community Centre $500 IN PRIZES KEEP THIS DATE OPEN! cRoa springs: hall rack with mirror: corner ants, \11'. and air . N. E. Cook. n3: commode: 2 kitchen chairs; During Daylight Saving Time the hiid's rocking chair: child's table; 2 Herisali 5lhr5r3 will Chen at 1:30 =mall tables: 2 iron kettles: white dinner :rates. CLARENCE REEVES. Seaforth. p.m. and close at 9:30 p.m. 4350-1 Members of the I.O.O.F, and Am- ber Rebekah Lodges will attend divine service in Carmel Presbyter- ian Cht:rch Sunday evening. May 13. Rev. P. A. Ferguson will ad- dress :hem. Lieut. Ann Morrow, Seaforth. of- ficer in charge of the Red Shield Hensall Cornmunity FOR SALE -1941 INDIAN MOTOR - Park Board cycle. in good running order. I can't J A,MES A. PATEP.SON. Sec. -Tres, a•e it in the Nagy. JERRY M.EIR. Phone 43,0-2 :1116, Seaforth_ 4350-1 CLEARING AUCTION SALE OF HIGH Grade Shorthorn Cattle, Hogs. Forel Grain and implement;. --W. E. Nairn wil. sell by public auction on Lot 5. Con. 1. Lagan Twp., mile; east of Mitchell, on Thursday, May 17, commencing at 1 o'clock D.S.T.: One good work horse. CATTLE. -8 Durham cows. milking: 4 Durham steers. 1050 Tbs.: 1 fat heifer: 1000 lbs.: 3 yearlings: 7 choice calves. 7 ninths old: 4 calves 2 month old. HOGS --Yorkshire brood sow with litter; 5 store hogs. 125 lbs.: 3 pigs. 12 weeks old. FOWL -75 Rock and Red year old hens. HAY AND GRAIN --Quantity of hay : 200 bushels mixed grain. IMPLEMENTS—M.- H. binder, 6 -ft: spring toothed cultivator: International manure spreeder: Renfrew p;.wer cream separator. The above cattle are a choice lot of high-grde Durham. No reserve: fawn is sold. Terms — Cash. JOHN WATT, Proprietor: W. E. Nairn. Auctioneer. 4350-1 LUXURIOUS BATHROOM SETS 4187 with recessed stainleaas enamel sitting ledge bathtubs. Martha Washington or Riehied9e basins. Sylenta toilets, beautiful chromed brass fittings. Also sestet colour- ed seta 4287. Sinks. cabinets. stoves, re- - friperators, furnaces, oil burners. Save up to one hundred dollars on your bath- ', morn alone. Attra6tive savings on all reenacts. Also sandal builders' offers. Guaranteed satisfaction. Phone or write faralfant., Tell ethane about AOUNSN Streetsbille Hardware vine. Ontario Pity fie "EVeniti4M 51 11 15 4844;-3 lCv`ititriiit6r Want titLb n, seai'0 1. Wanted WANTED— MEDIUM SIZE CHILD'S tricycle. PHONE 5094, Seaforth. 435011 Personals HYGIENIC SUPPT-rRS (RUBBER Goods), mailed postpaid in plain. sealed envelope with price list 6 samples 25c 24 samples 01.00. Mail -Order Dept T-73, NOVA -RUBBER CO., Box 91, Hamilton, Ont. CLEARING AUCTION SALE OF HORS - e, Higih-Class Shorthorns. Cattle. Hogs, Implements and Feed.—W. E. Nairn will sell by public auction on Lot 12. Con- t. Ilibbert, 1% miles south and 1 mile east of Dahlin, on Monday. May 14, commenc- ing at 1 o'clock D.S-T.: HORSES—Bay gelding, 10 years old, 1900 lbs.: black mare. aged. CATTLE -3 fresh Durham cows : 2 cows due in September; 5 cows due in October: 1 farrow cow: 2 Hereford heifers due in August: 4 fat steers. 1150 lbs.: 1 steer rising 2 years: 2 fat heifers : Registered Shorthorn boll 2 years old : 8 Fall and Winter calves ; 8 young calve . The above herd is a high-elass•lot of Short- horn cattle. GRAIN -600 bushels mixed grain. IMPLEMENTH—D.C. Case trac- tor, new, with power -lift and takeoff ; G.E-H-L forage harvester with bay and corn attachment: G.E.B.L. blower with 84 feet piping. only filled 3 silos: Frost & Wood binder. 6 -ft : Deering mower. 