HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1951-03-09, Page 8.0, v 77. ereereeTi777,37,7e.'" , • , FAMM,rm, ,irtettleteeetet's, • . 40We AU.TOMOBILE, CASUALTY, GUARANTEE BONDS 'ACCIDENT AND SICKNESS Vi.111.0k.ARY AND WINDSTORM Relgesenting Companies who gtve Security with Service. ALSO AGENTS FOR ONTARIO TERESHERMAN'S MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE Information gladly given, WATSON & REID M. A. REID - Proprietor iusurance & Real Estate IPRONE 214 : SEAFORTH THE HVjRON EXPOSITOR, EGALIZE IN FOR SALE Five -room Cottage with hard and linft -water; small barn. In Village log Egmondville. Immediate posses - 100 Acres Grass Land with good Well, in Township of McKilloa. portable six -room Dwigling InNO:Lath. rop; 1/3 acre land,41th ,..arttaR-early fruit trees. 'Cottage on Railway Street, with eget& Reasonably priced. Early tpossession. Several other Choice Dwellings oleo listed. Modern Cottage with furnace and garage. Early possession. Good 150 -acre Farm; modern screweniences. Dwelling, Victoria St. Modern conveniences. Possession arrang- ed. Frame dwelling, of Dub- ai -a. Immediate Possession. :EWS OF THE TOWN Hospital Aid To Meet Tuesday -- The Women's Hospital Aid to Scott Memorial Hospital will meet on Tuesday, March 13, at 8:15 p.m., at the nurses' residence. M. A. REID REAL ESTATE : PHONE 214 LEMON'STAXIiIii All Passengers Insured r; PHONES: 162-,J °r 162-W COAL We have on hand: • STOVE COAL • NUT COAL • PEA COAL • BUCKWHEAT COAL • ALBERTA COAL • BRIQUETTES • STOKER COAL Announcement. — Mr. and Mrs. Garnet Dalrymple, of Seaforth, wish to announce the engagement of their daughter. Audry Jean, to James Elgin Westlake, son of Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Westlake, of Cromarty, the marriage to take jlace on March 24. First Church Ladies' Aid Meets. —The Ladies' Aid of First Presby- terian Church spent a pleasant af- ternoon on Tuesday, when Mrs. 11. E. Smith presided over the meet- ing. Mie: W. A. Wright opened the program with a poem, "Learn From Yesterday." Mrs. M. R. Ren- nie and Mrs. J. E. Keating favored with a piano duet of national airs and the selection, "Corricolo," William M. Hart Phone 784 : Seaforth 411111IENNEINNWEEIIIIIIIIININIMONA. RADIO REPAIRS Gordon Wilson Graduate of Radio College of Canada PHONE 29 Or leave Radio at Shell Service Station which was much enjoyed. Mrs. D. t Ritchie spoke ois.-FiEngland, which was especially in tructive and in- teresting. She told of Westminster Abbey and other historical sites. Mrs. H. E. Smith closed the meet- ingwith prayer, and lunch was served by the convener, Miss Jean Scott. FOR SALE FIVE ROOM HOUSE — 3 -piece bathroom, modern kitchen. Excel- lent condition. Good barn. Situ- ated on George St. Priced reason- able, with possession April lat. E. C. CHAMBERLAIN Insurance & Real Estate Broker SEAFORTA ; ONT. PHONES: Res. 220, Office 334 St. Patrick's Supper Under the auspices of the Catholic Women's League St. James' Parish Hall SATURDAY MARCH 17th 5 to 7 p.m. ADMISSION: Adults $1.00 Children 40c ROOFING • Metal Siding • Insul Brick • Asphalt Shingles We now are taking orders for Roofing for Spring delivery. &alien's Plumbing & Heating Phone 49 Seaforth ea. W. I. To Meet Tuesday.