HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1951-01-12, Page 4-OtoOtettercle. etretto ossified Ms Inserted At New 114ow WRs: yen a•us. WANTED. LOST AND FOUND., 424(-4, vs* Sid wtek 44 week Erd wed• iiVratt itioitemo chaisto Met inamtiendt la Oleo* Iamb initiai gad athitesiotkiet "mole ea one mink Carnia of Mania, In Memoriam Not. Caning Esentor-4. oent per anted, 50 est* MO wee"- iluquirke my I., &noted go V. Bea NM, OA) The Heron Egyositor. fee II/Conga octal* Ten dew* „mums" wain be &toga 11 ads in abate arse ere not paid wShin 10 eau et date of final Inaertiort. 1040ba. Miandaste wad Deaths isnarted Owe of charge. Auction Salm, Nodal* to Otediturs. Etc.--Itates au matlieatioa. Minimum, Coming Events 'PE FIRESIDE FELLOWSHIP GROUP -I. of" First Presbyterian Church is hold- ing a Burro' Night program on Thursday, January Z. Watch for farther announce- ment. 43333 VOU AND YOURS WILL ENJOY "1" dancing at the Crystal Palate Ball- room, Mitchell, every Friday night, with Don Robinson and his Ranch Boys. 4332x2 Lumber Wanted LUMBER 'peEST PRICES PAID FOR ONE INCH "-• Oak, Ehn. Monte Birch, Cherry, Wal- nut, Prompt Payments. See or write JAMES COLE FURNITURE COMPANY, IngersolL 4332-2 Livestock Wanted TTP TO 35-00 EACH FOR DEAD OR •-• Disabled Horses. Cows. Hogs. st Your ham Etenairt aervite. Phone Collect Wan. Sorbet, Seatorth. 655es 2, WILs: LIAM STONE SONS. MOM, Inger- son, Ont, Personals T.TYGIENIC SUPPLIES (RUBBER 'Goods) mailed postpaid in plain, sealed envelope with price Mat. 6 samples 2; 24 samples 61.00. Mail -Order Dept T-73. NOVA -RUBBER CO., Box 91. ilareelton, Ont. Auction Sales A LIMON SALE OF 25 BEEF AND "" Dairy Oiaws, at Lot No. 31. Concession 6. Goder-tch Township, 1 mile south of Porter's Witt, on Tamday. J 2,11tiary at 2 p_m_ evai,--krrog of • Durhas. Here- fords, Holstei„pa and Jerseys. Some cows recently freshened_ balance springing and Wanted W ANTED—A CHILDS CRIB PRONE " 109-R. Seatedh.. 4333-tf WANTED --PAIR OF_ NEWS SE.ATES, " size s. Apply to GORDON McDON- /LLD. Phone 435-M. 4333x1 WANTED -4 OR 5 -ROOM A.PART- " ment or house, self-conteined„ in Soo.. forth. at once. Apply Box, 952, HURON EXIPOSITOR. 4333x1 WANTED—SMALL HOUSE OR APART- ' w ment to rent in Sasforth. For fun titer particulars, PHONE 217-M. 4333x1 WAN UM—CAPABLE WOMAN FOR " home help in a small town. Reply. stating salary e=iected. to Box 951, HUR- ON EXPOSITOR. . 4333-1 For Sale VOR SALE—KITCHEN TABLE, LTTIL- -L- irty table: double wardrobe with two mirrors in doors. Apply to Box 948. HURON EXPOSITOR. 4333'1 -pea SALE—.REOINGTON TYPEWRIT- " er. used, in good condition. Cheap. McKINDSEYS DRUG STORE. Phone 594-J, Seaforth_ 4333x1 VOW SALE—MEDIUM SIZE QUEBEC " heater, in good condition. Priced reanonalale. PHONE 793-.I. Seaforth. 4333 x 1 -ova SALE- -.FINLAY COOK STOVE, with water front. in good condition. Applyfir JAMES mote -rose. Phone 665 SatilY mixed and ever T Seaforoh. 4353x1 Mummy and Daddy. •.9r„ "ki` '44*,g4-itigt*' itta*Ou owe; futile modeenteoll furnace-, ,elo be kooght with owe oastatent *OA monthly element ;kn. 0.