HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1951-04-20, Page 8Ot ET E• SPECIALIZE IN flim, AUTOMOBILE, CASUALTY, GUARANTEE BONDS ACCIDENT AND SICKNESS SUROLARY AND WINDSTORM Representing Companies who give Security with Service, gefeSO AGENTS FOR ONTARIO TB.RESHERMAN'S MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE Information gladly given, WATSON & REID ` REID - Proprietor as u.rance & Real Estate IlrHONF 214 SEAFORTH NEWS OF THE TOWN MWMUMMIOMMINOMOMF Announcement. — Mr. and Mrs. Earl Kinsman, of Kippen, wish to announce the Marriage of their Younger daughter, Latta Irene, to Russell Calvin, eldest .son of Mr. and Mrs, Joseph Ferguson, Hen- sall, the marriage to take place on Saturday, April 28. Announcement. — Mr. and Mrs. Anson Ruttan, of Gerrie, announce the engagement of their daughter, Donna Margaret, to Robert Ford Finlay, son of Mrs. Finlay, Wing - ham, and the late David Hilliard Finlay. The marriage will take place on Saturday, May 12, at 3 o'clock in the United Church, Ger- rie. FOR SALE Tive-room Cottage with hard and elort water: small barn. In Village teemondville, Immediate posses- 4111- Comfortable osses-Comfortable six -room Dwelling it4 Winthrop; 1/3 acre land, with emelt early fruit •trees. Several other Choice Dwellings eagle listed. todern Cottage with furnace and igarage. Early possession. Dwelling, Victoria St. Modern conveniences. Possession arrang- ed. Frame dwelling, Village of Dub- lin. Imnediate possession. M. A. REID REAL ESTATE PHONE 214 COAL -Budget Speech warns of high s'4 prices and shortages; Place your order for next Winter's fuel sup- ply NOW. William M. Hart Office Phone 784 SEAFORTH Mission Band Holds Thankoffer- ing.—Tbe thankoffering meeting of the Goforth Mission Band was held Monday afternoon at 4:15 p.m., and was opened with the hymn, "When He Cometh,'' followed by the Pledge given by Kay Charters, Carol Glew and Barbara Jean Hol- land- The Scripture lesson from Luke, chapter 15, verses 3-10, was read by Alice Ann Nixon. Lois LEMON'STAX All Passengers Insured PHONES: 162-J or 1 62-W RADIO REPAIRS 1 Gordon Wilson Graduate of 15adi. Greg. of Canada PHONE 29 Or leave Radio at Shell Service Station FOR SALE FIVE ROOM HOUSE — 3 -piece bathroom, modern kitchen. Excel- lent condition. Good barn. Situ- ated on George St. Priced reason- able, easonable, with possession April let. E. C. CHAMBERLAIN insurance & Real Estate Broker SRAPORTE! : ONT. PHONES: Rea. 220, Office 334 ROOFING Charters led ht prayer; Libby Rab - kirk and Bruce McFadden sang a daet and Mary Ellen Gorwill play- ed a piano solo. The offering was received by Jimmie Glew and Mur- ray McFadden, which was follow- ed by the song, "Hear the Pennies Dropping." Marlene Miller played a piano solo, after which Mrs. J. F. Scott told the story. "Jesus Bids Us Shine" was sung and the .meeting closed with the Lord's Prayer in uuison. There were 23 visitors and 49 members present. rhe offering amounted to $10.77. Mrs, D. R. Stewart was the pian- ist. Mrs. C. Reith thanked Mrs. Scott for the interesting story. • Metal Siding • Insul Brick • Asphalt Shingles We now are taking orders for Roofing for Spring delivery. Brighten your home with a new FLOOR OR TABLE LAMP Many to choose from NOW ON DISPLAY AT G. A. WHITNEY A COMPLETE LINE OF FLOOR COVERING$ Furniture : Funeral and Ambulance Service Telephone: Day or Night 119; Residence 65 SEAFORTH ONTARIO 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 d> J. A. BURKE 0 E? Funeral Director 0 and Ambulance Service 0 ci DITBLIN - ONT. 0 C Night or Day Calls: O C9 Phone 43 r 10 0 4 0 'g00000000 +000000000 o G. A. WHITNEY a 4" Funeral Director • o •9Yl4tln Street - Seaforth 0 o AMBtTXJANCE SEitVICt.. O .MJUstable hospttal beds . .0 tit rent. Eitcll'eli•Nursery 4 111 0 Night .i10 0 0 .0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 O O ° W. J. CLEARY o 0 Seaforth, Ont- O 0 LICENSED EMBALMER 0 0 AND FUNERAL DIRECTOR 0 0 Night or Day Calle-335 0 O O 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 00000<0000 0 0 BOX funeral 'erbict R. S. sox 0 Licensed Embalmer 0 <Y AMBULANCE 0 ' Prompt and careful aitteitlon. O O Hospital Bed 0 O PLOWlsli'to POR ALL 0 0. OCCASIoNS ' O , 6954`O r PEONES:8: Store • 0 0000000000 St. Thomas' Anglican Church. - 10 a.m., Sunday School; . 