HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1951-04-20, Page 4PAI tr'E,�' MUR .. r.. r<TirN".0 ryfn NrR."A'A'ttu wr6'1?raa el x,f?^'j.. , ,orN,,.r„ , oarilliereeraesseesterrenr, re Classified Ads. 1 Classified Ads Inserted At New Low Cash: FOR SALE, WANTED, LOST AND FOUND, ECC.—Per Word: let week %1 Cent nt 2nd week IA Cent Minimum charge. d week first insertion25 Cents M Each figure, initial and abbreviation count as one word. Cards of Thanks, In Memoriam Notices, Coming Events -1 cent par word. Minimum. 50 cents per week- linquirdes may be directed to a Box N.-, ./o The Huron Eseroaitor, for 10 Dent extra Teri o cents ad t iofinal eat nolll be charged if ado in above claw are not paid within 10 days Births. Marriages and Deaths ingortwl tree ad chars.. Auction Saha Notices to Creditor.. Etc.—Rate on appl estlo . Coming Events Property For Sale DON"r MISS THE BIC FRIDAY NIGHT Dance at the Crystal Palace, Mitchell. You will enjoy dancing at this Popular4347a'2 Bal room, FLOWER TEA --TIDE FIRESIDE FEL- luwship Group of First Presbyterian Church will hold a Flower Ten vn Fri- day. April 27, from 3 to 6 p.m. Ever4v4ry- body weloome. MIN.STREL SHOW 'rHE YOL NV MEN of Egmondsille Church will present a Minstrel Show on Wednesday, April 25. at 8 p.m.; also u skit "The Bachelors Dream," will be presented by the girls. Admission 500 and 25c. 48478.1 Help Wanted T_TELP WANTED—PRACTICAL NURSE ; ' o girl to help in kitchen. RIVER- SIDE REST HOME. Mitchell, Ont- 4346x4 nt4346x4 WANTED—WOMAN FOR GENERAL work. Apply to Box 995, HURON EXPOSITOR. 4347x1 WANTED -- PROTESTANT TEACHER, for S. S. No. 3, Tuckersmitb, 1 r t miles east of Iirucetield. Duties to commence Sept. 4th. Apply. stating quali- fications, to GEORGE M0CARTNEY, Brucefield. Phone 656 r 13, Seaforth-4347-1 FOR SALE -6 -ROOM FRAME HOUSE and barn, Lots 211 and 212. in Hen, sail. Apply to ALBERT WALFF, Box 666, Goderich. 4842x8 FOR SALE -7 -ROOM BRICK HOUSE, all modern conveniences; hardwood floors throughout Apply E. D. CROWE. James St. Phone 376. p1 E BELL TELEPHONE COMPANY of Canada offers a permanent posi- tion ae, night operator. Pay while train- ing. Scheduled increase's. Five nights a week. Extra pay for Sunday and late evening work. Two years High School preferred. Apply Chief o Operator, BELL TELEPHONE CO.. 43411 Wanted ROOMERS--ROOMS AVAILABLE FOR gentlemen. PHONE 441-.1, Seaforth. 4347-1 Personals For Sale FOR SALE—BOAT AND TRAILER. Apply to ED, LANE, Seaforth. 4847-1 WORK WANTED BY YOUNG CHAP, in store or office in Seaforth, for sum- mer months. Can start about middle of June. Apply to Box 997, HURON EX- POSITOR. 4347x1 WANTED TO RENT—IN TOWN OR nearby: House or apartment, un- furnished; 4 rooms and both, or more. Willing to pay good rent for nice place. WILLIAM MORRISON. Phone 386.4345-tf SKINNY MEN, WOMEN! GAIN 5 to 15 11e.: new pep. Try Oatrex Tonic Tab- lets for new, healthy flesh: new vigor. Introductory, "get acquainted" size ONLY 60e. All druggists. TTYGIENIC SUPPLIES (R U BBE R rl Goody). mailed postpaid in plain. sealed envelope with price list 6 samples 25c; 24 samples 81.00. Mail -Order Dept. T-73, NOVA -RUBBER CO., Box 91. Hamilton. 0 at Notices INCOME TAX—PHONE 78 FOR AP- pointments. H. G. 'MSIR, Dominion Bank , tlldg. 4345x3 MOTH PROOF YOUR WINTER clothes before storing for the Sum- mer. Five-year written guarantee with Berlou Mothproofing. Small additional charge. GILLESPIE CLEANERS. 4345-5 Tel. 196. Seaforth. Tenders Wanted FOR SALE By, Tender Auction Sales EXECUTOR'S SALE OF PROPERTY AND HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS Harold Jackson has received instruc- tions to offer by auction for the under- signed executor in the Village of ES- mondville, opposite Haney's I Store. on Monday, April 28rd, at 2 pan.: PROPERTY — 4 -room frame cottage, basement and hydro. Large dot with good garden. FURNITURE—Tables. chairs, dressers, Finlay white enamel cook stove with reservoir, used six months. Approximate- ly 8 tons of chestnut coal; garden tools - Terme ---chattels. Dash. Property, 10% down, 'balance 30 days. Reserve bid. For further particulate ap- ply to GEORGE KRUSE. Executor. or A. W. SILI..ERY, Soliutor for Eetate, or Harold Jackson, Aucdioneer. 4346-2 AUCTION SALE OF HOUSEHOLD Effects will be held at the residence of Mrs. John A. McGregor in Et.