HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1951-03-09, Page 410 'a A „ 1 FOUR !FRE NURON OSITOR 1/A4CIET 919 t' lassified Ads. 1 Classified Ads Inserted At New Low Cash Rates: FOR SALE, WANTED, LOST AND FOUND, ETC. -Per Word': 1st week 1 Cent 211d week % Cent 3rd week % Cent Minimurn charge, first insertion.- 26 Cents Each figure, initial and.abbreviohion counts as one word. Cards of Thanks. In Memoriam Naticea, Gaming Events -1 cent per word. Minimum. 60 cents per weels. Enquiries may be directed to a Box No., cio The Huron Expositor, for 10 cents extra. Ten cents additional will be charged if ads in above elms are not paid within 10 daYs of date of final insertion. Births, Marriages and Deaths inserted free of charge. Auction Sales, Notices to Creditors, Etc---Eates on Madiention. Coining Events Wanted VE GOOD OLDE TYME HAYLOFT Hoedovrn, at the Crystal Palace Ball- room, lifitclual, every Friday night, to the music of Don Robertson and his RalaCti Boys. 4840x2 MILE SCHNEIDER - ORPHEUS Meta: " Choir is presenting a program in First Prtebyterian Church. under the sponsorship of the Men's Club, on Wed- nesday evening. March 2841, at 8:30 p.m. Adraission 50. 4341-2 A COMEDY PLAY, -THE FAMILY "••• Wash," will be presented in North- side United Church, Friday, March 16th, at 8:15 P.M., by the Adult Group of Bruce - field United Church. under the auspices of Group I of the W.A. Admission 50c, children 25c. 4241-1 Notices A MEETING OF THE RATEPAYERS and Trustee, of S.S. No. 13, McKillop (Roxboro), will be held in the schoolhouse on Tuesday, March 20th, at 1;00 p.m., for the purpose of cileeussing the proposed re- opening of the said school in September, 1951. BOARD OF TRUSTEES. 43.41-2 Notices To Creditors NOTICE to CREDITORS In the Estate of LOUISE E. RICHARDS, late of Seaforth, Ontario, Widow. WANTED TO BORROW -4500.00 FOR 6 " months to a yea r: good security and good interest Armly to Box 974, HURON EXPOSITOR. 434133 Farms For Sale poR SALE -50 ACRES, BEING SOUTH. half ef Lot 6, Con. 3, McKilleit, 531 in grass. There is a good well and a good wintim01 on this property. Plenty of grass and water. Apply to JOSEPH S. O'REILLY, Seaforth, A.R. No. 5. 434133 Tenders Wanted TENDERS Township of Tuckersmith MENDINIS ARE INVITED BY THE Township of Tuckersmith for crushinz and haul ing to towns hip roads ape cox i - mutely 12.005 cubic yard, of crushed grave: in 1901; screen to be used end tem- traewr to furnish all requirements, except gravel. which will be supplied by the Township, Bond in the forma of marked cheque for 5500 must accompany eac.h tender or tender wibl not be comidered, and contract te be completed by September 1, 1951. Tender to Ertate a flat rate per cubic yard for grave) laid on roads. Tenders must be Mainly marked "Ten- der" and mailed or delivered to reach the Clerk by 3 p.m., March 17, 1951. r REDITORS AND OTHERS HAVING ckiims against the above estate are Lowest a required to send full particulars of such claims to the undersigned Executor on or before the 16th day of March, A.D. 1951. after which date the estates assets will be dietribated, haNing regard only to claims that have then been received. TILE TORONTO GENERAL TRUSTS CORPORATION, Toronto, Ontario, Executor, by McCONNELL & HAYS, golicitors, Seaforth, Ontario, 4339-3 NOTICE to CREDITORS In the Estate of LORNE W. COLEMAN A LL PERSONS HAVING CLAIMS " against the Estate of Lorne W. Cole- man, late of the Township of Stanley, in the County of Huron, Farmer, deceased, who died on the 1st day of Sententher. 1950, are hereby notified to send in full Particulars of their claims ta the under- signed on or before the 16th day of March, 1951, after which date the assets will be distributed, having regard only tu claims then received. DATED at Seaforth, this 21st daY of February, 1951. McCONNELL & HAYS, Seaforth. Ontario, Solicitors for the Execiators, 4339-3 NOTICE to CREDITORS In the Etate of JAMES SCOTT A LL PERSONS HAVING CLAIMS against the Estate of James Scott, late of the Village of Gromarty, in the County of Perth, Retired Farmer, deceased, ,who died on the 2n4 day of January, 1951, are hereby notified to send in full particulars of their claims to the tnidentigned Ma or before the 16th clay of March, 1951, after which date the assets vrill be distributed, baying regard only to claims then receiv- ed. DATED at Seaforth, this 21st day of February, 1961. aleCONNELL & HAYS, Seaforth, Ontario, Solicitors for the Executor. 4889-8 NOTICE to CREDITORS In the Estate of JOHN M. GOVENLOCK A LL PERSONS HAVING CLAIMS against the Estate of John M. Coven - lock, late of the Town of Seaforth, in the County of Huron, Gentleman. deceased, who died On the 26th day of January, 1961. are hereby notified to send in full par- ticulars of their clehns to the undersigned on or before the 16th day of March, 1951, after which date the assets will be dis- tributed, having regard only to claims then received. DATED rit Seaforth, this 21st day of February, 1951. McCONNELL & HAYS, Seaforth, Ontario. Solicitors for the Executors. 