11 a m , Morning Prayer; 7 p.m., Evensong. St. Marys, Dublin, 2 p.m.—Rev, S. Semple, London, 1•.n charge of all services. First Presbyterian Church. -10 a.m„ Bible Class and Sunday School; 11 a.m., "God—and Our Needs", Junior congregation; 7 p.m., Evening Worship; a film will Abe shown. Everyone welcome.— Rev. D. Glenn Campbell. Minister. Northside United Church. --Rev. D. A. McMillan, Minister: 10 a.m., Sunday School and Adult Bible Class; 11 a.m., Worship; sermon subject, "How To Talk To Your- self," continuing the series on the Miracles; 11:30 a.m., Junior Con- gregation; 7 p.m., Worship; ser- mon subject, "Protestant Belief, No. 9." A cordial welcome to all. LOCAL BRIEFS • Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Walter, of Dundas, called on Mr. and Mrs. 7, E. Willis enroute home from Clear Water Beach, Florida, Where they spent the past few weeks. • Mrs. John McGregor, of Eg- mondville, has sold her property to Mr. Everett Smith. • Mr. Donald Smith, of London, spent the week -end with his par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Smith, • Mr. and Mrs, J. E. Keating spent a few days in Windsor this week. • Mr. and Mrs. Marius Chris- tensen and daughter, Elinore, of Copenhagen, Denmark, are being employed, by Mr. Jas. F. Scott, at Thornton Hall. • Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Shaw and Mr. and Mrs. Eric Anderson,. of London, spent the week -end in Windsor, attending a play in which Miss June Shaw was taking part. • Mr. and Mrs. Howard Kerr, of Toronto, wel'e week -end guests of Mrs. James Kerr. • Miss Katie Laudenbach, Reg, N., of St. Joseph's Hospital, Lon- don, spent the week -end at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. L. Laudenbach. • Mr. Allan Ryan, of Toronto, spent the week -end with his mother, Mrs. C. Ryan, and aunt, Mrs. Thos. O'Loughlin. • Miss Dorothy Smith, of Ham -1 ilton, spent the week -end at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Smith. • Mrs. Marg. Cuthill was in Molesworth Thursday attending the funeral of her cousin, the late Thomas MacDonald, of Listowel. • Mr. James Kelley, of Toronto, spent the week -end at the home of h's parents, Mr. and. Mrs. Wm. Kelley, • Mr. John McQuaid, who 'spent "e Past five weeks in St. Joseph's Hospital, London, has returned to `own. (such improved in health. • Mrs. W. B. Horton, who spent the winter months here, has left for her home in Calgary. Alta, • Mrs, E. Geddes was in Bay- field this week visiting her sister, Mrs. James Ferguson. • • Visitors with Mr. and Mrs, Walter Smillie over the weekend were: Mr. J. H. Eckmeir, Kitch- ener; Mr. and Mrs. Melvyn Giikin- son end daughter, Ruby, and Mr. George McMillan, of Palmerston; Mr. and Mrs, George Mutter and Harold, of Listowel, and Mr. and Mrs. R. G. Eckmeir and daughter. Gwenda, of the Huron Co-operative Library Association, Goderich. • Mr. and Mrs. James Sterling, of Agincourt, and Mr. Murray Grainger, Toronto, visited with Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Wilson and Mr. and Mrs, W. A. Wright last week. • Mr. Wilfred Cox, of Toronto, spent a few days with Mr. and Mrs. George Eaton prior to leaving for England to visit his mother in Nottingham. • Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Elgie and Elinor were in Galt visiting their son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Donald McKnight. • Mrs. J. B. Russell and Mrs• J. W, Thompson were delegates to the Synodical held in Sarnia this