HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1951-02-23, Page 4.41.101R 7. )/0 ossified Ads,1 ;fled Ads Inserted At New Low Cash Rates: leOR SALE, warns% LOST AND FOUND, ETC.—Per word; hit week 1 Cent 2nd week % Cent 8rd week 3 Cent Minimum claarge, flat insertion25 Cents Each figure, initial and abbreviation counts es ono word. of Thanks. lo Memoriam Refaces, Coming Event --1 cent Pa Ward. N8T40483no 40 Cents Per week *merles may be directed te & Boot No., e/o The Huron Espostbor, for 10 mots extra. Ten oents additional will be charged if ads in above ohms are not paid with* 10 doll of date of final ins*, 'Births, Marriages and Deaths 'inserted fres of charges Auction Salai, Notices to Creditosas Ms.—Rates on application. Wanted W ArbILE111-1 DEAD, OR AIM. JADE 'TILL BR8WNP. hogernoli2dville.82, Seatrii For Sale Coining Events Auction Sales VNJOY latt, POPULARITY THEIOLEARING AUCTION SALE OF FARM ." Dances at the Crystal Palace Ball- Stock, Feed and lmplements.—W. E. room, Mitchell, every Friday night, to the Nairn will sell by public auction on Lot music of Don Robertson and his Ranch 3, Concession 5, Hibbert, 21/2 miles south Boys. 4338x2 of Mitchell, then 2 miles west of 23 High- way, on Thursday, March 8th. A full •list will appear in next week's paper. WIL- BERT CORNISH. Proprietor; W. E. Nairn, Auetionter. 48394 Help Wanted T_TOUSEKEFPER WANTED—ON FARM • near Seaforth; paved highway. No outside work; two children. 3 and 5 years. Apply to Box 970, HURON EXPOSITOR. 4339x1 lATANTED—BOOKKFYIPER (FEMALE), " with some knowledge of bookkeeping. Must be accurate in figurer. APPIY in Person to GEORGE T. MICKI.E & SONS LTD., Henson, or can 103, Henson. 4384-32 Personals T_TYGIENIC SUPPLIES ta LIBBER I -I Goods) mailed postpaid in plain, seeded envelope with price list, 6 samples 25c; 21 samplee 51.00. Man -Order Dept. T-73, NOVA -RUBBER CO., Box 91, Hamilton, Ont. Lost and Found LOST — BETWEEN SEAFORTH AND -"-' Brodhagen, a 5.50 x 18 wheel and tire. Finder please notify JOHN CLEARINGHEN- AUCTION SALE OF FARM DERSON. Phone 839 r 4, Seaford). eeeeei. ISlock and Implements, at Lot 23, Con. __— 14 Ilibbert Township, lt:, soeth and 2 - miles west of Cromarty, Wednesday, Fele T OST, S'TRAYED OR STOLEN—SMALL ,srh. ;a 1 p.m.: 11tillS1:11-, 1 s.,„oil mass: "--' blecie Cocker Spaniel. Answers to 1 Percheron mare 5 te:Irs eel. 'ATTLE - name of "Pepper." Children's pet. Ap- 1 Hereford cow with c:ef st foot: 1 black ply to HENRY ENZENSBERGER, RR. • .• at : S, Seaforth. Con. 5, McKillop. Phone 839 r ;:uth oslf fo-it1 lbHe 4339-1 May lot: 1 black now due in June; 4 r 25. "FOR SALE--ALSN'S BitOWN OVER - 4. coat, size 4.... Apply to SCOINS' .LEANERss sbaserth. 4839-1 A UCTION SALE OF 80 DAIRY AND " Beef Cows, at Lot No. 31, 6th Con- cession of Goderich Township. 1 mile south of Porter's Hill, on Tuesday, February 27. at 2 p.m.: COWS—This is a good lot of young cows, meet of which are carrying their second calf; some due at time of sale; balance due in March and April; 1 pure bred Holstein heifer, freshened, with calf at foot: some young calve. PIGS - 6 shoats S pigs six weeks old. Terms -- Cash. A. E. TOWNSITXND & SON. Pro.- erietors ; Edward -W. Elliott, Auctioneer; K W. Colqueoun, Clerk. 9339-1 'won_ SALE—TWO EXTENSION IAD - der, 25 and 26 feet, complete. JOHN ELDER. Handlemaker and Saw Sharpener. Henson. 4339x1 POR SALE — NEW BRITISH KNIT powder blue wool jersey dress. size 201/2. Never worn. PHONE 789. 438441 WIOR SALE -1 FAWCETT OIL SPACE heater, like new; 1 kitchen coal stove (Acme); dining room table and chairs. PHONE 355. ' 4339x2 pXTENS1VE CLEARING AUCTION 1i4e •,f Parin Stook, Fowl, 'Implements and Furniture.—W. E. Nairn will sell by public huction adjoining the Village of Dublin, 0 mile: east of Seaforth. 1 mile; wed of Mitchel!, on N. 3 Highway, on 'Tuesday, March 6th, commencing at 10:80. the following: Horses: 110 head of Dur- ham and Hereford callle; 70 Yorkshire hogs; a full line of power machinery; 300 hens and household furniture. No recerve; farm is sold. A full list will ap- pear next week. HAROLD WILSON, Pro- prietor, W. E. Nairn, Auctioneer. 