The Huron Expositor, 1951-05-04, Page 4• iiildtaa, I; ssified Ads.1 Classified Ads Inserted At New Low Cash Rates: FOR SALE, WANTED, LOST AND FOUND, ETC.—Per Word: 1st week 1 Cent 2nd week 1.4, Cent ard week % Cent Minimum charge, first insertiOn25 Cents Each figure, initial and abbreviation counts as one word. Cards of Thank.s, In Memoriam NJticets, Coming Events -1 cent per word. Minimum, 60 cents per week. Enquiries may be directed to a Box No., c/o The Huron Expositor. for 10 cente extra. Ten cents additional will be charged if ads in above class are not paid within 10 days uf dale of final insertion. Births, Marriages and Deaths firrserted free of charge. Auction Sales, Notices to Creditors. Etc.—,Itates on application,. • • Coming • Events Poultry MEET YOUR FRIENDS AT THE MOD- pULLETS FOR SALE -4, 6 AND 8 and Old-Tyme Dance at Looby's weeks. Reasonable charge. CALL Hall, Dublin, Friday, May 411, Johnnie 69-11. Heiman- 4348-3 Petrie and His Starlight Serenaders. Ad- mission 50c. 4348x2 flONT IVIISS THE BIG FRIDAY NIGHT JL' Dances at the Crystal Palace, Mit- chell. You will enjoy dancing at this Popular Ballroom. Dancing 9;30 to 12:30. 4349x2 For Sale port, SALE -17 YORK TAM WEAN - lingo. HENRY ENZENSBERGER, Concession 5, McKillop. Phone 839 r 25, Seaforth. 9349-1 Help Wanted T..TELY WANTED—PRACTICAL NURSE ; " also girl to help in kitchen. RIVER- SIDE REST HOME, Mitchell, Ont, 4346x4 For Rent pOR RENT—OFFICE SPACE IN THE D;rainion Bank Building. Apply to the Manager. 9399..d pOR RENT — SELF-CONTA1NED 3- 4" room apartment; heated. Apply Box 13, HURON EXPOSITOR. 4349x1 pOR RENT -3 -ROOM APARTMENT; " also 1 room suitable for office, 101 x 25'. APplY p to Box 12, HURON EXPOSI- TOR. 4349-1 011 USED PARTS FOR ALI, MAKE,S ▪ of cars, see MERRILL DUNLOP. Phone 164-M, Seaforth. 434ixt VOA SALE — NEW HAMPSHIRE X Rock, Suss,ex X New Hampshire pul- lets, 12 weeks old; also 10 ruin sheltero. Apply to BERT SPENCE. Phone 190-31. Mitchell. 4343-1 Property For Sale pas SALE—a-ROOM FRAME HOUSE ▪ and barn. Lots 211 and 212, in Hen- sall. Apply to ALBERT WALFF, Box 666, Goderich. 4342x8 SALE -7 -ROOM BRICK HOUSE, ▪ all modern conveniences; hardwood floors throughout Apply E, D. CROWE, James St. Phone 876. 4343-tf Personals QKINNY MEN, WOMEN! GAIN 5 to 15 " lbs., new pep. Try Oatrex Tonic Tab- lets for new, healthy flesh ; new vigor. Introductory, "get -acquainted" size ONLY 60c. All druggists. T_TYGIENIC SUPPLIES (11 UBBER .1-4. Goods), mailed postpaid in plain, sealed envelope with prioe list_ 6 samples 25c; 24 samples 81.00. Mail -Order Dept. T-73, NOVA -RUBBER CO., Box 91, Hamilton, Ont. For Sale POE SALE—QUANTITY OF GOB CORN. Apply to MOORE'S POULTRY FARM. Phone 666 r 3. Seaforth. 4340 -ti port SALE—NUMBER OF' POULTRY Winters and brooders. Apply to Box 993, HURON EXPOSITOR. OR SALE--PHILCO TABLE MODEL nine tubes. PHONE 32/9-W, Seaforth. 4849x1 pent SAL13-17 PIGS, 5 AND 6 WEEKS did. MediALBERT HARRISON. Phone 852 r 21, Seaforth. 4349x1 POR SALE GIRL'S BEIGE FINE WOW suit, size 14; priced low. MRS. W. IL GOLDING, Seaforth. 4349x1 FOR SA.LE-11941 INDIAN MOTOR- ' cycle, in good running order. I can't use it in. the Navy. JERRY ERIE Phone 306. 4349'1 pon SALE—WINGHAIll COOK STOVE, with reservoir, in good condition. Ap- ply to ALEX CHESNEY. Phone 660 r 12, Sea/math. 4349x1 EED FOR SALE — RED CLOVER, sweet clover, tirn.othy. Apply to JOHN W. THOMPSON, R.R. 2, Seaforth. Phone 833 r 31. 4348-tf port SALE 2 CEN1J1NE SILVER FOX furs, sold separately or together; length about 48 inches. Will sell reason. able for quick sale. Apply Box 15, HUR- ON EXPOSITOR. 4349x2 Fon SALE—JOHNSON 5 FLP. OUT- ' board motor, new in 1947: perfect running condition. Write ARTHUR GOLD- ING, 51 Walnut St., Sault Ste, Marie. 4'349x1 port. SALE—A NUMBER OF WELL - bred Dual Purpose Shorthorn heifers, from T.I3. free herd: two freshen in July. W. P. ROBERTS, R.R. 3, Seaforth. 4349-1 VOIR SALE -39 YORK TAM PIGS, 6 TO 16 weeks old; also Durham heifer, freshened one week. ALBERT W. SHIR- RAY, Hensel]. Phone 683 r 11. 4349x1 -port SALE—REGISTERED HEREFORD bull, 2 years old: also some feed wheat. JOHN W. 'PHOMPSON, RR. 2, Seaforth. Phone 833 r 31, Seaforth. 