HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1951-01-26, Page 4t...:. ii ,,.. i ,.,:<� ,. �.,, ,.t :::. ., .:. :"a ...�. t + - ..,. q �,%g�y�, tri! . • tf NMd7,h... ...._... ,,.tr, ,4 $ t a Mitchell. liallu Mart, t e sumWl ev, t�nanficamsom aihehfla �vs j' . r ,a ....,;',o-. °. : :, :: ., ... .,• .x I3 o O E (A�Ayfq' ,'en t eCEAD a ilii.. 8MICK tl in F . Pg4s f5. o>'E, T. 1NIClR. & 90N5 LTD,. alwall; or earl 108. .eneaU. r, v', f qp,�,, " H•A4t1...t�' � tIq1;rDA)ICFt-.: at th ' d wChatsworth, and attended ural of tine of the melbers of Lia, P orNlmi r oda Rall. TOWN' " • 48>s4d1 9 •• :.. At the morning service of Jan. •dvith My, ]a, Ivlson and Miss Jean and rsatioAl on McKellar Neil, with Classified' Ads lase •, cd At. New Low Gash Rates: .Foe met, WANT* 'stir AND llroU'ND„ ETC. -fir muds. ' -- Fad For Sale 21, in the United Church,' Rey. W. o J. Rogers chose the theme, "Meet- . TUCKERSMITH Ivison Miae Mabel Whiteman spent a and little son, visited Mr. and Mrs. Ross Houghton on Sunday. FRIDAY FEB. 2nd l.c week 1 Lens ing Life's Refusals." The choir sew ilayS last weak with friends in ,' 2nd week Wt. Cent and week '+5 Oeat Minimum fist aloe. 25From • •Conte Each" figure, mita,. end abbreviation counts as one word, Gala, of le a ie, In Memoriam N„rices, Owning Eve s-1 Cent per mond, 7 inisalvy 6p osats pot soak. be tteauteles miss. be direatud to a lire No.. ohm The Huron Expositor, tor 1fi. crista extra, WARM FOR SALE --100 ACHES, FIRST F class land situated on Lot 16, COMM'smitdl ,ion 5. hiaG 4ob. Oa tie premises area three-room house, barn and straw shed- Close o schooladd bur Apply ito J. t 4335x1 sang the anthem; "Be Not Far Me, 0 Lord." Mrs, R. Mock acceptably rendered the solo, "How Lovely Are Thy Dwellings." Regu- lar services will be held next Sun- ' day at 11 a.m. and at 7' p.m. Mr Thomas Richardson 'tak- The ftrst meeting of the Tucker- Ladies' Club for the year was held on Wednesday, Jan. 10, at the home of Mrs. Don Crich. Mrs. W. Roberts, the new press- dent, was 'in the chair, The meet ing was opened by singing tile_ op ' Hensall. The congregation of St. Andrew's United Church here are holding their animal meeting an Tuegday evening, Jan. a0- A good attend- ante is sloped fOr. Mr. George Forsyth, Russell, Mrs. D. M. Fi her, of Guelph, visited with .the utler brothers. Mrs. Dunce °Kellar accom- partied Mr. and Mrs. James Howe to Stratford and visited with their friends there, Mrs, Sarah Payne, of Moose Jaw, Sponsored ay Kippeta,,tap1t Women's Instctittltp EUCHRE 8.30 SU'ARP • Admission , 590 „ Music by Murtfoeh's OMOt►eatr.4 Tea mat Additional will be charred d oda in above Class are not odd w3tuim 10 days of �� at insertion. Birch°, Marriages and Deaths imertod lyes of charge.day Personals was en by Bonthron ambulance Satur- last to the Riverside Rest ening Ode and' all •repeating theSask., Lord's PFayer. Several business discussions took place and two of Man., is visiting his cousins, Mrs. °Barbells Thompson and Mrs. H. M. was called home owing to the serious illness of her sister, Bella Miller, who 'passed away be Ladies please bring L11RG11 LUCKY LUNCH Fi I E ., Au,;tioq• 1381®, Notions to Creditote. Etc. -asks on application. HYGIENIC , SUPPi•rE' (R u B B E R Home, Mitchell, in the interests oY contests were enjoyed. The meet- Chesney. fore Mrs. Payne's arrival. C. '. Gonda) mailed postpaid in plain, sealed his health. ing closed with the Homemakers' Coming Events For Sale Sale envelope with price dist. 6 samples 25c: 24 samples 51.00. Mail Order Dept. T78, NOVA Miss Betty Mickle, who is at- tending Western University, and Prayer. A delicious lunch was hostess .