HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1951-04-06, Page 4rlr I( il'} '�l�•. ,iv 1��'. y '•IIS' �r QN" 1�4 x oSr' O 9iG to 5; A Lossified Ads. Classified Ads Inserted At New Low Cash Rates: FOR SALE, WANTED, LOST AND FOUND, ETC.—Per Word: let week i-.- 1 Cent 2nd week % Cent 8rd week Cent Minimum change. first insertion25 Cents Each figure, initial and abbreviation counts ea one word. Garde of Thanks. In Memoriam Notices. Coming Events -1 cent per word. Minlmnm, 50 cents per week. EPquiries may be directed to a Bos Ns., eio The Huron Expositor, for 10 cents extra Tea cents additional will be charged if ads in above class are mot paid within 10 days of date of final insertion. Births. Marriages and Deaths inserted tree ad charm Auction Sales. Notices So Crediton. Eta—Rotes on application. Wanted WANTED — MIDDLE-AGED WOMAN to be companion for elderly woman - PHONE 264. SeafurUb. 4345-1 W�t1N'TED—BOARDERS. APPLY BOX 986, HURON EXPOSITOR. 4315x1 WANTED—PASTURE FOR 10 HEAD of yearling cattle. Apply SAM SCOTT. Phone 836 r 11, Seaforth. 4345x1 WANTED — STENOGRAPHER FOR full time work. to start May 1. Ap- ply Box 989, HURON EXPOSITOR. 4345-1 WANTED TO RENT --1N TOWN OR nearby: House or apartment, un- furnished; 4 rooms and bath, or more. Willing to pay good rent for nice place. WILLIAM MORRISON. Phone 586. 4345-tf Tenders Wanted GRAVEL TENDER THE TOWNSHI18 OF STANLEY WILL receive tenders for the crushing and hauling of 8,000 yards to be crushed through a 1, -inch screen and delivered on township roads under the instruction of the road superintendent. Township to supply gravel. Tender to be in hands of the Clerk by 12:00 noon, April lath. Contract to be completed by October 15. Certified cheque for $200.00 must accompany tender. Gravel to be received frees the I-Iolmesville and McLean pit' and Bayfield beach. Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. FRED S. WATSON. Bayfield, Clerk, Twp. of Stanley. 1345-2 ...For Sale FOR SALE - REIT CLOVER 585111. PHONE 231-.1. 4345-1 • FOR SALE—QUANTITY OF COB CORN. Apply to MOO1tE'S POULTRY FARM. Phone 666 r 3, Seaforth. 4340-tf FOR SALE --9 PIGS SIX WEEKS OLD. GEORGE VARLEY, R.R. 4, Seaforth. Phone 651 r 41, Seaforth. 4.345x1 VOR SALE—SOME SECOND CUTTING alfalfa, baled. Apply ALFRED ROPY, R.R. 2, Zurich. 4345x2 FOR SALE --ONE GOOD WORKING horse. PHONE 685 r 11, Hensall. 4345x1 FOR SALE--ALSIKE SEED. R. J. D0IG, R.R. 1, Dublin. Phone 899 r 11, Seaforth. 4345-1 FOR, SALE—KITCHEN SINK, BRASS cylinder pump, kitchen range (wood or coal). PHONE 136-31. 4345-2 FOR SALE — CLINTON OATS AND Beaver eats. grown from registered seed. Apply to RUSSELL COLEMAN. Phone 665 r 41, Seaforth. 4345x1 Coming Events THE CRYSTAL PALACE BALLROOM. Mitchell, is unexcelled for your perfect den cLeg every friday night with Dun Robertsun and his Ranch Buys. 4342x2 Personals HYGIENIC SUPPLIES 1R U B B E R Goods), mailed postpaid in plain. sealed envelope with price list. 6 samples 25c; 24 sampler $1.00. Mail -Order Dept. T-73, NOVA -RUBBER CO., Bos 91, Hamilton. Ont. SKINNY MEN, WOMEN! GAIN 5 to 15 lbs.; new pep. Try Ostrex Tonic Tab- lets for new, healthy flesh; new vigor. Introductory, "get -acquainted" size ONLY 60c. All druggists. Help Wanted FOR SALE -ONE BOY'S SUIT, SIZE 6 years old, like new. Apply MRS. GORDONHORNER. Phone 661 r 2, Sea - forth. 4345x1 FOR SALE—A NEW IDEA MANURE spreader, hoTse-drawn, A-1 condition. Apply GORDON HORNER. Phone 661 r 2, Seaforth. 4345x1 VOR SALE—C.C.M. BICYCLE WITH 1' new tires and tubev, also kick -stand, chain guard and parcel carrier. Priced for quick sale. Apply to EMERSON COLEMAN. Phone 665 r 41, Seaforth.