HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1950-12-08, Page 1er Gi of ti Gxa de d Wi in an sa sc sa a ot lfli bo th th no • er, sic hr be ac •co tbi by ab wi er bu qu th sit thi a • Se Si of to an te se 43V to De Bo pr ve ab se th 131 ba to ta th • th th ha nal .of th to of SEA/7ORTH, FRIDAY, eke est aspected • Presentation of Awards' • Marks Club Season. End SEAFORTH RECTOR•B TO LEAVE PARISI- Rev. T. D. Jones Resigns To Accept Appoint- ment in Alberta'. At the morning service , of St Thomas' Anglican ,Church on Sua day, the .Rector, Rev. T. Dale Jones announced to his cringrega' tion that he had tendered his resig nation as rector of the parish. Mr. Jones has accepted the invitation of Bishop Pierce, newly ed Bishop of Athabasca, to return to the far north. The Diocese of Athabasca ex- tends from about 100 miles. north of Edmonton right down into the Mackenzie basin, and is 200,000 square miles in area. Mr. Jones will not be going to strange territory for he worked as a student at Athabasca in 1933 and was Rector of Colinton from 19,34 to 1938, and Rector and Rural Dean of Grande Prairie from 1938 to 1e42. While at Grande Prarie he *as chairman of the Diocese Board of Religious Education and Secre- tary of the Diocesan Board of So- cial Service, President of the Grande Prairie 'Ministerial Associa- tion, and taught religious educate) n in the High School. In 1942he left .t. e D' la iocese th become Rector of StePaul's Cath- edral Church in Kamloops, B.. • C., in the Diocese of C 'b W' art ma With the progress of the war and bhe need Cha 1 • h d p ants, e joine the Cha le- laincy . Servic , • ,e set ving in both Canada and overseas. After hi s return from overseas in 1946, heMarking became the first peacetime cha le- lain at the Radar Sehool at Clin-urday tog and the Air 'Station at Centra- lies InFebruary,born 1949, he retired f from the Air Force when he was appointed. the rector of Seaforth. While resident in Seaforth, he has been a memberof theLionsin Club, e th Legion Padre and for thepast year a member of the Public School Board, and active in all m it his eora un Y activities. In Seaforth . • activi- ties he has been ably supported by his wife virh , o has been President of the Women's Auxiliar Y and Sec- t re ary of the Seaforth Red Cross Society They have one son • , Derek, age 9 years. Rev. T. Dale Jones and Mrs. Jones and Derek will leave for theireamw homehabout Aire, middle of February, 1951. • • ., . . • . .. .. „ . . PUBLIC SCHOOL 30ARD .REVIEWS t , (EAR S ACTIVITY.. , )iscuss Achieve,ments and Plans For the Futlire. Reviewing activities of the Board uring the past year, a statement ;sued by the Public •School Board Us week. sayer,' "The Board would like to repert le following resume of the Past, sar: The Board and Committees: hairman, P. E. Willis; Mainten- ace Committee, C, Broadfoot, .I. Levens; Supply ,Committem J. A. reatcott, Rev. T. Dale Jones; Mem- rr, R. McFadden; Secretary-Treas- er, M. adeliellar; appoinhanente— igh School'Area Board, C. A. Bar- )r; ,Public Library, Rev. D. A. acMillan; Truant Officer,, Robert ada; present staff: D. A. East- an, Principal (Grade' • 8); James Lms, Assistant Principal (Grades 1; Miss M. Turnbtill, (Grade `1); rs. Ellis (Grade 3); Miss W. ivauge (Grade 4); Mrs. Kellar, trade 2); Mrs. H. Mason (Grade Miss S. I. McLean, Kindergar- n. • Due to increased attendance, it Is necessary to change the teach- s° room into a classroom, and iss Savauge was engaged to teach ede 4, making the present total eight on the staff. , Following Mr. Mulford's resigna-of m, Mr. James Sims was engh,ged • assistant principal, and to teach 'odes 5-6. In November MissEl- r was granted leave of absence e to ill health, arid• Mrs. Kellar la engaged to complete the term Grade 2. Due to the rising costs of living d to keep Seaforth in the me proportion with surrounding hoots of like size, it was neces-today rY to increase the teachers' sal- les. Also to follow the trend in ear centres, arrangements were 1 de to supply all necessary work oks and incidentals for the pup-,_ along with some of the text ' oks required.. Since there has ee„' setae sug,ht of a new school building, a usual summer maintenance was t as extensive as usual; howev- anticipated, the 1951 board II have to reach a definite