4839-3 NOTICE to CREDITORS IN THE ESTATE of George Washington Parker, Late of the Township of Tuck- eramith, in the County of Huron. Re- tired Farmer, Deceased, A LL PERSONS HAVING CLAIMS "•••• against the Estate of the above de- ceased are required to file the stone with the undersigned Solicitor for the said Fe - tato, on or before the 12t6 day of March, A.D. 1951, after which date the assets will be Mitributed amongst the parties entitled thereto, Oaving regard onto to the claims of which notice shall have been riven. DATED at Clinton, this 20th day of February, A.D. 1951, F. FINGLAND, K.Ce Clinton, Ontario, Solicitor for the Said Estate. 43894 , NOTICE to CREDITORS in the Estate of MARY BROADFOoT A L L. PERSONS HAVING CLAIMS against the Estate of Mary Broadfook late of the Township of Tuckemmith, Cotinty of Huron, Spinster, deceased, who died on or about the 14th day of February, 1951, at West Palm Beach, Florida, U.S.A., are hereby rwtified to send in to the un- dersigned on or before the 24th day of March, 1951, full particulars of their Inuttediately alter the said last Men- tioned date, the assets of the said estate will be distributed amongst the parties entitled thereto, having regard only to claims of which the undenrigned shall then 'have notice, 'to the exclusion of all others, and the tInderrigtmd Will not he liable to any *neon of whose Claim the undersign- ed Shell not then have notice for the assets ,� distributed or anr Part thereof. Aker& at Beaforth, this 246 day of relirtiso, 1961. ALN W. ILLERY,' &Ail tor the Estate. 4$464 or any tender not necessarily E. P. CP.E 'SEX, C.erk. Towne:hip of Tuckersrnith. 4341.2 Help Wanted j_TELP WANTED, FEMALE LADIES "t, dernoretrate Tupperware plastics. No canvassing, Splendid commission. Write to MRS. F. ORCHARD, Unit Man- ager, 57 Huron St., Woodstock, 4.340,3 WANTED—BOOKKEEPER (FEMALE), " with -ome knowledge of bookkeeping. Must be accurate in fig-uree. Apply in Person to GEORCE T. MICKLE & SONS LTD., Heiman, or call 103, Hensall. 41334-tf PRACTICAL NURSE OR STRONG GIRL ••• willing to learnneeded from March 16th to April 2nd. Apply MRS. A. H. ALEX- ANDER, 66 Daly Avenue, Stratford, Ont. Phone 2744, 4341-1 QALESMEN—RICH OPPORTUNITY FOR 1.3 'seal men to cover good territories, in Western Ontario, for fast growing Nursery Company. Excellent scope for men with cars who are willing to work hard. Training given. The future is year: with no ceiling on ineome. For complete details write THE CARADOC NURSERY COMPANY, Strathroy, Ontario. 4341-2 For Sale port SALE—SOME COLLIE PUPS. Ap- " ply D. J. VOLTER13EEK, R.R. 4, Seaforth. 9191-1 FOR SALE—QUANTITY OF COB CORN. Apply to MOORE'S POULTRY FARM. Phone 666 r 3, Seaforth. 4340-1! pOR.SALE-200 BALES SECOND CUT alfalfa; quantity of feed turnips. Phone 648 r 21. MAC WILSON, Bruce - field. 4341-1 'OR SALE—YOUNG YORK 13013, LONG nosed breed, one of a litter of 12: fit for service. Apply JOSEPH CARLIN. R.R. 4, Seaforth. Phone 661 r 24, Sea - forth. 4341-1 port SALE --MAROON BABY PRAM, in good condition; : also Singer sew- ing inaohiae. PHONE 297, Seaford). 4341-1 Fon SALE -150 BUSHELS SEED BAR - ley, 0.A.C. 21, grown from certified IVIELADY, St, Calumban. 4341-1 seed. Phone 22 r 10, Dublin. EDWARD pon SALE -1940 INDIAN MOTOR - cycle. in good condition. Apply t MRS. H. G. IVIEIR, or phone 306. Sea- ford]. 4341-1 pOR SALE - 2 REGISTERED RED Polled bulls, nine months old. C. FABER, Eoceter, Phone 689 r 4, Hensel]. 4341,2 pon SALE—COLONY HOUSE 10x12 also an oil brooder stove. Both in good condition. Apply to V. J. LANE. Phone 46 r 12. Dublin. 4341-1 poR SALE, CHEAP -4 -WHEEL L- er, good tires, good box, good stock racks. Apply E. B. GOODIE. Phone 762, Seaforth. 4341-1 QEED FOR SALE—QUANTITY OF RED " clover seed. Apply to BOB PECK, SLR, 1, Zurich. Phcme Hensel], 696 r 15. 4240,2 FOR SALE - NEW BRITISH KNIT Powder blue wool jersey dress, size 20%. Never worn. PHONE 789. 4884-tf peat SALE -1 WARNER 500-3351ICK size Electric Brooder, practically new 1 Eaton cream emiarator, small size. W. 3. FINII1GAN, Egmondville. Mixt FOR SALE -NEW StNGER SEWING machines, electric and treadle Re pairs to all makes. SINGER SEWING CENTRE, 78 Ontario St, Stratford. 