HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1951-01-12, Page 2JAKVARY X951
' McLean, Editor
Libibiled,a,t Seaforth, Ontario, ev-
'llursday afternoon by McLean
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Authorized as Second Class Mail
Post Office Department, Ottawa
SEAFORTH, Friday, January 12
Policeman's Job
A worthwhile thought concerning
the responsibilities of police in a
town has been advanced by the May-
or of Midland.
Noting that the policing of small
towns does not present the problems
which exist in the cities, the Midland
mayor feels that police in the small-
er centres should be leaders in youth
recreation and education activities.
In this way, by providing facilities
and proper supervision, the energies
of youth could be diverted into
worthwhile channels. Much of the
rowdyism and vandalism present in
small towns and which constitutes at
the moment much of the work of lo-
cal police, could be eliminated.
The Midland Free Press Herald
supports the proposal: "The Mayor
is putting forward the idea, and we
believe rightly, that the main job of
a policeman is prevention of crime
at the educational level. After the
kw -breaker has broken the law, it is
often too late.
"Midland's mayor suggests that
our police constables, at least in the
smaller centres, should be leaders in
youth recreation and education ac-
tivities. Policemen could and should,
be argues, participate in playground
activities, sponsor sports shows in-
volving youth participation, organ-
ize groups of boys and girls who will
,ta've respect for the rights and pro-
perty of others.
"Such , a policy would, of course,
involve a somewhat changed ap-
proach to the average daily beat of
a local constable. Parking offenses
and a main street . walk would be
relegated to their proper unimport-
"Our men in blue should be lead-
ers in the community and should be
treated accordingly."
The Free Vote
A vote is a funny thing.
In Canada, for instance, if a man
isn't entitled to vote, he wants one.
Just listen to the squawks at a poll-
ing booth of people who want to vote
on a money by-law but, who, because
they are not property owners, can-
not be given a ballot.
On the other hand, a good many
Canadians who are entitled to a bal-
lot, don't bother using it. In Sea-
forth's last election, for instance, but
seventy per cent of those qualified
took the trouble to mark a ballot.
'here is nothing more worthless
than an unused ballot. It is strange
that so many people have so little re-
gard for such a valuable asset and
waste it by not using it.
But it is different when the vote
bas been won by blood, and when the
people have seen with their own eyes
and can appreciate what a free bal-
lot means. A few weeks ago, the
Communists staged a violent cam-
paign against participation' in voting
for a new Berlin house of deputies
in the Allied sector of Berlin. The
anti-Communists, armed with the
free and secret vote, didn't waste the
opportunity of showing their con -
tem et of the Marxists; 1,504,414 of.
1, ' 091 eligible Berlin voters -90.4
per cent Of them—took advantage of
their ballot.
A vote in Roumania is quite unil`ke
a Berlin vote. While the West Ber-
llinters were casting their ballots, the
tina/Oa* too, were. voting. Un-
der the ail seeing eye of the secret pa -
lice and Russian troops, they gave
itep approval to the only
could vote for—the Com-
ail right. Where there
ri`e Ye.the people are forced to
vote. ..Y'e'ar when a:; q$o cean(
the °vote fxbee an secret, t,1e elig,
idle voters, rofuso to accept tear re-
spon;aibility and tireeonspicugi s by
their absences But, pf course, the
absentees on voting .day take full
advantage of the free speech which
usually accompanies the free ballot,
and are the most talkative concern-
ing what their governments should
or should not do.
Tidy Streets
In New York City it . is an offence
to drop an empty cigarette package
or a piece of paper on the street.
True, it has been an offence for a
long time, but just recently the city
entered into a full-time campaign to
enforce the law. In one day 226 men
and women were summoned to ap-
pear in court because a sanitary in-
spector saw them contribute to the
dirt and litter of Manhattan by drop-
ping something on the street or side-
Dirty, littered streets are an eye-
sore, whether they be in New York
or in Seaforth. They indicate that
the citizens lack civic pride. When
the litter and the dirt are allowed to
remain on the streets for several
days, possibly, the civic administra-
tion is at fault.
