HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1950-12-01, Page 4Say, Farmers, if you are intending, nitito build your Silo next summer, you must come, in and get a contract signed at once, because we onl,..y„,0;!: sider signed contracts. , Last season we turned down scores of jobi-whieh came in the spring7filie and d summer after we -v,' Don't fool yourself with builders that proniise you by word of mouth contract; it is not binding to any one. (011(1t.ETE SILC)S SEE US NOW ! J. E. HUGILL Phone 616-34, Clinton Phone t67-6, Seaforth Three miles west of Seaforth on Highway P.S.—We also have a few good Used Cars and Trucks; one brand new Austin, and one 1950 Meteor Sedan. 0 gliAmwswRosrroR 0 ossified Ciatiisified Ads Inserted At New Low Cash Ratest, FOR. SALE, WANTED, LOST AND FOUND. ETC.—Per word; 1st we* 1 Cent 2nd w8ek 3/4 Cent Srd week Cent Main= charge, first insertion26 Calais Each figure, initial and abbreviation counts as one word. Cards ef Thanks, In Memoriam Notices. Coming Events -1 cent per word. Minimum, 60 cents per week. Enquiries may be directed to a Box No., c/o The Huron Espseitor. for 10 cents ectra. Ten dents additional will be charged if ads in above Mess are not paid within 10 dare of date of final insertion. Firths. Marriages and Deaths inserted free of charge. -Auction Salm, Notices to Creditors. Etc.—Rates on application. Coming Events Q.S. NO. 7, TUCKEIRSMITH, CHRIST - mos Concert on Thunsday, December Ith. at 8 p.m_ Admission 35c and 20c. 4327-1 TT'S LOVELY DANCING AT THE Crystal Palace Ballroom, Mitchell, ev- ery Friday night to the mneie of Don Robertson and His Ranch BoYa. 4326x2 For Rent rpwo THREE-ROOM APARTMENTS .L for rent, available now ; no children. $17.00 per month. Apply Box 937, HUR- ON EXPOSITOR. 4327-1 Work Wanted WORK WANTED — ELDERLY MAN wants work—odd obs around your home. Apply Box 936, HURON EX- POSITOR. 4327x1 Livestock Wanted Hp TO 15.00 EACH FOR DEAD OR Disabled Horses, Cows, Holm. 'at your farm. Prompt service. Phone Collect Wm. Sproat, Seaforth, 665 r 2. WIL- LIAM STONE SONS. LIMITED. Inger- soll, Ont. Motor Cars For Sale VOR. SAIR-1931 MODEL 'A' FORD IN " A-1 condition; good tires. ROBERT FINLAY. Phone 346-R, Seaforth. 4327x1 VOR SALE --MODEL "A" COACH, 4 " new tires ; in good condition_ Apply FRED SLNCLAIR, R.R. 2, Walton. Phone 842 r 14, Seaford!, 4327x1 • Exceptional Values LN USED CARS AND TRUCKS FARGO 1 -TON -1938 FORD 1k -TON -1932 OHEV. 2 -TON -1946 CARS FORD -1941 FORD -1936 FORD -1981 DODGE -1935 CHEVROLET -1930 DURANT-1930 DALY MOTORS Wanted WANTED — TWO MEN BOARDERS. PHONE 691-W, Seaforth. 4327-1 iliTANTED--BOARDERS TWO GIRLS iv preferred. Apply to Box 940, HUR- ON EXPOSITOR. 4327-1 WANTED—GOOD USED PIANO; MUST " be in good condition. Apply to Box 939, HURON EXPOSITOR. 4327-1 Lost and Found LOST KEY CASE, CONTAINING "4 three keys. Finder please PHONE 390-J, Seaforth. 4327-1 PHONE 102 SEAFORTH 4327-1 -p 0 U R THREE-YEAR-OLD STEERS strayed on my premises. Lot 9. Con. 15, Hay Township. Owner can have same by proving proe,:xty and paying expense, A. MERNER, 81 r 20, Zurich. 4327x3 Personals QKINNY MEN, WOMEN I GAIN 5 TO 16 lbs. New pep. too. Try famous Ostrex Tonic Tablets for doublet results; new healthy flesh; new vigor. New "get acquainted" size ONLY 60c. All drug - 58 Cgists. H:EV. FLP=FTLINE SEDAN—Green .,„.i.