HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1951-04-13, Page 4Peet Yelesoarree rrgm#T,- txPomrti!k.'. , ossified Ads. Classified Ads Inserted At New Low Cash Rates: FOR SALE, WANTED, LOST AND FOUND, ETC.—Por Word: 1st week I Cent 2nd week % Cent Ord week % Cent Minimum charge, first insertion26 Cents Each figure, initial and abbreviation counts as eine word. Verde of Thanks. In Memoriam Notices. Coaling Events -1 cent par word. Minhnunt. 60 cents per week. ilatmirles may be directed to a Box No., e,/o The Huron Exposibm„ for HI mods extra. Ten cents additional will be charged if ads in above clam WO not peid within 10 days of date of final insertion. Births, Marriages and Deaths inserted fres of charge. dined= Sales. Notices to Oreditors, Etc ----Rates on allnlhrablon. Personals Coming Events lr_TYGIENIC SUPPLIES (R 53 BBER rpILE ORYSTAL PALACE BALLROOM, AA Goods), mailed postpaid in plain, sealed 1. Iffitehell, is unexcelled for your perfect envelope with prioe list. 6 samples 25cdancing every Friday night with Don 24 samples $1.00. Mail -Order Dept. T-73, Robertson and his Ranch Boys. NOVA -RUBBER CO., Box 91, Hamilton, Ont. Lost and Found LOST—SATURDAY NIGHT, APRIL '7, -•-• a brass knob f rom bed, south of Sea - forth. Finder please TELEPHONE 654 r 11. 434651 -LOST—A BAG OF TIMOTHY BETWEEN ▪ Seaforth and Exeter, via Brucefield. Finder please Phone 852 r 21. ALBER HARRISON. 434651 LOST — BETWEEN BENSALL AND ▪ Zurich,- 1011 markers, 7755 - Z. Please leave at ED. FINK'S SIIOP. Hensall, or Phone 121-\V, liensall. 4546-1 LOST—ON MONDAY NIGHT A PAR- "' eel containing a long white dress with Rebekah jewel. Finder please leave at Box 994, HURON EXPOSITOR. Substan- tial reward. 4346-1 LOST--TI-IURSDAY EVENING, APRIL "- 51h, on East William St., or vicinity, a lady's mottled grey fabric handbag with amber clasp, containing identifying key chain and mail, and •a considerable sum of money. Finder please return to MRS. J. E. SILCOX. East William St. Liberal re- ward offered as handbag has sentimental value. 4346-1 Wanted WANTED—TWO BOARDERS. PHONE ' 236, Seaforth. 4346-1 WANTED—ANY KIND OF LABOR FOR afternoon.; only. DANIEL ROY. Phene 666 r 24, Seaforth. 434651 WANTED—BOARDING HOUSE FOR mother and sun, on Highway be- tween Seaforth and Stratford. Telephone 460. MRS. M. CLARKE. 434651 434552 FLOWER TaA THE FIRESIDE FEL- lowship Group of Fiist Presbyterian l'hurch will holo a Plow 14r Tea an day, April 27, from 3 to 6 p.m. Every- body welcome. 4346-2 WAN1'1±D TO RENT—IN TOWN OR nearby: House or apartment, un- furnished; 4 rooms and bath, or more. Willing to pay good rent for nice place. WILLIAM MORRISON. Phone 386. 4345-tf Property For Sale ]OR SALE -5 -ROOM corracE, BATH " and modern kitchen : extra building lot. Apply A. la HUNTER, East William St., Seaforth. 434651 WANTED — COMFORTABLE ROOM with Frathroom facilities for gentle- man. Would also like breakfast supplied. W111 pay well for accommodation desired. Reply ;to H.E.P.C., Box 369, Seaforth, Ont. 434651 Help Wanted WANTED—WOMAN OR GIRL FOR kitchen work at THE TASTY 4346x1 WANTED—WAITRESS AND CLERK. •• Experienced preferred. J. C. CRICII. Phone 34. 4346-1 SALE -6 -ROOM FRAME HOUSE and barn. Lots 211 and 212, in Hen- sel'. Apply to ALBERT WALFF, Box 666, Goderich. 434258 WANTED—WOMAN FOR GENERAL work in hotel. Apply to Box 990, HURON EXPOSITOR. 434651 pOR SALE -7 -ROOM BRICK HOUSE, "- all modern conveniences; hardwood floors throughout. Apply E. D. CROWE. James St. Phone 376. 434341 Tenders Wanted GRAVEL TENDER POR SALE—NUMBER OF POULTRY s.heiters and brooders. Apply th Box 993, HURON EXPOSITOR. POR. SALE — QUANTITY OF RED lover hay, round bales. W. ALEX- ANDER, Henson. Phone 682 r 13. -nau- sea. 434652 rplitES AND WHEELS FOR SALE—A nficelw of tires and wheels, 4.50 x 18, 6.66 x 24. DANIEL ROY. Emnondville. 4346:1 TERTOWNSHIP OF STANLEY WILL receive tenders for the crushing and hauling of 8,000 yards to be crushed through a 3/4 -inch sereen and delivered on townsbip roads under the instruction of the road superintendent. Township supply gravel. Tenders to be in hands of the Clerk by 12:00 noon, April 18th. Contract to be completed by October 11. Certified cheque for $200.00 must accompany tender. Gravel to he received from the Holmeeville and McLean pits and Hayfield beach. Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. FRED S. WATSON, Hayfield, Clerk, Twp. of Stanley. 4345-2 HELP WANTED—PRACTICAL NURSE; ' Wee girl to help in kitchen. RIVER- SIDE REST HOME, Mitchell, Ont. 9396x4 HELP WANTED—WOMAN TO ASSIST in town home when there is illness. No children. Apply Box 991, HURON EXPOSITOR. 4346-1 IATANTED — STENOGRAPHER FOR " full time work to start May 1. .Ap- ply Box 989, HURON EXPOSITOR. 4345-2 T ADIES I — OPPORTUNITY KNOCKS ▪ but once. so why not answer this ad and see what we have to offer you. Clean and pleasant work. All letters will be answered. Apply to Box 985, HURON EXPOSITOR. 4344x3 WARD AIDES FOR Itth ONTARIO HOSPITAL AT LONDON VOUNG WOMEN IN GOOD HEALTH, with 2 years High School or equiva- lent, and with an interest in helping the mentally sick, are invited M apply. Free course of trainieg to accepterd applicants. Permanent positions. improved salary sche- dules, generous vacation privileges and pension benefits. Accommodation in hos- pital residence at moderate oost can be provided for limited time if desired. For application form write to MISS FLORENCE THOMAS, R.N., Director of Nursing, Ontario Hospital, London. 4343-4 Notice') INCOME TAX—PHONE. 78 FOR AP- pointrnents. H. G. MEIR, Dominion Bank Bldg. 4346x3 MOTH PROOF YOUR WINTER ▪ clothes before storing for the Sum- mer. Five-year written guarantee with Berlou Mothproofing. Small additional eharge. GILI.ESPIE CLEANERS. Tel. 196, Seaforth. 4345-5 MOTICE—ASHES. CANS AND RUB- "' bare of all kinds removed promptly and reasonably. HAROLD MALONEY. Phone 217-3. Please call at noon hour or evenings. 434256 CIARDEbTS WORKED, PLOWED AND cultivated. with 3 H.P. garden trac- tor. R. F. PURCELL. Phone 145-91 in evenings, (yr 41 during deitime. 414553 NOTICE To All Ratepayers Of the Village of Hensall TAKE NOTICE that the MUNICIPAL COUNCIL of the Village of Hensall in- tends to pass a By -Law at its regular meeting on the Rth day of May, 1951, authorizing the Clerk of the said Munici- pality to apply to the Judge of the CcruntY Court of the Codnty of Huron for an Order to elose a portion of Wellington Street, in the Village of Emma. which portion can be more particularly de -scribed as follows: The Southerly One Hundred and Thirty-two feet f1321) of Wellington Street having a width of Sixty-six feet (660. AND FURTHER TAKE NOTICE that unless objeotions are formerly made to the said Council by any person who claims to be adversely affected prior th or at the regular meeting of the said Council on the Oth day of May, 1951. the said'Coun- eil will proceed to pass the said By -Law on the aforementioned date, having regard only to the objections then received. THIS NOTICE is given purstlant to the lariticipal Act R.S.O. 1950, Chapter 248, Section 472, I AD. DAD at Beivisil., Oteraan, thl 20th dot of Marehi, 151. , • . JAMES 11(4614 Mania:ail 2C9k. 4843-4 poR SALE — NUMBER OF SMA1,1", ,hunks of pigs ; also some dude eggs. Apply GEORGE R. CAMPBELL, Lot 20, Concession McKalop. 434651 QEED FOR SALE — RED CLOVER, " Sweet Clover, Timothy. Apply to JOHN W. THOMPSON, R.R. 2, Seaforth. Phone 833 r 21. 4346-2 FOR SALE1—SOL1D PACKING ROAD gravel, 10 on. yd., $50.00 per 1,000 cu. yds., 3200 for 1% acres. $300 for 4% aeres. KEN MaPHERSON, Lot 22, Con. 3, Hilbert. 434651 POR SALE—NEW SINGER SEWING • machines, electric and treadle. Ro pairs to all makes. SINGER SEWING CENTRE, 78 Ontario St., Stratford. 42234f FOR SALE — QUANTITY OF RED olover seed: also quantity of Ontario wheat for feed. Apply to JAMES M. LANDSBOROUGH. Tel. 065 r 16. Sea - forth. 434553 TENDERS FOR SCRAP METAL 'poll SALE -- TWO-S'rOREY FRAME • brooder house, approximately 40 feet by 16 feelt. 1VIatehed siding, Inside sheet- ed, good roof. Gan be moved. Apply Box 992, HURON EXPOSITOR. 