HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1951-01-12, Page 5r eek At the $eafortie High, S pu►1. (B aWRLDY ? ►,tor) 4iu1? we are already into the list, , X'sar, 1: eotill wa t to what $,gpe4ne , e prosperous and happy ,'tetee5l, .Fifty-one. Let's' hope 'that One O your resOliuti;ns gta,g lte u e thhii year better than the last .c in many respects. With t4}a, be Lining . of the New. Year -eveFyq>ae- should dig into his stu- ,diies with a"renewed 'vigor. Maybe -the eneunl' alging advice of M. Mor- rison. will ebeer you on your way: ,"Remember class, the next holiday Jan. 26th ," y �S`i'�' tOLUMBAN ,, °Sic non's Orchestra Under auspices C. W. L. m freshriaiiits Served . .Admission - - 50 Cents Hiickey Mt. c .e h Y; Seaforilz LEGION Saturday, Jan. 13 AT 9:00 P.M. - in - SEAFORTH MEMORIAL CENTRE Twogood teams in action! Admission - 35c and 25c' is (}Pod Friday, tMaroh 23.'a A, -word or two about the Christ- mas dance. On the whole, every- o}ie there had a very en3oyable time. The crowd was of a .good size; the music was inviting, and the Christmas spirit seemed to put everyone in the best of mood's. The decorations were rather Orig- inal rig •lnal and attractive considering the speed with which they were erect ed. "Merry Xmas" was spelled out in evergreen branches on the bal- cony,w•pnd a brightly lit tree stood on the stage. Everything ran smoothly until lunch was served. It • does seem funny that grown-up boys can't see the danger of toss- ing empty coke bottles about! Basketball season is open! I was going to say in full swing, but af- ter the exhibition Friday afternoon, what a swing! Such a score- somet�hing like forty. to a mere nineteen! Mitchell boys, thought to be easy picking, showed surpris- ing ability. The fouls against Sea - forth boys were terrific. You may think "sure the bystanders can criticize," .but you'll have to admit It was a pretty rugged game. The game that was scheduled for Wed. nesday (I believe), will be a boys' 'game in Mitchell Tuesday, the six- teenth. Whatever you do, let's not have history repeat itself. One of the teachers suggested (and a very good suggestion it was), that I give you the names of all those Who have obtained the honor marks in the Christmas ex- ams. x ams. Previously, only the first three in eaeh class were given, but since 'some •per cents are so close, and everyone deserves credit for getting such a high standing, here tre those from Grade 9A: Marie Hunt 90.8, Muriel Dale 85.9, • Donna Riehl 84.2, Elaine Dale 83.1, Elsie Siemon 82.6, Marie Dal- ton 81.3, Joyce Johnston 80.7, Ann Steffler 80.7, Barbara Patterson 80.7, Elizabeth Axtmann 80.1, Lena Miller' 79.5, Mary 'Whyte 78.1, Clara Buchanan 75.5, and Evelyn Mc- Phee 75.4. Next week Grade 9B will be in. Beth . Boyd was talent for Tues - Fertilizer Farmers who have stor- age room, take delivery now and save money! Pay May let. W. M. SPROAT CALL 655 r 2 - SEAFORTH VITA - RA Y Hand Lotion 16 Ounces - Reg. $2.75 SPECIAL $1.50 Dispenser 25c extra SOOTHING AND PLEASANT An Ideal Body Rub McKINDSEY'S DRUG STORE Sav'e.'.. Buy Now Short Supplies Ahead ! SEE THE FOLI WING FOR BARGAINS: • 1�J11V1.-H. S•UPER Std. Tractor MODEL Sl C4.S.E Std. Tractor • W.C. ALLIS R.C. Tractor • 20 M.yH. 1 C., with cultivator and two - row Corn Planter. Many More Used Tractors To Choose From • INTERNATIONAL NO. 52 COMBINE with motor, 2 years old • ALLIS COMBINE P.T.O. Model, three years old • NO. 7 MASSEY SPREADER SEAFORTH MOTORS Phone 101 Seaforth PQM, but # � ° the grkt P 0 that we . beleAtt414(tt alp 4000,Tdta}ny, "Tennessee Waite and° '',Annie. i aurle `Were the twe piecee'she' FlaPlat 41f° this aaseloli►ly K. •wad Glee anentioned "that our 'annual formal dance 11at been eet Kofi Februarys 23. There is & Iboxin the down- stairs hall for your suggestionst. Remember, this' is. your dance and your suggestions Or decorations are needed, Don't hesitate to give your opii)ilon. Students' are now selling tickets for the third' of our four Concerts. Those who have attended the oth- ers' will know what enjoyable ea tertainment they are. Saturday, the 13th of January, is to be a special treat, for we are to have the Leslie Bell Singers as our guests. Since we expect such a large turnout, this concert will take place in First Presbyterian Church at 8:15. The church ac- commodates nine hundred people; how about filling it?' Question of the week: What girl is afraid of starting an epi- demic of mumps since her boy friend rhas them at the present time? WINCHELSEA The ekecutives of the Elimville- Winchelsea W.M.S. met at the home of Mrs. Horace Delbridge. At the close of the meeting the hostess served a dainty lunch. This enjoyable afternoon was held on Wednesday of last week. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Clarke spent Sunday evening.with F/O. and 'Mrs. Caddie, of Exeter. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Bailey's daughter, Dorothy, of Kirkton, and husband, Mr. Alt Collin and Grace spent Sunday afternoon with them. On Sunday, Mr. and Mrs. Newton Clarke visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Bev. Morgan and baby son, Johnny. Mrs, W. Walters, of London, spent the week -end at the home of her son, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Wal- ters. Mrs. William Walters spent Sunday at home with her husband and daughter, Margaret. Mrs. Wm. Brock and family, with whom she is staying in London, came with them and spent the 'clay in.the vil- lage. They returned to London on Sunday evening, We sincerely hope Mrs. Wm.'Walters will be able to bring her one -year-old son, Danny, home from the hospital real soon. Looking over our neighboring news, it seems everyone has set- tled' down to a few weeks of rest after the festive season just past. On behalf of the community we wish a very happy New Year to all. To the Editor The Editor, The Huron Expositor: Dear Sir: I met a lady in De- cember who had an opportunity to go to two other neighboring towns to shop on Wednesday, but preferred to come to Seaforth-she liked to shop in Seaforth-but af- ter 12:30 there were three stores open, and' she was very put out.. From wide discussions and much dissatisfaction of the people of our town and community, it would be to the advantage of all if our Coun- cil, or Chamber of Commerce, or both, would make another attempt to stabilize the' hours of closing and Wednesday half -holidays. I cannot' see why any thriving town should be closed for one and a half days in any week, and this does happen in Seaforth. I believe we should have a by- law that all stores be closed Wed. nesday afternoon, except where a holiday appears in the week. The stores should remain open all day Wednesday through December un- til Christmas. Closing hours Sat- urday' night, January, February and March, 9 o'clock; April, May, June, 10 o'clock; July, August and September, 11 o'clock; October, November . and December, 10 o'clock. Whatever the by-law or decision, it should. appear for several weeks in our papers, and periodically through the year, to keep it in front of the community. AN INTERESTED CITIZgN COMING EVENTS -at- SEAFORTH COMMUNITY CENTRE JAN. 11: Belgrave vs. Dublin -7 p.m. JAN. 11: Centralia vs, Mitchell -.8:30 JAN. 12: Skating JAN. 13; Clinton vs. JAN. 13: Mitchell vs. JAN. 15: Industrial League -7 3 Games Seaforth Midgets 7 p.m. Seaforth-9 p.m. P.m - JAN. 16: Wingham vs. Radar -8:30 p.m. JAN. 17: Curling Afternoon and Night JAN. 18:,, Ethel vs- Dublin -7 p.m. JAN. 18: Clinton vs. Mitchell -8:30 p.m. JAN. 19: Skating Probably no front WAlt to .1 a,t:comfortable and con 104101 i; 'lift? tot 'pretentiopa." , )louse in Canada has directed ti e steps of as many important' a- bumlile people as the Path to the front door of '336 Lathier;4veptle 'East, Ottawa. nds Great Names Of' the pay. . The neighbors?, VVeli, •ljel* are a few of the faces' a u1 p1acea Sir Wilfrid might bare 7se4zltiof an. .ev ening in 180.4, as he -walked °bone front 'Par iameut i 1;" ?aciug along Theodore after' crossing the '!naw"- 'bridge over the•„Rideau •Canal, he would have 'glanced at the 'Rideau Skating Riaj$ the town's most fashionable lee emporium -near the corner of Wal.