` 4345x1 .FOR SALE—QUANTITY OF BEAVER oats. grown from registered seed one year ago; also a quantity of Ajax oats; 2 bushels clover seed. LESLIE PRYCE. Phone 840 r 14, Seaforth. 4345x1 FOR SALE—NEW SINGER SEWING machines, electric and treadle. Re- pairs to all makes. SINGER SEWING CENTRE, 78 Ontario St., Stratford. 4228-tf FOR SALE — QUANTITY OF RED olover seed: also quantity of Ontario wheat for feed. Apply to JAMES M. LANDSBOROUGH. Tel. 665 r 16, Sea - forth. 4345x3 SEED FOR SALE — RED CLOVER, sweet clover, timothy orchard grass. Apply to JOHN W. THOMPSON, R.R. 2, Seaforth. Phone 833 r 31, Seaforth, 4344-tf FOR SALE ---HOLSTEIN HELFER 3 years old, T.B. tested, treated for Bangs disease. in calf to Durham bull, second calf: due in a few slays. SCOTT CLUFF, Seaforth. 4345x1 FOR SALE—AN OUTDOOR TOILET with steel roof. painted. in good con- dition. Special price for quick sale. Ap- ply JONATHAN E. HUGILL. Phone 667 r 6, Seaforth, or 616 r 34. Clinton. 4345-1 1'tj OR SALE ---6 H.P. 4 -WHEEL GARDEN tractor with cultivator, plow and snowplow, in good condition, $150.00. Ap- ply to MAX CARTER Egmondville, c/o Mrs. C. Theobald, evenings'. 434551 FOR SALE -200 HYBRID PULLETS, Nolo Hampshire X Rock, 16 Weeks old. These pullets are extra good and are a good weight. JAMES E. MEDD, R.R. 1, Clinton. Phone 841 r 11, Sea - forth. 4345-1 CILIMATE CONTROL—EVERY HOME should have "Climate Controll" — cut down burning sun and drying winds by planting our "Round Head" Norway maple trees. Speci3sl while they last. 3 to 4 foot whips, $L75 each. 3 for 94.93, nisi" with order. Aot quick. HOGLE NURSERY COMPANY, Campbellford, Ont 4342-4 OR SALE --- TWO READY-FOR-SER- -`viee we111-bred Yorkshire boare, excel- lent type, Powell strain: Montcalm seed barley, grown from registered seed. price $245 per bushel (this barley has won first in .the field the last tee-, seasons) ; al.o timothy seed, re -cleaned. $7.00 per bushel. H. C. WRIGHT & SON, Cromarty. Phare Hensall. 690 r 22. 4343.2 PRIVATE SALE OF HOUSEHOLD articles, on Saturday afternoon, 1 to 6 p.m., April 7th, at the home of Fred Walsh, on Centre St.: Frigidaire: four - burner electric stove with aide oven; 3 - piece chesterfield suite; 1 coal and wood kitchen .range: kitchen table; oelan and ends of chairs : ice box : dressers : beds .end sepringa: maroon baby buggy with -runners and storm hood; other articles. Cali or phone FRED WALSH, Centre St. Phone 297. 4345-1 DACRAGED EVERGREENS — "GROW your own plants." New technique Plat only $4.96 cash with order we send Vett, 10 . strong well -rooted one-year eat- tfngs of very bot evergreen varieties for fblmdetloh planting, pyramids and spread - art,( riinted . inftrnctiont show bow 50x1 volt' in' !Indy modish irntii largo enangh tY tit liSVlant Have (fin. Sava big dot - last "ant .fl. trimer. Mir* 091 fate. ip ,NO:n nOMPANZ Cazri4842 pbell- :1C r ADIESI — OPPOR7'UN1TY KNOCKS but once, so why not answer this ad and see what we have to offer you. Clean and pleasant work. All letters will be answered- Apply to Box 935, HURON EXPOSITOR. 434453 WARD AIDES FOR THE ONTARIO HOSPITAL AT LONDON YOUNG WOMEN IN GOOD HEALTH, with 2 years High Scheel or equiva- lent, and with an interest in helping the mentally sick, are invited to apply. Free course of training to accepterd applicants. Permanent positionsimproved salary sche- dules. generous vacation privileges and lx'nsion -benefit.. Aecomm,xlati.m in hos- pital residence at moderate cost can be provided for limited time if desired. For application form write to MI5S FLORENCE THOMAS. R.N., Director of Nursing, Ontario Hospital, London. 