HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1950-12-01, Page 80,1-.:1WAKesks. ...e-Seiseesee1 il4 g.. iN fI(Kgi:APTDIKOPII.E, ,e.„egY GMARANTTEA PONDS AND. SICKNESS 'IRVIIMARY AND WINDSTORM presefitinfi Cos:4301m who WOO with Service. .0 AGENTS FOR ONTARIO THRESEERMAN'S MUTUAL PIR.,E INSURANCE Information gladly given. WATSON & REID M. A. REID - Proprietor insurance & Real Estate PHONE 214 : SEAFORTH FOR SALE Frame ouse on Huron Street. Reasonably priced. Immediate pos- session. Several other Choice Dwellings also listed. Modern Cottage with furnace and garage, „pally possession. Good,.:150-acre Farm; ' modern vonveniences. Dwelling, Victoria St. Modern conveniences. Possession arrang- ed. Frame dwelling, Village of Dub- lin. Immediate possession. M. A. REID REAL ESTATE : PHONE 214 LEMON'S TAXI ALL PASSENGERS INSURED Phone: 1824 or 182-W NEWS OF THE TOWN Special Showing At First Church. A. full length film, "Second Chance," will he shown in First Presbyterian Church Tuesday eve; niue. An outstanding dramatic re- ttgious film, the story was written by Faith Baldwin and the4film pro- duced by Protestant Film Commis- sion. In order to ensure a good at- tendance, no admiseion. is 'being FAR SALE GOOD 6 -ROOM HOUSE1-Three- piece bathroom, furnace. Garage on property. E. C. CHAMBERLAIN Insurance & Real Estate Broker SEAFORTH : ONT. PHONES: Res. 220, Office 334 'blue coal' WILLIS DUNDAS Phone 363-J - Res. 192--M OFFICE HOURS: 9:30 - 12; 2 p.m. - 5;30 P.m. LEGION EUCHRE FRIDAY December 1 SEAM RTH COMMUNITY CENTRE 8:30 p.m. CIGARETTES, CIGARS AND TOBACCO In Attractive Christmas Wrappers An ideal gift for the friend who smokes. ALSO PIPES CIGARETTE LIGHTERS AND ACCESSORIES Order NOW for the Best Selection! Oke's Billiards and Smoking Supplies We Have Been Appointed Dealers in Seaforth for The Canada Paint Co., Handling the Well-Krtown Paints • KEM-GLO • KEM-TONE • LUXOR ENAMELS See Our Christmas Display of ELECTRICAL APPLIANCES including Lamps, Toasters, Heaters STAFFEN'S Plumbing : Heating PHONE 49 SEAFORTH LIVING -ROOM, DINING -ROOM AND BEDROOM FURNITURE Sofa Beds and Studio Couches Chrome Tables and Chairs - in colours Breakfast Room Suites Spring -filled and Felt Mattresses Tables, Lamps and Mirrors FLOOR COVERINGS AND RUGS G. A. WHITNEY Furniture : Funeral and Ambulance Service flumes: Day 119 - Nights and Sundays 65 iliEAFORTH ONTARIO "Where Your Money Buys the Full Measure" 0 0 0 0 0 0. 0 * <> 0 0. 0 0. J. A. BURKE 0 0 Funeral Director .<> e 0 and Ambulance Service 0 O DUBLIN - ONT. 0 0 Night or Day Calls: 0 '0 Phone 43 r 10 .0 .0 0 0000000000 * G. A, WHITNEY * * Funeral Director * * thin Street Seaferth AlliBUL&NCE SERVICE 0 ,kajegtable •Infingint be." , ler *ant:0 4igskrof Ac#44,t5cofeity .0! . 1 0 : esti& gl:a 4111 0000000000 * W. J. CLEARY * Seaforth, Ont. 0 LICENSED EMBALMER 0 AND FUNERAL DIRECTOR 0 0 Nights or Day Calls - 335 0 <> 40 00 0 0. <> 0. 000 O 0 BOX, Infant .iiiotrbitt 0 AMBULANCE 0 '0 Prompt and careful attention. 