HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1950-12-15, Page 5f NOM, 14 TM • -10tIMOVVittemeave- PERFECT DIAMONDS WHEN'iT'S A BLUEBIRD, yoil! KNOW irs PERFECT J. A. Westcott - 'JEWELLER ee. 4,404E 5994/ SEAFORTH This Week At the Seaford' High School (By SHIR.LEY IIRIEDAY) According to all reports our Com- mencement was a great success, especially the little skit and play. which provided much entertain- ment in our program. Miss Galli-, van had a big job to do when she: directee both plays and deserves much credit, as, this was no easy task. Before I go any further, I should compliment all those who were in the casts, on their fine acting, and also those who helped in any way. For a word or two about the ac- tors -Patsy, although not in her us- ual glamorous role, was quite a. hit; ber speech and make-up were hil- arious. Don Dale, the distinguish- ed, actor Eugene Tesh, was well chosen for the part, while the Rev- erend' and his wife, Mary Lou and Leslie brought to light their hidden talent. The brat (with no offence to Joy Elliott) was supposed to be Patsy's daughter or Lina Zooker. In the "Football Hero," the three CHRISTMAS BINGO and DANCE Tuesday, Dec. 26 ST. COLUMBAN Parish Hall LUNCH, ADMISSION 50c Prizes - Cash Siemon's Orchestra '.‘• IY" p- • , , • , • „, „ HOE SOMETHING FOR EVERY- ,• BODY ON YOUR CHRISTMAS SHOPPING LIST! r` You have only to drop in and browse around .14P 'I our store to appreciate the money -saving values of your choice. • - • • Box Furniture Store Funeral & Ambulance Service 'OFFICE 43 NIGHTS 595-W or 18 . , tr41,' qr,e, 41 f .af r‘k ese cheer -leaders, Gwen, Marion and Barbara, were quite outstanding in their ballet display and Marion L. in her jiving, (We hope to see more of them). Ken and Jean made quite a charming couple M the leading roles, but Bob, Ken's rival, took a beating when the Seaforth Mayen, John, Don, Mac, Sandy and Jim, tackled him. Diplomas, athletic, agricultural, academic .wards and several sehol- arships were presented also. The valedictory address, made by June Snell, was certainly well handled. The news that Ron Sills received one of the Huron County Bursaries, arrived too late to be announced Fridayinight. Five tuition bursaries up to $100 a year are available for students who have been residents of Huron County for the past three years. These bursaries are tenable only in the constituent colleges, of Western eUniversity and are re- newable on the saute terms as the Dominion -Provincial Student Aid Bursaries. These pleholarships were voted by the County Council of Huron for annual competition among Huron. County students in attendance at the University of Western Ontario. Tuesday Mary Lou Sills played a piano solo, "The Glow Worm," and for her encore the appropriate tune, "Walking in a Winter Won- derland." Our Christmas dance is sehedul- ed for next Thursday evening, and we want a better attendance than at the previous ones. It's up to you to be there and have yourself a good time. A program (very brief) will be provided for us next Fri- day by the students. We hope to have a skit, a sing -song and per- haps a quiz. Cheerio. ZION Mrs. Ritz, Monkton, visited her daughter, Mrs. Jack Malcolm, and Mr. Malcolm on Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Morley Lannin and Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Pepper were in Woodstock on Wednesday. Mrs. Albert Roney spent a few days with her daughter, Mrs. Bert Tubb, and Mr. Tubb last week. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. .Gibb, Strat- nerd, visited with Mr. and, Mrs. Dalton. Malcolm on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Fergus Lannin and family visited with Mr. and Mrs, Jas. Broughton on Sunday. Mr. Morley Lenten and Dalton Malcolm spent Friday in Guelph. Visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Roney on Sunday were: Mr. arid Mrs. Alb. Roney, Mr. and 'Mrs. Tom Bingham and family, Mr. and Mrs. Bert Tubb and Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Ahrens and family. Curling Stones Anyone having Curling Stones not in use, are asked to contact C. A. Barber, Secretary Sea - forth Curling Club. Members of the Club are in- terested in purchasing Stones. 1 54 en‘e ' Brown Leather Zip House Slip- per;' softole $2.50 .Men!s Brown Leather Elastic Side and Zipper Leather Sole Romeo. . Women's Blue or Wine Suede Mocc. ifP1 1112 I MO Same Style - Misses' 11 to 2 $1.45 Boys' Soft Soled Zip House Shoe 3245 '1 to 6 'Men!tt and Boys' Over shoes, all styles, $225 to 35.10 SLIPPERS ...are a family affair! OUR STOCK OF SEASONABLE FOOTWEAR, SUITABLE F 0 R CHRISTMAS GIFTS FOR EVERY MEMBER OF THE FAMILY, WAS NEVER SO eOMPLETE. SELECT NOW WHILE WE HAVE YOUR SIZE! Exclusive Agent for DACK SHOES FOR MEN Women's White Skate Outfit -$7.95 Misses' $6.95 Men's Black Skate Outfit %Professional" 1 -42 Men's All -Rubber "Flight Boot"' $5.95 $12-46 Women's Black or Brown Rubber Flight Boot" $9.45 Smith'sShoe Store E "Cinderella" Child's White Overshoe - Fleece lined; white fur trimmed. TA gn Sizes 4 to 10 Airlhat. Child's All -Rubber Pullover Boots -White with red trim, red heart at top. $2 Sizes 6 to 10 .19 11 TO 13 $2.69 Child's Red Leather Zipper Slippers -Warm lined, black patent trim. ,41FPEPt STYLE .... e.$2.25 %/Omen's and Child's Rubber Overshoes -a Warm lined Sizes to 13 Ace 4: 5 toe. PRICE • $4.06 to $7.75 InleBRINS BAMIAGE- Sep- arate pieces or Twin Sets, for Ladles er(lents. AT LEAST 100 OTHER LINES NOT LISTED! ee et, , 1 trtH, tr.," 're er I t ••••• ••• Public School News Friday evening. at 8:15 p.m. in Northside United; Church, is the fea- tured event. Everyone is welcome. Grade VIII are doing the decora- tions this year -Colored lights, ev- ergreens, shellacked apples, let& ons, cranberries, geldepainted nuts, etc., above the church. * * The huge window in the front of the school has bei transterred bee to a stained glass window by use of colored oiled paper. Be sure to make a special trip past our school at night to see this. We are proud of it. Don't forget! * * * We haven't our Christmas trees up yet, but there is only ONE more week of school left in 1950 -and then Santa Claus. CONSTANCE Mr. Clarence Montgomery, who spent last week with hie father, Mr. W. J. Montgomery, Dundalk, has returned home. Quite a number attended the re - c., ption of Mr. and Mrs. Ellwood Clarke Friday evening, and also the Seaforth High School Com- mencement. WINCHELSEA • Mrs. George Kellett spent the week -end with her sister, Mrs. Art Heard, of .Anderson. Mr. and Mrs. Freeman Horne spent Sunday et Crediton with Mr. and Mrs. Eatery Geiser. Mr. and Mrs. Filmer Chappel, of Cromarty, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Colin Gilfillan. Miss Betty Bailey, of Exeter, spent the week -end with her par- ents, Mr, and Mrs. Joe Bailey. Mr. and Mrs. Cliff Carty, of Lon- don, were week -end visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Prance. WINTHROP The first December meeting of