deci- in regarding maintenance if the stibitt ' handbag Is tteaarrirtintrehto' used. It is with regret that the board septed Rev. T. Dale Jones' resin' tion. While his term was not mpleted, however it is believed it Mr. W. T. Teethe appointment acclamation will do much to up the loss of Rev. Jones' ilities to the board. The board on two occasione Met th the town council for a gen- ill discussion on a new school tiding and site. The board re- ested ft purchase •grice be set on 3 housing development at the end of town for a probable e in the event a new building ,s ratified; however, the board, s been verbally informed that s area was not for sale for such purpose. Throughout the year there waslovely ions discussion and careful con- eration given to the possibilities a new school. From the Insp • 's reports of the past few years, rt from reports of various arehi- :ts and engineers, such a step ons advisable at this time. How -t. sr, there are eight definite steps be taken as laid down by. thegrams partment of Education, and the and has, as yet, only made a aiminary investigatioa. A sur- r was made of the town for suit- le sites, and some progress has en made; alera various new ' ' ' tool 'building•s of the type night suitable for Seaforth were and much Valuable infor- lion was gained. a is felt that the 1950 Board ve, if anything, perhaps- moved i slowly in this matter, but cer- nly with the best interests of 3 ratepayers in mind, and that .s Boardeeomposed of those wbo ve spent so mach timeand ef- t, should continue in. 1951 with z knowledge and experience they ye acquired to settle the question the feasibility' of a new school. the Board would again like to tphasize that board' meetings, us- Illy held each second Tuesday of s month in the school., are open ratepayers, and that all matter's importance will continue to be blisbed in .the local papers. • • .,.,•, . LEHEADS: LEMON, ` . ' 1239 .Seaforth Citizens Are .• Eligible ToVoteWecinesd - IS • _ • • aY ... , ,„ ,,,,•:,.„,,, , , ,,,•,.., , . :,•,.-4,,.'f.;.:,., • , • • • 4, . • 'Members Bring. yonors FOR YEAR Thirteen Candidates Seek.• Eight Offices; • • • • . • PORp,;(0),:Av,Rer, ‘ COMBINED CHOIRS The annual Christmas ser- vice, with the combined choirs of Northside United,- First Pres - byterian and St Thomas' 'An - glican Church participating, will assume a slight change this year. The choir will be all male, and the service will be in Northside United Church on Sunday evening, Dec. 24. Jas. A. Stewart will be direce, tor, and Stanley J. Smith, or- ganist. Choir practices will be- gin Sunday evening. To Huron; Largest En- rolment • on Record. Presentation Of achievement awards to successful competitors maeked, the close of an outstandiag club season for members of the baby beef, swine, dairy calf, grein, tractor maintenance and Girls' Garden Club at the .Seaforth Die- trict High School on Friday evening' Fred Wilson, Huron Comity's as- sistant agriculture representative, reported that 1950 club season had the largest enrolment OS record, and that several members had brought honors to the county. NEWS F HENSALL - •At the ' lar meetbeg of Hen- ,., sail 'Braneate 58 of the Canadian Legion, het:Dec. 4the following slate af •offt ers were elected for the ensuipgrar, seance by acclam ation and 0 ers by ballot: Past President Chharade Dave Sangster; ' 4 President, B ran Kyle; lst vice- pres., laciliatd Daymon; 2nd vice- pres., Jack Drysdale; sergeant ., art". Jack' Simmons; chaplain, Rev. P. 4. '•Ferguson; executive committee: :fel:tirades H. Horton, J. Tudor; We Brown and- F. Beer. President Dale Sangster was elect - •,k ed chairman, for the election, and he appointed Comrades P. J. ,Ap- piety and W. O. Goodwin. as strut ineers. All the elected officers spoke briefly and thanked • the members foie the support they had given the president during the past year. During the meeting the sum Polls Op- . en From 9 a.m. To 5 p.m. Seaforth r will elect 'six council- lora, a public utility commissioner and a public school trustee next Wednesday. The candidates iri the order in which they will appear on the ballots are: For Council (six to be elected)— Christie, B. F.; Close, E. H.; Crich, J. C.; Daly, T. E.; Ross, W.; Scoins, N.; Sharp, A. K.; SillerY, A. W.; Sproat, R. H. Eor P.U.C.