�, ' '(4 NJOY THE BEST THERE IS IN FOR SALE -2 NEW TIRES, 5-50 x 18, 44 Dancing at the Crystal Palace Bali- Apply A. ISUSHEE, Seaforth, -RUBBER co., Box 91. Hamuilton, Ont. Mr. Bill Mickle, who is attending O.A:C., Guelph, were week -end vias- served by the and mem- bers of her group. The rest of the was spent sewing quilt �y Farm viiiarty 1* •�.. ;; r room, Mitchell. every Friday night, .to the 4335x1afternoon ramie of Don Robert on and His Ranch tors with their parents, Mr. and blocks and some members knitting. . ,, Boya, FOR SALE -NINE PIGS, WEANED 2 Wanted Mrs. L.M. Miss Sangster, of Re- The next Tneetin g:will be held at Forum Has Meeting -a weeks. Apply ART DEVEREAUX.. MRS. BILL the home of Mrs. Herman Crich FOR MR. AND phone 661 r 25. Seaforth. . 4884x1 Henderson in the Seaforth Memorial WANTED -A oWLD•s CRIB. PHONE gina, Sask., who is attending West- en Wednesday, February 7. Tile •Cromarty Centre, Wednesday, January Stith. Admin- �pR. SALE - BEATTY ELEbTRIC 109-5., Seeafonth. 4383-tf ern University, was a week end' Of Miss Betty roll call is to be answered bythe Farm Forum met in the schoolhouse with Murray Bal- • cion 50c. Ladies please bring luneb. 4385x1 J•' washing ,madt,;r,e, in perfect condition, PHONE 596-R. Seaforth. 4856-1 WANTED TO RENT -SMALL HOUSE or aparatment, guest ,1Vlickle, Mrs. L. Muckle entertained sev- most useful gadget in my home.. four as chairman, The group ' . ,: ,+:• ,; .'. Urgently AND MUDGE - THE WO- with some convenient- es•Apply to Box 969, HURON EXPOSI_ eral little boys and girls to a par- agreed they should sell low qual-u.�iiLe UCHRE mens Hospital Aid to Scott Memorial 2:30 R SALE --670 x 16 SNOW TIRES, 1 028.50 each. DUNLOP'S B. A SER. TOR 4835-z last, Friday i y honor of Bobby's ievehtih birthday. KIPPEN' a qu products rate. be Poor: hies 11y i t at l t: le Hospital are sponsoring abridge at VICE STATION, Seaitrrth. 4834.2 FIREPROOF se veget should . + p,m, end mixed euchre in the evening, on Wednesday, January 31, at the Nurses' Residence. Everybody welcome. uae-1 FOR SALE - LADY'S MINK COAT, very reasonable price, in first class condition. PHONE 17, Bayfield, 4886x1 WANTED TO BUX DOOR suitable for vault. approximately 2' 6ir by 6 feet. Apply Box 959, HURON EXPOSITOR. 4385x1 .' Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Pepper, Of Hamilton, were Sunday visitors with' Mr. and Mrta. William Pep -grade per• Mr, rind Mrs: Jack Dickert, of Clifford, were the guests of his bro- tiler and sister-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. to stock or thrown away, rather than marketed to spoil the high prices. In meat products, cattle and hogs should have a, pro- Apply to Su erintendent - pp d r s ' Lost and Found FI o5. SALE - NEW BRITISH KNIT powder blue wool Jersey dress, size Notices To Creditors Plans are being made to hold a pet -luck supper in connection with the annual congregational meeting Norman Dickert, ori Thursday• of Last week. Mr. Robt. Cooper left two weeks per finish for markets. Imported meat should be properly identified:• in the butcher to let thepub- Scott Memorial• Hospital LOST -SMALL BEAGLE HOUND. 4, ago, tan imamate, black and white 201a. Never worm. PHONE 68. 4884 -tel in the schoolroom of the United ago for Florida. shops lit know. They felt the middle maw • •� .-, J weeks saddle, leather .const ;with word "Batch" on brass plate. Reward. C. P. SILLS. Seaforth. 4835-1 OR SALE - 10 YORK-TAMWORTH F weer -dings. Apply to HENRY EN- ZENSBERGER, R.R. 5, Seaforth-' 4335-1 NOTICE to CREDITORS In the Estate of ADELINE SHADE PERSONS HAVING CLAIMS Church on Monday. Jan. 29. • The Legion Hall, Hensel], was the setting of a delightful. affair Wednesday evening when the Leg- Many neighbors of the Mousseau family have had word they are having a delightful hgliday in Flor- ida and hope to return to their is important. The majority are do-' ing a good job. Co-operative mar-' listing was seen necessary to slim- inate middle men. .. Seaforth, out. •'-' ;. - ih ; , f ALL against the Estate of Adeline Shane, ion Ladies' Auxiliary entertained home in February. Euchre was under the di- Property For Sale OR SALE -KITCHEN TABLE; DOU- F late the Village Egrnondville, in the played P Y ble wardrobe with two mirrors in of of County of Huron. Widow. deceased, who their husbands. Progressive euchre featured tables' in Miss Marion Scarlett, school rection of Mr. and Mrs. Bert Riley RMF. HOUSE p0R SALE -6 -ROOM F3 barn. Lam 211 and 212, in Hen- dome. Apply to Box 945. HURON Ex' POSITOR. 