HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1950-11-17, Page 8HIIIIIIIIIIIIIlIIMMIIIIIIIII IIIIIiIIIINIII!!18!lIIIIIIIIIIIlUI1111NVINIIIIIIIIIViI@!!✓Mill MONSTER CASH and FOWL BINGO .n, is I'� SPECIALIZE IN VIRE, AUTO•MQBILE, CASUALTY, GUARANTEE BONDS ACCIDENT AND SICKNESS BURGLARY AND WINDSTORM Representing Comitaniea, who Sive $eeurity with Service. ALSO ,,GENTS FOR ONTARIO THR>QSHERMAN'S MUTUAL FIBS INSURANCE Information. gladly given. WATSON & REID K A. REID - Proprietor Insurance & Real Estate PHONE 214 SEAFORTH FOR SALE 'rame House on Huron Street, Reasonably priced. Immediate pos- session. Several other Choice Dwellings also listed. Modern Cottage with furnace and .ga<'.�i @;., Early possession, • 150 -acre Farm; modern conveniences. Dwelling, Victoria St. Modern conveniences, Possession arrang- ed. Frame dwelling, Village of Dub- lin. Immediate possession. M. A. REID REAL ESTATE PHONE 214 LEMON'S TAXI ALL PASSENGERS INSURED Phone: 1624 or 162-W Thrifty people -wise people all use the Classified col- umna. Phone 41, The Huron Expositor, Seaforth, NEWS OF THE TOWN " Catholic Women's League Meets. —The regular meeting of the'Cath- olic Women's League was held in St. James' Parish Hall, Seaforth, Tuesday evening and opened with prayer by the president, Mrs, John Hotham, Jr, The minutes were read by the secretary and adopted.. Discussed at the meeting were plans for the Christmas Fair to be bold December 2. 'Phe meeting was closed with prayer by the p: esident, followed by a delicious 6,p,FirrZ is easy on our purse LI 'blue coal WILLIS DUNDAS Phone 363-J - Res. 192-M OFFICE HOURS: 9:30-12; 2 p.m. -5:30 p.m. AgaiiMENEMOilk FOR SALE NO. 8 HIGHWAY Close To Seaforth 7 -Room Frame House. Good stable and henhouse. On 3 acres of land. W. C. OKE PHONE 670 r 3 : SEAFORTH We Have Been Appointed Dealers in Seaforth for The Canada Paint Co., Handling the Well -Known Paints • KEM-GLO • KEM-TONE • LUXOR ENAMELS See Our Christmas Display of ELECTRICAL APPLIANCES including Lamps, Toasters, Heaters STAFFEN' S Plumbing : Heating PHONE 49 - SEAFORTH COMING EVENTS IN CARDNO'S HALL, SEAFORTH Friday, November 17: SEAFORTH FAIR BOARD DANCE,—Desjardine's Orchestra Wednesday, November 22: HURON FEDERATION OF AGRICULTURE BANQUET AND DANCE Friday, November 24: WOMEN'S INSTITUTE EUCHRE AND DANCE Wednesday, November 29: NURSES' ANNUAL AUTUMN BALL Friday, December 1: FAIR BOARD DANCE—Desjardine's Orchestra Monday, December 4: SEAFORTH L.O.L. DANCE—Ranch Boys Friday, December 8: CANADIAN LEGION BINGO Watch Your Paper For Further Events in December Every Farm Needs a SNO-BLO i ational NEW F ROTARY SNOW POW For All Makes of Tractors ON DISPLAY AT DALY MOTORS Ford - Monarch Sales and Service SEAFORTH 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 J. A. BURKE Funeral Director O and Ambulance Service 0 DUBLIN - ONT. O N1@ht or Day Calls: O Phone 43 r 10 0' CY000.-0 000 0 0 000000.0 O 0 +0► 0 0 0 1,1f. A. WHITNEY Panora Director Man' Street Seaforth 0 A2if$'i tCK s1'It.V1C'it' 0 Ad$ttatble hospital beds 0 iCar rent 0 l$Lt6'ildgitdhyhll l�Tiifiiey . yi et0101611k,iltt fit' lidate dK 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 O W. J. CLEARY 0 O Seaforth, Ont. O 0 LICENSED EMBALMER 0 0 AND FUNERAL DIRECTOR 0 00 Nights or Day Calls -335 00 O 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0• 0 C' BOX Innen" iierbiCe 0 AMBULANCE O 0 Prompt and careful attention. 