HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1951-03-16, Page 8'a1 nY. UTOMOBILE, CASUALTY, GUARANTEE BONDS (DENT AND SICKNESS HGLARY AND WINDSTORM Representing Companies who give Security with Service. vO AGENTS FOR ONTARIO '1's!H FIRE IINSURAN MAN'S MUTUAL E Information gladly given. WATSON & REII) A[. A. REID - Proprietor IBsurance & Real Estat PHONE 214 SEAFORTH FOR SALE &rive -room Cottage with hard an ,WFnft water; small barn. In Village mf Egmondville. Immediate posses 100 Acres Grass Land with goo well, in Township of McKillop. ,Comfortable six -room Dwellin; Alt Winthrop; 1/3 acre land, wit] calli*early fruit trees. .,stage on Railway Street, wit: &ath. Reasonably priced. Earl iavosaession. ;Several other Choice Dwelling also listed. Modern Cottage with furnace an garage. Early possession. Good 150 -acre Farm; moder eeonveniences. Dwelling, Victoria St. Moder conveniences. Pos.ses,.ion arrant nd. Frame dwelling, Village of Dul lin. Immediate possession. M. A. REID REAL ESTATE PHONE 21 • COAL We have on hand: • STOVE. COAL • NUT COAL • PEA COAL • BUCKWHEAT COAL • ALBERTA COAL • BRIQUETTES • STOKER COAL William M. Har Phone 784 : Seafort The Schneider OrpheuS Male Choir OF 45 VOICES Under the direction of Paul Berg Wed. March 28th 8:30 p.m. First Presbyterian Church SEAFORTH Presented under the auspices of the Men's Club ADMISSION: Adults 50c Children 25c Children's tickets to be purchased at door of Church only on evening of performance. ' ug watt. spout The Program eon area of comuiurity singing, mi- sts and games. Mrs. F. Kling and re $. E. Daley each sang a solo, le accompanists being Mrs. J, E. eating and Mrs. James Hogg. unch was served' box style, and to evening was thoroughly enjoy- s. Northside W. M. S. Meets.—A tudy of Japan was presented in ialogue by Mrs. Montgomery, Miss I. Robb, Mrs, W. S. Hay and Mrs. ), A. MalMillan at the March meet - ng of the W.M.S. of the United hurch oh Thursday at the church. drs. R. Lawson presided and roll alled by Mrs. acMillan, Circle 3 eported 20 calls during February n .sick and shut-ins. The financial eport was given by Miss A. Fer- ;uson. Mrs. Lawson told of the neetiug she attended in Clinton, tressing the supply work for the ociety. "The Voice of Temperance” vas given by Mrs. C. C. Koine and Hatch Tower reading, "Watched )ay and Night," by Miss Finnigan. drs. Hay told the story of Michi awai as iu the book, "The Toroh n Japan." Hers was and still is a ife of great achievement. Michi vas a daughter of a Ginto Priest Ind his wife's lot was one of pov- rty. The meeting closed with a tymn and prayer. and was in hie 78th year, He 4100 learned of the death. of Mr. Coop- er's brother-in-law, Wit. Bubb, which also took place in Mountain View, Calif. Dies At Brandon, Man,—Augusta Murray passed away at Brandon, Man., at the age of 85, on Mum - day, March 1, after a lengthy ill- ness. Her husband predeceased her on May 17, 1948. Burial took place in the family plot at the Brandon cemetery. Mrs. Murray had been a resident of Seaforth for a number of years before mov- ing to Grimsby, Ont., where she was married to the late George Murray of Seaforth on April 15, 1891, and returning to Seaforth where they resided until moving to Brandon, Man., in 1903. One slaughter, Jennie Ennard, passed away iu 1906. Surviving are one son, Neil A., and grandson, Neil, living in Edmonton, Alta., and a sister-in-law, who has been resid- ing with her in Brandon. Ladies Guild Makes Presentation. —The regular monthly meeting of the Ladies' Guild of St. Thomas' Church was held 'Tuesday in the Parish Hall, with 27 members an- swering the roll call. Mrs. Ray- mond Nott presided over the meet- ing with Rev. T. Dale Jones readiug the Scripture lesson from the third chapter of Ephesians. Prayers for the parish and for guidance were followed by the Lord's Prayer in unison. The offering was received and dedicated. After the secre- tary's and treasurer's reports had been received and approved, the business was discussed. Miss Dor- othy Parke, on behalf of the Lad- ies' Guild, and Mrs. Norman Scoins on behalf of the Social Club, pres- ented Rev, and Airs. Jones with gifts prior to their leaving for the new parish in London. Following the presentation, a dainty lunch was served and Ftev. Jones closed the meeting with the benediction. Miss Dorothy Parke. leader of the winning group, thanked the group of Miss F. Fowler. Used Cars '47 DODGE COACH '41 CHEV. SEDAN '39 DODGE COUPE '37 CHEV. COACH '37 FORD COACH '37 PONTIAC COACH '36 OLDSMOBILE COACH MANY OLDER MODELS TO CHOOSE FROM Used Trucks '46 CHEV. 2 -TON STAKE '47 DODGE 1 -TON STAKE AND RACKS '47 FORD 1 -TON PICK-UP '46 FORD 3 -TON STAKE AND RACKS '50 DODGE 1/2 -TON PICK-UP We have a number of New G.M.C. TRUCKS in stock Good delivery on most models. RICE MOTORS Pontiac - Buick - G.M.C. Trucks PHONE 799 - SEAFORTH Mr. H. Minot( were in Torento oY, Or the weep;+end. • Miss Blanche Relid-is vialting friends in Hamilton. • Miss Peggy Lee 'Mullen, of the Q,V.C., Guelph, was a week -end visitor of Mr. and Mrs. James G. Mullen. • Mrs. A. G. Broadfoot, of Eg- mondville, is spending a few days with her niece, Mrs. Robert McGre- gor and Mr. McGregor. • Mrs. S. T. Bartlett, of Toronto, is visiting