No matter how often citizens are
asked to be tidy and neat, there al-
ways seems to be an element that is
by nature untidy. This element can,
and often does, undo the worl(of the
conscientious citizen who takes a
pride in neat and unlittered streets.
When this happens, drastic measures
are necessary to stop the practise of
throwing anything not wanted into
the streets.
Neat, unlittered streets might well
be the aim of Seaforth in 1951. Un-
tidiness is a bad habit, easily acquir-
ed, which, if permitted to continue,
becomes increasingly contagious.
What Other Papers Say:
Watch the Children
(Hanover Post)
There will always be fires, which
are definitely accidents and there
may be children who lose their lives
in such fires through no fault or neg-
lect of anyone. But there are too
many cases when children are re-
ported as alone in homes where fire
breaks out, and who lose their lives
by being burned to death. The law
can be strict in such an instance. But
it does not go far enough. It cannot
go as far as it should. Such people
should be punished to its full extent.
How? We wouldn't know, but sure-
ly something should be done.
Any Library Books?
(Petrolia Advertiser -Topic)
If you have a bookcase in your
home, how about looking through the
books it contains and see if there are
any that belong to the local public
library. One woman reports that
she recently discovered a book in her
home that she obtained from the
Petrolia Library three years ago. She
admits that it was just through neg-
ligence that it was not returned. If
you have any library' books in your
possession of long standing, the lib-
rary boards of the district would be
very grateful if you would return
them at once to their proper places.
Pioneers Had Advantage
(St. Thomas Times -Journal)
The Prince Albert Herald has seen
fit to answer the oft -heard statement
that the pioneers never got any as-
sistance when they came to this coun-
try. i
"Probably this is true," says The
Herald. "They got in here and had to
make it stick. They had no way of
getting out. But there are other
things to consider. The pioneers
were not paying for paved roads.
They were not paying for an expen-
sive school system. They were not
paying to help keep an army of in-
spectors busy. They were not buying
things on the instalment plan. They
did not have to invest hundreds of
dollars in harvesting machinery, or
did they have to keep it in repair.
They did not have to pay for interest
on government debts.
"All honor 'to the pioneers, but let
us remember they had not bumped
into the load of taxation which the
farmer of today has to carry."
Writing The F positet''t1 is week
from the West, a former litacefield
district resident recalls conditions
as they existed in the West fifty
and mere years ago:
'Following the advent of the fur
trader, stories of the open plains
with abundant grass -covering and
the Chiuodk winds which keep this
area free from snow most of the
winter, went back to cattle and
sheep men who soon saw the pos-
sibilities of range stock production
under such favorable conditions.
In 1879 the Government import-
ed 1,000 head of cattle from Mon-
tana and distributed them' among
the Indians, due to the disappear-
ance of the buffalo and scarcity of
meat supply. The herd was locat-
ed in the Porcupine Hills west of
Macleod. Though badly managed
and depleted by thieves and wolves,
it proved that the cattle industry
could be successfully carried on in
As soon as the Indians were
placed on reserves, the country
was opened for the ranchers, Graz-
ing leases at low rates were given
for large areas of government
lands. The largest leases were re-
stricted to 100,000 acres—the rate
being $10. per 1,000 acres per year,
the lessee placing one head of cat-
tle for every 10 acres of the lease.
In 1869 the rate was raised to $20
per 1,000 acres, and°the number of
cattle reduced to one head for ev-
ery 20 acres.
`Until Sept. 1, 1896, there had
been no tariff restrictions on cat-
tle imported into the N.W.T., pro-
vided they were for stocking the
ranges and not sold until the end
of a period of three years. On this
date a duty of 40 per cent was im-
By this time ranching was fully
established, located mostly in the
foothills country south of Calgary.
It was a Government estimate that
there were 104,000 cattle on the
leased, lands, besides 11,000 more
owned by non -leasers. An order -in -
council was passed—prohibiting
sheep from running on cattle
"The winder of 1886-87 was the
hardest upto date with an estimat-
ed loss of 15 per cent.—a lesson
for the cattlemen to put up feed
for such emergencies.