4335x1 died on the 5th day of January, 1951. are hereby nottflea to send in full paraitu- WAS with ten play, and one table of crokinole, teacher in Exeter, spent the week- end visiting friends in Kippers. and Mr. and Mrs. John Norrie. Prize winners were: Women's high, and sats. Apply to MR. ALBERT WALFF, a= 666; Goderich. 4388x8 FOR SALE -500 SIZE WARNER ELEC_ tric brooder: used one year. Apply ROY LAWSON. Phone 667 r 16, sea- lacy of their Claims to the undersigned on or before the 16th e day of February, 1951, after which date the assets will be distributed, having regard only to claims Winners were: Ladies, first, 11rs, A. Foster; consolation, Mrs. W Seale; gents. first, S. G:.Rannie: Mr. Elmer Somers of Seaforth, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Wilma Harper; low, Mrs. John Wallace; men's high, Murray Bal- four; low, Laverne Wallace; lone fossa. 433f,x1 then received_ consolation, 13. W. Horton;;crokim Thomas Butt. hands, Harry Norris; lucky chair, ' Livestock Wanted ' R SALE -No. 1 TIMOTHY SEED, -cheap for sale. MERVYN HOD- DATED at Seaforth, thin 25th day of ole winners: Mrs. B. Kyle a Mrs. R. Mock. Colrtributing.to t pro- Mr. James Mustard entertained a number of his friends last Wednes- Audrey Norris.L`'r Our Spring shipment of MARTHA Wp1SI N.�`# LIVESTOCK WANTED quirk GERT, R.R. 1, Bornholm. Phone Dublin. 74 r 17. 4334x3 January, 1951. • bIcGGNNELI_ HAYS, gram were Mrs. F. J. Appleby with a piano solo, and C. J. Sherrilt day night. Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Wahl, of Societies Hold Meeting The Women's Missionary Auxil- TON Cotton Dresses has just arrived, and..,they CASH-up to 010.00 for Dead or Disabled Horses: 010.00 for Cows; Hogs• 02.50 Per Cwt. -at your farm. FOR SALE -1 McCORNICK-DEERI QG cream separator, 700 ibe. capacity: 1 Beatty deep td,tl: workingthem. Seaforth. Ontario, Solicitor; for the Exeeutrix. 4335-3 with a vocal solo, with Mrs. Sher- ritt. accompanying. Rev. P. A. Fer- Listowel, were Sunday guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs, Dickert iary and the Ladjes' Aid Society held their monthlymeetingat the look so good that we just had to tell your shoot ' •You will want several of these -lovely Prompt service. Phone collect. Seaforth, 665 r 2 - eel SPROAT -well pump: good: pair huy's skates, size 4. PAT good: 1, Seaforth. 4335x'? . NOTICE to CREDITORS•'Patsy guson. Legion chaplain, moved a vote of thanks to the ladies, •Jones is •confied t° •het and Meryl. Mr, and Mre. Reid Torrance, of Manse last Wed esday.a ternoon. Mrs. Thos. Scott presided and dresses and all theyare famous for. ' William Stone -Sons, LIMITED V INGERSOLL, ONTARIO FOR SALE -NEW SINGER SEWING rnachines, electric and treadle. Re- pairs to all makes. SINGER SEWING CENTRE, 78 Ontario St, Stratford. 4223-tf In the Estate of MARY CASEY L L PERSONS HAVING CLAIMS A against the Estate of Mary Casey. late ++f the Town of Seaforth, in ihc' home with measles and bronchial pneumonia. Mrs. James Wright, Kippen, who has been visiting with her son, Porter's Hill, visited Mrs. Raid's father and sister, Mr. Henry lvison and Jean, 141x. Jonah Green has not been lately. We Wish him conducted the devotional exercis- es. Mrs. T. L. Scott read the min- utas,, of the previous meeting and Mrs.. William Harper gave the P treasurer's report. Mrs. T. Laing Superb Styling! - Sizes 1`Z 20 Guarantedd to Fit. Gordon, a.t. Lorne Park, was called 100 well a 'Mrs. Notices FOR SALE --MOW OF BEAN STRAW: id acre: of ,'acture; 17 acre, in river flat;: remainder in cover and tum- County of Huron, Spinster. deceased, who died on the lith day of December, 1950. are hereby notified to send in full particu- '.•i,-� of vilest nlaimn to the undersigned un home owing to the sudden death of her brother, Alexander Stewart. 