0 0 Hospital Had 0 0,171.., OWERS von .Lt 0 OCCA'4101S,C, .'; 0 PIO** 0 Hem OW ,01 3 ttote 4ff 0 charged and all are invited to at- tend. First Church W. M. S. Meets, - The ,Women's Missionary Society of First Presbyterian Church held Its regular meting Tuesday at 3 p.m. Mrs: R. Eberhart conducted the routine business. It was decid- ed to hold the December meeting on Dec. 19. Secretaries are re- minded to have reports ready for this meeting. Mrs. J. MacTavish and Mrs. J. Beattie were appoint- ed a nominating committee. A hymn 'isas sung in memory of Mrs, A. MacTavish. Mrs. W. Drover's group was in charge of the pro- gram which followed, Mrs. Rit- chie read and ably commented up- on the 10,3rd Psalm, chosen by Mrs. Wm. Freeman, after which Mrs. Drover led in prayer. All en- joyed a solo by Mrs. Butt, "Have You Told Somebody." A most in- teresting and instructive roading, "Why I Believe in God," was given by Mrs. 3. MacTavish. The hymns used during the meeting were chos- en by Miss J. Simpson and Mrs. Wm. Freeman Mrs. R. Eberhart closed a most helpful meeting with prayer. Mae Lane Auxiliary Meets. -The November meeting of the Mae Lane Auxiliary was held in the schoolroom of North -gide 'United Church Tuesday evening with Mrs. Norman Knight presiding. Mrs. H. Snell, first vice-president, opened. the meeting with a reading, "The Spirit of the Cross," Mrs, P. B. Molft sang a Japanese beanie which was enjoyed by all. Mrs. W. Bradshaw led in prayer and the Scripture lesson from John I, fourth chapter, was read by Miss McIntyre. A business discussion followed. It was decided to send the usual Christmas bale to Gyp- eaniville and all gifts to be brought to the next meeting, Monday, Dec. 11. Mrs. Harold Connell, captain of Circle 3, conducted the remainder of the meeting. Miss Laura Mole led in prayer. The following ladies, Mrs. E. H. Close, Mrs. W. Dundas, Mrs. N. Schneider and Mrs. H. Connell, made the study book story very interesting in their reading of portions of it in turn. The meet- ing closed with the Mizpah bene- diction. Barbara Kirkman Auxiliary Meets -The November meeting of the Barbara Kirkman Auxiliary of First Presbyterian Church was held Tuesday evening. The presi- dent, Mrs.. J. F. Scott, conducted the meeting during 'the business, relative to the work of the auxil- iary. Mrs. J. E. Patterson occupied the chair, while the program was presented and after asking the members to repeat in unison the Ten Commandments, gave the op- ening prayer. Mrs. W. E. Butt read the Scripture lessen. Mrs. J. E. Bellamy gave a most sympathetic and inspiring 'talk on passages ,of Scripture that are helpful to Chris- tians in their daily life. It was Mrs. Bellamy's last meeting with the auxiliary, and while the members are sorry to have her leave the church, they wish for her and her family all atieeest and happiness in their new *la in,Saskatoen. Mrs. J. A. Mensaag'.e. so10,,.. accom- panied by Mrs. , E. Keating, a number that vees much enjoyed and appreciated. Mrs. Smale took up the offering and Miss Belle Camp- bell read a most interesting letter from a missionary in British Guiana. 1111111111111111111111111111I1111111111111111111 * Weddings * 11111111181111111111111111111111111111111111111 McDaid - Lane. -The altar of St. Columban Church was decorated with bronze and mauve mums for the wedding of Marie Josephine, Decorating WALLPAPER and PAINTING ROBT. FINLAY Phone 7 SMART Wrist Watches at $24.75 GENTS' 15-J. PIERCE Gold-filled Case, with iMeron Expan,sion Bracelet. Choice of different dials. A real buy at $24.75 LADIES' 15-J. PIERCE Gold-filled Case, cord bracelet. Different shapes from which to choose. An ideal Christmas Gift at... .2 I j S 4 Also see our selection of: Bulova, Gruen, Elco Omega, Rotait'y and Certine Watches AT ATTRACTIVE PRICES Savauges' jewelery Diamonds - Pine China E FORT 14 1- ' . 