Winthrop Young People's Union was held Sunday, Dec. 10, in the basement of the church. The meet- ing was opened by the Call to Wor- ship, followed by Hymn 62. The business was discussed, and the next meeting is to be on Dec. 24. Tire minutes were read and cor- rected and adopted. Roll call show- ed 15 to be present. The collection was followed by Scripture,reading by Irwin Johnston. The topic was under the Christian Culture con- vener, Lorraine Smith. Prayer was given by Marjorie McClere, and the meeting closed by Hymn 637, followed by the benediction by Rev. Mr. Livingstone. Winthrop Cavan , Church will hold its concert Tuesday evening. Miss Lillian Maddess, who has been visiting her aunt, Mrs. David- son, has returned to her home at Milverton. Mr. Will McSpadden and Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Hawley spent the week end in London. McKILLOP Mr. and Mrs. Henry Koehler and Mr. and Mrs, Wm. Koehler were at Mitchell on Friday attending the birthday celebration of Mrs. John Kechnie, also the wedding anni- versary of Mr. and Mrs. Norman Fistier. Mr: and Mrs. Wm. Hoegy, of Sea - forth, visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Regele on Satur- day. Mrs. Fred Hoegy has been in De- troit with ber daughter, Mrs. Ed. McKenzie, who has been seriously 111. Mrs. Carl Eisler, of Logan, is at present with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Weitersen. Mrs. Welt- ersen suffered a severe attack on Sunday. Miss Albright, who is nursing at Cromarty, visited a day last week with Mrs. Harry Regele. Paul, 2 -year-old, son of Mr. and Mrs. Fergus Horan, returned home Friday after being in hospital at London for treatment for several weeks. Mrs. Chas. Regele returned re- cently after spending a 'couple of weeks in Fullerton. 'the school concert in S.S. No. 3, McKillop, will be held Dec. 18. Congratulations are extended to Mr. Henry Weitersen on his Nth birthday on Dec. 11. Badminton Briefs The Seaforth "B" team tied the Stratford dub in a league match played here 'Thursday evening. The Seaforth club won four out of six in the mixed doubles, two out of three in men's, and lost all their ladies' matches. This tied match gives the Seafenkh club their first point in the league etandings. Results were as follows: Mixed Doubles e- Robinson and Smith defeated Wrennick and Grif- flth 15-12, 15-10; Hays and Trout - beck lost to Mulholland and Linley 15-8, 18-15; Box and Box defeated Kunder and Cox 15-1e, 12-15. 18-16; Cardno and Habkirk lost to Tett- pletoe and Templeton 18-7, 15-6; Stiles and Beattie defeated l-ey and Russell 15-11, 15-10; Loiselle, and Southgate defeated Rath and Shea 15-12 ,13-15, 15-11. Men's Doubles - Robinson and, Beattie defeated Wientnick and Hay 18-15, 12-15, 15:10; Box and. Hays lost to Mulholland and Kun- der 15-12, 15-8; Southgate and Hen- derson defeated Rath and Temble- e ton 15-9, 15-13. 11'; beek lost to Griffith and Temple - Ladies' Doubles -Box and TrOut- toe 18-15, 15-6; Smith arid Habkirk e lost to Cox and Linley 15-19, 15-5; Stiles and Lothelle lest to Ruetiell and Sha 15-10, 154 . • )))4))))) )))))),) ))).1)),),..),1.11)))).,V).)))).),10))),41),)));3))1):),)AkLiIiI))N4))),FAnii)4e))))))4, )41)94g), tee -te '24, THERE IS NO GIFT THAT PLEASES LIKE A SMART GIFT OF WEAI STEWART BROS.' STORE IS BRIMFUL OF PRACTICAL, STYLISWGIFTS TO PLEASE ANYONE ON YOUR LIST! - AIMIEMSIMMIKaatteltealiMittlakagitftr"CA toc • HICKOK BELTS Solid Leather Hickok Belts in tongue buckle or initialed