HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1950-12-29, Page 4ri it Ads Inserted At New Low Cash Rates :FOR SALE, WANTED. LOST AND FOUND, ETC.—Per word: 1st week 1Cent 2nd week % Geist 3rd week rt Cent Minimum charge, first insertion- 25 Cents Each figure, initial and abbreviation counts as ane word- . ord• Q 'Bhanba, In Memoriam Notices, Coming Events -1 cent, per word. 5Q to per week. ro}iriea nkat' be directed to a Box No., c/o The Huron Expositor, for 10 cents extra. 11.Onto additional well be charged if ads in above class are not paid within 10 days of date of final insertion. Bi?', Marriages and Deaths inserted free of charge. .„,•AiFGtion Sales, Notices to Creditors, Etc. -,Rates on application, Minimum, Coming Events TVG NEW YEAR'S DANCE AT 1lil Crystal Ballroom, Mitchell, Friday night, December 39: 9:30 to 1 p.m. Hata, Horns. Fun galore, with Don and His 'Ranch Boys. Admission 75c. 4330x2 0 Personals HYGIENIC SUPPLIES (RUBBER Goods) mailed postpaid in plain, sealed envelope with price .that. 6 samples 25c; 24 samples 51.00. Mail -Order Dept. T-73, NOVA -RUBBER CO., Box 91, Hamilton, Ont Livestock Wanted Up TO 15.00 EACH FOR DEAD OR Disabled Horses, Cows, Hoge, at your farm. Prompt service. Phone Collect Wm. Sproat, Seafori6, 656 r 2- WIL- LIAM STONE SONS, LIMITED, Inger- eoll. Ont. Notices RADIO REPAIRS — WHEN TOUR radio won't work, bring it to TERRY'S RADIO REPAIR, and take it home the same day—any day. Opposite Dick House. Phone 347.8, Seaforth. 4295-tf Wanted. WANTED —IMMEDIATELY, UNFURN- ished apartment PHONE 47. 4331x1 WANTED—TWO MEN BOARDF.n.S. Y - PHONE 691-W, Seaforth. 4331-1 Property For Sale FOR SALE—SIX-ROOM FRAME HOUSE and barn, Lots 211 and 212, in Hen- sall. Apply to MB. ALBERT WALFF, Box 666, Goderieh. 4326x4 FOR SAT.F NEW HOUSE, RANCH style; fully modern; oil furnace, air conditioned. Cath be bought with down payment and monthly payment plan. C. G. LEE, John Street. 4314-tf Help Wanted CARETAKER FOR HIGH SCHOOL APPLICATIONS WILL BE RECEIVED up to January 2, 1951, for position of caretaker for Seaforth District High School. Duties to commence January 15, 1951. Applicant to state salary expected and age. For further particnlare apply to Prtnei- pai L. P. Plamsteel, or Dewetary. Address all applications to be A REID, Phone 2.14 ▪ Seaforth 4329-3 OFFICE CLERKS SEVERAL POSITIONS ARE NOW OPEN for messenger, -filing, typing and ac- counting clerks - Single girls with two or more years high school are "referral Previous ex- perience or ability to type is not eaem- tiai. 'Hours And working conditions are ideal, and opportunities for advancement excel- lent - ?Please apply.. an person, or write tot THE MUTUAL LIFE OF CANADA Head Office Waterloo, Ont. 4831-2 Motor Cars For Sale FOR SALE -1931 MODEL 'A' FORD IN A-1 condition ; good tires. ROBERT FINLAY. Phone 346-E, Seaforth. 482841 1) CHEV. FLEETLINE S1;DAN—Green, in color; only 7,000 miles • 49CHEV, DE LUXE SEDAN --Custom, radio, many extras. , - 49 CHEV. COACH 49 48 STYLEMASTER COACH 40 48 47 47 48 CHM SEDAN 39 39 38 DODGE SEDAN 37 31 35 PONTLIC SEDAN Customradio CBEV. 9EDA8J; two-tone green QHEV. FLEE'rL5NE Email - Two -tame green CHEV. FLEETLIIJE COACH Two-tone grey CHEV. FLEETLrNE SEDAN—Two- tone in color; radio, sun visor; many extras, PONTIAC COACH OBEY. SEDAN NASH SEDAN PLYMOUTH COACH Dein E SSIDAN MANY O'rifiLn urOM -rvtgt,$ q'O .QIOOSE 1rR 13RUSST LS MOTORS SEASON'S b`it'Bkl`lalTtl'cjli 'orl'ia�.:,epi P a IYSea Coo i1GG 41 'EY 1g>)lt i4 f!d re For Sale TOR SALE -2 WINDOW FRAMES, complete with glazed sash. Apply JOSEPH T. HUGILL, Seaforth. 