week. • Mrs. E. H. Close visited with relatives in London over the week- end. • Mrs. A..Stiles, Jr., has return- ed after spending two weeks in Toronto andSarnia. • Mrs. D. Ritchie and Mrs. W. M. Stewart visited relatives in Sarnia last week. • Miss Florence Fowler and Miss '• THE HURON EXPOSITOR • Edna Jowett, of Port ',boon, spent the week -end in Bluevale with Mise Olive Scott. EGMONDVILLE Jack MacLean is nicely recuper- ating after being badly burned on the hands and arm while employ- ed at the Robt. Bell Industries on Saturday morning. TAXI GORDON WILSON ALL PASSENGERS INSURED PHONES 29 or 567 SEAFORTH For Sale DUBLIN Right on Highway Five -room Brick, with bath. Large lot with garage. Price 2500. SEAFORTH Double House Five rooms and' bath; each rents' for 55.00 per month. Priced for quick sale. SEAFORTH Five rooms and bath; good base- ,inent; on Iarge lot. Price 3600. iMEflllNillpllllMl IIIIlMEMIN111111111111IIIIIIIIIIIVInN11111111111 NOTICE We wish to inform the public that we have cancelled the 10c deliv- ery charge, and will de- liver orders of $1.00 or over from our store. Wrights Superior Food Market - PHONE 77 WE DELIVER AMl>nllllllSINll llllpJll ilin11M101110111 ll1111II W. C. OKE REAL ESTATE & INSURANCE Representative for Excelsior Life Insurance Co. PHONE 670 r 3 SEAFORTH DUBLIN Death of W. H. Pugh The death took place suddenly on Sunday, April 15, at the home of his eon, of William H. Pugh, in his 74th year. The remains rested at the G. A. Whitney Funeral Home, Seaforth, until Tuesday morning, when they were taken to his late home, Concession 9, Pick- ering Township,. where a public funeral was held on Wednesday afternoon. Ile is survived by one son, Hugh Pugh, of Dublin. Inter - .1181111,, Decorating • Wallpaper and • Painting ROBERT FINLAY PHONE 7 — SEAFORTH s� 'blue coal WILLIS DUNDAS Phone 363-J - Res. 192-M OFFICE HOURS: 9:30-12; 2 p,m.-5:30 p.m. I II II 1116 III , r;f 41''11 NMI Annual .Meeting WINTHROP FOOTBALL CLUB in Winthrop Hall MONDAY, APRIL 23rd at 0:30 p.m. Everybody Welcome 11111111181111111111111131l1111 MOlUltlVll!!!>fuVNIIIIVllIIilUll Two Smart Styles in MEN'S OXFORDS Built by Scott -McHale THE CRUSIER—A Burgandy Calf Brogue Oxford, with a roiled edge. Double sole and leather heel. THEVAN DYKE—A Burgandy Calf Moccasin. Style Oxford; also with a rolled edge double sole, and leather heel. You cannot beat this value in Canada! A.nd that, Gentlemen, is taking in a lot of territory. The Price — $14.95 WILLIS' SHOE STORE "The Little Store With the Big Values" SEAFORTH It's natural to want the finest for the last tribute. No matter what price you can afford, BOX guarantees every thoughtful consideration.' BOX FUNERAL SERVICE AMBULANCE SERVICE Residence 595-W Store 43 NOTICE We, the undersigned Merchants of Walton, have agreed to close our places of business on WEDNESDAY AFTERNOONS, com- mencing May 2nd: H. S. TRAVIS RONALD BENNETT W. C. BENNETT HUMPHRIES CO. D. ENNIS W. HACKWELL Used Cars '48 CHEV. SEDAN '40 FORD SEDAN '39 DODGE COUPE '37 CHEV. COACH '34 DODGE COACH MANY OLDER MOOELS TO CHOOSE FROM —•--. Used Trucks '46 CHEV. 2 -TON STAKE '47 DODGE 1 -TON STAKE AND RACKS '47 FORD 1 -TON PICK-UP '46 FORD 3 -TON STAKE AND RACKS We have a number of New G.M.O. TRUCKS in stock Good delivery on most models, RIDE MOTORS Firestone and Royal Dominion Tires Pontiac - Buick G.M.C. Trucks PHONE 799 SEAFORTH meet was in Claremont Union Cemetery. HENSALL (Continued from Page 4) ing nicely at Victoria Hospital, London. On Sunday last the frac- ture was set. Mrs. England will celebrate her 79th birthday in the hospital on April 30. The D.D.G.M. of Fidelity Lodge, .Seaforth, visited Hensall I.O.O.F. Monday evening and exemplified the first degree to four members. It was announced that anniversary services will be held on Sunday, May 13, at 7 p.m., when the I.O.O.F. and Amber Lodge will attend ser- vices in