0 0 daughter of 14r. and. Nra. Vincent Lane, R.R. 5, Seefierthedo Patrieh Coyne McDaid, alt0Oner, sou of the late Mr, and M. c/has. MC Daid, on. SaiurdaY, Nov. 25, at a.m. Rev. Father O'lleowski per- formed the marriage ceremony and the Very Rev. T. MQid, uncle of the bride, sang t, e Nuptial Maas. Mrs. Vincent Lae, mother of the bride, played the wedding music, and Rosemary bane, sister of the bride, sang Schubert's "Ave Maria" at the Offertory, and "Mother At Your Feet is Kneel - in" at the signing of the register. The bride, given in marriage by her father, wore a gowns of ice-idue taffeta with matching veil and headdress. The bride carried a bou- quet of pink roses. Mrs. Thos. J. Kale, Seaforth, was 'her sister's only attendant, wearing a gown of orchid taffeta with matching hat and gloves, carrying a bouquet of yellow mums. Chas. IVIeDaid, Kit- chener, brother of the groom, was hest man. The ushers were Wil- fred McQuaid, Seaforth, uncle of the bride, and Don Meleaid, broth- er of the grodm. The,weilding din- ner took place at the home of the bride's parents where the bride's mother received the guests wear- ing moss green velvet and taffeta dress with matching green acces- sories and corsage of yellow mums. The dinner tables were decorated with bronze, pink and white mums. For going away the bride wore a. two-tone cocoa brown and beige siuit with winter white coat and accessories. The bride and groom will reside at 49 Arnold St, Kit- chener. Guests were present from Penetang, Toronto, Kitchener, St. Thomas, Stratford and surrounding district. Northside United Church. -Rev. D. A. MacMillan, Minister: 10 a.m., Sunday School and Adult Bible Clas.ses; 11 a.m., Werehip; Sermon subject, • "Why Did' the Angels Sing?" The Sacrament of Baptism will be administered' at this ser- vice; 11:30 a.m., Junior congrega- tion; 7 p,m., Worship; sermon sub- ject, "Spiritual Misers." . All eor, dially e-elcorae. • First Presbyterian Church. -10 am., Bible Class and. Sunday School; 11 a.m., Service of worship and praise under leadership of the Rev. R. G. MacMillan, the organist and choir members of Knox Pres- byterian Church Goderich; Junior Congregation; 7 p.m., "The Great Confession." -Rev. D. Glenn, Camp- bell, Minister. St. Thomas' Anglican Church. - Memorial Service for Archbishop Kingston, D.D., Primate of all Can- ada: Throughout the Diocese of Melon, Sunday, Dec. 3, has been set apart when services in all An- glican, Churches will e of a mem- orial nature for, the late 11'1.1/nate, The Most Reverend G. F. .King- ston, Ph.D., D.D. At St. Thomas' Church, Seaforth, there , will be a service of Holy Communion at 11 a,m. and Evemsorigeat, 'Levee ,st. Mary's, Dublin, a2 Ante Hely Communion. 4 sas7. Former Resident Dies in Van. couver.-The death occurred at the home of her daughter in Vartcou- ver of Mrs. Alex McKean, the for- mer Wilhelmina Margaret Ches- ney, sister of the late Pearson M. Chesney. Mrs. McKean Was the daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. Hugh M. Chesney, and was born at Ruseoe Farm in Tudersmitli. She is- survived by a son, Harvey McKean, in Toronto, and k daugh- ter, Mrs. Alex Gordon, iniNancou- ver, also two grandchildrelti in To- ronto. The funeral was held from Little's Funeral Home in Galt, where Mrs. McKean resided for many years. Sudden Death of Byron N. McGill. -Byron Nevins. McGill, 'aged 73 years, of Harpurhey, was found dead near Wilson and.' Centre Streets in Seaforth abdut noon on Tueeday. He, apparently, was