HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1950-12-15, Page 41 •: 1111131 HURON EXPOSITOR 0 is lr'i O. 4 D.4414/J,:Ai1at W14',' 1950 'la.ssified Ads.I Classified Ads Inserted At New Low Cash Rates: FOR SALE, WANTED. LOST AND FOUND, ETC. -Per word: 1st week 1 Cent Ind week 3/4 Gent 3rd week iia Cent Minimum charge, first insertion. - . 25 Cents Each figure, initial and abbreviation counts as one word. Cards of Thanks. In Memoriam Notices, Coming Events -1 cent per word. Minimum, 60 eclat* Da' wads. _ _ _ Famuirles may be directed ionalcharged No., ego he Huron. lase areaiter,ot pfor ir l0c within 10 dal . Tea of date otfi* And inientilash •Births. Marriages and beaths inserted free of change. Auction Sales. Notices to' Creditors. Eta-lRatea on application. Notices NOTICE -ALL BOOKS MUST BE RE - turned to the Seaforth Public Library on or before December 23rd. GRETA THOMPSON, Librarian. RADIO• REPAIRS - W1 EN YOUR radio won't work, bring it take it home TERRY'S RADIO REPAIR, he same day -any day. Opposite Dick House. Phone 347-8. Seaforth. NOMINATION MEETING Township of Tuckersmith Coming Events S.S. NO. 7, McKILLOP, WILL HOLD their Christmas concert on 'Monday, Dectmber 18, at 8 p.m. 4329a1 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT A meeting of the Electors for the Nom- ination of Candidates for the offices of Reeve, Councillors and School Trustees for the year 1951, will be held in Watson'snd, Hall, Kippen, on Friday, 1950, between the hours of 1 and 2 p.m. anelection to Y AND IF NECESSARY, fill the above named offices or any of them will be held on MONDAY, JANUARY 1st, 1961 at the following places and by the fol. lowing officers: P.S.D. No. 1. King's House: D.R.O., Harry Chesney; P.C., Norman McLean. P.S.D. No. 2, S. S. No. 8: D.R.O., Roy McGeoch; P.C., Edward Brown. P.S.D. No. 8, S. S. No. 4: D.R.O., W. P. Roberts; P.C., Bert Garrett. P.S.D. No. 4, S. S. No. 8: D.R.O., Nor- ris Sillery: P.C., John Broadfoot, P.S.D. No. 5, 3. S. No. 1: D -R -O., M. Traquair; P.C., Glenn Bell. P.S.D. No. 6, S. S. No. 9: D.R.O., W. S. Broadfoot; P.C., Ivan Forsyth. Polls shall be open from nine o'clock in the forenoon till five o'clock in the after- noon. E. P. CEJESNEY, Returning Officer. 4328.4 !'ttHRISTMAS CONCERT, S.S. NO. 4, McKillop, 'Friday night. December 22, 8:00 p.m. Everybody welcome. 4829x1 A SPECIAL CHi'tIST'MAS EVE CAROL Service will be held in Cavan United Church, Winthrop, on December 24th, at 8:00, under the Young People Union. Everybody is welcome. 4829-1 NOMINATION MEETING Township of McKillop VE GOOD OLDE TYME HAYLOFT Hoedown at the Crystal Palace Ball- room, Mitchel, Friday night, with Don Robertson and His Ranch Boys. 4328x2 risHE CHRISTMAS CONCERT AT ST. Andrew's Church, Kippen, will be held Monday evening, December 18, at 8 p,m. Miscellaneous program, featuring play, "The Pampered Darling." 