4330x2 port SALE—NEW SINGER SEWING machines, electric and treadle. Re- pairs to all makes. SINGER SEWING CENTRE, 78 Ontario St., Stratford. 4223-tf FOR SALE — 5 HOLSTEIN COWS, springing ; 6 Holstein heifers, fresh- ening, lila months; 2 Durham first -calf heifers, freshening an one month. Apply to BILL 'BURDGE. Phone 625 r 6. 4829x3 FOR IMMEDIATE SALE — QUEBEC hater; Beatty washing machine; kit- chen table; RC.A. 78-r.p,m. record play- er and large quantity of records; Jewel portable radio, like new. Apply JAMES WALLACE, West William Street. 433131 FOR SALE—AIR TIGHT HEATER; 2 pairs springs; boy's skates and boots: 2 pieces oil cloth ; corner cupboard: books white dishes; 2 mattresses; well pump; 2 cistern pumps; 2 frying pans ; 2 tin trays: 7 -inch piped. CLARENCE REEVES, Seaford:. 4381-1 For Rent FOR RENT—COTTAGE, WITH HYDRO, telephone, water pressure system. Will be available shortly. Phone .1 '► E- HUGILL, 616 r 34. Clinton, or 667 r 6, Seaforth. 4331-2 Auction Sales AUCTION SALE OF DAIRY AND BEEF Cattle wild be held first farm east of Seaforth, on No. 8 Highway. opposite Lions Park, on Wednesday; January 3rd, at 1:30 p.m. 7 Registered Holstein rows sue in February and March; 2 Registered Ayrshire cows, due in. k'ebruary; 2 Jersey cows, springers ; 10 grade dairy cows, due in January and February; 5 Durham and Hereford cows due in January and Febru- ary; 6 choice Durham heifers, due in February and March, weighing from 900 to 1,000 lbs. This is a choice lot of cows and heifers, all T.B. testfli. Terms—Cash. DALE NIXON, Proprietor; Harold Jack- son, Auctioneer: E. P. ,Chesney, Clerk - 4331 -1 Cards Of Thanks MISS OLIVE McCORMACK WISHES to extend sincere thanks to her friends and neighbors, at,, fur beautiful floral offerings and many Mass cards ex- tended to her in the Doss of a dear aunt, Mrs. L: E. Richards. 4331-1 I WOULD LIKE TO TAKE THIS portunity to thank all my friends and relatives for cards sent me when I was a patient in .Scott Memorial Hoopital: spe- cial thanks to Drs. Brady and McMaster, nursing staff, superintendent and all those ! who made my stay in the hospital so cheer- ful and pleasant. Wishing you all th1; cumin ;mews of the season, lam 4331-1 MRS. E. H- CH1PCHASE T WISH TO TAKE THIS OPPORTUNITY of expressing sincere thanks to all try neighbors and friends for visits, cards, let- aers, gills, flowers, etr;.. which I received while I was a patient in .Scott Memorial Hospital and since returning home, and especially the :nursing staff whio were so kind to me. Also to thank Dr. J. A. Gorwill and Rev. E. R. Stanway, of Brucefield Ur6ted Church. MRS. LIA.RBELLE THOMSON MR. JOHN PASSMORE AND THE family of the late Mrs. John Pass- more wish to thank relatives, friehds and 4331-1 neighb,rs for their kindness and expres- sions of sympathy during their recent sad bereavement: for the beautiful floral tri- butes. sympathy cards and to those who acted as pallbearers. Special thank;: to Dr. Goddard, Rev. W. 7. Rogers and Har- old Bonthron. 4331-1 Births EATON—In Scott Memorial Hospital. on December 25, to Mr. and Mrs. Walter (Tim) Eaton, Sezforth, a daughter. CORLETT—In Scott Memorial Hospital, on December 26, to Mr. and Mn;. Glen Corlett, R.R. 1, Walton, a daughter (still -born). KNOWLES--ln Scott Meanorial Hospital, on December 2.6, to Mr. and Mrs. Doug- las Knowles i nee Marion Sclater), Exe- ter, a daughter. HEBDITCH—In Atikokan, Ont, on Dec. 15. to Mr. and Mrs. Ted Hebditch (nee Trixie Sandford), a daughter -• Janet Elizabeth. Deaths McKellar -Lin Hibbert, on Tuesday, Dec. 