stricken as he was walking along the street. Mr. 3/IcGill was the son of the late James McGill and Ellen Hawthorne,'o McKillop, and lived the greater part of bis lifd in that locality. He is survived by' his wife, the former 'Violet Georgina Dale, and one son: Gordon, of Tor- onto. The funeral took place, on ThurSday from the G. A. yVhitneY Funeral Horne at 2 p.m., -with in- tertnent in Maltlandbank cerneterY, The pallbearers were Roy Lawson, Frank Reynolds, Ed. Andrews, Harold McNally, T. Q. Fox 'and Neil Hopper. Death of Mrs. -Agnes MabTavish. -Mrs. Agnes Carr MacTavish, well known Seaforth resident,'. passed away in Scott Memorial Hospital on Saturday, Nov. 25, following an illness of only one day. Mrs. Mac- Tavish suffered a bad fail some years ago, but had recovered, suf- ficiently to be able to go about her household duties, and wasf•aiways a regular church attendant Born in, Hibbert Township, the diaughter of the late Mr. 'and Mrg, David Wren, of Tuckeremith, -she, *aa -hi her 84th year. Mr. Archibald Mac- Tavish, to whom she was Married at Nassagayseya many years ago, predeceased her in 1918. Ste came to Seafortb to reside -in 1i}28, and was a faithful worker and support- er of First Presbyterian sChurch and its Missionary organizations. The funhrai took place on 'Monday from the Vieter RumIey tfuneral home, with Rev, D. GlennCamp- bell, of First -Presbyterian hurch, 'Seaforth, conducting the service. The pallbearers were Lindsay Eyre, Campbell Eyre and Charleh Eyre, of Tuckereniith, and Lawson Wren of Toronto, Diein PortCothrne.-4fci G. "Frank"smithleatbars former hockey player, *lager and coath.,„ with Port teatris, and well known spettinnakt, suffered a heart attack and 'died Suxtday morning while leaking auttnnafle ;00.!Cter,Os at thet,Ange .ee o•sy et1 ,eekte,,,, 10,44'1104 af tite ,COntrol Weir ot VeltAB.41411, canal; fp, num•, Pratinie, Ie was in hk, 68th Oar. body was seen. "throtigh open ,iitiOr of the ginge Itenoe Omni 130 P.M, Seisdeyeby Dottaid Been, 1.6-Year:old son, ott Village anteater Milton Bean 44 Mrs. Bean. Young Beau told his par- ents WO •ealIeti Dr. 0, N. Black. Dr. Mack gaid death had occurred at Waist an;hour earlier and' prob- ably longer. Investigation by Dr. Black .and Constable Lenard Hock- ley, of Hutuberstone police, reveal- ed that Mr. Smith ha& left the lock office at lock eight about 8:50 a.m. Sunday to go to the gauge house. Because of the tleinip of naviga- tion resulting .froza the week -end gales, there were few passages through the lock over the week- end and hi a failure to return from the routine check of the gauge house went unnoticed. Record charts showed Mr. Smith had reached the gauge house at 9 a.m. and it is thought the suffered the heart attack and died. shortly after that time. Coroner Dr. Black said no inquest would be held. The late SER f CVICZ 6 bottle carton 30' wunaNdndr SEAFORTH FAIR BOARD FRIDAY NITE DANCE Cardno's Hall FRIDAY, DECEMBER 1 Music by Desjardine's Orchestra Admission 50c Dancing at 9:30 Sponsored by Seaforth Agricultural Society VIPealMaP%/eilrearnellNIW,P1,/ DANCE CARDNO'S HALL Monday, Dec. 4th Music by Don Robertson and His Ranch Boys Sponsored by L. 0. L. wiumomPeuenwim-•sw-i eeseaerwersessessw Christmas Fair AUSPICES C. W. L. St. James' Parish Hall Saturday, Dec. .2 BOOTHS: Home Baking, Aprons, Children's Dresses, Mitts, Novelties, Etc., and Candy. - ALSO - Draw for Cedar Chest and Contents AFTERNOON TEA 3 to 6 