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The Huron Expositor, 1951-01-12, Page 8
ii 1TY Ag AL r ..11f1061 .B,. 0 U A TEE BONDS !'A� ,N I nNT AND SICKNESS 1.4RX AND WINDSTORM a gr!A8e11 in COMPanieS who 70 Security With Serv;.Pe. .A,MENTs FOR °N1 RIo TuuesuzRMAN'S lu};?UAL 'ERE IN•SUBANOE' I1L FinatiOia gladly given.. WATSON & REIN. M. A REID - Proprietor , Iusurauce & Real Estate "''HONE! 214 SEAFORTH FOR SALE Cottage on Railway Street, with bath. Reasonably priced. Early' oosesession. Several other Choice Dwellings oleo Rated. ;Modern Cottage with furioce and Early possession m , 611vac;f modern entail. Dw lHng, Victori Modern conveniences. Per �i09; arrang- •il. Frame dwelling, Village of Dub- lin. immediate llosseOW1 M. A. REID REAL ESTATE PHONE 214 COAL We have on hand: • STOVE COAL d • NUT COAL • PEA COAL • ,• BUCKWHEAT COAL • ALBERT/, GOAL • SRIQUgTTES • STOKER COAL NEWS OF TR, TOW1Y •Y Alert Band M--T'l eets-.e H,;i, Mission Band of Northside idleited Church held its January meeting on Tuesday in the church parlor with 28 present. The hymn, "Jesus Loves Me," was followed by . the Lord's 'Prayer. All repeated the 23rd Psalm, the roll call and L'ur•: pose. Ruth Pinder was appointed treasurer, and Dorothy Fischer, press secretary. Mrs. B. F. Chris- tie told a. story. "When He Com- eth" was sung and the Mission Band ,benediction was said. Scrap- books were made with Shirley Kleber and John Scott. William M. Hart Phone 784 : Seaforth Try Huron Expositor Want Ade. Phone, 41, Seaforth. ei teve,.toHospi tined=, the, '1sleeti7Rt_g': wig!.a : kyn w, 'Snowden, re resQutat elele lades Maricse Chamberlain at tal Board Mrs. W. U Shea. After ,eetire,, p anq , The,$eriltture lessen; the collection Was ;received and ,, u ee " ed 4ll upi, dedicated, the remaining business span . 1Seviirel h ; ; nlee', were elle"'., was tis seed. Rev. Jones closed .. 3:.. Atter Mra,°�.„ M.orges'pe, and Mrs.' the meet with •'prayer. Mase e deli io s cep of tie s' Fowler a a u, P reada u a of ru,_, e r ._. Westcott li p scn Wu t?f4F gal nes and contests.' iPere enjoyod, tea and a social hour was spent. the first one being? Would you A vote of thanks was tendered the like to join my elitb." A delicious hostess by 'Mrs I. P, Wade for hospitality. • Northside Group Meets.—Group 4 of the W.A. ot Northside Church held their January meeting Tues- day evening at the home of Mrs. J. A. Westcott. There were sixteen present. Mrs. Lloyd Morrison op - LEMON'S TAXI ALL PASSENGERS INSURED Phones: 1624 or 162-W ,Munch was served by Mrs. J. Eiii% her Mrs. Lemon and Mrs, Westcott- A vote. of thanks, was tendered by Mrs. J. O. Turnbull to the hostess for the enjoyable social evening. 11111111111111111111111111111'111111111i111111111 TERRY'S Radio Repairs Opposite Dick House Phone 347-W SEAFORTH 1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111I m FOR SALE GOOD 6 -ROOM HOUSE—Three- piece bathroom, furnace. Garage on property. E. C. CHAMBERLAIN Insurance & Real Estate Broker SEAFORTH ONT. PHONES: Res. 220, Office 334 The Kiddies Shop (Right Next Door to Theatre) CLEARANCE SALE OF DRESSES • Wool • Taffeta • Velvet Sizes 2 - 6X Sizes 7 - 12 20% DISCOUNT + + . Snowsuit and Coat Sale Continues ELEANOR WILSON DOLENA McCUAIG G. W. L. Hears Christmas Report. —Mrs. J. Hotham, Jr., president of the Catholic Women's League of St. James' Church, presided over the regular meeting Thursday ev- ening and opened the meeting with prayer. Mrs. Clarence Malone, in her secretary's report, stated that 12 boxes of fruit had been sent to sick and shut-ins at Christmas. Mrs. Leo Fortune, corresponding secretary, reported 37 cards sent at Christmas. Mrs. Joseph Row- land gave the secretary's report, and Mrs. Leo Cremin the treasur- er's report. A decision