HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1950-12-08, Page 3114 • r: ;T r PES 14 Ir, t A Te r 11 11 ..t tI It 1. sis e' ijoi e ets 1-I y t-4 y. err f. r, ,t. DON RTRATA OENg 1400,00, Auto, WbInsio. °Asibi i{ r: Life, Firs Dius LOWW BA E GOO COMP F 11'EATER PHONE i. 0,E,AF9!TH Imtti.(4 r l!�f 9Cted' Rev. 11Obert fihaneanaon, B.A.; formerly minister at Chatsworth P'reebyterian C,huroh, was installed as minister of Cromarty ,Church in RE-ELECT E. H. CLOSE FOR COUNCIL I will continue to serve you to the best of my ability for 1951. BE SURE TO VOTE DECEMBER 13th! F9r transportation, Phone 186 ELECTORS OF SEAFORTH: Your Support and Vote to re-elect B. F. CHRISTIE as Councillor would be appreciated. TO THE ELECTORS OF SEAFORTH: I Am Standing For Councillor For 1951 IF ELECTED— • More attention paid to the By -Laws of the Town. • Would like to see at least some of our drains looked after, known to be partially blocked. • Would like to sea at least one side of Sidewalks plowed in Winter. YOUR PROBLEM CAN BE ,MY PROBLEM — WILL SEE IT IS AT LEAST DISCUSSED IN THE COUNCIL Thank you! R. H. SPROAT RATEPAYERS! Remember Election Day DECEMBER 13th Your Vote will be appreciated. D'Orleon Sills for P.U.C. COMMISSION (For transportation, call 56) t • Cense audience e ><' ani ,b,�l tllaaa;= ,e4e,;'AIr , $ .TA 0E4 ".-Sed(*. hall6e NEWS OF HENSALL A large and appreciative audi- ence attended the showing of the outstanding religious film, "Second Chance," which was presented in; •Oarmel Presbyterian Church Suns day evening, Dec. 3, Rev. P ..A. Ferguson presided. 'Prayer was of- fered by Rev. Sinclair, of Exeter. Rev. W. J. Rogers, of the United Church, operated the films, A lads ies' quartette, composed of Mrs. P. Ferguson, Mrs. Tiberio, Mrs. C. Forrest and Mrs. C. Kennedy ren- dered endered beautifully, "Lord, I'm Com- ing Home." Organ music waspro- vided by Mr. Nicol, A.C.C.O. The monthly Evening Auxiliary meeting will be held in the United Church schoolroom on Monday night, Dec. 11. Mrs. P. McNaugh- ton and Miss Ellis are hostesses_ Mrs. Shirray will give the devo- tional; Miss Avery, the study, and, members are asked to offer a col- lection of used clothing for chil- dren or adults for the W.M.S. bale. Each member is requested to bring a gift worth 50 or 75 cents, same to be exchanged. Mrs. R. Drysdale and Mrs. J. Drysdale are in charge of games, etc. At the morning service of Dec. 3, in Hensall United Church, Rev. a special ceremony on Thursday afternoon. Mr, Duncanson was in- stalled by Rev. H. A. 'Pritchard, Moderator of Stratford 'Presbytery, after Rev. M. Keyes had narrated the steps leading to the call of the new minister. The service includ- ed call to worship and invocation by Rev. D. B. MacKay; Rev. D. Simpson, of St.. 'Marys, addressed the minister and the congregation. Mr. Duncanson pronounced the benediction. 'Following the service Rev. and Mrs. Duncanson were in- troduced to members of the con- gregation. Prior to the service, a fowl din- ner was served by the Ladies Aid Society to the ministers and lay- men of the Presbytery and mem- bers of the congregation. Quite a number from this vicin- ity attended the reception held in Staffa Hall on Thursday evening in honor of Mr. and Mrs. Donald Scott. An address was read by Jimmie Miller and the presentation of a purse of money was made by Gordon Laing. TO THE RATEPAYERS OF SEAFORTH: I solicit your vote for Councilman on Wed- nesday, Dec. 13th. Wallace Ross For transportation, Phone 135-J Auspices Canadian Legion 4. TO FINANCE SPORTS FOR CHILDREN LOADS of TURKEYS Three Large Cash Prizes Get your Christmas Dinner and Spending Money at this Seasonal Bingo Admission $1.00 — 20 Games Last game is a MYSTERY PRIZE FRIDAY, December 8th Heated - CARDNO'S HALL -Heated Doors open 8 p.m. — First Game 9 p.m. Space contributed in the service of this Community by John Labatt Limited BREWERS SINCE 1832 1 i '.��rvr .9k 1„d,,A itiR•4 W. J. Rogere introduced . as the. guest speaker, Mr. J. 1l. William- son, prominent Toronto 1ausiness-: man, representing the Ontario Tem- perance- Federation. ,Serpa very in- teresting facts, on • this subject were given by the speaker. "We should urge folk to come to church; we should invite children to at- tend Sunday School. We are in- terested in individuals and their relationship to the community. Let us be determined to 'cave our youth.