—Kling„ Frank; Sills, D'Orleon. For Trustee—Brady, P. L.; Stev- ens, J. C• Those eligible to vote include all Property owners and tenants in th the town, totalling 1,239. Only those whose names appear on Part I or Part II of the voters,' list may vote. The only exception to tide is where a name appears on the assessment • COPY EARLY, PLEASE ' Because of the heavy demand for space, it has been necessary to disappoint a number of ad - vertisers who brought copy in late this week. At the same time certain news stories have been held. over until next week The publishers regret the ow; ' cessity for such action, but since advertising requirements were not .made known in time to provide for additional pages, it could • not be avoided. Dur- ing the next two weeks, when the 'demand for space will Be particularly heavy, advertisers are are requested to make known space requirements not, later than Mondayof each . week,and have their copy ready on Tuesday. ..• ,,, esa:a:sfeuQtrb ih9.,f44. :.: Mcea4n4clieeineill179:P4fiter;thionleAlliruetFlaeti . . 4. . clepof siszetutinvimeteidyecoblieet xter: ntr ayt hte:henx:rart:if hd i 271;r:, Aa o': Ct till xi' !:.. 7:clod' 17 riclootaig:.:stogo:zi, fd:thrtat: Area `Da the Stratfprd-Seatforti Goderich area? the CoMinisaitteciel ened a Frequency Steliderdieetie Division Ar.ea Sub .0ffice in th p , toevii Of :t. `Marys on MoridaY" ' St. Mara& edit 'be the first mar • • icipality in Area 'D' to be switod ed over frorn 25 to 61) cycle posve supply, The program is schedule to start there about the thir • • • • • • Robert Hern, of Exeter club, was champion in King's Guinea class • PAY FOR CHICKENS KILLED BY DOGS Tuckersmith Council ' Nears End of Year's Business. Tuckersmith Municipal Council e et in the Town Hall, Seaforth, on Saturday afternoon, when all mem- were present.Reeve Arthur Nicholson presided. Fox bounties amounting to e6 . , ' were paid, and payment of $73.10 was made for chickens killed by dogs. The surety bond on the tax collector was renewed and prem- .-- . rum of $73.10 was ordered paid the agent, M. A. Reid. By-laws confirming the assess- ment roll and rate of taxation for 1950' were given their required readings and passed. Accounts. passed were: Relief, $50; advertising, $29.9a; hospital- ization, $3.7a; Workmen's Compen- ti Board administration sa on fees, $1•50; fox bounties, $6; chickens killed by dogs, $7.3.10e insurance premium, $37.50; repairs.. to type- writer, $3; supplies, Brucefiete, se street lights, $4•60; 1>°stage' —x notices, $28; roads, $1,393:64; sal., ary and allowance, $125; postage and excis-e, $5. e Council adjourned to meet .Dec. elheath,2—pan.,• ler the . final meeting of 1950. • at the Royal Winter Fair. Others won at Guelph, Walkerton Christ- meg Fair and Royal Winter Fair. Fifteen clubs were represented in- eluding clubs from Exeter, Ellm- ville, Hurondale , Blyth, Brussels, Dungannon, Grey and Howick, Ethel, Carlow, Molesworth, Wal- ton, Colwanosh; Blues -ale and Gor- rte . Guests included Miss. Eleanor Syracuse, vice-pregident of On- tario Junior Farmer's Association; Miss Helen Nesbitt, a member of the executive; T. R. Hilliard, sec- retary-treasurer of Junior Farmers Association; J. Cockburn, presi- dent, and Miss+ Florence E d' a re, supervisor of Women's InstituteIn Branch for Ontario. The guest speaker, Professor A. C. Robertson, of 0A.0 , Guelph, spoke on "How much 'education should a bey and girl haveho farm today." He said that we are at the cross-roads today due to the threat of war, and our boy's and girls should be trained to be better citizens. More training is. neededtha.n for agriculture because of the money invested in farm ma- chinery. Miss Joan Scott, H uron County . , home econotnist stated that 167 had s ' ,. uccessfully completed d'ris . one or more prosects, and that 77 girls had, completed first secon , or . , d third year's club work. Each girl and leader received '1 a si ver spoon. Miss Isabelle. Spear Brussels is' at , present representing the county a t the 4-H Club cony n ' e ton in Chi- cage. , MiecaeotVa club girls, oompeted. at inter -club competitions at sev- fall fairs, of $25 was $ted towards the Cm- munity Chritshmas tree, to be held roll but has been omitted in being transferred, to the voters' list. In ....... w IP week iu February, 1951. Seafort changeover period is scheduled fo Saturday, the*. 