4343-4 Notices INCOME TAX- PHONE 74 F'OR AP- pointments. H. G. .HEIR, Dominion Bank Bldg. 4;145x3 FOR SALE -.F? -BOOM COTTAGE, BATH and modern kitchen: carts building lot. Apply A. L. HUNTER, East William St.. Senfonth. 4345-1 VOR SALE -6 -ROOM FRAME HOUSE and barn. Lots 211 and 212, in Hen- sall. Apply to ALBERT WALFF. Rex 666, Goderich. 4342x8 MOTH PROOF YOUR WINTER clothes before storing for the Sum- mer. Five-year written guarantee with Berlou Mothproofing. Small additional charge. GILI.F.SPIE CLEANERS. Tel. 196, Seaforbh. 4345-5 FOR SAI:s1 7-RQOM I3RICK ROUSE. all modern conveniences ; hardwood. [faun throughout Apply E. D. CROWE. James St. Phone 376. 4348hf Auction Sales CRILEANG AUCTION SALE OF FARM Stock and Machinery will be held Thursday, April 12th, at 1 p.m., 2 miles east of 13eigrave on 4th of Morrie. Terns —Gash. JOE WILL, Proprietor; Harold Jackson, Auctioneer. 4345-1 CLEARING .AUC'1'iON SALE OF FARM Stock and lmplementt will be held 2 miles south of Blyth on Highway, an Fri- day, April 13th, at 1 p.m. Included in sale will be a team of Percheron horses; 7 choice Durham cows; 10 beef cattle, ready for market; yearlings and calve. Full line of farm machinery. Terms -- Cash. ROBERT J. POWELL, Proprietor: Harold J.cekson, Auctioneer. 4345= NOTICE—ASHES. CANS AND RUB- bage of all kinds removed promptly and reasonably. HAROLD MALONEY. Phone 217-2. Please call at noon hour or evenings. 4842x6 NOTICE Township of Tuckersmith AUCTION SALT} -.-3 MILES NORTH OF Zurich, on Goshen Line, on Wednes- day, April filth, at 1 p.m.: 10 dairy and beef (lows, springers and fresh; 15 head of young cattle and calves (cattle T.B. tested, of fine quality) ; sows and 14 young pigs; tractor and some imple- ments. Remember date. Terms — Cash. H. MANSON, Proprietor; Edward Elliott, Auctioneer. 4345x1 TRUCK OPERATORS—TAKE NOTICE that for the protection of roads in the Township, half load restrictions will be enforced during March a April. E. P. CHESN Y, Clerk. 4344-2 AUCTION SALE.—HAROLD JACKSON Auctioneer, has been instructed to offer for sale by public auction, for the Executor of the Estate of the late George Coleman, on Wednesday, April llth, at 1 p.m., the following property 'in the Village of Eg- mondvil4e: Seven -room brick cottage with furnace, Targe brick barn. witty two lots, on Main Street. Terms -10 / down. balance in 30 days. Reserve bid. For further par- ticulars apply to WILLIAM CAMERON, Executor of Estate; McCONNELL & HAYS, Solicitors for Estate, or Harold Jackson, Auctioneer. 3341-2 NOTICE To All Ratepayers Of the Village of Hensall TAKE NOTICE that the MUNICIPAL COUNCIL of the Village of Hensall tends to pass a By -Law at Rs regular meeting on the 8th day of May, 1951, authorizing the Clerk of the said Munici- pality to apply to the Judge of the County Court of the County of Huron for an Order to close a portion of Wellington Street, in the Village of Hensel], which portion can be more particularly described as follows: The Southerly One Hundred and Thirty-two feet (132/1 of Wellington Street having a width of Sixty-six feet (661). AND FURTHER TAKE NOTICE that unless objections are formerly made to the said Council by any person who claims to be adversely affected prior to or at the regular meeting of the said Council on the 8th day of May. 1951, the said Coun- cil will proceed 10 pass the said By -Law on the aforementioned date, having regard only to the objections then received. THIS NOTICE is given pursuant to the Municipal Act R.S.O. 1950, Chapter 243. Section 472, 1 A.D. DATED at Hensel]. Ontario, this 20th day of March, 1931. JAMES A. PATERSON, Municipal Clerk. 