'a speedy recovery. l Mrs. Armstrong is much improv- gave the dedicatory prayer. Lloyd orsdahl introduced the new study book, reading the first chap- 36,- 48 Gayand Colourful ;� 3.19 3.95 FARMERs!-FOR HIGHEST aETURNS, for your Hogs, phone LEO O'SULLI- Dublin. Livestock truckingstoryentitled, stay on high ground. Apply to ARTHUR ANDERSON. R.R. 4. Hercat!, Phone 6'S > r 5, Hensall. • (max: Ins ix tore tar 161 day of February, 1951, •aflrr whirs date the s.;set; will hr cis -tri- L•u:c-,., Maine regard only t:, e-I,ims then of Seaforth former resident of Cromarty. Mrs. Wright and her Win, who accompanied her home, ed in health.2.95 g Geos a Parker Passes On ter of "Our Share in the World's Mission." Mrs. Duncanson read a VAN. 22 r 4, a speciality, P.G.V. License. All loads insured, 4334-3 FOR IMMEDIATE SALE - QUEBEC heater; Beatty washing machine: kit- received- DATED a: Seaforth, this 25th dxy or attended the funeral Saturday last, held from the Whitney Funeral We were sorryto hear Of the Passing of Mr. George Parker, of "A Chinese Choir At Christmas.". Mrs. William Mll- ler for the ' IUIIJDORIS 'pita NEW IDEA SPREADERS, SIDE delivery rakes, mowers, etc. Order now, supply very limited. Some good us- NEW IDEA DISTRIBU- then table; R.C.A. SR-r.p.m. record play- er and large quantity of records: Jeweli•lanuar>'• portable radio. like'new. Apply JAMES ,WALLACE, West William Street 19.'1• Mct ON F1.L & HAYS, Seaforth, On.Eario, Home. Seaforth. with burial in the family plot at Mitchell. The first meeting of the 1951 Lib- Chiselhurst, on Wednesdayafter- noon, Jan. 17. He was very well known in and around Ohiselhurst was organist meeting. The meeting closed with prayer by Mrs. Duncanson, Mrs. Houghton conducted the Ladies' Aid greeting, LADIES WEAR DRY GOODS ed machines. TORS, Gaderieh. Phone Carlow 2821. 4338x3 ' FOR SALE - CLO"IH. RUGS; 2 «we= • kit.•hrn Thai • : pi c`oth �a 2 oliriutre for the Executor. 4:83 -1 rary Board was held Tuesday eve- Hing in the council chamber with and lived alone, and was a mem- ber of Chiselhurst United Church. He was laid to last Saturday taking the devotional exercises. Mrs, Grace Scott read the minutes Hensall -• Phone 70 NOTICE - SEAFORTH CREAMERY corner cupboard: mattresses and springs; white plates; im•h stovepipes2 iron the fol'lc•ving members being Pres- rest afternoon in McTaggart's came- of the previous meeting. Mrs. Cal- • Limited: Under Pie Companies Act' kettle: -: white brirl:: 2 wa=h stand.=. Apply silt: Reeve A. W. Kerslake, :airs. Goodwin. Mrs. Joynt. Mrs. Norm- tery, der McKaig gave treasurer's _^ , (Ontario), Seaforth Creamery Limited CLARENCE REEVES. Seaforth. - Cards Of Thanks Mrs. meanse report. Ways and of rail= hereon givens notice that it will mokap- 433ra1 inion, Het'. W. J. Rogers and J. Mr. and R. Hopkins, of ing money for the society was the plication to His Honour the Lieutenan't:. -with THE b•A;NIIA' of THE LATE MRS. Blackwell. Reeve. Kerslake was Hinsdale. U.S.A., visited recently • Governor of Ontario for acceptance of the surrender of its charter on and -after a date :to be .fixed by the Lieutenant -Cover- Motor Cars For Sale T Catherine Byrne wish to thank their friends and. neighbor_; for the kindness; shown them in their recent sad bereave- elected chairman; J. A. Paterson, secretary-lreasui•er, and Mrs. A. Mr, and Mrs. A. McMurtrie. Mr. and Mrs. David Ryckman, of main main.item of business. Three quilts are to be quilted. The meeting closed with singing the National Used nor. Dated this 18th day of January, 1951. SEAFORTH CREAMERY LJM1.1'ED. 13y: Alvis W. Sillesry, its Solicitor, POR SALE -'37 CHEVROLET STAND- a:+! Coach in excellent rendition. Apply Box 957, HURON EXPOSITOR- rent, fur the beautiful flowers, Mass rano;. to those who loaned cars, and to all 'Cho a;aieted in any way. Cameron, Librarian for the year.g Tb Li•bra.rian reported as, •fol- lows: Adult fiction, Dec, 2.97,.195(4 Pollock, N.D., are visiting I'el a- tives- in the vicinity.