` Jesus Christ is the Light of the 'world." The choir, offered the anthem, "Spirit of God," Spe- cial parts .being 'taken by Mrs. H. McEwen and Mr. S. G. Rennie. The evening service was withdrawn in favor of the film, "Second Chance," in the Presbyterian Church. Next Sunday Rev. Rogers will conduct regular services at 11 a.m. and 7 p.m. The Christmas meeting of the Hensall Women's Institute will be held in the Legion rooms on Wed- nesday night, Dec. 13. Mrs. Cam- eron and Mrs. Ronnie are hostess- es. In answer to the roll call, members are asked to present gifts of money (rather than toys) for the London War Memorial Children's Hospital; also name your favorite Christmas carol. Members are asked to have ready their six-inch wool squares for wool throws. When completed (sixe 45x60) these will be forwarded to the War Memorial .Children's Hospital. Mrs. C. Kennedy will give the demon- stration. The topic will be taken by Mrs. P. A. Ferguson. Mrs. C. Forrest will direct Christmas car- ol singing. Plan to attend this. in- teresting meeting. Wohelo Class Meeting The Wothelo Class held its regu- lar meeting in the schoolroom of the United Church on Tuesday Nov. 22, with Mr. Blackwell pre- siding. The meeting opened with the hymn, "0 Little Town of Beth- lehem," after which the president extended words of welcome to the guests, the Chiselhurst young peo- ple. Mrs. Lillian Hyde gave an ex- ceptionally fine devotional, "Tile Story of the 23rd Psalm." Mrs; D. Kyle assisted in this exercise; Mrs. Blackwell offered prayer, and the collection was taken. The secre- tary read a 'thank -you' note from Mrs. Hedden, having reference to the lovely box of fruits received during her illness,. It was decided to have the December meeting take the form of a Christmas party. The following were named to complete arrangements: Mrs. Lillian Hyde and Mrs. J. Corbett. The Class members are asked to be responsi- ble for decorating the church at the Christmas season. Rev. Rog- ers ooers then presented instructive views: "Rehearsal," "The Feeling Of Hostility." Mrs. Coats favored with an enjoyable vocal solo, "There's a Song of . -, Wondrqus Beauty." A •pleasing o In solo was contributed by Mr. J. Horton; Gladys Luker was accompanist. The hymn, "This is My Father's World," and the Mizpah benedic- tion closed the meeting. Entertain- ing contests were directed by Mrs. R. Drysdale; Rev. and Mrs. Rogers conducted several amusing games, while delicious refreshments were served by the social committee. Mrs. Blackwell and Miss Gray ar- ranged the program. The lunch conveners were Mrs. D. Kyle and Mrs. L. Hyde. Miss Lucille Boyce moved the vote of thanks to the Hensel] group, and Mr. Blackwell made the reply. "Community Night" was held in the Town , Hall Friday evening, sponsored by Hensall Women's In- stitute. The first part of theeve- ning was devoted to cards, follow- ed with a dance with m5isic by Seamon orc'heetra. The highlight of the evening was the drawing' for twenty-five prizes, donated by Hen- sall merchants on the south side of Main Street, and a special prize by the W. L Following are the win- ners: Donor of prize, W. O. Good- win, winner, Mrs. J. Corbett; Har- veys Keys, Fred Beer; Bob Cook Motor Sales, M. Drysdale; A. Clark, George McLeod; Flyn's Barber Shop, Mrs. A. E. Orr; Dr. J. C. Goddard. Jack Lavender; George Hess, Mrs. T. Lavender; Kosy Korner (W. Lee), Wm. Brown; El- liott's Grocery, Mrs.. E. •Chesney ; W. Spencer, Mrs. Desjardine, Zur- ich; Middleton's Drug Store, Aud- rey Walsh; Lorne Hay, apples, Kay Bell; Ed. Fink, Miss Gladys Luker; J. Tudor, T. Meyers, Zurich; T. Welsh K Son, Keith Volland; J. A. Henderson, T. Lavender; Ken- nedy's Bakery (cake), Geo. Hess; Scholl's, Wm. Fairbairn; A. E. Orr, Mrs. L. Baynham; Brown's Hard- ware, Mrs. J. Shepherd; Ba.yn- ham's, 'Mrs. B. Koehler; .special In- stitute prize, Robert Kerslake, Exe- ter. President 'Mrs. Fred Beer presided for the draw, while Miss Phyllis Case, first vice-president, drew the tickets. The affair was very successful. Huron Masonic Lodge had their annual visit from the District Dep- uty