„...,7,0007•ile• 50 FLEETLUVE COACH leas than 3,000 miles, at 11,996.00 49 49 49 49 CHEVROLET 5 -PASSENGER COUPE CHEV. DE LUXE SEDAN—Custom radio, 2 -tone grey; many extras PONTIAC SEDAN 'C1EEV. SEDAN 48 tusEv. FLEETLINE COACH Two-tone green 48 CHEV. FLEETLINE SEDAN at 1,395.00; two-t.one green 48 OEEV. SEDAN Grey in colour 47 46 CHEV. 40 OBEV. Newly 39 37 36 35 CLIENT. FLEETLINE SEDAN --Two- tone in color; radii!, sun Maar; many extras. SEDAN SEDAN overhauled CHEV. SIejJAN NASH SEDAN DODGE SEDAN CHEV. COACH MANY 01.13ER MODELS TO CHOOSE FROM BRUSSELS MOTORS "The Horne of Better Used 'Cam" OPEN EVERY EVENING Property For Sale HYGIEN1c SUPPLIES (RUBBER Goods) mailed postpaid in plain, sealed envelope with price list. 6 samples 26c; 24 samples 11.00. Mail -Order Dept. T-78, NOVA -RUBBER CO., Box 91, Hamilton, Ont. FOR SALE—CORNER BUILDING LOT on North Main St. For further par- ticulars apply to MRS. J. W. FREE, or Phone 68, Seaford]. 4317-tf FOR SALE—NEW HOUSE, RANCH a style] fully modern; oil furnace, air conditioned. Can be bought with down payment and monthly Payment plan. C. G. LEE. John Street. 4814.tf FOR 8ALB—s-rtoont coTrAcE ON Goderich St. West; new furnace, mod- ern three-piece bath, built-in cupboards redecorated throughout- Immediate poses - &ion. ROY LAWSON, 4827x1 von SALE — 6 -BOOM TWO-STOREY " home_ with sun porch: covered with rolled brisk siding; Hydro; water, and good garden. In the Village of Walton. ,Apply to CIAFF BROWN. Phone Brus- sels 19 r 12. 4327-3 Notices To Creditors NOTICE to CREDITORS Notices WAVER' AMY (Conlinlied from Page 1) caused by injuries suffered when struck by a motor car driven by rs. Dorothy Jack, near the inter- section of No. 8 Highway and the Main Street of Dublin, Nov. 15, 1950, as Mary Lou Dantzer cross- ed. the highway from south to 'north. "We find that the accident was largely caused by the little girl running across the highway with- out keeping a proper lookout, but that 'Mrs. Jack, had she been keep- ing a proper lookout, should have seen the girl sooner than ,she did and might have avoided, the acci- dent." rUSTOM CORN PICKING DONE. AP - PIS, JOHN A. ECKERT," R.R. 1, Dub- lin. Phone 37 r 19, Dublin. 4325x3 Council and Candidates (Continued from Page 1) ,flower bed is being planned for the Main St. corner at No. 8 Highway. He said that the work of the P.U. C. had increased to such an extent that he would try at the first op- portunity to have the membership increased from three to five. James A. Stewart reviewed the finances of the town, stating that there would be an operating loss of liDADIO REPAIRS — WNEN YOUR radio won't work, bring it to TERRY'S RADIO REPAIR, and take it home the same day—any day. Opposite Dick House. Phone 347-R, Seaforth. 4295-tf In the Estate of GERTRUDE BERRETTA MILLER A LL PERSONS HAVING CLAIMS ••••• against the Estate of Gertrude Berretta Miller, late of the Township of leekelemee, in • the County of Huron. Married Wetness dereased, who died cm the 18th day of Oebaber, 1950-,. are hereby waffled to send in loll partieulara of their (dal= tattle meteerlened mi osbef�8le 'ate 22nd4114,1,of Detetelaee HMO; idiot vil& dete ihe,reeisete Witt be detteletteds Sweetie regard et* to elite* Aker reeeleed. 6'1.dt geao til th8 air a ;;Ior,•• , RARNS CLEANED AND WHITEWASH- "' ed following T.B. test. Brand new sprayer capable of 1,000 pounds pressure. Work done to inspector's satis. fact i on. Phone 44 r 9, Dublin. FRED HARBURN. Staff -a. 4801-tf For Sale In Memoriam T_TULSSER—IN LOVING MEMORY OF " a dear mother and father who passed away Ebur years ago phis month. Sadly mourned by daughter Mary and family. We do not forget you. nor do we intend. We think of you often and will to the end; Gone and forgotten, by some you may be, But dear to our memory you ever will be. 4327-1 OR SALE -• 4 PIGS. READY TO " wean. W. D. WILSON, Brucefield. Phone 658 r 33. Seaforth. 