• WS. -TOP Woe* 4814-ef Automotive Supplies_ pea saLV-2. itrai mow 16.inch Chola wheels; parte of '32 chafrep- let: part of '82 Rad. Apply to DON WALLACE. Ord St. 4338411 Cards Of Thanks THE FAMILY OP THE LATE JAMES ° Stott wish to erdend their thanks and appreciation tof the meanr arta of Isiodeaa during ids Smoot and 'in their bereave- ment. 4$33x1 I WISH TO =MESS MY SINCERE thaniin to so)k.visany friends, the Hen- Bau Legion Auxiliary and Hansen united eanardh, far cards, letters, arils, gifts, flowers. Which I received while a patient in St. Joseph's llosPital, and since returning goodie- They were very much anoreciat 43334 " MRS FRED BEER MES. 'MARRARFT LOVE AND FA.34- "`" ily wish to amok their neighbors ;mei friends for the maty sichriof kindness rind expressions of sYMPethY. denim .,,ttrem their recent sad bereaveurtalft for efte beau- tiful floral trffides, and the theit acted as bearers obi° Rev- Me -Ferguson end the Bonthron ,Funerwl Mame. 4333z1 y wOUT..m. LIKE TO TAKE THIS OP- portnnty extend my sincere thanks to ray many friends for their kindness in sending me Bowers, • fruit, treats and cards; also special thanks no Dr. Gorwill. Dr, McMaster, the Nurses and Staff of Scott Memorial Hospital, Seaforth, while I was a patient there. 0Signall PERCE JOHNSTON. WELLINGTON 4333x1 .11.1•11111111111111. In Memoriam tot AIIKS-1N LOVING MEMORY OF our dear daughter. Cheryl, who Pam - c -d away January 16, 1949, in her e.ereend Year. Two years have gone since that sad day When ow- little Cheryl was called away ; God rook her home. it was His ail. Rut in our hearts she liveth thL remembered by 4333'1 FOR SALE- BLUE FOLDING FRAM SCUTT—IN LOVING MEMORY OF MY with ivory lining. in good condition. Mother. Mrs. Wilmore Scott. who pate: - Apply to MRS. ROY SMALE, Hem:all. Ont. t`rre Year arm. Janusry 10. 1950- 4333-1 ! R SALE- 6 -ROOM FRAME HOUSE and barn. Lots 211 and 212_ in Hen- • Apply to MR. ALBERT WALFF. Box 666. Goderinh. -Ever remembered by daughter Earth. 43filtixS I MOR SALE--IdODER-N COTTAGE WITH son-in-law Ken, and grandchildrer,433131.v; • ". garage. Priced to sell. Immediate and PSi011. A I, Y Box 94,2 HURON Gone h the fwoe loved so dear. S is the e esre NT(.. loved to hear MO ear away -for sight or speetly, Rut no: mit, far for thought to reach_ due in February and Marc -h. All cows are: EXPOSITOR ! 4333x 1 young, of good quality, in .good crmdition.! and T.B. tested. Terms—Cash- A. E. FOR SALE, RO LOADS ("r1-' LONG TOWNS33END & SON, Proprietors: Ecl-' wheat straw : pare 11,41 0 rks h ward W. Elliott, Auctioneer; E. W. Colitti- hog. 5 icnowths old. Apply GEORGE R. houn, Clerk. 4=3-1 C.ANIPBELL. Loi 20, Ctin. 7. McKilkip. 44;38x1 Help Wanted TOWNSHIP OF HAY Application For Assessor TEE COUNCIL OF nth TOWNSHIP ef Hay is chlling for emPlications for the position of Assessor for the year 1951, to complete -the 1962 assessment on or be- fore September 30. 1951. Applicants to state qualifications, references and salary expected. Applications to be in the bands of_the Clerk-Trersorar on or before Saturday, I February 3, 195L Any application not necessarily accepted - H. W. BROKENSHIRE, Clerk -Treasurer, Two. of Hay. Zurich, thot 4333-2 Notices TRENEW' IDEA SPREADERS. SIDE delivery iskes, mowers, etc. Order I now, supply very limited. Some good us- ed machines. NEW DMA DISTRIBU- TORS, Goderieh, Phone Carlow 282L 4.ssaaa ' THE ANNUAL MEETING 06. South Huron Agricultural Society will be held in "the Garrimereint Hotel, Hensall, on Saturday, January 20th et 2 o'clock sem. for the purpose of hearing the -Annual Report, edeation of officers, and other busi- 31eSS. GEO. ARIMSTRONG. W. R. DOUGALL, President. Sed-Treas. 