4223 -If FF018SALE-GEORGE WHITE THRESH- ing machine, 86x50, equipped with Frtraw totter, high grain elevator, drive belt; $450.00. Apply to JOHN H. Mc- EWING, R.R. 1, Myth. Phone 22 r 14, F9pth. 4341x3 pen. &A1. -.A PAIGE 4 -WHEEL GAR - den tractor, 61€313.P., with cultivator, plow srod accessories; also a 1936 Chev. Coach, in good condition. Amaly CECIL MAXWELL, C.N.R. Section Foreman, Hensall, Ont. 4340,3 port SALE -LOTS BACK OF TOWN Hensall, including barn 31069, Poultry house, brooder house, 1 electric and 8 Mother Nature brooders; 1 vacant town lot Terms --Cash. EDMUND GEI- GER, Hensel,, 4389-3 CIONTRACTORS' EQUIPMENT F o R s' Sale or Exchange -One %-yard Hans rein Power shovel with hack hoe attach- ment; also one complete oravel crushing Plant. Plant consists oft Sawyer -Masser crusher, 1 link belt, 400 conveyor. 1 /5 -Yard comparbrient bin. Thia bin is near and hes never been used. This equipment can be bought in one lump sum for 62,900.00. Shovel abysm worth that numb. Would accept late model track or car, or other contritelore eguipmeatc es Part PaYMent an Ode Automat: or would sell any part separately. Geoid arrange terms on this aulDment. Atady evenings to W. E. SMITH, Medford. P'bone 283. 1888-1 UCTION BAIA: OF Mir AND DAIRY ••••• Cows and Pigs, st Lot No, 81, Con. 6, Goderich Township, 1 mile south of Porter'e MD. on Trteeday. March 18th, at 2 p.m: CATTLE -20 beef type cows be- ing mostly Herefords and Ourhams: 15 Holstein oows. Some of these cowa are recently freshened, some springing and due in late March and April, and are of good size, quality and in good condition; some young calves. PIGS -6 Pigs. 6 weeks old. Terms--Cael. A. E. TOWNSHEND & SON, Proprietors; Edward W. Elliott. Aacitieneer; IL W. Galquhoun, Clerk. 48414 A UCTION 2A1176: OF FARM STOCK AND " implements at Lot 9, Coneettsion 8. Tuckersmith Tern., on Wednesday, March 14115, at 1 pon.CATTLE--Red cow due March 16; white cow due Mare& 14; blue heifer due March 18; 2 roan cows due April 10; Holstein cow due April 5; 2 red cows, calf at side; Jersey cow due April 18; 9 Durham steera and heifers. 300-500 /bs.; 2 Durham calves 2 months old; 4 steers, 1050 lbs., half fat. PI08- 40 shoats. 60-80 lbs.; 4 York sows due in April. DYLPLEMENTS-Cocksbutt man- ure spreader; Cockshutt 3 -section lever harrows; aiding hay rake; buck rake; 15 - foot flat rack; 11 -hoe Massey horse drill fertilizer attachment; 13-ron M. -H. disc drill; spring tooth cultivator; disc; No. 5 Moff, 6 -ft, Mader; 3-,seetion drag har- rows; De Laval separator; broodea- stove; sling rotes; forks; 2 block and tackles: ‘vheelbarrow; chains; stonebaat ; brooder house 12x8; 10 cords wood; corn crib; 100 bales Of hay; 40-50 bushels feed wheat; 50 bushels Ajax oats; few household articles. Terms -Cash. MILT LOVE, Proprietor; Ed, Corbett, Auctioneer. 4341-1 pLEARING AUCTION SALE—PERCY Wright, Auctioneer, has received in- structions to sell by public auction at Lot 9. Con. 7, Hibbert Township, 8,,12 miles west of Munro, on Thursday, Mara 15th, 1951. at 1 o'clock sharp, the following: - 1531 Int. 1,:, -ton panel truck; Case Model S.C. row -crop tractor, perfect shape, with rower lift, corn cultivator, like new: Case 3 -furrow 10 -inch tractor [slow on rubber: (Oose side rake. tractor hitch, new; M. -H. hay loader: hinder. 7-10; tractor rnantire spreader: 2 rubber tired wagcms, like new; 2 railing racks. one with corn rack : set of wagon springs; 90 -bushel grain box ; 3 -section spring tooth drags; I sets harrows : 14 -plate ,out -throw disc: 2 waking plows ; steel land railer; set 2,000 lb. scales; cutting by ; Cockshutt grain grinder, Model 30; fanning mill; feed box- es ; wheelbarrow; pig crate; stoneboat: snowplows; bag truck : bag holder; 35 grain bags: 24-15. ladder; 200 3-bach tile: quantity of new 1 and 2 -inch lusinber; oak tongues; doubletrecn ; neckyokes: 2 sets double harness ; 1301 double breechings with twin yokes: 100 feet snow fence; steel drums ; barbed wire: 2 elecitric fencers: log jack : 100 bushels of Montcalm seed barley : 25 gallorrs roof paint. HOUSE- 'WU, EFFECTS 1 white enamel kitchen ranee. like new: kitchen range; Quebec heater ; box stoi,e; electric washer, like ; w : kischen nt bedroom furniture; 3 elier table : di htts. seders. crocks. tools. Terms Ca•h. No reierve as the farm is o'•1 II. CARBER'P, ,Proprie'or ; 1 is -EN Wri rid Auctionter. 9341x1 A UCTION SALE OF FARM STOCK, " Implements, Fevd and Household Ef- fects. Lot Conce40,ion 3. 1 -hay Township. one mile ve-t and 1, mile 1101-th of Hen- sel!, on Wesimsday. March 21s:. 1:30 p.m., ;he fellow i tie; HORSES- &Ai' is n mare 4 year, old; Belgian gelding ri•ing two years ; aged Clyde team. CATTLE- Jet.. ,ey cow 7 years old. recently freshened; jurharn X Hereford cow 6 years old, due time of sale: 2 yearling her ens 1 1 calf. PIGS- 2 York 0,10W6 due April 7th and eh {bred th 'ram hogl : 5 chunks three months old. IIYIPLEMENTS--No. 70 0!! - tractor on rubberlights and starter: 1029 Essex car: Cockshutt manure spread- , r (nearly new): Cockshutt 13 -disc seed drill with fertilator attachment; Deering mower, 5V -foot cut: steel land roller. 