26, Alexander (Sandy) McKellar, in his 91st year. Highlights of (Continued from Page 1) petal Aid sponsor local talent show, "It'd a Date,” A. W. Dick retires from Football Association after 25 years; new street signs erected on Goderich St. May 26 --Arnold Scott graduated from O.A.C., Guelph, in animal husbandry, son of the Mr. and Mrs. Jas. T. Scott; James Arthur Mc- Callum, of Walton, killed Friday when he toppled four feet over an em:bankmen,t with tractor. June 2—Mary Margaret Cleary wins scholarship which entitles her to a summer course at 'Trois Pistoles, Que., is daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Cleary; :Masonic Lodge host to fellow Detroit mem- bers; Thos. Melady graduated from the O.A.C. Veterinary College, Guelph; Roger H. Milliken graduat- ed from O.A.C. with 73:7 per cent. June 9—... R. Dorrance, former reeve of McKillop, passed away af- ter a length illness; W. J. Finni- gan, Egmonddville, sells business to his son-in-law, Clair Haney; Sea - forth Creamery ie sold to H. H. Leslie; new lumber Supply busi- ness will be officialy opened. when Bali 8i Inaesonae Will begin Opera- tions in the old Palace 'Rink; Doris Joan McMaster graduates from Y[alriitolt Hosplta`1: •. :u June '16—E. L. Box termina'te's 4oirg.fared( in . bilslneres) ,,,gge ioa of 80:Yeats; 1.: 4 dx1'ela'b'iai;1s, far 'ettEsafdrth rea9 eiit,z Axes,,1d,., e ,fel B'tatetit; , ;'lii0' tog 1":i;J li lj %earth wizi,s radofphonograph at Air Force Celebration, Clinton. June 23—Frank R. Marshall, of alton, an honor graduate in civil engineering r iv r f oIn the University sits oP eveatern Ontario; Miss' Marguerite Duna named "Lady of the'Year" by Seaforth C.W,I.; Rev. D. H. Stew- arts accepts call to Victoria Church n Toronto; Mr. H. H. Leslie hon- ored at a meeting of the Co-opera- tives' Directors Saturday; Seaforth Nurses hold garden party at nurs- es' residence. June 30—Mary Hagan, Francis Huiss'er, Josephine McIver and Lorraine Rowland graduated from Stratford Normal School; W. T. Teall heads Lions Club for coming year; Jas. J. Sims appointed as- sistant .principal at Seaforth Public School. July 7—John Beattie retires from business after 60 years; Kennetrh Edward Keating called to bar at Osgoode Hall, Toronto; presenta- tion made to 11. Glenn Hays at summer home of Mr. and Mrs. H. Jackson; Mrs, Jaa. Sproat marks 90th birthday. July 14—Damm's store at Kippen sold to Norman •Dickert; John A. Wilson, former town clerk, improv- inv. after sever stroke; Mr. and Mrs. F. Reynolds, newly-weds, hon- ored onored at home of Mr. and Mrs. Gor- don Reynolds. July 21—Large balloon passed ov- er town early Saturday evening in northeasterly direction; A. W. Sil- lery moves law office to Dominion Bank Bldg.; Don Woods broke his collarbone while playing •ball in Dublin Thursday night. July 28—Robt. Archibald is win- ner of Seaforth 'Lions carnival ear; Rt. Hon. Wm. Lyon 'Mackenzie King passed "away at his summer home, near Ottawa, Sunday even- ing, in his 76th year; John Hille- brecht suffers'stroke while visiting friends in Sarnia. Aug- 4—Sheila(. Malone, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Malone, Mc- Killop, suffered a fractured elbow; Mrs. F. W. Wigg fractured her arm by falling on Main St. Aug. 18—Andrew McLellan, and Mrs. .McElroy of Seaforth and Mrs. Agnes Klein, Mitchell. drowned at Springbank; Ed. Boyes' barn near Brucefield burned to the ground; Wm. Kelly suffers injuries when a scaffolding broke as he and E. Albrecht and Ron MacKay were repairing a roof; J. J. Hugill marks 85th birthday at his home in