4339-1 _ — Notices To Creditors NOTICE to CREDITORS In the Estate of LOUISE E. RICHARDS. late of Seaforth. Ontario, Widow. ORED1TORS AND OTHERS HAVING claims against the above estate are required to send full phrtitulars of such claims to the undersigned Executor on or before the 16th day of March, A.D. 1951, after whioh date the estate's assets will be distributed, having regard only to claims that have then been received. THE TORONTO GENERAL TRUSTS CORPORATION, Toronto, Ontario, Executor, by MeCONNELL & HAYS, Solicitors, Seaforth, Ontario. Property For Sale VOR SALE -6 -ROOM FR-AllEE AOUSE " and barn, Lots 211 and 212, in Hen - sal. Apply to MR. ALBERT WALFF, Box 666, Goderich. 43313x8 pea SALE—TWO ACRES ON NO. 4 Highway, close to Brucefield; frame Mar e, has five rooms. Also chicken and henhouse. For further particulars apply to JAMES H. MacDONALD, Brucefield. 4839x1 Farms For Sale FARM FOR SALE -100 ACRES, LOT stream, good frame barn 40, x 100'; been in grass for a number of years. Offered for sale to wind up estate of the late I'eter Eckert Arany io PETER E.! MALONEY, R.R. 6, Seaforth. or JOSEPH ECKERT, R.'S._ 1, Dublin. 4337x3 steers and heifers 1 year old; 1 Durham heifer 2 yen N iilil. PIGS- -1 York syw i with litter: 1 York simv due middle of NOTICE • March ; 11 York pigs 150 lbs.: 18 York :o r rid ...ens : •y1 -ny hoe xl- , In the Etate of JAMES SCOTT ' chunki, 4100 lbs. POULTRY -100 Hybrid er stove lind fe-mlor;; 6 rain. shelter". A 1,1, PERSONS HAVING CLAIMS (like new): 1 M -H 2 -furrow MACdrill: 1 rubber tired wagon; 1 flat hay aselnst ithe Estate of Jame; Scott, lute HINERY--Cockshutt 11 -run fertilizer 1-1 ; rack, 11 ft, ,t• th, village of Cromarty, in the County : , nbeaew,1,-.,,ufril3e-rho:emog,rtaerin; of Perth, Retired Farmer. devensed, who 'o scantier; spring touth cultivator; 3 -section ojinanfuunirlY'pelir1Tielu, laa'le.e 1 cli:-:c,".'.narilmil‘we chi ietii,lyn ,Itteifi2e:14.10L017noi harrows; sulky rake; 2 large steel drums; f their claims •to the undersigned on or 2 pig feeders; De Laval cream separator; whiehAtate the assets will be distributed, before the ltith day if March, 1911. after whiffletrees: sling ropes; amine and other ea. having regard only to claims 1.11.0 reoziv- • milk pails; milk strainer: forks. shovels, , . articles. GRAIN -800 bushels of Ajax 1 • oats suitable for seed: quantity of house -1 held effects. Terms—Cash. WILLIAM F,,bruary. lase DATED at Seaforth, this 21st day of PARKER, Proprietor ; Harold Jackson, Auctioneer; E. P. Chesney, Clerk. 4339-3 For Sale G1OR SALE--GLYDE .MARE RISING 5 -1: Years cad. APIde to QUM KRAUS- lIOPF. Phone 40 r 21. Dublin'. 4039x2 NOTICE to CREDITORS pox SALE --MOW OF BEAN STRAW ; also 5 loads mixed hay, °lover and timothy. APPIY to ARTHUR ANDER- SON, R.R. 2, liensall, or phone 675 r 15. Hassan. 4889-2 News Itorns o ens:41. -anti Ditiat • • • • ••• • • •• . • poR SALE --UNIVERSAL COOLER, 17 -1; cubic foot; used only 11 montha. Will gen reasonably. Apply to HAROLD WIL- SON, Dublin. Phone 65 r 2, Dublin. 4889x1 pen SALE—RANGETIE 110 GOOD " condition, priced very' reasonably ; child's crib and high chair. Apply to Box 972, HURON EXPOSITOR. 4839-1 pos. SALE --NNW SINGER savyme machines, electric and treadle. Re pairs to all makes. SINGER SEWING CENTRE, 78 Ontario St., Stretford. 422841 'FOR SALE—WE HAVE ONE HORSE spreader on rubber, in excellent shape. Priced reasonable. Also one new tractor spreader. V. J. LANE, FleurY- Bissell Agent, Seaforth. Phone 46 r 12. Dublin. 4330-1 In the Estate of LORNE W. COLEMAN A L L PERSONS HAVING CLAIMS •'". against •the Fistate of Lorne W. Cole- man, late of the Town.hip of Stanley, in Ole County of Huron, Farmer, deceased. who died on the 1s0 clay of September, 1910, aro hereby notified to send in full particulars of their claims to the under- signed on or be;cire the I6th day of March, 1051, after ;Ouch date the assets will be distributed, having regard only to claime the see led. HATED at Seliforth. thi.; 21st day of Fel mary, 1051. 11.:CL/NNEILI, & HAYS, Seaforth On•ario, Solicitors for the Executors. 4339-3 12, Concession 6, McKillop; running pOR SALE—LOTS BACK OF TOWN Hall. Henson, including barn 33x69, poultry house, brooder house, 1 electric and 3 Mother Nature brooders; 1 vacant town lot. Terms—Cash. EDMUND GEI- GER, Bewail. 4339-3 to REDITORS VIDE SALE -1 P.URE BRED HEREFORD bull : 1 pure bred Shorthorn bull. Beth between 1 and 2 years old, with registra- tion papers. Apply ROBERT E. McMIL. LAN. Phone 894 r 4, Seaforth. 