4327-1 FOR SALE—MASON RISCH PIANO; good condition. PHONE 2434. 4327x1 VOR SALE—MUSKRAT COAT, 'SIZE 13; cheap for quick sale (615). Ap- ply to Box 938, HURON EXPOSITOR. vela SALE—NINE PIGS, SIX WEEKS W. G. BURDGE, Brucefield. Phone 625 r 6, Clinton. 4327x1 POR SALE—JEWEL PERSONAL PORT- ' able radio, used only few months. New batteries. Apply JIM WALLACE, West William St. 4327x1 Deaths McGILL—ln Seaforth, on Tuesday, Nov. es, Byron Nevins McGill, in his 74th year. MacTAVISH—In Seaforth, on sat:a-day. November 25, Ag -nes Carr Wren, widow of the late Archibald MacTavish, in her 84th year. AT HEN SALL TUESDAY, DEC. 5th 8:00 p.m. SHOW BOAT "Minstrel Show" FOR SALE—MAN'S BROWN WINTER olercoat, size 42. in good condition. May he seen at SCOIN'S CLEANERS. 4327x1 FOR SALE—OFFERING BALANCE OF 1950 honey crop, clover and light amber honey. WALLACE ROSS APIAR- IES, Seaforth. 4827x1 poit. SALE — HOT AIR FURNACE, " complete with quantity of hot air pipes. For information, see D'OItLEON SILLS. 4326-2 FOR SALE --DINETTE SUITE, WAL- ' nut veneer; 6 chairs, wine leather seats; large extension table: china buffet, practically new, perfect condition, PHONE 142-M. Hensall. 4327-2 FOR SALE -- TWO SHORTHORN near serviceable age. from good milking dams: W. C. MONTGOMERY, R.R. 4, Walton, Ont. Phone 834 r 4. Sea - forth. 4327x1 FOR SALE—NEW SINGER SEWING machines, electric and treadle, Re. pairs to all makes. SINGER SEWING CENTRE, 78 Ontario St, Stratford. 4223-tf -poR SALE—FURNACE, IN GOOD shape; 2 small tables : white dishes; 2 mattresses and sprinsrs : 2 wash stands; some pieces of linoleum : rocking chair: 2 Quebec stoves. CLARENCE REEVES. Seaforth. 4327-1 VOR SALE -CLARE -JEWEL ALL -EN- ' n*.".:l kitchen range ; reservoir, warm- ing closets and enamel shelf. This stove is in A-1 shape; co -al and wood gratCs. Apply 0. A. MOFFAT. RR 3, Kippen. 4327-1 FOR SALE—WHITE ENAMEL WING- ' ham coli stove. practically new ; Beatty washing machine: copper tub: reasonable prices. Must be sold. Can be seen at the Petty Block. Hensall. Apply to MRS. MARY BUCHANAN. 102 Welling- ton St., London, Ont. 4327-2 Cards Of Thanks T WISH TO TAKE THIS OPPORTUNITY to thank all those who sent ane flowers, fruit hnd cards while 7was in the hospital. MRS. ROSS THUELL, Blyth. 4327-1 MR. LUTHER SANDERS WISHES TO • express his appreciation for the many kind deeds and words of sympathy extend- ed to him during his recent sad bereave- ment, and also to thank those who loaned cars and sent flowers, 4327x1 ma. ANDREW DOIG DESIRES TO thank his many friends who sent cardsfruit and treats to him while he was in Scott Memorial Hospital, and also to thank the nursing staff -and Dr. J. A. 4327-1 WISH TO EXPRESS MY THANKS TO the United Chureih, Wobelo Class, Eve- ning Auxiliary, Amber Rebekah Lodge and Legion Ladies' Auxiliary for baskets of fruit and candy sent to toe, and to the residents of the Hensel] and district for the numerous boxes of fruit, treats, candy, flowers, cards, visits and many acts of loindums extended to me during my recent iltineas. Thanlo] to Rev. W. J. Rogers. Dr. J. C. Goddard; thanks to Kiss Gladys Luker for pica -hitting for Me with the nevelt—ail the kindness extended to me wax; deeply appreciated. MAUDE ILEDDEN, Hoes Ont. 4827x1 Births '14164.4d goatt''19'4•14110 iteseittee 00 • •WtlatithiSiothi ' Presented by Exeter Lions Club Colorful Stage Settings! Skits, Quartettes, Etc.! A Minstrel Show That is a Treat! A Show You Will Want to See! Sponsored by HENSALL CHAMBER OF COMMERCE Admission — 75c and. 50c nearly $3,000.00, but that tIllb4 had been budgeted for, Thiszi;v4hount had been left, over from laseyear. and would be