Mc- Killop; o-Killop; Mrs. Helen K. Scott wins corner cabinet at lawn bowling tournament. • - Aug. 25—Jack Wright and Em- merson purst were honored by fel- low employees of the Robt. Bell Industries Ltd.; John F. Scott re- cently repainted the exterior of the Seaforth post office. Sept, 1—Miss N. Hartry made a life member of the Ontario Wo- men's Teacher Association in Tor- onto; Miss Mae Clarke feted in honor of her approaching mar- riage; after nine days of silence the shrill blast of a train whistle was beard Thursday morning. Sept. S—Chamber of Commerce sells all exhibitors space at Sea - forth Fall Fair; J. D. Livingston appointed general manager of the Robt. Bell Industries; H. H. Les- lie wins prizes for butter at C.N.E. Robt, D. MacLennan wins Rueben Wells Leonard scholarship present- ed, by the University of Western Ontario. Sept. i5—Rev. T. P. Hussey dies in St. Joeeinh's Hospital on Sunday; Miss Luella Taylor. nurse, honored at showers prior to her marriage; H. O. Free appointed sales super- visor . of the Supertest Petroluem Corporation.. Sept. 22 ---Jas. N. Corry, M.P. for Perth. opens Seaforth Fair; Mrs. F. Novak. R.M.T-. will open class- es in singing and piano; E. H. Close wins suit of clothes at Tip Top tourney; nearly 2,000 attend Mc- Killop School Fair. Sept. 29—Smoke blacks out dis- trict Sunday afternoon, caused by forest fires in remote Northern 1- b!rta: Mr. and Mrs. E. Gee es bar- ied 40 years. Oct. 6—Judge J. L. - lora., died at his borne in Stratford ednes- clay: Henry Weiland, Egmondville, marked 93rd birthday on Sunday; Miss Jean Agar honored at home ot- Mrs. John Cur: -ie on Friday and by Miss Helen Maloney on Monday. C. M. Smith injured when cars collided on Goderich St.; Alvin Pryce and H. Armstrong shoot tur- key- buzzard in Tuckersmith. Oct. 13—Miss Dorothy Parke heads Hospital Aid; A]lister.Broad- foot injures neck when thrown to barn floor from threshing machine; Mrs, Mary A. 'Henderson marks 99th birthday; MisIS. H. McDougall marks 80th birthday. Oct. 20—•E. C. Boswell, Dominion Bank manager, retires; male bowl- ers entertain ladies to turkey din- ner; Miss Isabel Cummings retires after long service in Ottawa. Oct. 27—Hon. R. H. Winters ad- dresses annual meeting of Liberals of Huron -Perth; Miss Doris Pull- man, a former member of First Church choir, presented with gift; Mrs. David McLean installed as N. G. of Rebekah Lodge. Nov. 2—Cavan Church, Winthrop, observes 75th anndversay, Rev. D. Carswell, Toronto, former minis- ter, attends; turkey supper held Wednesday Blight; Peter Cameron, Tuckersmith, marks 88th birthday; Mr. and Mrs. Conrad Siemon, Zur- ich. celebrate 50th anniversary of their marriage. Nov. 10—Andrew Crozier, west of town, crushed his right foot un-, der the half -ton weight of a corn blower; Mrs. Geo. Reeves fell and fractured .her left arm; Dr. G. C.' Jarrott, Stratford, appointed one of two coroners for Stratford; $263 raised at bazaar of First Church. Nov. 17—Friends honor Miss D. Drover at home of Mr. and Mrs. C. Eyre; Mary Lou Dander, five and a half' year old child, fatally in3ur- ed in Dublin while on way home from school. Nov. 24—Group from Goderich present "Danger, Girls Working," in First Church; Hon. W. E. Har- ris, Minis'te"r of Citizenship and itilmigration, address Federation banquet in Cardno's Hall, Dee. 1—Dr..] A. McMaster elect- ed lectedi Mayer of Seaforth at nonliria- tien Dleetilig; lkitr. end; Mrs. 