4329-1 U NC QUNDAY SCHOOL CONCERT IN EG- mondville United Church, Monday. December 18th, at 8 p.m. The Christmas story will be told in pantomime, with spe- cial lighting effects by Ronald Weber. Admission 25c; S.S. children, free. 4329-1 AMETING OF 1•HB ELECTORS OF EEthe, Township of McKillep will be held at Winthrop Hall. on •Friday. December 22, 1950, for the purpose of nominating for n Reeve and four Councillors. Nomina- tions will be received from the hour of one o'olock to two o'clock in the after- noon. Lost and Found Wanted WANTE10-.USED PLAY PEN AND high ehsir. PHONE 693-8, Sea - forth. 4829-1 BOARDERS WANTED - ROOM AND board. Apply to MRS. G. KLEBER, Janne St. Phone 3124, Seaforth. 4329-1 ESTRAY -A BLACK DOG, PART COL - :lie and part Spaniel- Owner may have same by phoning 184, Seaforth, and paying charges. 4329-2 CARETAKER FOR HIGH SCHOOL APPLICATIONS WILL BE RECEIVED UP to January 2, 1951;.for poettion of caretaker for Seaforth D triet High School. Duties to commence January 1.5, 1961. LOST -SMALL BLACK AND WHITE bobtailed blind Collie. Answers to name of "Tuts." Lost a week. Please call M. PATRICK. Phone 654 r 41. 4329-1 In the event of more bang nominated than are required to fill the positions, an election will be held on Monday, January 1, 1951. Polls will be open from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m., at the following places: No. 1 -James Carlin's house, Lot 10, Con. 5: James Nolan, D.R.O.; William Maloney, P.C. No. 2, Wilmer Scott's house, Lot 25, Con. 4: James 'R. Hogg, D.R.O.; Alex Kerr, P.C. No. 3 -Joseph Smith's house, Lot 11, S lath Concession: Elmer Dennis, D.R-O.: Stephen Murray, P.C. No. 4 -School No. 7, Let 26, Con. 12: J. Campbell, D.R.O.; Ross Driscoll, P.C. J. M. ECKERT, Returning Officer. 4329-3 Notices To Creditors NOTICE to CREDITORS Applicant to state salary expected and age. For further particulars apply to pal L. P. Plumateel, or Secretary. Address all applications to M. A. REID, Secretary. Phone 214 Seaforth 4829-3 Prrnci- Livestock Wanted FOURTHREE-YEAR-OLD S PEERS strayed on my premises, Lot 9, Con. 15, Hay Township. Owner can have same by proving property and paying exPenees• A. MERNER, 81 r 20, Zurich. 4327x3 In the Estate of JOHN H. COOPER A L L PERSONS HAVING CLAIMS against the Estate of John H. Cooper, late of the Town of Clinton, Ontario, de- ceased, who died on or about the 16th day of November, 1950, are hereby notified to send in to the undersigned on or before the 1st day of January,, 1951, full partici- tars of their claims. Inunediately after the said last men- tioned date, the assets of the said estate will be distributed amongst the parties entitled •thereto, having regard only to claims of which the nnderaigned shall then have notice, to the exclusion of all others, and the undersigned win not be liable to any person of whose claim the undersign- ed shall not then have notice, for the assets so distributed or any part thereof. DATED at Seaforth, this 2nd day of December, 1950. ALVIN W. SILLERY, Seaforth, Ontario, Solicitor for the Estate. 4328-3 Personals TF YOU WANT A CONTENTED 'rUR- key fol Christmas, stuff it with Crich'e Bread. 