0 hospital Bed 0 O F'LLOWEBS FOR ALL 0 O OC"CASIONB O R. brow Or 184 � Stot 44 00''0400-0 0 O. lunch served by Mrs. C. P. .Sills and Mrs. • James L, Slattery. St. Thomas' Ladies' Guild Meets. —On Tuesday afternoon the Lad- ies' Guild held their monthly meet- ing in the Parish Hall with twenty- two members present. The presi- dent, Mrs. W. R. Shaw, presided• and opened the meeting with the Scripture reading by Mrs, H. R. Colbert, being the 138th Psalm. Prayers for the parish were follow- ed by the Lord's Prayer in unison. After the secretary's and treasur- er's reports were read and approv- ed, business was discussed and fin- al preparations were made for the bazaar. After the collection was received, lunch was served and the president closed the meeting with prayer. Hospital Aid Meets.—The regu- lar monthly meeting of the Wo- men's Hospital Aid to Scott Mem- orial Hospital was held in the nurses' residence on Tuesday eve- ning with over 20 members pres- ent. The meeting opened by re- peating the Lord's Prayer in uni- son. With the president, Miss D. Parke in the chair, the minutes of the Last meeting were read and approved. During the business It was decided to soundproof the nursery on approval of the board, and Mrs. R. S. Box outlined the membership drive which is to be completed before next meeting. It was also decided to help provide the lunch for the nurses' annual dance, to be held late in Novem- ber. Reports were given by ?Liss Parke and Mrs. H. E. Smith, dele- gates to the recent Ontario Hos- pital convention, held in Toronto. These proved very interesting and many worthwhile suggestions were brought back. The treasurer re- ported approximately $126.00 re- alized from the rummage sale. The December meeting b to be in the farm of a Christmas party with each member bringing a 25 -cent gift. Mrs, A. Y. McLean, Mrs, R. S. Box and Mrs. F. G. Kling were named in charge of lunch, After the meeting, tea was served by Mrs. A. W. Sillery and Mrs. Frank Sills, Jr. St. Thomas' Anglican Church. - 10 a.m„ Sunday School; 11 a.m., Morning Prayer; 2 p.m., St. Marys' Church, Dublin; 7 p.m., St. Thomas Evensong. Rev. T. Dale Jones, Rector. Northside United Church.—Rev. D. A, MacMillan, Minister: 10 a.m., Sunday School; a motion and sound film on Japan will be shown; all members and friends welcome; 11 a.m., Worship; sermon theme, "The Motive Test"; 11:30 a.m., Junior congregation. The evening service is withdrawn. 1711wmluul111I til !!!Bill! l ll 1 1 1 1111 l !lilt * Weddings * 11III11.1111111111IIIi111I111II1111111111I111111 Lock - Aitcheson.—The marriage of Joyce Adelaide, younger daugh- ter of Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Aitche- son, of Rosetown, Sask., to Her- bert E. Lock, of Guatemala, U.S.A., took place on Sept. 12 at the Pres- byterian Manse, Edmonton, Alta. The bride wore a blue silk crepe dress with grey accessories, Later in the day the happy couple left by plane to spend a honeymoon at Knoxville, Tennesee, later going to visit the groom's relatives at Guatemala, Okla., U.S.A., tihen to Newport, Arkansas, where Mr. Lock is in business. Mr• Lock was one of those in charge of the oil pipe line construction work run- ning from Edmonton to Superior, Wis., through the Rosetown dis- trict during the past summer. ,C'AttreedvdeAL.. Death of John Cooper. — John Cooper, of Clinton and formerly of Hullett Township, passed away at his home on Mary St., Clinton, Wednesday, Nov. 15, in his 70th Play HAWAIIAN