- ler, al-ler, . On the south -West corner of ,Cumberland was the Juniorate' of. the Sacred Heart, a. part of .Ottawa. College. • Sacred Heart ,Church was across the street, On -the north- east corner of King the Prime Min- ister no ,ggi{•bt noticed. -the 'cannon guarded residence of Col. L. P. Pin- ault, Deputy Minister of Militia and Defence. At 265 Theodore *ere the home and spacious grounds of the Chief Justice of Canada, Sir Fdzear •Taschereau-a home Sir Wilfrid no doubt - visited many times. His own home was close by, at' the ,corner of Theodore and Chap- el. After a glance at its unassum- ing exterior, the Prime Minister might well have continued his leis- urely stroll, for such was "his hab- it. His next,door neighbor was Mr: J. C. Edwards, of the W. C. Ed- wards Lumber 'Company, Flanking Mr, Edward's mansion was . a large square house set far back from the road. This was the Jap- anese Consulate Mr. Tatsz- Goro Norse, Consul General. Next came Stadaconna Hall,,, the park, encircled stone residenes of Sir Frederick W. Borden, Minister of Militia and 'Defen'ce. The last house on Theodore Street occupied, with its grounds, a full block and was owned by Wil- liam, H. Davis, an Ottawa contrac- tor. Beyond it, at the Charlotte Street turn, was a slight elevation which provided a pretty view of Strathcona Park -then marked by only a name, but the Driveway Commission had great plans for turning it into a beauty spot. Sir Wilfrid would end his walk here and return the same way to his plain but comfortable residence at Chapel and Theodore. The next Laurier House era be- gan in 1921. In 'that year Lady Laurier died and willed her home to her husband's protege, friend and successor as leader of the Lib- eral Party, William Lyon Macken- zie King. Completely Renovated in 1921 All was not well with this once "comfortable and commodious" dwelling. The house had been al- lowed -in the two years since Sir Wilfrids death in 1919 -to deterio- rate seriously. A complete renova- tion and refurnishing project had, to be undertaken. Mackenzie King was. not able to provide the necessary' funds. He was, however, rich in friends. A group of these, led by the Honourable Peter Larkin; rail. ed.'the money to decorate and furn- ish this home for Canada's first citizen, Ih 1922 it 'tvaa''ready and be lived„ in. The friends also made'available a fund of $225,000' to defray operating expenses - a suns which Was:passed on intact in Mr: King's: will 28 years later to provide for the upkeep of the property. The decorative scheme and fur- nishings of Laurier House today are, in the main. those of the re- novation of 1921 -augmented, of course, by the hundreds of items that Mackenzie King collected dur- ing a lifetime of honourable ser- vice in his country. The over-all decor of the home has been de- scribed as nineteenth century and that may well be correct. Each room is unique and striking. There is a blend of elegance and shabbi- ness. It is not easy to give an adequate description of the rooms in Mac- kenzie King's home. Impressions only can be given - impressions, formed from briefly glimpsing a hundred treasures and knowing the story of only a few. Each chair, (Continued on Page 8) 'Sir Wilfrid and Lady L,ati ter 1.V= ed here. The itc Hon. W. L, Map, kenzie King made this his resi- dence. The modest house. yirtuall'y was the seat ,of .government, for here he idid most of his work. Malay' decisions were made :and -:bdstoric interviews took plape,tit the .,cele- brated, intimate and. friendly room; known as the library. Soon thousands of Canadians and visitors from lands near and far, who know more about 'Mackenzie King, than about Canada, will walk over this Rath to the plain front door with its shining brass and carved oak frame. • As they enter the great hall they will feel the presence of Laurier and Kiug,'two great Canadians,ho lived and worked in these rooms for 50 years. .Their voices are stilled. The pressure of events no longer sends messengers scurrying back and forth to the East Block, The silver no longer gleams in the candlelight which animated the scenes of dinner parties when friends, ministers, kings and queens, distinguished statesmen of many times and places shared the hospitality and the conversation'of their famous hosts. The principal characters have left the stage. But the books and the pictures and the gifts and all the little personal things are there. •Now Laurier House is yours to see, to treasure and to preserve, just as it is, for the 'benefit and inspiration of future generations. " . The house at 335 Laurier Avenue East in the City of Ottawa now known as Laurier House ..." In these words Mackenzie King of Canada willed to the people of Canada the home he had loved. Familiar now is the name "Laur- ier House." It was not always so. Original House Built in 1890 "The house at 335 Laurier Av- enue East" was erected in or slightly before, the year 1890. The exact date is obscure, since the re- cords of the period preserved at the National Archives of Canada are incomplete. It is known, how- ever, that the first recorded occu- pant was a man named Leslie who lived in the then isolated house from 1890 to 1896. But Mr. Leslie didn't tell people he lived on Laur- ier Avenue East: in those days the thoroughfare was called "Theodore Street", after the second, son of Louis Theodore Besserer, a Bytown pioneer. Mr. Leslie lived on what was then the outskirts of town, amid scenes of pastoral serenity. The view from his front windows was unobscured - All Saints Church, now directly across the street, was not built until 1900 -and pleasing, a panorama of gently rolling land falling' away toward the Rideau. River to the east and south. Cows often wandered within a stone's throw of Mr. Leslie's front porch and when the rains came, Mr. Les- lie slogged through the kind of - mud that only a rural Canadian encounters today- now known as Laurier House ." It was Mackenzie King who gave the home this name. When Sir Wilfrid Laurier succeed- ed the almost anonymous Mr. Les- lie as tenant -in 1897 -and while he lived there, it was known simp- ly as "the Prime Minister's resi- dence on Theodore Street." Sir Wilfrid lived happily in this structure from 1897 until his death in 1919 and during those years Theodore Street lost its air of rus- tic isolation and became one of Ottawa's "toniest" avenues, Man- sions were erected along its tree - shaded' length and the great names of the day were Sir Wilfrid's neigh- bors. The Prime Minister's home was far from the finest on Theodore Street. In a contemporary book (Sir Wilfrid Laurier, by Peter Mc- Arthur) it is chronicled as "by no means the most imposing private dwelling in the Capital. It was Seaforth Pee -Wee Beavers put on an excellent display of hockey Monday night when they ousted) Goderich Township 4-1. This ex- hibition tilt was played before a good-sized crowd of fans. Seaforth led right up to the last and "Butch" McGonigle was head- ing for a shutout until the 12 -min- ute' mark of the last 15 -minute per- iod when Wise scored Goderich'a only goal from a scramble to the left of the net. Ml participants in this game are to be congratulated on their fine showing, and especially Bruce Mc- Fadden, who performed the hat trick for the homesters, Referee -Gus Boussey. GODERICH TWP.-Goal, Scot- land; defence, Wise, Graham; cen- tre, Stubbington; wings, Grigg, Laithwaite; alternates, Wakelin, Robinson, Harmon, Williamson, Fuller, Fisher, Doa.k. SEAFORTH PEE -WEE BEA•tT-, ERS -Goal, McGonigle; defence, Mason, Thompson; centre, Robert- on; wings, Dale, McFadden; alter- nates, nates, Stapleton, Falls, Carter, Mat- thews, at thews, Scoins, Broome, Wright. ' Summary First Period -Goals: Seafortb, Roberton (Dale, McFadden), 2:19; Seaforth, McFadden (Dale, Robin, - ton). Second Period -No scoring. Pen- alty, Mason. Third Period -Goals: Seaforth, McFadden, 2:44; Seaforth, McFad- den (Roberton, 'Mason), 9:47; God - oriel), Wise (Grigg), 12:39, Penal- ties' --Roberton, Graham. t Final standings of the Saturday morning Minor h:trckey, sponsored by the Canadian Legion, was as follows: Duncan Cup -Bruins, 12 points; Red Wings, 8; Maple Leafs, 4; Canadiens, 0. Pee -Wee -Rangers, 12 points; Maroons, 6; Flyers, 4; Hawks, 2. Playoffs in these series will come mence, Saturday morning, Jan. 13. Sudden -death games will be play- ed. First and third, second and fourth teams in each group will play off. The two winners in each group will meet in sudden -death games Saturday, Jan, 20. Game