From 1888 onwards, the area un-
der lease for grazing purposes de-
creased, but on the other hand,
the number of ranchers increased,
as did the total number of cattle
on the ranges. The winter of 1896-
97 was very severe, but owing to
better car the losses were not
nearly as severe as in 1886.
In the early days many of the
cattle were brought from the Unit-
ed States, so the Government
adopted a rigid policy of veterin-
ary inspection and quarantine in
At the end of the century, mange
appeared in some herds, 6,860 cat-
tle were dipped that season near
Macleod. Again the trouble broke
out in 1905 and 1907; and dipping
became compulsory, and 382,921
cattle were treated.
From the beginning of the cattle
industry, stealing was one of the
annoying incidents of the business.
This led the stock owners to form
stock associations for their own
protection. Laws were passed
regulating driving, marketing and
inspection of stock. elhe Western
Stock Association was organized
in 1896 with, power to make laws
relating to 'round -ups, suspension
and expulsion of members, In 1899
the stock inspection ordinance was
passed, compelling inspection by
official inspectors of all stock be-
fore being loaded for shipment. By
this means shippers had to produce
title to the cattle ie. their posses-
sion. At the present time all stock
is inspected, either at point of
loading, en route, or at destination,
by government or deputy inspec-
A source of annoyance in the
early days was the difficulty of
keeping American cattle from drift-
ing onto Alberta ranges, so in addi-
tion to police patrols, ranchers
kept line riders to drive American
cattle back.
Supplies required for Indian
reservations and for- railway con-
struction provided) an early market
for cattle ranchers.
In 1889, export to Great Britain,
via Montreal, began. After •paying
all expenses, ranchers realized $45
per head. Of course, duo to condi-
tions, prices varied.
Settlement of land and, shorter
term leases, many of the large
rancher?, sold out. But climatic
conditions in Southern Alberta are
not conducive to successful farm-
Me Iong hard winter of 1906-07
was one of the worst, and 75 per
cent loss was common, but was a.n-
other hard -learned lesson to put up
feed for the cattle, if needled, and
stockmen were urged to produce
more export cattle by winter feed-
ing and better breeding.
This is a brief account of early
ranching in Albeeta, and the ups
and downs of the industry: in re-
-cent years are, perhaps, better
known no comment being made
on beef prices!
But one paragraph more may be
of interest to many—how in the
years gone by ranchers organized
their roundups, usually one in the
spring, for the branding of calves,
and one in the fall for the sorting
and shipping of beef.
Each round -up was a weIl-plan-
ned organization, with camp cooks,
"reps" from bar room outfits par-
ticipating in the round -up, cowboys,
horse wranglers, etc. Each round-
up association had a boss and all
unbranded or "maverick" stock be-
came the property- of the associa-
tion unless "reps" recognized and
moved the stock to their home
J. W. R.
A Smile or Two
Manager: "Martin says he can't
live on his salary."
Proprietor; "Nobody can, but
everybody does."
He: "Remember, darling? Last
night you said there was some-
thing about me you could love?"
She: "Yea, but you spent it all."
"But I'm still a young man com-
pared to an old girl friend of mine
who was once the toast of Broad-
way," reminisced an old trouper.
"Last time we met she told me
she had just had her face lifted
for the tenth time. It worked out
fine, she said, except that every
time she lifted her eyebrows. she
pulled up ,her stockings."
Once upon • a time three turtles
thought they wanted a cup of cof-
fee. After they got into a restaur-
ant, it began to rain, so the great
big turtle said •to the little tiny
"You go home and bring back
an umbrella."
"I will." said the Iittle one, "if
you won't drink my coffee."
The other two turtles promis-
ed About three years laterthe
great big turtle said to the mid-
dle-sized turtle:
"It doesn't look as if the little
turtle is coming back. so let's
drink ,his coffee."
Whereupon a little v.oiee from
just outsire the door yelled:
"If you do, I won't go!"
Beef Can Be Produced
At Lower Cost
A survey of the cost of produc-
roducting beef made in four communities
of the Eastern Townships it1•" 1947
revealed, on the one hand, that it
required an average of 3,034 pounds
of meal plus hay and roots to fin-
ish a steer at 18 months of age.