with her niece, Mrs. J. C. Stevens, and Mr. Stevens. • Mr. Edmund Daly attended the Sportsman's Show in Toronto on Tuesday. • Mr. and Mrs. Neil Hopper have returned from a pleasant trip to Brandon an Miami, Florida. • Mrs. H. Chesney, Sr., marked her 76th birthday at her home on Saturday. • Mr. James Finlayson, of Eg- mondville, is in St. Joseph's Hospi- tal, London, where he underwent a major operation. • Mr. George Kruse attended a research farm feeds tour to St. Louis, Mo., over the week -end. • Miss Alice Daly was in Delhi on Sunday making arrangements for a diocesan convention to be held there in May. • Mrs. Jack Christie, of Guelph, is visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Cameron in Tucker - smith. Death of James J. Johnson. --- James J. Johnson, 83, died Friday evening after a, four-day illness in Scott Memorial Hospital. Mr. John- son was born and educated in Mc- Killop, where he farmed prior to his retirement here in 1941. He was married 37 years ago to the former Gertrude Hicknell in St. Columban Catholic Church. He was a member of St. James' Cat holic Church and of the Holy Name So- ciety. Surviving, besides his wife, are four sons: John, New Ham- burg; Augustus, Seaforth; Sylves- ter, Niagara Falls, Ont., and Leo, Clinton; and two daughters, Mrs. Frank (Angela) Becker, Kitchener, and Mrs. Carl (Dorothy) Feeney, Seaforth; one sister, Mrs. Peter McIver, Seaforth, and one brother, Thomas Johnson, London. The body rested at his late residence, Main St. South, until. Monday prior to a funeral service at St. James' Church at 9:30 a.m., when Requim High Mass was sung by Rev. Father E. P. Weber. The pall- bearers were John L, Malone, Mar- tin Feeney, Joseph Connolly, Mich. ael Murray, Thomas Hicknell and James Sloan. Interment was in St. James' cemetery. First Presbyterian Church. — 10 a.m., Sunday School and Bible Class; 11 a.m., "Temptation and Evil"; junior congregation; 7 p.m., "Disowned."—Rev. D. Glenn Camp- bell, Minister. St. Thomas' Anglican Church.— Sunday, March 18, Palm Sunday - 10 a.m., Sunday School; 11 a.m., Morning Prayer; 7 p.m., Evensong. St. Mary's, Dublin, 2 p.m. Rev. S. Semple, London, in charge of all services. Northside United Church.—Rev. D. A. MacMillan, Minister: 10 a.m., Sunday School and Adult Bible Classes; 11 a,m., Worship; sermon subject. "Suffering For Undeserved Hatred"; 11:30 a.m., junior con- gregation; 7 p.m., worship; sermon subject, "Protestant Belief No. 7." All cordially welcome. Passion Week Services.—Monday, Marc! 19: Salvation Army, Rev. D. G n Campbell; Tuesday. March 20: St. Thomas' Anglican Church. Lieut. Morrow; Wednesday, March 21: Egmondville Church. Flt. -Lieut. Harding; Thursday, March 22: Northside United Church, Rev. A. W. Gardiner; Friday, March 23: First Presbyterian Church, Rev. D. A. MacMillan. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 o O o J. A. BURKE 0 • Funeral Director 0 0 and Ambulance Service 0 0 IRJBLIN - ONT. 0 A • Night or Day Calle: 0 0 Phone 43 r 10 O 0 - 0 0000000000 0000000000 G. A. WHITNEY 0 Funeral Director 0 113 main Street - Seaforth O 0 A, tLANCE SERVICE 0 0 Adjustable hospital beds 0 . 0 for rent. 0 0 Agent. for Mitchell Nursery dy 0 Flowers. lepoltufie: Day ar Night 119 0 141111delnco 85 : - 0 0 0 000000000 W. J. CLEARY 0 Seaforth, Ont. 0 LICENSED EMBALMER 0 AND FUNERAL DIRECTOR 0 Night or Day Calls -885 O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O 0 0 0 0 0 0 1.1 51 Forcer Chiselhurst Native Pass- ec es.=Mr. W. J. Elder has received ed word of the passing of Charles Cooper, in Mountain View, Califor- nia, formerly of near Chiselhurst, and a classmate of Mr. Elder's at school. Mr. Cooper was the son of the late Mr. and Mrs. Peter Cooper 'blue coal WILLIS DUNDAS Phone 363-J - Res. 192-M OFFICE HOURS: 9:30-12; 2 p.m. -5:30 p.m. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 BOX Juntrai Motrbtte R. S. BOX O Licensed Embalmer 0 AMBULANCE 0 Prompt and careful attention. 0 Hospital Bed O F ovrmS FO1t ALL 0 OCCASION@ ,, 0 PSONBISt 0 Res. 595-W or 18; Stare 4Y 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0* r?bn:tn''.cwS AJAiditte VgrliSIURR117 in.yo.tr,l,s .ime.'of need. BOX is the soothing hand In times of distress, sympathetic- ally understanding your prob- lems, helping to arrange every Important detail. Feel free to call on BOX at any hour for funeral or ambulance service. BOX Funeral Service AMBULANCE SERVICE Res. 606-W or 18 - Store 48 LOCAL BRIEFS • Miss Mary Camilla Ryan, of University of Western Ontario. spent the week -end at her home here. • Mr. R. E, McKenzie, of Toron- to, visited his brother, Mr. John E. McKenzie, over the week -end. • Mr. Orval Weston, who under- went a major operation in a De- troit hospital, is sufficiently recov- ered to be' able to return to Sea - forth, where be will recuperate. • Mrs. W. E. Southgate, Sr., is in Brampton this week. • Mr, Walter Boswell, of London, spent the week -end at his home here. • Miss Evangeline Reid, of Lon- don, was a week -end visitor at the home of her unae. Mr. 51. A. Rei,!. • Mrs. Lois Surto.: nd daughter. Paula. Mrs. Fritz and daughtet°, Patsy, and Jeron:e Dietrich-. of St. Clemens, and Miss Shirley Riley and Mrs. Joyce Mace. of Stratford. were guests last