HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1950-11-17, Page 4r; - a l; rf} V. UR ) TRE T BON XPQS;TOR 0 NOYEIngR- 19,00, r�( ossified Ads. Classified Ads Inserted At New Low Cash Rates: • FOR SALE, WANTED, LOST AND FOUND, ETC. -Per word: lat week 1 Cent 2nd week '4 Cent 8rd week •Gaut Minimum charge. drat insertion25 neves Each figure. initial and abbreviation counts as one word. Cards of Thanks. In Memoriam Notices. Coming Events -1 Dent per word. Minimum, 60 cents per week. Enquiries may be dheeted to a Box No., c/o The Huron Expositor, for 10 eeuhs extra, Ten Dante additional will be charged if ads in above class are not paid within 10 days of date of final insertion. Births, Marriages and Deaths inserted free of chargee Auction Sales, Notices to Creditors. Ete.-.Batey on application. Coming Events HEARTS DANCE AND EYES SHINE at The exciting and lovely Cryst0l Palace 1}adl'mom, Mitchell, every Friday night, to the music of Don Robertson and his Ranch Boys. 4824x2 For Rent 'pion RENT -SMALL BUSINESS OF- fice, 10x25, located in Royal Apart- ments Mock. Artily to ORVILLE OKE. Seaforth, 4824-tf FOR RENT - THREE-ROOM APAnT- meat, furnished if desired_ Apply to Box 926, HURON EXPOSITOR. 4825-1 Work Wanted WOMAN WANTS WORK BY THE WOMAN or washing. Apply to Box 932. HURON EXPOSITOR. 4825x1 HOMEWORK WANTED - TYPING done at home any time - letters, statements, reports, manuscripts, or what have you? JEAN HILDEBRAND. Phone 597.W, Seaforth. 43241E2 Property For Sale FOR SALE --CORNER. BUILDING LOT on North .Main St. For further par- ticulars apply to MRS. J. W. FREE. or Phone 68, Seaforth. 4317-tf FOR SALE -NEW HOUSE, RANCH style; fuUy modern; oil furnace, air conditioned. Can be bought with down payment and monthly payment plan. C. G. I •' John Street. 4314-tf Notices CUSTOM, .CORN PICKING DONE. Ap- ply JOHN A. ECKERT,"ILR. 1, Duli- 1in, Phone 37 r 19, Dublin. 4325x3 Personals HYGIENIC SUPPI.iER (R U B B E1 Goode) mailed postpaid in plain, sealed envelope with price list 6 samples 25c; 24 samples $1.00. Mail -Order Dept. T-78, NOVA -RUBBER CO„ Box 91, Hamilton, Ont. Auction Sales ADCTION SALE OF HOUSEHOLD EF- fecta at the home of Frank McGre- gor. Bayfield Road, in the Village of Bru,cefiekl, on Saturday, November 18th. at 1:30 p.m., the followings: 4 walnut chairs (antique) ; walnut settee (antique); picture frames (antique) ; 2 walnut chests of drawers ; day bed; spooled bed; iron bed, springs and mattress; 2 wooden beds : dresser ; cherry dining groom table; several small tables: 8 rocking chairs kitchen chaini; odd chairs ; • kitchen cup- board ; electric toaster; Jewel range; lawn mower; guiles; ice box; dishes and cooking utensils; clothes horse; 2 kitchen clocks. If weather is unfavorable, sails will be held under cover. Terms --Cash. CHARLES SNELLING, Proprietor; Ed- ward W. Elliott, Auctioneer. 4324-2 AUCTION SALE OF HOUSEHOLD EF- feota, Estate of the Sate Mary and Frances Storey. Lot 30, Concession 5, lac- Killop Township, 2% miles north and 11/4 mileswest of Seaforth, on Saturday, No- vember 18th, at 1 p.m: 1 parlor set, oak parlor table; 1 organ; 6 dining room chairs: 6 kitchen chairs; 1 sideboard; davenport; small table; 2 rocking chairs; 2 tables: glass cupboard; leather couch; 1 Singer sewing machine: 2 bedroom dressers and stands ; 1 large chest of drawers ; I small chest of drawers; 2 