—The Sea forth Women's Institute will hold its March meeting at the Commun- ity Centre on Tuesday, March 13, at 2 p.m. The roll call will be an- swered with "A cure for the blues.", Those on the lunch committee are: Sandwiches, Mrs. J. McGregor and Mrs, R. Nott; cake, Mrs. C. Oke and Mrs. C. Simpson; tea and pickles., Mrs. John Davidson. Any one having extra coat hangers are asked to bring them to the meeting as they are needed at the Commun- ity Centre. C. G. 1. T. Entertains Mothers,— The members of the 0.G.I.T. en- tertained their mothers and friends at their regular meeting en Wed- nesday night in First Presbyterian Church schoolroom. Mrs. 1). Rit- chie installed the officers in a ting manner. Lois Charters led In prayer: Helen McGonigle read the 122nd Psalm, and Carol Glew sau'g. "In the Garden." Mrs. Ritchie spoke on "How Missionaries and , Churches First Came To Scotland." Mrs. D. Glenn Campbell showed films on "The Making of a Violin.", Patsy Munroe moved a vote of thanks to Mrs. Ritchie and Mrs. Campbell, and the meeting closed, with the C.G.I.T. Purpose and Taps. Northside Mission Band Meets.— The Alert Mission Band picnic of Northside United Church was opened with Hymn 623 after whicb the Lord's Prayer w -as repeated.' Another hymn was sung and the roll call taken. Mrs. Ross Savauge spoke a few words and invited the mothers to be present at the next meeting on April 3. !Arida Savauge received the collection in the ab- sence of Ruth Pinder, the treasur- er. Mrs. B. F'. Christie read a story on Japan. It was planned to send a Callaghan doll dressed in Canadian clothes to .Japan. The minutes were read by Sandra Sav- auge and Hymn 584 was sung, af- ter which a work meeting was held when scrapbooks'Ckkre/start- ed. he devotional period, assisted by Miss Eleanor Storey and the seere- tam Rev. D. Glenn Campbell spoke on the subject, "Th.e Way or Happiness." Among the many in- teresting comments he made on the subject, were that we should have a close friend to talk things over, and it doesn't pay to bottle up trouble. Plans were made for the Family Night, to be •held on March 15. Following the meeting lunch was served by Miss Eleanor Storey, Miss Alice Reid and Mrs. Kling. St. Thomas' W. A. Make Plans For Banquet. -- St. Thomas' Wo- men's Auxiliary held their March meeting on Tuesday afternoon in the Parish Hall with a good attend- ance. The president, Mrs. George McGavin, was in the chair. The hymn, "From Ocean Unto Ocean," was sung to open the meeting, af- ter wleread t Scripture from Second k Mrs. W. E. Southgate Hebrews. The March Litany was followed 'by the members and Lord's Prayer in unison. A infitute of silent prayer was held for the late Mrs. Charles Holmes, a life member of St. Thomas,' W.A. The minutes of the last meeting were read, after the roll cell. Mise Doro- thy Parke gave the treasurer's re- port and Mrs, A. Reid that of the Social Service. Mrs. R. Nott, sec- retary, read the correspondence, which included thank -you notes from Mrs. M. Charette and Mrs. A. Case. There was also a letter from Mrs. Sharen, Brantford, asking that we gather up any story books. scrap books, large -type jig saw puz- zles, children's records, ete., and' send them to her for her small jun- ior class at the Mohawk Institute. The W.A.decided to have any such articles brought to the May meet- ing, after which they will .be for- warded. There are now 17 mem- bers in the Little Helpers branch, of which Mrs. W. O'Shea is con- , yeller. The new quota of 'the Red ; Cross sewing has been received, and Used Cars '47 DODGE COACH '41 CHEV. SEDAN '39 DODGE COUPE '37 CHEV. COACH '37 FORD COACH '37 PONTIAC COACH '36 OLDSMOBILE COACH MANY OLDER MODELS TO CHOOSE FROM Used Trucks '46 CHEV. 2 -TON STAKE '47 