week of 51r. and Mrs. Carl Knight. • Mr- and Mrs. J. W. Modeland have returned from a pleasant mot- or trip to Florida and other South- ern States. • Mr. Joe N. Davin, of the United States Air. Force, spent 'a few days with his grandmot.hei•, Mre. N. Dunn, prior to being transferred to Savanah, Georgia. • Mr. Arthur R. Amerit and daughter. Miss Janet, of Toronto, were guests last week of his par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. William Ament. • Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Keating were in Toronto on Thursday of last week attending a funeral. • Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Knowles and family, of Exeter, spent Sun- day with Mrs. J. J. Sclater. • Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Marshall. of London, and Delbert Smith, of the University of Western Ontario. London, spent the week -end with Mr, and Mrs. C. M. Smith. • Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Hart and Mr. and Mrs. H. O. Free are at- tending the Sportsman's Fair in Toronlo this week. • Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Adair, Ruth, Doreen and Keith, of Toronto, spent the week -end with Mrs J. J. Sclater. • Mr, and Mrs. John A. Baldwin attended the Sportsmen's Show in Torctito this week. • Mr. Nelson Govenlock, of Wa- terford, and Mrs. Sam Phillips, of Chatham, were week -end guests of Mrs. J. M. Govenlock. • Mr. Stanley Dorrance, of Chat- ham, and Mrs. M. H. McKenzie, of Oshawa, spent the week -end with their mother, Mrs. M. Dorrance. • Mrs. Walker Hart, who has been ill • in Scott Memorial Hospi- tal, has recovered sufficiently to be able to return home. • Mr. M. ®A, Reid is in Toronto this week. • Mr,' and Mrs. E. L. Box and BAYFIELD t►it , ''here 'Ile underwent ase ° low opera tion about 10,daye age. Mrs. Lydia Colgphoun, Mr, and Mre, Wm. Andrews, Norwich; Mr, and Mrs. Fred Parsons, Sarnia,' and Mrs,, Gladys Lunn, -Buffalo, visited relatives here and attended . the funeral of Mrs. Lloyd Colquhoun. Mrs. M. J. Deering, Mrs. W. O'Brien, Mrs. W. O. Reed and Mrs. A. H. Daynard attended the lead- ers' conference of the W.M.S. Perth Presbyterial in St. Marys. Miss Ida Cooper, Seaforth, visit- ed her sister, Mrs. Frank Hambly, who has been ill. Mr. and 1Virs. Lloyd Elliott vis- ited in London with Mr. and Mrs. Don Tyndall. Many friends will be pleased to know that Mr. W. L. Ferguson, a former resident here, has recover- ed from a major operation which he underwent in Toronto General Hospital recently, and is now re- cuperating at the home of his son, Charles, in Sudbury. WINTHROP Buy your Dinnerware at Sav- auge's March Dinnerware Sale. Other specials, too. Savauge's, Seaforth.—(Advt.) ' Mr. John Montgomery returned home from Scott Memorial Hospi- tal last week. The Helping Hand Mission Band will Bold their Easter thankoffer- ing in the church on Saturday, Match 17, when a social time will be spent after the meeting. WALTON TAXI GORDON WILSON ALL PASSENGERS INSURED PHONES 2 9 or 567 SEAFORTH The Late Mrs. L. Colquhoun It is with much sadness that we record the passing of a. friend and neighbor, Mrs. Lloyd Colquhoun (Elsie Parsons), in St. Joseph's Hospital, London, on Tuesday, March 6, where she had been a patient almost three months. She was laid to rest in Roys cemetery, Fullerton Twp., the following Fri- day. To her bereaved family we extend sincere sympathy. As a va- lued member of the Sewing Circle and Women's Institute, we would like to pay her tribute in the fol- lowing lines, inadequate as they may be: Dear faithful member, you have left us, And passed on to your eternal abode; Your illness was long and tedious, Your courage and fortitude rare. Many years you were a staunch adherent Of the Staffa Women's Institute; Cheerfully bearing your share of the burdens That such a society often exacts. We will miss your musical talents, Iu our meetings month by month, And long for your sunny presence At the District Annuals. But we trust you are happy in Heaven, Away from the world and its cares, Where the weary rest from their; labors, And sorrow and pain are unknown. Buy your Dinnerw-are at Sav- auge's March Dinnerware Sale. Other specials, too. Savauge's, Seaforth.—(Advt.) Real estate is changing owner- ship this spring again. Silas John- ston has sold his 100 -acre farm to Joseph Beixley. Hugh Johnston, on the 17th concession. Grey Town- ship. has bought a 50 -acre farm from George Ramsay. Several in the village, are con- fined to their homes or beds with the tlu. Donald Yungblut, teacher of Wilton school. is confined to his home with the flu. SEE DISPLAY AT Box Furniture Store I. I We hope some time to join you, When our work on this earth is done, And to meet you once more in the last great roundup, In the Beautiful City of Love. —A Women's Institute Member. VARNA G'Arount NOW PLAYING — THURSDAY, FRIDAY, SATURDAY " YELLOW, 'CABMAN " with RED SKELTON GLORIA DeHAVEN WALTER SLEZAK Here comes that man again, waiting to take you on the gayest ride of the year—complete with thrills, chills, and loaded with laughter MONDAY, TUESDAY, WEDNESDAY " HOME OF THE BRAVE'" with DOUGLAS DICK - STEVE BRODIE—This film has every- thing a great picture should have—scenes that will rock you and perhaps