'H. Beattie, .1:11111ettr hollered at tlfe biome of (let► l�r :•r Stflit>r„` i'Mt aatd Mrs, S. Garnlha'ni'surpriseci on the occasion of 25th wedding, annivers- art'. Dec. 8—Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Bell married 55 years; Rev. •44 G. Me - Millan, Goderich,' and the;;organist and choir director, and- .a male quartette were in charge, of the serttices ie First Oln rchS on Sun- day; Walter G, . Willis has 81st birthday, and has been in, (business since 1895. Dec. 15—Mr. and Mrs. Robert Smith mark 55th wedding anni- versary; new council fon 1251 elect- edas follows': B. F. Christie, E. H. Close, J. /C. 'Crich, T. E ,,Daly, A. W. S'illery, A. K. Sharp. Dec. 22—Mr. d,nd Mrs.' E. Keys, Egmondvilley married &q ' years; Jae. McIntosh appointed; to S.A.T. S. Board; Jas. T. Scott beads Can- adian Legion; Dr. Ross 'Howson purchases medical practice. in Galt. CROMARTY Miss Marguerite Duncanson, of Fort Erie, is spending the holiday season with her parents,.,.,Rev. R. •Duncanson and Mrs. 'Duncanson, at the manse, Murray Balfour visited at Wind- sor with his mother, Mrs. E. Bal- four. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Houghton, of Mildmay, and •Mr, and M'rs. Len Houghton, Fiiankie and i,geonard Gordon visited Wednesday with Mrs. Houghton. Mr. and Mrs- Ted Storey and little daughter and Arnold Storey spent the week -end with friends at Seaforth, Walton and Kincardine. Mrs. E. MacDonald visited her sister, Olive Speare, - over the week -end. Mr. and; Mrs. Frank Hamilton visited; with Mr. an'd Mrs. (William Martin, of Kippen., Mr. and Mrs -'Phos- Laing, Rob- ert and Gordon, and Rob* Cole- man spentt ,.:Qbrietmas Jean Chalmers( and `sdYi; ?, lay at London Mr. and Mrs. Alvin. Cornish, . of Exeter, and Mr. Peter 'Foulkes, of London, visited with Mr. and Mrs. Otto Walker and family. Mrs. Mac Lamona, accompanied by her son. Malcolm,, are s,pending a few weeks at Rochester, where he is undergoing treatment. Mr. and Mrs, Eldon Allen enter- tained the members of the Allen family one evening recently. Mr. Ross McPhail, of the 12th concession of Hibbert, • • has pur- chased] the farm of George Wallace and intends occupying it •in the spring. Mrs, Houghton. Gordon Hough- ton, Mr. and Mrs. Ross Houghton and family and Flank Stagg spent Christmas Day with Mr. and Mrs. Jack Kemp and family in Mitchell. Mt's. John Wallace is convales- cing atter an operation in Scott Memorial Hospital, Seaforth. We wish her a speedy recovery. The sympathy of the comantlnity is extended to the family ,of the late Alex McKellar, and also to Mrs. Clifford Dow and her 'family inthe sudden •death of Clifford Dow. KIPPEN Mrs. Ivy Butt, of Seaforth, spending the Christmas holida.ye with Mr, and Mrs, James McLean, of Tuckersmith, Mrs. Butt's many old-time friends are pleased to have her visit her again. Rev. and Mrs. Hinton were the guests of the Rev, Mr. and Mrs. Woods, of Grand Bend for Christ- mas ,Mr. and Mrs, Samuel Cudmol•e, in company with Mr, and Mrs. Ce- cil Oke, spent Christmas with the formers, son and. family, Mr. Stew- art Cudllore, in London. Mr. and. Mrs. Orville Workman and Mrs. Thos, Workman spent Christmas Day with Mrs. Work- man's parents at Clinton. Mr. and Mrs- Elston Dowson spent a day recently with old-time friends in Goderich, . Mr. and Mrs. Frank McConachie and children left Monday morning to spend, Christmas Day in Toron- to with Mr. McConachie's parents. Mr. Lorne McBride, of Windsor, is spending the Christmas holidays with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Robert McBride. Mr. and Mrs. Grant Love and family, of .Cairo, Mich., are spend- ing the Christmas holidays,] with Mrs, Love's sister and ,brother-in- law, Mr: and Mrs, Dalrymple. Mr. Harvey Damm, of Wingham, was in the village Sunday and call- ed on some of his friends, Mr. and, Mrs. Dickert and Meryl spent Christmas with his mother and brothers in Clifford, ' Mrs. McClymont spent Christmas With her idaughter, •Mre.: Shelbf Mr. and Ur8. 