Carmel Presbyterian Church. Pride of Huron Rebekah Lodge of Exeter, was honored on Wed- nesday by the official visit of the Assembly Warden, MIss• Carrie Cutler, of Welland. Amber Rebekah Lodge, Hensall; Huronia Lodge, Clinton, and Edelweiss Lodge, Sea - forth, were represented. Preceding the fneeting 125 attended a turkey banquet at Club Menard. The op- ening and closing exercises, were in charge of Hensall and Seaforth lodges. Mrs. Ross Dick, who recently un- derwent an operation in St. Jos- eph's Hospital, London, returned home last Sunday. Wingham Talent Perform atWalton On Tuesday evening a concert of outstanding merit was presented in Duff's Church, Walton, under the auspices of the choir, when Harold Victor•Pym, W,m. Conrad and Mrs. Ross Hamilton, of Wingham, pres- ented a number of musical selec- tions that were enjoyed by every- one. The choir of Duff's Church also sang two numbers, and a duet was rendered by the Van Vliet sisters. Mrs. H. Brown is the or- ganist and choir director. There was a good attendance, and follow- ing the concert lunch was served to the guest artists. WINTHROP Those attending the funeral of Mrs. John McClure from a distance were: Mr. and Mrs. James Stir- ling, Agincourt; Mr. Murray Grain- gers, Toronto; Miss Margaret Broadfoot, Whitby; Mr. and Mrs. George McClure and family, Lon- don; Mr. and Mrs. James Adams and Mr. and Mrs. John Adams, Chatsworth; Mr. and Mrs. Robert Adams and Mr. and Mrs. Bill For- rester, Zurich; Mr. and Mrs. Bert McKay, London; Mr. and Mrs. A. McLaughlin, Brussels; Mr. and Mrs. W. H. McClure and Mrs. Em- ily Durnin, Dungannon; Mrs. Cath- arine Shepherd, Mrs. Mary Gal- braith and Mrs. Earl Westbrooke, Goderich. CONSTANCE The Golden Link Mission Band met on Sunday, April 8, in the classroom of the church. It opened with the Mission Band Purpose, atter which was sung Hymn 446. The secretary read the roll call, with 22 present. Minutes of the last sleeting were read, after which Gary Jewitt took up the col- lection, which amounted to $1.20. The World Friends were Passed out by Muriel Dale, foIIowed by the business. It was decided to have a social evening in the tall; also Mrs. Riley read the letter of appreciation for the layette which was sent. Hymn 427 was sung, and Frances Cook read the Scripture lesson, St. Mark, chapter 8, verses 25-34. Mrs. Riley read the story book. The meeting closed with all repeating the Lord's Prayer. Mrs. Emil Shine, of Fort Francis, Out., is visiting this week with her uncle, Mr. Lewis Tebbutt, of Sea - forth, and her cousin, Mrs. George Addison, Constance, and other rel- atives in Goderich and vicinity. McKillop Busy Beavers Hold Two Meetings The Busy Beavers Club girls had their second meeting at the home of the leader, Mrs, Leslie Pryce, on Wednesday, April 11, June Smith read the minutes, and roll call was answered by eight members. Busi- ness was discussed. It was decid- ed to keep the present name of Busy Beavers (McKillop). Plans were completed for the book cov- ers. The club also met Wednes- day, April 18, at Betty Campbell's, the roll call being an accident that has happened at home and what I'm going to do about it. To close the meeting Kathleen Scott read the Institute Ode. Mr. and Mrs.•Eimer Koehler and sons moved to their farm on Wed: nesday of last week. Mr. and Mrs •Ed. McKenzie and Mr. Green, of Detroit, visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Hoegy over the week -end, Mr. Wen. F. Koehler, of Strat- ford, spent a couple of days at the Koehler home here. Misses Mary and Grace Jackson, of Seaforth, were Sunday visitors with their sister, Mrs. Norman Eg- gert, and Mr. Eggert. Mr. and Mrs. Alex Stoskopf, of Fullerton, visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs, Harry Regel on Sun- day. We are sorry to report that Mr. Lavefn Hoegy is under the doc- tor's care, The W.M,S. and W.A. of Duff's