was made to do repair work in the palish hall kitchen. A party was planned for January 21, at which choir members and altar boys would be entertained. A euchre party was. planned for January 16. Rev. Father Weber closed the meeting with grayer. father, Mr. John Beattie;.. and Mre, Beattie. • Mrs. Henry Ford returned to her 'home in, Fort Wayne, Indiana, last week after spending a couple of weeks with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Wright. • Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Goven- lock, of Waterford, were here over the week-en,d visiting his father, Mr. J. M. ,Govenlock, who is 'in Scott Memorial ?Hospital. • 'Miss Ernestine White, Reg.N., left recently to femme her duties in Toronto. • Mrs. G. V. Patterson, of To- ronto. .is visiting her grandmother, Mrs. J. Patterson. • Mr. and Mrs. Leslie aRitohie and son Brian, of Byron, visited his mother, Mrs. Eleanor Ritchie on Sunday. • Mrs. Viola Trembet,t and Mrs. Cecil Humbey, of London, were guests of Mrs. E. Ritchie on Mon- day. • Mr. and Mrs. Roy .McMane, of Egmondville, have .purchased a house and six acres of Iand at Pine River, Ont., and, will remove there shortly. Mrs. McMane will be at home to her friends during the next two weeks. • Mrs. George Stewart, of To- ronto, was a recent visitor at the home of her mother, Mrs. J. B. Thompson. • Mists Olive McCormack return- ed on Saturday from Toronto, where she spent the past few weeks. • Mr. and Mrs. Mel. Breene, Lynda andi Dennis, of Long Branch, visited with Mr. Jack Pethick and Mr. and Mrs. James Henderson over the week -end. • Mrs. Ella Thomas has return- ed to London after spending the holiday season with Mrs. Norman Nicholls, Mrs. Lionel Fortune and Mrs. Wes. Nicholls. • .Mr Anderson Scott is in Scott Memorial Hospital suffering from a heart attack. • The Women's Hospital Aid to .Scott Memorial Hospital intend .holding a bridge and euchre at the nurses' residence on Wednesday afternoon and evening, Jan. 31. St. Thomas' Anglican Church. - 10 a.m., Sunday School; 11 a.m., Holy Communion; '7 p.m:, Even- song; vensong; St. Mary's, Dublin, 2 p.m.— Rev. T. Dale Jones, Rector. First Presbyterian Ohurch.-10 a.m., Bible Class and Sunday School; 11 a.m., "The Master in Our Midst," Junior Congregation; 7 p.m., 4tThe Protestant Church: 2. a Priesthood of Believers." The an- nual meeting of First Presbyterian Church will be held on Monday, Jan. 15, at 8 p.m. Lunen will be served.—Rev. D. Glenn Campbell, Minister. Northside United Church.—Rev. D. A. MacMillan, Minister: 10:00 a.m.,' Sunday School and Adult Bible Classes; 11:00 a.m., Worship: sermon subject, "Missions"; 11:30 a.m., Junior Congregation; 7:00 p.m., Worship: - sermon subject, "The Man Jesus Praised." Mon- day, 7 p.m., Young !People's Union. 111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 Women's Hospital Aid Plans Euchre, Bridge. — Miss, Dorothy Parke, president, presided over the regular meeting of the Women's Hospital Aid to Scott Memorial Hospital, which was held in the nurses' residence on Tuesday even- ing. There were 31 in attendance. The Lord's Prayer was repeated in unison and the minutes were read by the secretary, Mrs. Bruce McLean. A letter was read from the nurses, thanking the Women's Hospital Aid, for the gift of a man- tel clock and a tea kettle. Candy and gifts were given each patient in the hospital. Each member brought a cup and saucer, to be used at the meetings. Miss V. Drope, the superintendent, gave a short report of the year's activi- ties. Plans were made to hold the annual bridge and euchre at the nurses,' residence on January 31. Plans for the theatre party were also discussed. The Hospital Board provided the lunch, while the nurses served it to the members of the Hospital Aid- • JANUARY SALE Table Lamps '20 % Discount on ALL TABLE and NOVELTY LAMPS • • Call in and ask for your Calendar., G. A. WHITNEY Furniture : Funeral and Ambulance Service Phones: Day 119 - Nights and Sundays 65 ONTARIO SEAFORTH "Where Your Money Buys the Full Measure" * Weddings * 11111111111111111111IIII11I1111111I11111111111I Johnson - Ritchie. -On Dec. 22, Margaret Carson, daughter of Mrs. David Ritchie, of Seaforth, was united in marriage to Alexander Johnson. The ceremony, conduct- ed by the bride's brother, Rev. 