beds, springs and mattresses; 2 ballet sets; 1 electric floor lamp: 1 2 -burner electric rangette; 1 General Electric radio; eke- ' trio iron: 1 Princess Pat kitchen stove; 1 veal or wood heater; 1 congoleum rug (9x12 ft); kitchen rexoleum (16 ft. sq_); dining room linoleum. (12 ft. by 20 ft.) ; 1 set"bf dishes ; odd dishes: pots and pans; kitchen clock; lawn mower: verandah chair: numerous other articles. HAROLD JACKSON, Auctioneer. , 4325-1 PLAY HAWAIIAN GUITARS - TRY our easy 20 -lessons course. Guitars rented for a very small fee. Lessons be- gin Wednesday, November 22nd, at the Public Library, Seafarth. Classes open eller school and in the evening. AUCTION SALE OFHOUSEHOLD EF - 'eats in Town of Seaforlh, Centre St., en Thursday, November 23rd, at 1 p.m.: Drop leaf table; Quebec heater ; kitchen buffet and chairs: ice box; chesterfield and chane number of occasional dhaim ; gate - 4325x1 lap• table; number of other small tables and pedestals; Windsor chair; modern HAVE YOUR PAINTING PROBLEMS lady's writing desk : combination hall table done the economy way by an expert and writing desk; electric lamps; heaters; sprayreen. Wallpapering a specialty: upright Mason & Risch piano and bench wallpapering and brush painting. All (like new): settee: hall tree: veranda work guaranteed. For free estimates, chairs; rugs Axminster rug, 7' x 9': 'Phone 780. HAROLD FINLEY, Seaforth. Axminster rug, 12' x 15'; Wilton rug. 4307-tf 7r x 9r, and 2 scatter mats to match and other small scatter mate ; 1 complete bed- room suite, springs and mattress ; bed - roam chairs; curtains; drapes ; cushions ; glassware; diehes ; kitchen utensils ; seal- ers; garden tools; lawn mower and roller and other articles. Terms -Cash. If the weather not favorable will be 'held inside. HARRY COLBERT. Proprietor; Harold Jackson, Auctioneer: E. P. Chesney, Clerk. 4326-2 RADIO REPAIRS - WHEN YOUR radio won't work, brind'it .to TERRY'S RADIO REPAIR, and take it home the same day -any day. Opposite Dick House. Phone 347-R, Seaforth. 4295-tf BARNS CLEANED AND WHITEWASH - ed following T.B. test. Brand new sprayer capable of 1,000 pounds pressure. Work done to fnapeeter's satisfaction. Phone 44 r 9, Dublin. FRED HARBURN, Staffs. 4301-tf Notices To Creditors NOTICE NOTICE to CREDITORS Township of Hullett 1'. GEO. W. COWAN, CLERK OF THE Municipality.' of the Township of Hul- lett, in the County of Huron, declare that I have pasted in my office in Londesboro, the Voters' Lists for 1950. And I hereby call upon all vo'tere to take immediate proceedings to have any' omissions or errors corrected according to law. DATED this 30th day of October, 1950. GEO. W. COWAN,* Clerk of Hullett. 4323-3 CLERK'S NOTICE Of the First Posting Of the Voters' List, 1950 TOWN OF SEAFORTH NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT I have complied with Section 7 of the Voters' List Act and that I have posted up at my office at Seaforth, on the 7th day of November, 1950, the dist of all persons entitled to vote in the said Mun- icipality at Municipal Elections, and that such list remains there for !inspection_ And I hereby call upon all voters to take immediate ptou-ecdine. to have' any errors or omissions corrected according to law, the last day for appeal being the 25th day of November, 1950. D. H. WILSON, Clerk. s,. 