DODGE 1 -TON STAKE AND RACKS '47 FO' 1 -TON PICK-UP '46 FO' I 3 -TON STAKE AND RACKS '50 DOM 1/2 -TON PICK-UP We have a number of New G.M.C. TRUCKS in stock Good delivery on most models. RICE MOTORS Pontiac - Buick - G.M.C. Trucks PHONE 799 SEAFORTH o ° J. A. BURKE 0 10 Funeral Director 0 -0 and Ambulance Service 0 0 DDBLIN - ONT. 0 ,iii› Night or Day Calls: 0 0 Phone 43 r 10 0 sO, 0 of> 00,0000000 *000000 G. A. WHITNEY 0 Funeral Director 0 0 Main Street - Seaforth AMIII/LANCH SERVICE 0 Adjustable hospital beds 0 for rent. Agoitt for gueliet. Nursery Ildwere. *IWAtilvdito:,thiy• Or Night 119 Ito/Mateo a 1tett.,1,1,.:1e111,,11,11te, reeetetteetee. O 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 o W. J. CLEARY Seaforth, Ont. 0 LICENSED EMBALMER 0 O AND FUNERAL DIRECTOR 0 ' • Night or Day Calls -835 0 0 0. .0 * 0 0 0 0 0 O000G0000 BOX Yuntrat Notrbite R. S. BOX 0 Licensed Embalmer o AMBULANCE Prompt and careful attention. Hospital Bed PLows POIALL o OCCASIONS • PHONES: 0 Res. 698-w or 18; Store 4/11 0 * 0 * 4:5• 0 0 0 Northside W. A. Meets.—Group 4 of the Women's Association of Northside 'United Church held its regular meeting at the home of Mrs. Cecil Oke in Tuckersmith on Tuesday evening, when there were 12 members and three visitors pre- sent. Mrs. Alex Wright was in charge and the meeting opened with Hymn 401, ,with Mrs. Lloyd Morrison at the piano. The Lord's Prayer .,was repeated in unison. Psalm 699 was read and the roll call answered by an Irish joke. Plats were made tor a baking sale to be held sortie time in April. A hymn was sung. after which Mrs. Alex Wright closed-. with prayer. Following the meeting crokinele• was played, at which Mrs. Margar- et Cuthill and Miss Tena Bristow were the winners. Lunch was sery- ed by Mrs. James Elliott, Mrs. L. B. Morrison and Mrs. Cecil Oke. A vote of thanks was extended to Mrs. Oke by Mrs. Wright_tor her' hospitality. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 in his early da)rii and was associat- the Canadian, Connell of Boys' anti, Brussels, and Rev. R. G. Hazlewood ed with a trust company in Mat Girls' Olub1iiterk. officiating. The pallbearers were city. Besides his wife, he is sur- vived by four brothers: John Me - Gavin, Tuckeramith; Dr, Ed. J. and Alfred, of Windsor; Arthur, of Reading, Pa., and one sister, Miss Mary McGavin, of Tuckeremith. The funeral was held Tu.esday from his late residence with interment in Woodlawn cemetery, Detroit. Dr. McPheeters conducted the fun- eral service. some a. these were distribut- ed to the members. Plans will be completed next meeting for the banquet of the L.O.B.A. on April 16. 'rhe annual Spring Deanery will be held at Goderiola in May. Mrs. Me - Gavin read an article written by Dean Spalding, rector of the Cath. edral in Edmonton, The title Offhand Answers to 'Why Are You An Anglican'?" Some felt that we are a real part of the service. The only time the word "I" is used in the service is during the Creed. We say our confession as one peo- ple, not individually. Our entire service is based on the words of the Bible. Our Communion service ' is a very solemn one, based on the word Sacrifice. It leaves us' all with a feeling of having beWi clos- er to God and, having a sense of well-being. We are not ordered about by our minister, but are tree to go where and when we choose. Our Anglican faith is au old one that has grown stronger with the years. The collection was receivers and dedicated and Mrs, T. Dale Jones closed the :r..etim-t