434651 QEALED TENDERS ADDRESSED TO " the tmdersigned will be received until Twelve Noon, Wednesday, April 18, 1951, for the purchase of 10-12 tone of Scrap Metal. Scrap includes two Tractors and the balance mainly Agricultural Imple- ments destroyed by fire. A. H. ERSKINE, Clerk, County of Huron, Goderieh, Ontario. 4346-1 FOR SALE By Tender OR SALE—AN OUTDOOR TOILET IN ' excellent condition: good winch, suit- able for moving buildings, etc.: 3 gasoline engine; new home-made wheel - harrows. Win sell reasonable for quick sale. J AMES ELL1071', Chalk Street, Seaforth. 4346-2 POR SALE-- TWO READY -FOR -SER. vise well-bred Yorkshire boars, excel- lent type. Powell strain; IVIontralm seed barley, grown from reiti4.tered seed, price 02.25 per bushel (this barley has won first in the field the lost two seasons); also timothy seed. re -cleaned, $7.00 per bushel. 14. C. WRIGHT & SON, Cromarty. Phone Hentsall, 690 r 22, 4345-2 TENDERS WILL BE RECEIVED BY " the undersigned up to April 259h for the sale of a brick building, 30 feet by 50 feet, with 20 -foot walls and a good roof. Known as Smith's Hill United Church at Carlow. The building to be removed by Sept. 30th. The purchaser to remove all the building above the foundation. The high- est or any tender not necessarily accepted. For further particulars apply to THOMAS H. WILSON, Goderich, Ont., R.R. 5 4346-2 TENDERS QEALED TENDERS FOR THE CON- " struotion of an Implement Shed will be received by the undersigned until Twelve Noon, April 18tti. Implement Shed 24 feet by 48 feet to be buflt on a two- focrt wall supplied by the owner. One double door an side, each door eight feet wide; one double dorm on end, each door six feet wide; two windows ; six lights 1.0512; one ventilator. First Tender—Cement block wall eight feet high with roof and ends 28 gauge steels, sliding doors. Second Tender' --28 gauge steel sides, roof and end, sliding (100713. This shed is to be erected at the Huron County Home, Clinton. and site and posi tion af doors and windows can be obtain- ed from Mr. E. J. Jacob, Manager. A H. ERSKINE, Clerk, County of Hu ron, Goderich, Ontario. 4346-1 For Sale volt SALE—QUANTITY OF COB CORN. " Apply to MOORE'S POULTRY FARM. Phone 666 r 3, Seaforth. 434041 FOR SALE—SOME SECOND CUTTING alfalfa, haled. Apply ALFRED ROPY, RR_ 2, Zurich. 434$52 pon SALE -7. PIGS; ALSO 1 CALK W. D. WILSON. Brucefield. 4346.1 pOR SALE -3 -PIECE CHESTERF IELD ; 1 dresscsr; lawn chair: Victrola. PHONE 192-91, Seafortt, 4346-1 FOR SALEI—RED CLOVER SEED. AP - 10 JAMES KEYES. Phone f;11 r 14, Seaforth_ 434651 pOR. SALE -6 -PIECE BLACK AND "- white kitchen set- PHONE 120-3. 4346-1 "filOR SALE — BICYCLE, ONLY 18 months old; A-1 shape. PHONE 587. 4346x1 pon SALE--HITCHEN SINK, BRASS cylinder pump, kitchen range (wood or coal). PHONE 186-M. 4345-2 -piOn SALE—MONTCALM SEED BAR- "- Commercial No. 1, $2.00 per inmhel. A. B. BELL. R.R. 2, Kirmen. Phone 693 w 2, Hensall 4346.2 POE 8AV01--12 STEERS, HEREFORDS, '• around 900 !be., grass cattle. Apply to P. J. WOODS, 21.91, 1, Dublin, 2 miles north of village. 42.46x1 CEMENT riLEARING„AuCTION SALE OF FARM " Stock and Implements will be held 2 mike south of Blyth on Highway. on day, April 13th, at 1 p.m. Included in cade will be a team of Percheron horses; 7 choice Durham cows; 10 beef cattle, ready for market: yearlings and calve*. Full line of farm machinery. Terms— Cash. ROBERT J. POWELL, Proprietor: Harold Jackson, Auctioneer. 4345-2 AMERICAN CEMENT IN STOCK 1.55 per Bag Rogers & Benson Hdwe. MITCHELL. PHONE 4 4346-2 •, - • - Motor Cars Cars For Sale pOR SALE --1938 FORD COACII NVI'VH heater, der. roster. Will sell reason- able. FRED WALSH, Shell Service S tion.!a- Phone 667, Seaforth. 4345-1 A UCTION SALE OF DAIRY COWS AND """ Grass Cattle.—W. E. Nairn will sell by publie auction on 'Lot 29, Ocincession 8, Hilibent Township, 1 mile west of Staffa, on Tuesday. April 17911, commencing at 1:30 p.m:. 20 young Holstein cows and heifers, freshening in April and Mai; 5 yearling. Holstein heifers: 30 Hereford; heifers, freshening in April and May. vaccinated; 4 Durham steers, 1,000 lbs. each; 7 year-old Hereford and Durham steers and heifers. No reserve. Terms— Cash. CLIFF MILLER, Proprietor; W. E. Nairn, Auotioneer. 