p.m. melneeeeems•Vamessesesameasseteerno DALRYMPLE'S Egmondville Have on display a Large • Assortment of GIFTS FOR EVERY OCCASION ranging from 5c upwards Inspection Invited Open every day and eve- - ning iintii Christmas Frank Stnithltad suffered heerteete tache Kane 17, Fears, ag9 an44444k tektite letieene,thee.eeart -sports shacesibaretiMet.; nig be Wei. Seem- ingly/4)13mifl 14 ;lanai health re - Gently and nit Saturdaeew,ae 4,91111 - 'swayer' at the ',funeral of 'eten well tnown hockey, pleyer who played on some of the -tee -Ma Mr. 4mith had managed. A friend ,noticed be w,api. short of breath on 'returning from the funeral. Frank Smith .was born at Seafortit, the son of the tate Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Smith, and went to Port Col- borne in 1913. He was employed at the National Harbors board ele- vator for a tine and enlisted with the 92nd Highlanders August 1915, and served overseas with the 20th Battalion, returning in 1919. lie was wounded in action at Hill 70 in 1917. 'Returning to Peet ,Col- borne he operated a grocery store from 1920 to 1925 and then return- ed to the employ of the National Harbors Board Elevator. In 1930 he was appointed a lockmaster with the opening of the new Wel- land Ship Cartel, and held that posi- tion until his death. A hockey player of ability, he played with Port Colborne Intermediates in the seasons of 1913-14 and 1914-15. Fol- lowing the war he held executive positions with Port Colborne hock- ey clubs and managed Port Cor - borne Sailors from 1929 to 1932. Since that time he had managed and helped t'b coach minor hockey teams in the Legion League. He was an ardent lawn 'bowler and member of the Port Colborne Lawn Bowling Club. He was a member of First Presbyterian Church, Can- adian Corps Aeseciation, a Past, President Of 'Branch No, 56 of the Canadian Legion, and a member of Beacon Lodge, 1.0.0.F. Surviving are his wife, Irene Herdman Smith; two sons, Allen J. Smith, Port Col- borne, and Douglas F. Smith, at heme; a brother, W. D. Smith, Seaforth; two sisters, Mrs, H. R. Scott and Miss Belle Smith, Sea - forth, and two grandchildren, Bar- bara and Robert Snaith, Port Col- borne. The funeral was held on Wednesday at 2 p.m. from the Dell and Merton funeral chapel, 50 ,Clar- mice St., Port Colborne, to Fouthill cemetery. Rev. R. T. Rutherdale tonducted the service. LOCAL BRIEFS • Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Smith, Mr. and Mrs. M. E. Clarke and Mrs. D. H. Wilson, were in London on Thursday evening last attending the installation exercises of Forest City Eastern Star Lodge. • Mrs. A. C. Routledge, of Eg- mondville, and Mrs, Lorne Wilson, of Brucefield, lett Sunday morning to spend a week in Detroit. • Mr. and Mrs. J. A, Fleming, who have lived here for the past two and a half, years. moved, on Tuesday to Simcoe, Mr. Fleming, who has been office manager at John Boshart & Sons, is retiring from active business life. • Mr. and Mrs. Robert Scott, of Harpurhey, have returned. from Toronto, where they spent the past week. • Misses Doris Pullman, Yvonne Bolton and June Snell, and Mr. Stanley Dorrance, of the Stratford, Normal School, are teaching in the Seaforth Public School. • Mr. and Mrs. Colin Kennedy, of Fort William, and former resi- dents of Seaforth, are living in the residence owned by Mrs. Rae, of Swan River, Man, in Seaforth. Mr. Kennedy, a number of years ago, conducted, a butcher business in the store now occupied. 