432951 NOTICE to CREDITORS In the Estate of AGNES CARR MecTAVISH A L L PERSONS HAVING CLAIMS against the Estate of Agnes Carr Mac- Taeinh, late of the Town of Seaforth, County of Huron, Widow,' ' deceased, who died on or about the 25th day of Novem- ber, .1950, are hereby notified to send in to the undersigned on or before the let day of January, 1951, full particulars of .their claims. Y Immediately after the said last men- tioned date, the ricers of the said estate will be distributed amongst the parties entitled thereto, having regard only to claims of which the undersigned shall then have notice. to the exclusion of all othere, and the undersigned will not be liable to any Person of Whose claim the undersign- ed shall not then have notice, for the assets so distributed or any D+/`' thereof. -- DATED at Seaforth, this nd day of December, 1950. ALVIN W. SILLERY, Seaforth, Ontario, Solicitor for the Estate. 1 4328 -if NOTICE to CREDITORS STAFFA' -YOUTH KILLED IN QUEBEC Plunging several hundred feet in the Consolidated Beatty Gold Mines at Duparquet, Quebec, Roy Laverne (Manny) McKellar, son of Mr. and Mrs. Lorne McKellar, of Staffa, was killed Saturday night. The former 20 -year-old district youth was work- ing orking on a night shift Saturday when the mishap occurred. According to reports reaching his parents, Mr. McKellar was overcome by gas in the mine which resulted in the fall down the shaft. He was reported to have died instantly. He was born at Staffa on Feb. 8, 1930 • and attended Staffa . public school and • Mitchell high 'school. He left for the north two months ago. Besides his 'parents, he is sur- vived by three brothers, Alton (John), of Kirkton; Ross (Jim) and Kenneth, of Duparquet, Que., One •sister, Mrs. Ross Jean) Houghton, Cromarty. The body will be brought to the home of his parents at .Staffa for funeral ser- vices. Interment will be in Roys cemetery, Fullerton Township. UP TO $6.00 EACH FOR DEAD OR, Disabled Horses. Cows, Hoge. at your farzn. Prompt service. Phone Collect Wm. Sproat, Seaforth. 655 r 2. WIL- LIAM STONE SONS. LIMITED.Inger- soll. Ont. Motor Cars For Sale .FOR SALE -1931 MODEL 'A' FORD IN A-1 condition; good tires. ROBERT FINLAY. Phone 846-R, Seaforth. 4328,43 WILL THE MAN IN SEAFORTH WHO expressed his desire to buy a house to the insulating agent from Kitchener. kindly contact me at Brox 943, HURON EXPOSITOR. 4329x1 In the Estate of GERTRUDE BERNETTA MILLER ALL PERSONS HAVING CLAIMS ' against the Estate„ of Gertrude Berretta Miller, late of the Township of Titekefsmith, in the County of Eaton, a,: Married Woman, deceased, who .diedon the 12th day of bctolies, :14150, bre •hdlrehr. f notified to Bend in ftall t`a t4;fdnlars of their' til eltib3/'to the undetoi rlerl fj'r dr etd�#fi�e 22tsd Mayof D'eda pbor, til dttf wh 8h -add that', aubo:d r4.l bet tiini'rbnte r4llfir4i tltrlr for C1kfI5e tltai('-Areaat , ;a y1X Ji*�a dlrtlii AYts rl t"W 50 Gin coHEW. FLEETLINE lor ; only 7,000 50 49 49 48 48 48 HYGIENIC SUPPLIES (11. U B B E R Goods) mailed postpaid in plain, sealed envelope with price 'list. 6 samples 25c 24 samples 61.00. Mail -Order Dept. T-73, NOVA -RUBBER CO., Box 91, Hamilton, Ont. Property For Sale 48 SEDAN -Green miles FLEETLINE COACH less than 3,000 miles, at $1,995.00 47 47 46 39 37 36 35 49' 39 CHEV. SEDAN PONTIAC SEDAN (HEV. FLEETLINE COACH Two-tone green CHEV. FLEETLINE SEDAN at 61,395.00; two-tone green OHFv. SEDAN Grey in colour