used to offset this deficit, The Area, acc,oftling to Mr. Stewart, is still about $4,000.00 in debt, but he hoped that this will be cleaned up within 12 ..irionths. He said that he would `not stand again for council because of other pressing obligation. E. H. Close, chairman of the street committee, isaid in his re- port that $43,548.82 hdd been spent on, streets. A government 'rebate of $2,675.00 would leave th'e net cost to the ratepayers of $6,873.82. Nearly 12,050 square feet of new sidewalk had been lilt, elite catch basins installed, 'No Parking -'signs erected on Goderich Si. He thank- ed the Chamber of Commerce for the placing of street signs on Gede- rich St. Mr. Close stated that he was sorry for the delay in remov- ing the snow of last Saturday's anowstorm, but due to breakdowns the plow could not begin until Sat- urday noon. Wallace Ross, chairman of the property committee, revealed that the town had bought a new horse for $115 and a cement mixer for $290. He stated that he was op- posed to the new system of equal- ized assessment, and that he had been led, to believe that the rate would not be over 30 mills. Accord- ing to Mr. Ross, the hiring of local police would save 2% mills, The by-laws are not being enforced, es- pecially the parking and speeding •by-laws. As far as the new public school is concerned, be feels that one cannot be built without a vote of the people. B. F. Christie, chairman of the Fire and Water Committee, reveal- ed that during the year there were four false alarms, one fire due to faulty wiring, five chimney fires, three warehouse fires, and two house fires. Total damage amount- ed to $600.00. Mr. Christie stated that a tentative figure of $54000.00 for garbage collection had been ar- rived at purely by guess. A eollec- tion in Listowel costs $3,650.00: and in Wingham $2,700.00. He conclud- ed with saying that he had, been on previous committees to investi- gate garbage collection and report- ed plans that would cost consider- ably less than $5,00e. iiIIiHhiIlIItUflhlIIIIUhIIIIIIItIIIIfl RE -OPENING of NEWLY -DECORATED Church at Brucefield on SUNDAY, DEC. 3rd Services at 11 a.m. and 7:30 p.m Special Speaker : „REV. H. J. SNELL of James St. United Church Exeter Special Music at both services. ,iiutiii,uuiiiiiiniuitiiiiniiiiiiuiiluiuii , Norman SeOins 'briefly stated that he *Mild run again and •fio hie best as, a ecetnellier. • r. outlined de to date on the propos ed pilblie Scheel, He stated that no definite dedeloft had , been reached en a site. The board wage still investigating Planfe costs, etc. The present. enrollment is 280, an increase of 27 over last year. Russell Sproat, a new nominee, touched on the town by-laws, say- ing that, they were not up to date. The by-laws covering dogs and bicycle riders were just a joke, accordlng to Mr. Sproat. He Urged that something be done about a public rest room, end that a new type of scavenger wagon be ob- tained. Mr. Sproat thought that council members shouldl be paid, and suggested a citizen& meeting in July to iron out any problems confropting the ratePayers. In his remarks he paid tribute to the ser- vices of John Cummings. H. J, Trapnell, another nominee, stated that nothtng had been done in his section i the town for 31 years. He thought that a general duty truck would de both snow- plowing and general duty work. J. C. Crich said that a garbage collection system had been submit- ted to council that would cost a little over $1,700.00. Since places of business were.compelled by law to have public, rest room facilities, he thought that Mr. Sproat's sug- gestion could wait. In a