with the benediction. Death of Mrs. G. D. C, Harn— Word has been received in town of the passing of Margare Hart, widow of the late G. D. 0,,,Harn, Ethel at the home of her daugh- ter,Mrs. Hera was born in McKill 77 years Mrs, Jas. Bremns ago, the daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. Edward Hart. Mr. and Mrs. Harn were married 60 years ago and lived on the farm 2% miles north of town at Grieve's, bridge until they came to Seaforth, when Mr. Harn purchased the Johnston home, which is now the nurses' residence of Scott Memorial Hos- pital. , is passed away 26 years ago,eind.Mrs. Harn had made her home with her daughters. Sur- viving are two daughters, Mra R. J. wegg, of Toronto, and Mrs. Jas. Bremner, of Ethel; also six grand- ohildren. The funeral was held from the home of her son-in-law, Mr. James Bremner, Ethel, on Tuesday afternoon, with interment in Maitlandbank cemetery. ft> Meeting of Fireside Fellowship Group. — Mr. and Mrs. F. Kling were hosts to the Fireside Fellow- ship Group of First Presbyterian Church on Monday evening when there was a good attendance. The xneeting opened with Miss Alice Reid in the chair and a discussion was held on the buying of a piano. It was de:Acied to hold a flower tea in the schoolroom of the church on April 27. The group will cater to the Men's Club in April. Mrs. Robert McMillan was in charge of 'blue coal', WILLIS DUNDAS Phone 363-J - Res. 192-M OFFICE HOURS: 9:30-12; 2 p.m. -5:30 p.m. TAXI, GORDON WILSON ALL PASSENGERS INSURED • PHONES 29 or '5 67 • SEAFORTH 41111111111111111EMIIIML OW? sok 74, 49uLP.0 L SEVIV When an emergency arises, no matter the hour, a phone call to BOX will place an ambulance at your disposal Immediately. RESPONSIBLE DRIVERS WILL HELP YOU Service rates are reasonable. BOX AmbulanceService FUNERAL SERVICE Roe. 695.W or 18 - Store 48 111111.111111111111111111111111W ' ••••';; feNe. • Miss Phyllis Boyes, daughter Nelsen Reid, Gordon Murray, Wil - of Mr. and Mrs. Alex Boyes, of Fred Shortreed, Harry Bolger, Rus- Seaforth, was one of the student sell Marks and Russell Barrows. nurses at Stratford General HosPl- Flower bearers were Wm. Grain- tal, who has completed her proba- tion and received her cap at an impressive ceremony on Saturday afternoon at the, nurses' residence of the hospital. • Mrs. Joseph Unsworth, of Niagara Falls, is a guest this week of her brother, Mr. H. E. Smith, and Mrs. Smith. • Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Smith were in SebringviLle on Monday after- noon attending the funeral of the former's cousin, the late George Dungey, who was killed on Friday morning. • Mr. and Mrs. D. M. Pinkney, Mrs. Fred Crich and Miss Lois Kencknell, all of Stratford, spent the week -end at the Pinkney home. • Mts. Hugh R. Williams and son, Brian, of Gary, Indiana, are visiting 1h lefts. Williams' par- 'Attrg.,-7,x, McKellar. c'‘OrtiktqiI.,"-Arkell, of a.' few days with Dr. Sister Passes in 'the West —Mrs. W. Webster received word on Fri- day last of the passing of her sis- ter, Mrs. J. H. Vinson, of Pentic- ton, B.C. Mrs. Vinson (Bertha Daley) was the second daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. Peter Daley. She was born in Seaforth and went to British Columbia as a bride a number of years ago, and had re- sided in B..C. ever since. Last summer Mrs. Vinson spent a cou- ple of months visiting her sisters and other relatives here in the east. She leaves to mourn her loss, her husband; one son, Clifford Hill, of Vancouver, I3.C.; one daugh- ter. Norma (Mrs. Robert Taylor), of Penticton; and three sisters, ' Mrs. A. Cudmore. of Exeter; Mrs. M. Nicholson, of Penticton. B.C., and Mrs. Wilbert Webster, of Sea - forth, and one brother, Ed. Daley, of Victoria Road, Ont. A brother, Clinton, visited at the home of Mr. John E. Daley, passed away on -in and Mrs. J. F. Scott on Wednes- April, 1950. day, and also visited Mrs. Chas, Brodie. Death of Mrs. Byam Rowcliffe.