41348-4 Motor Cars For Sale FOR. SALE- -1938 FORD COACII WITH heater, defroster. Will sell reason- able. FRED WALSH, Shell Service Sta- tion. Phone 567. Seaforth. 43.15-1 51 50 50 50 49 49 49 49 49 48 CHEV. DELUXE SEDAN OLDSMOBILE SEDAN—Custom radio, air conditioning, many extras CHEV. STYL.ELINE SEDAN CHEV. FLEETLINE SEDAN Custom radio and air conditioning CHEV. DE LUXE FLEETLINE SEDAN CHEV. DE LUXE STYLINE SEDAN CHEV. DE LUBE S'rYLELINE, COACH CHEV. FLEFTTLTNE COACH CHEV. STYLELTNE SEDAN CHEV. FLEETMASTER SEDAN 48 CHEV. FI2e;TLINE COACH 2 40 39 37 37 37 35 '48 CHEV. STYLEMASTER COACHES CHEV. DE LUXE COACH PLYMOUTH COACH 'CIIEV. COACH -4150.0o $ODGE SEDAN PLYMOUTH COACH PLYMOUTH c0AOH-$100.00 MANY OTHER MODELS TO CHOOSE FROM BRUSSELS MOTORS "The Home of Better Used Cars" OPEN IevnJkY EVENING itt AUCTION SALE OF HOUSEHOLD EF- fects, ort Jarvis St., Seaforth, on Sat- urday, April 716, at 1 p.m.: Chesterfield suite (like new); Axminster rug (like new) : carpet rug: 2 leather living -room chairs; 1 settee: 2 fluor lamps; Raymond sewing rhxu:hine; radio (like new); brass jardiniere: dining -room table: 2 small tables; 6 dining-rxtm chairs: 2 rocking chairs: magazine stand: 2 k)tdhen tables; sideboard: kitchen stove with water front: electric iron: electric hot plate with !- burners; bras.: bed. springs and mattress: dresser and stand; lace bedspread; 2 bal- een) suites, complete; bed and stand; chest of drawers: said chain: tuiiet set; 2 looking glasses; wicker rocking chair: full dinner see: odd dishes, pots. pans. lawn mower: antique walnut extension 'able: Mterat 4 -burner electric stove. Terms- Cash. 5185. SUSAN DUNDAS, Proprietress; Harold Jackson, Auctioneer. 4345-1 CLEARING AUCTION SALE OF FARM Stock. M 'ss in.•ry and Grain.--Harol1 .Tacksen hes received instructions to sell by public auction for the Estate of the fate Sandy and Du, 'on M.c•Kellar at Le 18 Crve_ssion 10. Llitaxcrt Township. one- half mile east of Cromarty, on Wednes- day, April 10th, et l p.m.: C.A'I'I'LE 1 Durham cow due in .June; 2 Durhnm crow,. fresh: 8 Durham sows. freshened in late fail and bred again: 2 young valves: 8 Durham calves born in fall: Red Registered Durham bull from the herd of Thomas Kerr, Atwood: 6 Durham steers rising 2 years old: 3 Durham heif- ers risimr 2 years old. These 9 cattle are ready for market. This is one of the best herds of Durhnm cattle in Perth County and anyone wanting good stock should attend. MACHINERY --Farm wagon with wagon box: oat crusher; Massey -Harris mower; roller: fanning mill: 14 -plate disc harrow: 32 -foot extension ladder: e-rarn bags: Stewart electric clippers; walking plow: circular saw frame to frt Case trac- tor; 2,000 -Tb. scales with pig rack: num- erous other articles. GRAIN -800 bushels mixed grain: Clinton oats and O.A.C. bar- ley suitable for seed: 20 bushels timothy seed. Terms—Cash. EXECUTORS—Sar- ah McKellar, Malcolm McKellar; E. 1'. Chesney. Clerk; Harold Jackson, Auc- t ion eer. 4345-i In Memoriam fALEY—IN LOVING MEMORY OF John E. Daley. who passed away on April 3, 1950. Nothing can ever take away The love our heart holds dear; Fond memories linger every day, - Remembrance keeps him near. - -Ever remembered by his wife, Edith. 4345-1 Q MA LLACOM BE— IN LOVING MEM- ory of Isabella Smallacombe, who pass- ed away April 4, 1950. Many a lonely heartache, Often a silent tear. Bu' always a beautiful memory Of one we loved so dear. Ever remembered by her Huslland and Family --Fred, Freda, Jean and Sister Mat- tic. abtie. 