4324-2 In the Estate of JOHN F. FORSYTHE A L L PERSONS HAVING CLAIMS against the Estate of John. F. For- sythe, late of City of Detroit, State of Michigan, Salesman, deceased, who died on or about the 18th day of September, 1949, are hereby notified to send in to the undersigned on or before the 28th day of November, 1950, full .particulars of their claims. Immediately after the said last men- tioned date, the assets of the said estate will be distributed amongst the parties entitled thereto, having regard only to claims of which the undersigned shall then have notice, to the exclusion of aid others. and the undersigned will not be liable to any person of whose claim the undersign- ed shall not then have notice for the assets so distributed or any part thereof. DATED at Seaforth, this 2nd day of November, 1950. ALVIN W. SILLERY, Seaforth, Ontario, Solicitor for the Estate, 4323-3 Motor Cars For Sale FOR SALE -GEORGE JACKSON'S 1935 Ford car, in good condition; new tires, new paint lob. PHONE- 3-3, Sea - forth. 4325-1 1938 PLYMOUTH SEDAN Radio equipped ; in excellent condition as ,usual, which is symbolic of a Dunlop used ear. (BECTintlei l CLERK'S NOTICE Of First Posting of -Voters' List ar, NOTICE IS HEREIBY GIVEN THAT I have complied with Section 7, of The Voters' List Act and that I have ported up at my Office, at Lot 27, Con. 2, Mc- Killop, on the 18th day of November, 1950, the list of 451 persons entitled to vote 3n the said Municipality at Municipal Elec. Mons, and :that such ,list remains there for inspection. And I hereby call upon all voters la take immediate proceedings to have any errors or omissions corrected a000rding to law, the last day for appeal being the 27th day of November, 1950. J. 35.' ECKERT, Clerk of McKillop Township. 4824-2 CLERK'S NOTICE Of the First Posting Of the, Voters' List, 1950 Township, of Tuckersmith NOTICE 1S a 10LISBY GIVEII THAT I have 'comkklled veltlr Section 4 a the Voters. L t Acer ii that 1 have posted up at ins: oaten lit Lot 10, Caen. 4, HRH. Township T'itkcramitb, on .the 6th day tlf Noven ode, 1960, the list of all peonies entitled ,6 vette 00 the said .M,onicipalite e krt Mutfne$pal insenena;, dill that aneh' stet talniarfa'Iirief4 t'ar`arwbesthin. Aad -I beluii> THE B. A. SERVICE STATION SEAFORTH, ONT, 4325-1 50 50 49 49 49 48 48 2 41 40 38 37 38 OLDSMOBILE SEDAN - Custom radio, air conditioning, whitewall tires, sun visor, many other extras CHEV. F1.81 TUNE SEDAN --Green color; only 7,000 miler FLBETLINE COACH less than 3,000 miles, at $1,995.00 CHEVROLET 5 -PASSENGER COUPE CHEVROLET DE LUXE COACH whitewall tires CHEV,. SEDAN priced to sell at $1795.00 (MEV. FLEETLINE COACH Two-tone green CHEV. FLEE'iLINE SEDAN at $1,395.00; ton -tone green '48 d!TEV. COACHES CHEV.-TWatono lin color; sun visor ; Many extras OHEV. SEDAN Newly ove rreluled CHEV. COACH, NASH SEDAN DODGE SEDAN A-1 condition radio, 34 PLYMOU'1'h coRflji li1AN'Yi °Ta1nn ltiMOt Si) 011008E ,RRUSS1 tS MOTORS `!to litxo oLwhit{ti+ i%(!ti ryi. Livestock Wanted UP�o MOO SAM • A FOR OR E MAD Disabled nornce, Cowl, Hogs. at your farm. ProWpt Service, Phone Collect Wm. Sproat. 8eafortb, 065 r 2. WIL- LIAM STONE SONS, LIMITED. Inger- soll. Ont. Wanted WANTED --CHILD'S LARGE SIZE T&I- cycle, in good condiiton. Apply to Box 981. HURON EXPOSITOR. 4826x1 WANTED TO RENT -loo ACRES OR less, Ka good land. suitable for crop. Apply to LYLE MONTGOMERY, R.R. 1. Clinton. Phone 841 r 81, Seaforth. 482531 Agents Wanted WANTED By Major Oil Company Fatah Agent for distributing petroleum Products .to farmers. Reply by letter, stating amount of capi- tal available, present employment, and age. to Box 928, Huron Expositor 4824-2 Lost and Found T.OST-A CHILD'S TRICYCLE. PHONE 390-E. 4325-1 LOST OR STRAYED -SCOTTIE DOG, answers to "Mac." Finder please phone WESTCOTT'S, 218 or 599-W. 4325-1 LOST -ON TUESDAY NIGHT, NEAR Community Centre, a bundle of bak- er's aprons. Finder please leave at CRICH'S STORE, 43.25x1 LOST -A SMALL SCREW JACK IN the vicinity of Winthrop. Finder Please notify AUSTIN DOLMAGE, R.R. 1, Seaforth. Phone 840 r 21. 4325x1 For Sale won SALE -8 PIGS READY TO WEAN. PHONE 653 r 33, Seaforth. 4325-1 Fi O& SALE -A HEIFER. TO FRESHEN about December 1. Apply GORDON SCOTT. Phone 836 r 33. 4325x1 F'OR SALE -COB CORN. APPLY AL- LAN CRERAR, R.R. 2, Hensall. Phone 682 r 14, Hensald. 4325x1 won SALE -1 PAIR BOY'S TUBE sk-ates, size 7: 1 boy's suit sixe 12 years. PHONE 689-W, Seaforth. 4825-1 FOR- SALE ---WINE COAT, LEOPARD trim ; size 16; new style, length. AP - Ply, ROYAL APARTMENTS, Apt. 1, or phone 2784, 4325x1 FOR SALE -FRAME OUTSIDE TOIL - et. Best offer received by November 23 takes it. Box 933, HURON EXPOSI- TOR. 4325x1 FOR SALE -MEDIUM SIZED QUEBEC •heater; blonde maple dinette set. Ap- ply to MRS. M. BERGER, Jarvis Street. Phone 338, Seaforth. - 4324x2 FOR SALE - MAHOGANY DINING room. suite, 8 pieces, and leather up- holstered chairs. PHONE 674 r 41, Hen- sall. 4324x2 FOR SALE -WHITE SEWING MA - chine. in good condition. Also settee. rocker and arm chair. PHONE 674 r 41, Hensel]. 4824x2 naOR SALE --HEREFORD BULL, REG- -istered, 2S months old, Royal Rex Rupert. JOSEPH L. RYAN. Phone 40 r 5. Dublin. 4824x2 FOR SALE -4 T kIWORTH PIGS, JUST weaned; 2 calves, three months old; windmill, 20 -loot tower, in good shape. LORNE WILSON. 658 r 21, Seaforth. 4325x1 FOR SALE -BEST QUALITY WHITE end Whole Wheat Bre•td, made from the finest ingredients. Properly ferment- ed and containing no adulterants, at CR1CH'S BAKERY, Seaforth. Phone 34. 4325x1 FOR SALE -NEW SINGER SEWING m -•-hirci, el»etric and treadle. Re- pairs to all makes. SINGER SEWING CENTRE. 78 Ontario St., Stratford. 4223-tf FOR SALE - FAIRBANKS - MORSE hammer mills. New Idea farm equip- ment, Minneapolis Moline tractors and machinery. NEW IDEA DISTRIRTJTORS, Goderich, Ont. Phone Carlow 2821. 4324x3 Cards Of Thanks T WOULD LIKE TO THANK ALL THE friends who sent me cards and fruit while I was a patient in Scott Memorial Hospital, and special thanks to Dr. (Ter- uel] and nurses who were so kind to me. MRS. HARRY WAYMOUTH 4825x1 T WISH TO EXPRESS MY SINCERE thanks to the church organizations and my many friends who remembered me with fruit. candy and many treats while a Patient in the Hospital for three weeks; also the kindness of the nurses and doc- tors and many friends who called. MRS. A. L. PORTEOUS 4325x 1 Births ANDERSON -At Scott Memorial Haapi- tal, on Nov. 10, to Mr. and Mrs. David Anderson, Londesboro, a son. CHAPPELL-At Scott Memorial Hospital, on Nov. 10, to Mr, and Mrs. Filmer Chappell, Cramarty, a son. ELLIOTT---At Scott Memorial Hospital, on Nov. 10, to Mr. and Mrs. Lorne El- liott. McKillop, a son. THIIELL-At Scott .Memorial Haseital, on Nov. 14, to Mr, and Mrs. Ross 'Ilhuell, Blyth, a son (stillborn).• Mrs. ?oh±Stevens Addresses Seaforth Women's Institute • Mrs. Alex Petiper was hostess ti the members of the Seaforth Wo- men's Institute at her • name in Tuckersmith on Tuesday. 'This was the Home Economics and 'Health meeting, with Mrs. James Keyes and Mrs. Gordon Papple as con- veners, and Mrs. John Stevens as. guest speaker. The meeting opened with' the In- stitute Ode, the Mary Stewart Col- lect and the Lord's Prayer in uni- son. The president, Mils. John McLean; opened: the the meeting. The minutes of the last meeting were read and adopted. Roll call was answered by a picture of your- self as a baby or a young child. Fifteen members were present. The treasurer, Mrs. John Hilie- brecht, gave a report on the booth at the Fall Fair and also on the October euchre and dance, A to- tal of $14.50 in prize money was awarded to the girls of the Garden Club. A letter from F, Emerson Ritchie, of Sutt England, and formerly of Seaforth, requesting that the Institute donate candy and. secondhand or new toys for the children over there, was read, Mr. Ritchie is a member of the Cana. dian Veteran's Association. A mo- tion was passed that. the Institute would send a 20 -pound box of can- dy, Mrs, Gordon Papple and Mrs. Wilfred Coleman to purchase the s41.me. It was also decided to send, a Christmas box to the Women's Institute at Newcastle-onTyne, England, Mrs. Alex Pepper and Mrs. Lorne Carter to take care of this. The second euchre and dance of the season will be held on. Friday, Nov. 24, in Cardno's Hall,' with Murdoch's orchestra furnishing the music. Mrs. Harold Hugill was appointed to assist Mrs. Andrew Crozier and Mrs. Lorne Carter at the Christmas meeting. Mrs. James Keyes then took charge of the meeting, The mot- to, "Life is like a garden, it grows the fruit you sow," was taken by Mrs.' Gordon Papple, who spoke on the meaning of the word 'hone.' "Home On the Range" was sung. Mrs. Keyes then introduced the guest speaker. Mrs. John Stevens. formerly of the Seaforth District th Deaths JONES --In London, on Tuesday, Nov. 14. Elinor Broadfoot, beloved wife of Ken- neth R, Jones, in her 35th year FINLAYSON-In Seaforth, on Tuesday. November 14, Mime. Jane Sclater•, be- loved wife of John Finlayson, in her 76th year. DANT'ZER-Suddenly, in Dublin, on Wed- nesday. Nov. in Mary Lou Dan ;zee daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Dantzer, in her sixth year. Euchre and Dance Sponsored by Seaforth W, I. Friday, Nov. 24t13. Cardno's Hall Cards at 8:30 ADMISSION - 50 CENTS Ladies please !bring sandwiches Lucky Lunch Prize Music by Murdoch Orchestra ooks WE `JAR E AGENTS for Counter, Check Books and Printed Gummed Tape ���```0oMADE: B _fy (l 11Af, i,. pnvcr PR000CT5 Stylesfor every business. Various colors and designs. Samples, suggestions and prices without obligation. _THE HURON EXPOSITOR SEAFORTH USED CARS 1 1950 CHEV. 1/2 -TON PICK-UP - Less than 1,000 miles 1 '41 HUDSON SEDAN 1 '34 DODGE COACH 1 '35 CHEV. PICK-UP 1 NEW CHEV. %-TON PICK-UP Seaf�rth Motors Chevrolet - Oldsmobile PHONE 141 SEAFORTH ,, High School staff. Her subject. was Home Economics and Huth. The members were given •palaph- lets o11 health, meal planning, etc. These may be obtained from. the Huron County Health Unit in Clin- ton. Meal planning is very essen- tial ssential in 'body building and the pro- per foods are necessary to make a healthy body, Mrs. Stevens said. Canada's food rules include milk, fruit, vegetables, cereals and bread, meat and fish, eggs and. cheese, and Vitamin 1) in the daily diet. Generous servings of all these will keep the body (healthy, Mrs. Stev- ens concluded her talk with a poem entitled "Routine" Reports on the London Area con- vention were given by Mrs. Wil- fred Coleman and Mrs. Eldon Kerr. Both brought back very interest- ing reports. A vote of thanks was moved by Mrs. Gordon 'McKenzie to Mrs. Stevens, the guest •speaker, and to the hostess, Mrs. Pepper. The meeting closed with "God Save the King." During the lunch hour a contest was held, Mrs. Jas, McNairn and Mrs. Gordon McKenzie being the winners. Lunch was served by the hostess and the lunch committee. Those on the committee for the next euchre and dance are as fol- lows: Lunch, Mrs. John McLean and Mrs. Gordon Papple; prizes and tallies, Mrs. Elmer Cameron; tables and chairs, Mrs. Eldon Kerr and Mrs. Lorne Carter; punchers, Mrs. Alex Pepper, Mrs. Jas. Keyes, Mrs. Wilfred Coleman and Mrs. Andrew Crozier. Announce Dates For Huron Library Exchange Plan Mrs. R. G. Eckmier, librarian for the Huron County Library, has an- nounced the exchange plan for De- cember. The schedule is as fol- lows: , Wednesday, Nov. 29 Wingham High School, 9 a.m, ,Seaforth High School, 11 a.m. S.S. No. 2, .McKillop, 1 p.m. S.S. No. 1, Hullett, 2 p.m. S.S. No. 9, Goderich, 3 p.m. S.S. No. 5, Godericb, 3.45 p.m. Thursday, Nov. 30 S.S.,,No. 4, Stanley West, a.m. S.S. No. 4 Stanley East, a.m. S.S. No. 9, Hay, and Stanley, a.m. Zurich School, a.m. Dashwood School, 1 p.m. Grand Bend School. p.m. Centralia R.C.A.F., p.m. Hensall School, p.m. Friday. Dec. 1 Clinton R.C.A.F., a.m. S.S. No. 8, Hullett, a.m. Blyth School, a,m. S.S. No. 9. McKillop, p.m. S.S. No. 8, McKillop, p.m. S.S. No. 6, McKillop, p.m. S.S. No, 7, Hullett, p.m. Monday, Dec. 4 Belmore, 9:30 a.m, Lakelet, 10:45 a.m. Fordwich, 1:30 p.m. Molesworth; 3 p.m. , Tuesday, Dec. 5 Hensall, 9:15 a.m. Exeter, 10:45 a.m. Eiimville, 1 p.m. Kirkton, 2 p.m. S.S. No .2, Usborne, 3:15 p.m, Thames Road, 4 p.m. Wednesday, Dec. 6 Lucknow. 9 a.m. Whitechurch, 10:30 a.m, Wingham, 1 p.m. Bluevale, 2 p.m. Wroxeter, 3:15 p.m. Gorrie, 4 p.m, Thursday, Dec. 7 Walton, 9 a.m. No. 12, :McKillop, 10:00 a.m. Winthrop, 10:30 a.m. Seaforth, 1:15 p.m. Kippen, 3:00 p.m. Friday, Dec. 8 Brucefield, 9:00 a,m. Varna, 9:45 a.m. Zurich, 10:45 a.m. Dashwood, 1:15 •p.m. Bayfield, 3:45 p.m. Monday, Dec. 11 Goderich, 8:45 a.m. Clinton, 10:45 a.m. S.S. No. 5, Hullett, 1 p.m. Londesboro, 1:30 p.m. Blyth, 2:30 p.m. Auburn, 3:45 p.m. Tuesday, Dec.. 12 Grand Bend, 10:30 a.m. G. l3. Primary Room, 11 a.m. Crediton, 1:30 p.m. S.S,,„No. 1, Stephen, 3 p.m. Centralia, 3:30 p.m. Wednesday, Dec. 13 Brussels, 10:30 a.m. Beigrave, 1 p.m. St. Helens, 2:30 p.m. Dungannon, 3:34 p.m. Thursday, Dec. 14 Ethel, 10 a.m. Moncrieff, 1:15 p.m. Cranbrook, 2:30 p.m. Friday, Dec. 15 Goderich School, 9:30 am. CROMARTY Mr. and Mrs. Donald. Scott have returned home from their honey- moon. They visited with relatives in the State of Indiana and' also at Niagara, U.S.A. We welcome Mrs, Scott to the community. Mr. and Mrs. Ken Hogg and two sons, John and Robert, of Thorn - dale, visited with Mr. and Mrs. Ken McKellar. Miss Verna Albrecht visited on Sunday- with Mr: and Mrs. Boshart in Seaforth. Mr. Roderick Park, of Detroit, visited with Mr. Alex McKellar and Mics Sarah McKellar during the past week. Mrs. Robertson and 'John visited on Sunday with Mr, and Mrs. Char- lie Mills, of St. Marys. Mr. Dave Gardiner is spending a few days with his daughter and son-4.nlaw, Mr. and 'Mrs, Wilmer Howitt, at Aubrlrn. Auxiliary Plans Bazaar The Marion Ritchie Auxiliary held• their regular monthly meeting in the bitdeiiinent of the ohwreh, • =ra with Mrs, 'Ted Storey presiding and conducting the devotional etc ercises, Mre. Ernest ellen read a hapter franc the study book. The Main item of business to discuss was the planning of the bazaar, which 1sto be held on Dec. 1. Men. Thos. Scott gave a fine paper on "Remembrance" and also a paper entitled, "Count Your Bless- ings." The meeting closed with the Lord's Prayer in unison. Mark 40th Wedding Anniversary Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Scott were pleasantly surprised last Thursday evening when members of their family met together to celebrate with them on their fortieth wed- ding anniversary. Their sons and wives, Mr. and Mrs. James Scott and Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Scott, were the hosts of the event and presented them with two occasion- al chairs. Other gifts were also given from the relatives, Social chat and euchre were enjoyed by all. As the party left for home, the bride and groom were wished many) happy returns with hopes of being together for their golden an- niversary. BRUCEFIELD Miss Mary Ellen Burdge, Gode- rich, is vieiting her .grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. F. Burdge. Mrs. Jim Livingstone has taken a position nursing in a London Hospital. Mr. and Mrs. Thebedeau, of Lis- towel, visited their daughter and cQnan-law, Mr. and Mrs. Orland Johnston, and family. Mr. and Mrs. Lindsay Eyre spent Sunday in Milverton. Misses Betty Allan, London; Janet Watson, Aylmer; Marion Paterson, London, and Mr. Ron Paterson, of London, spent the week -end guests with their parents. Mrs. Roy Brock, Exeter, visited Mr. and Mrs. J. K. Cornish last week. Mr. Thornton Mustard, of Kings- ville, spent the week -end with his parents, Mr, and Mrs. A. Mustard. Misses Leona and Marjorie An- derson, London, visited their par ents over the week -end. Mrs. Alton Johnston and ..-rs Frank McGregor attended the fun eral of a cousin -in Toronto last week. Recently in the United Church the rites of Baptism were admin istered to Ronald Kenneth, son of Mr. and Mrs. Ken Scott, and Kath leen Ann, daughter of Mr. and Mrs George Clifton. Last Thursday evening Mrs. Geo Henderson opened, her home to the members of Group 1 of the Home Helpers and several others who had helped during the year. A program of songs and contests was arranged by the hostess. Penny boxes were returned and a success ful year's activities was brought to a close. A delicious lunch was served, with Mrs. F. Rathwell, Mrs Elgin Thompson and Mrs, A. Zapfe assisting. Those attending the concert sponsored by the Managing Board and 'presented by the Schneider - Orpheus Male Choir in Brucefield United Church recently, were de- lighted with the fine, performance Under the leadership of Mr. Paul Berg, the numbers were enthusias- tically received by an appreciative audience. The various numbers were well chosen and the choral hasony, as well as several solo