-mond- ciIle, one door south of Honey's Store. en Saturday, April 28th, at 1 :80 pan.: Antique chesterfield, 4 -piece mahogany parlor suite; walnut whatnot: fernery; quantity potted geraniums; 3 large maid- enhair ferns; velvet rug 9x12: quantity hooked rugs; bridge lamp: reading lamp; table /amps; curtains; drapes; pi :etures books: clock; mirror; oak rocking chair; 4 kitchen chairs; sofa; chest of drawers; 2 -burner electric plate; 2 bedroom suites; •1 bed; coil springs 48 in, Marshall mat- tress, 45 in.: vacuum cleaner; 2 electric irons; toaster; Raymond sewing machine: trays; quilts; congoleum rug 71/219: 2 pairs feather pillows; sushi ;ons ; Austrian china dinner set; antique china and glass- ware: curving set: dishes; 2 tea kettles; tots and pans; chicken shelter; 2 trunks; scoop shovel; large barn screw jack ; fork : 2 barn windows : 2 horse collars ; grain bat,:: logging chain; numerotvs other articles. Terms-• Cash. MRS. JOHN i A. M0GIIEGOR, Proprietress.; Harold Jackson, Auctioneer. 4347-2 TENDERS WILL RE RECEIVED BY 11 the undersigned up to April 25th for the sale of with 20 a -footck buildi, 30 feet bY valts and a good 50 feet. roof. Known as Smith's Hill United' Chureh at Carlow. The building to be removed by Sept_ 40th The purchaser to remove all the building above the foundation. The high- est or any tender not necessarily accepted. For further particulars apply to THOMAS H. WILSON, GoJerich, Ont, R.R. 5 4646-2 eel ^.ill �I , ` -„e ve µ^. Vi'µ •s?a'^ era.•+xrn!s,,nas,A,ma,pt tr .. 4 A. 1 ,1 • ,THS "ON EXPOSITOR • News Items of Hensall and District Persons desiring assistance with their income tax returns are invit- ed to consult Mr. W. B. Cross.— (Adv.) 4346-3 George Gram, Aged Hensall Resident, Passes After Fall CLEARING AUCTION SALE OF CAT - tie, Horses. Sheep, implements and Furniture --Harold Jackson has received instructions to sell by public auction at I.ot 18. Concession 8. Hibbert Township, 7. miles south of Dublin and U. mile wot of StalTa. on Wednesday. April 25th, at I12 o•alock sharp: HORSES — Driving home; colt, 4 year: old. snake good driver NOTICE—ASHES, CANS AND BUB- hage of all kinds rernoved promptly and reasonably. HAROLD MALONEY. Phone 2174. Please call at moon hour or evenings. 4842x10 Notices To Creditors NOTICE to CREDITORS (• ur addle horse. CATTLE --10 young Durham, Hereford and Polled -Angus cows with calve- at foot: 2 Guernsey heifers i with calves: 2 Guernsey heifers, to freshen t;to June (these 4 Guernseys game from a herd at Hugh Hill. Goderich. and are vac- leinatenl) : 12 Durham and Hereford heifers 100 in May and ,lune: 3 -vaccinated Hol- otein heifers due in Auru,t: 2 Holstein heifers due in July: 12 vaccinated year - heifers: Gram, Aberdeen, Mich. Public fun eral services, largely attended, were held from Bonthron Funeral Home Tuesday at 2 p.m., conduct- ed by Rev. W. J. Rogers. Inter- ment was in Hensall Union Ceme- tery. Pallbearers were G. Follipk, Thos, Kyle, T. J. Sherritt, Laird Mickle, Ed. McQueen and E. R. Shaddick. Word was received in Hensall Saturday last of the sudden pass- ing of Joseph Hudson, of Marlette, Mich., who dropped dead Saturday with a heart seizure. Born at Marlette, Mich., he was the'son of the late Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Hud- son, Mr. Hudson 'being a former Hensall native, and a nephew of Mrs. Eva Carlile, Mrs. Annie Log- an and Mrs. Harvey, of Hensall. 'There will be an exchange' of ministers and choirs at the United Church on Sunday morning, Apr. 22. Rev. W. J. Rogers and his choir will go to Wesley -Willis United Church, Clinton, and Rev. H. C. Wilson and his choir will come to Hensall. The evening ser- vice at Hensall ohurch will be withdrawn. Mr, John MacGregor, who has been a patient at St. Jose.ph's Hos- pital, London, returned home Sat- urday. Keep in the mind the Zurich Lions Club minstrel show, of black - d mixed uar- Death claimed one of Hensall's oldest residents and most beloved citizens in the person of Mr. George Gram, who passed away Sunday evening at Mrs. J. Hodgert's nurs- ing home, Exeter, in his 93rd year. Some three weeks ago Mr. Gram, while feeding his chickens, suffer- ed a weak spell and lay on the wet ground for some, time before being noticed by some workers going by, who carried him into the house. 