• Mr. and Mrs. Garnet Shipman Anthem. Lunch was served by Duncanson, assisted by sever - '"' NOTICE ,to 4337-1 433;-1 3161; juvenile fiction, Dec., 192; and family, of Exeter, were Sun- al of al the members. ANNUAL MEETING USBORNE & HIBBERTtc, 1941 ONE-HALF TON PICK-UP, RE- built motor: 1938 Chev, Sedan. DUNLOP'S B. A. SERVICE STATION, Seaforth. 4333-tf WISH '1'0 EXPRESS MY SINCERE thunk': to my many friend; for all their visit, and kindness in sending flow- era. fruit, treats and saris. I also Weill thank Drs. McMaster and Brady and 1950, 2,523': adult non-fiction, Dec., 35; 1950. 415: juvenile non-fiction. Dec'., 0; 1950. 46. Total. Dec., 524; 19511. 6.147• day visitors with Mr. and Mrs. H. Jones. Recent V151t01'; with \1 r. and Mrs. A. Gackstetter were Mr. and Funeral of the Late Miss Miller The private funeral service for the late Bella Miller, who passed in Scott Memorial Hospital, ars.. -Trucks •' FIRE INSURANCE - COMPANY 50 CHEV. FI•LFTLINE SEDAN -Green in color; only 7.000 miler the members of staff of Scott Memorial H,, pita! for their kind attention toasts a patient tarts 4r,a;•1 JOHN W. MODELAND' The seCI'etafj'-treasurer read the annual report: Bank balance. Jan. 1. 1950. $118.53. and bank balance Dec. 31, 1950. $158.65; be- Mrs. Gordon Westlake and family, of Bayfield; Mrs. P. Love and far-+' sly, of Varna, and John Gackstet- ter and Edward Gackstetter, of away Seaforth, was held on Monday at the home of her brother, James, and sister, Margaret, with •eacm HUDSON. 1941 SEDAN • `New Paint, Radio, Heater The Annual Meeting of the Uaborne &50 Hibbert Mutual Fire Insurance Compane will be held in Farquhar Hall, Farquhar, on MONDAY, FEBRUARY 5th, 1951 - at 2 p.m- tor for the purpose of receiving the report of the Directors and Auditors for the past year, for the election of two Directors for a three-year term, the Auditor, OLDSMOBII.E SEDAN --Sun .'is„r; radio; man;• rxt.ran- i� cHEv, STYLELINE SEDAN a a CHEC. DE LUXE FLEETLINE SU cO Cx CHEV. DE LUXE SEDAN -Custom, 49 radio, many extras. TE WISH TO THANK OUR FRIENDS ` una neithietr., for sympathy extended us duriru our recent bereavement: special thank=•to Dr. Stapleton. Mise Dunn, the Whitney Funeral Hume, Rev. Hazlewi,od ,rid Rev- Stanway Mr. and Mee. Norris Sillery: Mr, and Mrs, Harvey Craig; Arthur, Ha.rry. and George Stewart. 4835-1 - receipts ing 43(1.12 over expenditures; reg- P g ieteI'ed members for 1950 being 143 and a. Total circulation of books of 6,147 for the year 1950, and a total number of books of all: kinds, 4,116 on the shelves or in circula- tion. He also stated there had been six meetings of the Board held dur- Zurich. Mr. Nelson Hoed was luck en- y ough to be the Winn9r of five gal- Ions of oil at the John Deere show ill Exeter on Friday evening last. The W.A. of St. Andrew's Unit- ed Church here catered to the -ban- quet of the Tuckersmith Federit- she resided. Also surviving are Mrs. E. (Mary) Tem,112,roan and Mrs. E. H. (Sadie) fayre. Moose Jaw, Sask. One brother, George,ee ofMitchell, predeceased her a few years •ago. She was a member bf Cromarty ..Presbyterian Church. Rev. R. Duncanson officiated at the service, assisted by A. H. Day- 1946 CHEV. COACH New Motor, Heater , 1934 -DODGE SEDAN � $175.00 1929',1VIODEL 'A'COACH . , 65.00 '• election of and any other business that may be in the interests of the Company- 49 DE LUXE :TYLE LINE COACH Births ing the year, with assets. being 45,155,65 and lia.bilit.ies, none. tion, of Agriculture in the Hensall Town Hall on Friday evening. Around two hundred "Wh, aoStaffn United ldurch. ..Where we'll never grow oId and . .. .6 'SIR I' t" SPECIAL Arthur Fraser 'Secretary -Treasurer. 433 7-2 48 STYLEMASTER COACH CHV. FLEJTLINE COACH ��HayTownship Two-tone HAGAN--At Scott Memorial Hospital. on January- 20. to Mr. and Mrs, Leo Hagan, a daughter clary ,Molly1 Elisabeth, 1IUHRAY At Stott Memorial Hapital, on January 20, to Mr, and Mrs. Thomas The Librarian presented a book, Mosaic• and other poems, donated t.o the Library byQuite t.he. author. The secretary was instructed to send a plates were served. a number from here at- tended the Federa- tion. of Agriculture banquet in Zur- some time we'll udderstand,' was sung by the Cromarty mixed quart- ette, Mrs. T. L. Scott, Mrs. Roy McCullooh, Lloyd Sorsdahl and 2 OnlyNew 1950 Chev. 1/2 -Ton Pick -Ups These Trucks much lower than 1951 Models Auction Sales green CHEV. FLEETLINE SEDAN-•Tw,.