4539x1 Former Hensall Girl, M. Schwalm, Severely Injured CONTRACTORS' EQUIPMENT F 023 Sale or Exchange --One %-yard Han- som power shovel with back hop attaoh- ment; also one complete gravel crushing plant. Plant consists uf Sawyer -Massey crusher, 1 link belt, 404 onveyor. 1 15 -yard compartment bin. This bin is new . and has never been used. The equipment Can be bought •in one dump sum for 52,900.00. Shovel alone worth that much, Would accept late model truck or tar, or other contractors' equipment as part payment on this equipment; or would sell any part separately. Could arrange terms en this equipment. Apply evenings to W. E. smrrx, Thedford. Phone 283. 4338-1 Livestock Wanted LIVESTOCK WANTED CASH—up to $10.00 for Dead or Disabled Horses; 510.00 for Cows; Hogs, 32.50 per Cwt.—at your farm. Prompt service. Pbone collect. Seaforth, 655 r 2 — WM. SPROAT William Stone Sons, LIMITED INGERSOLL, ONTARIO Notices NOTICE.—ltie ANNUAL MEETING OF Scott Memorial Hospital will be held in the Town Hall, on Tuesday. February 27. at 8 p.m. 4339-1 NOTICE Township of Tuckersmith A PPLICATIONS FOR THE POSITION tif Inspector to not in the Township of Tuckersmith under the Warlde Fly, Control Act, 1949. will be received by the underegned up to 3 p.m.. March 3. 1951. Rate of pay wall be 85c Per hour and an allowance of 10, per mile will be made for use of car. An additional payment of 50e per hour is offered by the contractor to the Inspector for assistance Duties to commence Apra 2, 1951. Few further particulars apply to the Reeve or any Council Member. E. P. CHESNEY. Clerk, Township of 'Tuelcaremith. 43g9-2 Tenders Wanted TENDERS WANTED rpENDERS WaLL BE RECEIVED HY -• the undersigned for the supply of 250 cultic yards of crushed gravel and 250 cubic yards of Coarse gnavet more or less, same to be delivered an York and Nelson Streets, in the Village of Henson, this gravel to be delivered before May 15, 1951. 4338-2 CILEARING AUCTION SALE OF FARM 'el Stock, Implements, Feed and Furni- ture.— W. E. Nairn. Auctioneer, will sell by tearer auetion on Lot 9, N.T.R., 83 Highway, three miles east of Exeter, on Tueiday. February 27th, commencing at 12:00 o'cleek, the follotving: HORSES— A matched team of black Percheron mares, rising 8 years old, 5000 tbs., good workers, CATTLE—Durham cow due in March 8 Durhsm cows, milking. bred again: roan steer arid heifer rising twp years: 9 Hereford yearlings; 8 Hereford fall calves: Registered Shorthorn bull, 1 year old. HOGS -9 eboats, 100 Tbs. each; 10 seoats, 11 week; old. FOWL -175 Rock and Hemp. young hens. HAY. GRAIN and IR0OTS-16 ton; choice mixed hay: 100 bushels mixed grain; 350 bushels Ajax oats: 20p bushels mangolds • 500 bushels turnips: 4 bushels red clover; 1 bushel timothy. IMPLEMENTS—Maseey - Harris No. e0 Rlt Crop Tractor, with starter and tak (I' and lift and 2 -row scuffier: tractor Ise. nearly new; International Iwo azSd three -narrow bottom plow on rub- ber; 3-seotion lever harrows; Bissell disc. nom . 2 rubber tired wagons; 1 steel tired wagon and rack; M. -H. 7 -foot ' binder, sheaf carrier and truck: International 5 - foot mower; International side rake. new; steel rake; 11 -hoe International fertilizer drill; 1 -drum steel land roller: 8 -foot spring tooth cultivator; 4 -section harrows: International single furrow riding plow; M. -H. 51 walking rlow: set of scales: fan- r.:ro'r m : set of sleighs; cutter: hog crate: M. -H. cresm neparator: 3 rain shel- ter: 4 steel drums: 50 -gallon gas tank with Pump; root pulper; iron kettle; cedar post.; wheelbarrow: grain bags: 3 sets of double harnees: 1 single set of har- ness; horse blankets; robe; forks, hoes, ehovels. etc. Also a ousntity of good household furniture- Pee:levelly no re- serve as farm is sold. Terms Cash. CHARLES B. ALLISON. Proprietor: W. E. Nairn. Auctioneer. 4339-1 Tendere to be in the hands or the Clerk on or before March 12, 1951. Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. JAMES A. PATERSON. Wks* Be*, Hensel', Oat. 4339-2 TENDERS WANTED Warble Fly Spray for the Township of Usborne gEALED TENDERS,, PLAINLY MARK- " ed. Will be received by the undersign- ed for the contract to spray all cattle within the llownship for the control of warble The lOwnshi tom supply spray mathr- ials and the contractor w1.11 supply art equipment. Work ;to be done under the direetion of the Toronship Inspector. Most he started by AprA 1, 1051. Tenders should be in the feria of price Per hes& for two Sprays. Mast be deans, panted by a notified atone for SUM. _ enders close at if piiii.