'll. He never recovered from this td Mr. Gram was a familiar figure on Hensall streets and until his fall drove or walked to the post office for his mail and was able to do his daily duties. He was always a friend of little children, who loved to ride with him in the wagon daily, and he never tired of having them with him. He will be much missed by his family and a host of neighbors and friends. Deceas- ed was born in Hay Township and farmed on the Parr Line before taking up residence in the village 27 years ago. He was a member of the United Church. Serviving are his widow, the former Louise Schellig; two sons, Whiffle, Shy- lock, Mich., and Percy, Caro, Mich.; one daughter, Ada. Adrian, Mich., and one -brother, Rev. Orland ' in -s. Ancus and Hereto ri ' a Durham steers rising 2 years old. SHEEP 70 choice Southdown ewes, and FOR SALE BY TENDER 'lhoet GU iamb more to Mme; 11,4PLE- o, EN'ro -Forel Tractor, 1950 model: - N' LANDS ARE Or furrow plow for Ford tractor: Ford cults T1 namely. art `,tor. Ford n HE FOLLOWING :, 3 mower: Ford buckrake; cir- fered for gale by tamer, p pular saw for Ford: rubber tired manure of Lot 25. Concession 1. Hibbert 'I'oa•n-spreader: Gaterman pee harvester: 3 -sec - ship, being on No. S Highway. in Village tion spring tooth harrows: ]ow steel wag - forth. St Colnmb.in, 3t!'y miles east of Sea-;tion (all above machinery was bought i farth- 19SU and 1931 and used very little) : ex - Tenders must be in the hand of the tendon ladder: set double harness: west - undersigned on or before the tat day of ern saddle and bridle, like new: water May. 1951, and be accompanied by a mark- 1 trough : some real good tools; nearly new ed cheque for 10% of the amount there -furniture: 3 -piece chesterfield suite, lake new : 2 end tables; 2 trilight aeries: floor of. :lamp: dining room suite: bed springs and of odd table,: rock- number On the said store there is said to he mattress; ars : mss ,zine tacks : Simplicity electric • 1' in w same dwelling tag erected a offs storey f «-ashes. like new; studio couch: 5 occa- a.n1 pre oomsyste withA three-pieceourth'. renal chairsv like new; 2 rags with pads. and Seared; system. Adjacent is Church and School: low taxes. Possession on 9x12Oxo, like new radio; scatter mans: cab- rlosirtg Binet radio: mantel radio: bridge table and 4 chairs: kitchen table and chairs : Que- These lands are offered for sale to close! cook stove: hot plate: tubs: kitchen the estate of Johanna Reach. The high_! utensils lawn mower: .many other art - est or any tender not necessarily accept- I isles. Tenth—Cash. No reserve as the ed. 'farm has been sold. CLIFFORD H. DOW, Proprietor: Harold Jackson, Auctioneer: McCONNELL & HAYS. IE P. Chesney, Clerk. 4347-1 Seaforth, Ontario, the hivecutors In the Estate of ISABELLE HESTER ALL PERSONS \HAVING CLAIMS against the'Estate, of Isabelle Hester. late of the Town of Seaforth. in the Coun- ty of Huron, Widow, deceased, who died on the 2.1st day of March. 1951. are here- by notified to send in full particulars of their claims to the undersigned on or be- fore .the 11th day of May. 1951, after which date the assets will be distributed, having regard only to claims then re- ceived. DATED at Seaforth, this 14th day of April, 1951. McCONNELL & HAYS, Seaforth, Ontario, Solicitors for the Estate. 4347-3 NOTICE to CREDITORS in the Estate of JOHANNAH ROACH ALL PERSONS HAVING CLAIMS against the E tate of Johannah Roach, late of the Township of Hibbert. in the County of Perth. Widow, deceased, who died on the 2nd day of February, 1951. are hereby notified to send in full par- ticulars of their claims to the undersign- ed on or before the 411, day of May, 1951. after which date the assets will be dis- tributed. is- v' regard only to claims i feel having y is bu rrg eg then received. DATED at Seaforth, this 11th day of Aprl, 1951. MoCONNELL & HAYS, Seaforth. Ontario, Solicitors for the Executors. 4246-8 NOTICE to CREDITORS Solicitors for - 4347 IFXTENSIVE CLEARING AUCTION . Sale of 27 Head of Pure Bred Ayr - hires, Farm ✓bo..k. Implements. Feed and Furniture.—W. E. Nairn will sell by pub-. • lie auction on Lot 17. Concession 6, ;Downie, le mile west of Avonton, 3 miles south of Sebringville, on Monday. April 23r<5. commencing at 12 o'clock. the fol- lowing : o1 -lowing: HORSES—Registered Clydesdale black mare 10 years old; bay mare 11 ,Years old : aged gelding. CATTLE—The COB CORN. R SALE—QUANTITY OF .A yr.hire hens is folie accredited and vac - Apply to MOORE'S POULTRY FARM, ctinated, consisting of 12 cows: 1 aged cow: Phone 666 r 8, Seaforth 4340-cf (balance from 3 to 6 years old; 10 cows FOR SALE—'M:IL 11 -RUN FERTIL1a- are fresh, 1 due in April, 1 due in July; with grass seaxf box. Priced 2 heifers due in October: 4 yearling. heif- er drill, nn : 7 young heifer calves : herd sire one reasonable. IVAN FORSYTH. 