3 - drums ; disc; hay rake; New Idea wagon with Timken bearings; set of sleighs; cultivator; 4 -.section drag harrows: riding Mow; 2 walking plows; single scufiler: 2 - wheel traller; root, pulper: net double har- other harness : horse collars; forks; shovels; De Laval seearator, and mime, ou other art ic les. FEE D— A pp rox i mate- iy 11 bans of m,ixed hay: 200 buShels ed grain; 200 bushels Ajax oats; 1 bushel red clover seed; 5 bushels timothy seed ; qtiaritity of tnangels and turnips. HOUSE. HOLD EFFECTS—Oak dining room table; buffet: chairs; dresser: small tables: oc- casional chair; 4 -piece parlor suite, in- cluding settee, chairs and platform rocker I antique); Daisy churn; crocks; sealers; 1 three -burner Perfection oil stove; ladies' bicycle, good as new: 2 dresers; 1 stand; ohest drawers: 1 cupboard. Terms— Cash. WILLIAM R. BELL, Proprietor; Eawird W. Elliott, Auctioneer. 4341-2 CLEARING AUCTION SALE OF FARM Stock and implements. Lot 25, Con. 1, Hay Township. 11,, north of Hensall at 1 p.m., sharp. The undersigned has re- ceived instructions to sell by public auc- .ien on Thursday, March 15th; LIVE- STOC K-4-year-oid Holstein cow, 1 reshen- ed Dec. 25: 6 -year-old Holstein cow. frmh- en sale time; 5 -year-old Holstein cow, fre.hen sale time: black cow. due in No- vember; Jersey cow, frehen time of sale; nurham and Holstein heifer with calf at foot; Durham heifer. bred; Durham hall- -.springing; blue roan heifer. springing; Hue roan heifer near 2 years old: 2 Holstein heifers. Herd T.B. tested. PIGS 5 York sows due between March 25 and Arsril 2. - IMPLEMENTS--W.D. Allis- Chalmers tractor on rubber, adjustable wheel,, starter. lights, power take -off; Oliver bean puller to fit tractor; Allis- Chalmers 60 oombine, 1 year old; Inter- national 3-f u rrow plow Cocks butt side make 2 years old; Cockshutt 7-10 cultiva- 'nr. 1 year old; lever harrows; Parker; McCormick mower; 3 -section drag har- rows, 1 year old: rubber tire wagon with rack: I rubber tire wagon; hay loader; dump rake; 2 -wheel trailer. 16,600 tires; extension ladder:. horse scuffier: root (miner; 100 steel pests; anchor and brace poets; electric fencer; barbed wire; 175 feet new hay rope; 104 H.P. electric mot- or; 5 bunches ithingles; forks; barrels; 3 gas drums: set double harness, and crther mrticles. POULTRY EQUIPMENT — 4 500 -capacity electric brooders; 10 chickeri shelters: water founts; etc. DAIRY EQUIPMENT -5 milk cam; cream can; filter strainers: new electric cattle din- ners; De Laval separator. SYRUP EQUIPMENT — 200 buckets and lids: spiles; 2 pans. 641, and 7 -ft ; heater; gathering tank; 5-6 tons of baled hay; 2 tons cull beans bushel clover seed; some turnips. No reserve, farm haa beer (sold. Terms—Cash. E. H. CHIPCHASE, Pro- prietor: Ed. Corbett, Auctioneer; Bert Horton, Clerk. 4340-2 raLEARING AUCTION SALE OF FARM Stock, Implements, Feed Crain and Household Effects.-Joeeph L. Ryan and Edward Elliott, auctioneers, have been in- structed to se)/ by public auction at Lot No, 15, Concession 0, McKillop Township, 20(2 miles east of Seaforth and 21/2 miles north, on Wednesday, March 140.1,, at I .m., the following: HORSES -1 black gelding 6 years old. CATTLE --2 Regis- tered Shorthorn heifers with heifer calves at foot; 2 Registered Shorthorn heifers in calf; 1 Holstein cow 6 Years old. in calf 1 red cow 4 years old, recently fresh; 2 hlack Holstein and Hereford heifers, springing; 3 Hereford heifere, springing; 2 yearlings: 10roan calf 6 weeks old; 3 fat steers, approximately 1200 lbs. each; 2 fat steers, approximately 1100 lbs. each. PIGS--Tamwortb sow due time of sole; 4 Yorkshire sows due early in April; 17 chunks; 1 butcher pie. POULTRY. AND EQ IJ I P MOINT-180 Leghorn and Rock here I year old; 8 chicken heiters ; drink- ; nir and feed founts. IM.PLEMENTS- Norseman row -crop tractor, 86-50 H.P., equirwed vrith liglsta. seerter, P.T.O., pul- leys Mc. -D. 3 -furrow tractor plow with riarmw. bottom; Case 6 -foot one-way disc; nearly new 10' sprirpr tooth cultivator; M. -H. double disc, new; Case side rake, tractor hitch, new; Frost & Wood binder 7 -ft. dirt; Cockshutt 13 -disc &rill; rubber tired wagon; eliding flat rack, new; set of A loop lacteal mid rack; set of 8 har- rows; 2 -wheel trailer with stock rack; walking plow; 1 -bore scuffler; 150 feet of new hay fork rope; fork. car arid pulleye, all new; 1,000 4 -inch clay tile; quantity cf tonere and groove lumber; 2 -wheel sulky cart; barrel pump; pressure grease gun; quango of cedar poste; set of tem harness; horse collars; forks, dowels, douhletrees, legging chains, rind numerotia articles. FREID-s-Approximately 20 &MB of mixed timothy mid &Hata hay; &unreal - mately 9 tons Of baled hay; 600 'bushels of mixed grain. HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS - Wirehair* Quebec range. nearly ATOM: Clare Jewel range. Terinc--Cash. 190 re. ,erve as farm Is sold. Auctioneer's deci- sion final in ease of dispute. JOHN A. MELVTLLE, Proprietor: l'oeeph . Ryan and EdWaird Elliott, Auctioneers; K. W. Colquirottil, Clerk, 48404 Auction Sales A UO710N SALE Or FRAME CHURCH Shed, at Dutri Chigoes.. IdeSallop, Lot 20, Ocausession 4. will be offered by public auction sh the shed on Friday. March 16, st 11 am. Shed is timber frame emit- estruotion, 121080; to be ..removed from Premises. Terms - Cash. For further Particulars apply to ROBERT licKER- CHER, Secretary Board of Managers, or to Harold Jamieson, Auctioneer. 