The Huron Expositor, 1951-01-05, Page 4New s7� 4 `ls ° Ads Inserted" At New Low Casal Rates: il< wog. WANTED. LOST AND FOUND, ISTICeaPer weed; let week 1 Cent 2nd week 9,'i Cent gCent Minimt inn charge, first Sweeten). -25 Ceuta Fend► Allure, initial and abbreviation count) as one weed. e2 Tiranku, In Memoriam Notices, Cowing Events -,-1 Dent per word. Minimum. 5Q aer4fu tee week. es may to clinked to •'Boz No.. c/o The Horan Ezpoait•or. for 10 cents extra. Ardente additional will be charged if ads in above class are not paid within 10 days let date of HART hoardon- S,} i MsrriaQEs and Deaths inserted free of charge. Auction Sales, Vobi es to Credito'). Etc.—.Bates on application. Coming Events YOTJ AND YOURS WILL ENJOY 1 dancing at the CrystalPa 1tlb- Xoom, Mitchell, every Friday Don Robinson and his Ranch Boye.4882x2 .'I [RST CHURCH -MEN'S CLUB *ILL sponsor a. Toronto Star Free Concert ;on 'Feb. 22; also the Orpheus Male Choir Will provide a concert on Mar. 28. Tbese uoncents will be held in F8mA Presbyter- ian Church Auditorium. - 4332-1 Lumber Wanted LUMBER BEST PRICES PAID FOR ONE INCH Oak, Elm, Maple, Birch, Oberry, Wal- nut. Prong* `i Payments, See or write JAMES COLE FURNITURE COMPANY, Ingersoll, 4332-2 Help Wanted WANTED — CAPABLE WOMAN FOR home help in a small town. Reply stating e81ar9 erne:ted to Box 951, HUR- ON EXPQSIIOR. 4332-1 OFFICE CLERKS QEVERAL POSITIONS ARE NOW OPEN for messenger, Mug. tinging and se - counting clerks - Single girls with two or mere years high school are preferred. Previous ex- perience or ability to type is not essen- tial. Hours and working conditions are ideal, and opportunities for advancement excel- lent. Please apply In person, or write to i THE MUTUAL LIFE OF CANADA Head Office Waterloo, Ont. 4331-2 Notices __MEETING OF HURON COUNTY COUNCIL Property For. Sale FOR SALE—NEW HOUSE, RANCH style; fully modern; oil furnace, air conditioned. , Oan be bought with down payment and monthly payment plan. C. G. LEE, John Street. 4814-t1 Work Wanted ° EYPERDENCED STENOGRAPHER, FOR- merly business school teacher, desires employment immediately. Preferably Sea - forth, MARGUERITE CLARK- Phone sa0-W. 4832x1 WORK WANTED — GIRL WANTS work in Seaforth store or restaurant. Experienced in restaurant work. Apply Box 946, HURON EXPOSITOR. 4382x1 Wanted WANTED—AN OLD OAT BIN. AP - ply Box 950, HURON EXPOSITOR. 4332x1 •WANTED — PAIR CHILD'S SKATES, size 9 or 10. PHONE 21J. TI NEXT MEETING OF BE HURON County Qeoncid wi.il be iheld in the Council .Chambers, Court House, Goderich, commnenemg TUESDAY, JANUARY 16th at 2.00 p.m., M1 accounts, notices of deputations and other business requiring the attention of Conned should be in the hands of the County Clerk not later than Saturday, January 13th. N. W. MILLER County (Berk, Goderich, Ontario. Livestock Wanted 4332x1 WANTED TO BORROW --41.000.00 ON excellent security. For further in- formation apply to Box 947, HURON EX- POSITOR. 4332x1 For Rent OR RENT=APARTMENT, CONSIST- '•ing of bed -sitting room, kitchen and bath. Apply Box 947, HURON EXPOSI- TOR. 4332-1 FM RENT—COTTAGE, WITH HYDRO, telephone, water pressure system. Will be available shortly. Phone .1 E. HUGILL, 616 r 34, Clinton, or 667 r 6, Seaforth. 4331-2 Personals HYGIENIC SUPPLIES (RUBBER Goods) mailed postpaid in plain, sealed envelope with price list 6 samples 25c; 24 samples 31.00. Mail -Order Dept. T -?8, NOVA -RUBBER CO„ Box 91, Hamilton, Ont. THIN, RUNDOWN WIFE GAINS 16 Ite.l "I gained 16 lbs.. new pep, steady nerves. thanks to Ostrex"—Mrs. L. Savard, Mattagami Heights, Ont Try Ostrex Tonic Tablets today. Introductory, "get -acquainted" size ONLY 60e. An druggists. For Sale FOR SALE—REMINGTON TYPEWRIT- er, used; in good condition. Cheap. Apply to R. R. McKINDSEY. Phone 111. Seaforth. 