Church, McKillop, held their Eas- tee thankoffering meeting Thurs- day, April 12, in the church, and were hostesses to the auxiliaries of Walton,. Bethel, McKillop Home Helpers and St. Thomas' Anglican. The president, Mrs. Gordon Mer Kenzie, opened the meeting with a reading. Hymn 628 was Sting and Mru, Gordan Pappte read the serip- iY; APRIL 20, 1951. RegentTheatre! NOW PLAYING -- IN CINECOLOR — THURS., FRI., SAT. " THE NEVADAN" with RANDOLPH SCOTT and DOROTHY MALONE The thrilling West surges to life with the fearless end the lawless matched in murderous fury — Lt's a blazing epic of stolen gold and flaming guns. MONDAY, TUESDAY — IN TECHNICOLOR • " SIERRA " with Audie Murphy - Wanda Hendrix - .Buri Ives Blazing in its action — 'tlhrllting in every scene -- There was freedom at one end of the trail — A noose at the other — and nothing but danger in between 1 WEDNESDAY, THURSDAY " THE BIG CAT " with LON McCALLISTER and PEGGY ANN GARNER The quickest killer of the forest leaps across the screen in a streak of savage • fury. NEXT FRIDAY, SATURDAY " ROCKY MOUNTAIN " with ERROL FLYNN and PATRICE WYMORE Errol Flynn leads a band of desperate men as be stars in a dramatic moment in American history. tore, Mrs. Gordon McKenzie gave another reading, followed with prayer by Mrs. Gordon Papple. One minute silent prayer was ob- served for Mrs, John McClure and Mrs. William Shannon. Hymn 514 was sung. Words of welcome were given by Mrs. Kenneth Stewart, and short poems by Mrs. E. Mills. Mrs. H. Travis, of Walton, accom- panied by Mr& Sellers, sang "It is No Secret," followed by a poem by Mrs. Dalrymple of Egmondville. The collection was received and dedicated by Mrs. Papple. Mrs. Gordon McKenzie introduced the. guest speaker, Mrs. H. E. Living- stone, who gave a very inspiring; address from Rev. 1-18 and John. 14-19, "Because I Live, Ye Live. Also." The meeting dosed with. Hymn 362. A social hour was, spent with a dainty lunch. Votes. of thanks were moved by Mrs, E.. Mills, for Bethel; Mrs. Coutts, for Walton; Mrs. J. Keyes, for McKil- lop Home Helpers, and Mr& G. Mc. - Gavin, for St. Thomas' Anglican. Mrs. Gordon McKenzie replied gra- ciously. Clean Rugs for Spring! LET US CLEAN YOUR RUGS WITH A SOAPLESS DETERGENT IN YOUR OWN HOME Your floor coverings will sparkle like new! PHONE 160-J FOR FREE ESTIMATES Modern Rug Cleaners SEAFORTH Used Farm Machinery COCKSHUTT TRACTOR "70" COCKSHUTT TRACTOR "Er CASE TRACTOR, Model "SC" JOHN DEERE TRACTOR "BR" 1 SET OF 8 -FOOT DISCS, with new plates and bearings We have on hand A COMPLETE LINE OF NEW MACHINERY • Rowcliffe Motors Phone 267 Seaforth news ... neus.. • THE SIREN BLOWS! HERE COMES THE SEAFORTH FIRE BRIGADE! It isn't a Fire, nor a False Alarm! It is an appeal of your public-spirited Firemen, asking you to buy as many Tickets as you can' on a Draw they are sponsoring in the near future. I Our reason for this draw is to obtain enough money to buy a Ttesuscitator, that will be kept at our Fire Hall the purpose of saving the life of any person in the town or ,.rounding dis- trict. How many times do you read in the daily papers where this or that person's life was saved through the use of an Inhalator or Resuscitator? It happens every day. You may be next. There are two things we are sure of in this world of ours— Taxes and Death. However, Death can sometimes be cheated by the use of a Resuscitator, and many a child or grownup person given the chance to enjoy the happiness of living in this world of ours. By supporting this. coming draw, YOU may possibly save someone's life, so we ask you to be generous. ASK ANY OF YOUR LOCAL FIREMEN FOR A TICKET! The winner not only has the satisfaction of helping a good cause, but he also receives -a good cattle beast, or the value $250. At the price of meat today, you can't lose. More news at a later date. SEAFORTH FIRE BRIGADE J. F. Scott, Chief oma 4 lie ti