6 -ft ; Cockshutt bay loader. new : M. -H. side de- livery rape; M. -H. fertilizer drill. I8 -disc: Cockshutt 8 -furrow tractor plow: M --H. tractor double disc: Cockshnt* manure spreader on rubber: B-ssel packer: 5 -sec- tion iron harrows; Taco rubber tired wag- on; Deering corn cultivator : 8- home spring tooth 4nitivator : Brssel 3 -section spring tooth cultivator: set of sleighs with flat rack; cutter; l€ -ft. hay rack: corn box : stoneboat; Fleury walking plow: Interna- tional power cream separator: steel drums: eeniery strove: ocular eosin; electric brood- er; 8 range shelters; 4 2x6: 20 -ft steel beams: 100 sacks ; Alma rotas, enileyk : whifliotrte.: chains: logging cbains : dou- ble haraoss: single Leereiss : 2 borne col- lars: water tro'ogbs• motor: eta No re - mean: farm Is. sold. Trans - C30h. TFi5iLTE mooing, proprietor: W. E. Nolte. &tattorte r. 4450-1 Cards Of Thanks MRS, W31.1 JAM BRADSHAW WISHES to thank her many friends for treats, cards and flowers sent her while a patient in a Toronto hospital. and also wishes to thank those who assisted in heaping her since her return home. 4350-1 T WISH TO THANK MY MANY friends and neighbors for the cards, letters. treats and flowers sent to me while a patient in St. Joseph's Hospital, Lon- don, and since returning home. MRS. ARTHUR ANDERSON. Hensall- 4350-1 T WISH TO THANK ALL THE KIND frier do who sent me cards and flowers: also Doctors McMaster, Brady and Gorwfil, the nursing staff, and a special thanks to Miss M. Dunn. for her kind ser- vice, during eau stay in Scott Memorial Hospital_ MRS. WM. COCKERLINE, 4350x1 MR. AND MRS. FRANK FOWLER wish to thank their friends and neighbors fo- their kindness in their be- reavemtent: also to Dr. McMaster, Mrs. Frank Kling, Fred Willis. Mr. Whitney. Rev. D. Glenn Campbell, and to all thane who loaned cam and helped in any way. 4350x1 • Births ECKERT—At Scott Memorial Hospital, on May 3, to Mr. and Mrs. Conrad Eckert. McKillop. • son. FORD—Mr. and Mrs. Henry W. Ford (nee Jean Wright). are bunt*, to announce the birth of their son, Douglas Malcolm. on . Hospital, A4 a 4. 1951, IndiaAuburn tat the � Indiana, U.S.A. SOUTlOaTel–,M Scott Memorial Hospi- tal, oilMae G. to Mr. Sana Mts. w. S. South *te. Seaforth. a eon. ca.mpai2i. assisted by Major and Capt. Rendall. London. commenced their three -weeks campaign for funds. Lieut. Morrow is officer in charge of Seaforth. Kippen. Bruce - field. Walton. Winthrop. Dublin and Hensall. and was in Hensall Thurs- day canvassing. I111111111111 II1MI SPRING RRUCEFIELD Thankoffering First Presbyterian Church SUNDAY, MAY 20th 11 a.m. and 7 p.m. GUEST SPEAKER Rev. Alex Nimmo of Wingham Everybody Welcome 1Vllipnylnllig111111111111111111111111111111111111N1111111111111111@II111111E110 1111111111;1 visited her daughter and son-in- law, on-yinlaw, Mr. and Mrs. Wilmer Fergu son, one day last week., Mr. and Mrs. Armstrong, and Alice, of Staffa, visited Mr. and 'Mrs. Mellis on Sunday. Mr. Wilmer McGregor, of Gode- rich, landed in Mr. Butt's field on Sunday and took a few of his friends for a ride in his plane. Mr. and Mrs. Emerson Kyle were in London on Tuesday. Mrs. Edward Little and daugh- ters, Marcia and Cheryl Anne, of Ilderton, visited iter home on Sat- urday. We are pleased Arthur Anderson home again. Mr. Gordon Wren's condition is much improved And we hope to see him around once more. Miss Ida Dayman, 'bride-to-be, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Dayman, was given a shower at her home on Friday afternoon. She was the recipient of many lovely and useful gifts. We all join in wishing Ida many, many years of happy marrield life. Mr. Wagner, of Guelph, is at present spending a few days with his sister, Mrs. McOlymont. Mrs. McClymont attended the silver wedding anniversary of ber daughter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Ducharme, of Daph- wood, on Saturday, May 5. Many more years of happy married life are extended the couple. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Dickert, of Mr. Rgl�ert Coleman is a patient in Victoria Hospital in London. , Mrs. Duueanson has returned home atter visiting with her daugh- ter, Marguerite, in Fort Erie. Mise Grace Chalmers visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Laing and also accompanied them to London to visit with Mr. R. Cole- man and with Mrs. Jean Chalmers and son, David. Donald -McKellar, son of Mr. and Mrs. Dan McKellar, of Buffalo, vis- ited recently with his relatives here. A Communion service was held Sunday morning in Cromarty Church. Three communicants were received into communion by certi- ficate and nine by profession of faith. There was also a baptismal service. The impressive service was conducted. 