16, and a splendid report, r , ,p e Pe app Day, was given by F. J. Appteby, At the close of . • the meetings a Splendid. lunch was served by the social committee, headed by-....' Comrade Lawrence Ba nham Du • y .e.,,, ring the middle of the meetinghthe siren sounded and t-• some yew:tasters ran into the ineetiag to tell the members their chimney wasi on re. Hens•allre brigade responded and extinguish- ed the blaze, Exeter -Liens Club presented • their minstrel allow to a packed and appreciative audience in• the Town Hall Tuesday evening, spon- cored by the Chamber of Com- merce. Door receipts were $167.0,0. this event the Clerk may issue a certificate entitling the individual concerned to vote. Polls are open.from 9 a.m. until 5 p.m., and voting will take place at the following locations: Polling Subdivisions 1 and 2, at Sea -forth Motors; D.R.O., C. A. Barber; Poll Clerk, J. P. Bell; number of elig- ible voters, 485. Poliing Subdivi-bers stens 3 and 4, at 'Public Library; D.R.O., H. Trapnell; Poll Clerk, Mrs. L. Bolton; number of eligible voters, 395, Polling Subdivisions 5 and 6, at M. E. Clarke's•Garage; D R.0 John Cardno; Poll ,Clerk, • e Wm. MacKay; number of eligible voters, 359. • SHOE MERCHANT HAS8OthBIRTHDAY Walter G. Willis Has Been Business Here Since 1895. his 80th birthday the . . . ' family of Walter G. Willis on Sat- evening honored him at a dinner party at the home of Dr. and Mrs. F. T. Bechely. He was at Seaforth, Dec. 3, 1870. In business the test two weeks in April. • . Area TY is the fourth main Wort ing area on Hydro's standardize tion timetable. The changeover Pre gram is now nearing -complete)] in Area 'A,' east and north of Tor onto; -also in Ares', 'B,' Sarnia am distract, and is progreasing rapidl, in Area 'Ca London City and dh arict. In making the statement, Com mission Chairman Robert H. ,Saue ders stated that one of the mail working bases for the •nrogram , ii Area D would be located in Sea forth. A Hydro Frequency 'Stand ardization Division Area office b scheduled to be open_ed•in Seaford early in January. Later, it is ex The minstrels presented a three - hour show with black -faced. comedy at its best and excellent harmony singing throughout, and was one of the biggest and best minstrel shows to be presented here •Carrying the . load of the show were Any "Ras -garage. tus" Snelgrove, Bill "Snowball" Cochrane, Bob "Sambo" Dinne y, . Doug "Lightning' Knowles, Russ 0 Sateheli, ' Hopper, Claude "Bones" Blowes, John "Mr. White" Orch- ard.and Eugene "Ilotshor' Beaver. Backed by the choir, .the ocetette led in most of the musical numbers and also mar most of the gags 'with -thee -he :I- f Interlocutor Elmer Takes Service At First Church Here On -Sunday morning Rey. R. G. McMillan, of Knox Church, Gode- rich, the organist and choir, direc- tor W. H. I3ishop, and the male , quartette from that church, cora- posed of Messrs. Lodge, Walter, Henderson and Hyde, participated in the services at First Presbyter ian Church. Mr. McMillan chose for his sub - ject, "Two Baskets of Pigs," and the music included two qu,artettes, in Seaforth for more half a century, Mr. Willis op- ened his own retail store in 1895 the Cady 'block. The original building was destroyed by.fire some years ago and. the site today . ..• ' is occupied by the M. E. Clarke A son of the late Robert Willis, pioneer shoe rnanufacturer in Seaeavath rth, Mr. Willis learned the shoe fbPu ,. . smess vhi is er a er corn- th h' . Path ft pleting his education in Seaforth his schools. In iyouth he was well known as an athlete and played on many famous Seaforthfootball . teamsHis interest in athletic_s is —. •• , • se.rong, -d _ . . • - es, •pected that a similar area offim will be located in Stratford, sc that the program can be directed from central points. The office in St. Marys • will be situated in the Great Star Flour •. • Mills, and a Hydro staff will be on hand to answer customers' service and information calls in connection the changeover of equipment and appliances from 25 to 60 -cycle opera . , tion The phone number for this office will be St Marys 865, Queries from the Seaforth area will be handled, by St. IVIarys. until the Seaforth office is opened. Bell, K.C. The hchorus was under