— Foliowing a heart attack which she. suffered a week ago at the home of her daughter. Mrs. W. G. Wright, Seaforth, Perla Batten, beloved wife of Mr. Byam. Rowcliffe, of near Clinton, passed away on Sat- urday. Born in Exeter, she -Was 66 years of age, and was married at Thames Road Church in 1906, and went to live near Clinton in 1911. Mrs. Rowcliffe had not been in good health for about two years. Surviving besides her husband are three daughters and one son, Mrs. W. G. Wright and Mrs. Orville Oke, Seaforth; Mrs. Hilliard La-wr- enve, T' ensall. and Carmen Row- cliffe, Seaforth. She is also sur- vived by four sisters and two bro- thers: Mrs. Garnet Miners and Mrs. Freeman Perkins, Exeter; Mrs, Wesley Ar her, London; Mrs. Walter Gunni , Granton; Wilbert Batten, Wino, isea, and Welling- ton Batten, Exeter. There are also eight grandchildren, . Mrs. Row- cliffe received her early education. in Exeter and was a member of Ontario St. United Church, Clinton. The funeral took place from the home of her son, Carman Rowcliffe, Seaforth, on Tuesday, at 2 p.m., with Rev, W. I. Woolfrey, Clinton, officiating. The pallbearers were Garnet Miners, Exeter; Ezra Wil- liard, Russeldale; Nelson Crich, Goderich; Wm. Hazily, Jas. Nott arid Fred Lebeau, Clinton. Flower - bearers were Jack Miners, Ross, Olte, John Batten, Don Willard, Cliff Pickard, Harry Perkins, Robt. Wright and Douglas Rowcliffe. In- terment was in Maitlandbank ceme- tery. St. Thomas' Anglican Church.— Sunday. March 11, Fifth Sunday in Lent -10 am., Sunday School: 11 a.m., Morning Prayer: 7 p.m., Ev- ensong. The Rector will preach his farewell address at this service. St. Mary's, Dublin, 2 p.m.—Rev.' T. Dale Jones, Rector. First Presbyterian Church. -1,) a.m.. Bible Class and Sunday School: 11 a.m., "Forgiving and Forgiven'', Juni& Congregation: evening service withdrawn; s:3e p.m., 'Moving picture, "Now I See." Everyone cordially invited.—Rev. D. Glenn Campbell. Minister. Northside United Church.—Rev. D. A. MMillan, Minister; 10 a.m.. Sunday School ana Adult Bible Classes; 11 a.m., Worship; sermon subject. "Suffering Because of In- justice": 11:30 am.,Tunior Con gregation; 7 p.m., Worship; ser- mon subject, "Man's Part in Sal- vation: cor- dially welcome. All The Sacraments.- Passion Week Services.—Begin- ning Monday evening, March 19, Passion week services will be held in tbe different churches and Com- munions of Seaforth. Further an- nouncement will be made later. Salvation Army.—Special servic- es will be held from Monday, March 12, until Thursday, March 45, Speakers include Lieut. and Mrs. •Wallier, Mrs. Walker was the former Lieut. Margaret. Deacon. ents, • - M5tt Sarnia, spe and Mrs. g A. McMaster. • Rev. Bogies H. Stewart, of Toronto, was t visitor this week at the home of hip parents, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Stewart. • Mr. and Mrs. G. D. Ferguson are visiting in Toronto. • Miss Ernestine White, of To- ronto, is spending a few days with her mother, Mrs. M. White, and. aunt, Mrs. M. Wright, who are ill with the fiu. • 