'by the pastor, Rev. R. Duncanson- • The W.M.S. met last Thursday in the basement of the church with Mrs. Will Harper presiding, who also took "harge of the devotional exercises. Mrs. Grace Scott took as her topic, "Our Responsibility Toward a Troubled World," Mrs, Thos. Laing read a chapter from the study book entitled, "The Jhansi Field." The current events were given individually by the members. The Ladies' Aid Society met at the close of the W.M.S. meeting with Mrs. Houghton presiding. A good sum was realized by the tal- en table. After several discussions on important•matters, the meeting closed with singing the national anthem. WINCHELSEA to report Mrs. is able to be '1 MAY 11, '1155: Clifford, spent Sunday at the home • of their ' UM/tiler and eleten iiR JaW. Mr., and Mrs. Nprman flokeet:, We are pleased to know Moo Taylor, Sr., on R.R. No. 2, is 1m' proving in health. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Kellett have purchased a new home north of Thames Road Church. They will move to their new residence in the very near future. Mr. and Mrs. Newton Clarke at- tended the funeral of the late Al- bert Kestle at the Dinn�,,e.y funeral home in Exeter last Sa'`t"firday, Mr, and Mrs. Clin Gilfillan and children were visitors of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Church, of near Sea - forth, on Sunday. Mr. Harold Denham, of Wallace - burg, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Batten. Mrs. Batten re- turned home with him and attend- ed the funeral of the farmer's late brother, Ralph Denham, in St_ Marys on Monday. Mr, George Bailey had the 13118 fortune of being kicked in the face by a sick horse while he was doc- toring same. Reports are that lat- ter the horse died. Mr. Bailey is feeling considerably better. Mrs. W. P. Reed, and Mr. and Mrs. Hubert Dickenson, of St Marys, visited with Mr. and Mrs, Jas. Horne on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. George Kellett were Sunday evening visitors of Mr. and Mrs. Jack Cooper, of Kip - pen. Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Mills at- tended the Spence - Morley wed- ding in Toronto on Saturday even ing. Mr, and Mrs. John Batten spent Sunday with the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Batten, of, Exe- ter. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Munn and Douglas were Sunday visitors of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Armstrong. Sunday visitors of Mr. and Mrs. Joe Bailey were: Mr. and Mrs. George Jackson and May. of Wal- ton; Mr. and Mrs. Newton Moody, Mrs. Ethel McIntyre and Mrs. Ida Frayne, of Forest. IV Mrs. C. H. Ham, Wesley Ham and Mary Swan visited in Fergus and Hamilton last week. Mrs. Ernie Hinchey, of Moose Jaw, Sask., spent a few days with Mrs. Ham and Mary Swan, motor- ing home to Moose Jaw after visit- ing friends in Chicago. VARNA NOTICE MOVED TO NEW LOCATION One door north of The Huron Expositor E. C. Chamberlain Insurance -' Real Estate Broker Phones: Res. 220; Office 334 Used Car Specials assn ) Coach 193 of a e Seaan X93 poaa Coach The Shell Service Station Goderich St. West Phone 567 The May meeting of the W.M.S. was held on Friday afternoon, May 4, in the cburch. The theme, "How we can work for peace through helping to feed the hungry." The meeting opened by singing Hymn 180, "How Bright These Glorious Spirits Shine." The Scripture read- ing from Psalm 46 was read by Mrs. Fowler, followed by prayer by Mrs. George Reid. A Litany of Dedication was read by all mem- bers. Minutes of the last meeting were read and their adoption sec- onded by Mrs. Lee McConnell. The roll call was answered by eleven members._ Five calls to shut-ins were reported and the ward for the roll call next month to relate to the word "Sunshine." The treas- urer's quarterly report was read. A letter from Mrs, W. M. Aiken with regards to the supply bale, was read, and Mrs. L. McConnell and Mrs. A. Coleman were asked to purchase the articles by the nest meeting. Mrs. F owiie read a poem KITTEN The Kippen East W.I. will meet on Wednesday, May 16, at 8.30 p.m, at the home o'f Mrs. Ross Love. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth McKen- zie have purobased a house in Clinton and moved there on Satur- day last. Mr. and Mrs. Phillip McKenzie bought Mr. Kenneth McKenzie's farm and have moved there. Mr. Elmer Somers, of Seafortb, visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs, Tbomas Butt on Sunday. Miss Jessie Hutchison, of Staffa, visited with Mr. and Mrs. Mellis a few days_ Mrs. Jenny Schilbe, of Exeter, Used Tractors 1 V.A. Tractor 1 Cockshutt 60 Tractor 2 Cockshutt 70 Tractors 1 V.A. Tractor with Hydraulic We have on hand a limited supply of NEW RAKES and POWER MOWERS USED TRUCKS 1950 Dodge Panel Truck 1947 Ford 2 -Ton Truck USED CARS 1950 Dodge Sedan, with radio 1949 Dodge Sedan 1949 De Soto Club Coupe, with radio • RowcIifIe Motors Phone 267 Seaforth 'STRATHAVEN' REST HOME A Home away from Home FOR THE AGED Bed Patients and Convalescents MRS. 1• ETTA MacKAY HODGERT Phone 184 •Exeter NOTICE As Corn Borer Inspector for the north part of Huron County, I urgently, request all growers of corn, which includes garden plots as well as field corn, to have_ all refuse of corn either burned or buried before the 20th of May. Penalties are provided for the non-compliance in the Plant Dis- ease Act. THOS. DOUGHERTY GODERICH, ONT. P.O. Box 927 111! II.,1 i IIUm11E9l11EIIIVVIIJII NIll 11 1111111111111111, 61i'll,i, I : A Complete Service • Auditing[ Bookkeeping Office Systems • Phone 3065-R FEN L . GIBBS Licensed Public Accountant 23 Ontario St., Stratford Little Lessons In Life Assurance .Ii WHEN YOU BUY LIFE INSURANCE YOU BUY PEACE OF, MIND ! • Security and Comfort for the future. • Future capital to pay for long-range plans. • Protection for your property as well as for your family. Life Insurance yields greater returns than other forms of in- vestment, because it is ready at all tunes to provide full value. •MAY 1 EXPLAIN HOW IT CAN HELP YOU? RIC MUNROE North American Life Phone 394-M : Seaforth ANNOUNCEMENT MR. B. M. ROSS, B.A.Sc. Registered Professional Engineer, Ontario Land Surveyor announces the opening of his practice as a Consulting Engineer and Land Surveyor in Goderich LAND Surveying, including sub -divisions, Judge's Plans and Private Surveying. FARM Drainage Work under the Municipal Drainage Act and the Ditches and Watercourses Act. TOWNSHIP Engineering, including Bridges and Culverts. MUNICIPAL Engineering, including Sidewalks, Sewers and Pave- ments. B. M. ROSS, Box 705 Phone 578 Goderich WAN ED • Rags • Books • Papers • Magazines FOR SEAFORTH LIONS CLUB SpringSaivage Drive WEDNESDAY, MAY 16th Main collection depot is Seaforth Farmers Co-operative Building on Railway Street Anyone wishing to dispose of his salvage articles before May 16th, may leave them at this depot. A house-to-house canvass will take place in Sea- forth and Egmondville, Wednesday, May 16, by Members of the Lions Club. • For the convenience of rural residents, col- lection depots have been arranged as follows: EGMONDVILLE—George Kruse TUCKERSMITH—Wm. M. Sproat KIPPEN—E. Kyle BRUCEFIELD–J. K. Cornish & Son CONSTANCE—Borden Brown WINTHROP—E. Haase BEECHWOOD—,James F. Carlin DUBLIN—William Stapleton STAFFA—Jack Sadler CROMARTY--iTed Storey WALTON—Gordon McGavin Salvage includes Rags, Books, Papers, Magazines Fertilizer Bags are not being accepted this year by the company buying salvage. It will help considerably in the handling „of this salvage if papers, etc., are tied in bundles, • PROCEEDS OF THE DRIVE WiLL GO TO THE CANADIAN NATIONAL INSTITUTE FOR THE BLIND ti l