4349-2 pOR SALE -4 REGISTERED T.B. TEST- ' ed Alberta bred Hereford bulls; of ser- viceable age. STANLEY JACKSON, 31,13. 2, Kippen. Phone 653 r 5, Seaforth. 4348-2 Auto Supplies Wanted WANTED --ROOMERS OR BOARDERS. All modern conveniences. Apply Box 16, HURON EXPOSITOR. 4349x1 p0AnDERS WANTED -2 MEN BOARD.. ers, to room together. PHONE 44-W, Seaforth. 4349-1 WANTED—A USED STUDIO COUCFL " Apply Box 11, HURON EXPOSITOR, 4349x1 WANTED—SIX CATTLE FOR GRASS. " Apply to ELM_ER CAM_ERON, R.R. 4, Seaforth. Phone 652 r 2, Seaforth. 4349-1 Auction Sales UCTION SALE OF 11/2 STOREY 7 - room }Muse, on No. 8 Highway, at Dublin. Insulated, Hydro, large garden. Possession arranged. To be held on the premises Saturday, May 5th, at 3 p.m. Reserved bid. MRS. K. THORNTON, Praprietrms ; Lou Rowland, Auctioneer. 4349x1 A IJCTION SALE OF' HOUSE FURNISH- " ings, in the Vill•age of Hensall, Satur- day, May 5th, at 1 p.m.: Kitohen range: Quebec heating stove; 2 -burner hot plate; drop leaf table; kitchen buffet; kitchen chairs; modern dining room suite; rolled oak; table: buffet; ehina cabinet and chairs; studio couch; cabinet radio; mod- ern chesterfield (like new); chesterfield end tables: 3 occasional chairs; number of rockers and small tables; card table: modern bedroom suite; bed dresser, chif- fonier, s p rings and spring rnattrs ; modern three-quarter brown bed; quips; blankets : linens : cherry chost af drawers; 2 rugs, 9x12, and 9x10f; 3 con- golearn rugs; scatter mat: electric wash- ing machine; sewing machine: clocks; electric lamps: curtains; drapes; cushions; mirrors: ornaments; sealers; canned fruit; quantity of dishes and kitchen utensils; lawn mower; step ladders: garden tools: house plants: pictures: host of other art- icles. Terms—Cash. MRS. ELIZABETH CHESNEY, Proprietres ; Harold Jackson, Auctioneer; E. P. Chemey, Clerk, 4348-2 Notices To Creditors NOTICE to CREDITORS In the Estate of ISABELLE HESTER A LL, PERSONS HAVING CLAIMS agant.t. the Estate, of Isabelle Hester, 33 late of the Town of Seaforth, in the Coun- by of Huron. Widow, deceased, who died ' on the 21st day of March, 1911, are here- 31 by notified to send in full particulars of 3° their olarins to the undersigned on crr be- 29 fore the 1111 day of May, 1951, after 31 which date the assets will be distributed. 40 having regard only to claims then re- ceived. Motor Cars For Sale 194n FORD DE DUXE SEDAN, 5130. Apply to MERRILL DUNLOP. Phone 164-M. 4349-1 GOOD USED CARS Cars 36 FORD SEDAN 37 FORD SEDAN 38 FORD COACH 49 MONARCH COACH 35 MEV. COACH 40 PLYMOUTH COACH 40 PONTIAC SEDAN Trucks 49 FORD 1 -TON EXPRESS 48 CHEV. 2 -TON Tractors 42 COCKSFIUTT 70 43 COCKSHUTT 70 47 COCKSHUTT 70 with Power Lift and Row -Crop Cultivator 41 FORD 47 FORD 49 FORD DALY MOTORS FORD -MONARCH SALES & SERVICE Selected USED CARS FOR SALE We purchase MOST of our Used Cars outright. When paying cash we select on- ly the best - That is why our Cars as old as 1939 models and up to 1950 models have in- teriors and trpholatering like a new car. Inside a.nd out, our Cars are the best for condition and price obtainable on the Used Car Market. Seeing our stock will convince YOU. 50 DODGE SEDAN 50 CHEVROLET COACH DE LUXE 50 C.HEVROLET COACH SPECIAL DE LUXE 30 CHEVROLET COACH, STANDARD 10 METEOR CUSTOM 49 CHEVROLET COACH 48 CHEVROLET COACH 4 7 CHEVROLET SEDAN 39 DODGE COACH. (2) 41 DODGE COACH 41 FORD COACH 41 PONTIAC COACH CHEV. STANDARD COACH CHEV. COACH FORD COACH FORD A COACH FORD A COACHES (2) CHEV. AND 1933 DODGE % TON EXPRESS—New Motor DATED at Seaforth, this 14th day of April, 1951. MoCONNELL. & HAYS, Seaforth, Ontario, Solicitors for the Estate. 4347-3 Notices 'FAWN MOWERS SHARPENED AND repaired. A. O'LEARY, Goderich St. East, Seaforth, 4848x4 NOTICE—I WILL WORK GARDENS again this year. HARVEY Morn- WATN. Phone 589-W, Seaforth, 43494S FOR FREE,—AN OUTDOOR TOILET for whomever will take it away. Ap- ploy Box 14, HURON EXPOSITOR. 4349x1 ITAVE YOU ANY PAINTING YOU " want done? For fi rat class workma n.ship and free estimate, call JOHN RUSTON, the Painter, Egmendville, Phone 664 r 5. Searforth. 4349-1 rrUCKERSMITII MUNICIPAL COLIN- cil will hold their regular meeting in the Town Hall, Sestorth, on Saturday, May 5, 1951, at 8 p.m. E. P. CHESNEY, Clerk. 