'Phone 653 :year old: 1 bull calf. The above cows' r 22, Seaforth. 4347-1 have plenty of size and in first-class con - FOR SALE—MISSES' SIZE 14 FITTED con - cation with an average yearly test of 42 coat: brown and green check. ! per cent HOGS -15 hogs, 175 tbs. each. springHAY AND GRAIN -15 tons alfalfa and Apply Box 999. HURON EXPOSITOR, itimothy hay.; 100 bushels Clinton oats, fit 4347-1;fpr seed: 25 bushels barley: 50 bushels corn ; 7 tons mixed grain. IMPLEMENTS --M.-H. 30 tractor with starter and lights, -new: Inter -ace bottom 2 -furrow tractor -lou': Bissell spring tooth cultivator: Mc.- D. fertilizer drill, 13 -disc. new; Interna- trona] 7 -ft binder. new: International 6 - rt. mover: International side rake: M. -H. 'hay loader: hay tedder ; Goodison all- -. ' 'eel separator. equipped with S.K.F. bear- ' ings, grain blower, 100 -ft. drive belt all new : corn hinder and loader; corn culti- v-tor: disc harrow: snuffler: 2 walkine plows : new rubber Orel wagon with ball . los ri ass: ]•anon hay rack: wagon box; No. 9 manure spreader on rubber: 3 set of iron harrows. 5 -sections each; set of sleighs, nearly new: steel hay rake: fanning mill and motor attached: water lank : M. -H. power cream separator, 800 lbs. capacity: 2 sets double harness: quan- tity ladder: colon ten o of lumber: ex y _ house: oil drums: barbed wire ; set of s •wire : electric clippers: root pulper ; 100- 2 ib. milk cans; block and tackle: crosscut 1 saw : chicken feeders ; car wo ,ter's tools - logging chains: forks : hoes, etc. FURNI- n1TL'RE-Medium size piano in A-1 condi- tion: chesterfield: extension table and six 1 chairs : buffet and sideboard : rocking chairs: occasional chairs: walnut chert of drawers and mirror: 2 three -quartet• 1 sheds, springs and mattresses : washstands land dresses: couch; kitchen cabinet: seal- err t iron kettles anal other small articles. 2 No reserve. farm is sold. Terms—Cash. Women's Institute refreshment booth. The t. pure-bred cattle will he sold at 3 p.m. 'This sale will start sharp at 12. W. J. 'vii?RRAX, Proprietor; W E. Nairn, Auc- - tioneer. 4347-1 For Sale FOR SALE—NEW 7 CUBIC FOOT RE- ' PHONE 175. 4347-1 In the Estate of ROBERT G. HOGGARTH ALL PERSONS HAVING CLAIMS against the Estate of Robert G. Hog - earth, late of the Township of Hibbert, in the County of Perth, Retired Farmer. de- ceased, who died on the 7th day of Octo- ber, 1050, are hereby notified to send in full particulars of their claims to the undersigned on or before the 4th day of May, 1911, after which date the assets will be distributed, having regard only to claims then received DATED at Seaforth, this llth day of April. 1951. McCONNELL & HAYS, Seaforth, Ontario, Solicitors for the Executor. Lost and Found f 08T- COLD BROACH. WITH A DOLI- ble lop. Finder please PHONE 833 r 31, Seaforth. 4347-1 side at the organ console at the -United Church Sunday morning. lair. Rennie will direct his own choir from Wesley -Willis United Church, Clinton, in an exchange of choirs. Miss Margaret Schieck, of Alma, has been engaged to teach Grades 1 and 2 at Hensall public school to replace Mss, R. Cook, who has ten- dered her resignation- Miss Schieck will commence her duties at the fall term.' LOST --CHEVROLET HUB CAP, ON R.R. 3, R.R. , or town. Finder ;lease PHONE 113. •1347x1 IOST ----1N SEAFORTH ON MONDAY, A sum of money. Finder please apply W Pox 996. HURON EXPOSITOR. 4347x1 LOST- SCOOP SHOVEL, BETWEEN Seaforth, Co-operative Feed Mill and Scott Claire farm. Finder please PHONE 76, Seaforth. 