„itt 'Iblinelibik en ,FOhrusiry 28, ;Oen coaiiar west to coniaaiii• Mune., Leenlitt �snit teaks- not neteatirity steitrtod. ;11. a; MILAN% EXECUTOR'S SALE Of Valuable Farms and Real Estate ON WEDNESDAY, the 2805 OF FEBRU ARY, at the hour of 2 p.m., the following parcels of land with buildings thereon will be offered for sale subject to a re- eerve bid, 10% of purchase price on date of sale, and conditions announced and read at the time of the sale, 60% of pur- chase price may be left on Mortgage. PLACE OF SALE—The late Dr. Moir Estate, one mile south of Hensel', on Number 4 Highway. MeCONNELL & HAYS, Seaforth, Ontario, Solicitors for the Executor. 4339-3 NOTICE to CREDITORS _ Motor Cars For Sale Caught in an elevator and drop- ped to the floor after being' carried up several feet, Miss May Schwalm, 39 Stanley St., London, is reported as reasonably well at Victoria Hos- pital, London. The acicdent hap- pened at Duro Pumps & Water Softeners plants at 680 Waterloo St., where the woman, daughter of Mrs. Violet Schwalm, of Hensall, is employed. She suffered a fractured collar- bone, fractured ribs and an injured ankle. The accident was reported to have happened when she went to close the door of the elevator and her foot became entangledifShe dropped unconscious to the floor when she fell free, and the fact she grabbed at some large cans or drums as she plunged was believ- ed to have saved her from more serious injury. Mr. Bill'4'Mickle and Mr. Martin Price, of the 0.A.C., Guelph, visited last Wednesday with the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. L. Mickle. Mr. and '.\,1rs. Lloyd Noakes and family, of London, visited on Sat- urday with the former's, parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. Noakes. Miss Shirley Boyce, who has ,been confined to her home with ,illness, has returned to her posi- tion as bookkeeper and stenograph- er at Cook's Garage. Messrs. Roland Hughes, Norman Elliott and Bill Mickle, of Guelph, were in town Thursday last stay- ing with Mr. and Mrs. L. Mickle. Mr. Hughes is from Bogota, Colum bia. South America. Employees from the Comstock Co . London, were in Hensall last week big inventory of the elec- trical equipment of the business places. This is a prelude for the GO cycle conversion. Mrs, .I. Stokes, of London, is ill at Viclorial Hospital, London, with pneumonia. Her mother, Mrs. Eva (• /dile. is at present in London ith her. 'r!,0 choir of the United Church Leinu entettained at the manse follow'na choir practice Friday ev- ening of tills week. The Young People's Union of C.'hielhurst United Church met at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Earl Kinsman for a delightful Valentine party. Crokinole was one of the features of the -evening. and the winners were: Miss Leita Kinsman, Mrs. Benson Stoneman, Roger Venner and Ross Kercher. The highlight of the affair was the auc- tioning of many lovely Valentine boxes, pi oceecis being approximate- ly $30. Percy Wright was the auc- tioneer. Mr. i:m1 Mrs. Alex McGregor were host and hostess at their home Friday evening for the Lad- ies' Aid of Carmel Presbyterian Church for a crokinole party. Sev- en tables were in plaY, and the win- ners were as follows; Mrs. Alvin Kerslake won the prize for the highes,t score, and prizes for the highest points went to ladies: Mrs. Glenn Bell. Miss Helen Moir; gents, Gerald Bell and Harold Bell. Refreshments were served. in charge of proceedings was Wm. Bell. president of the Ladies' Aid. pox SALE—'39 PLYMOUTH COUPE. in vend every way. Apply Box 071, IlUllON EXPOSITOR„, 4339x1 pos. SALE —1S.17 STUDEBAKER TWO - 1,, tiuTIA. oomplete with rucks ; also P.C.V. Licerb:e, GEORGE ANDERSON, 43:39-2 In the Estate of JOHN M. GOVENLOCK A LL PERSONS HAVING CLAIMS agaireet the Estate of John M. Coven - lock. late of the 'rovrti sof Seaforth, in the County of Huron, Gentleman, eleceased, who died 00 the 26th day of January, 1951, are hereby notified to send in full par- ticulate of their claims to the undersigned on Or before the 1605 day of March, 1951, after which date the assets will be dis- tributed. having regard only to claims then received. DATED at Seaforth. this 2104 day of February, 1961. McCONNELL & HAYS, Seaforth, Ontario, Solicitors for the Executors. 