GUITARS TRY OUR EASY 20 -LESSON COURSE Guitars rented for small fee. Lessons begin Wednesday, Nov. 22, at the Public Library, Seaforth Classes open after school and in the evening. A PLAY "DANGER l Girls Working" will be presented by the Ar- thur Circle of Knox Church, Goderich, in First Presbyterian Church SEAFORTH Monday, Nov. 20 at 8:15 p.m. Under the auspices of the Barbara Kirkman ,Auxiliary. This is one of the best plays lately seen in the amateur theatre. Admission - 50e Children. - - 35c 0 TUUrf URON E'.XPQ year. He was born ip,, Bullett and attended acheal at So. 12, Mc- Killop. Unmarried, It() 'is survived, by one sister, Mrs. Jphu McElroy, Clinton, and bis father,''w'bo is 95 years of age, who lived with his son. Deceased was a' ember of the Anglican Church- and was a farmer all his life, retiring to CIin- ton late this fall. The funeral will be held Saturday at 2 eem. from Ms late home in Clinton. Inter- ment will be in 'Maitlandbank cem- etery. Former Seaforth Native Dies in Vancouver.—James Habkirk, 75, one time alderman of Regina, and composing room foreman for the old Regina Morning Leader, died recently in Vancouver. Born in Seaforth, where he Iearned the printing trade, Mr. Habikirk work- ed in Wlnnpeg before he moved to Regina in 1911. In 1917 he was elected city alderman' and served for two years. Mr. Habkirk re- turned to Winnipeg in 1919 and in 1934 transferred to Vancouver. Predecesead by his wife five years ago, Mr. Habkirk is survived by a son, Jack, in Vancouver; two 'bro- thers, Brig. Hector Habkirk, of the Salvation Army in Winnipeg, and John Habkirk in Sacremento, Cal. • Death of Mrs. Kenneth Jones.— The death took place on Tuesday in Victoria Hospital, London, of Eleanor Broadfoot, beloved wife of Mr, Kenneth Jones, of Watford, following an illness of seven months. Deceased was born in Tuckersmith, the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. James A. Broadfoot, and was in her 35th year. After at- tending Tuckersmith public school and Seaforth Collegiate Institute, she was married in Clinton to Mr. Jones, who survives her, together with a family of ours sons, Earl, Larry, James and Gerald, and two daughters, Edith and Marie, all at home. Also surviving are her par- ents and one sister, Mrs. William Dalrymple, Seaforth. One brother, James Broadfoot, was killed in ac- tion in 1943. Mrs. Jones was a member of the United, Church. The funeral will take place on Friday from the G. A. Whitney Funeral Home, Goderich St. West, at 2:00 p.m., with Rev. D. A. MacMillan, of Northside United Church, con- ducting the Service. Interment will be in 'Maitlandbank cemetery. Death of Mrs. John Finlayson.— Death came with startling sudden- ness about 5:30 Tuesdays evening, to .Miura Jane Sclater, ;beloved wife of John Finlayson, in her 76th year. Mrs. Finlayson had been as- sisting in preparing for a banquet to be held in Northside United Church when she suffered a weak spell. Removed to her home, she passed away shortly after. Born in Seaforth, she was the daughter of •the late Mr. and Mrs. William Sclater and lived all her life in town, where she was well known and highly respected. She 'was married in 1903 to Mr. Fiinlayson, who survives, together with one sister, Mrs. Edgar Lawson, of Au- burn, and one brother, W.iIliam A. Sclater, of Regina. Prior to her marriage Mrs. Finlayson trained in Grace Hospital, Toronto, She was an active worker in the ni:Teti.S. and. W.A. of