4345-1 IJONG IN LOVING MEMORY OF A dear mother, Mrs. Violet Long, who passed away eight years ago March 31, 1943. Deep ie the heart lies a picture Of a loved one laid to rest; In memory's frame we shall keep it, Because she was one of the best. dly missed and fondly remembered by h daughters and sons-in-law, Mar- gu to and Alvin. Jean and Ed. 4345-1 pOLLARD—IN LAVING MEMORY OF a dear husband and father. Joshua J. Pollard, who passed away one year ago April 10, 1950. He is gone, but not forgotten, And as dawns another year, In our lonely hours of thinking, Thoughts of him are always near. Days of sadness still come o'er us, Friends may think the wound is heaied But they little know the sorrow That lies within the heart concealed. —Always remembered by hie Wife, Son Will, and Family. 4345x1 Cards Of Thanks NIR. AND MRS. JOSEPH GRUMMETT wish 60 thank the Seaforth Fire Brigade, friends and neighbors who as- sisted in heaping to keep the fire damage at a minimum on Tuesday morning. News Items of Hensall and District Dies in Hamilton At St. Peter's Infirmary, Hamil- ton, on Wednesday, March 27. Lucille Fraser, widow of -Archibald Filshie, and dear mother of Mrs. Keith Johnston, Pakenham, Ont., Ian of Toronto, and Rev. Alex Fil- shie, Hamilton, passed away. The funeral took plane from Fairfield United Church, Barton and Weir St., Hamilton, with interment in Elora, Mrs. Filshie was a former principal of Hensall continuation school, and with 'her husband and family were residents of the vil- lage for some time, where they were highly regarded. Funeral of the Late B. D. Field Funeral services for the late Bruce Durward Field, C.N.R. agent at Centralia, was herd from the Hopper -Hockey Funeral Home, Ex- eter, Monday, April 2, at 1 p.m., with interment at the cemetery at St, George., Mr. Field died at his home in Centralia Friday in his 53rd year, having been in poor health since the beginning of the year with a heart condition. He left Kippen, where he was agent there, eighteen years ago, after the station closed; from there he went to Alma, then to Centralia dixteeu years ago. He was Pastmaster of the Masonic Lodge, Exeter. Sur- viving are his widow; one son, Bruce, and one daughter, Winni- fred, at home. OUR SINCERE THANKS TO OUR friends and relatives wh? helped to comfort us in our sorrow; also to the Reverend MacMillan, the Canadian Legion and the Seaforth Band for their kindness. MR. AND MRS. ANDREW W. DUNLOP AND FAMILY 4345x1 THE FAMILY OF THE LATE MISS Annie Davies wish to express their sincere appreciation for the Icindness and sympathy extended to them in their re- cent bereavement: also to thank the neigh- bors for their thoughtfulness and those who sent flowers. 4345x1 THE SISTERS AND BROTITF,RS OF the ]lute Dollies Hagan wish to express their sincere thanks for the many kind expressions of sympathy extended to them in their recent bereavement: also to those who sent cards, flowers and spiritual b-m- que ta, and all who were so kind to visit her while in Scott Memorial Hospital. MARY J, HAGAN, 4345x1 Jarvis St, Seaforth. T WISH TO EXTEND MY SINCERE 4ihstnlm and appreciation to call those who remembered me with gifts, flowers, cards and letters while I was a patient in St. Joseph's Hospital, London, and since my ,return. Special' 'thanks to those who did aria et kindness in our 'home in my absence, also to the members of my 'Sunday School 01asa. 4845 MRS. MABEL KYLE Hold Draw in Zurich At a dance held in the Commun- ity Centre, Zurich, Friday evening, sponsored by the Women's Insti- tute, a draw was held. The win- ners were: garden of diamonds quilt, Miss Theresa Basler, school teacher