'Mire Holbert; of Exeter, 'epent Christmas 'with, Mrs. Shelby, 'Mr. Normen, Long takes this :•� portunity of thanking tthe' many patrons on Rural Routs No. a for remembrances of gifts he reeeirt ed, and wishes all a Happy. Naw Year. i1r. Black, of Centralia, spent Sunday with Mr. and, Mrs. Henry Stasik. Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Smith, - of Guelph, spent Christmas with Mrs. Smith's mother and father, Mr. and Mrs. John Jarrott. Miss Kate i3engough spent Christmas with her nephew in London. Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Smith, of Guelph, are spending a week with the batter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Jarrott. Mr. and Mrs. Archie Parsons and family spent Christmas' with Mr. and Mrs. J. Linden at Denfield and with Mr, and Mrs. Robert Parsons, Hensall- Mr. and Mrs. N. Dickert and Merle spent the week -end with relatives at Clifford'. Mr. and Mrs. Grant Love and daughters, of Caro, Mich., spent the week -end with relatives in and around the village. Mr. and Mrs. A. Gackatetter and Gail Ann and Mr, Donald Evens spent Christmas with Mr. and Mrs. W. Horney in Exeter. Mr. and' 'Mrs. Herbert Jones epent Christmas at the home of Mrs. M. Finkbeiner in Exeter. Mr. and, Mrs. Harold Jones and Grant spent Christmas with Mrs. J. Love, •of Varna. Mr. Allan E .s spent last week at the home "i'' -his parents, Mr. a.nd Mrs. J. Eve . s, of near Kit—_ Mrs. John Henderson had the misfortune to fall on• icy steps while sin nHensall one day last week, resulting in fracturing her wrist. Mr. and Mrs. R. Torrence and Mr. and Mrs. Hairy Torrence and son, of Porter's Hill, and Mr. and Mrs. Ivisoa Torrence, of Mitchell, ,spent Christmas with Mr. Henry Ivison, and Jean. Mr. Don Bell, of the O.A.C., Guelph, is spending the holidays with his parents, Mr. and' Mrs. Wm. Bell. WINTHROP Mr. Ralph Davidson, of Strat- ford, spent Christmas with his family. Mr. R. 'K, McFarlane is visiting his parents near Almonte. Mr. C. Hawley, London; Mists Jean Alexander, Seaforth, and Mr. and :Mrs. E. Hawley spent Christ- mas with Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Me- Spadden. Mises Shirley Montgomery, Lon- don, and Mr. Andrew Montgomery and Rose, Brantford, 'spent Christ- mas hristmas at their home. Mr. and Mrs. John Campbell en- tertained their family Monday. Mr. and Mrs. James, McClure en- tertained the Kerr family .and Mr. and Mrs. Wilson Campbell on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. O. Hodge are vis- iting with Mr. and Mrs. E. Haase. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Smith and Miss- Irma Broadfoot, Sundridge, called on Mr. and Mrs. John Mc- Clure on. Sunday. Miss Nellie Lamont is, spending Christmas week with her parents, Mr. and Mrs, Archie Lamont. Mr. and Mrs. E. Haase spent Christlnas in Acton. CONSTANCE Personals: Mr. Kenneth Buchan- an, uchanan, Minden, with Mr. and Mrs. R. Buchanan; Mr, and Mrs. Robert Johnston and son, Cornwall, with Mr, and Mrs. James Medd; Miss Donelda Adams, Centralia, with Mr. and Mrs. E. Adams; Mr. and Mrs. Ted Warren, and Mr. and Mrs. Jack Dodds, London, with Mr. and Mrs. Earl Lawson. HENSALL (Continued from Page 1) "Star Of the East," and Miss Greta Lammie capably presided at the organ. The church was beautiful- ly decorated for the occasion. Great credit is due the committee in charge, members of the Wohelo Class, headed by Mrs. R. Drysdale. In, loving memory of the late Earl Sproat, beautiful floral bouquets were offered by members "of the family. The evening service featured the pepte41.94'"dt tills; tOhr,latmas can Tata ” Bing' .1411 Glorious," 'girder the direction of Mr E. 