- 47 tone, in color; radio. sun visor: Murray, R.H. 7, Seaforth, a daughter, El UE At S,.,tt. Mein Hienitatl, on •lanuary 21, 1„ Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth letter of thanks. The aboard. re- flawed the five subscriptions to different. magazines again this ich last week. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Jones .and Frank Stagg. Pallbearers were Herb Mahaffy,Freeman Mahaffy, Robert Norris of London, Leslie ie A=ION SALE or 25 BEEF AND Dairo Cows, ie Lot ns ip, 6th Con- session of Goderich Township, one mile south of Porter's' HUUl, on Tuesday, :faun- cry 30th, at 2 p.m., consist;ast of Dur- hams, Herefords, Holsteins and Jerseys. Some cows recervtly freshened; balance due in February and March. These cattle are39 of gust quality and T.B. �tee,.ted, Terra- many extras. 4v CHEV. SIDAN 41 PON'rL9C COACH. -New paint Sobplies. PONTIAC COACH Flue. Zurich. a daughter. JIM -LS Mr. - and Mrs. Manley Jinks, Hen- sail. are it tau hr announce the e, at al of latus daughter. Susan Diane, at Clinton Public Hospital. on Friday, .len. 19 ]951. A sinter for Bernice and Ross and a granddaughter for Mr. and Mrs.g C. L. .links. year. Bills and accounts Were read• as follows: Wendell Holmes. books, $5,7`'' Huron County Library, sup -forth, 42.511; R. Middleton, five sub- scriptions, $18.50. Total, $26.78. The book purchasing committee Grant visited on SundayWibh Mr. 14.nd ?Mrs. Gordon Westlake, of near Bayfield. Mrs. R. M. Peck spent last week with her daughter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Elliott, of Blyth. Mr. and Mrs. R. Torrence, of =vljller, William Lamport and Wil- liar Sparks. Friends Were ores - ent from London, 'Clinton, Sea - Mitchell and the surround- in communities. ' Mr. Andy Pennington, of Alber- ta, has been visiting with Mr. and Seaforthatc Motors Chevrolet - Oldsmobile • Phone 141 Seaforth Cash. A. E. TOWNSHEND & SON, Pro-1 prietors; Edward W. Elliott, Auctioneer; �� Fp RD COUPE Deaths is to be composed of Mrs, Good- win, Mrs. Norminton and Rev,.Mr. Porter's Hill, were recent visitors Mrs. Alex McLaren... Mr. and Mrs. J. Kemp a.nd And- -- re_ W. lSolqu Clerk. 4335-1 Rogers. Rev. Mr. Rogers suggest- ray, of Mitchell, visited AuorI N OF HOUSEHOLD EF- , S'IEWART- In Seaforth, on Thursday, January i5., Alexander Stewart, in his fid that a sign be g put. up on the • with Mrs. Houghton on Sunday. facts en/ Hensall Village. on sato,-day. 38 87th Library door stating the hours the StaleyRes�dent, Mr. January r• 1951, at 1:3J p!m 8 -piece chesterfield sutra; 8 -piece dining room ch6ssuite; studio ite; pits library table;o3 wicker theirs; 2 rocking chairs: Prertiivm vacoum cleaner; 2 radios; -small table;; footstools; Axmtinster rugs; floor lamp: 8 -piece walnut Tredroonr suite; 2 3 -piste bedroom smites; odd chain; 5 linoleum F gidaiirret91.,gicceridinnerr washing ggt et; machine: ash- es; quip; blankets; silverware; large cupboard; kitchen table; kitchen c.tove, year. OLDSMOBILE SEDAN MILLER- In Seaforth, on Friday. Jan, 19, Lillie Isabella iBrL'as Miller, in her 56th3 37 year. •p.m.; NASH SEDAN BYRN,F - In Scott Memorial Hospital, on } ' Friday, Jan. 19. Catherine Devereux, ' CHEV. COUPE nelovtvl wiry of the Tate William J- 31 Byrne, in her 30th year. - h1aeLE.aN- In Stratford. on Saturday, Jan. 20, Kenneth MacLean, in his 42nd .71( CHET.. COACH year. - SMITH; -Suddenly at the Toronto Western Hoa ital, on Monday, Jan, 22, 1951. 