few brief remarks, Ed. Daly stated he would run for council. Another nominee was, Keith Sharp, who also stated he would stand. A. W. Sillery commented on the fact tbat there was no flag on the Town Hall. He also suggested washing d,own, the Main Street at intervals to keep down the dust. The traffic situation- on Goderich St. West was bad, and in his opin- ion something should, be done about it. He also recommended plowing the sidewalks in winter time on Goderich St. Nominees for F.U.C. were D. Sills and F', Kling, who spoke briefly. Public school trustees who spoke included J. Stevens, Cliff Broad - foot, W. T. Teall and R. McFad- den. All said they would stand The BEST Gift For the Whole Family— A RADIO or RECORD PLAYER WE HAVE AN INTERESTING ASSORTMENT OF MODELS AND COLORS in PHILCO AND MARCONI SETS • DALY MOTORS Ford - Monarch Sales & Service • Phone 102 Seaforth SAVE MONEY - HAVE YOUR OIL FILTER CHECKED TODAY Cbryco Micronic Oil Paters provide greater filtering speed over greater filtering area • • . give real protection against costly engine repairs caused by accumulated sludge. No ordinary -type fil- ter can: give your car or truck tbe protection provided by CHILYCO Microoic Oil litters. *CHRYCO "MICRONIC"., OIL FILTERS ARE' 331/3% MORE EFFECTIVE Retain V3 more dirt per square inch of filtering area; provide 571 mi. fa. of filtering surface, . (conventional types have 69 sq. in.). GREATEST DEVELOPMENT IN THE OIL FILTER INDUSTRY! GET YOURS TODAY! eChryto is a trade -mark of the Chrysler Corporation of Canada, Limited Seaforth, Ont. .4 Walter To414,447t s , GPO votiu 0004Allp., 41rogitrei Ge.tsildi,:rros4P37trn.slidyv noinninwialnhai. Reeve of Grey 'dttring the present Year, John MeNsh, Wu*/ nominated again and will be oppoasel bjr Clif- ford Rowland Promise or # tbree-way struggle for the deputy reeveship was • Been when George' McDonald, Kenneth Megarlane MO Percy Ward were named RP.'1004311aitt candidates, but otpy 10, teeer olt hr Percy port driti rdiatd,atener:1 c14 John noi iitehmeef aEwaionu. t8B—isteoup, re ncillors' eeler— chrtirs, bet Wheeler did not qual- ify. Woven:tater} for School Trus- tees were David Hardie, William SMitk, Watson Brown, Clare Mc- Intosh and. John Connelly. HENSALL FEW ELECTIONS IN (Continued from Page 1) Riehl, H. Vodden, Norman Hamil- ton, Lewis Whitfield (all qualified, four to 'be elected). Two women, Mrs. Franklin Bain - ton and Mrs. Winona McDougall, were elected by acclamation as School Trustees. e MORRIS For Reeve — Harvey Johnston (acet). ForCouncil (all by acclamation) —Charles Coultes, Sam Allcock, Bailey Parrott, William Peacock. For School Area Trustees (all by acclamation) — Robert McMurray, Bernard Thomas. HOWICK Pteeent. Games and cthtteSts were enjoyed. The losing group hap te the soeiety mpg** tbq dinner, wbeiW#0 much enjOyed. DUBLIN • Rev. Brother Augustine Cronin a well-known figure In Montreal educational circles, died on Nov. 23, after a short illness. Born in Dublin 47 years ago, Brother Aug- ustine, formerly known as Fergus Cronin, was the son of the late Mr. and Mrs. James Cronine He entered the Presentation Brothers thirty- one years ago and on completion 9f bis training taught in several Montreal schools; he was appoint- ed a ,principal in 1932 and held that Children'is Photos a speciality. For early Christmas appointments Phone 6, Hensel'. ANN'S STUDIO, Hayfield. len, 27-, has been reported missing in action in Korea. Everett served overseas for three years with the Canadian Aruly in World W'ar II; had two years of service with the U.S. Army, and served a year in Japan in 1944. In December, 1948, he