the direction of • ,rs. aro ur- hia II id st gis, with her husband. accompany- ing at the piano. The show includ- ed selections by, the Black Harm- ony Quartette, skits, song and dance numbers. Hensall Legion Ladies' Auxiliary "I Shal Be Satisfied" and "Go Down Moses " and a solo "se, , -'• . , d'haa With Me" by Mr. Lodge. The. collection was presented to •McMillan as a donation to the Knox Church building fund, and amounted to over $130. . • • still strong, although uring recent years he has, confined his activities • • in this direction to lawn bowling. Present at the clirmer party were the four membere of his family: Mrs Harry Watson Goderich; Mrs. a ' ' hechely, Seaforth• Gordon,of De- , troit, and. Robert 0., of Toronto. There four, = • • — invitations For Xmas • Dance Out Shortly Inviter rens for the antuital Christ - mas dance, being sponsored by the Seafo h branch rt of the -Canadian e Fifteen Tables in Play At Legion Stag Euchre Fifteen tables of euchre were in play at a stag euchre sponsored by the Canadian Legion on Friday evening in the Legion rooms.. Ed. McIver and William O'Shea were the winners, of most games, while P. J. Dorsey won the lone hands ,prize. A lunch of doughnuts and coffee was enjoyed. eral and •the 1951 proa ject, "Working With Wool," Is al- ready started, , and several other's are being planned. Dr. M. W. Stapleton, president of . Perth - Huron Shorthorn As- sociation, presented awards to 26 members of Shorthorn baby beef calf clubs. Five thighest standings were: Ronald Smith, Jan Van Vliet, Robert Parsons, Murray Wawson, and Jayne Mary Snell. They were each presented with a calf halter. • Stratford Mayor's WifeMr. Is Seaforth Girl Stratford's mayor -elect, A. David Simpson, is the son-in-law of Wm. Cudmore, Seaferth. Mrs. Simpson was the former Margaret Cudmore, youngest daughter of Wm. Cud-• more and the late Mrs. Cudmore. Mrs. Simpson has one sister, Ev- elyn, Mrs. (Dr.) Cullen Bryant, of Toronto, and three brothers,Frank of Wallaceburg, and William and Jack of Toronto. • ' held their Christmas party Tues- day nigtht in the Legion Hall. A beautiful lighted and decorated tree added Christmas to the CONSTANCE are grandchildren and' one great grandchild, Mrs. Willis assed away a number of ears ao. pyg • Legion, will be out in a few days,according to the committee .i in charge. The dance is being held in ' Cardnos Hall on Christmas even- cheer meeting which was largely attend- ed. Mrs. R. Taylor, Sr., presided in the absence of the president, Mrs. Mr. Alf. Buchanan, Centralia, spent the week -end at his home. Mrs. Peter Lindsay spent Tues- day in Clinton, a of Mrs. WINCIIELSEA ing, Dec. 25, and music is by Ben- ny Goodfellow and Ms orchestra. • 4 • . . Fred Beer, who is ill. Mrs. J. Drys- dale, secretary -treasurer, presented a satisfactory financial report Mrs. Alice Joynt reported on boxes sent to sick members. Mrs. Inex Me- Ewan packed for Carl Schwalm, a overseas parcel. It was dis- closed that two mote men in this district have left for overseas. zee- guest Myra Wheatley. e Mrs. Adam Nictiolsoa returned home atter s•pending a couple of weeks with friends in Goderich. Mr. Wm. Britton has closed up his house and will spend- the win- ter with members of hie family. Mr. Fred, Buchanan is the proud ' owner of a pure bred female Here- Mrs. Don Pentale andhfamily, of Exeter, spent.last Wednesday' af- ternoon with Mr. and Mrs. Elwyn Kerslake. Mr. and Mrs. Elwyn Kerslake ' wpre Friday e'vening visitors of Mr. aad Mrs. Malcolm Spence of Metro- politan. • WM Organize Industrial League The hockey industrial league wilt be organized next Monday night at an open meeting to be held in the Town Hall at 8 p.m. Besides. the „ Wins $100 Bond At Dublin Draw The Athletic Association held a successful dance in Looby's Hall Thursday evening. The draw for a ond was won b Mrs Eva $100 b y .. J.hones; two $50 bonds ,„1,,Vere 7v011 by arl Dick, •Cromarty, and Fred - Fr •Kfifth Eckert Dublin. The lucky tickets were drawn by Pearl Hepburn, of - - Cromarty. • KIPPEN . Mr. and, Mrs. Harold Jones and Grant and Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Jones spent Sunday with relatives in Crediton. Miss Helen Love spent a day in London.recently. Miss Alice Pfaff of Exetea, ' - • spent the week -end. with her sis- ter