'Jas. Ritchie, of Warkviorth, was sol- emnized against an effective Christ- mas setting at the home of Miss Elsie Ritchie, The Aldgate Apart- ments, Toronto. The bride, who was unattended, wore a street length frock of Gainsborough blue embossed taffeta with matching bonnet, and carried, Sweetheart roses. Her bouquet , included a sprig of white heather sent by rel- atives in Scotland.' Following a small family reception, the young couple left for a short trip. For travelling the bride chose a brown dressmaker suit over Which she wore a fitted coat in bittersweet wool with ocelot muff and hat. Mr. and Mrs. Johnson will make their home in Toronto at 70 Westm,ount Ave. Out-of-town guests included: The groom's parents and sister, Mr. and Mrs. E. B. Johnson. and MIes Marion Johnson, of Montreal; Mr. D. G. Ritchie, of London; Mr. M. M. Ritchie, of Quebec; Rev. J. and Mrs. Ritchie and daughters, of Warkworth. Henderson - Oliver.—'The home of Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Oliver, Grey Township, was the scene of aepret- ty wedding on Saturday, Jan. "6, at 12, noon, when their daughter, Amio Joyce, became the bride of William C. Henderson, soF1 of Mr. and 'Mrs. Ivy Henderson, Egrihond ville. The ceremony was perfprm ed by Rev. R. G. 'Hazlewood;, of Duff's Church, Walton. The home was prettily ' arranged with white streamers and "varied colored mums. The bride, who was given in marriage by her father, was lovely in a gown of brocaded taf- feta, nylon yoke, lily pointed sleeves and finger-tip veil, held in place by a satin headdress. Her flowers were red roses. Her only attendant was her sister, who was, gowned in a floor -length green taf feta dress, with full skirt and matching headdress. Her flowers were yellow roses. Mr. Bruce Wal- ters, of Seaforth, was the grooms- man. Mrs. Peter Dunlop, of Sea - forth, played the wedding music and accompanied Mrs. Ed. Euston, of Brussels, when she sang, "I Love You •Truly" and "Because." The groom's gift to the bride was a silver tea service. A reception was held at the home of her par- ents, when Mrs. Oliver received in a wine crepe dress with a carna- tion corsage, while Mrs. 'Henderson received in a blue crepe dress with a pink corsage. 'The bride's cake was in the centre of the table and the waitresses were Misses Shir- ley Bennett, Jean Wilton, Lillian Gibson and Margaret Bell. There were thirty-one guests present, from Brussels, Walton, Seaforth, Toronto and Burlington. Following a trip to ,Detroit and, Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. Henderson will reside in Seaforth. St. Thomas' dies Guild Elects. —On Tuesday the Ladies' Guild of St. Thomas', Church held their an- nual meeting at the ,home of Miss Florence Fowler, with twenty mem- bers answering the roll call. The president, Mrs. W. R. Shaw, pre- sided and opened the meeting with the Scripture lesson by Mrs. W. C. Oke. Prayers, for the parish and the New Year were followed by the Lord's Prayer in unison. After the minutes of the previous meet- ing were read and approved, the treasurer's report was accepted. The president thanked all the lad- ies for the wonderful co-operation during the year, and hoped 1951 would be as' successful as was the past year. Rev. T. Dale