from Listowel, who was visiting in Zurich and purchased her ticket Thursday night; winner of the satin cushion was Mrs. Chas. Thiel, Zurich; table lamp, Mrs. John Hey, Zurich. Mrs. G. Roche, president of the W.I., stated that they will realize over $70 from the sale Of tickets 011 the three art- icles. The quilt was made by mem- bers of the Institute, assisted by ladies of the community. Wins Prizes in Fiddlers' Contest At the old time fiddlers' contest held 'at the Sport Fair, Queen's Park, London, on Friday evening, Mr. William Hyde, who will cele- brate his 87th birthday July 23 this year, was first in his class and first in the play-offs in a field of twenty-one contestants. Mr. Hyde, who has been playing the violin since he was eleven years of age, has won 40 firsts, six s.econd.s and three thirds at various contests, held at Toronto, London, and all over Western Ontario. Mr. Hyde will compete at the Huron's Orig- inal Old -Time Fiddlers' Contest in Hensall Town Hall ' this coming Friday evening. To Hold Birthday Party The annual birthday party of the Women's Missionary Society of the United Church will be held in the church schoolroom Friday eve ning, April 13. at 8 p.m. Rev. T. A. Graham, assistant minister at the Metropolitan Church, London, will be guest speaker. Miss Irene I' Births BENNETT—At Scott Memorial Hospital, on April 4, to Mr. and Mrs. Ronald R. Bennett, Walton, a son—Gary William. CRONIN—At Scott Memorial Hospital, on April 2, to Mr. and Mrs. John Cronin R.R. 4, Seaforth, a daughter. PRYCE—At Scott Memorial Hospital. on April 4, to Mr. and Mrs. Harold Pryce, R.R. I, Seaforth, a son. WEBSTER—At. Scott Memorial Hospital, on April 3, to Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Webster, Varna, a daughter. WHITMORE--Mr. and Mrs. Carts Whit- more hitmore (nee Elva Tw-amley) are happy to announce the birth of their daughter, Dianne Elizabeth, on April 1, 1951, in Victoria Hospital. London. Bishop C. F. Derstine KITCHENER Renowned Speaker and Editor of the "Christian Monitor" will be the speaker at the YOUTH FOR CHRIST RALLY Saturday, April 7th 8 p.m., at The Clinton High School Splendid talent also from Kitchener COME AND ENJOY IT! Douglas, of London, formerly of Hensall, active in the work of young people, will have charge of the devotion. The Evening Auxil- iary ladies of Chiselhurst and Kippen United Church, and the lad- ies of the Presbyterian and Angli- can Churches, Hensall, will be guests. Presented On Anniversary A delightful evening was held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Whitney Coates, 21/2 miles southeast of Exe- ter, Friday evening£ for a get-to- gether of tate Coates reunion. Thir- ty members attended' from London, Exeter and Hensall. Cards proved the entertainment for the evening. Winners were: Ladies, high, Miss Betty Coates; gents, high, Alfred Coates, Exeter; winner of the lucky chair, Mrs. Verne Pincombe. During the course of the evening Mr. and Mrs. T. C. Coates. of Hen- sall, were pleasantly surprised' with the presentation of a gift on the occasion of their twenty-fifth anniversary. The address was read by Miss Shirley Coates and the presentation made by Miss Wilma Coates. Lodge Holds Ladies' Night The annual ladies' night of Hur- on Lodge A.F. & A.M. was held at the Legion Hall, Hensall, Friday night. Over one hundred members, wives and friends enjoyed a tur- key banquet, catered by the Lad- ies' Legion Auxiliary. James Pet- ty, Worshipful Master, acted as chairman for the evening. Rev. R. H. Sanderson and Rev. W. J. Rog- ers spoke briefly. For the progres- sive euchre which