'G, fta,nnie, nitoir. leacieir. and Was Greta, Lam 'tate..ol`gaglet,. Special numbers by tl)e Jllniore, solos,, diuets,, trios and quartettes; were greatly enjoyed by t'he, congregation., 'Because of the inclement w.eathezt, this eantat is being repeated next Suliday Morn- ing, orning, Dec. 31, at 11 o'clock. On Sunday at the afternoon ser- vice in Chiselhurst United Church, Mrs. T. •Coates, the guest soloist, acceptably rendered the solo, "There's a Song of Wondrous Beauty." The service was in charge of Rev. W. J. Rogers. Graham - McLean A wedding of interest was sol- emnized at Hensall United Church Manse on Wednesday, 'Dec. 20, by the Rev. W. J. Rogers, when Caro- line E. MacLean, of Kippen, and Ft. Stirling Graham, of Cromarty, were united in marriage. The bride wore a suit of taupe velvet with gardenia corsage and accessories in winter white. After a short trip, Mr. and Mrs. Graham will reside in Hibbert. Mr. and Mrs. James A. Paterson spent Christmas With Mr. and Mrs. Harold Brenkolt, of Kitchener. Mr. Brenkolt is a nephew of Mrs. Pat- erson. Mr, and Mrs. Eugene Gonyou and Donald, of Detroit, and Mr. and Mrs. e. allace MacArthur, of Osha awa, were Christmas, visitors with Mr. .and Mrs. Wim. Pepper. Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Kerr, Roy and Betty, of Monetville, spent Christmas and New Year's with the former's mother, Mrs. J, L. Kerr, Seaforth, and brother and sister-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Eldon Kerr, Seaforth, and with the lat- ter's sister;- Mrs. 'Maude Hedden, Hensall, Mr. and Mrs. Alex Shorthouse and. Gwen, of St. Catharines, spent Christmas with Mrs. C. M. Hedden and, Herb. Christmas visitors with Mrs- A, Lammie and Greta were Mr. and Mrs. Ray Laramie, Bobby and Jean, Centralia, and Miss An}y Lammie, London. Mr. and Mrs- J. E. McEwan spent Christmas Day with the former's sisters. the Misses Lillian and, Ed - 5th McEwan, in London. The following is the W.O.A.A. hockey schedule for Hensall: Dec. 29, Granton at Hensall; Jan. 3, Dashwood at Hensall; Jan. 9, Hen- sall at Luoan; Jan. 12, Exeter at Heneall; Jan. 17, Zurich at Han- sen; Jan. 19, Henstall at Zurich; Jan- 22, Lucan at Hensall; Jan. 24, Hensall at Dashwood; Jan. 29, • * .. New Year's Greetings ! Your Prudential Representative "The future belongs to those who prepare for it" H. E. SMITH Phone 122 Seaforth AUL°O.rriC SYNE 11 ebI tit. Season's Greetings ! ANN'S STUDIO HAYFiELD Or Phone 5 — Hensel]. B iisall itt Exeter;; • Jan,.• 31, 1•fepe''ai1 at Granton, . . • f , Concert At No, 1, Tucker6mIth The Christmas concert at S.S. 1, Tuckersmith, was 'held Wednesday evening. The original decorations and picture work added to the var- ious numbers. The decorations, as usual, were the 'subject of much favorable comment. Rev. W. J. Rogers, of Hensall, was chairman for the evening. Following his ad- dress the following delightful •pro- gram was presented and much en- joyed by an appreciative audience, the numbers being: Pop Corn Fan- tasy, song and dance; "Frosty, the Snowman," chorus; "When Santa Sleeps," playlet; duet, "Song of the Carillon Bells," Marian Pepper, Eileen Maxwell, Ronald Maxwell, Bob Clark; "McNamara's Band," Rhythm Band; "The Boy Who Didn't