4347x1 faced songs, jokes an q tetter, at. the Town Hall, Wednes- day, April 25, sponsored by Hen- sall W.I. Eighty-eight pupils from Grades 1 to 8 of Hensall public school left by two chartered buses Wednesday morning to compete at the Huron County Music Festival at Goderich. They were accompanied by their principal, J. F. Blackwell; Miss R. Avery and Miss W. Gray, and music supervisor; S. G. Ra.nnie, Mrs. Martha Harvey, Mrs. Annie Logan, Mrs. Eva Carlile and Mr. Walker Carlile and his son, Bill, F' thelate funeral I d d the 1 ne1 of a aft ,r e Joseph Hudson, at Pontiac, Mich., on 'Tuesday of this week. Mr. Hudson died suddenly at his home on Saturday with a heart condi- tion. He was an employee with the Pontiac Motor Sales, and last Aug- ust was presented with a gold watch in recognition of 25 years of service with the company. Fun- eral services for Mr. Hudson were in charge of the Masonic Lodge, and interment took place in Mar- lette. Mich, Take Part in Music Festival Following are the marks obtain- ed by pupils of Miss Greta Lam- mie at Huron County Festival of Music held at Goderich Monday: Piano solos, seven and under, Bob- by Mickle 86, second prize winner; 10 and under, Charles Mickle 83, Beth Goddard 84; 9 and under, Rod. Ferguson 83; 11 and under, Gwen Spencer 82; 12 and under, Wayne 'Pinney 82; piano duet, 9 and under, Katherine Anderson and Jane Horton 83, second prize; piano trio, 9 and under, Rod. Ferguson, Terry and Wayne Forrest, 83, third prize. Miss Laramie had eight entries. The pupils are to be congratulated upon their splen- did showing. Mrs. Matthew England, who frac- tured her hip last Saturday, is do - (Continued on Page 8) KIPPEN Mrs. Alice 'Cook, of London, vis- ited her mother, Mrs. McClymont, on Thursday 'of the past week. Rev. and Mrs. Wood, of Grand Bend, visited the Rev. and Mrs, Hinton last week. We are sorry' to have to report that Mrs. Hinton is still confined to her bed and we hope to soon see her up and about agalin. Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Cudmore, accompanied by their son, Stew- art, and wife, of London, drove to Toronto on Saturday to visit their daughter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Pinkney. Mrs. Armstrong returned home on Saturday after spending a week with her daughter in Ripley. LOST—EITHER IN • SEAFORTFI OR between Dat)'s Church. McKillop, and Seaforth, on Thursday last, a hub cap, late model. Finder please leave at SEA - FORTH MOTORS. 434751 Sale Motor Cars For FOR SALE -1941 MERCURY COACH, radio, heater; excellent condition. PHONE 392-R. 4347-1 4346-3 NOTICE to CREDITORS FOR SALE -6 -PIECE BLACK AND white kitchen set: buffet. table, and 4 chairs. PHONE 128•.1, Seaforth. 4347-1 FOR SALE -6 YORK TAM CHUNKS. Apply to HENRY ENZENSBERGER, RR. 5, Set.forth. Phone 839 r 23. 4347-1 FOR SALH-MONTCALM SEED BAR ley, Comanercial No. 1. 82.00 per bushel. A. B. BELL, R.R. 2, Kippen Phone 693 r 2, Hensall 4346.2 FOR SALE—NUMBER OF POULTRY shelters and brooders. Apply to Box 993. HURON EXPOSITOR. Fox SALE QUANTITY ANTI TY RD E OF clover hay, round bales. W. ALEX ANDER, Hensall. Phone 682 r 13, Hen sail. 4346x FOR SALE—THREE-CORNER CUP board: 2 beds : feather tick : kitche chains. KATE 'LYNCH, St- Columban. 4347x 1942 DODGE DE LUXE SEDAN. Wars new tires, reasonable. DUNLOP'S B. A. SERVICE STATION, Seaforth. 4947-1 FOR SALE --COAL OR WOOD Mc Clary range with water front: in A- ehape. Also a 4 -burner electric range used two years. Apply to ELGIN NOTT Phone 847 r 5. 4347 - In the Estate of GEORGE ALEXANDER JACKSON ALL PERSONS HAVING CLAIMS. against the Rotate of George Alex- ander Jackson, late of the Village of Eg- monvilte, County of Huron. deceased, who died on or about the 24th clay of Febru- ary, 1951, are hereby notified to send in to the undersigned on or before the Sth day of May, 1951, full particulars of their claims. Immediately after tbe said last men- tioned date, the assets of the said estate will be distributed amongst the parties entitled thereto. having regard Dray to claims of which the undersigned shall then have notice, to tiro exclusion of all others, and the umdetSigited will not be liable to anis person of what's claim the undersign- ed shall net then bat'6 ttotlee for the arsaeta so distributed of tray part thereof. bltTJrSp aft Seaforth, this 114b day of April, 1931. Att*lat 467 ett.1.11M, mower, 8411.ett r, Hits. lalkdtot fol' the li state. ...,. . g'�itlf FOR SALE—SATURDAY, APRIL 21s at 2 p -m-, 25 choice weanling pigo KEN MIPHEJtS4IN, Lot 22. Con. 3, Rib bert Phone Dublin. 17 r 24. 4347x1 FOR SALE—REGISTERED HEREFORD bun, 2 years old; also some feed wheat JOHN W. THOMPSON. R.R. 2. Seaforth. ';I WISH TO EXTEND MY THANKS TO Phone 833 r 31, Seaforth. 