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The Huron Expositor, 1951-04-13, Page 2
ij it • THE HURON SPOT©R • FUROR EXPOSITOR Established 1860 A. Y. McLean, Editor Published at Seaforth, Ontario, ev- We Thursday afternoon by McLean Eros. Member of Canadian Weekly Newspapers Association. Subscription rates, $2.00 a year in •lvance ; foreign $2.50 a year. Single itppies, 5 cents each. !Advertising rates on application. PHONE 41 &nthorized as Second Class 'Mail Post Office Department, Ottawa EEAFORTH, Friday, April 18; 1951 7in Cans in Spring It was a nice Spring day on Sun- day an«ri for an hour or so that after - Boon we drove about the district— Blot on the highways, but along the Qncessions and sideroads. Not on- dx_was there a feeling of Spring in the air, but the fields were beginning to frighten, the ditches were running with water, and here and there one unitised the first signs of green growth. There was no doubt a new season had arrived. As we drove along, however, we c(Buldn't help noticing something that spoiled what was otherwise a perfect day. And that was the piles of tin -cans and trash that unthinking citi- zens had dumped along the roads. The trash was not confined to any particular road or district, although in some .sections there were several heaps but a few rods apart, while in other sections there would be dis- tances of a mile or more which had escaped. In the summer, township councils quite properly take steps to guard a ainst the menace of citizens incon- siderate of the rights of others, who make a practise of using the sides of roads as dumping grounds, and as a,: result of campaigns in recent years, several convictions have been registered against offenders. But during the winter the practise be- comes more difficult to control. A load of cans may be dumped during a"snow storm and the evidence isn't discovered until spring. Despite the difficulties, no efforts should be spared to track down those who not only break the law covering dumping on public roads, but who, by their actions, indicate they have little conception of their responsibili- ties as 'a resident. Perhaps the pen- alties provided by law are not suf- ficient. Perhaps it wouldbe better if people who use the roads as dump- ing grounds were required, upon conviction, to personally clean up the mess they created. This, coupled with some publicity, might act as a deterrent. • Dispersing Industry 9.s Canada's preparedness pro- gram gains momentum, there is an increasing cry from many areas for the establishment, within those areas, of war industries. While dispersal of industry is highly desirable, the Rt. Hon. C. D. Howe, who heads Canada:s Depart - anent of Defence production, warns Parliament against placing political pressures above the requirements of sound economics. In a recent state- ment to Parliament he summed up the problem: "Ordinarily putting a factory down in a small town in a distant ' locality involves serious problems. Suppose, for example, we built a fac- tory employing 5,000 people in the town of Qu'Appelle, Saskatchewan, a beautiful town and well located for most purposes. It would mean build- iing houses for 5,000 families, and transporting people from other parts Of Canada to that locality. It can be done sometimes, but if you expect an industry of that kind to have any post war life you have to make sure . it can compete on reasonable terms "With similar industries in large cen- . tres of population. Those facts have to be taken into account. It is not a utter of saying that we are going r ild a, war plant, so we will build the Maritimes because they have 1.a'sii iz. war plant. Unless it is r t at would be t}l¢Ssv, able to live in peace -time, that would not be a kindness to the Maritimes." During the last war, under Mr. Howe's direction, new industries es- sential to war production, were dis- persed as widely as possible, bearing in mind the long term economic fac- tors. Today the Government is fol- lowing the same course. As Mr. Howe says: "We have to take into consideration every factor, and only go into the big cities, such as Toronto and Montreal as a last resort." In other words, pressures from local areas will continue to be resisted except in those cases where the