4841,1 A UCTION SALE or PROPERTY AND Househtild Effeele.-Harold Jackson, avotioneer, hats been instructed to sell by Public auction eu the Premises. East William Street, Seaforth, on Satardar. March 174; at 1 p.m., the prolieriO and household effects of Mrs. Eovensock, Oa the property are a 7 -room frame house with bath. a good barn. •and two lots. For further particulars on reinsert,' amity at the house or see Raeold Jackson. auctioneer. A full liat of articles will appear next week. MRS. 3. M. COVEN - LOCK, Proprietress; Harold Jackson, Auc- tioneer. 43414 oLEARING AUCTION SALE OF FARM Stock mid Implements, at Lot 13. Conceasion 8, Mullett Townahip, 1% railee south awl 3 miles east of Londesbona, on Wednesday, March 21st, at 1 p.m.; 1:101111- oo_ooray team geldings, 8 years old. black mare 6 years old. GATT :128-Herto ford cow due tix' ne of sale; 1 red cow due iu Attrii. I Ayrshire Cow due April; 1 Durhamateer; 4 Durham :heifers ready for market; 2 steers: 2 heifer calves. PIGS—I sow due time of sale; 2 sows .lue in May. BENS -43 year-old hens. HAPLEMENTS—Oliver 70 tractor on rub- ber, starter, lights and cab (5 years old); Oliver 3 -furrow tractor plow on rubber (like new); Fleury-Bissetl tandem disc. 32-pkite; M. -H. 13 -hoe fertilizer drill; M..- 11, 7-f1, binder (3 years old) ; 1 wagon; slosection harrows; set bench sleighs; fan- ning mill; grain roller and bagger; scuf- flan; walking plow; stoneboat (like new): 2 wheelbarrows; 54.46. No. 9 cream sep. arator with motor (2 years o54); rip saw; buzz planer; cider press; pump jack; bar- rels; electric fencer; speed jack; breeich- es harness: horse collars; milk can,; col- ony house; Queen oil brooder stove, used one year; lawn mower (like new); 1 Col- lie dog 3 years old (heeler). HOUSE- HOLD EFFECTS — Beach ceok stove; churn ; cupboard: washing machine with wringer and stand; 2 electric light shades for work bench. GRAIN AND S5EIJ- 1,000 bushels mixed grain: t bushels red clover seed; also forks, shovels, whiffle - trees, dhains and other articles. Terms -- Cash. No reserve as farm is sold. ROST. RILEY. Proprietor: Harold Jackson. Auc- tioneer: E. P. Chesney, Clerk. 4341-2 OLEARING AUCTION SALE OF FARM Stock. Implements and Household Ef- fects, at Lot 2:2, Concession 2, L.R.S., Tucker -AM -tit Township. 14 east and 11., north of Kippen. Date --Thursday, March - 22nd, at 1 p.m.; 5'IORSES-1 Clyde team fi/lies, 5 and 7 years old, 1400 Ba.; of team harnesv and collars. CATTLE 4 Durham rows, fre-h time of sale; 2 Durham cows due to freshen in April ; 1 Durham cow due in .luly ; 2 Durham rows due in early fall; 6 choice bahv beeves ready for market: 4 baby beef calves, 500 Ms., 2 Durham heifer calves born in foll: young calves. PIGS-- 4 York pigs. 150 ay. POULTRY 200 year -Md hen_s New Htimpshire and Su -sex. HAY AND GRION 700 bushe/s of fved erain ; wheat; 'ity of turnips ; 3 tons clover hay. 1M- PLEMENTS—M.-H. binder: M. -H. 6 -foot cut mower: hay ioader: McC.-D. fertilioor Trill; 4-,ection diamond harrows (like new): disc harrow : bean seufiler and pull- er; single set:flier; walking plow: riding Plow : trurnure spreader: side rake; sulky rake; farm wagon; flat hay rack: set 'cales; 32 -ft. extension !adder; fanning mill ; root pulper: 2 steel barrels; no -ft. water hose: set of farm sleighs: stone - boat: quantity oedar post,: electric ten- ter; iron kettle; sling ropes: hay fork; ;*orks: shovels; chains ; crosscut saw, and etc.: Co-op Universal milking machine; 2 single units 2 years old: IVIeC.-D, cream separator: electro mil; 2 8 -gallon milk cons: milk pails and strainer. HOUSE- HOLD EFFECTS—Kitchen cabinet; kit- chen table and chairs: number of rock- ers: Quebec heater; Axminster rug 6,9; congoleum rug 12312; 1 rocking chairs; 2 washstands. Terms --Cash. MRS. WAR- REN SC3-I1LBE. Proprietress; Harold Jackson, Auctioneer: E. P. Chesney, Clerk. 4891.2 Property For For Sale pox SALE—AN 8-110014 HOUSE Eirmondville; stucco finish .with- hy- dro; hard and soft water in the house: acres of land; barn 10,20; shed 30x14 at rear of barn. One door south of store and post office. Suilahle for retired farm- er. Apply MRS. JOHN A. McGREGOR, Egmondville. 