4347x11 all my friends and neighbors who re - :membered me with cards, letters and R QAL F -NEW SINGER SEWING I treats while I was a patient in Victoria machine:lectric and treadle. RPI Hospital. London, and since my return Trains to all makes. SINGER SEWING home. CENTRE, 78 Ontario St, Stratford, 14347 JAMES FINLAYSON Cards Of Thanks FOR SALE -193S FORD 85 COUPE; 1947 Mercury motor; sealed beam lights, nearly new. 4 tires, new battery, king pins. JACK KELLAR., Phone '02W. Seaforth. 4347x1 4228 -ti ,•THIS IS TO SAY A MOST SINCERE FOR SALE — QUANTITY OF RED 1 thank you to me friends for greeting elover seed; also quantity of Ontario car's', treats, le tteTs. flowers ami visits wheat for feed. Apply to .TAMES M. "'bile 1 wasin SL .Joseph's Hospital: also LANDSBOROUGH. Tei, 665 r 16, Sea_ :for kindness to my family then and since forth. 4345x3 1 my arrival home. :4317-1 MRS. ROSS DICK SPECIALS 1949 CHEV, SEDAN 1948 OLDS. SEDAN—Radio, air condition 1946 CHEV. PANEL Seaforth Motors Chevrolet - Oldsmobile PHONE 141 SEAFORTH FOR SALE -2 MATTRESSES. 2 PAIRS springs: organ: 2 cook stoves : some white brick: corner cupboard: 2 wash• stands : commoele; oilelnth : kitchen chairs. Apply CLA.R.EN4IE REEVES. Seaforth. 4147-1 FOR SALE—AN OUTDOOR TOILET IN excellent condition: gond winch, snit. able for moving buildings, etc.: 3 A.P. faaeoline "Melte. new home mnale wheel- barrows. Wilt sell reasonable for quick sale. JAMES ELLiOTT. Chalk Street, Seaforth. 4546-2 CEMENT ENT AME%tTOAH CEMENT IN STOCK 1.55 per Bag Rogers & Benson Hdwe. MrFOHELL - PHONE 4 4346.2 .• dr To Huron Blzpositer W M. Rolle 41, Seaforth. ant le, I SINCERELY THANK THE GOOD Sisters of S4- .Joseph's Tiospital, Lon- don. for their kindness rece,,ed while five weeks there. Also for the kindness of the nurses and Drs. Lewis and Hamlett: 'and for the treats end cards received from friends in Seaforth, St. Columban and :Dublin. 4347x1 .101IN MoQUAiD 5 In Memoriam GOOD BARGAINS I Used Cars,Trucks and Tractors CARS 1936 FORD SEDAN 1938 FORD COACH 1932 PLYMOUTH COUPE 1940 PLYMOUTH COACH 1940 PONTIAC SEDAN 1941 FORD COACH 1949 MONARCH COACH TRUCKS 1948 CHEV. 2 -TON 1949 FORD 1 -TON 1932 FORD 1,2 -TON PICK-UP 1937 FARGO 1 -TON THAMES ?._-TON PANEL TRACTORS 1941 FORD 1941 COCK-SHUTT 70 STANDARD 1947 COCKSHUTT 70 ROW -CROP with power lift and cultivator REDDEN—IN MEMORY OF A DEAR ifather,who and kind died in St. Catharines General Hospital Aprll 19. 1927. "Gone. Dear Dad. but not formatters-" —Ever remembered by his wife Cath- arine M. Redden, end Family. 4347-1 Deaths Lutheran Church, Zurich, Scene of Spring Wedding Betty Mousseau, Reg.N., daugh- ter of Mr. and.Mrs. Herbert Mous- seau, 'became the bride of Grant Case, son of Mr. and Mrs. Ben Case. Exeter, in a double ring cere- mony in the Evangelical Lutheran Church, Zurich. Rev. E. Heimrich officiated. Spring flowers of mauve and yellow with green fern made a pretty setting for the lovely bride. The bride, given in mar- riage by her father, looked charm- ing in a gown of white satin, fash- ioned with a lace bodice and Queen Anne collar. Her French illusion floor -length veil was bound in white satin and she carried a white Bible with an orchid, white satin streamers caught with tiny white Stephoniallis. Mrs. Reg. Black, the bridesmaid, and sister of the bride, was gowned in mauve taffeta with nylon net overskirt and stole, with headdress of yellow daffodils, car- rying a nosegay of yellow and mauve sweet 'peas and spring flowers. Sandra ra Parkins niece of the bride, gowned in yellow taffeta and nylon net, similar to the bridesmaid, with matching head- dress and carrying a tiny nos,,ggay of sweet peas and spring flowers, was flower girl. Don Case was his brother's groomsman. The or- ganist, Miss Audrey Heimrich, chose a gray suit and pink camelia corsage. Miss Hilda Pletch, Reg. N., was soloist ,and sang "The Lord's Prayer" and "Because." She wore a navy street dress with white Camelia corsage. The pianist, Miss Pauline Hess, chose red taf- feta street -length with white Cam- elia corsage. Ushers were Jim Parkins' and Erwin Ryekman. At Club Menards. Exeter, the bride's mother received in lilac nylon bro- cade and corsage of Talisman ros- es. The groom's mother assisted, wearing a gray English worsted suit with corsage of pink roses. Following the luncheon the guests were entertained at the bride's home where a buffet lunch . was served in charge of Miss Frieda Haberer and Mrs. Emma Block, For her wedding trip the bride wore a navy suit with white acces- sories, wearing a white orchid