Like Christmlas," (playlet) ; violin and piano duet, Maja Roobal and Gerald Bell; visitors' numbers, vocal: solo, "Harbor Lights'," "Bon- aparte's Retreat" was contributed by Marylin Eyre, of S.S. 10, Tuck- ersmith; choral readings, "Only At Christmas," "Christmas Acrostic," "The. Christmas Prayer," with songs by Grades 6 and 8; "Lulla- by," action song, Maja Roobal, I'len,e Maxwell, Marian Pepper, Geraldine Parker, Kathleen Damm, Lucy Adair, Marion - Bell, Dorothy Parker; duet, "Sweet Smiles," Ilene Maxwell, Maja Roobal; "Long, Long Ago," "The 'Christmas Story" in song and pictures with orches- tral accompaniment, "Marionettes, Hansel and Gretchel." Santa Claus Fertilizer Farmers who have stor- age room, take delivery now and save ..money ! Pay May 1st. • W. M. SPROAT CALL 655 r 2 SEAFORTH el)1=R 4rrf�', tyre �rR {I'dPJ ^H if'� w'II 1 thu• 1 dry �Ila,t@ 1,k 't fl'7�4#!iie of er ,a4llW' T4s. •a 'ai# ..:04000Z•00.41"" the colleet,t00 9f 440.'"04000;•Y749 131Q•. L a Officers elected, of the1/14P44- beater • tealpq, iurrh#4e , - '!'t'ef}fRent. •W lZ �?01r•,�']''t�°��71aF,/ye'presddent, Ed.. Fink, �naxM. 4Wsolll ;O,llan; see retar) reas7�lyl); ; ' ftp ', BSi 74;.. Ara CQ&ella n: r, '•7fpr;.t`; 140404,4#09. Beer ' Tltavi� , b&, IIA a14,,l ii. ar(1)00.49•0::dba 1pi Y'QIlY'FP:;'6„'r'aii,�aia4 ,PeR4J° caaeb, aolit7i?ftte , Ge the all - Ito GUARANTY TRUST Company Of Canada Old CONSECUTIVE DIVIDEND NOTICE is hereby gives that a dividend of 13/4%, being twelve and one-lEceettis per- share and a the rate of 5% per annum On •the�iaidap capital stock of the Company, has been declared for the quarter year ending. Dee: 31st, 1950, payable Jan. 15th, 1951, to shareholders bi reOi ord at the, close of •Crani.'' Dec. DS�l�s��dt.,77 1950. By order of Boar the . 1!;: L WILSON 14410 Preddent&Caneraillfintifier 07 t: Going to Build? Get a copy of our HOME PLAN BOOK No need to shop around. Come to building headgiarters first for all your repair or remodeling nee*s . ''; • ALUMINUM ROOFING • WATERPROOF PAINT • SLIDING DOOR HARDWARE • TILE BOARD ,. e p it METAL MOULDINGS • CASEMENT WINDOWS • FLUSH DOORS. r„ • SHEATHING LANKY PLANKY Is a COPY g ed trade -mark awarded only to Lum- ber and Building Supply ''peelers of Unquestionable Reliability_an'd In- tegrity... - Fred C. Kalbfleisch and Son Ltd. ZURICH and GODERICH WILL PROVIDE THE EXTRA PROTECTION NEEDED F O R WINTER DRIVING I N THIS "SNOW - BELT' OF OURS! Call in and see our stock Ford - Monarch Sales and Service SEAFORTH Vf Huron Wholesale Notice io` ur (stomers. • With sincere regret we are forced to announce that for the present we will not have the privilege of serving you, because of an unfortunate highway accident which destroyed our truck. Pending our ability to resume service, we suggest that your .re- quirements be filled from other sources. If you wish to call, how- ever, we will be glad to serve you at 10 Sparling St., Seaforth. A We hope that this notice will enable you to maintain stQe1i without inconvenience. To those merchants who did not receive their order week, our humble apologies; We hope to resume ser ice as possible. We would like to express our deep appreciation: patronage during the past year, and our special than4�Y forth Merchants and Chamber of Commerce, and altOthetg, have supported, our endeavours. With your support, an .e increasing variety of goods is made possible, and thus we a'e•a to serve you more fully. ' fl% 1 • Huron,, Whol's ' e: John G W'a ice 851 1LFf, }, N'Y 4't;% :BEST WISHES IOR B NEW YRAR I' . tikdrt 1". '01 t izti�ci':,V �, �,• ,l�rx ;