On the other hand, G. Lalonde
points out, experiments conducted
from 1939 to 1946 at the Experi-
mental Station. Lennoxville, have
demonstrated) that, in this district,
there is littleprofit where beef
production is based on heavy grain
feeding and tbat a large part of
the grain can be replaced by hay,
silage and pasture.
1. Time of Birth: For success-
ful beef production., the calves
should be born at the right time
of the year, March or April, and
fed so as to receive no setback in
their growth. When born early,
the calves have time to develop
and gain strength before being
turned to pasture. The young
steers are then able to take all
their mother's milk, therefore
avoiding the trouble of having to
milk the cow from time to time
while on pasture. Moreover. at the
age of six to eight weeks, a calf
is better able to stand the inclenl-
ency of the spring weather.
2. No set Back in, Growth :
Young and tender herbage must
be supplied in abundance during
the whole summer. As permanent
or long term pastures will furnish
generally sufficient herbage in
May and June, only certain spe-
cial crops are recommended for
Suzy and August. grazing. Green
data may be used for this purpose.
If. seeded with a mixture ofa, graft -
ea and legainee, among which May
bo Ladino clover, it will furnish
abund lit pasture of otcelient Otlat-
ity. Towards the end of August
and the beginning of September,
aftermaths may be used, and then
in October the stock can be shift-
ed back to the old natural or long-
term pastures. Calves born in
early spiting and raised! on their
dram's milk and succulent :herbage
all summer should weigh betwelan
425 and 450 pounds on the aver-
During the winter, the basal ra-
tion of the recently weaned calves
should consist of good quality hay
and either corn or grass silage. In
addition one to two pounds of grain
per day should be fed. A good pro-
cedure is to feed one pound of
meal spread on 12 pounds of sil-
age, and, hay at will (between three
and five pounds). On such a ra-
tion, the steers should weigh
around 700 pounds in the spring,.
During the secowd sumater, the
steers are carried on good pasture
and should weigh between 825 to
850 pounds by fall.
They can then be wintered on
hay and silage only. A. ration of
10 to 15 pounds of hay and 20 to
60 pounds of silage has given good)
results at the Lennoxville Experi-
mental Station.
As these animals, are to be fin-
nished: on pasture during the third
summer, it is important that they
be given the very best pasture.
Such steers can be marketed from
the middle of July on, if prices are
satisfactory, at a aeeight Varying
between 1,050'and 1,1,00 pourelte
As a preliminary demonstration
of this method, in the summer of
1950 sit steers were finished in the
above manner and two of them
were displayed to the public at the
Sherbrooke Winter ir' " this fall.,
The lMtdi' Were elf of it' old and`
averaged• 1.,$60' pounds. Dur
(Continued on Page 8)
Pretty three -leaved climbing
Growing from a bank or
Poison Ivy — Do Not Touch —
Or you'll get an awful itch !
Dept. 0l National Health and Wallas
Years Agone
Interesting items Picked From
The Huron Expositor of Twen-
tytive and Fifty Years Ago.
From The Huron Expositor
January 15, 1926
Mr. Thos. Fitzgerald, of Beech-
wood, has taken the contract of
cutting 100 cords. of -'wood for D.
J. O'Reilly.
Mr. Walter McCully, of Kippen,
underwent an operation for appen-
dicitis in Scott Memorial Hospital.
Mr John Murray, Jr., and Mr.
John Eckert, Jr., of Manley, are
busy blasting pine stumps to manu-
facture into wood, which they pur-
chased, from' the Canada Company
in the big pine swamp north of
Monday night the storm cut
down the attendance at the Lions
euchre. Prize winners were as fol-
lows: Ladies, first, Irene Patter-
son; lone hands, Mrs. J. C. Wood;
consolation, Mrs. G. A. Sills; gents,
first, Leo Fortune; lone hands,
Marshall Stewart; consolation, F.
Beattie. 0
Mrs. W. E. Southgate has left
for New York, where she will
spend the winter with her daugh-
ter, Mrs. R. A. Wilson.