over-all national interests and economy are to benefit. • Speeding Tractors The tendency of many operators of farm tractors to speed on public highways has reached a point in some areas where the practise has become a matter of real danger to other motorists using the roads. There will be general agreement, therefore, in the warning issued re- cently by Magistrate O. E. McClevis at Kincardine, as he convicted and fined an offender from Kincardine Township. While the manufacturers of trac- tors in designing the machine, made provision for them to be driven on public roads, this was but incidental to their prime purpose—that of pro- viding power and means of locomo- tion on farms. As a result the de- sign does not include provision for those many safety arrangements so necessary for fast moving vehicles on public roads. To attempt to op- erate tractors at a rate of speed com- parable to automobiles and in com- petition with them on the highways, can only lead to trouble. And it may well be that the resulting trouble will be serious, including injuries or loss of life. What Other Papers Say: Phonetic Spelling (The Ridgetown Dominion) Come to think of it, it was up at the public. school Friday night. Some samples of spelling tests were posted up and on one of them the pupil had spelled the name of one's nether garment as "pance." Wrong, of course, but we could not help think- ing that the pupil was on the path of progress. • Anybody Second That Motion? (Maclean's Magazine) A backwoods magistrate in New Brunswick has been dispensing home spun justice for years without bene- fit of legal training. The story of one of his cases comes to us from an appreciative lawyer. The magistrate was hearing a theft case and listening dutifully while counsel for the accused spoke eloquently of his client's fine char- acter and flawless habits, ending with the customary motion that the case be dismissed for lack of evi- dence. The magistrate picked up his pa- pers, looked sternly at the courtroom and said: "Anybody second that motion?" e Those Aging Autos (Minneapolis Tribune) The Automobile Association in De- troit, Mich., is conducting a crusade to get jalopies off the nation's high- ways. Last year 2,300,000 automo- biles were scrapped, but the associa- tion thinks we ought to be retiring the four -wheeled hazards at a much faster pace. Right now there are some 12 mil- lion cars that would come within the association's definition of "old." That is, they were built eight to 10 years ago or earlier. We agree heartily with the assoc- iation's motives, and we hope the crusade succeeds in making our high- ways safer. Nevertheless, we are confident that even in the year 2000, somewhere in this broad lands of ours, a model T Ford will be chug- ging along a country lane, oblivious of time and the opinions of editorial writers and the Automobile Associa , tion of >.etrooit How Bell Got the Idea (From The Blue Bell) This year is being celebrated in lug forks or reeds used to transmit the United States as the 75th an- niversary of the telephone, and this month of March marks the earliest of several historic dates of 1876 to be specially observed. On March 7, 1876, United States patent No. 174,465 was granted to Alexander Graham Bell for his "electric speaking telephone." It has been called "the most valuable single patent ever issued." On March 10, 1876, "Complete sentences were first clearly under- stood by telephone," according to the Synopsis of Events in the early development of the telephone, pre- pared by Dr. Bell at the suggestion of W. F. Cockshutt, Chairman of the Bell Telephone Memorial As- sociation which arranged the erec- tion in 1917 of the Bell Memorial at Brantford. However, as Bell's chronology also reveals, that famous message of March 10, 1876,.was the culmina- tion of many months of experiment during which the young inventor gradually developed a working tele- phone from a concept described to his father, Melville Bell, as the Bell Homestead near Brantford as early as July 26, 1874. The steps by which Bell arrived at the then amazing idea that the complex sounds of human speech could be transmitted electrically over a wire were so logical that after the principle was revealed, other scientists asknowledged