4344-1 FOR SALE ---1938 FORD 85 COUPE; 1947 Mercury motor; sealed beam lights, nearly new : 4 tires, new betterY, king pins. JACK KELLAR. Phone 92W. Seaforth. 434651 SPECIALS 1949 CHEV. SEDAN 1948 OLDS. SEDAN—Radio. air condition 1946 CHEV. PANEL Seaforth Motors Ohevrolet Oldsmobile • SEAFORTII PHONE 141 EXECUTOR'S SALE OF PROPERTY AND HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS Harold .1 aekson has received instruc- t to offer by auction for the under - iv I lest executor in the Village of Eg- mondville, opposite Ilaney's Store, on Monday, April 23r4, at 2 p.m.: PROPERTY -; 4 -room frame cottage, basement and hydro. Large lot with geed garden. FURNITURE ---Tables, chairs, dressers, Finlay white enamel cook stove, with reservoir, used six mouths. Approximate- ly 0 tons of chestnut coal; garden tools. Terms—Chattels, cash. , Property, ID% down, balance 30 days. Reserve hid. For further particulars ap- ply to GEORGE KRUSE, Executor, or A. W. S11.1,EltY, Solicitor for Estate, or Harold Jackson,. Auctioneer. 4346-2 GOOD BARGAINS IN Used Cars, Trucks and Tractors CARS 1936 FORD SEDAN 1938 FORD COACH 1938 PLYMOUTH COUPE 1940 PLYMOUTH COACH 1940 PONTIAC SEDAN 1941 FORD COACH 194.9 MONARCH COACH News [terns of Hensall and District Persons desiring assistance with their income tax returns are invit- ed to consudt Mr. W. B. Cross.— (Adv.) 4346-3 (Continued from Page 1) favored with Highland Fling num- bers. One of the main attractiOns of the evening was the Mountain Boys and Girls from the Hills, spe- cially procured for the night, •and featuring the original Hillbilly square dancing. Artists appearin.g in this feature were Mrs. E. Dick, Mrs. Bruce Armstrong, Mrs. Ross Houghton, Cromarty; Mrs. William Phillips, London; Len Clark, Fred Harburn, Ken McKellar and Don Scott, Cromarty. Judges were Steve Dundas, Luc - an; Adam Stewart, Stanley; Clar- ence Perdue, Clinton. Plans will be made to accommodate larger croN\ cis next year. Miss Minnie, Reid has returned ri) in Dayton% Beach, Florida, \Olen, she spent the past live months. Mrs. J. E. McEwan and Mrs. C. Porresaare in Sarnia this week at- tending the 37th annual meeting of the Women's Missionary Socie- ty or the Presbyterian Church of Canada. Hamilton and London Synodical, held in St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church, Sarnia, on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday rLEARING AUCTION SALE OF FARM " Stock. Machinery and Grain.—Harald Jackson has received instructions to sell by public auction for the Estate of the late Sandy te'rui Duncan McKellar at Lot 18, Concession 10, Hibbert Township, one- half mile east uf Cromarty, on Wednes- day, April 18th, at 1 p.m.: CATTLE -- 1 Durham cow due in June; 2 Durham cows, fresh: 8 Durham cows, freshened in late fall and bred again; 2 young calves: 8 Durham ...Hives born in fall; Red Registered Durham bull from the herd of Thomas Kerr, Atwood; 6 Durham steers ;rising 2 years old: 3 Durham heif- ers rising 2 years old. These 9 cattle are ready for market. This is one of the bet herds of Durham cattle in Perth County and anyone wanting good stock should attend. MACHINERY—Farm wagon with wagon box: oat crusher: Massey -Harris mower; roller; fanning mill; 14 -plate di.c harrow; 32 -foot, extension ladder: grain bags; Stewart electric clippers', 'walking plow: circular saw frame to fit Case tree - tor: 2,000-11. scales with pig rack ; 1111/11- eroug other articles. GRAIN -800 bushels mixed grain; Clinton oats anff O.A.C. bar- ley suitable for seed; 20 bushels timothy seed. Terms—Cash. EXECUTORS—Sar- ah McKellar, Malcolm McKellar; E. P. Chesney, Clerk: Harold Jackson, Auc- tioneer. 4345-2 TRUCKS 1948 CITEV. 