4539-3 PARCEL 1-100 acres more or Jess. Lot 1. Concession 1, L.R.S., Tuckersmith; choice clay loam farm with 8 acres of bush. On this farm is situated a three- storey, 19 -room Mick dwelling suitable for apartments, with full size basement and hot water heating system, bank barn 80 by ,10, driving shed 50 by 2.5, and pig Pen 30 by 20. PARCEL 2—Part of Lot 17, Concession 1. Township of Hay, consisting of corn- fertuble house and 2 acres of land hay- ing a frontage on tSe Highway of approxi- mately 365 feet. PARCEL 3—Parts of Lot 16 and 17, Concession I. Tow:whip of Hay, on Num- ber 4 Righvsay, being all of Lot 16 a.nd 17 lying east of railway. This Property nontains approximately 60 acres and has eitunte on it a comfortable dwelling, good earn and large chicken -house. Excepted front this parcel is a second cottage fray- ing a frontage of 85 feet on the :Highway hy 316 feet and a right of way. PARCEL 4 --Lot 23, Conceasion 3, in :he Township of Hay, containing 100 term More or leis, being choice clay loam farm, with barns 26 by 40 teach, and com- 'ortable frame house: good water supply. The above dcecribed parcels are in a mod location and in a very dAirable *arming district, and tact) has an ample meter SUPPLY. For further particulans apply to either the undersigned. Bert Faber R. R. No. 2, Kippea. , NOTICE to CREDITORS q ONE-HALF TON PICK-YJP. RE - 1 511 built motor; 1038 Chev. Sedan. OP•fi 0. A SERVICE eereTION. 4083-01 IN TILE ESTATE of George Washington Parker, Late of the Township of Tuck- ersmith, in the County of Huron, Re- - tired Farmer, Deceased. A L L PERSONS HAVING CLAIMS ▪ against the Estate of the above de. ceased are required to file the same with Ole undersigned Solicitor for the said Es- tate, on or before the 12th day of March. A.D. 1951. after which date the assets - will be distributed amongst the portiea entitled thereto, h-avinz regard only to the claims of which notice shall have been given. DATED at C4intsn. this 2Cth day of February, A.D. 1951. FINGLAND, R.C., Clinton. Ontario. Solicitor for the Said Estate. 4339-3 Executor of the Estate of the late Dr. Alexander Moir and SIMARD W. ELL1GTr, Clinton, Auctioneer. 431384 'fry Heron Expositor Want Ade.. *berm 41, Seaforth. fe, NOTICE to CREDITORS In the Estate of HENRY (Brown) MOLESWORTH JACKSON GOOD USED CARS .n PLYMOUTH SEDAN MONARCH COACH '10 PLYMOUTH SEDAN '38 FORD COACH '35 CHEVROLET COACH Trucks '48 MERCURY )TON PICK-UP *18 CHEVROLET 2 -TON, 158-ineh wheelbase DALY MOTORS Pord -Monarch Sales & Service SEAFORTH tendanee..: Mrs. -EdWar( ,r'.0111411thia, who teaches at 'ELS.NO.' 6, gals 811P - ped on tne Wedneiiday noon outside -the schnel, Xracturing her left ankle 41, two places. She was taken to Clinton If Witt' by Dr. J. 0, Goddard, where she is resting comfortably. No vigitors are al- lowed 'owing to the flu epidemic. Mrs Tnos, Ostberg, Dorainion City, oiktne by plane last week from Winnipeg to visit his aunt, iMrs. J, B. Simpson. He left for Italie Monday from Windsor by motor. r•ro, 49 49 48 2 46 40 39 37 37 37 35 46 A L L PERSONS HAVING CLAIMS • against the Estate of Henry (Brown) Molesworth Jackson. late of the City of Toronto. County of York, deceased. who died on or about the 291.5 day of Decem- ber. 1950, are hereby notified to send in to the undersigned on or before the 1005 day of March. 1951, full particulars of their claims. Immediately after the said hest Men- tioned date, the assets of the said estate win be distributed amongst the parties entitled thereto, having rezard only to claims of which the undersigned shall then have notiee to the exclusion of all others and the undersigned will not be liable to any person of whose claim the undersign- ed s.hall not then have notice for the 'assets so distramted or any pant thereofee, DATED at Seaforth,' this 50.8 day of February. 1961. ALVIN W. SILLERY, Seaforth, Ontario, Solicitor ferr the Estate. 4338-3 NOTICE to CREDITORS In the Estate of CHARLES ANDREW KRUSE A Li. PERSONS HAVING CLAIMS .`" egaintt the Estate of Charles Andrew Kruee late of the Village of Ermondville, County of Huron, deceased, who died on ar abcut the 17111 day of January. 