and broth ' 1 Mr.and brother- aw, Mrs. El R. gie. Miss Sharon McBride spen the week-endwMissMargaret- ith El gie. ' Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Bell Married 55 Years Mr. and Mrs, J. P, Bell, well- known residents of this town for many years, marked their fifty- wedding anniversary at their residence. John 'Street, on Sunday, Dec. 3, very quietly. Many tele- were received from their friends as well as beautiful e ' "°"wers' Their many friends will join, The Expositor in extending congratula- tions to them on the occasion. , vice. Mrs.. A. -Clark and Mrs. A. Joyat kindly offered to pack these boxes for the auxiliary. Mrs. Leti- tia Sangster, London, then presid- ed for the election: Past president, Mrs. Fred Berr; president, Mrs. S. E. Dick; lst vice-pres., Mrs. A. Clark; 2nd vice-pres., Mrs. Letitia Sangster; standard bearer, Mrs, H. Horton; sec.-treas., Mrs, J. Drys- ford which. he purchased recently frora the Stud Bros. herd, Forest. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence IVIontgem- cry were in Dundalk Wednesday attending tbe funeral of the for- titer's mother. Mrs. J. W. Mont- gomery, who passed away Sunday evening. Their many friends desire to express their sincerest sympa- thy. WINTHROP S.S. No. 10, Winthrop, will hold their .Christmas concert TuesdaY evening. Mr. and Mrs. W. Haase have moved into their new home on the east side of the highway. Mr. and Mrs, Glenn Haase, London, will usual four or five teams from town in the league, it is hoped that suf- ficient interest can be raised to have ,S01120 rural teams entered. The meeting is openato evervbodv ,- - s interested, and officers in charge urge all representatives, of bode urban and rural teams to be on hand. • - ee. .22 al • r iresme ,r Forum Meets in Hullett ,chased On Monday the Fireside Farm Forum M Met at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Jamieson with 18 pre- sent. Following the radio broadcast there was a lengthy discussion 051 o tile topic, "Attention For Every- one," followed by interesting con- tests. Progressive euchre was play- ed with the following winners: Ladies, most games, Ferne Dexter; lone hands, Mrs. Oliver Anderson; eonsolation., Mrs, Geo. Hoggart; men„ most games and lone lhandhusband W. Hoggart; consolation, Donald Buchanan. The next meeting will be at the home of Mr: and Mrs. Harvery Taylor. • Mr. and Mrs, Wm. Berney, of Exeter, spent Friday with Mr. and . MrsA. Gackstetter. Mr. Emerson Anderson has ,pur- a new International W-4 tractor. , Several new cars are to be seen around the village — 'Mr. Elzar • Mousseau, a new Pontiac; Mr. Wm. a a new Pontiac, and Mr. John Henderson, a new Hudson. Mr, John Timmerman, who has been engaged with Mr. Harry Culd- well for the last ten months, has secured another position on the farm of Mr. H. Beaver, of • near Exeter. Mr, and Mrs. , Sid. Bennett, of Delorai tie, Manitoba, were recent visitors. with Mr. and Mrs. Archie Parsons, Mr. and Mrs. A. Gacksetter and Gail Ann visited, on Sunday with dale; executive: Mrs. Wm. Brown, Mrs. Harold Bonthron, Mrs, • move into the one they vacated. K. Mock, Mrs, Byran Kyle, Mrs. F. J. Appleby; press reporter. Gladys Luker; auditors, Mrs. W. 0. Good- District Poultry a Business is Sold Mr. Andrew Montgomery, Br. ' ford, spent the week -end a his home here. • - Well -Known Resident Dies in Londesboro laid lip in Westminster .Hospital, • London, for the past few weeks, returned home a few days ago. Mr. James Donaldson, herdsaums mL .n for Dr. Jarrott, spent last Thursday in Mitchell. Mr. Wm, Sinclair is still confin ed to the house, The Rev. Mr. Richardson is not improving in health very rapidly, and is unable to go out without as s is fence. Mr. and Mrs. Deickert and Meryl visited on Sunday with friends in Listowel. Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Hood spent Monday last in London, The W.M.S. of St. Andrew's Church held their regular monthly meeting at the home of Mrs. Win- eton Workman. Mr, and Mrs. Wilmer McGregor, have sold their home and moved to Goderich: - • . Mr. Wm. Cooper has purchased Witmer McGregor's house, on No. 4 Highway, in the village, Mrs. McNay is improving slow- ly. Dr. Goddard has been attend- ing her. and Mrs, Emerson Kyle spent Tuesday in London. Mr. and Mrs. Elzar Mousseaurane, went to London Tuesday on 'Mese ness. - The next meeting of Kippen E. W.I. will be held weanheday, Dec. 13, at 2:15 p.m. at the home of 'Mrs. W. Caldwell, with Mrs. Thos. Kay as co -hostess. The roll call is to be a Christmas veese. The toPia on the art of telling stories will be taken by Mrs. Harry •Caldevell. There will be an exchange of gifts mid a Christmas, demonstration by mrs, Glean eteLean, •Mtss Merger- et MacKay will tell the Christmas 'dtorl-. . Lunch will be in charge of Mts. Thos. Kay, wea. Mrs A Joynt 'Mr• J Drys- l , • • • h • . dale the Mystery prize. Many wonhaldwell, lovely and useful gifts were re- calved from the .members .for the adopted veteran at Westminster Hospital. Bingo formed the enter- tainment, winners being Mrs. H. Horton, Mrs. R. Dick, Mrs. E. Shad- dick, Mrs. C. Devlin. Mrs. W. Smale. Mrs. T. Kyle and Mrs. K. Buchanan. A pleasing feature was the exchange of ,Christmas gifts among the members. The door prize was won by Miss G. Luker. ble for the success- Those responstFarms ful Christmas party were Mrs-. E. Dick, Mt'. B. Kale, Mrs. S. Jeannie and Mrs. E. Shaddick. Dainty re- freshments were served. Mrs. 'Many Simpson returned home last week after epending six months in the West with her broth- . Mr. A. B. Quennell. of Elmira. bas purchased the Lakeview Poul- try Farms and Hatcheries, Exeter. following an assignment made re- cently by Sheldon D. and Kenneth 11. Wein, the former owners. Mr. Quennell, a successful bus!- neseman and creditor of Wein Bros,, plans to form two separate limited companies, both on a sound financiand businesslike basis. He has appointed Sheldon, the younger brother. as manager of Lakeview Poultry Limited. ani • Kenneth, the elder, to take charge of Lakeview Turkey Ranch Limited. Purchase of the business. which included real estate. equipment. cars, trucks. liVeStO. etc., was qe approved by the three inspectors e P Nt • ° eel Heads ••• Teachers' Council Monday evening. Dec. 4the teachers or the Seaforth District High School, Seaforth Separate School and Seaforth Public School met in the Public School to re- organize for another year, The object of thetour council is to discuss. such matters of education that concern all the schools in town, The following executive was elected: Past .president, D. N. Eastman; president, L. B. Plum- steel; vice-president, Miss M. Turnbull; secretary -treasurer, J. L. Slattery. al Mrs. Catherine Fingland, 88, widow of John Fingland, who died. Tuesday night at her home in) Londesboro, thad. lived in that area for 57 years. Prior to her marriage she was Miss Catherine Baird, a,nd, spent her early life in Egremont Township. She was a member of , Londesboro Unitd • eChurch Her and a daughter, Alice, dieds, during the last year. Surviving are soma Frank, K.C., Clinton; William . ' Niagara Falls, Ont.; -Colin, Wingham; Murray' Cochrane, and three daughters, Mrs. Mary Grier - ' son, at home; Mrs,J. Barker, Tor- onto, Jones, and Mrs. Flora. 'St. Thomas. Funeral services will be conducted at the family residence, L.ndes•b-oro , Friday. at 2 p.m. by the Rev. S. Brenton, and nterment i made in Clinton cemetery. • Orange Lily Lodge 712 Installs New Officers . Orange Lily Lodge No,.712 met Monday evening with Sister D. Parke in the chair, when the in- stallation of officersha,s hem, Past Mistress Sister Annie Harrison in- stalledTthe following officers, for 1951: Worthy Mistress, Dorothy Parke; Deputy Mistress, Agnes McOlin- ohey; recording secretary, Jacque- line Habletrk; financial •secretaryS Evelyn Kieber; treasurer, Evelyn Mahan; Junior Deputy Mistress, Velina ,Miller; chaplain, Mrs. Roy VOdden; Guardian, Mary •Stevsarta director of ceremonies, Mae Bah- kirk; 1st Lect., Leila Forbes; Depu- ty Lect., Mary Boyce; Pianist, Elva Pullman; Inner Guard, Margaret McNairn; Outer Guard, Tars. Mel. Dalee_Cona, Eva Clarke, Florence Nieboll, Annie Harrison, Gertrude Sister Dorothy Parke was pre- sented.'with a gift, for :Which she thanked the Lodge. A daintirluneh iMitig adiled by .Sister Velma Millet and OSAIMittee. ',. . Mr, and Mrs. E. Gacketetter, near Exeter. Falls and Breaks Hip tars. R. M. Peck on Wednesday last had the misfortune to fall on the kitchen floor. Dr. 3. C. God- dard, of Bengali, was summonedre and had her removed by ambulance to Victoria; Hospital, London, X- rays proved that her hip was frac- tured, Her many friends hope her convalescence may be as comfort- able and speedy as posafble. We are dierry to report Mr. Robt..Mr. McLean, of R.R. 2, being ill and is in Clinton Hospital. Mr, Wm. Ivison left Kippen, for Toronto and Peterboro for the win- ter months. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Sproat have taken up, residence indMrs Bon- thron's 'house for the winter months. Mr. Jona•h Green is improving in health, but still confined to his bed. Mien Ann Patterson is oaring-1hr him. - 3,fr, and. Km igmetson Kyle and Mrs. Wm. ICyle and Milne, attend- ed the funeral , last Tifuraday of Mr, Kyle's mint in Artittiltet, ' -• • Sergeant SWIM, who,. has .been, roceeds $500 From • C.W.L. Christmas Fair The anneal Christmas Fair of . Samea' Church .Catholic WO- in' League was held on Satur-. y •in the Parish Hall. Consider adverse weather eonditiedis, the ent was. Most sacceesful, and the t proceeds wereabout $500. Rev. either Webber, drew. the whining iket on the cedar 'cheat andlC011- els: which - Was.*()D, :by R. G. urke, Seaforth. Mrs. Mae ,Dor- nee won the Aermaneat, which is donated by the Seaforth Beau- Salon. Other prizei were won Mrs, J. A. Westoott and Scott uff. , During the tea. hour Mies Maryilleholl. ni sills, and MrS. Alice Stiles) con- [bated plane solos. Afternoon a, vraa Sertred AVM tablea gaitk icorated- With sanding and 'Mt- een. . • ,, . :..,,„ ..,. . , ., . ers and siste. Before leaving for appointed by the creditors of Wein home a reunion was held in Win- nipeg, the four sisters and three brothers all, meeting together for the first time in 58 re•ars. Mr. and Mre. Dwi Fl la .ght s er, of Guelph., hasited Tuesday with Mr. Brothers at a meeting held in bon- don an Monday afternoon. These inspectors were Wta. Oestreicher, of Exeter; W. L. Whyte, of Sege forth, and H. H. Fritz, of Listowel, Mr. F 0 who in conjunction with . . ZION Mr. and Mrs. Brian Barker mov- ed to their new home in Mitchell last week. . Mr. and Mrs. George Robinson. PUblic Soho®l News - and Mrs. G. M. Drysdale. Rev. W. J. Rogers attended the United 'Church Presbytery .held at Brucefield United Chudch Tuesday. ' Mr. and Mrs,. G, M. Drysdale and Mrs. W. A MLa acren, Goderich, were in Marlette, Mich., last Tues- day attending the flineral of the late Mrs. Sara Drysdale. They also viaited relatidee at Cairo and Fair- groire, Mich. . , •Mr. Willi:reason, Toronto, was a week -end hetet guest with Rev. and Mrs. Rogers mad Carol Ann. Mr. and MriL .G. M. Drysdale were in Torenfo reeently attending the RoSall aiiVihtiale V kit% . • aitinfliiiiWiiii,Vide 4) , Ktme, Trustee, London, had charge of settling the estate. W. G. Coch- • h h E. D. Bell, and C. Van aug - ton appeared on behalf of a num- ter of creditors. According to the inshectors' in- vestigation, the reorganized Orme will be backed by sufficient capital to enable full operation of the bust- ness on a solvent bases. Adverse rparket conditions, un- witting purchase of a quantity of bad feed, and losses in. a Michigan. turkey venture, were held resPolash ble for the setback of the Wein Eros, partnership, which was start ed 18 years- ago. :Poultrymen meld the year was one Of the worst in the history 01 the poultry Industry. and Gladys spent Friday . evening with Mr. and Mrs, A. Dunmore, Mitchell. Mr. and Mrs. Herb. Britton were in Parkhill on Friday. Their cote sinsMrand Mrs- Thompsons ', . •• ', little son, six years old, was drown- sd on Thursday. Mr. Broughton and nephewWil- ,, liam, visited with Mr. and Mrs. Fergus Lannin on Monday. Mrs. Alvin WAlliaras and Shartin., spent a tee days with her par- silts, Me. and Mrs. Brian Barker, last Nmek. The Viromants Association is , ..,1, meeting at mt. Andy Whettaina on Mesita*. ' , Well, here we are again, folks, reporting from the old SI'S, We had Normalites from the .Stratdord Normal School last week: Mr. DorranceRoom 1MisPIIIIMail, ; s Room 2; ,Miss, Stevens in RoomA: s MisLeming in /theta 5; itt 'ROOM 6, Min ,Sliell, and in ROoin. 7Was Bolten. - , We aro koldcing ,ntitANIAStingl, Carol Service on. dhY 46 tVi 1:#6, :. a week. from thie einiting.P4daet,,.., ai4 ii4;,*.. . Y,.,:'"4,-,, Ite In tyaft 'class we bate bee , 4 ing Shadow boxes, it and 'finding. piefintee li.:i Ada, i; ... A