31 Library is open, as follows:' 'Lues- dayfrom to5and7t.o9 Thursday, 3 to 5 and 7 to 9 p.m., and Saturday, 2:30 to 3:30 for tail- dren only; adults, 3:30 to 5 and 7 to 9 p.m. The secretary was in- st.rUcted to have these signs print- ed as soon as possible. • Mrs■ W. suer, Dies • The death occurred in Clinton pu191ie Hospital on Wednesday morning, Jan. 17, .of llinervl Stephenson, beloved wife of the late Webster Turner, having been' and Mrs. Donald Wallace and their sons, Keith and Ken, of Car - George ally d with Mr. and Mrs. George Wallace, Mr. John Wallace has purchased//Annual the 100 -acre farm from Hay Broth - ars' which is situated on conaes- assn 11. Mr. Douglas McKellar entertain - ed a number of his friends to a ' Report Reveals • Impressive Growth , and other 'articles too noanerova to men- tion. All furniture is in excellent. condi- tion, and must be sold as proprietress is -town. Terms ---Cash. MRS. P. H. PLYMOUTH COACH - Annie Georgina Troyer, widow of John Henry Smith, dear mother of C. R. "Cee" Smith, Learide: East E. Smith, au C'HEV, SEDAN _ CONSTAN. E .0 removed there the day before, She had not ,been in good health for euchre party on Friday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Donald McKaig, of Seaforth, Angus Deposits P 1945 4,100,384.21 DEVLIN, Proprietress; Ed. Corhett, Auc- tioneer, 43012 North Bay : W. E. "Bill" Smith, and Vire. John W. Laurence (Edna), Toron- to. Funeral from file Chapel of. Me- 47ship, Mrs. Lorne Lawson and Mrs. Jack Da.VidsOn are spending a few some time. Born in Stanley Town- and spent most her lite• visited with Mc- Kaig and Mr. and Mrs. Calder Me- I�aig. 1949 18,160,545.63 19.50 AUCTION SALE OF FARM STOCK. Implements, Feed and Grain. ,at Lot 18, Concession 7, (Parr Line), 2 mile.= south of Varna, on Wednesday. February o v. 'd, -TON PICK-UP Leveed! & Brown. 646 St. Clair Ave. • W., Thursday, at 2 p.rn. Interment inMr. Prnepert cem�eten.. CHEV, 1 -TON STAKE TRACK days in Chatham with Mrs. David- son's sister, Mrs. Jack BusbyandMeskinaw, Mr. Busby, i here, a.nd was mari led.. in 1908 to Webster• who passed away in 1938.'Following her husband's death;, sibe lived in Clinton for a Mr. and Mrs. John Wilton, of Sask., are visiting with Mrs. Wilton's. mother, Mrs. R. 20,141 926.71 Cash , Bonds and other liquid •securities - owned b the Com of Y pony a€e 105.70% Savings 7th, at 1:30 p.m-, consisting o'f: HORSES -Clyde mare 6 years old; Clyde horse 12 + MANY OTHER M01-1ELS TO C8100011 FROM Mr. and Mrs. Waiter Scott were guests for dinner on Sunday short time, but for the past seven Robertson, and brother, John Rob- ertgon. Deposits. years old. CATTLE -Durham cow 4 years old, recently freshened, calf at 'fast; Jer- sev X Durham cove, 4 yearx old, due April 16th; Durham �• BRUSSELS MOTORS ,DUBLIN with the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs.,Mrs, Scott, J. H. Seaforth. Mrs. Scott's years had been a resident of Hen- sail. SIle was in her, 65th year. Surviving are one daugthter, • Mrs. E. 1V�acDonala, of Exeter, spent a couple of days with her xis- - Estates,Etc., Under Administration 194 $ 18,536,017.54 cow 6 years old, due May 18th; Polled Angus X Holstein cow, 5Russell years old, milking, bred again; Durham cow 6 years old, milking, bred •again: Jersey X Durham cow 3 years Old, milk- "The Home of Better Used Can" Death of Mrs. W. J. Byrne OPEN EVERY EVENING There passedMr. awes in ScottHuta Memorial Hospital on Friday, Jan. many friends areglad to see her out again after her recent illness. and Mrs", T. J. Adams,Mr. on -Road, were guests of Mr. and Consitt, and two sons, El- mer and Ralph, all of: the Parr Line; her father, Ralph Stephen- brother, Wisp. R. Stephen- ter, Olive Speare, who has not been enjoying the best of health. and, Mrs. Ernest Allen at - tended the funeral of her uncle, 1949 195.0 40,041,834.73 44,856,013-94 'ing, bred attain; Durham heifer, 2 years s 19;• Catherine Devereux, beloved Mrs. James Medd Monday. son; one New a appointments Executor old, in calf: Durham 2 -year-old steer; 4 yearling steers and heifern; 1 baby beef, Durham bull 10 months old; 4 eaivea from 2 to 6 months old. IMPLEMENTS, ETC. -M•-11 �fllolioe drill with fertilator; Motor_ rick -Deering mower 6 -ft. cut: M -H 2 -row xmuffler; set of sloop sleighs: Blheuller heavy duty trailer with hoist; Renfrew cream separator (nearly new); .Maxwel1 tear,; oot ei cirlc wheelbarrow: wrier feed6range trot{i;'ha shel-and water fourtainh; 2 Milk Cama'; Strainer; (Meta ; milk :pails ; quantity of wood. FEED -Approximately 8 tons of mixed 'hay; appaox;matety 700 bushels of mixed grain; spproximatel 300 bushels of Beav- v er oath wettable far need) ; approxireately 9 trio offifeed m a0sto�ml rooxi Htli1'SBHOLD PFSCT-44Hece walnut 6'(dztat room smite ilti'elent'+ng cab cab;miet a rI •r Ifet, studio' uriith, elan;rig room +. h' Enter d i*i f4eativ neve); You Have a wife of the late W. J. Byrne, inTrustee Lucky Number, Too her 80th year. Born in Tucker- smith, she later lived in •Seaforth Tf you're a little skepticalHands for a number of years and then about there being such things moved t.o a farm in Logan, where as lucky numbers, here's your she resided until 1915, when she proof. Take the Number 41, came to Dublin. She is survived your Expositor phone number by three sons: Basil and William, for instance; thousands have Detroit; Robert. Hamilton; three found it their lucky number tau hters, Monica, Dublin Mrs. for fillin anyneed from find- g find - g Peter Dill, Detroit; Mrs, Harold Ing lost pets and valuables to Stanley, Rotherton, Mich.; three securing scarce articles, You'll sisters, Mrs. Joseph Carpenter and find it lucky, too, whether Yeti Mrs. Mary McGrath, Dublin; Mrs. want to rent a room, get a b, j4 Thomas Kelly, Blyth, and one bro- extra cash. or find limp 4or ther, John Devereaux, Seaforth. horde or office. Try it for luck f he funeral toolt place on Monday on Mr. and Mrs. Frank Riley spentMrs. Monday in Goderich. Mr. Ken Harrison, who has been visiting with this parents, Mr. and Mrs, Alf, Buchanan, has returned to Minden. Mr. Joseph Brown, of Allan Pack, i5 visitin with his son, Borden g 'Brown and. Mrs. Brown. Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Stirling, of g, 'Pilot Mound, Man., a.re• visiting at the home of/ Mr. and Mrs. Charles Dexter: Mr. Borden Brown and Mr. Brown, Sr„ were in London on Tuesday. son, Parr Line, and three sisters, • Wesley Cockerline and Mrs. David Johnstone, of Pilot Mound, Man.,: and Mrs, Elva Reid, of Sea_ forth] also thirteen grandchildren. The funeral was held on Friday, Jan. 1, from the home of her son, Ralph, Stanley Tow>xship, with Rev ,fl?V. J. Rogers, of Hensall Unit- ed Church, conducting the service. asd Rev. T. W. Jbe-aHintoa Kippen. Coleman,, The pallbearers were•■ Anson. Harvey Coleman, Herbert Stephenson, Robert Mc- Allister, Harvey Keys and Jack Cocker]ine, FloWerbearers were Willner Turner, James Turner, Frank Mc- Euchreand Dance Sponsored b y Varna L.O.L. FRIDAY JANUARY 26 VARNA`TOWN HALL Euchre starts at 8:30 sharp DEWARDINE'S ORCHESTRA Admission - 50c as and under wills •increased during the year. Assets in the of the Company 1945 $ 23,416,281.36 1949'60,095,115.97 1950 66,946,641.8$. ' �T f . • - v 1 1 U-1L1,•,E{l-LAl���TTTTy TRusT A COMPANY OF CANADA Montreal •• Toronto • Ottawa • Windsor Niagara Falls •• Sudbury •• Calgary • Vancouver • falkdif tl lllabie sitd 4 teen's; 3 e wtli tablch; airfa airfare* attar ,artiole4t TcrieteaCeab, li, A A. .11A11:1 Propnlebnr; Haveithoaid i6lt tti Aaetrtsna�br Lt W. bet t*lYoan. atllFi l437<w2 .. : 4'7 Ilii , l4 r ,.. 1 irt57• ..4, 14- -. today, remember it's so easy to from 'Cleary's Funeral Parlors, Sea- place an -Expositor Want, Ad. forth, at 9:00 a.m., to St. Patrick's just telephone 41. C)fu>`ch, Dublin,Tand thence to St. Expositor Want Ads Bring Re$ilfFts Patrick's cemetery for Interment. ,. .. , ... . , Y'.,' -a ., AC.os s'€•;y.»!.+>x;.,ls Subways are partially ventilated bythe piston action of trains (lriv- ing the a'r throb h the tulle;. James McNaughton, Clinchey, William Armstrohg, Ivan Stephenson, Ralph Stephenson, Jr., and Thomas Consitt. Interment i.as iia a5i•eld cemetery, - `-'- Lunch Counter ' ....•R• n v",. IA a•'2,1Y ,. 2,.. .- M. i.i