times for the sudden -death fea- tures Saturday morning, Jan. 13, are: 8 a.m., Bruins vs. Maple Leafs; 9 a.m., Red Wings vs. Can- adiens; 10 a.m., Rangers vs. Fly- ers; 11 a.m., Maroons vs. Hawks. Player attendance has been very poor at the games during the sche- dule. All players are asked to please attend for the, play-offs. Well, sports fans, after two good hockey games such as the Legion team has come up with since last Friday, we think more people should become interested in this game called `hockey.' Come on out and support your team Satur- day night, as they meet Mitchell Legion in another scheduled O.H.A. Intermediate "B" contest. Support your team! Your sup- port, don't forget, helps pay the high cost, of operating minor sports in thin community. Make Satur- day night "hockey night" in Sea - forth! Come early and see the Midgets play Clinton in their sche- dule. '5F The draw for the second half of the Western Ontario Badminton "B" and' "C" Leagues schedule was .gvery Goat in the stoal;e ICanleS under this Bip Sale RCduptioni Fur trimmed or plain coats, fitted or [Jared style, In the season's best shades and materials. Now's the' time to pick upa smart coat at a real big saving! Regular 39.50 to 69.50. >4t SALE 1 TO 6 YEAR SIZE CHILDREN'S COAT SETS Warm little coat, legging and hat sets, in blue, pink, wine, royal and green. Regular- ly priced .10.50 to 15.95. SALE $7.90 TO $12.00 VALUE TO $1.95 -FAMOUS MAKE BRASSIERES 25 DISc&) rr 17 ONLY Z t5 TO CLEAR Clearing Sale of broken sizes of famous make Brassieres in white, tea rose and black. Good range of sizes. Greatly re- 98c duced to clear at CLEARING BROADCLOTH SHIRT WAISTS Plain shades or striped broadcloth man - tailored shirts that sold regularly to 2.95. 1.5 Good size range. VERY SPECIAL AT •o-. 29. ' .i:. All are worth 39.50 to 45.00.. One of a kind that we must clear 'out.- You couldn't buy a suit today to sell at this crazy price! If you need a:;scuff-suit, better look these over quick. SIZES 36. to 44 29.50 • MEN'S Overcoat Sale Every Coat in the store goes in- to this Clean -Up Sale. • Reg. to 29.50; Sale 15.95 Reg. to 45.00; Sale 29,;50, Reg. to 59.50; Sale 3150 REGULAR TO $5.50 BOYS' ZIPPER FRONT Wool Jackets Some are famous "0. V." flat knit all wool sweater jackets ; others are odds and ends of wool blanket cloth, and corduroy. Size range from 26 to 34, only. ALL ARE WORTH $5.50 2.98 BOYS' Station Coats GREATLY REDUCED! 15 only Boys' Station Wagon Coats, in fawn or brown shade "gab" twills, mouton collar, quilted in- sulation lined and full belt. These are in sizes 26 to 34 only, and will not last long at these low prices. Regular 12.95 Regular 15.95 Regular 19.95 FOR .... 9.95 FOR. , . 12.75' FOR... 15.50' STEWART BROS. released Monday. At the comple- tion of the schedule, play-off dates will be arranged. Twenty-six re- presentatives of clubs from Clin- ton, Exeter, Stratford, Kincardine, Zurich, Bayfield and Clinton Rad- ar adar School attended this meeting. Jan. Jan, Jan. ,Jan. Jan. Jan. Feb. `Feb. Feb. Feb. Feb. Feb. Feb. Jan. Jan. ,Jan. Jan. Jan. Jan. ,Jan. Jan. Tan. Feb. Feb. Feb. Feb. Feb. Feb. Feb. "B" League Schedule 11 -Clinton at Exeter 16 -Exeter at Seaforth 23 °Stratford at Clinton Kincardine a Seaforth 25-R.C.A.F. at Exeter 28 -Exeter at Stratford 31 -Kincardine at R.C.A.F. 2 -Stratford at Kincardine 6-R.C.A.F. at Clinton 8 -Kincardine at Clinton Seaforth at Stt'atford 13-R.C.A.F. at Seaforth 14 -Exeter a,t Kincardine 15-Seaforth at Clinton 18-R.C.A.F, at Stratford "C" League Schedule 9 -Exeter at ,Zurich. 11 -Bayfield at Seaforth 12-R.C,A:F. at Clinton 15 -Zurich at Bayfield 16 -Exeter at Clinton 18 -Stratford at Seaforth 19 -Exeter at R.C.A.F. Clinton at Bayfield 23 -Stratford at Zurich R.C.A.F. at Seaforth 29 -Stratford at Bayfield 2 -Zurich at R.C.A-F. 5-R.C.A.F. at Bayfield 8 -Stratford at Exeter Seaforth at. Zurich 12 -Clinton at Stratford 15 -Clinton at Zurich R.C.A.F. at Stratford 19--'Seaforth at Clinton 22 -Bayfield at Exeter FORD TRACTOR OWNERS ! IT IS NOT TOO EARLY TO HAVE YOUR TRACTOR PUT IN FIRST- • CLASS CONDITION FOR SPRING WORK! Telephone 102 For Appointment DALY MOTOR 'Ford - Monarch Sales & e SEAIORTi A, y1