rejeined the U.S. Forces andi was posted to Japan, later serving in Korea. Mr. Pollen was advised that his son had been missing since Nov. 2. Mrs. Wm, Cole and Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Cole were in Acton Tuesday attending the funeral of the late Mrs. Agnes MacTavish, Cpl. John Beer, stationed at Lon- don Airport, spent the week -end with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. F. Beer. Hensall stores will remain open on Wednesday afternoons on Dec 6, 13 and 20, and will be open eve- nings of Dec. 21, 22 and 23. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Kyle and Wil- ma will attend the funeral of the late Mrs. Emerson Mitchell, Wind- sor, on Saturday. Mr. Frank A. Wood has left for the Coast. Mrs. F. Manus left Saturday to spend the winter with her son and daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Ken- neth Manns and Donald. Mr. Raye Paterson left last Sat- urday to spend a few days in Tor- onto. Mrs. Walter Fairbairn, Hensall, received word of the death of ber brother-in-law, John Dodds, who passed away at Burnaby, Vancou- ver, Nov. 16, in his 89th year. He was born at Rodgerville in the Hen sall district and went west Sixty years ago. His wife, the former Margaret Robertson, of Tucker amith, predeceased him some years ago. Surviving are one daughter, Mrs. C. W. MacSorley, Burnaby, Vancouver; one son, Frank, Mait- land St., Vancouver, B.C., and three grandchildren, Mrs. Grant Cramp- ton, Ross and Claire MacSorley, of Burnaby. Funeral services were held Saturday, Nov. 18, from the Royal Oak Funeral Chapel, Kings way, Royal Oak Ave., Burnaby, Vancouver. A Legion bingo will be held in the Legion rooms, Hensall, Friday night, when chickens will be offer- ed as regular prizes, and geese as • specials. Mi SS Minnie Reid: has closed her home and will be away for the winter months. For •Reeve—E. H. Strong and El- mer Farrish, the latter not qualify- ing. For Deputy Reeve—Harry Gow- dy (acclamation). For Council (by acclamation)— Edward Newton, Emerson Har- graves Arthur Gibson, For School Area Trustee, West Howick (all by acclamation),—Fred Doubledee, Clark Renwick, Morley McMichael; :East Howick (all by acclamation)—Alfred Herman, Ar- thur Mitchell, Ira Shaeffer. -e DEM*AVR, v04141.4111,,,0 ,19909 19.44e494911, elle; '4044OA,fie`'VrOY 61100F'59t401000,004100.0 ,41404, Oft411,4 ,0011,1494k. Lorne Cronin, 4110 a eti4tet , Hallinan. Detroit. '111010iumpopli! R. S. Bilelq ,11:1412 Phone 849 r 41:: -; Segf,*4 NEMINVENNUMNIIIMINMS • GODERICH TWP. For Reeve—Gordon Orr (elected bv acclamation), James Stirling, Kenneth Merrier (withdrew), For Council (four to be elected) —Edward Grigg, Wilmar Harrison, Clayton Laithwaite, Kenneth Mer- ner, Edward Rathwell, Jno. Deeves, Robert 'Smith. For School Area Trustees—Ev- erett 'MacIlwain, Elmer Potter (both by acclamation). TURNBERRY For Reeve—G. N. Underwood, John G. Fischer (both qualified). For Council (four to he elected) —Robert A. Powell, P. H. Abraham, Herbert Foxton, John K. McTav- ish, A. D. Smith, W. J. Willets, Harvey Mulvey. Percy Biggs (first six already qualified). For School Area Trustees—T. E. Powell, Elgin Kirketon, Bert Holmes, Harold Grant (first three already qualified). EAST WAWANOSH For Reeve—J, D. Beecroft (accl.) For Council (all by acclamation) -'Orville Taylor, Orval McGowan, Howard Campbell, Alex Robertson. For Sebool Area Trustees (all by acclamation)—Roy Patterson, Clar- ence Chamney, Jas. R. Coultes. WEST WAWANOSH For Reeve — Everett Finnigan (acct.). For Council (all by acc)amation) —Harold Gaunt. John Durnin, Gor- don Struthers, Benson Johnston. For