their chagrin at not having recognized something so essentially simple. The evolution of this idea in Bell's mind is described in detail in The Deposition of Alexander Graham Bell in the suit brought by the United States to Annul the Bell Patents, where he states (page 39) that the telephone he conceived in the summer of 1874 was substan- tially similar to that shown in his patent of March 7, 1876. A less formal account is given in "Beginnings of Telephony," by Frederick Leland Rhodes, who con- cludes: "It was then, in the sum- mer of 1874, that the conception of the membrance speaking tele• phone became complete in Bell's mind . . ." The grandson of a teacher of elocution and the son of a phoneti- cist, dark-haired, fiery "Aleck" Bell was a profound student of sound and speech. In 1874 he was study- ing the patterns of speech waves made visible by a device called the "phonautograph." The user spoke into a conical trumpet, across the narrow end of which was stretch- ed a membrance, or diaphragm. Ar- ranged to vibrate in unison with the diaphragm was a bristle that traced a pattern of speech waves upon a plate of smoked glass as it. moved across. From the speak- ing trumpet and membrance of the phonautograph were to come the mouthpiece and diaphragm of the telephone transmitter. During this period Bell was also working to develop a multiple tele- graph which could transmit several telegraph messages over the same circuit at one time. Experiments with the phonauto- graph showed that a wide variety of sound vibrations could be im- parted to the bristle which record- ed their patterns. Tests with tun - his multiple 'telegraph signals re- vealed to Bell that, vibrating as the armature of an electromagnet, they could generate a current of electricity carrying an equally wide range of variations. To improve the accuracy of the phonautograph, Bell had sub titut- ed a human ear for the spiking trumpet and membrane. Studying the delicate eardrum and the rela- tively massive bones which it moves in the inner ear, Bell won- dered, "Why should not a larger and stouter membrane be able to vibrate the reed of the multiple telegraph transmitter, thereby sending all the variations of the human voice over the wire?" Thus the essential idea of a work- ing telephone was complete in Bell's mind by the summer of 1874. This idea of "electric speech" he described with diagrams to his father at Brantford on July 26, 1874, according to Melville Bell's diary. The diary also reveals that the subject was ranch in "Aleck's" mind when he returned to Brant- ford for the Christmas holidays that year. The entries read: Sunday, Dec. 27, 1874: Long talk on multiple teleg. & speech trans. Al sanguine. Tuesday, Dec. 29, 1874: Talking half the night motor and telephone. In her lively biography, "Alexan- der Graham Bell, The Man Who Contracted Space," Catherine Mac- kenzie, long the inventor's private cecretary, says: "Year afterward when Melville Bell was called as a witness in a telephone suit, he was interrogat- ed: 'Did .he' (Aleck) talk much about it or little?' One suspects a trace of weariness in the father's reply, 'My chief difficulty in re- membering what took place at any one visit arises from the fact that he was constantly talking about the telephone and that he talked of little else'." Bell's assistant, Thomas A. Wat- son, who constructed the telegraph and telephorte apparatus to Bell's designs, has recorded in his little book, "The Birth and Babyhood of the Telephone," Bell's formulation of his telephone idea—the theory which lies behind all transmission of human speech, whether by wire or radio. "Watson," said he, "if I can get a mechanism which will make a current of electricity vary in its in tensity, as the air varies in density when a sound is passing through it I can telegraph any sound, even the sound of speech." Unfortunately Bell was not at that time convinced that the vibra- tions of the diaphragm set up by the human voice would egenerate a current strong enough to be trans- mitted over a wire for a useful dis- tance: Furthermore, his idea of an electric -speaking telephone was' considered impractical by those who were assisting his experi- ments financially, and he was en- couraged to devote himself