4349-1 N'OTICE--ASRES,• CANS AND RUB- bage of all kinds removed promptly and remonably. HAROLD MALONEY. Phone 2174. Please call at noon hour or evenings. 4892x10 virE ARE AGENTS FOR IYIELSOURNE " Seed & Nursery Co., New Mel- bourne, Nfld. Orders taken on all lines of seeds. PURCELL FLOWER GAR- DENS. Phone 145-91, Seaforth. 9348x3 ivrola laitOOP YOUR WINTER. " clothe; beRrne storing for the Sum- mer. Five-year 'written guarantee with Bertlou 1V1ottiorooling. Small additional charge. orrzEspin CLEANERS. Tel. 196, Soaforth. 4346-5 • NOTICE Awl. CATTLE IVDIST 11SP'S/WED tett 'tartishly. Warble ley befere entatang .fdlanial) Chirles Dexter, bohatt of ttullett Coliii611) NEw 1931 DODGE 1/2 -TON EXPRESS AND PANEL AT THE OLD PRICE ELECTRIC COCA-COLA POP COOLER WARD FRITZ Phone 78 - Zurich OPEN EVENINGS CHEV. DE LUXE BELAIR HARD- ' TOPPED CONVERTIBLE — Two- tone in coke', air conditiening, cus- tom radio, extras. 51 50 50 50 49 49 49 2 2 48 42 40 39 39 g5 011EV. STYLELINE COACH CHEV. FLEETLINE COACH CHEV. DE LUXE STYLELINE COACH CHEV. STYLELINE SEDAN CBEV. DE LUXE FLEETLINE SEDAN — CHEV. FLKETLINE COACH CHEV. STYLELINE SEDAN '99 CHEV. STYLELINE SEDANS '48_ CHEV. STYLEktASTER COACHES MEV. .FLEETLINE COACH PLIrmOUTH SEDAN—ReAro Mena coAcer PONTIAC SEDAN with radio DODGE 4 -PASSENGER ColIPE rtymovnt COACH-410mm MANY OTHER MODELS TO CHOOSE FROM 'BRUSSELS MOTORS "The Home rif Better Used Gam" OPEN mreinr utrzurma pOR SALE—NEW SINGER SEWING mach i nes , electric and treadle. R.e. pairs to all makes. SINGER SEWING CENTRE, 78 Ontario St., Stratford. 4223-tf pOR SALE--650-ib. VIKING CREAM separator, electric or hand driven; us- ed less than one month. Will be sold reasonable. Also tubular milk cooler. cools milk in a minute, complete with cover; set of team harness, brass mount- ed: 3 bridles. Will sell all above at bar - vain. CHARLES BARNET'''. Railway St., Seaforth. 4348.tf Used FARM MACHINES FOR SALE 1 102 JUNIOR TRACTOR 1 60 R.C. TRACTOR AND CULTIVATOR 1 SI IVIASSEY-HARRIS TRACTOR. M. -H. NO. 7 SPREADER 32 G.S. MODEL II INTERNATIONAL TRACTOR PONY MASSEY-HARRIS TRACTOR We have a few New Machines ready for delivery NOW. SEAFORTH MOTORS Massey -Harris Sales & Service PHONE 141 SEAFORTH Recessed Bathtubs $50-$60 T UXURIOUS BATIEROOM SETS 8187 -"I with recessed stainless enamel sitting ledge bathtubs. Martha Washington or Rich/edge basins. Sylenta toilets, beautiful chromed brass fittings. Also pastel colour- ed sets $287. Sinks, cabinets, stoves, re- frigerators, furnaces', oil burners. Seim up to one hundred dollars on your bath- room alone. Attractive savings on all Products. A/so special builders' °flews. Guaranteed satisfaction. Phone or write for appointment- Tell others about — JOHNSON - Streetsville Hardware Streetsville, Ontario Phone 261 Evenings 61 R 15 4348-3 In Memoriam FARQUHARSON—IN LOVING MEM- ory of a dear father and grandfather, William S. Farquharson, who passed away May 2, 1949. Two years have passsed, dear dad. Since you were called away;, How weld do we remember That sayd and weary day. Lovingly remembered by Helen, Ed. and Family. 4349-1 U PSHALL-41,1 LOVING MEIVIORY OF Mrs. Frank "Opshallwhe passed away two years ago, May 4. 1949, and Franklin Upshall, who p-assed away one year ago, June .21, 1950. Those whom we love go out of sight, But never out of mind; They are cherished in the hearts Of those they leave behind. - Lovingly remembered by Sons and Daughters. 4349x1 Cards Of Thanks WISH TO EXTEND OUR THANKS for cards, letters and flowers; to Dr. Stapleton, and the Nursing Staff, when we were in Scott Memorial Hospital, MR. AND MRS. IVIAXINS MBE FAMILY OF TIIE LATE JOHN ." Nixon wish to express their thanks and gratitude for floral tributes, and to those who helped 4n any way. Special thInIcs to Rev. D. Glenn Cainpbell. 