CHEV. • COACH CHEV. FLEETLINE COACH CHEV. FI,FFTLINE SEDAN -Two- tone in color; radio, sun visor; many extras. CHEV. SEDAN CHEV. SEDAN NASH SEDAN DODGE SEDAN -$250.00 CHEV. COACH CHEV. ,, -TON PICK-UP CHEV. SEDAN DELIVERY TRUCK LEGION SPONSORS TURKEY BINGO A capacity crowd. participated in a turkey bingo sponsored by the Seaforth branch of the Canadian Legion in Cardno's Hall Friday, ev- ening. Liskeard, is visiting at his home. Mr. Will McDowell, of Westfield., is visiting' with Mr' Alla Mrs. 1F,,; Stackhouse. W. A. Elects Officers The• 1, omen's Association of Brucefield United Church heldtlleir December meeting on Thursday af- ternoon, Dec. 7, with Miss M. Swan conducting the devotional service. Opening hymn 155 was sung and the Scripture reading Luke 2, verses 8-20, was followed by pray- er. Mrs.. Dalrymple gave 'a Christ- mas reading and led in prayer. Af- ter the singing of Hymn 64, Mrs. R. Dawson read an address and presented Mrs. Hohner with a gift prior to her leaving the village to reside in Exeter. The secretary, Mrs. L. Wilson, read the minutes of the 'previous meeting and the roll call was answered by a Christ- mas message. Mrs. W. McBeth gave the treasurer's report, which showed a very successful year. The leaders of the four groups, Mrs. G. Henderson, •Mrs. Alice Ham, Mrs. W. Broadfoot and Mrs. T. B. Baird, gave reports of their year's activi- ties and of the monies earned. The president, Mrs. Gordon Elliott, thanked all the ladies of the assoc- iation for their splendid support throughout the year. The following are the newly -elected officers for 1951: Pres., Mrs. Gordon Elliott; 1st vice-pres., Miss Martha McDon- ald; 2nd vice-pres., Mrs. H. Dal- rymple; sec., Mrs. Lorne Wilson; treas., Mrs. H. F. Berry; financial sec., Mrs. Elgin Thomson; press sec., Mrs. T. B. Baird, Mrs. E. Al- lan; pianist, Mrs. Alton Johnston; assist., Mrs. Gordon Richardson; flower cons„ Mrs. W. McBeth and visiting com., Mrs. Mrs. W. Haugh;g B. Keyes, Mrs. L. Eyre, Mrs, Ken- nard; program, Mrs, Alton John- ston, Mrs. Gordon Richardson, Mrs. Glenn Swan, Mrs. John Broadfoot; Manse, Mrs. Fred Rathwell, Mrs. John Aikenhead, Mrs. W. Fother- ingham, Mrs. Seldon Ross; 'Church, Mrs. W. McBeth, Mrs, Stanway, Mrs. Ross Scott, Miss M. Swan; Devotional leaders, Mrs. Robt, Al- len, 1ilrs.. $ K.eyes•. Mrs. 'Wilmer Broadfoot. HL•N SALL Those winning turkeys were: Mrs. Marguerite Clark, London; Ella Armstrong, Seaforth; b• Louis Nolan, Dublin; Mrs. M. E., Clarke Seaforth; Mrs. W. Broadfoot, Sea - forfh; Mrs. Charles Wood, .Sea - forth; Dorothy Regele, R.R. 1, Sea - ,forth; M. J. Lynch, St. Columban. (won 2); Mrs. John Wood, Kippen; Mrs. F. Dungey, Seaforth; Stanley Nicholls, ,Seaforth; . Mrs.. Bessie Cronin, Dublin; Mrs. Jos. Cronin, Dublin; '!Whirs. John Cardno, Sea forth; Russell Veriner, Kippen; Mrs. Melvin Dale, Seaforth; Matt. Murray, Dublin; • John, Rau, Bay- field. Mrs, Arthur Henderson. R.R. 5, Seaforth, was winner 6f the mys- tery prize, an extra .large turkey stuffed ready for the oven.' Special cash prizes were won by Mrs. Alex Paterson, Brucefield, $25; Richard Taylor, Kippen, $20; Aubrey Baker, Seaforth, $15. MANY OI'H'EK MODELS TO CHOOSE FROM BRUSSELS MOTORS FOR SALE-6IX.R0OM FRAME HOUSE "The Home of Better Used Cars" and barn, Lots 211 and 212, in Hen- sel]. Apoly to- MR:. 