4332-1 FOR SALE — MONITOR ELECTRIC washer, apartment size. in very good condition. Apply to Box 945. HURON EXPOSITOR. 4332x1 FOR SALE—NEW SINGER SEWING machines, electric and treadle.' Re- pairs to all makes. SINGER SEWING CENTRE, 78 Ontario St., Stratford.4223-tf FOR SALE—TRI-LIGHT LAMP (.>. ,KIT- ehen table; utility table; double ward- robe with two mirrors in doors. .Apply to Box 948, HURON EXPOSITOR. 4332x1 FOR SALE—SEVERAL FRESH AND springing pure bred Holstein heifers, ac- credited. vaccinated. Apply to H. T. Mc - KAY, Science Hill. Phone 22. Kirkton. 4332x1 4832-21 FOR IMMEDIATE SALE — QUEBEC h65ter; Beatty washing machine; kit- chen table: RC.A. 78-r.p.m. record Disy- UP TO 35.00 EACH FOR DEAD OR Disabled Horses, Cows, Hoge, at your farm. Prompt service. Phone Collect Wm. Sproat, Seaford', 655 r 2. WIL- sLIAM STONE SONS, LIMITED, Inger- Motor Cars For Sale FOR SALE -1931 MODEL 'A' FORD IN 1-1 condition; good teres. ROBERT FINLAY. Phone 346-R, Seaforth, 482841 50 CHEW. ,FLEE'rLINE SEDAN—Green in color; only 7,000 miles 50 - 449 2 48 48 48 47 47 46 39 39 38 CHEV. SEDAN—Minerva blue CHEV. DE LUXE SEDAN—Custom, radio, many extras. CHEV. COACH—Bane '49 CHEV. DE LUXE COACHES STYLEMASTER COACH CBBV. SEDAN; two-tone green OHEV. FL•2'''r i'NE COACH Two-tone green CHEV. FLEE LINE COACH Two-tone grey CHEV. FLHETLINE SEDAN—'Pwa- tone in color; radio, sun visor; many extras. CHEV. SEDAN PONTIAC COACH DODGE COACH OLDSMOBILE SEDAN 38 DODGE SEDAN 31 NASH SEDAN 37 PLYMOUTH COACH 39 DODGE SEDAN er and large quantity of records; Jewel portable radio, like new. Apply JAMES WALLACE, West William Street Tenders Wanted TOWNSHIP OF HAY Tender For Truck QEALED TENDERS WILL BE RECEIV- ed by the undersigned up to 12 o'clock, noon, Saturday, January 20, 1911, for a three and a five -ton truck with a short wheelbase, equipped with .a steel gravel box and hoist_ Tenderto include amount allowed for the pr'.,-nt 1947 three -tan truck to be turned in. Lvwrst or any tender not necessarily accepted JAMES MASSE, Rd. Supt, Zurich, Ont, R.R. No. 2 H. W. BROKENSHIRE, Clerk -Treasurer Zurich, Ont 4332-2 Cards Of Thanks T WISH TO THANK ALL MY FRIENDS and neighbors who were so kind to me while ill at hos Also for the cards, flowers, gifts, etc. 4332x1 WILFRED CAMERON WE WISH TO THANK OUR FRIENDS for their kindness in our recent be- reavement_ 4332x1 "THE DOYLE FAMILY" ' THE_ FAMILY OF THE LATE ALEX - ander ISand y) McKellar wish to ex - 1 R i. tend their thanks and appreciation for the F. many acts of kindness extended them dar- ing the passing of Mr. McKellar. Special ! thanks to those who sent flowers, loaned cars and helped in any way. 4382-1- 7_-, 47 Ol!1E0'. U=1bN p"ldi{-111! 48 i HFIV 1-ToN .i3 'A'1 3'."i'RVes MA1vY Os B k' ;Ivio1 tr1; $"O °Boom ,"ROM LS OtrOE3� , • oTnd of `1� Teetf demo 1 EE FAMILY OF THE LATE JOHN A. Wilson witch to express their apprecia- tion of the many acts of kindness and sympathy of their kind neighbors and friends; also to Rev. D. Glenn Campbell for his comfort and consolation, and spe- cial thanks to Mr. G. A. Whitney 'for his ", s shtfulne3s in I1heir hour of great need. 4332.1 Births DOYLE—In Detroit, on December 27, to Mr. and Mrs. Charles Doyte (nee Ma„. --y Ann Cotter), a son. BURGERS—At Scott Memorial Hospital, on December 31, to Mr. and Mrs. An- tone Burgers, R.R. 5. Seafortdr, a daugh- ter. SHOR.TREED--At Scott Memorial Hospi- tel oil December 28, to Mr, and Mrs. Waller 'Shortt'caed, R.R. '3, Walton, a sughter, c Try nitron Expositor Want A. Phone 41, Seaforth. edass James Scott, widely known Cromarty resident, who passed away Wednesday following an illness of a year. He was in his 87th year. Ladies' Auxiliary Meets The regular mol}tbly Meeting of the Hensall LadieSr Auxiliary to he Canadian tregi•Vnb weak held in She Legion HAIL Tuee.day night, Ian. 2, with Aire. R. Taylor, Sr„ ;the first vice-president, in the chair. Following !