Jones then took the chair and presided over the election of officers as fol- lows: Honorary president, Mrs. Charles Holmes; president, Mrs. W. R. Shaw; 1st vice-president, Mrs. Raymond Nott; 2nd vice-pres- ident, Miss. Dorothy Parke; secre- tary, Mrs. C. Rowciiffe; treasurer, Mrs. Ada Reid; representative to Board of Managers, Mrs. Gerald 'h• 0 0.0 0 0 0 4 0 000 0 J. A. BURKE 0 4 Funeral Director O inti enbulance Service O� ONT. 0 legikVOr Day Calla: O 0 ' PhOne 43 r 10 0 ' O 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 G. A. WHITNEY o Funeral. Director Seaforth 0 os bad! os lfa beds 0 refit, 88r on n k & iv'ts fClt~ 0 'blue coal' WILLIS DUNDAS Phone 363-J - Res. 192-M OFFICE HOURS: 9:30-12; 2 p.m.- 5:30 p.m. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 W. 3. CLEARY 0 O Seaforth, Ont. 0 0 LICENSED EMBALMER 0 0 AND FUNERAL DIRECTOR •0 O Nights or Day Calls -386 0 0 0' 0000000000 EUCHRE out q,h Szt, twIV,113 out nil aleitimaio, nlg.'s matehr, ink, 'bei{,Od'lo ate. pep$e or tau :r etre-* Ilsl . , , pow ilthore& Lace, teas 'mile:'7Gioi'•th-Went of Qt'.taw.a. Ntrvi to- talling SOQ acres the estate was willed to ,Canada ae, a pinblie park and possible hoihefor future prime ministers': 'Op. Thanksgiving Day of 1900,1' Mackenzie King paid his first visit to Kingsmere. The natural beauty of the area intrigued him and two years later he purchased an acre or two of land. and; erected a small cottage. From then on he regard- ed Ms summer home as a good in- vestment and used his savings to increase his holdings. Twenty-five years ago he bought the •pleasant 12 -room cottage of wood and stone that became the main house at Kingsmere from the,. Very Rev. Dr. W. T. Herridge. The original cottage became a staff house. Other transactions which increased the size of this beauty spot over the. years Included the one in which the Prime" Minister traded a flock of unproductive sheep to a neighbor in return' for a patch of land boasting .a tiny stream and a waterfall. From such events was the lore of Kingsmere formed. There, briefly sketched, are the histories of Laurier House and Kingsmere. Their full stories, with the part they played in the daily life and the daily and often momen- tous decisions of William Lyon Mackenzie King, architect of na- tionhood, would require a volume as pretentious as any now gracing the shelves of the man's beloved study "up under the eaves." ST. THOMAS' PARISH HALL FRIDAY, JANUARY 19 at 8 P.m. Quilt Draw - Lunch Admission 35c Auspices of Social Club 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ©0 0 0 0 BOX 'unetat ►tr f ct 0 AMSULANdE* 0 0 Prompt and carotid attention. 0 0' 1 osplial Bed 0 0 MOWERS VOA ALL .. • 0 0 +1SI010• 0 0 PITONES: 0 0 Ree. •NW or 18; eters 43 0 ' 0 0 0,.0. ".' *A0 *Co,* 0,4 dA,6 ,u: .inti; for Sale 9 -Room Home on West William St. 8 -Room Home on East William St. 5 -Room Home on Louisa, St. Two and 2/5 Acres With Buildings — on George St. EGMONDVILLE Mrs. John Ruston spent the week end in ,Mitchell visiting with Mr. and Mrs. J, P. Connelly. Mrs. T. Barton left on Wednes- day to visit with her son and fam- ily in Cornwall. Mrs. Frank Kenny and' daughter, Jean, were week -end visitors with Mr. and Mrs. R. Dalrymple. Mrs, Stirling is staying with her son-in-law, Mr. G. Powell, and' fam- ily. Death on Friday, Jan. 5, claimed the last surviving member of a family of nine children of the late Mr. and Mrs. Edward Sperling, pio- neer residents of McKillop Town- ship, in the person of Mrs,. William R. Shade, formerly Adeline E. Sperling,' in her 79th year. She died at, her home following a few weeks' illness. Born in McKillop Township, she attended S.S. No. 2, McKillop. She was married'in 1900 to William Shade, who died in March, 1949. Mrs. Shade had been a resident of Egmondville for 42 years, and was a member of the United, Church. A family of two sons and two daughters survive. ',,'hey are William, Elmer, Miss Evelyn and Mrs. M. Vincent, all of Egmondville, and Allan, of Cleve- land. Also surviving are nine grandchildren and 12 great-grand- children Funeral services were held on Monday afternoon, Jan. 8, from her former residence, with the, Rev. A. W. Gardiner officret- ing. Pallbearers, were Harry Ches- ney, Scott Cluff, Jas. McNairn, Fred Reeves, John Kehn and Wm. Riley. Interment was in Egmond- ville cemetery. A Smile Or Two Peter: "By the way, do you know where I can get an apart- ment? I'm desperate." Paul: "Apartment? Boy, you're getting soft. Why- don't you live out in the open air, let old .Mother Nature cover you with a blanket of stars and have the blue firma- ment above as a roof?" Peter: "Frankly, I had in mind something a bit smaller." • Garage and Welding Business in thriving town. Solid construct- ed building, With tools and equip- ment. A going concern. W. C. OKE REAL ESTATE & INSURANCE Representative for Excelsior Life Insurance co. PHONE 670 r 8 6 SEAFORTH Death of Edward Humbey.—Ede ward Humbey, aged 50 years, died in Kitchener on Monday. He was born in England, but resided in Seaforth for a number of years, and had been working in Kitchener for some time. Surviving are three sons, Robert, Cecil and Elton, all of London. The remains, rested at the Gruhm Funeral Home, Kit- chener, where funeral services were held Wednesday. a LOCAL BRIEFS • Mr. Douglas Beattie, of Ot- tawa, ttawa, spent the week -end with his DANCE Seaforth Community Centre FRIDAY, JANUARY 12 IYES' .ErDINE'S ORCHESTRA Adimiselon 60c tinder auspices of Seaforth Agricultural Society Laurier House EXFORTH NOW .LAYj ..-'-THUR&D/>! , A,Bi.DkSATIJROA*` DAVID BRIAN and 9JrollN AGA A story of those wonderful ' G.S. Guyswho fought heir 'hearts out for Victor"' as. the world waited for them to ,cleave a passage through Nazi -bald Europe on the D -,Day Invasion. of the French Coast. ADULT' ENTERTAINMENT -- MONDAY, TUESDAY " THE STAKE FIT " OLIVIA de HAVILAND and 1RARK STEVENS It is trying and terrible, the •role of "Virginia Cunningham." With craft -matt - Blain and imagination LITVAK teens. the story of Viigi•ia, an inmate who had a breakdown and her restoration to mental health. WEDNESDAY, THI4'RSDAY " THE SLEEPING CITY " with RICHARD CONTE and PEGGY DOW Throbbing Drama and Mystery in a shadowy Aletropolis es sinister woman steal dope intended for bospltal patients. num and a FRIDAY, SATURi1AY " FATHER IS A RACI ELOR" with WILLIAM HOLDEN and COLEEN GRAY A wonderful heart-warming, Picture! WANTED—A Mother for live Idris—Any girl who accepts is crazy. but so am I.—Johnny. • ANIL SKATES REDUCED COMPLETE STOCK OF ALL SKATES will be sold at 15% REDUCTION Present Stock Only CROWN HARDWARE Phone 681-W . Seaforth The legend is told that in the days of ancient Rome an officer called away, to the wars locked his beautiful young wife in armor and gave the key to his •best friend, with the admonition: "If I don't return in six months, use this key. To you, my dear friend, I entrust it." The husband then galloped off to the war. Ten miles away from home, he saw a cloud of dust approaching and waited. - His friend, on horseback, gallop- ed up, saying, "You gave me the wrong key." ' • When the pastor of a Scottish church finished his, sermon, he gave a few minutes• to one of the brothers to say a few words on his pet subject—prohibition. "Brethren," said, the prohibition ist, "if I had all the whiskey, bran day .and champagne in the world, I would fling it all into the River Clyde " He sat down and' in the pause that followed, the parson, himself an enemy of prohibition, arose. "We