1951, are hereby notified to send in to the erre dersigned on or before tbe 5th day of March, 1951. full particulars of their claims. Immediately after .the said last men- tioned date. the assets of the said estate will be distributed arnongst the parties sneitled thetete having regard only to -Wens of which the undersigned shall then have notice, to the exclusion of all others, and the undersigned vrill not be liable to any personsof whcere elsim the undersign- ed shall not then have nstice for the assets? 10 distributed or any part thereof. DATED at Seaforth, this 5th day at Febrearie 1951. ALVIN W. SI:MEM Seaferth, Ontario, Solicitor for the Estate. 4.9114 ; fig:Skies 47, CHEV. FLEETLINE COACH CHEV. DE LUXE STYLELINE COACH CHEV. FLEETLINE SEDAN STYLEMAS'TER COACH .18 CHEV. FLEETLINE COACHES CHEV. SEDAN HU DSON COUPE FORD COUPE PLYMOU'lli SEDAN NASH SEDAN PLY el EibTH COACH CHEV. SEDAN CHEV. les -TON PICK-UP Batten spent .Tuesday evening with Mr, and Mrs, Colin Gilfillan. A number of ladies and their husbands attended the W. M. S. Meeting at Ellmville Church Wed- nesday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Russell Hayter, of Zurich, visited Vvith Mr. and Mrs. Fred Walters on Tuesday evening. Mr. 'and Mrs. Jehn Prance and Mrs. Cliff Moore and sons, of Exe- ter, spent Thursday afternoon with Mrs. W. Batten. Mr. Dave Clarke, of Centralia, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Walters. Mr. and Mrs. John Batten spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. George Kellett. LAC. Jack Gifford, of Flying School, was a guest of Mr. and Mrs. lett. Mrs. George Kellett spent Mon- day with Mr, and Mrs. Art Heard of Anderson. Mrs. James Horne and Freeman Horne attended a funeral service at the Ball Funeral Home in St. Marys on Wednesday evening for the latter's uncle, Mr. W. P. Reed, a resident of St. Marys for the past five years, and formerly of Lucknow. Seed Cleaning Plant Ready Mr. Manley Jinks, manager of Hensall District Co-operative, has stated that the machinery for their $15,000 seed -cleaning plant is be- ing installed this week by Dave Sangster, of Hensall, and in a week the farmers will be able to get their seeds cleaned and processed. The work on this 50x60 building was commenced- in the spring of 1950, near the Co-operative's other building on the railway siding, and the new service will be a great convenience to local farmers, as they will be able to get their seeds cleaned, the weeds, etc., taken out, in a modern process, nearer home The Co-operative is an important industry in Hensall and has hand- led most of the farmers' products, a long and well established organ- ization expressly for the conveni- ence and service of farmers. There are 500 subscribing members. MANY OTHER MODELS TO CHOOSY FROM BRUSSELS MOTORS "The Home of Better Used Cara" OPEN EVERY EVENING In Memoriam TTPSHALL—IN LOVING MEMORY OF Jeeetsh H. D. Upshall, who died Feb- ruary 28. 1949. No need for formal tribute For one who was so dear. But east a word of thanks. Deer Lord, For the year when Joe was here. Just why he had to leave us We really still can't see, But in God's plan. for every man. What is to be will be. So we'll treasure all those memories, Count our blessings one by one. And sincerely try do learn to say, "Dear Lord, Thy will be done," --hlissed so very much by his Wife and Daughter. Margaret and Rhea. 4339-1 Cards Of Thanks wit1;;IAor»aet& Centralia week -end Geo. Kel- og; :193d zuousf; „ ei0041 Feb. 1.4 lindOr the •Iin6PIC06..'", ele No. 4 of the stoop, instukap, , sf;vepteen ,,fogpa grefisave -elichre, Were ;Pilifetki•,ffighi priZen were won 1JY .NUP. AxidreW McLachlin for the lediree, and -Arifk old Storey ,fer the gent% OMNI* tion, Mrs. Jerry Agar Md. ;Oh Draite; lucky chair priee, ifraink LaInOk:c1WAs trtgO: by '14* ladies, of III() ,:Cirghlk The following is the program of events at the skating ice show on Saturday evening in Hensall Arena, sponsored by the Chamber of Com- merce; Pair skaters, Eric Noble and Dianne Neilson; solo, Susan Burt; waltz, Senior Club Members; solo, Donna Jacques; comedy, Ian Ma.cMillan; solo, Eric Noble; com- edy, Mrs. Frankie Stark and Les- lie Nutley; ten step, Senior Club Members; Fiesta Tango, Senor Club Members; solo, Isabel Hen- derson; pair skaters. :Viar.aaret Fairley, Ed, Cossitt; solo, Dawn Baker; solo. Margaret Neild; pair skaters, Mr. and Mrs. Ian MacMil- lan; solo, Audrey Welburn; com- edy, Leslie Nutly; fox, trot, Sen- ior