`,U Canada," the Legion Charge was,; read. One min- ute's silence was Observed and the Lord's Prayer repeated, The or- der of business was: Roll call, min- utes of lastt meeting read by'• Secue- tary-Treasirer Mrs. J. Dratsdale., At this time there took ,place ,the in- stallation of standardltbearer, offi- cers and executive committee. Mrs. Taylor was in charge. 'Mrs. Edwin Dick, the newly -installed president, took the chair, as did the first viee- president, RMrs. A. Clark, and the second vice-president, Mrs. Letitia Sangster. Financial statement was read by the secretary -treasurer.. The ladles acknowledge with thanksa substantial cheque re- ceived from Mr. G. Thompson, ex- pressing thanks for services ren- dered by the ladies in providing lunch in the hall during the night JAMES SCOTT DIES: AT CROMARTY of the severe fire. The secretary showed nice Christmas cards• re- ceived. from Westminster Hospital and Mrs. Angell, a thank -you let- ter from the past president, Mrs. Beer, was read, referring to many Well -Known Shipper and kindnesses shown her during her Horseman Dies In ' illness. Mrs. Dick also read a con; gratulatory note from Mrs. Beer. 87th Year. Mrs. A. Clark won the mystery James Scott, 86. for many years prize, and Mrs. Joynt reported ori one of the most prominent figures boxes' sent to sick members. Mrs. inthe livestock industry of Perth Joynt was re-elected fo act in this and. Huron Counties,died at his capacity, Mrs. A. Fos.. Joynt was nem - home in 'Cromarty on Wednesday. ed to act with Mrs. Joynon this Born in Hibbert Township, the committee- Mrs. H. Smale voted son of the late James Scott and thank) to the ladies for .box sent Penelope Hamilton, he had lived '"er' following committee was in the district all his life. 'A farm- Tnamed for next month: Mrs. Cor- er, he became widely known weds bett, Mrs. Devlin,'Mrs,. Diek and breeder of horses and cater, and Mrs. Drysdale. These ladies are to had' exhibited for 50 years. attend to packing and sending 'a When he gave up , exhibiting box to the war veteran at West - horses, he became interested in minster Hospital. In future, each horse shows and judged many. specified, lunch comdnittee will From 1935 until 1946 she was eta- ployed by the Department of Agri- pack a box for a veteran each culture as an inspector in the stal- month. It was decided to hold a lion inspection service. social evening in the form of Since 1920 ,he was shipper for euchre on January 24, at which the the U.F.O. in the Dublin district, Legion mebers and their wives retiring because of his health a will be imnvited. The secretary was, year ago. Ott .the occasion of his the Lcted to forward invitation to 85th birthday he estimated he bad the Legion members, Mrs Sangster sbipped at least 25,000 head of cat- and Mrs. Clark volunteered to tle from Dublin. look after tea, etc. Mrs. Clark and He was a member of Cromarty Mrs. Horton were named to make Presbyterian Church 64 years, an the purchase of twenty-five euchre elder 48 years, clerk of the session tables for use inthe Legion Hall. 23 years. and superintendent. of It was suggested that Mrs: the Sunday School 27 years. Mock and Mrs. )3. Kyle look after