'Airs. Patricia Troutbeck spent the past week in Brampton. • Mr. and Mrs. Luigi Sarrenti, of Windsor, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Leo Stephenson on Saturday, • Miss Katherine Laudenbach, Reg.N., of London, spent the week- end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. L. Laudenbach. • Mr. Gordon Papple has return- ed home from Scott Memorial Hos- pital aftei' undergoing au operation for appendicitis. • Mr. Elzebert Turgeon has re- turned to town after spending the past week in Montreal. • Mr. and Mrs, Arnold Merner and daughter, of Zurich, spent the week -end with Mr. and Mrs. R. B. Holmes. • The Misses Maude and Elva Wiltse and Mrs. rt. Thompson, of • 1 te et, ee...'"fe'tetee"ete'leltrit MARCH 9, 1951 ger, Herb. Travis, W. C. Bennett, Gordon McOavin, Ted Dougan, Howard Blackwell, Douglas Ennis„ Stewart McCall, Jerry Wressel and Jas. Williamson. Interment was in Brussels cemetery. ! LOCAIARIEF,S Dies in . Manitoba. — The death took place in Brandon, Manitoba, on Thursday, March 2, of Mrs. George Murray, former well-known resident of Seaforth. Mrs. Murray had not been in the best of health for some years. She is survived by one son, Neal Murray, of Ed- monton, Alta.. and her sister-in- law, Miss Harriet Murray, who has made her home in Bratrdon with Mrs. Murray for the past 11 years. Funeral of R. T. McIntosh.—The funeral of the late Russell Thomas Macintosh, son of the late Mr. and Mrs. James Macintosh, former well known residents of McKillop, was held Saturday afternoon from the G. A. Whitney Funeral Home, God- erich St. West, Mr. Macintosh died Wednesday in Toronto in his 67th year. Rev. D. Glenn Campbell conducted the service, The pall- bearers were M. McKellar, W. A. Wright, John Gordon, W. J. Shan- non, Ivy Henderson and W. D. Smith. Interment was in Maitland - bank cemetery. Former Resident Dies In Detroit. —The passing of Fred James Mo. Gavin in Detroit on March 3, a former resident of Tuekersmith, was learned with regret by numer- ous friends in this district. Mr. McGavin was the son of the late Mr. and Mrs, Henry McGavin, of Tuckersmith, and was born there 74 years ago. He went to Detroit • Dr, and Mrs. F. R. Howson moved their household effects to Galt on Friday, where Dr. How- son is practicing. • 'Miss T. Gallivan spent the week -end in London. • Mr E. A. Christensen, of De- troit, si5ent the week -end with Mr. and Mrs. D. H. Wilson. • Mr. and Mrs. Cloyne Michael and daughter, Karen, of Gorrie, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Smith. • Sgt, Frang Golding, wbo has been stationed at Rivers, Manitoba, has been transferred to Winnipeg. • Miss Helen McKernher, of Toronto, is in Winnipeg this week attending the annual meeting of Decorating WALLPAPER and PAINTING ROBT. FINLAY Phone 7 A COMEDY PLAY entitled 'The Family Wash' •••11MNIMSIIIMMINM•01.1.1111•11.••••11110 WINTHROP Mr. and Mrs. George Mathers, of near Hayfield. visited Mr. and Mrs. William Church on Sunday. Mr. Andrew Montgomery, Brant- ford. was a visitor at his home on Sunday. Mr. John Montgomery is expect- ed hothe from the hospital soon. Mrs. Easson, of Stratford, visit- ed her parents. Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Alexander, recently. EGMONDVILLE Mr, and Mrs. Clifford Kelly and Mr. and Mrs. Sylvester Kelly and children, of London, were Sunday guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Ruston, of Egmondville. Mr. John Ruston has returned home after a two weeks' visit in London. I Mr. George Nott, of Bruce Mines. is visiting his brother and sister- in-law, Mr, and, Mrs. J. W. Nott. Mr. and Mrs, Ray Pepper and Mr. and Mrs. R. Dalrymple visited last week -end in Niagara Falls and St. Catharines. i The flu epidemic is in full swing in the village. will be presented at Northside United Church SEAFORTH ! WALTON Death rem5wed one of Walton's best knoWntresidents on Tuesday, February 27, when William John Humphries passed away suddenly at his home following a.' hea,rt at- tack which he suffered that morn- ing. Mr. Humphries was well known in the community, having conducted a general store here for many Years. Born 65 years ago in Walton, he was married here 33 years ago to Miss Margaret Bol- ton, who survives, together with two sons, Stewart and William, of Walton, and one daughter, Mrs. Horace Rutledge, of London; also one brother, Dr. R. E. Humphries, of New York, and a sister, Mrs. J. W. Hall, British Columbia. Mr. Humphries was a faithful member of St. George's Anglican Church. The funeral took place from his late residence on Friday afternoon at 2 p.m., with Rev. J. A. Kerr, FRIDAY, MARCH 16th at 815 p.m. by the Adult Fellowship Group of Brucefield United Church Under the auspices of Group 1 of the W. A. Admission 60c Children 25e For Sale SEAFORTH, ONT. 8 -Room House on West William. 8 -Room House on East William. Two-Fatnily, five rooms each. BRUSSELS, ONT. 40 -Acre Farm; good buildings. 100 -Acre Farm; good .buildings. All well fenced. RegentneatrelEE°R.LLH NOW PLAYING—THURS., FRI., SAT.—IN CINECOLOR "RED STALLION IN THE ROCKIES" with ARTHUR FRANZ and JEAN HEATHER A thrilling Mama of love and hate in the Majestic Rockies. A Picture of blazing action, raw fury and young Maar= 1 MONDAY, TUESDAY, WEDNESDAY — IN TECHNICOLOR, "BAGDAD " with VINCENT PRICE A story of Majestic sands — e MAUREEN O'HARA CHRISTIA Advenitt4e f 4 the hot desert ng fu '91121 kke+I-iURSDAY, FRIDAY, SATURDAY PJIE YELLOW CABMAN " RED SKELTON GLORIA DweithHAVEN WALTER SLEZAK Here comes that num again — waiting to take you on the gayest ride of the year — complete with thrills, chills, and loaded with taugbberl COMING: "HOME OF THE BRAVE" with Douglas Dick — Steve Brodie 6 -Room Brick. 6 -Room Frame. Vacant. Butcher Shop; all new equipment. BLUEVALE, ONT. General Store, solid brick. Good turnover. Woodworking Shop with living quarters above. *Iihis Is a buy! W. C. OKE • REAL ESTATE & INSURANCE Representative for Excelsior Life Insurance 06. PHONE 670 r SEAFORTH InIgmondwile .11 MORE FOR YOUR MONEY ! WEEK - END SPECIALS 1 Large Pkg. Rinso, 1 Cake Sunlight Soap... 39c 2 Pounds GOOD LUCK MARGARINE 79c FRESH WEINERS—Pound FIRST GRADE BUTTER—Per pound 45c 69c For Comfort and Wear — BUY GREB SHOES C1airiauey - Egmondville THE WOMEN'S HOSPITAL AID TO SCOTT . MEMORIAL HOSPITAL presents "WOMAN OF DISTINCTION" with Rosiland Russell and Ray Miland REGENT THEATRE, SEAFORTH WEDNESDAY, MARCH 14, 1951 at 2:30 p.m. Home -Made Candy wilfbe on sale at the Theatre TICKETS 50c EACH WS. IT'S Wallpaper Style Month! SEE OUR SUNWORTHY DESIGNS NOW Come in and see our New Wallpaper Samples at your leisure. • Crown Hardware Phone 681-W Seaforth 'IV BRIGHTEN YOUR KITCHEN With New Chrome Tables and Chairs See our stock now on display. FLOOf COVERINGS AND RUGS Rubber, arboleum and Jaspe Blocks • . WHITNEY Furniture : Funeral and Ambulance Service TelephoneDay or Night 119; Residence (35 SEA 'ORM 5 ONTARIO 411111111111119111011111a, /' tl.etiteeilleeteitestsieeiteee., bU , •