Club members; Ennouncer,Wal. ter Davidson. Additional Hensall News TO ALL MY FRIENDS AND NEIGH- ' Imre please accept my grateful thanks for all the cards, :treats and kindness that were extended to me in any way: also to thank my specie) nurse while a patient in St Joseph's Hospital. Landon; also with to tbank the School Board of S.S. No. 6, MeRillop, for the bouquet of flowers, and Mr. Fowler and the school children for their letters. Also to thank those who assisted Mrs. Sloan at home. It was deep- ly appreciated. JAMES E. SLOAN, 4339x1 A.R. 5, Seaforth. Births FALCONER—To Mr. and Mrs. Charles A. Falconer. of Burk's Falls, Ont., on February 13, in Red Cross Memorial Hospitsl. Burice Falls. a son. WIGG—At the Royal Victoria Hospital, Barrie, on January 17. 1951, to Mr. and Mrs. Alastair Wigg, a son--Staart Mee - ander. SMALEI—At Scott Memorial Hospital, on Feb. 19. by Mr.. and Mrs. Ross Smale, Staffs. a son. SWINIUS—At Scott Memorial Hospital, on Feb. ,19, to Mr. and Mrs. Peter Swinkle. R.R. 4. Seaforth. o daughter. amsimoseeIessease Vetes Deaths Presented Impressive Film Last Sunday evening, in the United Church Sunday Schoolroom Rev, W. J. Rogers presented an impressive film entitled "Beyondl Our Own." The pictures dealt with the outstanding work of a medical missionary in China. In the morn- ing the choir chose the anthem, "Be Not Far From Me, 0 God." An enlightening address was given by Rev. Rogers. Mrs, Pearl Passmore and Mrs. Coates favored with an acceptable duet, "There's a New Day Dawning." Regular services next Sunday be held at 11 a.m. and 7 p.m. HOLMES—In Toronto. on Saturday, Feb. 1705, Catherine Noakes, beloved widow of the late Charles Hohnes. BROADFOOT—In West Palm lIegich, Flor- ida. on Wedneeday. Feb. 14. Mary grout foot, in het 7338 year. aneflinatm—In -Sesforth. on Sundae. Feb. 18, Themes Archibre.d, in his 86Sb , year. • s • on Page 3 BAYFIELD Hear Talk on Home Missions Mrs, Harold Bonthrou was hos- tess Monday evening for the Feb- ruary meeting of the Arnold Circle Evening Auxiliary of Carmel Pres- byterian Church, with a large re- presentation of members and guests present. Mrs. Chas. Forrest presided. Soft music was played by MI'S. L. Baynham preceding the opening exercises. Following the opening hymn. prayers were offer- ed by Mrs. C. Forrest, Mrs. A. Kerslake and Mrs. P. A. Ferguson. The Scripture lesson was read by Mrs. A. Hildebrandt. Mrs. Leo 'M- erl° favored with a vocal solo, ac- companied by Mrs. C. Forrest. Mrs. Robert Simpson, in her most capable manner, presented the top IS on "Home Missions," illustrating the fields by the map of Canada. Mrs. E. Fink read an article from Glad Tidings and Miss Hannah Murray, an article from the Pres byterian Record. Mrs, J. E. Mc Ewan was appointed a delegate t the Synodical meeting, to be hel in Sarnia in April. An invitatio from the Evening Auxiliary of th Hensall Unityl Church to be thei guests at their March meeting wa received and gladly accepted. A motion was passed to return th invitation to the Evening Auxiliar of the United Church to be th guests of the Arnold Circle Even )ng Attxiliary at the April meeting when Miss Ruby Walker, a, return ed missionary, will be the gues speakc.r. Miss Helen Moir and Mrs P. A. Ferguson were appointed t visit shut-ins of the congregatio during the next month. The mem hers were invited to the, Ladle Aid meeting to be held at the hom of Mrs. Bertha Bell Wednesday ev ening. Feb. 28. Refreshments were served by the hostess, assisted by the comrnittee: Mrs. C. Forrest, Mrs. Bertha MacLaren, Mrs. 14. Hoy and MTS. E. Fink. A euchre and dance will be held Mr. trul detts. 1.AlOyd Hern and In the, Town Hall, Wednesday, Feb, children spent Monday evening 2, spOlisered by I.O.O.F. and Itm- with Mr. and Mrs. VIM. 13aften. ber Rebekah Lodges. Cards begin Mr. and Mrs. Lorne HaSes, Mr. at 8:0 strop,' with good prizes, and Mrs.. Thos. Brintnell, Mrs. C. Mutdoeh'skorchestra will be in, at. (Horthart4,14,-; Wilbert , . CROMARTY Mr. and Mrs. Ross Houghton were at Wingham on Sunday visit- ing Mr, and 'Mrs. Len Houghton. Leonard Gordon returned with them. Miss Marguerite Duncanson, of Fort Erie, is visiting for a few days PERCY WRIGHT Licensed Auctioneer, Cromarty For a better auction sale, call the WRIGHT Auctioneer. Phone Hensall, 690 r 22. Murray - Wilson The rectory of St. George's An- glican Church. Owen Sound, was the scene of a double ring cere- mony between Frances Margaret Wilson, eldest daughter of Mrs. Phoebe Wilson and the late James Wilson, of Owen Sound, and John W. Murray. only son of Mrs. Hazel Murray, of Owen Sound and Hay- field, and the late Donald Murray, of Hayfield. 