cor- sage. Their"honeymoon will be spent in Niagara and points south of tbe border. �11�5.r Ig'fhtl,�� APR/14 0,4 9.51, and are taking .up re)idepoe t I - week. We are 'pleasedt.tO learn ,that, Mee and .Mrs. Emerson Kyle have OHO infant son, James Thomas. at home. Messrs. Roy Consitt and son William, and Ivan Forsyth and E. M. Chesney were in Simeoe Ole Sunday attending the funeral of the late Alex Forsyth, a formele resident of Seaforth. Mr. and Mrs. Norman Long were Sunday guests at the home of their daughter and son-in-law, Mr, and Mrs. Edward Little, of Ilder- ton. Mrs. Doig and Janet have return- ed to their home after spending a pleasant winter with Mr. John Doig, of Grand Rapids, Mich. Mr. James Young has moved to Fab- er M r . Harry 3 the (aria ownedby on the 10th concession of Tuck- el'smith. Mr. and Mrs. Ross McNichol and two small daughters, of Walton, are this week moving onto the fine farm of the late Earle Sproat, which they recently purchased. Mrs. Margaret Hay and Miss Jean McLean, of Seaforth, were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Henderson. Mr. and Mrs. Duncan Aikenhead of Seaforth visited on Sunday with Mrs. Dinsdale and Miss Whiteman. Clinton Hospital reports Mr. Gordon Wren improving slowly. Mr. and Mrs, Fred Weeks, from a Western Province, has purchased Mrs. J. D. Stewart's farm on the 2nd concession of Tuckersniith;, Entertain Evening Auxiliary A very enjoyable evening was spent in Carmel Presbyterian Church Monday when the Arnold Circle Evening Auxiliary had as guests members of the United. Church Evening Auxiliary. The meeting was presided over by the president, Mrs, C. Forrest, who ex- tended the welcome to the guest speaker, Evening Auxiliary mem- bers, Honle Helpers and other members. Mrs. Wm. Brown con- ducted the worship period. Mrs. Harold ,Bell read Psalm 104 and continued with remarks on "My Purpose." "The Parable of Life" was read by Mrs. A. Kerslake. Mrs. L. Baynham acted as pianist. Mrs. Brown favored with a solo, "God Hath Not Promised," with Mrs. H. Bell' as accompanist. Mrs, Roy Bell introduced the guest speaker, Miss Ruby Wacker, rise. Missionary giollal secretary of all societies of Ontario and Quebec, who gave a very informative ad dress on the various phases of her work. ''We have only one task, to witness; we have the privilege to witness to a great mass of people," she said. She touched on the work of the Indian people in Canada, for our Chinese folk in Canada, and for the Hungarian people in Canada and the people in the mis- sion fields. Mrs. R. Mock render- ed a vocal solo. Mrs, H. McEwan and Mrs. R. Broderick, a vocal duet with Miss Gladys Luker as accom- panist, Mrs. Gordon Schwalm read a missionary article dealing with Mr. Kim' and closed with a pass- age, "Full Surrender." Mrs, Har old Bonthron contributed an art- icle, "Our Mission Work in China." Mrs. J. K. Irvin favored with a reading. "My Shopping List." Mrs. C. Forrest mentioned the synodical meeting held, in Sarnia, of which she and Mrs. J. E. McEwan attend- ed as delegates from Carmel Pres- byterian Church. Both ladies re- ferred to the highlights. Articles for the layette must be presented at the May meeting. Mrs. A. Kers- lake and Mrs. R. A. Orr reported, for the visiting committee. Mrs. A. Hildebrandt and Mrs. C. Kennedy will form the visiting committee for May. Lunch committee will be Mrs. Inez McEwan -and Mrs. L. Baynham. Mrs. P. A. Ferguson will take the topic, and Mrs. John Sol- dan will be hostess. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Ryckman, Er- win and Lynne, of Flint, Mich., vis- ited over the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. T. J. Sherritt, Mrs. Milne R. Rennie will pre - SPECIAL 10-20 McCORMICK-DEERING in good running order for belt work --cheap. P1.1011—In Dublin, on Sn play, April 1s, l' ilUaan •H- Pagh, dear father of Heigh Pugh, Dublin. in his 14th year. ''iSh'a%,.I, -7: DALY MOTORS SEAFORTH 51 CHEV. DE LUXE STYLELINE SEDAN—Air ronditioning, andel- coated, many extras 50 50 CHEV. FLEETLINE COACH CHEV. DE LUXE STYLELINE COACH 50 CHEV. STYLELINE SEDAN 49 CHEV. FLEETLINE SEDAN Aq CHEV. DE LUXE FLEETLINE SEDAN 49 CHEV. FLFTLiNE COACH 49 CHEV. STYLELTNE SEDAN 2 '48 CHEV. STYLEMASTER COACHES 47 CHEV. COACH- engem radio 47 FORD 5 -PASSENGER COUPE custom radio 46 CITF,V. COACH 42 PT,YMO1TIH SEDAN—Radio 41 MERCURY SEDAN custom radio Minstrel Show Zurich