4341,3 Personals "QKINNY" GIRLS! GET LOVELY curves ! Gain 5 to 10 lbs., new pep. Try famous health and weight -builder, Ostrex Tonic Tablets. Introductory, "get - acquainted" size ONLY 60c. AM druggists. T_TYGIENIC SUPPLIES (RUBBER Goods) mailed postpaid in plain, sealed envelope with price list. 6 samples 26c: 24 13OTOP103 81.00. Mail -Order Dept, T-73, NOVA -RUBBER CO., Box 91, Hamilton, Ont Motor Cars For Sale port SALE -1938 FORD COACH. WILL sel reasonably. Apply to SHELL SERVICE gTATION, Seaforth. GOOD USED CARS MONARCH '49 COACH '48 MERCURY PLYMOUTH '46 SEDAN FORD '38 SEDAN ' FORD '36 SEDAN CHEV. '35 SEDAN Trucks OHEV. '48 TWO -TON FORD '32 PICK-UP Tractors 2 FORD TRACTORS 1 COCKSHU'TT '70' DALY MOTORS PHONE 102 SEAFORTH 50 CHEV. FLEETLINE COACH 50 50 50 49 49 49 2 2 39 37 37 37 37 35 31 CHEV. DE LUXE STYLELINE COACH CHEV. STYLELINE SEDAN CHEV. ELEETLINE SEDAN Custom radio and air conditioning CHEV. LSE LUXE FLEETLTNE SEDAN CHEV. DE LUXE STYLEL1NE COACH (713135/, STTLELINE SEDAN '48 CHEV. FLEFTLINE COACHES '48 CHEV. STYLEMASTER COACHES FORD COUPE PLYMOUTH SEDAN DODGE SEDAN CHEV. COACH PLYMOUTH COACH CHEV. SEDAN 01):EV. COUPE MANY OTHER MODELS TO CHOOSE ROM BRUSSELS MOTORS -The Home of Better Used Ones" OPEN EVERY EVENING News Items 'of Hensall and District • Don't miss the Anniversary Sale at Tudor's, cominencing Thursday, March 8. Be sure to see the Remn- ant Table.-(A.dv.). Keep the dates in, mind, Thu day and Friday, March 8 and for the Hayloft Jamboree in Town Hall, under personal ;1i.r tion of Miss Greita Liles, and elP Bored by the .Canadian Legi Branch 468, with proceeds to the building fund. The cast eludes: Joe Kelly, Jack Tud Uncle Ezra, Bob Middleton- Hir Hicks, Ed. Corbett; Lulu Be Mrs. Rose Broderick; Quiz Ki Hayloft Hoofers and a host of o ers. Be sure to see the winners the tiny tot popularity conte Come out and vote for your fav ite contestant in the amateur c test. For two nights of good tertainment and fun and laug don't miss the, show everybody talking about, "Hayloft Jamthore Mrs. P. B. Buchanan, of Thomas, has purchased the re deuce of the late Alfred Taylor. Mrs. George Hess is visiting wi her daughter and son-in-law, M and Mrs. L. McLoy and Kathy Toronto. Mr. Wallace Trann, Crystal Ci Man., is visiting with bis aun Mrs. J, D. Stewart, Mrs. E. Norminton has return home from Clinton Hoapital whe she had been a patient suffering fractured ankle as the result of accident. Mrs. W. J. Rogers sang a ve pleasing solo at Chiselhurst Un ed Church Sunday afternoon las Mr. J. F. Blackwell has recove ed from the flu and is able to r some his duties as principal of t taiblic school. Mrs. H. McEwan, Jr., was gue soloist Carmel Presbyteri Church Sunday morning last, re dering a lovely solo. Wort/ was received in Hensa Monday that Mr. Norman Sinclai son of Rev. A. and Mrs. Sinclai A lexanctrine St.. Windsor, h eveive 1 h's Master's Degr (M.A.) from the University Michigan. .Ann Arbor. Norma is a ttaclier in the Wal kervil Colleghts. Windsor. Rev. Arthu 0! 1!!,!; was a former minister llen.,;111 Church for fiftee veure. and Norman received h earlit r education here. Rev. R. Passmore, minister Salfotd United Churr'h, will be th sneaker on the programe "Me age of the London Conference CHLO. St. Thomas, Sunda morning. March 11. at 9:1 Is it spring? The followin youngsters. Donald MacLaren, Ro ole McKenzie. Bill Kerslake' an Graham Farquhar, think so. Whil sauntering down the C.N.R. rai way tracks on Saturday they foun a live snake, which they are kee ing as a souvenir. Chamber of Commerce Meets Hensall Chamber of Commerc held their March meeting in th Legion Hall on Wednesday, in th form of a turkey banquet. Th Ladies' Auxiliary to the Legion di the catering. The president, W. F. Riley, was in the chair for the business. 'rhe main items discuss- ed were the erecting of signs at the entrance to Hensall on High- way No. 4 from north and south, and the signs are to point to the business .section of the town. Ar- rangements were made for the staging of an old-timers' fiddling contest, to be held some time in April. R. H. Middleton was ap- pointed chairman of the project. G. M. Prysdale introduced the speaker, Rev. W. J. Rogers, who spoke on "Democracy and Com- munism." W. 0. Goodwin moved a vote of thanks to the speaker, bile A. L. Case thanked the lad - Mr, and Mrs. L. Mickle, Mr, and rs. J. McAllister and Mr. and rs. S. G. Rannie attended the nual at-home and dance of the uth Huron District High School, ld in the auditorium at Exeter Friday evening. John Anderson, Wm, Kyle, Kip. n; T. J. Sherritt and Samuel ugall, Hensall, and Chester Lee, aforth, will attend a shooting atch to be held' at Diirat on Wed- sday, March 14, and will attempt capture the London Winery tro- y, which they won last year. A pleasant afternoon was spent the home of Mrs. Pearl Pass - re on Tuesday when she enter- ned neighbors and friends in nor of Mrs. W. R. Davidson prior her departure