formed the en- tertain:uent with eight tables in play, the winners were Mrs. Glenn Bell, Mrs. Ferguson, Mrs. A. L. Case, Hensall ; Lee McConnell, Varna: Cleve Cochrane, Seaforth, and Ross Love, Hensall. Entertain- ment committee comprised Ed. Fink. Emerson Kyle and Frank \Vi' osht. who recently underwent a major operation. She also visited with Mrs. Ralph Geiger and family at Whitby. Mrs. K. J. Schaefer, of Palmer- ston, visited last week with her aunts, Mrs. O. Ballantyne, Mrs. P. Graham and Miss K. Scott. Mrs. Catherine Devlin, of Lon- don, visited with Mrs. Geo. Hudson last week. Mr. and Mrs. Wes. Richardson are getting nicely settled in the residence owned by Mrs. Grace Harpole. Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Scott, Guelph, visited on Saturday last with the former's sisters, on their return from a pleasant Easter vacation spent at New York. Mrs. Ross Dick is a patient at St. Joseph's Hospital, Londou, where she will. -undergo an opera- tion in the interests of her health. Mrs. William Taylor, Sr., c Chiselhurst, who underwent a ma- jor operation in St. JoaEph's Hos- pital, London, has returned home. The Women's Missionary Society of the United Church held their thankoffering meeting Sunday eve- ning. There was a large congre- gation. A film, "The 'Salt of the Earth" was presented in charge of Rev. W. J. Rogers. Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Orr and Jim- mie attended the Toronto Star par - (Continued on Page 5) Societies To Meet At the monthly meeting of the Hensall Women's Institute on Wed- nesday Eight. April 11, in the Leg- ion rooms, an interesting program. is being arranged under. direction of the hostesses. Mrs. Kerslake and Mrs. Goddard. Roll call will be: "Why i continue to be an Insti- tute member from year to year." Reports of standing committees will be presented. Mrs. L. Chap- man is in charge of the demon- stration. The guest speakers will be Mrs. Chaffee and Miss McGow- an, of the Children's Aid Society, Goderich, The monthly Evening Auxiliary- meeting will be held in the United Church on Monday night. April 9. The hostesses are Mrs. H. McEwen and Mrs. H. El- der. Mrs. Rogers will be in charge of the study. The devotional per- iod will be taken by Mrs. J. Cor- bett. All Auxiliary members are invited to attend the Arnold Circle thankoffering meeting in Carmel Presbyterian Church on Monday night, April 16, Miss Walker will be the guest speaker. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur McLean, of Montana. U.S., are visiting rela- tives and friends in and around the village..., Mrs. E. Geiger spent the week- end and first part of the week vis- iting with her son, Ralph; a patient at the General Hospital, Oshawa, SPRING Clearance SALE of USED PIANOS Such well known makes as Heintzman. Nordheimer, Mason Risch. Weber and others, at reasonable prices and terms. Write HEINTZMAN & CO. 242 Dundas St., London for further particulars. NO OBLIGATIONS Aberhart Garage Goderich OFFERS YOU SAFE BUY USED CARS AND TRUCKS — At Winter Prices! BUY NOW AND SAVE ! New Assortment At Present Low Prices 1950 1950 1950 1950 1948 1948 1947 1947 1947 SOME Ford Custom Coach Plymouth Special De Luxe Sedan Morris -Oxford- Sedan Austin Sedan, nearly new Mercury Sedan (114) Ford Two -Door with Radio Chevrolet Two -Door Hudson Six Sedan, new tires, new paint A real buy! Ford 1/2 -Ton Pick-up OLDER MODELS TO CHOOSE FROM 1 only Late Model Ford Tractor Aberhart Garage Phone 625-W GODERICH STAFFA Mrs. Lloyd 'Miller was hostess for a meeting of the Staffa Wo- men's Institute, with Mrs. Les. But- son presiding and discussing the iootto, "The best evidence of be- ing learned is that one is ever learning." Current events were re- viewed. 