Surviving are one son, Thomas Period of entertainment at the L., on the homestead, Hibbert;close of each meeting; also that a one brother, Thames, Cromarty, remembrance be given Mr..Apple- and five sisters: Mrs. Edgar Allen, by in appreciation for his kind ser - Mrs. Andrew McLachlan, Mrs. vices rendered. Another Auxiliary Kenneth McKellar, Cromarty; Mrs. wilmember, who has suffered illness, Robina Routley. Kirkton, and Mrs. Applebyt e sent a box pianishortst Mrs. Oram Francis, Woodstock. His was named xt ma for the s - wife, to whom he was married in curring year, The nexe and tea,er to cussed was a bake sale and to 1887, was the former Margaret • be held some time in the spring. Laing, who predeceased him a num- The meeting closed with the Na- ber of years ago, tional Anthem and a daint u ch The remains are resting at the y"1 n family residence until Friday at was enjoyed by all. A few games 11 a.m.. when they will be remov- of bingo were played at the close. ed to the .Cromarty Presbyterian ofNew Year's guests weret the home Church, where services will be M Mrs. Alice andd An and MTs. H. Joynt. and Judith Ann, of conducted at 2 p.m. by the Rev. Toronto. and Miss Hamilton, oi' Robert Duncanson, and interment London. made in Staffa. cemetery. Week -end and New Year's visi- Ladies are asked to provide lune. As formerly, adeniesicde at the door, allows chance , an 'Prizes 'drawn during the evening. Congratulations are extended to Mr. and Mrs. James A. Paterson,. who on Saturday last observed their thirty-seventh wedding Orli- versary, Mr. Paterson' has been Clerk of, they village for 22 years. Mr. and Mrs. John Pfaff and Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Pfaff, Jo e, Greta and Marjory spent Chrisas with Mr. and Mrs. Alvin McNieol At London. 1 he montbly meeting of the Eve- ning Auxiliaryy is schedilled to .be held in' ' the schoolroom of the church on Monday night. Deaths DOYLE—In Hibbert, on Saturday, Dec. 30, Bridget Coyne, beloved wife of the late James Doyle, in her 79th year. WILSON—In Quebec City, on Friday. Dec. 29, John A. Wilson, formerly of Seaforth, in his 92nd year. JACKSON—In Toronto. on Friday. Dee. 29, Ferry 1t. (Brown) Jackson, in his SOth pear. 'IIIIIl1IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII1nI0I11IMIII11III11IiIIIIIIIIINIIiIIIIIIIIIIIIiIIIIIIIII1IIIIIIIIIpIIIEM EUCHRE - DANCE VARNA HALL — on — WEDNESDAY, JAN. 10 at 8:30 p.m. Auspices Brucefield I.O.O.F. • IRWIN'S ORCHESTRA Admission 50c Lunch Counter 11VMI[iD➢llflI lUMI IIIIIIIMVUIlllM IIlhIIVuIlllEIiIhIENW iE Attention Seed Growers! We are buyers of MILLET SEED Mail to us today a re- presentative sample of your seed, stating the quantity and var- iety. Jones, MacNaughton Seeds Ltd.. `'=ETER, ONTARIO Phone 207 tors with Mrs. Earl Sproat were: Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Fowler, To- ronto; Mr. and Mrs. C. S. McLean, London; Mr. and Mrs. John Hen- derson, Kippers; Dr. W. Sproat, Windsor, and Miss Madeline Ad- ams, Reg.N., Windsor. Hensall stores will close 1.0 p.m. Saturday nights during the winter months, commencing Saturday, Jan. 6 and will be closed Wednesday afternoons as usual.