shock a lot of people. The picture that dares to take a stand and stands ,alone! IN TECHNICOLOR—NEXT THURSDAY, FRIDAY, SATURDAY " THE HAPPY YEARS" DEAN STOCKWELL and DARRYL HICKMAN The story of a One -Boy Rebellion against society until an Under- standing Teacher showed him the world was on his side. COMING: "THREE CAME HOME" Miss Mae Coleman, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Coleman, was successful in winning the fur neck- piece which was drawn at the sale which took place at Martin's De- partment store in Clinton. CLINTON The study book, chapter 6, was ab- ly taken by Mrs. W. Wilste and her helpers, Mrs. R. Holmes, Mrs. J. Radford, Mrs. Wheatley and Mrs. Fear, the two latter ladies. impersonated Miss Wilma Thomas. and Miss Hamilton, Ieadets in Jap- anese schools, Miss Elva Wiltse, a very faithful W.M.S. member, was ,made a life member at this meeting, -the honors being done by Mrs. W. J. Woolirey. Mrs. Treleaven and Miss L. Gib- bings have returned from Lapeer, Mich., where they spent the winter with their sister, Mrs. L. Kay. Quite a number of citizens are still in the grip of Old Man Flu- We hope for an early recovery. Many from outside centres at- tended the seed fair held in Clin- ton Collegiate last Friday and Sat- urday. Mr. and Mrs. F. Coleman visited with Mr. and Mrs. F. Townsend on Wednesday of last week. Two new houses are being built on Princess St. in Clinton by Bat - kin Bros. Plans are under way to build a new public school here at the east- rn end of town,. and also for an addition to the high school. The R..F. has purchased a parcel of and north of their pres- ent holding for a new building to be erected there. e; fi F I t e E NEWSOF THE TOWN Group Have Enj,yabte Program, — Mrs, Keith Sharp and 'Mars. FAL Andrews entertained the Margaret Ramsay group of the Barbara Kirk man Auxiliary of First Presbyter- ian Church on Thursday evening last in the schoolroom of the church, and a moat enjoyable eve- ° d RADIO REPAIRS r 1 Gordon Wilson t I Graduate of Radio College of Canada Mrs. Archie Jeffery visited her sistettr Mrs. Lawrence Hannon, on PHONE 29 f Or leave Radio at Shell t Buy your Dinnerware at Sav- auge's March Dinnerware Sale. Service Station MINIIIMBIIIIIIMIP f i The Mission Band was held in the classroom of the church on i .p i t f a I St• Patrick's Supper t Under the auspices of the f Catholic Women's League . V St. James' Parish Hall SATURDAY i MARCH 17th 5 to 7 p.m. 1 ADMISSION: a i - Adults $1.00 Children 40c -went an Operation in Stratford Hoatiital on Tuesday. EASTER 4 DA CE ST. COLUMBAN HALL Tues,, .March 27 Ken Wilbee Orchestra h Admission - 50 Cents The Schneider OrpheuS Male Choir OF 45 VOICES Under the direction of Paul Berg Wed. March 28th 8:30 p.m. First Presbyterian Church SEAFORTH Presented under the auspices of the Men's Club ADMISSION: Adults 50c Children 25c Children's tickets to be purchased at door of Church only on evening of performance. ' ug watt. spout The Program eon area of comuiurity singing, mi- sts and games. Mrs. F. Kling and re $. E. Daley each sang a solo, le accompanists being Mrs. J, E. eating and Mrs. James Hogg. unch was served' box style, and to evening was thoroughly enjoy- s. Northside W. M. S. Meets.—A tudy of Japan was presented in ialogue by Mrs. Montgomery, Miss I. Robb, Mrs, W. S. Hay and Mrs. ), A. MalMillan at the March meet - ng of the W.M.S. of the United hurch oh Thursday at the church. drs. R. Lawson presided and roll alled by Mrs. acMillan, Circle 3 eported 20 calls during February n .sick and shut-ins. The financial eport was given by Miss A. Fer- ;uson. Mrs. Lawson told of the neetiug she attended in Clinton, tressing the supply work for the ociety. "The Voice of Temperance” vas given by Mrs. C. C. Koine and Hatch Tower reading, "Watched )ay and Night," by Miss Finnigan. drs. Hay told the story of Michi awai as iu the book, "The Toroh n Japan." Hers was and still is a ife of great achievement. Michi vas a daughter of a Ginto Priest Ind his wife's lot was one of pov- rty. The meeting closed with a tymn and prayer. and was in hie 78th year, He 4100 learned of the death. of Mr. Coop- er's brother-in-law, Wit. Bubb, which also took place in Mountain View, Calif. Dies At Brandon, Man,—Augusta Murray passed away at Brandon, Man., at the age of 85, on Mum - day, March 1, after a lengthy ill- ness. Her husband predeceased her on May 17, 1948. Burial took place in the family plot at the Brandon cemetery. Mrs. Murray had been a resident of Seaforth for a number of years before mov- ing to Grimsby, Ont., where she was married to the late George Murray of Seaforth on April 15, 1891, and returning to Seaforth where they resided until moving to Brandon, Man., in 1903. One slaughter, Jennie Ennard, passed away iu 1906. Surviving are one son, Neil A., and grandson, Neil, living in Edmonton, Alta., and a sister-in-law, who has been resid- ing with her in Brandon. Ladies Guild Makes Presentation. —The regular monthly meeting of the Ladies' Guild of St. Thomas' Church was held 'Tuesday in the Parish Hall, with 27 members an- swering the roll call. Mrs. Ray- mond Nott presided over the meet- ing with Rev. T. Dale Jones readiug the Scripture lesson from the third chapter of