to join Mr, Dev- on ii7 Port" Colborne. The after - on was spent in playing cards. ile seated at the spacious table, tred with a beautiful bouquet daffodils, Mrs. A. L. Kerslake pre - ted Mrs. Davidson with an elec- tea kettle, and Norma Pass - re and Joan Kerslake made the sentation of the daffodils to s. Davidson. Although taken pletely by surprise, Mrs. Dal/ - on made a fitting reply. Mr. Mrs. Davidson have been resi- ts of Hensall for the past 19 TB. ditional Hensall News rs 9, the ec- .1.".""m"."0"'"4'wer''''''ussmosereweesorostesoosefrarotessormootraoretoosson Varna W.M.S., W.A. Hold Meeting A joint meeting of the W.M.S. and W.A. was held on Thursday on- afternoon, March 1, at the home of on, Mrs. Mervyn Hayter. The theme aid of the meeting, "The War For Love In- and Peace," was followed from the or; Missionary Monthly. Mrs. George am Reid read the Call to Worship and Ile, all Joined in singing Hymn 105, ds; "Jesus Christ is Risen Today." th- Mrs. Reid then read the rnere and Mrs. Fred Reid read the Scripture, Ephesiaos 3:4-6. The offering was taken and Hymn 356, verses 4, 5 and 6, "Take My Life and Let It Be," was swig. Minutes of the last meeting were read and their adoption seconded by Mrs, Fred Reid. The roll call was answered by 14 members and 10 visitors. The roll call for April is to be answer- ed with the word "Crass." Eleven calls to shut-ins had been made. A thank -you note was read from Mr. Moyer and a letter thanking the society for the bale, which had been shipped. Mrs. Gordon John- ston was asked to look after the list of Baby Band members which Mrs. Wm. Reid had been given. "The Measure of Distinction Was the Measure of Need" was read by of st. or- OH- en - hs, is e." St. si- th r. 11) ty, t,/ ed re a an Miss Rachel Johnston and Mrs. E. McClinchey from the study book. ry "The United Church Re-enters Ja- it- ' an." Miss Bern led in prayer t, and Hymn 402, "Lead On, 0 King Eternal," was sung. The W.A. meeting then followed, after which lunch was served by the committee in charge. r- e - he st an 11 r, r, as ee of le at 11 111 Tallest cataract in the world is New Zealand's Sutherland Falls with a drop of 1,900 feet. —KIPPEN Ana 411YRIANINAIII • Friendship Circle Meets Friendship C:rcle met in the Sunday School of St. Andiew's United Church, Kippen, on Mon- day, with Don Kyle in the chair. The meeting opened with the sing- s ing of Hymn 15. Ann Sinclair read the Scripture taken flout Psalm 24. s This was followed by Mr. Hinton e leading in prayer. The minutes of _ the last meeting were read. A • committee composed of Mrs. Robt. Elgie, Mrs, Morley Cooper and Mrs. John Cooper, was appointed g to arrange the next meeting. Hymn 605 was sttn-g. Bonnie Kyle and d Marie Sinclair took up the collec- e tion, and Elaine Bell favored with - two solos, accompanying herself at the piano. This was followed by a piano instrumental by Jack Cald- well. Everyone then went to the basement where crokinole was played, the winner being Norma e Delft. Lunch was served. 6 Mr. and Mrs. Fred Rowntree, of e , Weston, visited a few days at the e 'home of his sister and brother -in - ie an So he on pe Do Se ne to ph at mo tai ho to ids no Wh cen of sen tric IMO pre Mr cora ids and den yea Ad on Page 3 Cards Of Thanks win. AND mns. W1VI. HORNEY, EXE- "u- ter, Ont., wieb to thank their friends in and around Kippen and Hensefl who so kindly remembered Mrs. Homey with dards, letters, treats and visits during her illness before going to the hospital, tied Olso while a patient in the hospital end since returning home. 4341-1 T WISH TO THANK DR. E. A. McMAS- -` ter, Dr. P. L. Brady arid the nursing staff aft Scott Memorial Hospital for the kindness shown to me while es patient there; also ,to everyone that remembered me with cards, boxes of fruit, candy and flowers, and also to thank the neighbors who helped ot home. 434133 GORDON PAPPLE Births MURRAY-At Scott Memorial Hospital, on March 1, to Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Murray, Seaforth, a RM. COYNE--At Scott Memorial Honoltal, ofl Marsh 7, to Mr. and Mrs. Michael Ooyne, Stara, a son. RILEY-At Scott Memorial illooldhal, On Marc?, 8, to Mr. nnd Mrs. Lloyd Riley, Mitchell, a avn• law, Mr. and Mrs. Norman Long. Dr. James Jarrott has been visit- ing his mother, Mrs. Catharine Jar- rott. Mr, Robert McGregor underwent an operation and, is a patient in Clinton Hospital. We are pleased to learn Mr. Al- fred, Glazier is out of the 'hospital and at present with his sister, Mrs. Robert Dayman. "Dr. Gilbert C. Jarrott, of Strat- ford, visited his mother Wednesday of last week. Mrs. McClyinont's friends are pleased to /earn she is improving in health. Mr. and Mrs. Tom Hill, of Lucan, visited with Mr. and Mrs. Long on Monday. Mr. Rochus Faber has begun making alterations on his house, recently purchased from Mr. W. R. Cooper. Mr. Harry Gousins, of the Globe and Mail staff, Toronto, visited with Mr. and Mrs. Norman Long Thursday of last week. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Hutchi- son, of St. Thomas, were week -end' guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Mellis. Mr. and Mrs. Dickert and Meryl visited relatives in Listowel on StI n day. We are pleased to announce that Mr. and Mrs. Robert Dalrymple have a baby girl, a sister for Bon- nie. Both mother and baby are do- ing well. Mrs. Bobby Holmes, of Centralia, Cromarty Couple 50 Years Married Congratulations are extended to Mr. and Mrs. EdRar Allen on the occasion of ,their 50th wedding an- niversary on Tuesday, March 6, Mr. and Mrs. Howard Wright, of Hibbert, are moving into the vil- lage and will occupy the residence of T. L. Scott, formerly owned by James Scott. ' Leonard Gordon Houghton has returned to his horne in wingham. Mr. and Mrs, Thomas Gillespie and two daughtefs, of Toronto, vis- ited Mr. and Mrs. T. Laing and al- so attended the funeral of their aunt, the late Miss Jessie Gilles- pie. Mrs. Harvey Dow, who has been in Stratford General Hospital, has returned to her home. The teacher of SS. No. 6, Miss Lucille Boyce, accompanied by the pupils, made a trip to Stratford on Wednesday to view Queen Mary's carpet vrbich was on display at the City Hall, Mrs. A. Ramsay assist- ed in conveying the pupils. Mrs. Baechler, of Zurich, spent a few days recently with her son-in- law and daughter, Mr. and MM. Donald Scott. Mr. and Mr. Duncanson and two young sons visited his par- ents, Rev. and Mrs. Duncanson while on their way to Vancouver, where they expect to make their home. called on friends in the village on, Monday. Mr. an.d Mrs. Norman Long, to- gether with Mr. and Mrs. Rowntree were in Ilderton and Lucan on Sunday. Visitors over the week -end with Mr. and Mrs. Rob,ert Dayman were: Joseph Dayman, of Fort Erie; Mr. and Mrs. Elgin Johnston and fam- ily and Miss Ida Dayman, all of London; Mr. and Mrs. Herb, Glaz- ier, Gordon and Wilma, of Strat- ford, and Mr. and Mrs. Will Glazier of Olinton. The many friends of Mr, Alfred Glazier are pleased to see him home from the hospital in London much improved in health. Mr. and Mrs. N. Dickert and Merle were recent visitors with relatives in Clifford. Mr. and Mrs. G. Love and daugh- ters, of Caro, Michigan, visited re- cently with Mr. and Mrs. E. Mc- Bride and Mr. and Mrs. R. Dal- rymple. Sympathy of the community is extended Mrs. J. Dayman in the passing oc her sister, Mrs. W. J. Oke, in Exeter, over the week -end. Those attending the funeral of the late Mrs. Oke in Exeter on Monday from this vicinity were: Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Dayman and Howard, Mr, Donald Dayman, Mr. and Mrs, Robert Dayman, Mr. and Mrs. A. Gackstetter, Miss Flora Petty and Mr, James Petty, Mr. and Mrs. A, Parsons and family visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. J. Ferguson, of Chisel- hurst. Mr. and Mrs. A. Gackstetter and Gail Ann spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. W. Horney in Exeter. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Westlake and family, of Baydeld, visited re- cently with Mr. and Mrs. Harold Jones. Mrs, J. Schilbe ha, purchased the fine brick residence of Mr. R. Bat- ten on William St. in Exeter, Mrs. Schilbe recently sold her farm on the second concession of Tucker - smith, near here, to Mr. J. Cooper, DANCE Conunindty Centre Seaforth FRIDAY, MARCH 9th DESTARDINE'S ORCHESTRA. Admission 500 Under auspices of Seaforth Agricultural Society Also Dancing Every Other Friday Night ST. PATRICK'S EVE Novelty Dance Friday Night, March 16th from 11 p.m. to 2 a.m. OBY'S HALL, Dublin Hats, Horns and Novelties DESJARDINE'S New and Old - Time ORCHESTRA Admission - 75c ALSO DANCE Easter Monday Night MARCH 26th EUCHRE DANCE Sponsored by Kippen E.W.I. Hensall Town Hall FRIDAY, MARCH 16th Euchre at 8:30 sharp Music by Murdoch's Orchestra LADIES PLEASE BRING LUNCH Lucky Lunch Prize ADMISSION — 50 CENTS Ford Tractor 0 vners A complete Overhaul will put your Tractor in first-class condition for Spring work. TELEPHONE 102 NOW FOR AN APPOINTMENT DALY MOTORS Ford - Monarch Sales & Service PHONE 102 SEAFORTH Truck Operators TAKE NOTICE! For the protection of County Roads, Police have been requested to see that HALF LOAD RESTRICTIONS are observed. T. R. PATTERSON County Engineer USED FARM MACHINES 1 11 -DISC FERTILIZER DRILL completely overhauled 1 102 JUNIOR TRACTOR 1 101 SENIOR TRACTOR 1 JOHN DEERE A.R. TRACTOR 1 S. CASE Several Small Tractors to choose from at Spring Sale Prices We have a few -New Machines ready for delivery NOW SEAFORTH MOTORS Massey -Harris Sales & Servio PHONE 141 SEAFORTH s allelleill111111111111111111111111111 0,1 4 4 ° t 4 ° • le 4 1' 4 4 0 it 0 I • 4 •