'by Hugh Thompson. . • Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Smith, Mrs. D. R. Stewart, Miss Belle Smith and Mrs. H. R. Scott were in Port Colborne on Wednesday, attending the funeralof the late Frank G. Smithii who passed away suddenly on Sunday. • Mrs. S. T. Bartlett, of Toron- to, and M'r. and Mrs. H. Foley, of Bowmanville, spent the week -end with their niece, Mrs. John Stevens and Mr. Stevens. • Mr. and Mrs. Percy Skinner, of Detroit, visited friends. here last week. • Mr. J. R. M. Spittal moved his family to Seaforth Monday and is occupying the residence on Centre St; -he recently purchased from -Mr. H. Colbert. • Mrs. G. Dillance, of Guelph, visited over the week -end with Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Patrick in Tucker - smith. • Mr. Edwin P. Chesney and Mr. Grant Cheensy, of Tuckers:cab, were in Galt Tuesday attending the funeral of the late Mrs. Mc- Kean. • Mr. and Mrs. George Carter, of Hullett, spent Sunday with their aunt, Mrs. George Connell, and Mr. (Continued on Page 5) ATTENTION CAR OWNERS! We have a complete stock of NEW, AND USED CARS AND TRUCKS For better deals and more satisfied customers, phone; write or visit us soon. LIBERAL TRADE-INS Convenient Terms EVERY CAR GUARANTEED Expert Repairs To All Makes of Cars and Trucks by Licensed Mechanics. RICE MOTORS Phone 799 Settforth *04AYINHUH$DAy,Frnp4 ,ki:rnykv,4 , i'i, MR COWS with OSEER GARSONarid ROBERT DONAT ' We are bringing beet One of the most cherished Academy Award Pictures ever made; MONDAY, togsoftiv, illtEDN'EiDAY "FOR THE LOB OF MARY"' with EDMOND O'BRIEN DEANNA DURBIN DON TAYLOR As a hello girl on the Chief Executive's sWitehboard; Mee, Dur - bin's task is to keep cranks, poste and, nuisances from being eon, fleeted with the Chief, Frothy Romance, youthful .gayety and ,pleas, ant music -it's made to the audience's taste. IN TECHNICOLOR -NEXT THURSDAY, FRIDAY, SATURDAY " COMANCHE TERRITORY" with MAUREEN O'HARA an MaPPONALD CAREY Jim Bowie who wrote Western HistOry with a ftadhing bIadeeof a • knife, and set the Badlands aflame with his exploits, the stirring saga of a rugged frontiersman COMING - "THE SECRET GARDEN" REAL ESTATE Listings Wanted We have the buyers. • W. C. OKE REAL ESTATE & INSURANCE Local representative for Excelsior Life tnsurance Co. PHONE 670 r 3 : SEAFORTH 11111111111111111111111111111111111/ COAL We have on hand: Stove Coal • Nut Coati • Pea Coal' • Buckwheat_Coal • Alberta 0021 • Briquettes, • Stoker Cold William M:Hart Phone.784 • Seaforth YOU CAN AFFORD Eg TO SHOP IN mondville We have Everything in Stock For Your Christnias Cake ! SPECIALS Sweet Juice ORANGE$ 4YAMS ' 9C 10:C, Pqund 2ork'unzden. 15.c POTATOES P .754b. Bag California GRAPES Se4eOfrur Display of- TOWELSGRAPEFRUIT BLANKETS TABLE CLOTHS •NYLON HOSE 23c SPY APPLES 6 Quarts ......... esee sac Clair lianeyagnion • Christmas tngo Auspices. Canadian Legion TO FINANCE SPORTS FOR, LOADS of TURKEYS Three Large Cash Prizes Get your Christmas Dinner and Spending Money at this Seasonal Bingo Admission $1.00 - 20 Games Last game is a MYSTERY PRIZE Friday, December 8 Heated -CARDNO'S HALL -Heated - Doors open 8 p.m. - First Game 9 p.m. 'og • TRUCKS • TRACTORS • CARS,: • SEWING MACHINES • GAMES J rtr • MINITOY ELECTRIC TRAINS tr • STEAM ENGINES • BUILDING SETS • SKATING OUTFITS t 4 Crown Hardware Phone 6 Seaforth e.e,eeeleee-e, Ie` • " 4 011,11 kika140.1;4taitIllio I • '*4:4ftiteetid:i1?- I: YE, B ,