entire- ly to the development of his multi- ple telegraph. However, it was one of these telegraphic experi- ments which revealed to Bell that his concept of 1874 was practical. On June 2, 1875, Bell and Watson (Continued on Page 6) HERE'S HEALTH Depth of Seeding Heaviest yields are obtained from such crops as wheat, oats, barley, rye, buckwheat, corn, beans, soybeans, mangels and Sud- an grass when seeded at a depth of one inch, according to experi- ments conducted in the Depart-. ment of Agriculture's Division of Field Husbandry at the Centrail Experimental Farm, Ottawa. The tests were conducted over a period of more than four years on a sandy loam soil at depths of one, two, three and four inches. Yields of buckwheat and Sudan grass seeded at two inches were similar to those obtained from the one -inch seeding. The four -inch seeding gave fair returns with corn and some of the cereals but mange] yields were about 30 per cent below the one -inch seeding figures. Depth of seeding tests ranging from surface to two-inch seedings were also run on crops with small- er seeds as red clover, alfalfa and timothy. Experiments extending over a three-year period showed that for the best results these crops should be seeded shallow. Highest yields were obtained from alfalfa when surface seeded and raked in, but seedings at one- half inch, one and two inches also gave good results. Red clover, however, gave slightly lower yields at the one-half and one -inch levels and greatly reduced yields when seeded at two inches, Timothy yielded well up to and irluding the one -inch seeding depth, but ,gave poor returns if seeded any deeper. Watch Plow Depth In preparing land for corn and grain. equally good results may be obtained from shallow plowing with a consequent saving in power, it was found in depths of plowing experiments conducted by the De- partment of Agriculture's, Division of Field Husbandry at the Central Experimental Farm at. Ottawa. Both clay and loam soils were used in the experiments extending from 10 to 14 years, and both the mouldboard end disc plows were compared at depths of four and seven inches. Clay soil tests show- ed no advantage In plowing sod for corn, deeper than three or four fitch'es; in general oats and bailey yields Were not influenced to • an considerable extent by the depth of plowing. In the Ottawa experiments on the loam soils, corn following bar- ley and corn after sod produced slightly higher yields where plow- ing was done at six to seven inch- es, than where the depth of plow- ing was three to four inches. Some- what similar tests, held in co-op- eration with the Ontario Plow- men's Association on farms in Eastern Ontario, on both clay and loam soils, indicated no advantage from a yield standpoint in plow- ing deeper than four inches. A comparison of results from the use of the mouldboard and disc plows in the Ottawa tests indicat- ed a trend towards higher yield of corn where the mouldboard plow was used, but there was no consist- ent difference between the two types of equipment measured by the yields of the grain crops in the different experiments. Seed Flats The commonest way of prepar- ing a seed flat is to fill a flat half- inch from the top with soil, then screen another quarter -inch of soil over this, and firm. The seeds are sown broadcast over the surface and covered with screened soil. If this method works satisfactorily there is no need to change but if difficulties are encountered and poor results obtained, one of the following methods suggested by Dr. A. P. Chan, of the Division of Horticulture, Central Experimental Farm, Ottawa, should be tried: One of the best is to fill steril- ized flats with sterilized soil which contains a large pereenta.ge (1/3) of sandwithin 1/4 -inch of the tops of the (flats. Both soil and flats can be sterilized by pouring hot water over the surface. This will kill most of the harmful organisms causing plant diseases. When soil is treated in this way It must be left to dry sufficiently to be man- ageable; small quantities of soil can be sterilized in an oven held at 180 degrees F. for 30 minutes. Sterilized sand should then be sift- ed over the soil until the flat is filled at the top. The ;sand should be Ievelled off but not