4333-2 WANTED TWO DOMESTICS FOR Vat, HURON County Boma Good pay with board and lodging Provided_ Duties to commence immediateli. For further information contact MRS. M. E. JACOB, at the Home Clinton, On- tario. N. W. MILLER, Olerk, County of Huron_ 43334 MEETING OF HURON COUNTY COUNCIL THE NT MEETING OP THE HURON County Council will be held in the CoSncil °heathens, Catut Howe. Goderieh, otannyenalrat TUESDAY, JANUARY 16th at 2.00 Ors. All accounts, notices of denotations and lather tiontirittig the attention of totarell should be in she binds of the Cletesee Clete owe liter than Saturday. January 12111‘ W. itiumaH. -Ohlorko- .• ,r'ed.teettele-e,O-, „ . rreOtOlFrt'''dtt.'<''litiirt.faOaetarteer, tte:',..„ von SALE—NEW SINGER SEW -LNG machines, electric and treadle. Re- pairs to all makm. SINGER SEWING CENTRE, 78 Ontario St., Stratford. 4223-tf FOR EMMED1ATE QUEBEC hatter; Beatty washing machine: kit- chen table: R-C.A. 75-11.p.m_ 'record PI.' T ' er and large quantity of records: Jewel! portable radio. like now. Apply JAMES WALLACE, West William Sreet. Tenders Wanted TOWNSHIP OF HAY Tender For Truck QF...At.FD TENDERS WILL BE RECEIV- ed by the undersigned up in 12 o'clock.. noon. Saturday. January 20. 1991, for a' three and a five -ton track with a short wheelbase, equipped with a sure: gravel box and hetet- Tendm- include amount allowed for the pr „gat 1947 three -ton track turned at. Lotrett accepted. or any tender not nt-oeisarily JAMES MASSE, Rd. Supt. Z.urich, Ont., R.R. No. 2 H. W. BRObENSHIRE, Clerk -Treasurer Zurich, Out. 4332-2 Motor Cars For Sale plIOR SALR-1931 MODEL 'A' FORD IN , " A4 condition; good tires. ROBERT FINLAY. Phone 346-R, Seaforth. 4328-tf 1941 ONE-HALF TON PICK-UP, RE - built motor: 1933 Chev. Sedan. DUNLOP'S B. A. SERVICE STATION. Seaforth, 4333-541 V-. FLEETLINE he...DAN—Green 50 in color; only 7.000 miles 50 49 49 48 48 48 47 48 41 39 39 39 39 38 37 37 37 47 MANY OTHER CHEV, SEDAN—Minerva blue CHEV, DE LUXE SEDAN—Custom radio, many extras. LUXE1101 STYLE LINE COACH STYLEMASTER COACH CHEV. AN; two-tone green CHEV. FLEETLENE COACH Two-tone green CBEV. FLF:ETLINE SEDAN—Two. tone in color; radio, son vmor. Many ertras. CHEV. SEDAN PONTIAC COACH PONTIAC COACH PONTIAC SEDAN FORD COUPE DODGE COACH OLDSMOBILE SEDAN CHEV. cfirev. SEDAN COUPE PLYMOUTH' COACH CHEV. 1fi-TON CHEV. 1 -TON STAKE TRUCK MODELS TO CHOOSE FROM BRUSSELS MOTORS "The Hoene of Better Used OPEN Evittrt VvitraNsi, QCOTT-1N LOVING MEMORY OF A dear wife Mrs.Wilmer vho paws- oi away one year eigo, January 10. 1950. There I., never a day that tra_saet Bur any though!, reach oo! •;„:, N••• ser s joy Th T me nee 1 woe you could share it ton. 1r my garden of bentitiful memories 1-011 return to me each day. rrou are lust 7..s. dear As the ,hour yo:r passed awns. Ey," TerTlYtTittrTed IT her Husband. Rath and Elmer. 4333x1 Births LANDSROROUGH -- At Scott Memorial spital Seaford.