Ephesians. Prayers for the parish and for guidance were followed by the Lord's Prayer in unison. The offering was received and dedicated. After the secre- tary's and treasurer's reports had been received and approved, the business was discussed. Miss Dor- othy Parke, on behalf of the Lad- ies' Guild, and Mrs. Norman Scoins on behalf of the Social Club, pres- ented Rev, and Airs. Jones with gifts prior to their leaving for the new parish in London. Following the presentation, a dainty lunch was served and Ftev. Jones closed the meeting with the benediction. Miss Dorothy Parke. leader of the winning group, thanked the group of Miss F. Fowler. Used Cars '47 DODGE COACH '41 CHEV. SEDAN '39 DODGE COUPE '37 CHEV. COACH '37 FORD COACH '37 PONTIAC COACH '36 OLDSMOBILE COACH MANY OLDER MODELS TO CHOOSE FROM Used Trucks '46 CHEV. 2 -TON STAKE '47 DODGE 1 -TON STAKE AND RACKS '47 FORD 1 -TON PICK-UP '46 FORD 3 -TON STAKE AND RACKS '50 DODGE 1/2 -TON PICK-UP We have a number of New G.M.C. TRUCKS in stock Good delivery on most models. RICE MOTORS Pontiac - Buick - G.M.C. Trucks PHONE 799 - SEAFORTH Mr. H. Minot( were in Torento oY, Or the weep;+end. • Miss Blanche Relid-is vialting friends in Hamilton. • Miss Peggy Lee 'Mullen, of the Q,V.C., Guelph, was a week -end visitor of Mr. and Mrs. James G. Mullen. • Mrs. A. G. Broadfoot, of Eg- mondville, is spending a few days with her niece, Mrs. Robert McGre- gor and Mr. McGregor. • Mrs. S. T. Bartlett, of Toronto, is visiting with her niece, Mrs. J. C. Stevens, and Mr. Stevens. • Mr. Edmund Daly attended the Sportsman's Show in Toronto on Tuesday. • Mr. and Mrs. Neil Hopper have returned from a pleasant trip to Brandon an Miami, Florida. • Mrs. H. Chesney, Sr., marked her 76th birthday at her home on Saturday. • Mr. James Finlayson, of Eg- mondville, is in St. Joseph's Hospi- tal, London, where he underwent a major operation. • Mr. George Kruse attended a research farm feeds tour to St. Louis, Mo., over the week -end. • Miss Alice Daly was in Delhi on Sunday making arrangements for a diocesan convention to be held there in May. • Mrs. Jack Christie, of Guelph, is visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Cameron in Tucker - smith. Death of James J. Johnson. --- James J. Johnson, 83, died Friday evening after a, four-day illness in Scott Memorial Hospital. Mr. John- son was born and educated in Mc- Killop, where he farmed prior to his retirement here in 1941. He was married 37 years ago to the former Gertrude Hicknell in St. Columban Catholic Church. He was a member of St. James' Cat holic Church and of the Holy Name So- ciety. Surviving, besides his wife, are four sons: John, New Ham- burg; Augustus, Seaforth; Sylves- ter, Niagara Falls, Ont., and Leo, Clinton; and two daughters, Mrs. Frank (Angela) Becker, Kitchener, and Mrs. Carl (Dorothy) Feeney, Seaforth; one sister, Mrs. Peter McIver, Seaforth, and one brother, Thomas Johnson, London. The body rested at his late residence, Main St. South, until. Monday prior to a funeral service at St. James' Church at 9:30 a.m., when Requim High Mass was sung by Rev. Father E. P. Weber. The pall- bearers were John L, Malone, Mar- tin Feeney, Joseph Connolly, Mich. ael Murray, Thomas Hicknell and James Sloan. Interment was in St. James' cemetery. First Presbyterian Church. — 10 a.m., Sunday School and Bible Class; 11 a.m., "Temptation and Evil"; junior congregation; 7 p.m., "Disowned."—Rev. D. Glenn Camp- bell, Minister. St. Thomas' Anglican Church.— Sunday, March 18, Palm Sunday - 10 a.m., Sunday School; 11 a.m., Morning Prayer; 7 p.m., Evensong. St. Mary's, Dublin, 2 p.m. Rev. S. Semple, London, in charge of all services. Northside United Church.—Rev. D. A. MacMillan, Minister: 10 a.m., Sunday School and Adult Bible Classes; 11 a,m., Worship; sermon subject. "Suffering For Undeserved Hatred"; 11:30 a.m., junior con- gregation; 7 p.m., worship; sermon subject, "Protestant Belief No. 7." All cordially welcome. Passion Week Services.—Monday, Marc! 19: Salvation Army, Rev. D. G n Campbell; Tuesday. March 20: St. Thomas' Anglican Church. Lieut. Morrow; Wednesday, March 21: Egmondville Church. Flt. -Lieut. Harding; Thursday, March 22: Northside United Church, Rev. A. W. Gardiner; Friday, March 23: First Presbyterian Church, Rev. D. A. MacMillan. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 o O o J. A. BURKE 0 • Funeral Director 0 0 and Ambulance Service 0 0 IRJBLIN - ONT. 0 A • Night or Day Calle: 0 0 Phone 43 r 10 O 0 - 0 0000000000 0000000000 G. A. WHITNEY 0 Funeral Director 0 113 main Street - Seaforth O 0 A, tLANCE SERVICE 0 0 Adjustable hospital beds 0 . 0 for rent. 0 0 Agent. for Mitchell Nursery dy 0 Flowers. lepoltufie: Day ar Night 119 0 141111delnco 85 : - 0 0 0 000000000 W. J. CLEARY 0 Seaforth, Ont. 0 LICENSED EMBALMER 0 AND FUNERAL DIRECTOR 0 Night or Day Calls -885 O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O 0 0 0 0 0 0 1.1 51 Forcer Chiselhurst Native Pass- ec es.=Mr. W. J. Elder has received ed word of the passing of Charles Cooper, in Mountain View, Califor- nia, formerly of near Chiselhurst, and a classmate of Mr. Elder's at school. Mr. Cooper was the son of the late Mr. and Mrs. Peter Cooper 'blue coal WILLIS DUNDAS Phone 363-J - Res. 192-M OFFICE HOURS: 9:30-12; 2 p.m. -5:30 p.m. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 BOX Juntrai Motrbtte R. S. BOX O Licensed Embalmer 0 AMBULANCE 0 Prompt and careful attention. 0 Hospital Bed O F ovrmS FO1t ALL 0 OCCASION@ ,, 0 PSONBISt 0 Res. 595-W or 18; Stare 4Y 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0* r?bn:tn''.cwS AJAiditte VgrliSIURR117 in.yo.tr,l,s .ime.'of need. BOX is the soothing hand In times of distress, sympathetic- ally understanding your prob- lems, helping to arrange every Important detail. Feel free to call on BOX at any hour for funeral or ambulance service. BOX Funeral Service AMBULANCE SERVICE Res. 606-W or 18 - Store 48 LOCAL BRIEFS • Miss Mary Camilla Ryan, of University of Western Ontario. spent the week -end at her home here. • Mr. R. E, McKenzie, of Toron- to, visited his brother, Mr. John E. McKenzie, over the week -end. • Mr. Orval Weston, who under- went a major operation in a De- troit hospital, is sufficiently recov- ered to be' able to return to Sea - forth, where be will recuperate. • Mrs. W. E. Southgate, Sr., is in Brampton this week. • Mr, Walter Boswell, of London, spent the week -end at his home here. • Miss Evangeline Reid, of Lon- don, was a week -end visitor at the home of her unae. Mr. 51. A. Rei,!. • Mrs. Lois Surto.: nd daughter. Paula. Mrs. Fritz and daughtet°, Patsy, and Jeron:e Dietrich-. of St. Clemens, and Miss Shirley Riley and Mrs. Joyce Mace. of Stratford. were guests last week of 51r. and Mrs. Carl Knight. • Mr- and Mrs. J. W. Modeland have returned from a pleasant mot- or trip to Florida and other South- ern States. • Mr. Joe N. Davin, of the United States Air. Force, spent 'a few days with his grandmot.hei•, Mre. N. Dunn, prior to being transferred to Savanah, Georgia. • Mr. Arthur R. Amerit and daughter. Miss Janet, of Toronto, were guests last week of his par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. William Ament. • Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Keating were in Toronto on Thursday of last week attending a funeral. • Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Knowles and family, of Exeter, spent Sun- day with Mrs. J. J. Sclater. • Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Marshall. of London, and Delbert Smith, of the University of Western Ontario. London, spent the week -end with Mr, and Mrs. C. M. Smith. • Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Hart and Mr. and Mrs. H. O. Free are at- tending the Sportsman's Fair in Toronlo this week. • Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Adair, Ruth, Doreen and Keith, of Toronto, spent the week -end with Mrs J. J. Sclater. • Mr, and Mrs. John A. Baldwin attended the Sportsmen's Show in Torctito this week. • Mr. Nelson Govenlock, of Wa- terford, and Mrs. Sam Phillips, of Chatham, were week -end guests of Mrs. J. M. Govenlock. • Mr. Stanley Dorrance, of Chat- ham, and Mrs. M. H. McKenzie, of Oshawa, spent the week -end with their mother, Mrs. M. Dorrance. • Mrs. Walker Hart, who has been ill • in Scott Memorial Hospi- tal, has recovered sufficiently to be able to return home. • Mr. M. ®A, Reid is in Toronto this week. • Mr,' and Mrs. E. L. Box and BAYFIELD t►it , ''here 'Ile underwent ase ° low opera tion about 10,daye age. Mrs. Lydia Colgphoun, Mr, and Mre, Wm. Andrews, Norwich; Mr, and Mrs. Fred Parsons, Sarnia,' and Mrs,, Gladys Lunn, -Buffalo, visited relatives here and attended . the funeral of Mrs. Lloyd Colquhoun. Mrs. M. J. Deering, Mrs. W. O'Brien, Mrs. W. O. Reed and Mrs. A. H. Daynard attended the lead- ers' conference of the W.M.S. Perth Presbyterial in St. Marys. Miss Ida Cooper, Seaforth, visit- ed her sister, Mrs. Frank Hambly, who has been ill. Mr. and 1Virs. Lloyd Elliott vis- ited in London with Mr. and Mrs. Don Tyndall. Many friends will be pleased to know that Mr. W. L. Ferguson, a former resident here, has recover- ed from a major operation which he underwent in Toronto General Hospital recently, and is now re- cuperating at the home of his son, Charles, in Sudbury. WINTHROP Buy your Dinnerware at Sav- auge's March Dinnerware Sale. Other specials, too. Savauge's, Seaforth.—(Advt.) ' Mr. John Montgomery returned home from Scott Memorial Hospi- tal last week. The Helping Hand Mission Band will Bold their Easter thankoffer- ing in the church on Saturday, Match 17, when a social time will be spent after the meeting. WALTON TAXI GORDON WILSON ALL PASSENGERS INSURED PHONES 2 9 or 567 SEAFORTH The Late Mrs. L. Colquhoun It is with much sadness that we record the passing of a. friend and neighbor, Mrs. Lloyd Colquhoun (Elsie Parsons), in St. Joseph's Hospital, London, on Tuesday, March 6, where she had been a patient almost three months. She was laid to rest in Roys cemetery, Fullerton Twp., the following Fri- day. To her bereaved family we extend sincere sympathy. As a va- lued member of the Sewing Circle and Women's Institute, we would like to pay her tribute in the fol- lowing lines, inadequate as they may be: Dear faithful member, you have left us, And passed on to your eternal abode; Your illness was long and tedious, Your courage and fortitude rare. Many years you were a staunch adherent Of the Staffa Women's Institute; Cheerfully bearing your share of the burdens That such a society often exacts. We will miss your musical talents, Iu our meetings month by month, And long for your sunny presence At the District Annuals. But we trust you are happy in Heaven, Away from the world and its cares, Where the weary rest from their; labors, And sorrow and pain are unknown. Buy your Dinnerw-are at Sav- auge's March Dinnerware Sale. Other specials, too. Savauge's, Seaforth.