firmed. In place of sand, fine vermiculite may be used. Actually this material is preferred because it does not need to be sterilized. The seeds are C«ot►tintiled on 'Page 71, . , Little Jack Homer sat in a corner, Squinting and trying to see. Then he got glasses and topped all his classes. They say what a smart boy is he! Dept. of National Health and Welfare Years Agone Interesting Items Picked From The Huron ExpositoR of Twen- ty-five and Fifty Years Ago. APRIL 13, 1951 Seen in the County Papers I Thames Road School Robbed On Wednesday evening of last week the Thames Road School was broken into. Entry was made by prying the hinges off the door. A radio record player, a hot plate and a number of fuses were taken. —Exeter Times -Advocate. A Dutch Get -Together Nearly 200 former Dutch young people, now residents of Huron County, will hold a big gathering at Clinton on Monday, April 23. A program of seventeen items has been arranged to open with "Sam- ensang" and end with "Sluiting."— Goderich Signal -Star. Sap's Running Mr. Harold Corbett has over 800 trees tapped on his farm near Brinsley. Mr. William Bradley of Parkhill is in charge of the sugar camp and reports a splendid run, good quality and keen demand, shipments going as far east as Halifax and west to Vancouver, while a motorist from Toledo call- ed for his supply. --Exeter Times - Advocate. From The Huron Expositor April 16, 1926 Mr. Ruskin Keys, who has been teaching school at Timmins, spent the Easter holidays at his home in Stanley. The hockey players of Hensall appreciate very much the fine sil- cup which Mr. Thos. McMillan, M.P., has donated for competition and which proves a great incentive to hockey players in the league. The passenger train due in Sea - forth at 5:53 p.m. was derailed a mile and a quarter west of town Tuesday evening. The tender and all the coaches left the rails, tear- ing up the roadbed for 150• yards, but fortunately none of the cars turned over and no one was injur- ed. The wrecking crew worked all night and by morning the road was clear. Mr. Walter Murray has leased the large brick building and office on North Main St. to Mr. Joe Toohey, who will convert it into a garage and gas station. Mr. A. F. Cluff is in Toronto at- tending the annual convention of the Retail Coal Dealers' Associa- tion. Mr. G. W. Nott, who has been in Edmonton for several weeks, re- turned to Tuckersmith Wednesday and brought home a few carloads of cattle, and intends selling them by auction. Mr. Leo Stephenson, of Con- stance, disposed of his business as general storekeeper to Mr. .Hills, of Owen Sound, who takes posses- sion the first of May. The annual meeting of the local C.W.L. was held Sunday. Mrs. F. Devereaupx read an interesting re- port of the year's activities. The following officers were elected: Spiritual adviser, Rev. E. F. Goetz; president, Mrs. W. J. Duncan; vice- presidents, Mrs. Jas. Devereaux, Sr., Mrs. Wm. Deverelrx and Mrs. C. Finkbeiner; corresponding sec., Mrs. Albert Fortune; recording sec., Mrs. F. Devereaux; treasurer, Mrs. J. M. McMillan; social secre- tary, Mrs. Joseph Keating. Mr. John Clarke, who recently sold 'his farm leased the res pied by Mr. Mr. Jake SJ in Tuckersmith, has dence recently occu- f Rutledge. coat, who spent the past two years in the Kirkland Lake District, is visiting his par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. Jas. R. Sproat. • From The Huron Expositor April 19, 1901 The ladies of South Huron hav- ing formed a branch institute, it will be known as the Ladies' Insti- tute for South Huron. Hensall. Mr. F. Rae, of Hensall, has se- cured a good position as stone cut- ter in the Village of Stuart. The annual meeting of the Sea - forth. Lawn Bowling Club was held in the Commercial Hotel Friday for the purpose of organizing. Officers elected were: President, Jas. Mc. Michael; vice-pres., W. D. Bright; sec., L. C. Jackson; managing com- mittee, J. Weir, W. K. Pearce, R. S. Hays, J. C. Greig. F. Hoimsted, J. S. Roberts; skips, John Weir, R. S. Hays, W. K. Pearce, E. C. Cole- man, J. C. Greig, W. D. Bright, Alex Wilson, W. Pickard, and F. Holmsted. Ward Bros., of Lucan, have leas- ed the Seaforth Flax Mill and will operate it this season. Harold Johnson and B. Thomp- son, Seaforth, left