'by Mrs. William Houghton. Useful kitchen gadgets were exhib- ited. Mrs. H. Harburn and Mrs. R. D. Sadler sang a duet. and Lois CLOSED APRIL 9th, 10th, 11th For Convention Fell and Mrs. Harburn gave read Ings. 'Co-operative programes were discussed, and it was decided to have "Your 'Money's Worth in Food" for the local branch, The three choices for the district were: "Foods that healthy children like," "We call it human nature," and "Duties of officers." A nominating committee consisting of Mrs. H. Harburn, Mrs. John Drake, Jr., and Mrs. Wilbur Glanville was appoint- ed. The president, Mrs. Cecil Bow- man, paid a tribute to the memory of a faithful member, the late Mrs. Lloyd Colquhoun. A moment's sil- ence was observed and a hymn sung. Lunch was served by Circle Four. MURIE.L'S BEAUTY SALON Concert & Dance Looby's Hall, Dublin MONDAY, APRIL 16th Concert at 8:30 p.m., featuring The CKNX Barn Dance Gang and Other Stars of Radio and Stage DANCING 10 - 1 Adults 50c Children 25c KIPPEN Mr. and Mrs. Wilmer Ferguson are moving into Mr. Ross Broad - foot's house on the Kippen Road. Mrs. Schilbe is spending the week -end with her mother, Mrs. McClymont. Mr. Robert Elgie, Thomas Butt, Norman Dickel't and a few more attended the hockey game in Gode- rich last Saturday night. TUCKERSMITH Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Cross and son, Keith, of Toronto, spent Eas- ter Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. R. Dallas, Brucefield. Mrs. George Jackson and son, Donald, of Hen- sall, returned to Toronto with them. CROMARTY Mr. and Mrs. Will Patrick, of Wyoming, visited with Mr. and Mrs. Ken McKellar on Friday. Mr. Robert Coleman is spending a week or two with Mr, and Mrs. William Caldwell and family at Brucefield. Miss Marguerite Duneaupaaa '. , returned to her datiee' ata teiavbey' • at Fort Pirie after Spending tut. holidays with 'her 'pareftei. Qi< I Duncanson and Mrs. Duncanson. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Caddick, of St. Thomas, visited over the weer end with Mr. and Mrs. Donnie Scott. Mr. and .Mrs. Lindsay McKellar and sons visited with Mr. and Mrs„ Bruce Armstrong on Sunday. Mrs. Clarkson (Elizabeth Dow),; of Seattle, Washington, visite[* with her cousin, William Chappel. Mr. and Mrs. D. M. Fisher, of Guelph, with her brothers, Russell and Birt Butler. Mr. and. Mrs. Leonard Houghton: and Frank and Leonard Gordon, visited on Sunday with Mrs. M. Houghton. Audrey Kemp hap• returned too her home in .Mitchell after spend- ing 'her holidays here. immoommonimillmoma Three -Act Play 'TheFamilyWash` Presented by Brucefield Adult Fellowship Group Walton Community Hall TUESDAY EVENING APRIL 10th Sponsored by the Y.P.U. of Duff's Church (Produced by special arrange- ment with Samuel French) ADMISSION — 50c and 20c USED FAR MACHINES 1 102 JUNIOR TRACTOR 1 JOHN DEERE A.R. TRACTOR 1 S. CASE 1 60 R.C. TRACTOR and Cultivator 1 81 MASSEY-HARRIS TRACTOR M. -H. No. 7 SPREADER 1 HORSE 13 -RUN DRILL, New 2 P.L. 20 -RUN DRILLS, New We have a few New Machines ready for delivery NOW EA S F ORTH MOTORS Massey -Harris Sales & Service PHONE 141 is now bottled and distributed by Tuckey Beverages in the Seaforth area Be TRULY refreshed with the LONG, cool drink Tuckey Beverages have been appointed Authoriz- ed Pepsi-Cola Bottlers. This well-known organ- ization joins with nation- ally famous Pepsi-Cola to bring you Canada's finest cola drink. Take home . a carton today! (phis deposit) • ra 4A14:�'.4e..