43,49x1 TIM AND I WISH TO EXTEND OUR " sincere thanks to friends and neigh - hors for remembrances and kindness shown us sn so many ways during and since my stay in the hospital; special thanks to the nurses, Dr. Brady, Rev. MacMillan a.nd Mr. Box. 4349x1 INCA PRETTY MRS. W119. DOUGLAS AND FAMILY wish to express to their many friends, relatives and neighbors, their heartfelt thanks and appreciation for acts of kind- ness, messages of sympathy and .beautiful floral tributes extended to them in their recent bereavement, in the lees of a dear husband ,and father. Special thanks to Rev. P. A. Ferguson and Rev. E. R. Stan- way, IVIrs, J. D. Cairns and Mrs. A. John- son, also the pallbearers and flower -bear - 4849 -1 Births KNIGHT --In St. Catharines, on April 25, to Mr. and Marr. William Knight, a daughter—Bonita Lynn. 4MORRIS—At Alexandra and Marine Hos- pital, Goderich, on Saturday, April 28, 1951, to Mr. and Mrs. James Morris (former Jean Bell), a son. HEDDEN—At St. Catharines General Hos- pital, on Friday, April 27, 1951, to Mr. and Mrs. Russell Redden, a daughter. (30thde grandchild for Mm. Catherine Redden, of Bernell). DEVEREAUX—At Scott Memorial Hospi- te/, on April 26, to Mt. and Mrs, Arthtir Devereaux, RA. 4, Seaforth, a dough - ter. TYNDALL—At Scott Memorial Hospital, on May 1, to Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Tyn- dall, Clinton, a daughter. MelLENZIE—At Scott Memorial Hospital, 1Way 2, roe Mr. and ME. Kenneth McKenzie, E.R. 1, nrneedela, a (laugh- tAlr' L.EONHARDT--,At Scott Memorial Hos- pital, on May 2, ,to IVIr. and Mrs. LOH. ter Leonhardt, Eleafortli, a sot. News Items of Hensall and District Persons desiring assistance with their income tax returns are invit- ed to consult Mr. W. B. Cross.— (Adv.) 4346-3 (Continued from Page 1) Ed g ar meClinchey motored to Eugenia Falls, over the week -end to open up the trout season, and returned home with some beauties. Mr. Jack Tapp left the latter part of last week to reside with his son, James Tape. a,nd Mrs. Tapp and family, Sarnia. The many friends of Mr. Kirby, who resides in Exeter, will regret to learn suffered a stroke over the week -end. Mr. Kirby was a well known businessman in Hensall. Members of the Wohelo Class of the United Church will enjoy an evening bowling at (be bowling al- ley, Exeter, on Monday evening, May 7. Mrs. Elizabeth .Chesney is leav- ing this week tor Moose Jaw, Sask., to make her future home. Her daughter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Alex Pollack, of Moose Jaw, who have been visiting her, are returning with her. Mrs. F. Manns, who has spent the winter with her son and daugh- ter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Manns, Toronto, has returned 'home. Mr. and Mrs. Wes, Shrobbrook, of Clinton, visited Mrs. Gertrude Keane in Hensall on Sunday. IVIernbers of the I.O.O.F. and Am- ber Rebekah Lodges will attend di- vine service in Carmel Presbyter- ian Church Sunday evening, May 13. Rev. P. A. Ferguson will ad- dress them. Rev. R. J. MacIVEllan, of Knox Presbyterian Church, of Goderich, will be guest speaker at the anni- versary services of Carmel Pres- byterian Church on Sunday, May 20. Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Kipfer,. Lucan, spent the week -end with Mr. and Mrs, Cecil Kipfer and family, and with Mr. and Mrs. Ezra Kipfer. X-rays taken at Victoria Hospi- tal, London, on Gordon Wren, in- jured in a two -car crash accident April 2, revealed no pressure on the brain and no surgery will be required, the doctors stated Satur- day. Gordon has been suffering with concussion since the accident. At the bingo held in the Legion Hall Saturday night, sponsored by the Legion Ladies' Auxiliary, Mrs, Robe Baker of Hensall was the lucky 'winner of the door prize. Mrs. Mae McLellan, of Chiselhurst, won the jackpot. MT. and. Mrs. Robt. Baker, of Fergus, spent the week -end with the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. Baker. Murray Baker returned home with them. Many friends. of Mr. Corny Cook are pleased to note that he is able to enjoy a walk every day follow- ing his recent illness. Pupils of Hensall Public Scaool who tools part in the Huron Coun- ty Music Festival at Goderich re- cently will present. a concerla in the auditorium of the United Church Friday evening at 8 p.m. S. G. Rannie, music supervisor, will be in charge. Pupils of J. L. Nicol, A.C.C.O., will give a recital in the Sunday School auditorium of Carmel Pres- byterian Church Monday evening, May 5, at 8 p,m, Piano and vocal will be featured, with a silver col- lection. • All the teachers of Hensall Pub- lic School, with the exception of one, have been