Mr. W. A. Crich has sold the old
Royal Hotel barn to Mr. J. F. Daly.
Mr. W. E. Kerslake's rink, com-
posed of C. P. Silas, C. 'Holmes, W.
Thompson and W. E. Kerslake,
skip, was the winner of the first
local bonspiel of the season, held
id the rink Wednesday afternoon.
Mr. Charles .Ferguson, of Bay-
field, who has been sailing on the
lakes during the -past season, ar-
rived home last week.
Mr. Michael Downey, of St. Col-
umban, has secured the contract of
conveying the Sisters of the LTrsu-
line Order from Dublin to St. CoI-
nmban, where they have charge of
the continuation school.
Mrs. Emma Clark, of Walton, has
purchased a house from Mr. Geo.
Dundas and is :having' it moved in-
to the village.
Miss Kate Devereaux, of Wal-
tdllt, who has been ill for some
time with the flu, is improving.
About two dozen' of the sports of
Elimville went hunting last Satur-
day and were successful in shoot-
ing about 40 jack rabbits, while
about the same number eluded
The box social held 1n' the Zur-
ich Town Hall under the auspices
of the Women's Institute, was well
attended and much enjoyed.
From The Huron Expositor
January 18, 1901
The Goderich Organ Co. shipped
30 organs •to England last week.
The employees of the Doherty or-
gan factory in Clinton have been
working overtime all winter, and
the factory is still a long way be-
hind with its orders.
Mr. Robt. McDale, of Walton, one
of the enterprising farmers, made
a couple of valuable additions to
his herd of cattle. He has, purchas-
ed a very superior 3 -year-old heif-
er with •a calf two months old.
Mr. John Munn, Leadbury, had
the misfortune to get severely in-
jured while at work in his sawmill
a few days ago.
Burn's Church, Hullett, held its
annual congregational meeting on
Wednesday. James Watt, Thomas
Hamilton and Archibald Reid were
appointed trustees. ,
At a meeting of the Egmondville
Hockey Club held last week in
,Jackson's store, the following offi-
cers were elected: Hon. pres., Jno.
McCaa; hon. vice-pres., 'R. Kruse;
pres., Sam McGeoch; vice-pres., L.
G. VanEgmond; manager, H. M.
Jackson; sec., S. T. Jackson; treas.
Geo. Hills; committee, J. Young, H.
Cresswell, L. Jackson, W. Hill, W.
McDougall and H. Colbert.
Mayor Wilson entertained the
members of the old council at an
oyster supper at Neil's restaurant
on Thursday evening.
Messrs. Winter, Chesney and Mc-
Michael shipped several 'cars of
good hogs from Seaforth station
this week.
Mr. Chas. Soole, who was for
many years head tinsmith with the
firm of Johnsen Eros., has opened
a shop of his own. Mr. Soole is an
expert wdrkman, and being Liter-
otiglaiy roliable acid well known
throughout the country, will stn
doubtediy do well.
Hugh McGregor and A. McCow-
an, 2nd concession of Stanley, are
making preparations to erect large
bank barns during the coming see. -
Salsa Maggie Buchanan, wino le
engaged as milliner in Moose Jaw,
is spending the 'wlntelt' montjts
in liteiisait 'with her vetoita, Mr.
and Ml's. WIlliatter Beaten&
Seen in the
Heads Exeter Legion
Fred Darling is the new presi-
dent of the Canadian Legion after
an election of officers was held by
members in their new hall Thurs-
day night. Other officers are: Past
president, Bert Osltland; vice-presi-
dents, Larry Snider, 'Harvey Pfaff;
sergeant -at -arms, Lloyd Reynolds;
executive, Cliff Brintnell, Vernon
Heywood, William MacLean, Bert
Borland, Eric Sutherland, William
Sims, Charles Snell, Laverne Wells,
R. E. Pooley and Bert Ostland.—
Eaeter Times-Advoeate.
Sleigh Driver Hurt
An accident took place a mile
and a quarter east of Belmore 0n
Friday evening, when a car driven
by Mr. Ivan Haskins collided with
the sleigh, of Mr. Le Roy Bender.