Grand Master, A. R. Scott, Goderich. A good representation from the lodges of the district was present. Officers initiated J. F. Blackwell. The evening conclud, ed with a turkey barbeque. The Evening Auxiliary of the United Church held a very success- ful bazaar \andhome cooking sale in the schoolroom of the church on Saturday afternoon. Offered for sale were fancy and knitted good's, aprons, novelties, candy, home baking, produce and miscellaneous items. Under the auspices of the Women's Missionary Society, af- ternoon tea was served.. One hun- dred and eighty-five dollars was realized from the bazaar, and $29 from the tea. "Why aren't you at school?" "I'm keeping house for mum." "And where Is she?" "In. Court for 'not sending nie td . school: race 's,', )Hoak"'s 4„ , , a7 id a bei r and `tea in tpe''Egins day Seirpts4aPnia, recd ,tion conn i I telt, t'e. Gordon Elliot and MrP, Pon g es Ypleemedi the guests: Th0e3 tahie,.in Charge of Mrs. Ros's oRtt, Mrs. (Cordon Iliih- arrdson aa4 )Mrs. bred Ra'thwell, was lovelyi -with lace cloth, white mums and' AT4 tatiers. The tea room assistants, were Mrs. Aubrey Far- quhar, Mrs, Stewart Baird, 'Mra. ErvinSillery' and Mrs. W. 1). 'Wil- son. The kitchen workers were MM. W iial*gh, Mrs. Mhos: , Cald- well, Mrs ` '^apfe, Mrs..d..Foote, Mrs.. 'Minnie: Hill and Mrs. T. `B. I Baird rs Alex Claasen (played piano music during, the afternoon. The touch and take booth was in charge of -,Mies Edith Bowey, Mrs. Wm, Fotheringham and Mrs. Fred Burdge. Mrs. Lorne Wilson, Mrs. Dalrymple•,llirs. Wine Scott and Mrs. Wilmer Broadfoot were at the home baking booth. Other booths were: Country Fair, Mrs. Alice Hohner, Mrs. John Broad - foot, Mrs. Norman Baird, Mrs. Sel- don Ross .and Mrs. John Aiken - head; novelty table, /Mrs. Alice Ham, Mrs. Alton Johnston, Mrs. George Henderson, Mrs. H. F. c. *X0, Xrinfi'say Pyre, *vs, '` 044.Mxs. Ar,thprJhl 04.4: elephant, Mrs•. MATie �Yillia?xis�' Mrp, Elgin ThOMPaan. and Mrs 4:} their McQueen; post office, Mre, Abe Zapfe, Mrs. W. Kennard and' Mrs. Walter Moffat; (4W:01, atr, . C. • Christie, and a. table of cards, wrapping paper and. ribbons was attended .by Mrs. Alex McBeath and Mrs. Alvin McBride. The con. vener of the bazaar, Mrs. H. F. Berry, reports that the euro of $3Z7 was realized. Miss Ruth Scott, of London, spent the week -end at tier home here. Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Smith, of Blluevale, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. H. F. Berry. Mr. and Mrs. John McMurtrie, of HeiRsall, spent Sunday with Mur- ray and Mary Gibson. 6v:6Z TRADE HA.K REG makes good food taste better RE-ELECT NORMAN SCOINS FOR COUNCIL Your support will be appreciated. For transportation, call 242 TO SEAFORTH ELECTORS: For Council VOTE ALVIN W. SILLERY TO THE ELECTORS OF SEAFORTH: Your support on Election Day will be appreciated. KEITH SHARP COIJNCJ For 1ranssortatton, Phot), For Councillor VOTE J. C. CRICH For transportation, call 102 TO THE ELECTORS OF SEAFORTH: Vote Frank Kling fore. U.C. Commissioner Mr. Kling has been urged to permit his name to stand for Public Utility Commissioner because: 1. He has the practical experience so necessary in a Commissioner during the pending Hydro Conversion program. 2. He is thoroughly familiar with the Seaforth System and its requirements, and on several occasions has been called on to assist during emergencies. And on every such occasion he has willingly given of his abilities. 3. He has the proven capacity to get things done. 4. As a P.U.C. Commissioner, he will not be dic- tated to by any group, but will act in the best interests of all Seaforth Utility Consumers. VOTE FOR FRANK KLING FOR P.U.C. COMMISSIONER ' i;,.• 1;t,1 J.!, u.•,+t+'t, iw,j, v/w' I j,/,' iu+.Zi .1;".li I e; x I ✓" ,a.•' 1 w i ;�ji wii y-- , • +4... ,Sa ,k . ,4 K... '4, . « ,.n .fn ry� .. i41 .. <., Yx • Yn. TY.. TS, • ELECTRIC RANGES, • REFRIGERATORS • WASHING MACHINES • AUTOMATIC WASHERS • HEATING PADS wr• • FOOD MIXERS • ELECTRIC KETTLES • BOTTLE WARMERS • HEATERS • ELECTRIC SHAVERS • HOT PLATES • CHRISTMAS TREE DECORATIONS "EVERYTHING ELECTRICAL" Phone 19 Seaforth Floor Lamps Table Lamps Reading Lamps in a wide selection of pleasing designs. •P fi •f p. r r r" P �'o