buckle. • See the newest two -initial Belts. All colors at 1.50 to 150 • GIFT SHIRTS Standard Shirts or casual style in white, pastel shades, aisan stripes or checks, in all the newest shades up WE HAVE NYLON SHIRTS AT 5.95 • SMART PYJAMAS Broadcloths, English wovens or flannelettes in plain shades or • high color stripes. Every pyjama packed in la g ft box, Sizes A to F. Priced at 3.95 to 7.50 • GIFT HOSE Short Sox or regular lengths, in diamonds, clocks, neat ribs or fancy patterns, in nylon wool, pure wool, or wool and nylon. Priced at 65c to 2.05 • FINE GLOVES Plain or leather faced •Wool Gloves, lined or un- lined Kid Gloves, in all colorsand sizes. 1,29 to 595 • SMART TIES • Hundreds of gay new patterns for Christmas ; also neat designs, plain shades or dots. Every tie • is gift boxed at 1.00 to 2.00 ,• HOUSE COATS Pure wool, flannels, silks ,,or reps, in all the new %granular. colors for men. All sizes. Each gown gift eboxed. 9.50 to 16,50 1 • NYLON HOSE Supersilk "Wbisper" Nylons,Itathain Gold Stri,PO4,-,1491Oproo „ Orient makes, in all the new Winter shades ton, and qualities. Sizes 9 to 11 . %Pa la • HAND BAGS English Morocco, Catf Skin, Plastic or Silk 'Rep Handbags, in wide choice of newest shades, at prices for 4z:0fl' 11 every pocket book . to • GLO1TES Kid, Pigtex, English Chamoisette and WCH:11 Gloves iee a dozen new Winter shades. AH sizes 1....j..,..1 to 4.95 • LINGERIE 1441 ) r.4I • r „ • ,.- • Tr. r 4.., ''4 Slips 2.95 to 6.50 Gowns 4.95 to 8.95 Panties. .75 to 1.75 Bed Jackets2.95 to 3.95 Pyjamas 3.29 to 5.95 • SWEATERS Cardigans or Pullovers in nylon or wool, In all theenewest shades. . All sizes 195 to 6.95 • BLOUSES Dainty sheer and crepe blouses in long or short sleeve styles, in White, Grey, Blue, Rose, Navy and Yellow, at 3.50 to 8.95 • LUGGAGE "Langmuir" make in 18 -inch; and 21 -inch travel cases. Beautifully lined and finished. Priced 9.50 to 19.50 Gifts for Sonny . • • • SWEATERS Pullovers, Cardigans or Zip Sweaters, in plains, figured designs or bar stripes, in all -wool qualities. 1.95 to 5.50 2 to 16 years • TIE SETS Various combinations in Tie Sets in Western or Hockey patterns. The young boys like them at 79c • WESTERN BELTS A regular He -Man Western Leather Belt colored studs. A sure hit for the boy at • SHIRTS ,Just like dad's shirts with fused collars, in smart stripe patterns. Sizes 11 to 14 neck. 1.95 uP • PYJAMAS Fancy Yama cloth pyjamas in gay stripes. Sizes from 2 to 18 years. 2.25 to 2.95 • STATION -WAGON or PARKA COATS Choose a smart Station Coat or Parka for the boy this Christmas! All colors and sizes. ,Sizes 6 to 18 year. 9,95 to 19.50 - with lots of 1.00 • 1 Id e ' e BATH TOWELS 79c to 2.00 GUEST TOWELS 50c to 1,00 LUNCH SETS 2.95 to 4.95 WOOL BLANKETS 10.95 to 22.50, BEDSPREADS 6,95 to 16.50 ;,‘• TE 844 lc} Gifts for ."Sis" • • to • SWEATERS Soft Botany Wool Pullovers or Cardigans in lovely Winter shades. at Sizes for 2 to 12 years 2.25 to 4.95 • SKIRTS Swish little styles in all -wool, plain or plaid patterns. Sizts 2 to 14 years. 2.28 to 495 • GIRLS' DRESSES Dainty little silk or taffeta dress- es in lovely pastel shades; 2 to 10 years. 2.28 to 495 • PYJAMAS Yama, Flannelette or Printed Broadcloth Pyjamas, in smart col- ors and designs; 2 to 14 years. 1.98 to '2.95 • MITTS and GLOVES Dainty Wool Mitts and Gloves for young girls. Ali colors and sizes. 90c to 1,25 For the BABY . . DOLLS TOYS MITTS SWEATERS SNOW SUITS 2.95 to 4.25 50c to 1.00 89c to 1.00 1.00 to 2.95 8.95 i tt • •: