HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1950-11-17, Page 7o 4111 � {: ;+, � fir r Y - 7 ,' 4, � ! I -1 Y 7•'.d �•, � ��'��� �''T } � 4 4 �'r r}i !r '' t fvL IN L. CHAPTER VII mooil<, Zihere was a 'ruthlel3quosscu>eedtier$e,lf when theyBae..Dod a WHAT HAS GONE BEFORE about the night that Incited and the terrace. She had glimpsed ., Lis Carmichael -had lived iiWeHed him. He ceased to strug- ,j Mile% standing alone, sinQkdng a . with her widow mother, Gay, ,gle against the great hyped he cigiarette. Miles didu't see theiin until she. met Mr. Everton, knew, A need the stronger for. Lisbeth approached him quietly, ' father of Jon, with' whom Jon having been curbed so long, a hun- while Jon went, on into the, y,�• • was in love. Gay married Mr, ger that over -rode reason, even, the brightly) lighted' room. Everton for "security," and Jon dictates of common decency. When• Lisbeth laid* her hand' on Miles' - believing that Lis was not sin_ . Liallieth was engaged .to Miles it arm and he turned in surprise. core, had Ignored her after the would be too -late. Forever too Her voice trembled. "Mf10s-can marriage of - his father and late. we go now? I -I'm tired -and Gay. Miles Benedict, a friend Jon turned with a kindof awk- it's going to rain-" of Jon's be ame interested in ward young abruptness that took Miles said, as she had known usi Lis. At a party, Jon took Lis the gdrl' at his side completely, off he would: "Of course, Lisbeth. ` out on the terrace and took guard and crushed her to him- Whenever you Iike. Shall I get her in his arms, despite the fact he thought he His arms held her fast and lips. braised hers, bending your wrap?" now -hated he Tier head) back ack wit he h t Force and fur><`::�•'-'»< of a She nodded, her lower lipcaught g �:: : ' kiss that had in it no tenderness, her betty d pen her teeth. "I'll wait in the car." .,:.�<•<::;+;:.<:,,:�, And Jon answered, -"Not at a11." but only passion. He kissed her as r ss Then Liabaft was. in his arms though h his senses were caught in When he rejoined her, she was ",•.� her slenderness, her loveliness' the spell of her enchantment, ment s' aki�g as though With chill l. .p .>. < . . '?'::Miles the enticing Fragrance s mind hated'her. laid her scarIet• velvet cape ..,. ``';xj•':i:i ' her. Jon r drew a deep breath, hold- aroun her shoulders solicitously. :: % ✓'' :.. Iltj ........;< ' Ing her thus. And they were Lisbeth Deeply Hurt P Y "'hank You, ilea." s:<:. : :.:.:,;,:,.,;::; . , .::...,.:, ' -dice moving without effort to B Jon's Actions Y His young voice was grave withxz^" rhythm -the rhythm of the music concern, demanding, "Lisbeth, When they were near the French If he had struck her, Lisbeth there's nothing wrong? You're not doors that opened upon the ter- could not have been more hurt, ill?" It is commonly supposed that in collisions between trains and more deeply outraged. No blow "No -no, Til be all right now. motor vehicles at railway crossings .it is the train which strikes the race, Jon said, knowing it was could have shattered so complete- It. was - the wind, I guess. It motor car. Reports to the Board of Transport Commissioners for madness, but helpless against the ly the certainty she had! clung. to came up so suddenly, so strong Canada covering the 12 -month period ended June 30 last, however, Gudden urge that prompted• him, that some time, somehow, things- and cold." reveal that of the 443 accidents occurring in that Let's go outside." g g period, nearly a must be between them as they 'hall They had driven only a little quarter of them resulted from the motor vehicle -ranging from Lisbeth's eyes widened a little, been at first. Now all her eager way when, the storm broke in un- sleek-- sedans to modest farm trucks and even motorcycles-stelk- looking up into his. But she didn't hopes lay in ruins, about her, de, restraining fury all about them. ing the side of the locomotive or train. Cases were reported in object. Jon's hand was. on her molished b Jon's kiss, torn down The thunder was, a crashing,say- which the motor vehicle struck the train as far back as five cars arm, propelling her through the by the hurtful touch of his, hands age symphony. Lightning seemed behind the engine. One of the reasons for this apparent anamoly doorway, as Miles' rhand 'had been upon her. to threaten the car and its occu- is the fact, well supported by scientific tests, that trains travel oo short a time before. BiNt this She stood very straight, a white Pants, Rain sluiced in torrents faster than the motorist, Who can estimate within the few seconds was ddfferenft. • Lisbeth's heart wraith in the darkness, when Jon down the windshield. allowed for him to determine whether .or not he can safely make pounded with that 'difference. released- her. She did not speak. Miles said, "I'm afraid we'll have the crossing. It is safer to give the train the benefit of the doubt. The terrace was dim and vague- Jon's, voice was hoarse, unnatur- to stop. I can't see a thing. It's ly murmurous with voices. The gar- al: "•I-fhad to do that. I ;hope a regular cloudburst, but it won't den was very dark is comparison, you didn't mind too much? I had last --•not like this, at any rate." very still. Jon led Lisbeth along a � familiar path where the heavy to get the foolish craving for your He 'asked bhen, as Lisbeth cring- WINTHROP fragrance of some nigihtbloom- lips out of my system. It was"- ed a little at a jagged flash, "Scar- inig flower lay on the sultry air.„ Lisbeth thought he shrugged, but ed?" in •the'dark she couldn't be sure- She shook her head, her faint The W.M.S. and. W.A. of Cavan Occasionally lightning streaked ••a hang -over; I guess, from the smile rueful. "Not exactly. But Church, Winthrop, met in the w rd. across the sky to the westward. bee time in New York when we first I don't Like it.,, schoolroom of the church on Wed - The night seemed to await, with 101, met, before I realized . , - " He Miles said, "Funny little kid," nesday, Nov, 8'. Mrs, E. Toll pre a hushed and eager expectancy, sided. The roll call was, answ•ere(I boa didn't go on with that. - Instead and laid a frig hand -over her two the coming of a storm. boa he said, his tone under better con- small ones, twisted+ -together in by tweuty�six ladies with a verse The night was a mirror of Jon's gle tial now, "anyway, when a man her lap. He accused, ."You're still on "Unity.." The meeting was re- fitt tries to cure himself of a craving cold. Your hand's are icy." minded that all reports we're to be I "NERVES t� it for drink or dope, I understand the He put his arm along the back ready for the December meeting. aft R V E s best course is to taper off gradual- of the seat behind her, drawing .vhen the officers for 1951 will be ly. So I thought I'd try 'it." her close. Warmth and vitality ined.alled. The program from, "ie Is we �•f Stili Lisbeth didn't speak. She seemed to flow from his body Missicnio y Monthly was followed, wi �,ww % couldn't know that Jon's hands into hers, from rhis spirit into the with Mrs. Toll as leader. The w'hi :Losing interest los- were clenched• so tightly irr his shaken, tormented depths of her. Scripture lesson was read by Mrs. POS whi ing friends -she pockets that the nail's bit into the She leaned her bright head weari- H. Rapson. Mrs. William Alexan- For never went out any palm's. She couldn't read his ly against his shoulder, which was der gave a. reading by 'Kaggawa, and For snore -always too 4 thoughts "Why must I feel So broad', so steady, so safe and Mrs. Les. Pepper led: the meeting `a P tired. "Nerves", she like this about her, knowing her sure and dependable. Dear Miles in prayer. The study chapter on wre > t -but it was r;T for what she is? Mercenary . . . . .. kind Miles . . . Japan was given by Mrs. W. Dodds. 188 her kidneys -fie GI- she must be that, since she's Gay's In that moment and 'beyond all The theme hymn was sung and ters of her blood- daughter. And cheap and easy shadow of doubt, Lisbeth knew Mrs. Livingstone closed the wor- Pla that needed attention. She used Dodd'a . If only I'd never seen her that Miles loved her. Even before ship period with prayer. She IGdne Pigs at once- The roved action Mrs. Robert McClure presided ace y P with that man in New York. If his lips touched her -hair, before of her kidneys helped to clear away blood O only we'd never met at all." his arm tightened about her. for the VC. A. Hymn' 377 opened impurities and excess acids. Fatigue, He asked, "Shall we go in Even before he said her name, the meeting and the Lord's Prayer use backache, headache, lack of energy dis- now?" his voice husky. was,repeated in unison. Mrs- Toll sail appeared Dodd's Kidney Pills contain Arid Lisbeth answered, "Yes.' What was it Gay had said so gave the financial report of the any fidessesal ors and medicinal ingredients Miles will be wondering where I short a time ;before? "It -shouldn't t1!rke u wet that ad d?ecily upon the kiihipys-ami y s aper. Lunch was served Sion Mprederetheir normal actiaa 144 am." be hard to learn to care for by Circle . L. Together, without another word, Miles." the _DaI r • • they walked back along the way Hard or easy, Lisheth would SW. d_ S 1QdneY P111s l they had come. But Lisbeth ex- make the effort. It was her only chosen, lists of guests to be made S hope for surcease from the pain of out, 12, the i revacably. losing.Jon, - . _ Jon ,left for Cleveland .tn,June in t As from a great distance she for two months of work in the "Do Your Business Directory • heard Miles' voice: "You're so company branch there. That he ried sweet -so lovely. I didn't mean had requested, the transfer be- to to tell you right away like this. cause he couldn't stand seeing rou MEDICAL LEGAL I meant to wait until you'd known Lisbeth and Miles constantly to- ass! me longer, until you'd got -sort of gether, not even his father knew. The used to me . but, ob, my dear, With Jon's departure, Lisbeth SEAFORTH CLINIC ' MCCONNELL & HAYS l love. you. I love you terribly. I could relax a little. There was no sin E. A. MoMASTER, B.A., M.D. Barristers, Solicitors, Etc, want to marry you." need to pretend so much, to feign ;nig PATRICK D. McCONNELL For just a moment Lisbeth, sat T Internist a happiness she often didn't feel. blare P. L. BRADY, M.D. there, still and unresponsive in It wasn't Miles' fault she wasn't H. GLENN HAYS Miles' arms, steeling herself, bury- always happy. Lisbeth told. herself a s Surgeon County Crown Attorney in one b one, the memories that lost Office Hours: 1 P.M. to 5 p.m., g' with fierce self-. somep't. It was SEAFORTH, ONT, bound her to Jon and all the eager, some lack in her, some emotional bre daily, except Wednesday and Sun- Telephone 174 foolish hopes she had 'built up inadequacy. Ing day around him. Jon, himself, had Thinking these thoughts. she L EVENINGS: Tuesday, Thursday A. W. SILLERY killed them. Lisbeth laid, flowers tried harder than ever to over- two and Saturday only, 7-9 p•m• Barrister, Solicitor, Etc. oil their graves and left them, come the faint reluctance, the in- Ply" Appointments made in advance trying not to look back, voluntary- sense of with.diraw'al she age are desirable. Phones-: Office 173, Residence 781 SEAFORTH - ONTARIO She raised her lips for Miles' experienced in Miles' embrace. "He JOHN A. GORWILL, B.A., M.D. lass , , And she would lift her lips for his Ing Physician and Surgeon The engagement was announced kisses, scourging herself for the mo Y g MUSIC TEACHER In the social columns of the Chi effort it required of her. She bro IN DR. H.H. ROSS' OFFICE cago papers. thought, "When we're married, it Plur Phones: Office 5-W; Res. 5-J STANLEY J,. SMITH, A.T.C.M. / Miles' parents, -were charming to won't be so. Then I'll love him, hot Seaforth Lisbeth- His two sisters, one mar- wholly, sincerely. Then 1'11 for- twe Teacher of ried, the other still in school, get Jon." sa.v DR. M. W. STAPLETON PIANO, THEORY, VOICE z were sweet and friendly. the Physician and Surgeon TRUMPET Lisbeth was endlessly busy dur- Mother's Happiness Helps Ma Phone 9,0 Seaforth Supervisor of School Music ing the weeks- before her wedding, Lis Forget Jon the Phone 332-M - Seaforth which was to ;be in September. to DR. F. J. R. FORSTER 4319-52 There were so many parties, One thing that helped her her 63 Waterloo St. South, Stratford showers for her, for other brides- through these days was the 'happy V Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat -- to -be. There was a trousseau to relationship between her mother den Gradniate in Medicine, University VETERINARY select, days spent shopping with and Carter Everton. Tliat•marri- hes Gay, hours of being fitted. There age, founded, in so far as Gay was Dry of Toronto. J. O, TURNBULL, D.V.M., V.S. were wedding attendants to be concerned, on ugliness and deceit, was Late assistant New York Opthab had flowered into a kind of quiet mei and Aural Institute, Moore- D. C. MA•PLESDEN, D.V.M„ V.S. kne Jleldfs Eye and Golden Square Main, Street Seaforth beauty that continually amazed the Throat Hospital, London, Eng. At PHONE 105 Sea%rt6 Monament Works Lisibet.h. Between her mother and me Carter there wag affection and, re. son, 'COMMERCIAL HOTEL, Seaforth-, T. R. MELADY, D.V.M-, V.S. spect even understanding. Seeing is • third Wednesday in every month, T. PRYDE & SON them together, no one could doubt to " from 2 to 4:30 pail. Main Street . Dublin Memorial' Craftsmen the reality- of their happiness. And tug. PHONE 80 Lisbeth was glad. I JOHN C. GODDARD, M.D. Seaforth Exeter" Clinton Late in August, though, Lis- Dry - Physician and Surgeon beth noted, or thought she noted. whi Phone 110' Hensall OPTOMETRIST nig JOHN E. LONGSTAFF _ j s and CHIROPRACTIC optometrist ° SOLUTION TO We Eyes examined. Glasses fitted. BOXWORD PUZZLE Lou D. H. McINNES Phone 791 thei Chiropractic . Foot Correction MAIN ST. - SEAFORTH win ACROSS DOWN COMMERCIAL HOTEL Hours: 9 - 6 call 'Monday, Thursday - 1 to 8 P.m- Wed. 9-12.30; Sat. 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. 1. Alarm 1.. Ampere we 8eaforth Showrooms Open Tuesday 4. Vodka 2. Audit am _ See Dr. Harburn for appoint- 7. Tom 3. Melee didr ACCOUNTING AUCTIONEERS m rt any teother time, or Phone 8. Ennui 4. vile ly t 10. Pedal 5. Dis' _ RONALD G. McCANN HAROLD JACKSON 11. Lesson 6. Ago Accountant Specialist in Farm and House- THE MCI�ILLOP 15. L'se . 7. Trump a. c CLINTON -ONTARIO hold Sales. MUTUAL FIRE 16. Esther 9. Nut diff Phone 561 '" "Rattenbury St. E. Licensed Prices s rah and Perth INSURANCE COW. 19. Rotten 12. Errata, -1 Count s. Prices reasonable; sat- 22. Rouse 13. Squab sen isLactton gua.rairteed. 23. Prey 14, Niece poi For inforroation, etc., write or HEAD OFFICE-SEAFORTH, Ont. 25, Extra. 17. Sneeze had C.N.R. TIME TABLE phone HAROLD JACKSON, 661 r 26. Spume' 18. Hated Lis 14, Seaforth; R.R. 4, Seaforth. OFFICERS: 27. Table 20. Oyster roc GOING EAST President - E. J. Trewartba, Clinton 30, vat 21. Taunt Gay ,Morning) A.M. EDWARD W. ELLIOTT Vice -Pres. - J. L. Malone, Seaforth 31. Zodiac 24. Revel f;nt Goderich (leave) . , ......... 5.40d Licensed Auctioneer Manager and Sea-Treas. - M. A. 34. Esteem 28. Acetic , Wee Seaforth ............. r..... 6.20 Correspondence promptly answer- Reid, Seaforth. 37. Eat 29. Lotto ty S'tratfordl (arrive) ....... • • . 7.16 ed. Immediate arrangements can DIRECTOR$: 38, Clara, 32. Omelet. whi (Afternoon) P•M'' be made for sale Oates by phoning - E. J. Trewartha, Clinton; J. L. 40. Exert 33. Inert end Goderich (leave) . • • • • - • • 3.00 203, Clinton. Charges moderate and Malone, Seaforth;- S. W. '* Whit- 41, Hotel 35. Sahara ter 3.46 more, Seaforth; Chrfs, Leonhardt, Seaforth .................. sadsrfaetion guara.wteerL- 42. Igor 36. Estop A ,Stratford (arrive) 4.40 Bornholm; Robert Archibald, Sea- 45. Libya 38. Colts sat, GOING WEST J099PH L. RYAN forth; Jg1an H. MCEwing, Blyth; 46. Entice 39. Amber in Morning) A.! . Specialist in farm stock and im- Frank Mc4iistor, 'Clinton; Wm, S. 49. Repute 43. Geyser fad Stratford (leave) .... , . • • WAS pieittents and, bousehold 'effects. Alexander, `Walton; Harvey Fuller, 52, Yen, 44. Rinse tru Seaforth ... • ... 11.86 satisfactions guarankee'd. Licensed Goderich. 53. Spread 47. Newel one 0otberich (arrive) 19.26 in, Huron and .Perth Counties, AGENTS: 56, Wrens 48. Ideas face (Afternoon) P.,X. Pox :particulars and open dates, J. E Pepper, .Brueefield, 'R, F. 57. Dante 50. Eddy Her tratfordi (leave) ........... 9A6 write or phone JOSEPH L. RYAN, McKercher, Dublin; George A. 58c'Eve 51. Urn "I eatforth ................... 10.,21: It, R. 1, Dublin. Phone 46 r 5, Watt, Blyth; J. F. P'rueter, Brod- go. Peary 54. Pup mi g, (arrive) ... , ....... 11.00 1}t illL 4217x52 hago t; Selwyn realer, Bruesels. '60• Loser 55. Era .._5. .,_., ,ir n..,C, .,...,,. x.. -Y. _,.v::,,i',.,�1.„., .,.. r..t.6�r.. .l,i '.I t. .nu..z,ul.J,,,�":t Ayl,.,h„n ,,, i,'L'l�m w,. .1•,.1 Pv..l„ ,,, ,.. ,,I ..ru.!„ ,.+,i,li,_min. �r.hr-..,dF:.aA nM1,G. ,..ia .,i�,r i,n ,4 ,,.. a, t,..xrJ „fin,! 2>s.a, ,,V IJar i. Helen MacLeod' (Continued from Page- 6) e, and 711 thick, made of red ch. Overall length 3.611, beam carrying her sides pretty well n, 31 611 draft without centre - rd, over 61 with it lowered. An - irons were bent to patterns and ed three feet apart, then the eking wase' bolted to them and erwards steamed oak Frames re bent in 611 apart. Planking cypress. 1%11 thick, gunwale, to oak, •311 x 21r• wale strake, to oak 211 x 21. Stem and stern t are 411 thick and 1211 wide, sentiment Louie built into her iece of white oak off the old Ing vessel "Malta," which was eked off Bayfield in November, 2, and a piece of white oak deck nk off the "Helen MacLeod." is decked over and the cabin ommodates three. my when necessary did Louie the new marine engine. He ed for the sheer joy of it. If boat were in trouble, Louie it to the rescue. On one occa- s it was his brother Jack's boat, "Donald Mac," with his son, John (Rip) MacLeod, and Geo. rgeou aboard. On November 1932, shortly after they had left fishing grounds at Kettle Point he afternoon, the rudder of the nald Mac" broke and was car- away.. Louie got a tow- line them but the weather was gb and it kept breaking. He was', sted by the late R. McDool. "Helen MacLeod II" was run- g out of gasoline so about inid- ht they came back to Bayfield'. he crew of the "Donald Mac" ew out their fish nets to act as ea -anchor. John MacLeod' had considerable blood when the aking mast which he was hold - lacerated the palm of his hand. oufe went out to them again in hours' time with a, fresh sup - of gasoline and gear. He wan- d to get the boys aboard the len MacLeod" and started tow - the "Donald Mac." Just at the nth of the harbor the ton- line ke again and the disabled boat aged to the bottom, tearing a e in her bow-. it was 3 a.m. For Ive hours they had fought to e the men and their boat. When storm had subsided, W. John cLeod, Sr., and Louie raised "Donald Mac," and got. her in - port and repaired the hole in bow. llllam Jahn MacLeod died sud- ly June 10. 1940. He suffered a rt attack while fishing opposite sclale and tell overboard. It then that the local fishermen' w how much be had helped m. both by his advice and in men boats, etc. His eldest William John i Rip) MacLeod, a. ftsherm'an but he •succumbed the now age and uses a steel In 1932 a call for help came from sdale for an American boat eh had drifted helplessly' all ht, The engine had gone dead they couldn't hoist the sails. recall being amazed when is sailed down and back in vy seas to rescue them and tow r craft into port.. "But if the d were too high to hoist their s, how could you use yours?" asked. And we still recall ,his Amu and his reply: "They i't know how to sail." He final - owed them to Belle Isle. hange in Gay. Just a 1ilt�t' erence, a tension, en's return to Lake Forest 'ed to crowd the matter tem- arily from her minds. But he been home only a week when beth, going' to her mother's m late one afternoon, found face downward among the by pillows on a, chaise lounge, ping. Not, were these the pret- tears, pathetic, effective, with ch Gay wa-s wont to gain her s. These were the tears of ut- despair. t Lisbeth's startled gasp she up, wild apprenhension flaring her, reddened eyes. But fear ed as- Mie realized who the in - der was. And she sank down e more, burying ,her d0torted . "Lock the door, will you?" y6lee was choked and muffled. thought -you were Chi -ter. He �'fnt :come," (( bAtindisd Next Week) $0149. at Fix'ienu t T . . o eUIP'. ' Filfy 1Bre er' , �h wee sons Were in the RQ YR; � .ud�:: ,�be•'' e t ,' :I.: , �+i ,� :,, 'a !! v, to . �_• ,C& a c , ,. ,bile they hi a ,OYe� the s,He@h I�ro. ,terrdi It p bo ",*, !a�y, � ��U'�4'•r. � +..it a3 s'Ff+}a�� t?p-;uy,�,tt .�1 ii,l�l ti r:•',Vih��. '.n�,. 'l��r•r.. i: t" their discharge Vohn A, is As'h< .. " ., , ' ' ^ , , s F , -'i5i{ ItiA �V_ t,Yat" ,�,,r•. • :! { rt r , I,i 4{h.i4k.. ryhh.`�YN',lX ��r�iK�,{SPI.,' ii>g at Oilcan), Louie !eels that ,they belong to a different age. He, Wil► a :tJ i y r taw h #tirY '`li i; a+ue` was afraid for his boat and, more afraid for his sons. That, toga, +iter with the fact -that the trout' , r r:^ W',t ��x,�i t`�."'� f,•`�,5 had'left their feeding grounds here' ' and the high cost of nets and equipment accounts for the fact " A fi yRN,tha Vert to was finally Jack Miller sof the Eddsoto n 9 s t� ' (i,1 1�()��ya?s`, Yacht Club, Capt. L. H. D. MacLeod and his #4 i h 4 � on, Malcolm. (who has been sail- Ing sai -ing , 1. T r4 � �5 i. i- on the Great Lakes) were on ?� ;,;aii4.,'L�,''c•t the dock to see this prized, craft1trN 08. Mrs. MacLeod w•atebed from the Point. The "Helen MacLeod i "' +•> � „<:�$..,�,' .• , :�, II"�i e sa 1 d gracefully away like a - 7,' ;;e �,,�• r�'f� ,��ry white bird in the water with her new o w nor, J. Miller, Grosse r J Pointe, and Louden Wilson, Fair r' FSI"Fz 84y� Haven, Mich., aboard: She was /��� l!��������//��►► ,tG,','• f 'yr � 7•,t� bound for dry dock in Detroit to �/� �'�iN"Vd %)%�1i IF i ,be rejuvenated. f ea Louie was glad to see 'her go for _ the money you put into O she is in the hands, of a good sailor �. who appreciates her worth. Now Government, An / he won'tworry because he won't yi'+° know when she is out in a storm! Ask your local Government Annuities tura- ' Louie has seen too many boats rot r-; 6, in days gone by to wish her that sentative, or clip and mall the j�QStaRe=ft@@ , fate. The original "Helen Mac- x r Leod" he sold tg Herb Sturgeon coupon below, for full details on aha' 4; F, and she went out with the flood available. - There's a practical plan t6 suit The Voice Of the most modest budget. Temperance No medical- examination is required. vi r There is no better savings investment open He was a candidate for the 0 Canadians than a Overnm@nt Annuity. hockey team. He was a fast s'kat- tG = 3 er and he was full of ambition to B ranch make the team. He had an inter- Annuities view with the team manager. The DEPARTMENT OF LABOUR - crux of the interview came when MILTON F. GREGG A. AIeeNAA1A1l� a the manager said: "Let's smell M;ni,ta ��, Minissr :i your breath." That finished it, for Moil this coupon today POSTAGE FREII the manager smelled liquor on the --.-- t young At)nuilim stanch, lad's breath and, he told him �- ^141Ef Ti straight: "You can't drink and 1 D•pnrL,,.,,t of Labour, OHawa 1: play on my team. Drinking les- I Please Bond me COMPLETE 1NPORMATION stoat Cam,Daa f ovunm•q Aen9111"1 lens your playing efficiency." I HwME-------.�_�.-----_---wr1TC �....�..,.._..._.». 1 f�� Hockey has become so highly cam- I ...1 petitive that every player must be ' I (P tE zi l I+ at his best. Drinking is out.- ADDRESS _ -� • a (Adv.).'---------------.----- ___J NOW THERE'S A PLACE FOR YOUNG MEN -WITH GRADE 8,, EDUCATION (or better) - BETWEEN 17 and 30 YEARS OF AGE IN THE EXPANDING - • Permanent employment • Good rates of pay ��/�/ • 30 days- annual leave with pay • Pension or gratuity at end of service • Marriage allowance, if married i Medical and dental care • Opportunities for advancement • A fine training that will always be valuable DO'YOUR PART TO HELP CANADADO HER PART FIND OUT FOR YOURSELF WHAT A. FINE OPPORTUNITY THERE IS FOR YOU IN THE R.C.A.F. .._.......................... i` See the CAREER COUNSELLOR ; TRAINING COMMAND, RX.A.0., TRENTON, ONTARIO at your nearest R. C. A. F. Recruiting ; Pleat* mai/ urs, without ob/iga kik' 'sd1 parneftha Centre i regarding ee/frtment regrrirmuents alld dpeiriGf i • e now avai/aAwe it file XCAA You can consult him with complete NAMB sTi�EET AiiDitlrss..._.............._........,..:...,.,...W,.." confidence and without obligation . or : CITY ...................•............. ritovyly EDUCATION '(by grade atnd'pa<tiu',tiira t.., MAIL THIS COUPON TODAY. `................................................. .....�.::Ahi ,. ,. -.,.... ;.. .. ..n4,`.-.�4.r'.ar�.. J.w.•r rY4+»y.+.wrcwY4h'.k iV,'Y '� w R A ( -1 f: { Y .r. I 1 t r' t f t r jj t - it is rr