'ALBERT WALFF. Box 666, Godericb. 4328x4 FOR SALE -NEW HOUSE, RANCH style; fully modern; oil furnace, air conditioned. Gan be bought with down payment and monthly payment Plan. C. G. LEE, John Street. 4814-tf FOR SALE - 6 -ROOM TWO-STOREY house. with sure porch; covered with rolled bridk siding'; Hydro; water, and good garden In the Village of Walton. Apply to CLIFF BROWN. Phone. Brus- sels 19 r 12. 4327-3 For Sale FOR SALE-MASON-RISCH PIANO, IN good condition. PHONE 2434, Sea- forth- 4329x2 FOR SALE -A CHILD'S BROWN KEN - wood coat with parka, size 7; as good as new. PHONE 45. 4329x1 T,lOR SALE -NEW GUITAR AND CASE. Wild sell at reasonable price. PHONE 497..W. 4329-1 FOR SALE - 1 BEACH KITCHEN range: 1 Quebec heater. For further particulars apply to MRS. LORNE WIL- SON, Brucefield. 4329-1 FOR SALE -1 PAIR BLACK TUBE skates. size 5, in good condition. Ap- ply Box 942, HURON EXPOSITOR. 4329x1 FOR SALE - JOLLIETTE GRAIN grinder, sveerf jack and bagger, in good shape. Apply to R. E. BURCHILL. Phone 19-21, Dublin. 4329x1 FOR SALE - GOOD QUALITY COB corn, 940.00 per ton. Apply to AL - VIN GINGERICH, R.R. 3, Zurich. Phone 90 r 6, Zurich. 4328-2 FOR SALE -CHROME 5 -PIECE KIT- chen set; never been ,used. Apply MRS. A. FOSTER, Hensen. Phone 1864. 4328-2 FROSALE-1 ATLIF DRILL PRESS, u, -inch chuck, like new; wood lathe, 32 -inch working centre, 3 -step pulley tool reft. Apply G. KLEBER. Phone 8124, Seaforth. 4329-1 WE HAVE APPROXIMATELY ONE • ` ton of hard coeur (stove) in our base- ment (which has an outside entrance). To the first buyer to take it away, we will sell it at $18 a ton. WILLIS' SHOE STORE. 4329.1 VCR SALE - 5 HOLSTEIN COWS springing; 6 Holstein heifers, fresh- ening, 11/s months; 2 Durham firs'calf heifers, freshening 4n one month. Apply to BILL BURDGE. Phone 625 r 6. 4829x3 FOR SALE -SINGER SEWING MA - shine treadle, reverse stitch, nearly new. Cam be converted to an electric. Lovely Christmas present for someone. Price $90.00. Apply WM. G. TUCKER, Brussels, Ont. Telephone Bruseela 31 or 90. 4829-2 von` SALE -FURNACE; 2 SINKS ; 2 mattresses and springs; skates; corns cupbbarll'r-2 Quebec cook stoves; 2 he em 2 wasb stands ; oilcloth rug, and aid pieces ; 2 reeking ,chairs; well pump; Iron k ttles • new stovepipes. CLARENCC, REEVES, Bearerth. 4329.1 "R IO SALE -300 N'LT rr r USE'S, ;1.1i. Mg: 100 feet 2r< piling, in 'i oke' lengths; 40 feet Piping. suitable fol• w" - r; set of sloop sleighs, perfect condi- 'Ion 1 root palper, complete with motor. Piping is suitable for stabling, etc. GOR - DON HORNER. Phone 661 r 2, Seaforth. 4329x1 ESALE T GENE11 1. ELECTRIC radio 0.tabo . (nearly netv), call 'be !triad out before tbiren away , }f$ doten low. ,badlc dining t'Otdtrchairs all In geed aii:aliq 1 tluebe8 ,reingo with'td0i'volr, o {raniP 1*OY, JACK PZTE/dx d OW, •V' �5 1 uiiNift *Wheiter Wed Ohti 41 'I Z eefe'tll, • . �.,. OPEN EVERY EVENING Cards Of Thanks MY NEW YEAR'S RESOLUTION IS to justify your generous support Seasons greetings. EDMUND DALY, Councillor. 