2 -TON 1949 FORD 1 -TON 1932 FORD 12, -TON PICK-UP 1937 FA.RGO 1 -TON THAIVIES %-TON PANEL TRACTORS 1941 FORD 1941 COCKSHUTT 70 STANDARD 1947 COCKSHUTT 70 ROW -CROP with power lift and cultivator SPECIAL 10-20 McCORMICK-DEERING in good running order fen belt work—chea.P. DALY MOTORS SE.AFORTH 51 50 50 50 50 49 49 49 48 48 2 47 47 41 40 37 37 35 CHEV. DE LUXE STYLELINE SEDAN—Air conditioning, under- coated, many extras CHEV. CHEV. CHEV. FLEETLINE COACH DE LUXE COACH STYLELINE SEDAN CHEV. FLEETLINE SEDAN Custom radio and air conditioning CHEV. DE LUXE STYLELINE COACH CHEV. FLEffTLINE COACH CHEV. STYLELINE SEDAN CHEV. FLEETMASTER SEDAN CHEV. FLEETLINE COACH '48 OBEY. STYLEMASITAt Cl3ACHES ONEV. COACH FORD 4 -PASSENGER COUPE eustm-n radio MERCURY SEDAN eustorn radio CHEV. DE LUXE COACH CHEV. COACH -3150.00 PLYMOUTH COACH PrNMOUTH C0A0H-4100.00 MANY 0 R MODELS TO CHOOSE FROM BRUSSELS MOTORS "The Flome of Better Used Cars" OPEN EVERY EVENING Births NICHOLSON—At Scott Memorial Hospi- tal, an April 7, to Mr. and Mrs. Allem Nicholson, Errmondville, a son. MelASAN—At Scott Memorial HosIdisah on April Stb, (a Mr. OMNI Mrs. Keith McLean, Hensel!, a mon. KEYS—At Scott Metnorial Hospital, on AMR 9, to Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Key, Hensall, a daughter. MeOittGOR—At Scott Memorial Hospital on Apra 10, to Mr. and Mts. Janice MUGregor, Egroondonle, a son. Notices To Creditors NOTICE to CREDITORS In the Estate of JOHANNAH ROACH A LL PERSONS HAVING CLAIMS "" against the Estate of Johannah Roach late of the Township of Hibbert, in the County of Perth, Widow, deceased, who died on the 84d day of February, 1951 are hereby notified to send in foil par ticulars af their claims to the undersign ed cm or before the 4th day of May, 1951 after which date the assets will be dis tributed, having regard only to claims then received. DATED at Seaforth, this 11th Apra, 1951. MoCONNELL & HAYS, Seaforth. Ontario, Solicitors for the Executors. 4546-3 day of NOTICE to CREDITORS In the Estate of ROBERT G. HOGGARTH A LL PERSONS HAVING CLAIMS A against the Estate of Robert G. Hog garth, kite of the Township of Hibbert, in the County of Perth, Retired Farmer, de ceased, who died on the 7th day of Octo- ber, 1950, are hereby notified to send in full particulars of their claims to the undersigned on or before the 4th day of May, 1951, after which date the assets will be distributed, having regard tmly to claims then received. DATED at Seaforth, this llth day o April, 1951. MeCONNELL & HAYS, Seaforth, Ontario, Solicitors for the Executor. 4346-3 NOTICE to CREDITORS In the Estate of GEORGE ALEXANDER JACKSON ALL PERSONS HAVING CLAIMS "." against the Estate of George Alex- ander Jackson, late of the Village of Es- monville, County of Huron, deceased, who died on or about the 24th clay or Febru- ary, 1951, are hereby notified to send in to the undersigned nn or before the Sth day of M.ay, 1951, full particulars of their Immediately after the said last men- tioned date, the assets of the said estate will be distributed amongst the parties entitled thereto, having regard only to dolma of which the undersigned shall then have notice, to the exclusion of all othem, and the undersigned will not be liable to any person of whose claim the undersign- ed shall not then have notice for the assets so distributed or any part thereof. DATED at Seaforth, this Ilth day of April, 1051. ALVIN W. SILLERY, Barrister, Solicitor, Etc., Seaforth, Ontario, Solicitor for the Estate. 4346-3 In Memoriam Q;MITII—IN LOVING MEMORY OF MY " mother, Florence Smith, who passed away May 21. 1917; also my dad, William Smith, who passed away April 14, 1950. God knew how very lonely Suith days as these might lie, And HO He sent to comfort me, The gift of IVIemory. —Ever remembered by their daughter, Annie. 434651 McFARLANE- IN LOVING MEMORY of Nellie Helena, beloved wife of R. K. McFarlane, w ho passed 21Vvn y Easter Monday, April 10, 1950. Always a smile, and never a frown; Alvrays a hand when we were down : Always so jolly, thoughtful and kind, What a wonderful memory she left be- hind. --Sadly missed by Husband. Sister and Brother. 434651 Cards Of flails T WISH TO THANK ALL THOSE WHO were so kind to me during my re- cent illness by rememberi ng me with cards, gifts and flowers. 4346-1 MARJORIE; KNIGHT T WISH To THANK MY MANY A friends and nekrhhona for the many cards, letters, treats and flowers sent me while a patient in St Joseph's Hospital, London, and aince returning home. Spe- cial thanks to Rev. M.r. Rogers for his pleasant visit. 48464 MILS. R. TAYLOR, Sr. are as follows: Reception, Mrs. W. J. Rogers, Mrs. W. Forrest, Mrs. E. Geiger, Miss A. Consitt, Miss M. Ellis; program, Mrs. T. 3. Sher- ritt, Mrs. T. C. Coates; decorating, Mrs. M. Drysdale, Mrs. L. Mickle, Mrs. R. J. Paterson; lunch, Mrs. N. E. Cook, Mrs. A. Clark, Miss K. Scott; tea, Mrs. J. Richardson, Mrs. C. 'Stephenson. The topic, "Court of Opinions of Japan" dealt with the following: (1) Is Japan's deside for peace genuine? (2) Is Japan likely to adopt Com- munism? (3). Should Japan be per- mitted to increase the trade with North America? (4) Is there a great future for the Christian Church in Japan? The following members assisted Miss Consitt with the study: Mrs. Anna Walker, Mrs, A. Alexander, Mrs. It. Pater- son and Mrs. T. Coates. A vocal duet was rendered by Mrs. T. C. Coates and Mrs. Pearl Passmore. of this week. Mr. Gordon Wren, who was ser- iously injured in a two -car crash accident lla miles north of Kip - pen, is showing slight improve- ment date of writing. He- is a patient at Clinton Hospital, suffer - 11:152 concussion. Friday, April 13, at 8 p.m., the ‘Vomen's Missionary Society of the United Church will hold their an- nual birthday party in the Sunday School auditorium. Guest speaker will be Rev. Anne P. Graham, Met- ropolitan Church, London, This promises to be an outstanding ev- eut. The Misses Dell and Wynne O'Neil. of Clinton. visited Miss Minnie Reid on Sunday. Mrs. Robert Cook, who has been on the teaching staff of Hensall Public School for the past three years, teaching Grades 1 and 2, has tendered her resignation, to take effect at .,:the conclusion of the school term. • Mrs. Milton Love was taken by Bonthron's ambulance to hospital last week suffering with a heart condition. Her many friends trust that she will soon be restored to health. Mr, George Gram, Hensall's old- est resident, who has been in poor health, was taken to Mrs. J. Hod- gert's nursing home, Exeter, last week. Mr. William Love, who has been a patient at Clinton Hospital since the beginning of the year, is im- proving nicely. Mr. John MacGregor was taken to St. Joseph's Hospital, London, by ambulance last week in the in- terests of his health. At date of writing he is showing some im- provement. The bingo held in the Legion Hall Saturday was well patroniz- ed. Mrs. T. Brintnell won the door prize. These bingoes, sponsored by the Legion Ladies' Auxiliary, will be held every Saturday night, and will feature a door prize and jack- pot. All are cash prizes. Miss Bernice Jinks and Miss Donna Rutledge, norsesan-training at Victoria Hospital, London, spent the week -end with the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Manley Jinks. .• Mr. George Follick, manager of Steel Briggs Seed Co., stated they have shippedseveral cars of on- ions to Quebec Province and parts of Ontario, besides express, local freight and truck shipments be- tween the two points at Exeter and Hensall. There are twenty-one men and women employed and are in their third week of work, and the onions are in good condition. Mr. Ed. Fink has accepted a con- tract for building an $8;000 sum- mer cottage at Grand Bend, and a number of summer cottages at Kin - tail. Mr. John., Elder, of town, just re- cently received a nice parcel of fruit, from Florida as a gift sent by his daughter, Jean, 'and her husband, who have been there for some time, also Jimmie. W. I. Holds Executive Meeting The district executive meeting of south Huron Women's Institutes was held in the Town Hall Wed- nesday afternoon, April 4, with Mrs. Jas. Kirkland, the president, Presiding. Branches were repres- ented from Grand Bend, Zurich, Hurondale, Kippen East. Seaforth, Elimville, Crediton and Hensall. The district annual will be held at Elimville May 29. Miss Jean Scott of Clinton, home economics coach, is expected to be present and a speaker from the department at Toronto will also be present. There will be a morning and afternoon session. Delegates were chosen to attend the conference to be held at Guelph May 3 and 4. The presi- dent expressed thanks to Zurich W.I. for hospitality extended dur- ing the workshop course project held there, A slate of officers was drawn up and will be presented at the district annual. W.M.S. Plans Birthday Party At the April meeting of the 'Wo- men's Missionary Society held in the school room of the United Church Thursday afternoon, April 5, presided• over by President Mrs. W. B. Cross, arrangements were made to make a quilt to be sent to Quebec for the Indian Reserve some time in June. and to be quilt- ed at the next meeting. Discussion took place and plans and commit- tees formed for the annual birth- day party to be held Friday, the guest speaker to be Rev. T. Gra- ham, assistant minister at the Metropolitan Churela London, in- vited guests to be the ladies of •Kippen„ Chiselhurst, Carmel and Anglican Churches and Evening Auxiliaries. Committdes appointed also Mrs. Thos. Workman, spent Sunday afternoon and evening with Mrs. Workman's mother in Clin- ton. Mr. and Mrs. E. Chipchase and family moved last week to their home in Hensall. .Mr. and Mrs. E. Finkbeiner, of Crediton, were Sunday visitora with Mr. and Mrs. Harold Jones. Mrs. J. Schilbe left last week to take Up residence in Exeter. Mr. and Mrs. J. Linden and Ver- na, of Denfield, were Sunday visi- tors with Mr. and Mrs. A. Parsons. Mr, and Mrs. J. Cooper, Jr., mov- ed last week onto the farm they recently purchased from MIS. J. Schilbe. Mr. and Mrs. 'Wilmer Ferguson and Donnie moved last week into Mr. Ross Broadtoot s house, east of the village. We are sorry to report Mr. Gor- don Wren is still confined to Clin- ton Hospital in a serious condition following a recent motor accident. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Ferguson and son,aof Exeter, visited on Saturday aith Mr. and Mrs. Wilmer Fergu- son. Rebekah Lodge Hears Report The regular meeting of Amber Rebekah Lodge was held In the I.O.O.F. Lodge Hall Wednesday ev- ening, April 4, with Noble Grand Mrs. Evelyn MacBeath in the chair. Mrs. Anna Walker, past Noble Grand, gave a splendid report of the district meeting of Rebekah Lodges of Huron District, held in the'. Hall, Clinton, on MOD- d.ay, April 2, which she attended as a delegate, together with Miss A. Consitt, also a P.N.G. Past Noble Grands were represented from Ooderich, Clinton, Seaforth. Brus- sels, Exeter and Hensall. April 18 the 1bekali Assembly 'Warden and District Deputy President will Day their official visit to Exeter Lodge and a 'banquet will be held in their honor at Club 1VIenards, Amber Rebekah Lodge has been in. vited to the banquet and 'meeting which follows, and a large ma.por- ity of the members will be attend- ing. During the course of the eve- ning Mrs. Archie MacGregora re- cent bride, who holds the position as Inside Guardian of the lodge, was presented with a sliver flower vase, Mrs. A. Shirray during the honors. Meeting of Hurondale W. I. Mrs. Harold Jeffrey was hostess for the meeting of Hurondale W.I. 'and Mrs. Alvin Moir was in the chair. Arrangements were made to (Continued on Page 5) CROMARTY Mrs. Grace Scott has returned home after spending two months at St. Thomas and Niagara Falls, U.S.A. M'r. Charles MacKay, Mrs. Mac- Kay and Mr. and Mrs. John Mac- Kay spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Howe. John Houghton, of Mildmay, vis- ited with Mr. and Mrs. Ross Houghton one day recently. Miss Olive Speare was with her sister, Mrs. E. MacDonald, in Exe- ter, a few days while under the doctor's. are. Mr. Frank Allen attended a meeting in Stratford of the Road Commission. Mr. and. Mrs. John Wallace. La- verne, Margaret Anne and Mar- garet Walker visited with Mr. and Mrs. Frank Cadick at St. Thomas. VARNA "Mi,0111....11•=111111=M4 The April meeting of the W.M.S. was held on Thursday afternoon, April 5, in the church. The theme of the meeting was "Recruiting for full-time service in the Church." The meeting opened by singing Hymn 358, "Jesus Calls Us O'er the Tumult." The Scripture read- ing from Mathew 10:17-22 and 6:24 was read by Mrs. Robt. Taylor. Mrs. Moyer read a,poem, followed by prayer by Miss Hem_ Minutes of the last meeting were read and adopted, seconded by Mrs. Robt. Taylor. Roll call was answered by eleven members, the roll call to be answered in May with a verse re- lating to a flower. Mrs. Harvey Hayter thanked the society for card received. Mrs. Fred Reid and Mrs. E. McClinchey were named delegates to attend the Presbyter- ial in Exeter on _April 7. Two calls to shut-ins have been made. The treasurer gave a report on the first quarter. Mrs. Mervyn Hayter re- viewed the study book, "Japan Be- gins Again, Entering the Opened Door." The meeting closed by sing- ing Hymn 500, "Take Time To Be Holy," and the benediction. 411•,1•• KIPPEN Mr. Webber, of London, visited his aunt, Miss Bengough, one day last week. Mrs. Nelson Hood has been laid up with an attack of lumbago and sciatica, and we all wish her a speedy recovery. Mr. .and Mrs. Thos. Smith, %on - don, and Mr. Ivan Wren visited their parents over the week -end and visited Clinton Hospital where Mr. Gordon Wren is a patient. Mr. and Mrs, W. R. Cooper were in London on Saturday. We are pleased to report Mr. Gordon Wren has shown signs of slight improvement. • Mrs. Long has picked pansies from her garden since March 21. Mrs. Hinton is confined to her bed and each and everyone wish her a speedy recovery. Mr. and Mrs. MouSseau attend- ed the wedding of Mr. Mousseau's niece on Saturday last. We are sorry to learn that Mrs Arthur Anderson is not enjoying the best of health. Mr. and Mrs. Don Cooper and daughter, of Exeter, visited Mr, and Mrs. W. R. Cooper on Sun- day. Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Jacques and Mr. and MTG. Emmerson Dickert, of Clifford, were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Norman Dickert. Mr. and Mrs. Orville Workman and Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Mellis, BRUCEFIELD London, viaited on Snilday Mr. and Mrs. Ross SoOtt. •,.; ltr. and MS. J. Hill, Stratfeitio spent the week-ead with Mrs. W. Hill. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Griffith, or Stratford, were week -end visiting. with Mr. and Mrs. H. Beray. Mr. and Mrs. Albert McKellar,. St. Charles, Mich, visited. last week with her sister and brother -in -hew. Mr. and Mrs. W. Stackhouse. and Mrs. J. E. Stackhouse and. fam- ily, of London, also visited than parents on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Boyce and family and Mr. A. Zapfe visited friends in London Sunday. Rev. E. R. Stanway Is in Toron- to this week. Mrs. G. Manson, Dundas, has been visiting her aunt, Mrs. C. Haugh. 'Phe annual Easter thankoffering of the W.M.S. was held Sunday evening when Mrs. M. Longley, of Toronto, and formerly of West China, was guest apeaker. Mrs. E. R. Stanway was soloist. A speak- er of exceeding ability, Mrs. Long- ley reviewed mission work under the W.M.S. in different countriee and spoke' of extreme difficulties, under which missionaries anal Christian natives work. While here she was a guest of Mr. and Mrs. Stanway, with whom she worked in China. Death of Mrs. A. Jamieson The death took place in Mitchell on Friday, April 6, of Margaret Jane Stevens, widow of the late Alexander Jamieson, in her 87th year. 13orn in Hullett, she lived the greater part of her life on the Huron Road, Tuckersmith, and after her husband's death 36 years ago she lived in Brucefield for 15 years. She was a member ot Brucefield United Church. Surviv- ing is a sister, Mrs. George Brock, Brucefield, The funeral was held Monday from the G. A. Whitney Funeral Houle, Seaforth, at 2 p.m., with Rev. E. R. Stanway, of the United Church, Brucefield, officiat- ing. Interment was in Maitland - bank cemetery. Mr. and Mrs, Geo. Handley, of • iias.,tara, MOTHER'S DAY The gift she holds dear to her heart! Arrange For Sittings Today ANN'S STUDIO PHONE 25 BAYFIELD NOWW0.0•0\0•0•1",". Do You Believe InTlanning? Are you planning right now for the future of your children? 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