• The following officers• form the slate for the Hensall hockey team: President, W. R. Parke; vice-presi- dent, E. Fink; secretary -treasurer, Wm. Brown; executive and trans- portation committee. Bob McKen- zie, Wilson Allan. R. Mock, G. Beer, D. Sangster; coach, R. Mock; assistant coach, J: Harrison; man- ager, Wilson Allan; finance com- mittee, Dave Sangster, Geo, Beer. The Sacrament of Baptism fea- tured. the Sunday morning service in Hensall United Church. The minister, Rev. W. J. Rogers, was in charge and Miss Greta ',anomie was at the organ. The infants re- ceiving this rite were Kathryn Ann McCloy, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. MoCloy, of Toronto, the' latter formerly Miss Ruth Hess, and Ran- dy Scott Weber, of Exeter. the lat- ter formerly Miss Joyce Broderick. Under the leadership of Mr, S. G. Rennie, the choirs presented the cantata, "King All Glorious." to an exceptionally large congregation. Special numbers by the junior and senior choirs included solos, duets, trios and quartettes. Special parts were taken by Mrs. H. McEwan, Mrs. T. Coates, Mrs. R. Mock, Mrs. F. Appleby4 Mrs. R. Broderick, Mrs. W. J. Rogers, Miss Mary Goodwin, Miss Marlene Petzke, S. - G. Rennie, Newell Geiger, R. Mock and F. J. Appleby. At the evening service Rev. Rog- ers. chose the topic, "The Glory of Going On." At the morning service of January 7, at 11 o'clock, Com- munion will be observed. Evening service will be held at 7 o'clock as. usual. The regular monthly meeting of the W.M.S. of the United Cburch will be held at the Manse Thurs- day. afternoon, Jan. 11, at three o'clock. A large attendance is urg- ed. The monthly meeting of the Wo- men's Institute takes place in the Legion rooms on Wednesday eve- ning, Jan. 10. Mrs. C. Forrest and Mrs. Inez McEwen are arranging an interesting program. Roll call will be "The most useful gadget in mp kitchen." Mrs. Midtdleto'n will gape the motto, .and Mrs, Brown, the demonstration. Mists Leckie will be the guest speaker. The second Community Night Will be held on Friday, Jan. 12, at which the merchants( on ,Main St. (north) will provide prizes. Pro- greasive euchre will be played, The' following new 'books) have been received at Hensen Public Library: Fiction—O'men Glen, Williams; The Prodigal Heart, Ertz; A Game For Empires, Frye; Tomorrow We Reap, Street; Blaze ,of Noon, Beat- tie; Thisi and No More, Freedman; Across the River and Into the Trees, Hemingway; ,Castle in the Swamp, Marshall; Crown Imperial, Seive roughton; Hickory Shirt, 'Patna* The Lost Lamp, Jenkins; The Nymph and the Lamp, Rad- diall; The Spanish Gardener, Cron- in; Son of a Hundred Kings, Cos- tain; The Curious Wine, Bradbury; Death, in it. White Tie, Marsh; Rio Kid Justice, Davis; Before the Crossing, Jameson; Outlaw Val- ley, Heckelman; Bend of the Snake, Gulick; Stirrups in the Dust, Arthur; Texas Red, West- land; Let the Guns Roar, Heckel - man; Stop on the Green Light; Brogan; The Case of the Negli- gent Nymph, Gardner; The Case of the Musical Cow, Gardner; Birds of Ill Omen, Knight; The Groom Lay Dead, •Coxa; Mesquiteer Mav- ericks, MacDonald; Sundown Rid- ers, Thompson; Justice on Half -a - Day Creek, Hendryx; Death in Clairvoyance, Bell; Disappearance of Dr. Brundustine, Sherwood; Death and the Bright Day, Fitt. Juvenile Fiction—Silver Wings Vivki, Wells; Secret of Magnolia Manor, Wells; Vicki Finds the An- swer, Wells; The Hidden Valley, Wells; The Winning Forward Pass Laroton; Pebble in the Sky, Asin or; Needle, Clemeu3; Curtain Call De Lunro; The Bells on Finland Street, Cook; Turtle River Filly Armstrong; Tarzan the Terrible Burroughs; Hello Canada and Hockey Fane in the United States Hewitt; Tim's Place, Evans; In the High Valley, Coolidge; The Clue of the Broken Blossom, Tat ham; For a Whale Lifetime, Ly- on; The Golden Pine Cone, Clark; The Adventures of Mr. Toad, Dis ney ; Miss Flora McFlimsey's• Christmas, Mariana; The Funny Bunny Factory ; More Stories About the Three Bears, Leonard; A Surprise For Mrs. Bunny, Stein er; The Story Book of Cotton Petersham; The Story Book o Rice, Petersham; Slim Tails Trip- lets, Chell; Mrs. Slimtails Goes Shopping, Chell ; Sue Barton Neighborhood Nurse, Boylston Raggedy Anne in Cookie Lanil Gruelle; New '-V1gggie Muggin's Stories, Gramman; Just Mary, Blue Stories, Gramman; Skippy and Others, MacIntyre; Snow Over Bethlehem, Milhous; Three Friends Montgomery; The Big Elephant Jackson; The Tall Book of Make - Believe, Wenner. Non -Fiction — Romantic Britain Stephenson.; The American Wo man's Encyclopedia of Horne Deco rating, Kanes; The Kon-Tiki Expe- dition, Heyerdahl; The Little Princesses, Crawford; Life of An American Workman, Chrysler. Mr. and Mrs. J. L. McCloy and Kathryn Ann, of Toronto, visited over the week -end with Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Hess', Miss Annie Hood, aged 98, will mark her birthday on Sunday, Jan. 7: She is active and bright and lives alone, and does her own housework with the aid of one of her neighbors. Mr. and Mrs. Dorland Little and family, of Biggar, Sask., who are spending the winter in Watford, spent the week -end with Mr. and Mrs. George Hess. Mr. Li'.tle is a nephew of Mrs. Hess. ssoeiation ee� 'Meet. inelk;a' Association of Petted Church met on an. 2, with an attend- aii+ e e �tvyetityi. The meeting open- Witbi< ya4►1, 351. The devotion- atakriotrova.s conducted by Mrs. i,obolt,,`A�lau.,aseisted by Mrs. Ben Keyelil'`44ii if'! he 'Kingdom Within," Matt, `'*3 verses 1-9. Hymn, 314 was 1,,futlewed ,by prayer by til',+ '.t be ' Treed -'was re - pe 9 -The minutes of the last, meeting were, read by M'rs. L. Wilson: The roll call was answered by "Our Lavorite psalm." The freasul'er, 'Mrs. W. M,cBeth, gave the report, after which there was some, discussion- about im- provements being made in. the church basement. Miss E. Bowey gave a report from the manse com- mittee; Mrs. Keyes reported hav- ing made about 14 calls, and Mrs. W. Scott reported from the card and Rower committee. The meet- ing eeting closed: with Hymn 364, after which Mrs. G; Henderson) conduct- ed a contest.. Lunch was served. Mr. Frank Mustard bias returned to Kirkland, Lake after holiadying at his home here. Mr. Jack McDonald and friend of Ottawa, visited a few days with his parents, Mr. and Mrs, Jim Mc- DonaM. Mr. and .Mrs. Harry Thornton, of Hamilton, spent the week -ends with Mr, and Mrs. A. Paterson. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Livingstone were week -end visitors with Mr. and Mrs. A. Zapfe. Miss Marion Hill, who has been at her' home for some time, visited during the week with friends be- fore returning to duties in St. Cath; arines. Mr, and Mrs. Don Herne have returned to Ldndon after spending the week here. Cromarty Resident Marks 90th Birthday Mr. and Mrs. Stewart Robertson, Mr- and Mee. Earl Robertson and little daughter and Calvin, visited. on New Year's Day with John Rob- ertson and .his mother. Mrs. Rob- ertson observed her ninetieth birth- day on Wednesday, Jan. 3. The best wishes of the community are extended to her. 'Mr. and Mrs. Otto Wacker spent the holiday with Mr. and, Mrs. Al- vin Cornish in Exeter. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Ctolquhoun,. of Staffa, visited Monday With their daughter and sin -in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Allen. Mr. and Mrs. Ross Houghton and family, Gordon Houghton, Shirley Gale, of London, and - Mrs. M. Houghton visaed. on Monday with Mr. and Mrs. Len Houghton in Wingham. Mrs. J. Fulton, of •Mi.tchell, Mr. and Mrs. Lorne McGill, Lindsay, visited with Mrs. D. Kellar on Sunday. Miss Marguerite Duncanson has returned to Fort Erie after s'bend- ing the holidays with her parents, Rev. R. Duncanson .and, Mrs. Dun- canson, at the manse. Word has been received, here of the death of Dr. ,Murray Scott, son of the late 1John Scott "and. Mrs. Scott, one-time residents of Down- ie ownie Township. • Dr. Scott graduated from the University of Toronto in 1932 and for five years conducted a private practice in Toronto, and was well known in the field of. endocrinology. Last year be be- came medical director of Sharp & Dolmans Inc. The sympathy of the Colnin4lnity Is extended to the many relatives and friends. - anti of Me- `x fi ra' aaue W t4):ak)r twit, Ilia 'parents, .milia#1 raveling iso ze wit 1, bila'' The Late James Love Mr. James Love, of Hillegr'een, eel? of Nina James, Love and the tete James Love, passed away on Saturday, Dec. 30, in Clinton Hos' pilar. He leaves to mourn his loss, bis Mother, of Centralia; a broth- er rother Stanley, of Exeter, and two as- ters, Mrs. Robert Madge (Agnes), of Manitoba, and Mrs. Huxtable (Anna), of Centralia. Funeral ser- vices were conducted on Tuesday, Jam. 2, at the Bonthron Funeral Parlors in: Hansall, with interment in Baird's cemetery, Stanley Town- ship. ownship. KIPPFN „ "A Happy .and Prosperous New Year be extended, to all in and around Kippen." Mr. and Mrs. Dickert and Meryl spent New Year's with relatives in Clifford. Mr. and Mrs. Stuart McBride, of London, spent the holiday week- end with the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs_ Alvin McBride. Mr. and •Mrs. Edward Little and daughters, Marcia and Cheryl Anne of Ilderton, spent Sunday with Mrs. Little's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Norman Long. Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Smith, of Guelph, spent New Year's with Mrs. Smith's parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Jarrott. The Kippen Gun Club held a shooting match on New Year's Day. Mr • and aMrs•. Lloyd Workman and daughters, of Oshawa, visited last 'Week -end with :his . mother, Mrs. Thos. Workman and Mr. and Mrs. Orville Workman. Mrs. Alice Cook,' of London, vis- ited her mother last Thursday. Mist* Etta' Jarrott, of Toronto, was a .guest of her mother, Mrs. Catharine Jarrott, during the Christmas holidays. Mr. Neil Campbell, foreman for CLINTON II><g u present!'"., JQ1HN (NIANti,,i0t,ratigrd rfq MRS. iMORAN, .Solon . MR. J. FAN.GRAP, 9orf104 JAN. ••6, 1951. 8 ;Q pfd Reme7nher to ` me foe• I rat' Saturday of every nusth k the Clinton• iigh,. School. •, QO� -41010, TUCKERSMITH Federation Banquet HENSALL TOWN HALL Friday, Jan. 19th 7:00 P.M. 1 4 SPEAKER — Cameron McTagga>!`. ,,., Gordon Bennett will discuss the Warble Entertainment by Paul Bros. • OLD-TIME DANCE — Desjardine's Orchestra Tickets. may be obtained from any Federation Dire tto"r—$1.60 1. O'LEARY, Secretary. R. MQGREGOR, President, FORD TRACTOR OWNERS ! WE HAVE ON DISPLAY A Ford Tractor equipped with • Bombardier Caterpillar Tracks • Hupp 15 Speed Transmission and • Sno-Blo Rotary Snow Plow DALY MOTOR Ford - Monarch Sales and Service SEAFORTH aad • • Time passes quickly and before we fully realize it another year has gone by. This is particularly true in regards to subscriptions. We think we paid that subscrip- tion just a few weeks ago, whereas actually it was many months ago. So just to make sure you are up to date, will you please check the date on the label on your copy of The Huron Expositoe. If the date shown is earlier than January 5, 1951 then you are en arrears. if this is the case, your remittance would be appreciated. Either drop into the Office or mail the amount to The Huron Expositor, Seaforth, Thank a lot, 4 e Iai��stS):i �t Pi +; t ,1. • t 1 1 1 f` f 4- 4 ( 1 }