School Area Trustees (two to be elected)—Wallace Miller, William Webster, Leslie Hallam (first two already qualified). COL BOR N E For Reeve. — Stanley Snyder (elected by acclamation), Harold Montgomery. „Po- council — John Keriegham, '3;anies Horton, Terrence Hunter, Ilarblil Montgomery (the first four by acclamation), Harry MeCreight, Charles Millian, Gordon McPhee. For School Trustee -(three to be elected )-13enjamin Strong, Mil- ford nurse Orval Blake. ZURICH Acclamations were accorded to police trustees John Turkheim, Lloyd O'Brien and Milford Schil- be: BRUSSELS For Reeve—ROy B. Cousins elareatien) (ac - For Cotlilcil -(four to' be elected —firet four, all this year's. council, Spiers, R. W. Renriedy, Adrian McTaggart, Robt. beUrett454,Herbert Stratton did not Per 'Public Utilities Commission —lack, McDonald (accl.). Yor 'School Trustees (three to be elebted, ILrOt two quallited)—James S. AittistAigt, Wi1inti Leitch, Gerald diheoia, Clifford' Blitehlen, CROMARTY Miss Grace Chalmers is con valescing at the home of Mr. and Aim Thos. Laing, after spending a few weeks in Scott Memorial Hos pital, Seaforth. Miss Marguerite Duncanson, o Fort Erie, spent the week -end with her parents, Rev.. R. Duncanson and Mrs. Duncanson, at the Manse. Mr. and Mrs. Calder McKaig and Mr. and Mrs. Roy McCulloch at tended the funeral of their uncle, the late John Landers, of Mitchell Mrs. Margaret Puffin is spend Ing a few days with Mr. and Mrs, Calder McKaig, WINTHROP The W.M.S. and W.A. of Cavan United Church will 'hold their an nual meeting on Wednesday, Dec 6, in the schoolroom of the church Will all the secretaries have their reports ready. Cavan Church will hold its an nual Christmas concert on Tues- day. Dec. 19, at 8 p.m. S.S. 12 MaKillop, will bold it entertain- ment on, Wednesday, Dec. 6, in the evening. Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Hawley and Mrs. Tutohingsvisited on Monday in London with Mr. A. Hawley. Mrs. Retellings will leave for Cali- fornia'next week. WALTON Mr. and Mrs. Cameron Dennis, of North Bay, are guests of his brothers and, sisters in the district. Miss Helen Robinson, of St. Catharines, is a guest at the home of Dennis Bros. The W.A. of Duff's Church, Wal- ton, held' a dinner at 6:30 in the basensent of the church Wednesday' evening when 29 members were mosommosimmommorma "D44ger, Gii1S1ATOrking" BRUCEFIELD UNITWSHURCH Monday, Dec. 4th 8:15 p.m, By the Arthur Circle of Knox Church, Goderich Admiision: 50c and 25c Sponsored by /Group 2 tof the W. A. INININSI '11111, 'I :I, I'Il,Poll 1!! ' To the Ratepayers of Seaforth Having been nominated as a candidate for the P.U.C., I solicit your vote. Thank you! D'Orleon Sills - GOODYEAR Snow -Grip Tires SPECIAL PRICES TO CLEAR ' • 4.40 - 4.50 x 21 • 4.75-5.00 x 19 • 5.50 x 17 10% Discount • Also ALL STANDARD SIZES IN STOCK Seaforth Motors PHONE 141 111111111b. TO THE ELECTORS OF SEAFORTH: Vote Frank Kling forP.U.C.Commissioner Mr. Kling has been urged to permit his name ,to, stand for Public Utility Commissioner because: 1. He has the practical experience so necessary in a Commissioner during the pending Hydro Conversion program. 2 He is thoroughly familiar with the Seaforth Systtm and its requirements, and on several occasions has been called on to assist during emergencies. And on every such occasion he has willingly given of his abilities. " 3. He has the proven capacity to get things done. 4. As a P.U.C. Commissioner, he will not be dic- tated to by any group, but will act in the best interests of all Seaforth Utility Consumers, VOTE FOR FRANK KLING .4 Fpit P.U.C. COM100iONER • '4 ( 1