4329-1 I WISH TO THANK THE ELECTORS of Seaforth for their confidence and trust by returning ane as a member of Council. 4329-1 s B. F. GBRIST3E MISS E.LIZA NEWELL AND THE family of the late Mrs. McKaig wish to thank their friends and neighbors for their kindness and expressions of sympathy during their sad bereavement; also to thank those who sent floral tributes. Spe- cial thanks to Dr- J. C. Goddard, Rev. W. .I. Rogers and the Bonthron Funeral Home. 4329-1 MR, MICHAEL CONNOLLY WISHES to thank all his friends, relatives and neighbors, who so kindly remembered hien with cards, flowers, treats and visits while a patient in Scott Memorial Hospital: also to thank Box' Ambulance, Dr. E. A. Mc- Master-, Dr. P. L. Brady and the nursing staff. Wishing them all the compliments of the season. 4329x1 In Memoriam MUNN--IN LOVING MEMORY OF John Robert Munn. dearly loved and fondly aernembered husband, father and grandfather, who passed away one year ago. December 15. 4329x1 MRS. ROBERT MUNN Births EVANS-At the Kitchener -Waterloo Hos- pital, on December 7, 1950, to Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Evans, a daughter -Mar- garet Louise. Mc/CELLAR-At Scott Memorial Hospital on Dec. 8, to Mr. and Mrs. Fergus Mc- Kellar, Staffa, a daughter. DRISCOLL-At Scott Memorial Hospital, on Dec. 12, to Mr. and Mrs. Boyd Dris- coll, R.R. 4. Walton, a son. CHIPCHASE--,-At Scott Memorial Hospi- tal, on Dec. 12, to Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Ghipchase, R.R. 2, Hensall, a daughter. BENNINGER-At Scott Memorial Hospi- tal, on Dec. 13, 4o Mr. and Mm. Sylves- ter Benninger, R-$.. 5, Seaforth, a daugh- ter. Deaths MOKELLAR-At Scott Memorial Hospital, on Dec. 10, infant daughter of Mr. and Mn. Fergus McKellar, Staffs. A jolly good way to remember your friends and relatives this Christmas i to send gift s bscriptions to Th Huron Exposi- tor. They are easy to order. They keep on reminding. You can"' buy a full year of plea- sure for only two dol- lars. And each gift will be announced over your name with a cheery card, tiined to arrive in the CGhrist- m a. s d maim Just m>Iit r " ybd olrtidii or Phone 41, Seaforth. ilw lto tFie )feat prom ti$r. EGMONDVILLE Children's photos a speciality. For early Christmas appointments Phone 5, Hensall. ANN'S STUDIO, Bayneld. (Continued from Page 1) Mrs. Jas. W. Bell left this week for Oakland, California, where she will spend the winter with rela- tives. The many friends of Mrs. W. R. Kinsman wjll regret to learn was taken by Bonthron's ambulance last Thursday to St. Joseph's Hos- pital, London, in the interests of her health. ' Mrs. Pearl Passmore had her tonsils removed at St. Joseph's Hospital, London, Tuesday of this week. Mrs. Fred Beer, who underwent a major operation in St. Joseph's Hospital, London, is doing nicely. The annual Christmas tree will be held Saturday, Dec. 16, at 2:00 p.m. in front of the Town Hall. Santa Claus will be present. Chil- dren of the community are invit- ed. A free picture show will be held in the Town Hall, and there will be treats for all the children. This event is sponsored by the Chamber of Commerce and