% on Thursday, Jan. 4, 13.t1. and !Ars. Jame: M. Lands- orough. Tuckersmith, datighter--Bel- Marg2ret- A seder for Donald: Make Your Never-Nevers Pay Off Plenty Whether tbey're few or many, the things about the house that you never, never use will pay off in cash with a Huron Expositor Ad acting as your salesman. Putting those too -good -to -throw -away books, tools, appliances. baby 'carriages and cribs in an "Article for Sale" Ad gives you extra dollars and needy people a chance to buy. It's so easy—telephone 41. Seaforth. WANTED A Secretary - Treasurer for Seaforth Agricultural Society Duties to commence Feb. 1, 1950 Applications to be sent to RUSSELL T. BOLTON R.R. 1, Dublin before January 20th NOTICE Seaforth Agricultural Society will holds its ANNUAL MEETING in Carnegie Library on SATURDAY, JAN. 20 at 1:30 p.m. Dancing Barclay Square STRATFORD EVERY TUESDAY, NIGHT Dave Campbell and his Canadian Ramblers EVERY SATURDAY NIGHT ' Don Rhinehart and his Troubadors Door Prize Every Night ADMISSION • 50, CENTS (Continued from Page 1) some time. hate returned Thome. 3i:tr. Peter L. InieNsughton• who underwent en operation in Clinton Hospital, has returned home and is doing nicely. • Mr. -Stewart Bell is in Victoria Hospital, London, undergoing treat- ment in the interests of his health, Mr. Bruce Glenn, who spent tbe holidays at the •home of his par- ents- Iltr. and WS. john M. Glenn, has returned. to his studies at 0. A. C., Guelph, Rev. P. A. -Ferguson conducted services in Carmel Church On Sun- day, and Rev. R.' H. Sanderson sang a solo, "Ses_us, Lover of My Soul." The choir sang an anthem. Glen McNaughton, Norman Ivy and Harold Slater, Toronto, and Mr. and Mrs. Roy McLaren, Lon- don, were week -end visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Lorne McNaughton. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Gibson. of Sudbury, were recent visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Lorne McNaughton. coming hockey games to be played at the Arena here are Exe- ter at Hensel'. Friday. Jan, 12, and Zurich at Henson, Wednesday, Jan. 17, Evening Auxiliary Elects On Monday night, Jan, 8, the Ev- ening Ativiliary mestiog was held An the -schoolroom of the United Chorch, Mrs. Lillian Hyde presid- ed for the opening exercises which consisted, of the theme song, the Lcrd's Prayer and the hymn, "Standing At the portal." Mrs. Hyde, introduced the worship ser- vice in which Mrs. Rogers acted as leader. She was assisted by 'Mrs. Mock, Mrs. Harrison and Mrs. Ra.nnie. Prayerso-were offered by Mrs, D. Kyle, Gladys Luker and Mrs. J. Corbett_ The installation of officers took place. The hymn. -Take My Life," was sung, and payment of tees received: colle-c- ton taken and minutes read. The secretary read a very satisfactory financial statement_ The topic, "The Church Of Christ in Japan," was ably discussed by Miss Ellis. Interesting passages were read by Mrs. Pearl Passmore, Mrs. G. Broderick and Mrs. B. Kyle. The meeting concluded with the bymn. -Jesus. Thou Joy Of Loving Hearts.' and prayer. Miss Avery Crop Report For Huron County At the outset of the new year, farmers for the,most part are quite optimistic toward the general out- look for 1951. Although egg prices have re-ceded somewhat during she past few weeks, recent advances at week -ends have tended to stab- ilize the market Feed should be fairly plentiful during the winter of 1951 and seed supplies in the county should be adequate with the exception of red clover and alfalfa a.nd some of the common grasses, How's Your Heart? Canada's No. 1 killer is heart disea.ee. Sufferers from any form of heart trouble