—(Advt.) Real estate is changing owner- ship this spring again. Silas John- ston has sold his 100 -acre farm to Joseph Beixley. Hugh Johnston, on the 17th concession. Grey Town- ship. has bought a 50 -acre farm from George Ramsay. Several in the village, are con- fined to their homes or beds with the tlu. Donald Yungblut, teacher of Wilton school. is confined to his home with the flu. SEE DISPLAY AT Box Furniture Store I. I We hope some time to join you, When our work on this earth is done, And to meet you once more in the last great roundup, In the Beautiful City of Love. —A Women's Institute Member. VARNA G'Arount NOW PLAYING — THURSDAY, FRIDAY, SATURDAY " YELLOW, 'CABMAN " with RED SKELTON GLORIA DeHAVEN WALTER SLEZAK Here comes that man again, waiting to take you on the gayest ride of the year—complete with thrills, chills, and loaded with laughter MONDAY, TUESDAY, WEDNESDAY " HOME OF THE BRAVE'" with DOUGLAS DICK - STEVE BRODIE—This film has every- thing a great picture should have—scenes that will rock you and perhaps shock a lot of people. The picture that dares to take a stand and stands ,alone! IN TECHNICOLOR—NEXT THURSDAY, FRIDAY, SATURDAY " THE HAPPY YEARS" DEAN STOCKWELL and DARRYL HICKMAN The story of a One -Boy Rebellion against society until an Under- standing Teacher showed him the world was on his side. COMING: "THREE CAME HOME" Miss Mae Coleman, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Coleman, was successful in winning the fur neck- piece which was drawn at the sale which took place at Martin's De- partment store in Clinton. CLINTON The study book, chapter 6, was ab- ly taken by Mrs. W. Wilste and her helpers, Mrs. R. Holmes, Mrs. J. Radford, Mrs. Wheatley and Mrs. Fear, the two latter ladies. impersonated Miss Wilma Thomas. and Miss Hamilton, Ieadets in Jap- anese schools, Miss Elva Wiltse, a very faithful W.M.S. member, was ,made a life member at this meeting, -the honors being done by Mrs. W. J. Woolirey. Mrs. Treleaven and Miss L. Gib- bings have returned from Lapeer, Mich., where they spent the winter with their sister, Mrs. L. Kay. Quite a number of citizens are still in the grip of Old Man Flu- We hope for an early recovery. Many from outside centres at- tended the seed fair held in Clin- ton Collegiate last Friday and Sat- urday. Mr. and Mrs. F. Coleman visited with Mr. and Mrs. F. Townsend on Wednesday of last week. Two new houses are being built on Princess St. in Clinton by Bat - kin Bros. Plans are under way to build a new public school here at the east- rn end of town,. and also for an addition to the high school. The R..F. has purchased a parcel of and north of their pres- ent holding for a new building to be erected there. FOR SALE FIVE ROOM HOUSE — 3 -piece bathroom, modern kitchen. Excel- lent condition. Good barn. Situ- ated on George St. Priced reason- able, with possession April 1st. E. C. CHAMBERLAIN Insurance & Real Estate Broker SEAFORTH ONT. PHONES: Res. 220, Office 334 W. M. S. Meets The W.M.S. of Ontario St. Church m et onTuesday, 1 March 3a t the home of Mrs. H. C. Lawson, with the president, Mrs, A. J. McMur- ray, in the chair. The Easter story from the March Missionary Month- ly opened the meeting, followed by an Easter hymn and a prayer of thanksgiving. The routine busi- ness was realt with and reports given and the president announced the Easter thankoffering' meeting would be held as a church service on Sunday morning, March 18th, with Mrs, J. H. Child's, Dean of the School for Leaders of the London Conference, as guest speaker, and Mrs. W., Pring, of Harriston, as guest soloist. The April meeting will be held at the homer of Mrs. C. Elliott. who conducted the devo- tional exercises at this meeting. For Sale LEMON'S TAXI All Passengers Insured PHONES: 162-J or 162-W Decorating WALLPAPER and PAINTING ROBT. FINLAY Phone 7 SEAFORTH, ONT. 8 -Room House on West. William. 8 -Room House on East William. Two-Fatnily, five rooms each. BRUSSELS, ONT. 40 -Acre Farm; good buildings. 100 -Acre Farm; good ,buildings. All well fenced. 6 -Room Brick. 6 -Room Frame. Vacant. Butcher Shop; all new equipment. ROOFING • Metal Siding • Insul Brick • Asphalt Shingles We now are taking orders for Roofing for Spring delivery: Staffen's` Plu rn bing & Heating Phone 49 Seaforth BLUEVALE, ONT. General Store, solid brick. Good turnover. Woodworking Shop with living quarters above. This is a buy! • W. C. OKE REAL ESTATE & INSURANCE Representative for Excelsior Life Insurance Co. PHONE 670 r 3 SEAFORTH USED FARM MACHINES 1 11 -DISC FERTILIZER DRILL completely overhauled 1 102 JUNIOR TRACTOR 1 101 SENIOR TRACTOR 1 JOHN DEERE A.R. TRACTOR 1 S. CASE ,.._ Several Small Tractors to choose from at Spring Sale Prices We have a few New Machines ready for delivery NOW SEAFORTH MOTORS Massey -Harris Sales & Service SEAFORTH PHONE 141 BEDROOM' FURNITURE Springtime is Changeover Time! A COMPLETE LINE OF BEDROOM SUITES Many to, choose from. ,Also Spring -filled and Felt Mattresses, Bed Springs, Roll -away Cots, Junior Beds and Cribs SPECIAL DISCOUNTS FOR CASH G. A. WHITNEY Furniture : Funeral and Ambulance Service Telephone: Day or Night 119; Residence 65 SEAFORTH ONTARIO 11 ZION Buy your Dinnerware at Sav- auge's March Dinnerware Sale. Other specials, too. Savauge's, Seaforth.