Northside Chtifeh, of which she was a member and regu- lar attendant. She was a valued member in the Red Cross Society. The funeral, which was largely at- tended, took place on Thursday at 2 o'clock from the G. A. Whitney Funeral Home. Rev. D. A. Mac- Millan conducted the service, and interment was in .Maitlandbank cemetery. The pallbearers were: Herald Lawrence, Albert Hudson, R. G. Parke, Robert McGonigle, Louis Hemberger and Dr. F. S. Harburn. The flower bearers were W. Dundas, John Cummings, Sena- tor W. H. Golding:, W. D. Smith and William Boyd. LOCAL BRIEFS • Mrs. Bed Harem, of Interna- tional Falls, Minn., Mrs. Justin. Sin- clair, of Brigden, and Miss Wilma McDonald, of Sarnia, were recent guests of Mr. and Mrs. Leo Steph- enson. • Miss Pearl McPherson, a for- mer teacher at the Seaforth Col- legiate Institute, and now residing in Clinton, was a guest of Miss Verna Graves and other friends over the week -end. • After sliending a week 'with Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Cleary; Miss Margaret Kelly left for Petrolia, and from there will go to Ottawa to live with her mother. • Miss Elizabeth Reid of the County Health Unit, Clinton, now occupies an office in the Post Of- fice. • Miss Annie Brodie, of Toron- to, spent the week -end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. Brodie. • Mr. James Kelly, of Toronto, visited his parents, Mr. and Mrs. William Kelly. • Dr. Friel Stewart, Windsor, and Donald Stewart, of Assumption College. Windsor, were week -end guests of their mother, Mrs, Chas, Stewart. • Mrs. Frank Devereaux and Miss Joan Devereaux. of Toronto, spent the week -end with friends and relatives in town. • Miss Lillian Southgate, of To- ronto, spent the week -end with .her mother, Mrs. W. E. Southgate, Sr, • Miss Shirley Muir, of Brant- ford, spent the week -end at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Muir. • Mr. and Mrs. Eldon Kerr and Mr. and Mrs. R. M. Scott spent a week. In Northern ' Ontario 'at Monetville and also in Toronto. • Mr, and Mrs. H. E. Smith spent the week -end in Brunner with Mr. and Mrs. Jack Gropp. • Mrs. E, Ritchie is visiting her son, Mr, Melvin Ritchie, St. Marys. • Mr. and Mrs, Lorne Speare, of Harriston, called on friends in town on Tuesday. Mrs. Speare is the former Gretta ,Dennis',n, • The Ministerial Association meeting will be held in Northside:. United Church on Tuesday; Nov. 21, when the speaker will be Rtele Ft, E. Livingstone, of Cavan Church, Winthrop. r Mr. and 1vfrs, Ken Ford and daughters, LYnu and Joan, 'bi±• in. TOB ' • gersoll, Were Sunday gtYests ,,uf Mr. and Mrs. Stanley J. gmplit, Rail- wax St. • Miss Harriet Russell, of Toron- to, spent the week -end with her mother, Mrs, J. B. Russell. i • Mr. William Murdie and Miss I. A. Murdie, of Lucknow, spent Sunday with 'their sister, M'rs. Margaret White. • Dr. and Ars. Hugh Williams and Brian, of Gary, Indiana, are � spending their holidays with her parents, Mr. and Mrs, M. McKel- lar. • Mrs. Gladys Ferguson left re- cently by motor to spend three weeks in Miami, Florida, • Mrs. Gordon Muir, Miss 'Nor- ma Muir and Mr. and Mrs. S. Lupul• were in Windsor over the week -end. • Miss Doris Pullman, of Strat- ford Normal School, spent the week -end at the home of her par- ents, Mr. and Mrs- Syd, Pullman- •• Miss Lillian Faulkner has re- turned from visiting in Galt and Hamilton- • M•r. and Mrs. Wm. Coombs, of Deloraine, Man., Mr. Menno