The horses bolted, throwing Mr.
Bender off. Dr. R. B. Palmer, of
Wroxeter, was called to the scene
and removed Mr. Bender to the
Wingham Hospital for observation.
However, he was released the next
day. He was unhurt, but was suf-
fering from shock. Damage to the
car was slight.—Wingham Advance -
Fire Caused Minor Damage ..
Fire Thursday noon caused dam-
age to the boiler room at the Wing -
ham Manufacturing Company plant.
Prompt action of the Wingham fire
brigade saved the main part of the
building from being burnt, This
is the third fire within a period of
two years, the first major fire be-
ing in March of 1949. Damage was
confined to the 15x30 wood struc-
ture housing the boiler and was
estimated at about $200. The cause
of the blaze was believed to have
been ;sparks from the boiler ignit-
ing shavings close by.—Wingham
Advance -Times.
Suffers Injury At Bakeshop
Beverley Beaton,proprietor of
the East Street Bakery, suffered
painful injuries at 5:30 a.m. Tues-
day in his bake shop. The scraper
caught as he was scraping down
the mixer and his right hand be-
came caught in the mixer. Three
fingers were badly shredded, with
the bones in two of them broken,
and the back of the hand was also
extensively shredded. Numerous
stitches were required to close the
wounds. Mr. Beaton's son was
with him at the time of the mis-
hap, but Mr. Beaton was able to
extricate his hand, himself before
possible greater injury was done.—
Goderich Signal -Star.
Reeve Tenders Banquet
- During the council meeting on
Thursday night, Reeve William
Morritt took advantage of the oc-
casion to treat the members of the
village council and town officials
to a turkey banquet. The council
adjourned from the Memorial Hall
and went to the Huron Grill where
a delicious turkey supper was en-
joyed. Afterwards all returned to
the 'council chambers where brief
speeches were is order, before
council adjourned the final meeting
of the year. Present- besides'coun-
cil members were Constable John
Staples, Weighmaster Harvey Leth-
erland, Town Electrician William
Thuell and Clerk -Treasurer George
Sloan.—Blyth Standard.
Over 80 Hurons Attend Course
A total enrolment of 700 stud-
ents, coming from as far away
as the Thunder Bay area and New
York State, registered on New
Year's Day for the annual one-
week Short Course at Ontario
Agricultural College, Guelph, in-
cluding more than 80 from Huron
County. The short course is com-
oaf Payers
prised of seven main goursesr
farm mechanics, 'agrlculetral econ-
omics, livestock, soils andcrop,
beekeeping, horticulture, athletic
coaching and community •programs.
Bach student registers for only one
course. Most of the ilteteePtioT is
provided' by the O.A,C. faculty, 'but
a number of outstanding men in
various branches of agriculture
were guest speakers. Clinton
News -Record.
80 -Year-old Building Collapses
One of the oldest landmarks on
Westfield community disappeared.
on Thursday, it being the first
Westfield church, or what was once,
known, as Hoover's church, which.
was built on the corner of the farm
now owned by Mr. Douglas Camp
bell+, lot 3, concession 5, East Waw--
anosh. This church was erected in.
1870, , the Hoovers having cut and
hewed the timbers for the frame
building from their bush. In this
church the seats were rough planks
set on blocks of wood. The new
church was built in 1889, and some
time between then and 1892 the
old church was moved, on to tires
farm 'now owned by Mr. Walter
Cook, lot 31, concession 4. The
structure was used as an imple-
ment shed, \ orkshop and garage,.
and stood the storms of time for
80 years. Early Thursday morning
Mr. Cook heard a heavy crash and&
on going out found the roof of the
building had collapsed, owing to,
the heavy weight of snow. Con-
siderable damage was done to the
car. 'Mr. Cook had worked in the
workshop most of the day before.
and it was very fortunate that the
building did not collapse while h`g u
was in it. Several of the neigh-
bors gathered on Thursday after-
noon and finished tearing the build-
ing down.—Goderich Signal -Star,
Elected Bayfield Fair Heads
At the annual meeting of Bay-
field Agricultural 'Society, held in.