Hen - salt branch of the Canadian Leg- ion. A. Christmas bingo and dance will be held in the Town Hall Monday, sponsored by Hensall branch of the Canadian Legion. The Christmas concert of the UnitedChurch will be held Tues- day. 1 The Women's 'Missionary Society of Carmel.Presbyterian Church con- vened for their annual meeting in the church schoolroom Thursday afternoon, Dec. 7, with. Mrs. C. S. Hudson in the chair. Rev. P. A. Ferguson addressed the meeting on "The Christmas Message." The fol- lowing slate of officers will form Mr. and Mrs. W. 'J. Finlayson and family, also Mr. and Mrs. Robert Neilson, of Toronto. visited with Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Finlayson over the week -end and alsovisited with Mr. and Mrs. Weiland, Miss Eleanor Hudson, of West Toronto, was a week -end visitor with Rev. A. W. and Mrs. Gardiner' at the Manse. Mrs. D. J. Stephenson spent a few days last week with her daugh- ters, Mrs. Lee McConnell and Mrs. Russell Erratt in Stanley. The Sunday school teachers are practicing the children for the Christmas concert to be geld in t' e church on Monday,:3Dee. 18, at 8:00 p.m. CROMARTY Mrs. D. M. Fisher, of -Guelph, spent a few days last week with her brothers, Russell and Birt But- ler. Miss Helen Walker and Francis Hamilton; of London, spent the week -end at the former's home here. � MisSe''blive Speare, accompanied by her sister, Mrs. E. MacDonald, of Exeter, has returned home from Toronto, where they were visiting with their brother, Gershuem, and also attended the funeral of Chas. Clifford. Mr. and Mrs. Eber Shute, of Kirkton, visited on Sunday with Mrs. Shute's parents, Mr.. and Mrs. Dave Gardiner. Mr. Wal. McKaig, of Sudbury at- tended the funeral of his aunt, the late Mrs. Angus McKaIg, and visit- ed( with his brothers, Angus and Calder McKaig. Miss Shirlcty Gale and Gordon Houghton, of London, spent the week -end with Mrs. M. Houghton. Mr. and, Mrs., Jack Kemp, Mit- chell, visited Sunday with Mr. and Mrs.. Ross .Houghton and Mrs. M. Houghton. • W. M. S. Elects Officers The annual meeting of the W. M. S. was held Thursday at the home of Mrs. Wm, Harper, with Mrs. Thos, Scott presiding. The roll call was answered with a Christmas message. The last chap- ter of the study book was read by Mrs. T. Laing and Mrs. Ken Mc- Kellar. 'fhe report of the year's work was given ,by the secretary, Mrs. T. L. Scott. The treasurers report by Mrs. Harper, the, .Glad Tidings by Mrs. Grace Scott, and the Home Helpers' report by Mrs. Houghton. Mrs. Thos. Scott spoke very briefly on her work as presi- dent. after which the minutes of the'last annual meeting were read. Mrs. R. Duncanson occupied the chair for the election of officers, which are as follows: President, Mrs: Thos. Scott; Ist vice-pres., Mrs. Lloyd Sorsdahl; 2nd vice- pres., Mrs. Thos; Laing; secretary, Mrs. T. L. Scott; assistant sec., Mrs. Ken McKellar; treas., Mrs. Wm. Harper; assistant tress., Mrs. Ed. Allen; Glad Tidings, Mrs. Grace Scott; Home Helpers, Mrs. M. Houghton; exchange sec.; Mary )3. Currie; press, Mrs, Duncan Mc- Kellar; pianist, Mrs, Wm. Miiler; assistant pianist, Mrs, L. Sorsdahl. B-RUCEFIELD