Tuesday for British Columbia, where they ex- pect to reside in the future. W. D. Bright, Jas. Watson and Harry Beattie have purchased the fishing privilege in Gardiner's Creek in McKillop, near Leadblrry. Mr. Wm. Brigham, Londesboro, who is putting an addition to one of his barns, had a raising on Mon- day. Mr. Wm. Riley had the con- tract. The following were ticketed, to distant points by Wm. Somerville, O.T.R. agent: Miss Mabel Punch- ard, to Sprucedale, Muskoka; An- drew Govenlock, to Chicago; Hen- ry Grieve to Gaylord, Mich.; Jos- iah Watson to Gravenhurst; Frank Daly, James Butter and Thos. Lane, Tuckersmith, to Sault Ste. Marie; Mr. and Mrs. Sam Barton to Niagara Falls. Mr. M. Jordan, who has been in the grocery business in Seaforth a great many years, having disposed of his stock here, has taken a posi- tion in Woodstock and left Monday for that town. Mr. Thomas W. Bell, of the Bay- iled Rd., Goderieh Twp., has made a success of hog raising and bas now had an /annual ,revenue of about $500 of that branch of tam- ing.. , Hospital, where he remained until Mondays He is recuperating nicely at home.—Clinton News -Record. Students' Recital Unde the auspices of the Regis- tered Music Teachers' Association, Huron County Branch, the third annual students' recital of piano• and vocal music was held in Blyth. Memorial Hall on Monday evening. Mrs. J. G. B. McDougal, of Blyth, who arranged the program and presided, said the object .of these recitals was not the raising of money, but to give music students confidence and experience, who are about to play, or sing, at the music festival. Those taking part on the program from Brussels were June Work, Karen Buschlen, Leona and Doris Johnston, Graeme MacDon- ald; Mary and Joyce Harmon. There was a large attendance at the recital.—Brussels Post. Chairman Of Assessing Officers A. W. Blowes, assessor and deputy -treasurer for the County of Perth, was elected chairman of Dis- trict No. 4, County Assessing Offi- cers of the Province of Ontario for this year at the annual meeting held at Mount Forest on Wednes- day last, The district over which he will preside comprises all town- ships, cities, towns and villages in the Counties of Perth, Huron, Grey, Bruce, Dufferin and Wellington.— MitcheIl Advocate. Returning To Ship Mr. Ellwood Shortreed left on ' Thursday for Toronto where he will rejoin his ship, the Canada Steamship Lines Package Freight- er, Lethbridge. Mr. Shortreed will resume his duties at first mate. The Lethbridge has been tied up at Toronto during the winter, and Ellwood has been visiting in Blyth and district with relatives. The Lethbridge runs from Montreal to Fort William. 'Phe ship's Captain is Wm. Smith, of Wyoming, Ont. The Lethbridge can carry 100,000 bushels of wheat and 2,500 tons of freight when fully loaded. — Blyth Standard. Wins Scholarship Mr. Paul Watson, only son of • Mr. and Mrs. W. N. Watson, Blyth, has been awarded a scholarship valued at $2,400 by the Ontario Agricultural College, Guelph, where • he is a student. The scholarship is to be used in agricultural re- search work. Paul will graduate from the O.A.C. in May, at which time he will have completed a four- year course in Field Husbandry. He has a fine record at the O.A.C. In 1949 he attained 13 first-class honors out of a possible 14. Paul intends to further his studies in Ontario College of Education in To- ronto in 1951, following which he will ,return to the O.A.C. to com- plete his degree course as Master of Science in Agriculture. Hearty congratulations are due this bril- liant young local man on his fine • scholastic record—Blyth Standard. Wingham Man Dies in Australia Word has been received here of the death of Horace Bennett at Rose Bay, New South Wales, Aus- tralia, on February 11. Mr. Ben- nett was a son of the late Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Bennett, the father operating a planing mill. Horace Bennett •and .Addison Hingston were responsible for the early or- ganization of the Wingham band. Mr. Bennett was also a member of the Presbyterian choir. He went from here to the West Coast and later was sent to Australia to •re- present a machinery concern, Mrs, Robert White, of Birmingham, Mich., is a sister. Wingham Ad- vance -Times, Flash Fire Causes Injuries Arnold Makins suffered painful skin burns to his face and hands in a flash fire in the workshop of the Bayfield hardware about 11 o'clock Friday morning. He was working with an acetylene welding torch when the nozzle came off the hose and it flared u,p in his face. He picked it up and took it outside. The proprietor, Ted Mack, and Bob Turner were both in the room and extinguished the blaze on the wooden work bench. Mrs. Ted Mack administered first aid and drove Arnold to Clinton Public Choir Members Presented There was a pleasant gathering in the basement of St. Paul's An- glican Church on Friday evening.. when Roy Munday, organist of the church for the past 22 years, was honored, Mr. Mundy, who has re- signed, was presented with a, smoker and pipe from the choir. The address was read by the presi- dent, Mel. Keating, and the gifts, were presented by Herb Fuller. The congregation presented ars automatic wrist watch to Mr. Mun- dy and Mrs. Mundy received flow- ers. The address in this case was read by Rev. E. 0. Lancaster and the presentation was made by Mil- ler Davis. Both Mr. and Mrs. Mun- dy made suitable replies. The -choir also presented Mr. and Mrs. Ed: Nash with gifts, the former having been a member of the choir for 55' years. The gifts were an electric clock for Mr. Nash and' a cup and: saucer to his wife. Mr. Nash, who is ill at present, was not able to attend and Mrs. Nash received the - gift and replied for him. Lunch. and a pleasant social time conclud- ed the evening.—Wingham Ad- vance -Times. A Smile Or Two Some goys want to live to a ripe old age—others buy motorcycles, • Hu: "These marks on' my nose were made by glasses." She: "How many, glasses?" • Employee to manager: "Thi.s is your last opportunity to raise, my salary. Three other firms are af- ter me." "What firms?" "Gas, electric and' coal, sir." BOXWORD PUZZLE. ' By Jimmy Rae World Copyright Reserved ACROSS 1—Scoffs 4—Builder in stone 7—Organ of hearing 8—Ode's last part 10—Internal 11—Handwriting 15—Delegate (abbr.) 16—Feudal tenant 19—Fireman 22—Bury 28—Part of milk 25—Law or rule 26—Cattle-farm 27—State of U.S. 30—Meadow 31—Stupidity 34—Numeral 37—Nevada (abbr.) 38—Raw hides 40—Extreme 41—Hunting dog 42—Dissolve , ,o 45 --Limber 46—Boy (F•r.) 49 -14 -line poem 52—Elongated fish 53—Flog soundly 56—Be lofty 57—Parsonage house 58—Rarefied matter 59—Religious .60 --Hazardous . DOWN 1—Young salmon 2—Stringed instru- i0ent 3—Work for • 4—Tableland (Sp.) 5—Knight's title 6—Doze 7—Furnish a dower 9 -Obsolete (abbr.) 12-41eside medical lecture 13 --,Within (prefix) .WT1ON ON PAGE 7 14—Human trunk 17—Man's nickname 18—Biblical mount 20—Oppressor 21—Egyptian divinity 24—Axe-handle 23—Electric machine; 29—iMean habitation 32—Work hard 33—External 35—Doorkeepers 36—Brown bear 38—Guide 39—Tardier 43—Power 44—Ankle-hone 47—Change 48—Monk's hood (p1.) 60—Unita of elec. resistance 51—Clamor 54—Leap over 55—Fuss i • L ■2 ■8 4 ■5 ■6 7 ■ 8 ■9 ■ 14 10 ■ ■ 11 12 13 ■ 16 ■ 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 ■ " ■ 23 24 25 ■ ■ 26 . . ■ 27 28 . 29 ■ 30 1 31 32 33 34 35 36 S9 ■ 38 39 40 ■ ■ 41 . • 42 43 ■ 44 451 46 47 ■ 48 ■ i � � ■11lia ■" 521 ■■.'' ■, 58 56B6 ■ ■ ■ ■1 . R■■■ ■ 66 61 ACROSS 1—Scoffs 4—Builder in stone 7—Organ of hearing 8—Ode's last part 10—Internal 11—Handwriting 15—Delegate (abbr.) 16—Feudal tenant 19—Fireman 22—Bury 28—Part of milk 25—Law or rule 26—Cattle-farm 27—State of U.S. 30—Meadow 31—Stupidity 34—Numeral 37—Nevada (abbr.) 38—Raw hides 40—Extreme 41—Hunting dog 42—Dissolve , ,o 45 --Limber 46—Boy (F•r.) 49 -14 -line poem 52—Elongated fish 53—Flog soundly 56—Be lofty 57—Parsonage house 58—Rarefied matter 59—Religious .60 --Hazardous . DOWN 1—Young salmon 2—Stringed instru- i0ent 3—Work for • 4—Tableland (Sp.) 5—Knight's title 6—Doze 7—Furnish a dower 9 -Obsolete (abbr.) 12-41eside medical lecture 13 --,Within (prefix) .WT1ON ON PAGE 7 14—Human trunk 17—Man's nickname 18—Biblical mount 20—Oppressor 21—Egyptian divinity 24—Axe-handle 23—Electric machine; 29—iMean habitation 32—Work hard 33—External 35—Doorkeepers 36—Brown bear 38—Guide 39—Tardier 43—Power 44—Ankle-hone 47—Change 48—Monk's hood (p1.) 60—Unita of elec. resistance 51—Clamor 54—Leap over 55—Fuss i •