—1 Advt.) The' ladies of Zion are pleased with their day's work last Tues-• day at. Mr. Harold Wilson's sale, clearing over $100. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Barker and Terry spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Williams, Burford. School has opened up again this week and most children are back after their recent illness. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Roney and family of with Mr. and Mrs. Frank Harris, Mitchell, on Sun- day. Mrs. Ross Gordon and Donna and Mrs. Clayton Sheldon visited with Mrs. J. Malcolm and Mrs. Dalton Malcolm on Wednesday. Mrs. Archie Jeffery visited her sistettr Mrs. Lawrence Hannon, on Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Dalton Malcolm and family spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. George Gibb. CONSTANCE Buy your Dinnerware at Sav- auge's March Dinnerware Sale. Other specials. too. Savauge's, Seaforth.—(Advt.) The Mission Band was held in the classroom of the church on Sunday, March 11. and opened with the Mission Band Purpose, follow- ed by Hymn 946• The roll call was answered with 18 present. The minutes of the last meeting were read by Marilyn Taylor, after which Hymn 453 was sung. Ken Cook took up the collection which amounted to 82c, followed by the Scripture lesson, St. John 6:5-13, read by Muriel Dale. The business was discussed and it was planned to have the bazaar on Tuesday, March 27. Mrs, Riley nominated the lunch committee, which is as follows: West Road, Muriel Dale and Helen McIlwain; North Road, Marilyn Taylor, Joyce Jewitt, Frances. Cook; East Road, Ross Millson; South Road, Janet McGre- gor and Mary Whyte. Each mem- ber is to bring home-made candy and two articles to sell. An invi- tation is sent to all the ladies of the W.A. and W.M.S. of Constance to attend this bazaar. - STAY FA . Buy Your Dinnerware at Sav- auge's March Dinnerware Sale. Other specials, too. Savauge's, Seaforth.—(Advt.) Harold Parsons, 11 -year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. Russell Parsons, has returned home from Stratford Hospital, where he was a patient for a week. Mrs. Arthur Colquhoun under- -went an Operation in Stratford Hoatiital on Tuesday. Wordett Miller returned home on Wt../ .1.,... #*'SN T...,.,.4 -e. flecnomol Una. FOR SALE FIVE ROOM HOUSE — 3 -piece bathroom, modern kitchen. Excel- lent condition. Good barn. Situ- ated on George St. Priced reason- able, with possession April 1st. E. C. CHAMBERLAIN Insurance & Real Estate Broker SEAFORTH ONT. PHONES: Res. 220, Office 334 W. M. S. Meets The W.M.S. of Ontario St. Church m et onTuesday, 1 March 3a t the home of Mrs. H. C. Lawson, with the president, Mrs, A. J. McMur- ray, in the chair. The Easter story from the March Missionary Month- ly opened the meeting, followed by an Easter hymn and a prayer of thanksgiving. The routine busi- ness was realt with and reports given and the president announced the Easter thankoffering' meeting would be held as a church service on Sunday morning, March 18th, with Mrs, J. H. Child's, Dean of the School for Leaders of the London Conference, as guest speaker, and Mrs. W., Pring, of Harriston, as guest soloist. The April meeting will be held at the homer of Mrs. C. Elliott. who conducted the devo- tional exercises at this meeting. For Sale LEMON'S TAXI All Passengers Insured PHONES: 162-J or 162-W Decorating WALLPAPER and PAINTING ROBT. FINLAY Phone 7 SEAFORTH, ONT. 8 -Room House on West. William. 8 -Room House on East William. Two-Fatnily, five rooms each. BRUSSELS, ONT. 40 -Acre Farm; good buildings. 100 -Acre Farm; good ,buildings. All well fenced. 6 -Room Brick. 6 -Room Frame. Vacant. Butcher Shop; all new equipment. ROOFING • Metal Siding • Insul Brick • Asphalt Shingles We now are taking orders for Roofing for Spring delivery: Staffen's` Plu rn bing & Heating Phone 49 Seaforth BLUEVALE, ONT. General Store, solid brick. Good turnover. Woodworking Shop with living quarters above. This is a buy! • W. C. OKE REAL ESTATE & INSURANCE Representative for Excelsior Life Insurance Co. PHONE 670 r 3 SEAFORTH USED FARM MACHINES 1 11 -DISC FERTILIZER DRILL completely overhauled 1 102 JUNIOR TRACTOR 1 101 SENIOR TRACTOR 1 JOHN DEERE A.R. TRACTOR 1 S. CASE ,.._ Several Small Tractors to choose from at Spring Sale Prices We have a few New Machines ready for delivery NOW SEAFORTH MOTORS Massey -Harris Sales & Service SEAFORTH PHONE 141 BEDROOM' FURNITURE Springtime is Changeover Time! A COMPLETE LINE OF BEDROOM SUITES Many to, choose from. ,Also Spring -filled and Felt Mattresses, Bed Springs, Roll -away Cots, Junior Beds and Cribs SPECIAL DISCOUNTS FOR CASH G. A. WHITNEY Furniture : Funeral and Ambulance Service Telephone: Day or Night 119; Residence 65 SEAFORTH ONTARIO 11