1The Rev. John- ston officiated. The bride wore a street -length' dress of grey bocad- ed taffeta, black accessories and a corsage of pink sweetheart roses. She wore the groom's' gift, a dou- ble strand pearl necklace. She was attended by her youngest sister, Cora Beth Wilson, wearing a deep rust dress, black accessories and a corsage of Talisman roses, and by the groom's youngest sister, Donna Murray, wearing a navy sheer ny- lon with white yoke, black acces- sories and a 'corsage of red roses. The groom was attended by Robt. Turner. The wedding reception was held at the home of Miss May White, where the bride's mother received, wearing a, wine crepe dress, black accessories and cor- sage of cream roses. The groom's mother wore a blue crepe dress black accessories and a corsage of pink roses. For the wedding trip to Detroit, Hayfield, Goderich, Lon- don and Toronto, the bride wore a printed silk dress, coon coat and black accessories and corsage of sweetheart roses. On their return Mr. and Mrs. Murray will reside in Owen Sound. BRODHAGEN Baptized at the Sunday mornin, service of St. Peter's Lutheran Church was Joanne Dorothy, infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Elligson, of McKillop. Sponsors were Margaret Dieckert and Ed- ward Sclierbarth.' Mr. and Mrs. Wm. L. Querenges- ser and Mr. and Mrs. Russell Shol- dice and sons visited in Waterloo with Mr. and Mrs. Howard Quer- engesser. Mr. Mervin Hodgert is a patient in Scat Memorial Hospital, Sea - forth. CONSTANCE TUOKEW Aliso liargarei.'ISMOJCPAArt 8th concession, received 'wer417, the death gt Hr, Charles Maelcay', of Fredericton, N5B., from aIlietot attack. He was horn in EarrIGIOni and while ttending the iligyersity of Toronto spent his holidaye with his cousins and Other-relatiVIS 131 this vionny. We practiced In SYS- kateh0Wall, but Wen. In the east for thirty years. Surviving are Iffs wife and three children. He was 68 years of age. ; FARM FOR SALE The Executors of the Estate of the late George Virashington Parker are offering for Sale by Tender the South Half of Lot Number 3, Con- cession 13, Huron Road Survey, in the Township of Tuckersmith, the County of Huron. On the said lands are about seven acres of good Hardwood Bush. Through the said lands runs a never -failing Spring Creek, All the cleared lands are seeded to grass, and the Farm is well fenced. • TERMS -10% on, acceptance of bid, and the balance in 30 days. All Tenders to be in the hands of the undersigned on or before the 7th day of March, 1951. F. FINGLAND, K.C., CLINTON, ONTARIO Solicitor for the Estate FAR IIIGHEST PRICES PAID FOR TURNIPS Trimmed and Delivered Canada Packers Limited PHONE 256 EXETER Mrs, Al!. Buchanan is at present a patient in Seed Memorial Hos- pital. Her many friends wish her a speedy recovery. Mr. Reg. Lawson spent a few days in London. Mr. and Mrs. Kelso Adams and Gerald, of Goderich, spent Sunday at the hOme of Mr. and Mrs. E. Adams. , Mrs. Robert Lawson is visiting her daughter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. John Davidson, of the Huron Road West. Miss Clare Le Sage, of Belle- ville, and IVIiss Donelda. Adams spent the week -end in Detroit. Reeve W. J. Dale and Mr. Wm. Jewitt are in Toronto this week attending the Good Roads conven- tion. ,f6•21.0,1.6.111•7•1801TOIS#S11. WINCHELSEA Rubber Stamps and Stencils WARWICK'S -Stampm7liter" liAREs THE -BEST IMPRESSION MARKING DEVICES Of All Types • ' Rubber Stamps are essential to any well-run business! They save you time and money. Three Day Service On Rush Orders Stamp Pads, Daters & various supplies The Huron Expositor Telephone 41 - .Seaforth INV BUY NOW! WE HAVE MANY USED TRACTORS STILL PRICED AT LAST FALL'S PRICES 102 Jr. Trac. Also NEW MACHINES ARRIVING NOW! Delivered on a first-come first-served basis. DON'T DELAY! 101 Super Trac. AR John Deere ORDER YOUR SPRING REPAIR PARTS NOW! Don't wait until a breakdown in the field and costly delay. WATCH THIS AD FOR OUR SERVICE SCHOOL ANNOUNCEMENT SEAFORTH MOTORS Phone 141 : kettforth t A 3 15