Lions Club pre- sents Minstrel Show — In — VARNA HALL Monday, April 23rd at 8:15 p,m. Sponsored by L.O.L. 1035 ADMISSION: Adults 50c Children 25c Zurich Lions Club Minstrel Show Black Face Songs and Jokes Mixed Quartettes — at the Town Hall, Hensall Wednesday, Apr. 25th at 8 p.m. ADMISSION: Adults 65c Children 40c Sponsored by Hensall Women's Institute a 35 PtYMoUTH COACH -4100.00 MANY OTHER MRF OOLS TO CHOOSE TE BRUSSELS MOTORS '"Phe Home of Better Used Care" OPEN EVERY EVENING Births CURRAN—At Scott Memorial Hospital, on April 19. to Mr. and Mae. A. M. Curran, R.C.A.F. Station, Clinton. a daughter. FERRIGNO—,In Marguerite Hague Ma- ternity Hospital, .Jersey City. N.J., on March 15. to Mr. and Mrs. Frank Fer- rigno (nee Helen Munn), of Hoboken, N.J., a eon --Robert Frank. HANEY--At Scott Memorial Hospital, on April 15. to Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Haney, R,R. 4, Seaforth, a 6011. HOY—Mr. and Mns. Harry Hoy, Hensall, are pleased to announce the arrival of their son, Michael Henry, at Clinton Hospital, Monday, April 16, 1951, MORRISON—At Scott Memorial Hospital, on April 19. to Mr. anti Mra. William Morrison. Seaforth, (nee, Bernice Wil- son). a son --William .lam. MARK—At the Ottawa Civic Hospital on April 9, 1951, to Lieutenant. Commander and Mrs. Jaynes C. Mark (nee Dorothy Golding 1. a daughter—Brenda Golding. PRETTY—At Scott Memorial Hospital, on April 10, 4o Mr. and Mara. James Pretty, S " fo a on. g1 RD—•Mr. and Mrs. Harold 'W. Shepherd (nee Mildred Smillie), tire happy 4o announce ,the birth of a son, a binther for Mar'tfaret, on April 14, ,,1951. at Grace Hospital, Toronto-. SILLERY—eA.t Scott Memorial Hdspibaal, on April 15,,.to Mr. and Mrs. Ervin Sinerir, R.R. 1, Brucefield, a daughter, 'Seedtime' Topic of Paper a t Cromarty THE Ari FORDSON MAJOR TRACTOR Although New To This . District IS THE MOST WIDELY USED TRACTOR IN THE WORLD ! If you are planning to purchase a new Tractor, look into the merits of this— "THE WORLD'S HARDEST - WORKED TRACTOR" DALY MOTORS Ford - Monarch Sales and Service PHONE 102 •SEAFORTH Mrs. Wesley Russell presided at a meeting of the Marion Ritchie Auxiliary •at the manse on Thurs- day. Mrs. Gordon Scott read the Scripture lesson, followed with prayer by Mrs, Duncanson. Mrs. John Templeman read a chapter from the study book and Mrs. Cal- der McKaig gave a paper entitled, "Seedtime." Bob and Laurie McKellar visited over the weekend' with Mr. and Mrs. Donald Wallace in Seaforth. Mr. Robert Coleman who spent a few weeks with his daughter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs, William Caldwell at Brueefield, has return- ed to his home here. Mrs. William Hamilton attended a trousseau tea at Belmore in hon- or of her granddaughter, Betty Hankins, whose marriage took place on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Adam Reeves and Misses Mary and Helen Thompson, of Fergus, end Mrs. A. D. Camer- on, of Mitchell, visited Mr. and Mrs. Calder McKaig on Sunday. "Mr. and Mrs. T. L. Scott and family and Mrs. Moore visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Victor Kestle in Exeter, and also attend- ed a missionary meeting in Caven Church. Miss Ruby Walker was the guest speaker:. Mrs, Wm. Houghton, Gordon Houghton, Shirley Gale and Frank Stagg visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. John Houghton, at Mild- ma.y. The Mission Band meeting Sat- urday was presided over by Mar- garet Coleman. he Scripture les- son was read by Margaret Jean Russell, followed with a prayer re- peated by the children in unison. Mrs. Lloyd Sorsdahl read a story and Mrs. Duncanson read.. from the study book. Songs were sung and games played at the close of the meeting. , Swing into Spring WITH A NEW, SMART HOBBERLIN SUIT Suits of rugged All -Wool Worsteds, Gabardines, Tweeds, Flannels . . Fabrics that give honest -to -good- ness value through and through! Tailored with the finest of care. Designed for the smoothest fit. DOUBLE AND SINGLE-BREASTED in Lounge and Drape Styles Gillespie Cleaners Phone 196 Seaforth NEW M. -H. Machines IN STOCK 7', 10' Spring Tooth Cultivators 2 and 3 -Furrow Tractor Plows 1$ -Run Grain Drills, P.L. and T.H. 9' 4" Tandem Disc Harrows 20 -Run Grain and Fertilizer Drills, P,L. and T.H. - Horse and Tractor Spreaders • eaforth Mot�rs Massey -Harris Sales & Service PHONE 141SEAFORTH asessesseoefiLesew may.® 9