shall conclude;" he said, "by singing Hymn 157: "Shall We Ga ther At the River?" ,,< (Continued from Page 5) each -table, each piece of s'culptur and bit of bric-a-brac in Laurier House has a story -'all too few of these tales are known. For instance there is the small crystal ball on the piano in the lib- rary. Once (in 1938) it was seen on the 'desk in the Prime Minis- ter's office in the East Block. Where did it come from? Nobody knows; The rooms on the ground floor are high-ceilinged and stately, .with tall French windows. The chairs and tables are antiques, worn with use and age. Occupying practic- ally every available surface are keepsakes and curios, souvenirs of great moments in the life of Mac- kenzie King. Glass cabinets con- tain the scrolls and commemora- tive chests marking the bestowal of the. Freedom of London, Shef- field, Derby and a score of other cities. Busts of Mr. King's par- ents dominate one drawing room; their portraits and those of ,his be- loved' rebel grandfather, William Lyon Mackenzie, of Sir Wilfrid Laurier, of his revered mother Isa- bel Mackenzie King and 'of Glad- stone look down from the walls of the dining room, perhaps the best room in the house, .The bedrooms—King's own and the two guest rooms, one of which was formerly Laurier's study—are distinguished by tb,e narrow brass bedsteads, and the confusion of an accumulation of curios. In Mr. King's own bedroom is the wicker arm chair in which his mother passed, away. The heart sof the house, the fam- ous study where Mr. King did, moat of his work, Is on eche third floor. Hundreds, of books line the walls. The statesman knew at a glance when one was missing or out of place.- Before the love south win- ,dowsis his, Working table, the first table he ever bought. ':In the Sun Room is a glass cab- inet containing the decorations, conferred upon the great than by the nations of the world, — and atneng "th0tt1 is, a Cheap little plas- tic horse and rider, still in the mel- 1ofrhane wrapper of, the ten -dent store. It dellf , from . . Such, ie Laurier HOIOO O. Na etp17 of the history of Lau, ler' Henke wo'lilt, be eomptete *itlt' Also Dancing Every Other Friday Night EUCHRE PARTY ST. JAMES' SCHOOL HALL Tuesday, Jan. 16 8:15 p.m. Auspices of the C. W. L. Admission — 35c LUNCH NEW TREAD Vulcanized on Rubber Footwear ! Keep From Slipping! • ICE CREEPERS • DOMES • EYELETS • HOOKS • PATCHES • LACES • POLISH • BRUSHES GREASE, OIL and ZIPPERS Prompt Shoe Repairs W. J. THOMPSON The Winter is slack REPAIR NOW AND SAVE! mIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIpIInIII111IIInuI110IIIII11110II11I0III1IIn1IMENNIIhIIIHnIHlN • DomY Rem Awe left YOU ARE SURE TO FIND YOUR NEXT CAR LISTED IN THIS GROUP OF USED CAR BUYS 36 Ford Coach 48 Chev. De Luxe Coach 47 Chev. Coach '40 Dodge Coach 38 Chev. Coach 46 Chev. 2 -Ton Stake Truck, '38 Plymouth Coach Chassis and Cab. MANY OLDER MODELS TO CHOOSE 'FROM RICE MOTORS. PHONE 799 : • • s - SEAFORTH BURNS' CONCERT FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH THURSDAY, JAN. 25 8:15 p.m. Come, and hear a good Scotchrogram and enjoy Bobbie Burned ePotrdererl by' the Fireside 'elld*ship Group *OMISSION — 85o and 25o RIM l l Ndlul 1lll1ddl8l l u g d1Illi11llfl[I3 I0gl,iI Hear The .. . LESLIE BELL SINGERS Saturday, Jan. 3 8:15 p.m. • • • Because of the public interest in the appearance of the Leslie Bell Singers in Seaforth, and because of the large de- mand for tickets, it has been necessary to change the location of the Concert andto make provision for additional accommodation. THE CONCERT WILL, THEREFORE, TAKE PLACE IN First Presbyterian Church SEAFORTH • -• • This is another in a series of Musical' Concerts sponsored by the Ontario Department of Education. ADMISSION 75 cents 7