should obey their doctor's orders implicitly in regard to exercise, diet and general health precautions. If you suspect that your heart is affected or if you have ever had rheumatic fever, have periodic check-ups by your doctor. Many types of heart dis- ease Cae..tre cured or relieved if. caught in time. Down With Vermin! Rats, mice. flies and cockroaches are disease carriers, and they con- taminate food. Restaurants and stores should be kept scrupulously - clean and means. taken to exterm- inate any of these da.ngerous pests. Where sucb vermin exits in any premises supplying or handling food. the local health department should be advised so that the con dition can be reetified: No Age Limits You may never have heard of an eighty-year-old having whooping cough. but it is • quite possible. Although most people regard it as a child's disease. it can quite eas- ily attack adults. Oddly enough, most parents do not fear whooping cough as much as they do' polio or diphtheria, and yet whooping cough 'killed, 202 children in 1949, al- though there is an effect:ve im- munization against the disease available to every Canadian child. Every youngster should have this protection. One of the Gang A child's popularity among his school friends is more important than bis parents' social success. During those early formative years the impressions are made that will govern bis adult cbaracter. The child wlenis compelled to dress or behave differently from the other cbildren in his own small circle or in his class may grow up with a sense of self-consciousness. With due regard to desirable habits and within reason, a child should be allowed to become "one of the gang-" Hand -Me -Downs In many families shoes are hand- ed down among the children — a practice that may cause the reci- pient to develop misshapen or dis- torted feet. An older boy may have a short broad foot while the next lad's foot may be long anl narrow; the used shoe, bavitig been broken in to the size mad ohape of its original owner, can no longer stretch to the next wear- er's individual needs anti so the latter's feet may develop bunions or otherwise injured toes. directed, a contest. The social co,rer- rnitte.e 'served delicious refreatarY mente. During the social hoor Gladys Luker presented to Mrs.. Hyde, retiring presitleilt, a Ute membership and pin. The recipi- ent expressed sincere thanks for same. Hensel' 7, Lucas 4 Henson defeated the strong:Luc- an Irish Six by the score of 7-4 in a' W.O.A.A. game played in the Lucan Community Memorial Arena Tuesday nighto The Hewett team, went against their old riv- als and: should be strong contend- ers • for the group championship should they, continue Olay the same hockey as they did in this game. Line-up: LUCAN — HindlnarSb. Hodgins, F. Revington, McRoberis, Hearn, Robinson, J. Hardy, Hardy, L. Rev- ington, G. Revington, Elson. HENSALL—Mickle, A. Nichol- son, H. Nioholson, Flear, Doig, Cowan, Mousseau, Harrison, Con- eitt, Jacobi, Eyre, Moir, Tuckey, J. Sangster. First Period ---Goals: Henson, Flear from Doig; Luean, Elson from Robinson; Henstall, Doig frOm Flear. Second Period—Lucan, Robin- son; Hensel], A. Nicholson; Hen- sel', Mousseau from Harrison; Luc - an, L. Revington from McRoberts; Hensel'. H. Nicholson; Lucall, Mc- Roberts. Third Period—Hensall: Cowan; Hensel], Harrison. Penalties—Elson 2, Flear; ref- eree. Geo. Robertson, London. Dies in Washington There passed away at Everett, Washington, U.S.A., on January 1, Louis C. Lipphardt, in his 81st year. a brother of Mrs. G. E. Fee, Henson. Born at Zurich, he left for the Canadian West fifty-eight years ago, going to the United. States twenty-five years ago. He made frequent trips to these pines. He leaves to mourn his loss one sister and brother-in-law, two eieces and four nephews. Tbe body arrived at Hensall on Mon- day. with interment in Exeter cemetery Tuesday. Jan. 9. Rev. W. J. Rogers. of Hensall United Church. officiated. Additional Hensall News on Page 3 Kippen W.M.S. Will Hold World Day of Prayer February 9th The W.M.S. of St. Andrew's United Church met on Wednesday ofternoon. Jan. 3, at the home of Mr:" John Sinclair. The president, Mra.--. W. Workman, presided and. opened the meeting with the theme. 'God Working Together With Us." The opening heann was 71_ The worship was taken by Mrs. J. McLellan, Hymn 375 was sung. roll called and minutes were read. The visiting committee for the next month appointed are Mrs. Morley Cooper and Mrs. J. McLel- lan. It was decided to discontinue the flower committee of the church for January and February. It was derided to write tbe Hillsgreen ladies to be with us for the World Day of Prayer in the church on Feb. 9. Mrs, W. Workman and Oliss G. Tremeer are to be hostess- es. It was moved by Mrs. T. Kay and seconded by Mrs. M. Cooper, that the programs should be print- ed by Geo. Hess, Hensel]. Mrs, R. Elgie was ap-ted secre- "tOint-TOO .1951. Prayers were then given by Miss G. Tremeer, Mrs. Aleetander and Mrs. McBride. The study, "Through the Church Of Oapan." taken from the new study book, "The United Church Re-en- ters Japan." was given by Mrs. T. Kay. Mrs. Ross Broadfoot favored with a piano instrumental, "The Earl of a Perfect Day," which was much enjoyed. Tele closing hymn was 356 and the benediction in -trict „tanieRa, No. provided a daintY lune,t• The members of the Itippen East NtreMen'e Institute will entertain their husbands and' Wellies to a family night on 'Wednesday, Jan. 1.7. In the Canadian. Legion Hall, }lemma Those having Institute lunch cloths will please bring them to this meeting; also would those having card tables please return Communion Service Held Sacrament of tike Lord's Supper was observed in St. ,Andrew's Unit- ed Church here on Sunday last. Mr and Mrs. Samuel Cudmore, who recently moved to the village, join- ed the church by certificate from Seaforth United. Cluirch. Choir Holds Social Evening The -choir of St. Andrew's Unit- ed Church held a social evening on Thursday last for their mem- bers and those who have assisted them from time to time. Games and contests were much enjoyed tbroughout the evening. A dainty hatch was served at the close. Mrs. Armstrong has returned to Mrs. Cudmore's home after spend- ing the, holidays with her daugh- ter and son-in-law in Ripley. Mrs. Schilbe has been spending a few days with her mother, Mrs. McClymont, of the village. Mrs. Dinsdale is visiting with her daughter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Eddie Taylor; of Strat- ford. Mr. Ed, Daley, of Lindsey, was the guest of his brother-in-law and sister, Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Cud - more. Mr. and Mrs. Harvey AlcLarnon and family were entertained re- cently by Mr. and. Mrs. Cudmore. Mrs. Thompson, of Clinton, has been visiting several days with her daughter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Orville Workman. We are sorry to report Mrs. Thomas Workman is on the sick list - A family gathering of Mrs. Mc- Clymon't family °Was held at her home last Sunday: They were: Mr. and Mrs. Joe Ducharme, of Dasb- wood; Mr. and. Mrs. Orville Mc- Clinchey, of Varna; Mrs. Alice Cook, of London; Mrs. Jenny Schil- be. of Kippen. Mr. and Mrs. Sproule, of Exe- ter, were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Mellis. Mr. Jonah Greene is gradually gaining his strength. We are sorry to report Mr. Har- ry -Caldwell is confined to his bed with a bad knee, We wish for a speedy recovery. Mr. Gerald Parsons spent last week in Guelph where he took a short course at the 0.A.C. Mrs, A. Gackstetter and Gail Ann spent a few days last week in Exeter with Mrs. W. Homey, who is confined to her bed through ill- neee. Mr. and Mrs. E. McBride and Sharon spent Saturday in London. Funeral, of the Late 1. Scott, Cromarty, Largely Attended A funeral service for James Scott was held in Cromarty Pres- byterian Church with Rev. R. Dun- canson conducting the service, as- sisted by Rev. A. H. Daynard, of Staffa United Church, and Rev. H. Pritchard, of Atwood, Moderator of Presbytery. The male quartette, Ernest Templentan, Frank Stagg, Eldon -Allen and Robert Laing, sang two ntonbers, "Rock of Ages" and "I Need Thee Every Hour." Mrs, Ernest Allen was their ac- companist. Tbe pallbearers were nephews: W. C. Worden and Jas. Scott of Staffa, Ernest Allen, Crom- arty; James Francis, Tavistock; Wilitam Routly, Elimville, and Dr. Frank Scott, of Hamilton, Flower - bearers were Thomas and James Gillespie, of Toronto; James Hod- gert. Thames Road; Frank Rout - NOTICE • TOWNSHIP OF McKILLOP ALL CAR OWNERS IN. THE TOWN- : V OF McKILLOP ARE REQUEST- ED N T TO PARK THEIR CARS ON THE OADS OF THE TOWNSHIP URING THE WINTER • Cars t at are left on the roads are con- trary to the Highway Traffic Act, and are a detriment te operation of snow- plows. AFTER JANUARY 18, 1951, PLEASE NOTE THAT PROVINCIAL POLICE WILL TAKE THE NECESSARY AC- TION TO SEE THAT CARS ARE NOT LEFT ON ROADS, AND PROSECU- TION MAY FOLLOW. W. J. MANLEY Road Superintendent • .. . ,. .. ,, ,,....:..,,, -,..,,,,,:,,,;;.,:,„ ,4..::. ,":4,,,,,,, i.,,,,:;:.,,,‘,..;:,.., ,,,,..1'..e..oreo.oe ot.,•.,-t,,,,e. 0.. . , . I , ' "' •• '? .,-• ' . ,e Oleo, :', lye KIrton; Gordon Scott a1oter X-V4O Ilittaitlita Lag, CrolnartY= „ ffile, ,la,itettair44(.0,4afe, "P tiveye and friende Attending_the tPko eederaildi 'after eral from Vidifitance Were: Re. re kli..941(ft .$1POATO' and Mree jia G. MacKay, a Tive : • al ' ton; Mr. and Mrs. Prank Cadio •I' of S. Thomas; Mr. and Mrs. Des - ton Tteoler, of Burlington; Mr. and Mrs. Norman. Hamilton, of Galt; Mr. and Mrs. Orin Francis MI dOughter, Heleo, of Woodstoelt; Mr. and Mrs. jaines Francis, of Tavistock; Thomas and James Gillespie and Robert Morrison, of Toronto; Mr. and Mrs. M. Hodgert, Mrs. Jean Chalmers and son, Dav- id, all of London. Other friends from the surrounding towns and community were present, The many floral tributes expressed the esteem in which the deceased was held. Mr. Filmore Chappell attended a short course in Guelph last week. Mr. and Mrs. John Jackeon, of Niagara, spent the week -end with Mrs. Jackson's mother, Mrs. D. Bruce, and with Mr. and Mrs. Frank Bruce. Mr. -and Mrs. Horton MeDougald ara. son, Hugh, visited with Mr. and Mrs. T. Scott_ Mr. and Mrs. Mac McKellar, of Mitchell, visited with Mr. and Mrs. Lindsay McKellar pet Sunday. The Hibbert and Usborne Fire Insurance Co. has secured the ser- vices of Ross Houghton as agent for this district, . owing to the resignation of Tom Scott. Mrs. Ruby Routly of St. Marys, is spending a few days with Mr. and Mrs, Ken McKellar. Mrs, John Wallace is visiting with Mr. and 'Mis. Frank Cadick at St. Thomas. Mrs. J. Fulton, of Mitchell, visit- ed on Thersday with Mrs. D. Mc- Kellar. Mr. and Mrs. T. Laing and Mrs. T. L. Scott visited. on Sunday with Miss Grace Chalmers at Scott Mem- orial Hospital, Seaforth. Mr. and Mrs. Will Miller enter- tained members of their family one evening recently. Linda Jean, little daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ross Houghton, had the misfortune to choke while eat- ing a piece of meat Saturday ev- ening. She was taken to London DUBLIN HOCKEY CLUB DANCE Looby's Hall DUBLIN FRIDAY, JANUARY 19 Good Music Admission - - 50c Igglitoo ..rtviut frieli4e. Idi.cheill ell'On4daY. .'!Yry:PrIfe!Aerai4 POO, .0Hod„or warr, 4: 4000mm wapaipleasant jyirSaamos-eal -W1440407, alter - Sea; lJan 3VY(4.„elliV40,0*8 Of her f•antly and' neighbors 400.4.4,k0 at her home to .celebratO'beriilttelletb. birthday withAtee;4114anyt,•- ugh g ql git, 55i ter,,;*t" greatt‘tratrogptr.s.k. Rosetta , ,rtallAnt.'.' were irealtalt• village'vfllag Qflddf,I2 Chittick 'end 'AIM,'" two lima arm etl!e • et the ,3atad Mts. vnured tea. One of Mrs. ilo_ortratros gifts was a 'deetitated birigitlart cake from her daughter (Nettie).— Mrs. Wilton, of Mealtiraayfk:Paltt• Ws - Robertson hue two sons, Jahn, vial() 1deLwith her, 04d Si tart at Listowel. TENDERS W A Tenders will be received for Oecorattan the t,t1ditor- ium of the Henaall United • o Church. Tend tars to be in tha hands of the Secretary by 'January 30, 1951. The lowest or any tender not necessarily accent:4yr Specifications on 6itio1d400w G. M. DRYSDALE Orecretary Hensall SECOND Community- Nile in the Hensall Town Hall FRIDAY, JAN. 12th PROGRESSIVE EUCHRE 25 Prizes Prizes donated by the North Side Merchants. Ladies please provide lunch Seamon Orchestra will play for Dance Sponsored ' by the Hensall Women's Institute. General Admission — 50c Admission,, allowa chance on any of the prizes drawn dur- ing evening. Al\ NOTICE TOWNSHIP OF TUCKERSMITH The Reeve and Council of the Township of Tuckersmith request the co-operation of the Ratepayers of the Township' by not leaving cars parked on roads, in order to ,facilitate snowplowing opera- tions. Council will not be responsible for any damages to cars, trucks, etc., caused by such operations. E. P. CHESNEY Clerk, Township of Tuckersmith 4fr fritINOP Ofe' pie `Nit7. 00 e'rrIMI--"' 0111- kliaL j LOOK AT THESE VALUES ! '46 CHEV. SEDAN—Heater and defroster; extra good car '41 HUDSON SEDAN—Heater, radio... '49 DODGE PICK-UP—Half ton; only 13,000 miles '34 DODGE SEDAN '38 FORD SEDAN $1,195' 650 • 1,250 195 H265 • 4 Seaforth Motors Phone 141 : Seater& ,.•ad • • O. "ate 4' r A • 4. 4