Bayfield Town Hall, reports show-
ed that the year had been a good
one and finances in good standing.
Alf Warner retired as president,
after serving successfully' for sev-
eral years. The following officers
and directors were elected: Presi-
dent, Carl E. Diehl; 1st vice-pres.,
Oarl Houston; 2nd vice-pres., Har-
old Penhale; secretary, Mrs. A. M.
Bassett; treasurer, John E. How-
directors•, Ben Rathwell, Rus-
sell Grainger, Harold Penhale,. Carl
Houston, Alf. Warner, John E.
Howard, Elmer Webster, Forest
McClure, Harvey Coleman, Carl E.
Diehl, John Deeves, Fraser Stir-
ling; honorary directors, D. H. Mc-
Naughton, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas
Snowden, Robert .Penhale, Frank
Keegan and Fred Middleton; com-
mittee, Mrs. H. Penhale, rMrs. ' T_
Mack, Mrs. Carl Houston, Mrs. Alf -
Warner, Mrs. Fred McEwen, Mrs.
J. Sturgeon, Jr., Mrs. H. Coleman,.
Mrs. Russell Grainger, Mrs. J. E.
Howard, Arnold Rathwell, John:
Keys, Gordon Orr, Robert Stirling,.
Grant Stirling. Suggestions for
promoting a field crop competition°.
and a calf club for 1951 were dis-
cussed and• left until a' meeting in
January for completion. Dates for•
the annual fall fair were set as
Wednesday and Thursday, Sept. 26
and 27, 1951: Plans also were made -
to hold the annual Easter masquer-
ade and carnival on the Wednes-
day of Easter week. Several items
of business were left over toeTanu
ary to be dealt with. — Clinton
News -Record.
Measles is an infectious disease- '
and lowers the victim's resistance -
to other more serious infections
such as pneumonia, bronchitis and:
infections of the middle ear.
By Jimmy Rae
World Copyright Reserved
53 54
1—Cease (interj.)
4—Step to music
7—Juice of plants
8—Axe handle
10—Pale yellow
(Sp. Amer.)
16—Become bone
19—Small viiiage
22—Soup of okra
25—Straight (comb.
20—One of Mara Bros.
27 --Third month
31—Native of Germany
37—Little the devil
38—Milky secretion
of plants
■ 42 43
47 48 11
1 1"
■ .68
41) --Capital of Oregon
41—About (L.)
45—Beveled end
53-A fruit
57—Pl. of that
59—Girl's name
1—Amer. •Inwdian tribe
2—Collection book
3 --violent pang
4—Unable to- hear
6—New (comb. form)
.6--Ostrich-like bird
9—Pounds. (abbr.)
14—Man's name
17—Yes man
20—On shore
32 --Substitute (Ger.)
36—Hooded garment
39—Indian symbol
43—Go hungry
44—Part of a play
50 ---Jot
54 --'Dolt`
55—Malt beverage'
■ u 1213
16 171181.
® 1
1511 1
19 20
11 ■22111■
23 24
■ 25 1111 ■ ■
® . 27
53 54
1—Cease (interj.)
4—Step to music
7—Juice of plants
8—Axe handle
10—Pale yellow
(Sp. Amer.)
16—Become bone
19—Small viiiage
22—Soup of okra
25—Straight (comb.
20—One of Mara Bros.
27 --Third month
31—Native of Germany
37—Little the devil
38—Milky secretion
of plants
■ 42 43
47 48 11
1 1"
■ .68
41) --Capital of Oregon
41—About (L.)
45—Beveled end
53-A fruit
57—Pl. of that
59—Girl's name
1—Amer. •Inwdian tribe
2—Collection book
3 --violent pang
4—Unable to- hear
6—New (comb. form)
.6--Ostrich-like bird
9—Pounds. (abbr.)
14—Man's name
17—Yes man
20—On shore
32 --Substitute (Ger.)
36—Hooded garment
39—Indian symbol
43—Go hungry
44—Part of a play
50 ---Jot
54 --'Dolt`
55—Malt beverage'