Misses Marion Paterson, Ruth Scott and Betty Alia.n, all of Lon- don, spent the week -end at their homes. Mrs, J. S. Ussher and datighter, Elizabeth Jane, have arrived from Engfaild and are spending'. some time With Mrs. C. Haugh The aminal S. S. concept and Chrlatnias tree Will be held 'Y'htrrs)- dad+ evening, Dec 21, at 8:15,4 Prank'MUStard, o t 14ewt the 1961 list: Hon. pres., M'rs. $4 Arnold; pres., Mrs. C. S. Hudson; 1st vice -pies., Mrs. Geo. Walker; end vice-pres., 'Mrs. Jas. A. Paters, son; sec., Mrs. R. Y. .McLaren,, treas., Mrs. A. D. McEwan; Home' Helpers' sec., Mrs. W. R. Davidson; supply sec., Miss Minnie Reid; Glad' Tidings, Mrs. B. Edwards; -Litera- ture, Mrs. J. Forrest. Rev. P. •A. Ferguson closed with prayer. The annual Christmas partly of St. Paul's Anglican congregation and Sunday School was' held in the schoolroom Tuesday evening. A decorated tree and Christmas emb- lems formed an attractive setting. Following dinner Rev. C. Langford presided for a short program: chorus by the children; vocal solo, "In a Manger," Jean Henderedh; piano selection, Jean Lavender; vocal solo, Bobby Middleton; reci- tation, Sylvia Henderson. A. L. Case demonstrated some slight -of - hand tricks. Santa Claus, portray, ed by R. H. Middleton, appeared and distributed gifts and treats to the children from a well -laden Christmas tree. 1.1i;y,x�•.Y,!."I;."',;µpt•I;t.-,rel;r•..',w}1;.1�;i•:i�;'"1"'".�'.. It onn1'4 i I 0411, News on Pgefi 3 nolllliwwllwlwmiwlwillwi, , Town -.UENSA . ;.� 'ftki�i ri y Dec ° 2nd F �a MNRDOCK'S ORO EkTRA Noirelty .and\Pr� F � �t, Ladies please, bring (',loch. 21 Lucky Lunch Prize ADMISSION - 5QYa;OENTS Spot Bored by t Kippen, U111111111111111111111NUw11111111w11111111111 Seaforth Public School *Carol Service* NORTHSIDE UNITED CHURCH aah.V Friday1 Dec. i5th 8.15 p.m. i iit.„,,,,r; ..'•' r'rd4 ' .T f r r -"•'r' Tr-4. r For Mother •Revere Ware • Automatic Toaster • Electric Tea Kettle • Automatic Ironer • Electric Heating Pad • Electric Stove • Refrigerator • Silex Coffee Maker • Electric Clock For Sister . • FIGURE SKATES • TOBOGGAN • SKIIS For Baby . . . • SLEIGH • WAGON • TRICYCLE • PULL TOYS • TOY CARS • 'TRUCK • FIRE TRUCK • For Father . . • TOOLS - Planes, Push Drills, Nail Hammers, Bit Braces, Squares, Levels,, Screw Drivers - All wrapped in Christ- mas gift boxes. • POCKET KNIFE • POCKET WATCH • ELECTRIC RAZOR j1 • r Brother • SKATES - • HOCKEY STICK • SKIIS • RIFLE • HOCKEY, GLOVES : • TOBOUGAN • POCKET WATCH • FLASHLIGHT • HUNTING KNIFE PHONE 61 BALDWIN HARDWARE sEAFoRTH 4;r,,T; I, ..f,..;F-T"+,-,''T/1r i• -•;?,-''Frit..% F-''..f•.n,.r 1951 Baby Chic1s SCOTT FARMS Order your Chicks now for January or later delivery and take advantage of our early order discount. Fast -Feathering Barred Rocks, Produc- tion Reds, Red and Rock Crosses, Sussex Crosses from an R.O.P. Breeder. 10,000 Breeders - Three Farms devoted to supplying Outstanding Stock at Reasonable Prices. WRITE FOR PRICE LIST ti •,.r. .i ,fr%,r':' ee(, ,rte err ,r:- I „a SCOTT POULTRY FARMS SEAFORTH J. M. Scott, Owner • ONTARIO .14,4 1c„,4 NUMBER T1 EE FARM ENTRANCE TO SCOTT FARMS THE HOME FARM NIJIVMBER TWO P'rRM e 4