re-engaged with 1 $250 increase in salary, P. L. Mc- Naughton, c,hairinan of the school board stated. Mrs. R. Cook, who taught Grades 1 and 2, for three years, ha a resigned and her place will be taken by Miss Margaret Schieck, of Alma. Teachers for the coming term are: Principal, J. F. Blackwell; assistants, Miss R. Av- ery, Miss Winnifred Gray and Miss M. Schieck. We congratulate Maja lloobol, S. S. 1, Tuckersmith, on her excellent showing in the piano solo class at Goderich music festival. Maio, who has been taking lessons for less than two years, showed consider- able talent by her mark of 82 in Grade 6 Class. She is a pupil of J. L. Nicol, A.C.C.O., Hensel]. Mrs, R. H. Middleton, Mrs. J. Henderson, Mrs. Mary Simpson and Mise Fayme Logan were in London Tuesday attending the 84th annual meeting of Huron Diocesan Beard of the Women's Auxiliary Church of England in Canada. Women from all parts of Ontario were among the hundreds of delegates who reg- istered at the meeting held in St. Paul's Cathedral, Tuesday Morn- ing over 1,000, received Holy Com- munion, Mrs. Isabell McKinnon, of Tiver- ton, spent the week -end with her sister and brother-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Pepper. Ralph Geiger, Whitby, son of Mr. and Mrs. E. Geiger, underwent a critical operation in Toronto Gen- eral Hospital this week. Doctors in attendance are confident of a com- plete recovery. ELIMVILLE Mr. Sam Miller, Ruby a.nd Del- mar, and Mrs. Rosalene &hermit and, children, of Dashwood, were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Charles Stepben. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Johns, were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Richardson, St. Maras. Mr. and Mrs, Jack Robinson and Stephen, of Rannock, seent the week -end with Mr. and Mrs. Ohms, Stephen. Miss Donna Murch arid Brian. Middleton, of London:, were SIM - day visitors with Mr. and Mrs, P. Murch. A good turnout from Elimville were at the Minnie Male Chorus concert in Exeter D.H.S. auditor- ium, Thursday, under the auspitea of Ellmville choir. Mr. and Mrs. W. Routly and An- na, Mrs. W. Horne and Mr. Wm. Johns attended the funeral of Rev. J. R. Peters, a former pastor here, who died at the home of his daugh- ter, Mrs. Howard Hunter, in Brampton, an.d was buried in Lon- don, Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. John Ridley visited' with tthe latter' s parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. Willis, in. Exeter, on Sun- day. VenaleISMNIIMINSO WINCHELSEA Mr. and, ,Mrs. Wib. Batten spent Tuesday witla Mr. Ezra Willard, of Mount Pleasant. A large number of the commun- ity attended the Huronia Male Chorus, sponsored by the Elim- ville choir, held in Exeter District High School auditorium Thursday evening. Mr. Freeman Horne and Mr. Alf. Brook motored to Shallow Laae on Friday for his new stock lack for one of his trucks. Mr. Harvey Sperling, teacher, and pupils of the school, aro busy planting shrubs and flowers on the school grounds. Mrs. Freeman Horne, Mrs. Hor- ace Delbridge and .Mrs, W. Batten attended the W.M.S. convention held in Exeter on Friday. Mrs. Garnet Johns attenaeA the Rowcliffe-Brock wedding on Fri- day. Mrs. Pat Dickey and children, of the Sunshine Line, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Freeman Horn -e. Mrs, Colin Gilfillan spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. John MacDon- ald., of Staffa. BR UCEFIEED Miss Marion Paterson, London, was a week -end visitor at her home. Mr. Cam Henry, London, spent the week -end at his home. Mr. Ed.. Noonan, Amherst, N.S., visited with Mr. and Mrs. A. hapfe over the week -end. Several from here attended the funeral of Mr, John MacFarlane on Sunday. Next Sunday morning the Clin- ton District Collegiate • Institute cadets will parade to Brucefield United Church. The collegiate choir, with their leader, Miss A. Pond, will also be present. The Boy Scout Troop had a very successful Father -and -Son banquet in the Slinday schoolroom of the church Monday evening. Mothets of the boys were hostesses for the event. Mr. Clen Christie will be the new Scout Leader. Mrs. H. Zapfe celebrated her seventy-fifth birthday at her home last week. All her family of four daughters and two sons, with their husbands and wives, were present. The daughters include Mrs, G. Arm- strong (Pearl), residing on the Mill Road; Mrs. R. •Consitt (Ethel), Kip - pen; Mrs. Ranald McKenzie (Clara), and Mrs. Ben Kaiser (Eva), both of Detroit; Abe, of Brucefield, and Austin, of London. There are eleven grandchildren and five great-grandchildren. She was the recipient of many cards and gifts. Former Stanley Twp. Reeve, Resident of Brucefield, Passes Funeral services for William John Douglas, 80, Brucefield, who died in Stratford General Hoe,pital Friday, April 27, were conducted Sunday afternoon by Rev. I'. A. Ferguson, Hensall, and .iZey. E R. Stanway, Brucefield, al tl.e home of his son-inlaw, Lindsay W. Eyre, Brucefield, with interment in Hay- field cemetery. •Mr. Doualas was born at Blake, the son of the late Mr. and Mrs. Peter Douglas. Af- ter his marriage to Elizabeth Jane Hudson in 1900, he farmed in Mich- igan for five years, returning to Blake in 1904, where he lived until coming to Brucefield in 1918. He was Reeve of Stanley Township for two years and a Councillor for 12 years. He was a member of Hen- sel] Presbyterian Church. Surviving besides his wife are one daughter, Mrs. Lindsay Eyre (Pearl); one brother, Robert, of Port Dover; one sister,' Mrs. Edward iVicAsh (Mar- garet), London, and two grand- daughters. The pallbearers were Earl Douglas, Ray Consitt, Eldon .Tarrott, John Jarrott, Walker Car- lile and Frank McClinchey. Flower bearers were Sid Gernmell, Hugh Love, Wes, Richardson, Leland Willert, Wilfred Coleman and Chas. Farquhar. Relatives werc present from Pontiac, Applegate and New Baltimore, Mich., Hyde Park, Port Dover, Midland, Londo14, Stratford, and surrounding towns. W. A. Holds Meeting • The Women's Association of Brucefield Tanned Church met on Tueeday with an attendance of ov- er 40. The meeting opened by sing- ing Hymn No. 380 and Mrs, R. M- an ,read the Scripture lemon from Mark 4:1-20. Mrs. B. Keyes, spoke on "The Parable of the Sower." Hymn No. 342 was sung, followed by prayer by Mrs. R. Allan. All •epeated the Creed in unison. Mrs. L. Wilson read the minutes of the last meeting. The roll call was an- swered by a verse on "Mother." The treasurer's report was given by Mrs. H. Berry. Mrs. G. Elltott presided during the business dis- cussion. lairS. L. Wilson read tharik-you notes from Mrs, Henry, Mrs. G. Swan, Mrs. Brock and ATM McBeath. Nfrs. W. McBeath gaVe a report on work, done in remodel- ing the kitchen. It was decided to have the painting done by vallin- eer labor. Egmoadville W.A. and the Stanley Ladies' Club rain be nvited for Visitor's' bay in June. The meeting closed by singing Hymn No. 364. Grotip 4 had charge of the program. The ladles sang a chorus, after which Mrs,. Cairns sang a solo which was much eajoy- ed. Mrs. W. Haugh told -of her Gar- den Club work.. Lunch was served. KIPPEN Mr, and Mrs. Frank McConacillie and daughters, Patricia and Cath- arine, were in Toronto last week- end visiting the former's parents. On Sunda,y Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Mellis had as their guests, Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Hutchinson, of St. Thomas, MTS. Alice Cook, of London, and Mrs. Ducharme, of Dashwood, vis- ited their naother, Mrs. McClyniont last week. Mr. Black, of Centralia, visited Mr. and Mrs,. Henry Stasik on Sun- day. . We are pleased to know that Mrs. Hinton is able to be up and outside again. Mr. Jonah Green is able to be out in the gard•en once more. We are pleased to report Mr. Gordon Wren is improving nicely in Victoria Hospital, London. Mr. and Mrs. Wm, Easter and son, Gary, of St. Thomas,' visited with Mr. and Mrs. Cudmore during the week. Mrs. Armstrong visited with Mr. and Mrs. Archie Armstrong, Hay- field, also Mr. and Mrs. Elgin Mc- Kinley, of the Goshen Line, Stan- ley Twp. Mr. and Mrs. Norman Long call- ed on Mr. and Mrs. Armstrong and Miss Jessie Hutchison, of Staffa, on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs, Howson had as Sun- day guests their daughter and son- in-law, MT. and Mrs, Eldcfn Kerr, of Winthrop. „ Mr. and Mrs. Norman Dickert and Meryl visited friends in Clif- ford on Sunday. Mrs. Lawson and family, of Lis- towel, visited with her brother and sister-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Cooper, on Sunday. Mrs. W. W. Cooper and daugh- ter, Mrs. Johnston, of Toronto, spent the week -end with Mrs. Cooper's son and daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Cooper. Mr. Ivan Wren has been trans- ferred to Staffa from Brantford, where he has been employed by the Hydro Commission. • Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Cooper spent a day in St. Thomas recently. District Weddings Ferguson - Kinsman Pink and white carnations and snapdragons' ,decorated the home of Mr. and Mrs. Earl Kinsman, Kippen, Saturday, April 28, when their daughter, Leita Irene, was united in marriage to Russell Cal- vin, son or Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Ferguson, Hensall. Rev. W. J. Rog- ers, minister of Hensall and Chis- elhurst United Church, officiated. Mrs. Howard Ferguson, of Thantes- ville, played the wedding music. Given in marriage by her father, the bride wore a navy blue dress and hat with white trimmings, her only ornament being rhinestone ear -rings. Her corsage was Ameri- can Beauty roses and lily -of -the - valley. Miss Mary Kinsman was her sister's only attendant. She wore a blue dress and hat with white accessories. Her corsage was pink carnations. •Illoyd Ferguson was his brother's • groomsman. Fol- lowing the ceremony the wedding dinner was served to 20 guests, the bridal table 'being centred with the wedding cake and tall pink candies in silver holders. 'The hap- py couple left for their honeymoon to the United States, the bride wearing a brown suit with match- ing accessories. Upon their return Mr, and Mrs. Ferguson will 'side on the groom's farm in Usbornc. Truemner - Rundle The home of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Rundle, Thames Road, Saterday, April 28, was the setting for a love- ly spring wedding when their daughter, Margaret Jeanette, be- came thle bride of' Ellwood Clare Truemner, son of Mr. and Mrs. Hilton Truemner, Zurich. Rev. H. .5. Snell, of James Street United Church. officiated. Miss Helen Shapton was soloist. Mrs. William Fuss accompanied the soloist and played traditional wedding music. Given in marriage by her father, the bride was charming in a gown of white slipper satin with lace bertha crowning its nylon yoke and a full skirt extending to a slight train. Her long veil was caught to a beaded headdress, and she car- ried a shower bouquet of Better Time roses and snapdragons. Mrs. Harry Dougall, Hensall, attended her sister. Miss Janet Skinner and Miss Carol Reichert, cousins of the bride and groom, were flower girls. Attendants were gowned alike in dottlatd Swiss, their skirts trimmed with lovers knots in contrasting colors. Mrs. Dougall's gown was ac- cented in pink and flowers girls in blue. William FUSS, was grooms- man, and Hugh Rundle and William' Snider ushered. Following the re ception held at Club Monetta, Exe- ter, Mr. and Mrs. Truemner left on a trip to Niagara Falls and the United States, the bride wearing a navy gabardine suit with accessor- ies in, White and, navy and, a red rose corsage. They will reside in Zurich. Rowctiffe - Brock At the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wellington Brock, R.R. 1, Granton, their daugliter, Anna Helena, was united In marriage to James Mac- Lean Rovrcliffe, Hensall, son of Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Rowcliffe, Hensall, on Friday, April- 27. Rev..Gordon Wanless officiated. Miss Mary Wright Was pianist, and Mary Hern Was soloist, The bride,. given in marriage by her father, wore a gown of white net Over taffeta, a cape -effect bodice accenting the ; long ibasque. Her Tell or French Il- lusion (=tended to ber anger -UP and she carried a shower bouquet of spring flowers. Km Thos. Ogle, London, sister of the bride, was bridal attendant, in aqua nylon ov- er taffeta, with matching headdresa, and she carried a ahower bouquet of spring flowers. Donald Munn, of Hensel', was groomsman, and Tom Brock, brother of the bride, usher- ed. Following a reception at the bride's, home, the couple left for a trip to Washington and the United States. For travelling the bride chose a suit and topcoat with matching hat of rust doeskin, which she wore with lime accessories. They will reside on the groom's farm, No. 4 Highway, aouth of Hensel]. Gray - Weber At Trinity Lutheran Church, Lon- don, Saturday, April 28, the Rev. C. J. Killinger united in marriage Erna Marion Weber and Douglas Royce Gray, The bride is the daughter of Roy Weber, Woodward Ave,, London, and the late Mrs. Weber, and formerly of Heneal!. The groom is the son of• Mr. a.nd 'Mrs. Ernest Gray, Londen. The bride, given in marriage by her father, was gowned in pale blue Alencon lace and taffeta. The fitted bodice was complimented by a matching bolero and the full taffeta skirt was topped by an overskirt of fine net. A halo of net trimmed matching flowers held the blue net veil, an•d Better Times rosea form- ed her corsage. Mrs. Jean Hudson attended the bride, in pale yellow nylon, the full skirt trimmed with black velvet, and her natural straw hat accented with black ribbon. She wore a corsage of Talisman roses, Ernest Gray was best man for his brother. Later at the Seven Dwarfs Inn, Mrs, Olive Hudson re- ceived for the bride, wearing a tea rose afternoon dress with navy ac- cessories and a corsage of white carnations. The mother of the groom was costumed in an after- noon dress of navy blue print, navy accessories with corsage of pink carnations. Wearing a navy blue suit with red accessories, the bride and groom left for their wedding trip, and on their return will re- side in London. Hackett - 04410* St. Peter's Luther*' ,ChUrelet Zurich, WO Setal*,(titr ,the wedding of 16'3ere91ceMnrOOtadue , hada and James S. Hackett,' The Rev. E. Heinarich officiated rilliting in marriage the daugliter Of Mr. and Mrs. Theodore Steinbacla, Zur- ich, and the son of Mr. and Mrs. Francis S. Hackett, Allieton. Miss Kathleen Hess played the wedding' music and Grant McDonald was soloist. Given in marriage by bee father, the bride was lovely in a gown of white slipper satin. fash-, toned with lace yoke and skirt caught up at bile. front hem -lines by tiny rosebuds, to shoW a lace petticoat. Her skirt swept to at long train and a halo of pearls heid her long veil. She carried a wither Bible topped with clusters of red roses. Miss Norma $teinback was maid of honor for her sister, ba yellow net over taffeta, and Miss Carol Thiel, in green, and Mrs. John Hackett, in orchid, were also bridal attendants. Mi9t9' Wendy Hackett, in turquoise taffeta, was flower girl. John Hackett was best man, while Edgar Steinback and George Alderson ushered, Follow- ing the reception at the Dominion. Hotel, Zurich, the couple left for a wedding trip to Montreal, tha bride travelling in a navy suit and accessories with topcoat of ello and corsage of yellow roses. y will live in Alvinton. Youth for Christ BRINGS YOU Rev. II. G. Boadway SPEAKER, Listowel Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Bolton SONG, Walton Sgt. A. R. Persan VIOLINIST, Clinton in the Clinton High School SAT. — 8 p.m. — MAY 5 Austin and Nash Cars ARE DOING A GOOD JOB! We have one only 1951 Austin Sedan, without tax New 1951 Nash Sedan 1949 Austin Coach—like new 1950 Meteor Sedan—overdrive 1950 Chevrolet Sedan -6,500 miles, like new 1938 Studeba,ker Sedan—new motor, new tires, paint job; lots of years of service 1929 Chevrolet Coach 1931 Ford Coach These Cars must go at once! No reasonable offer refused. Terms arranged. Jonathan Hugill Highway No. 8 — 3 miles West of Seaforth Phones: Seaforth 667 r 6 Clinton 616 r 34 SPECIAL 5X PATCHING SHINGLES $1.45 per Bu. CEDAR FLOORING .11 per Ft. DURESBESTOS SLATE JOHNS -MANVILLE SHINGLES RED $12,50 per Sq. Fred C. Kalbfleisch and Sol Ltd. Lumber, Shingles and Builders' Supplies WHOLESALE and RETAIL TELEPHONES: ZURICH 69 GODERICH 388 RESIDENCE PHONE: Zurich 162 Monster (ash Bingo Sponsored by • CLINTON LIONS CLUB CLINTON LIONS ARENA FRIDAY, MAY nth — $500.00 IN CASH PRIZES — Including $325.00 in Special Prizes 4 Special Games for $50.00, $50.00, $75.00, $150.0) 16 Regular Games for a Prize of $10.00 Each 1 FREE GAME FOR $15.00 Admission—$1.00 for 16 Regular Games 25c for Each of the 4 Special Games Doors Open at 8':30 — Gaines start at 9:00, D.S.T. REFRESHMENT BOOTH 53 5 „