Jack- son, Miss Vesta Coombs and Mr. Harry Coombs, of Brussels, were visitors on Tuesday with Mr. and Mrs. Leo Stephenson. • Mrs. M. R. Rennie and Mrs. G. D. Ferguson were in Toronto this week. • Miss Shirley Muir, of Brant- ford; Miss Ellen Stratmoen, of Camrose, Alta., Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Crowe and son, Denny, and Mrs. George Dennis, of Brantford, 'were week -end guests of Mr. and Mrs. John Muir. • Mrs. Edgar Lawson, of Au- burn, was here this week attend- ing ttending the funeral of the late Mrs. John Finlayson. • Mrs. J. E. Daley and Miss Ev- elyn Camino spent a few days in Toronto attending the Winter Fair and the Ice Capades. • Mrs. Gcrdon McGonigle and Helen and Sandra spent a few Cardno's Hall Friday, Dec. 8th 'Doors open at 8 p.m. BINGO AT 9 P.M. ANIIVIIIIIIIVIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIiIVImIIII@IIIV11VlllililllllllllilQmIIIIUm FOR SALE 7 -ROOM FRAME HOUSE, with 3 -piece bathroom, on Market St. Prompt possession. 7 -ROOM HOUSE — 3 -piece bath- room, hot water heating, Hydro; garage; two • lots. Situated on Cen- tre St. Priced reasonable. Prompt possession. E. C. CHAMBERLAIN Insurance & Real Estate Broker SEAFORTH ONT. PHONES: Res. 220, Office 334 We have on hand: Stove Coal • Nut Coal • Pea Coal • Buckwheat Coal • Alberta Coal ' • Briquettes • Stoker Coal William M. Hart Phone 784 Seaforth days in Toronto attending ;tpe Toe Capalleit, • n • Mr, aAd Mrs:I', ,an>'1 Mar lin and Mr. ',and M , Rlrnllllam T. Teall ' and Ruth are in Tor- onto this week attending the Roy- al Winter Fair. • Mrs. Harry Wel:0rd and Mr,, Fred Wel!%rd, of Peterboro, were guests of Mr, W. T. Thompson and Misses Mabel sad Greta Thompson over the week -end. • Messrs. Donald and Bill Munn, o° the Uuivereity of Western On- tario, were guests of their parents on Sunday. EGMONDVILLE Mr. and Mrs. Geo: Pearce and Mr. and Mrs. John Thachuck and children, of Tillsonburg; MTs. Boughton, of Cromarty, and Mr. and Mrs. Jack Kemp and daughter, of Mitchell, were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. R. Dalrymple. Mr. and Mrs. 'Wes. Hayter and son, of Detroit, visited Mr, and Mrs. James Finlayson on Sunday. Mrs. R. Dalrymple was in Till- sonburg and Toronto this week. John and Francis Ruston, who have been sailing the Great Lakes during the summer, spent the week end with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Ruston. McKILLOP S:S. No. 2, McKillop Farm For- ummet at the home of Mr. and Mrs. T. W. McMillan on Monday night with a fair attendance. Fol- lowing the discussion on "Forest Slash Or Save," the social part of the meeting was conducted by Mies Mary, Thompson. Progressive euchre was played, when the priz- es went to; Ladies, first, Mrs. R McMillan; lone hands, Eleanor Storey; consolation, Mrs. G. B. Dorrance; men, first, Nelson Mc- Clure- lone hands, Miller Adams; consolation, Wm. Storey. Lunch was served. The next meeting will be held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Thompson, CONSTANCE Mrs. Donald Buchanan and two children, are spending a week in Toronto with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Dollimar. Mrs. Jack Busby, of Chatham, spent the week -end with her mother, Mrs. R. Lawson, and Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Lawson. Mr. and Mrs. E, Adams spent Tuesday with Mr. and Mrs. Kelso Adams in Saltford. Mr. and Mrs. E. Lawson spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Ted Warren, of London. We extend a welcome to Mr. hand Mrs. Alvin Riley, who are now comfortably settled in their new home in the, village. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Webster, of St. Helens, spent Wednesday with Mr. and Mrs, H. Taylor. Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Medd, of McKillop, visited with Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Jewitt. W. J. Dale, reeve of Hullett, at- tended county council at Goderich this week. A Smile Or Two Guide: "This castle has stood for 300 years. Not a stone has been touched., nothing altered, nothing repaired or replaced" Tourist: "They must have the same landlord as I've got." • First Mechanic: "Which do you prefer, . leather or fabric uphol- stery?" Second Mechanic: "I like fab- rics; leather is too hard to wipe your hands on." • Mike: "I hear you were on strike." Pat: "Yes, I went on strike for shorter hours." Mike: "Did you get them?" Pat: "I did, surely, for I'm not working at all now." ANIMAL CLIPPERS FOR RENT We have a good supply of Green Cross Atomic and Dri-Kil Louse Killer. CROWN HARDWARE Phone 681-W Seaforth ATTENTION CAR OWNERS! We have a complete stock of NEW AND USED CARS AND TRUCKS For better deals and more satisfied customers, phone, write or visit us soon. LIBERAL TRADE-INS Convenient Terms EVERY CAR GUARANTEED Expert Repairs To All Makes of Cars and Trucks by Licensed Mechanics. RICE MOTORS PhIne 79 Seaforth d?. e fle.aR9 ., N.i?IN' PLAYING re- THURSDAY, FRIDAY, SATURDAY '" AMBUSH " - With ROBERT TAYLOR and JOHN HODIAK A. spectacular adventure by Luke Short which blends Romance and Action into a thrilling tale of the frontier. MONDAY, TUESDAY, WEDNESDAY " PRINCE OF FOXES with TYRONE POWER and ORSON WELLES Blood -stirring ad!yenture in a swash-buckling panorama of mortal combat—A picture packed with magnificent spectacle, IN CINECOLOR NEXT THURSDAY, FRIDAY, SATURDAY " COUNTY FAIR " with FLORENCE,. BATES - RORY CALHOUN - JANE NIGH The thrills and laughs of a thousand fairgrounds packed into one ,grea't, happy hit. What a wonderful place for a marvelous time with a glorious girl! COMING: "OLIVER TWIST" Musical Concert Sponsored by the Ontario Department of Education THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 23rd 8:15 Pala Seaforth District High School Auditorium Featuring— " JOSEPHINE CHUCHMAN—Violinist. LEOPOLDINE PICHLER—Soprano MARY SYME—Pianist ' LAWRENCE FELTON—Baritone COMING—January 13: Leslie Bell Singers March 8: John Voceart, Pianist ADMISSION -- 75 CENTS SANTA0SAYS: fsw,,,, ern 11111 N1 liE LIVING -ROOM, DINING -ROOM AND BEDROOM FURNITURE Sofa Beds and Studio Couches Chrome Tables and Chairs — in colours Breakfast Room Suites Spring -filled and Felt Mattresses Tables, Lamps and Mirrors FLOOR COVERINGS AND RUGS G. A. WHITNEY furniture : Funeral and Ambulance Service Phones: Day 119 - Nights and Sundays 65 SEAFORTH ONTARIO "Where Your Money Buys the Full Measure" We'd like you to see our Smart Selection of Colourful Christmas Cards and Boxed Assortments. Single Cards are priced from 5c up and Boxed Assortments from 59c up Some outstanding boxed selections are: • Winston Churchill Cards • Grandma Moses Cards • Edgar Guest Cards • -Canadian Artists Cards • Religious Cards You must see our Gay Wrappings, Gift Enclosure Cards, Tags and Ribbon; in fact, everything to make your parcel look like Christmas! SAVAUGE'S Jewellery Gifts — Fine China SEAFORTH 10, ;R+