numbers, will long be remembered W. A. Holds Meeting The Women's Association o Brucefield United Church, met in the Sunday schoolroom on Tuesday afternoon with Miss M. Swan and Mrs. Harry Dalrymple conducting the devotional service. Mrs. Gor don Elliott, president, had charge of the business. The treasurer's report was given by Mrs. W. Mc Beath. A new electric stove for the kitchen had been purchased by the church committee. Plans for the bazaar and tea, to be held in the Sunday schoolroom on the of ternoon of November 24, were con pleted. A nominating committee composed of Mrs. G. Elliot, Mrs. L. Wilson, Mr's. W. McBeath, Mrs. G. Richardson and Mrs. W. Broad - foot, was appointed. Group 4, with Mrs. ,Gordon Richardson and Mrs. Lorne Wilson as conveners, pro- vided a program and served a de- licious lunch. HENSALL Children's photos a speciality. For early Christmas appointments Phone 5, Hensall. ANN'S STUDIO, Bayfield. Evening Auxiliary Meets Mrs. Lillian Hyde was in the chair for the regular meeting of the Evening Auxiliary of the Unit- ed Church, which took place in the schoolroom on Monday night. The opening exercises consisted of the theme song; the hymn, "Stand Up For Jesus" and the Lord's Prayer. Mrs, H. Faber gave an interesting account of the work of Rev. L. Berry, United Church missionary at North West River „in Labrador. Mrs, Rogers offere prayer, and. Mrs. D. Kyle read Scripture les- son, Pealnl 23. Mini es were read, roll call and ,collection taken. Fin- al arrangements were made in con- nection with the bazaar in the schoolroom on Saturday afternoon, Nov. 25, from 3 to 5:30. There will 'be offered: for sale fancy and knitted goods, aprons, novelties, candy, home •baling, produce and miscellaneous items under the sue- pices of the W.M..S. Afternoon tea will be served. Auxiliary members are asked to 'be at the church on Friday afternoon, Nov. 24, from 3 to 5, in order to set up tables, arrange displays, etc. =Mrs. Shirray, Mrs. D. Kyle and Mrs. R. Drysdale were appointed a nominating committee to prepare a new slate of officers•, for 1950-51, same to be presented at the next meeting. Rev. Rogers then showed slides pertaining to the new study book on Japan. The commentary was read by • Mish EIIis. Mrs, J. Corbett ably; dealt 14th the ;study book chapter. theW.M.S. intends 1aekitlg a hal he auxiliary i9 'urged: to offer or'ettelosu wa !dt the next meeting a collection of used clothing for, children or adults. It wasis . decided t o a +7 ec�d a sand a d ka- tion of $10 to the Loddon' Protest ant Orphanage for the purpose of securing needed Items at the Christmas season. The next Meet- ing eeting was discussed. Mrs. Shi:rray will give the devotional; Miss Av- ery the study. It was suggested that each member •bring a., gift worth fifty or seventy-five cents, same to be exchange& In addi- tion to the regular meeting, a so- cial time is being planned.. Mrs. R. Drysdale and Mrs. J. Drysdale were named to arrange games, etc. The hymn, "Onward, Christian Sol- diers," and the Mizpah benediction followed. The hostesses, Mrs. B. Kyle and Mrs. E. Shaddlck and their committee, provided a tasty lunch, Presents Recital The pupils Of Mr. J. Nicol, A.C. C.O., presented a piano and vocal recital in Carmel Presbyterian Church on Monday night. The pro- gram included: Piano solos, Maja Roobol, Joan Kerslake, Marilyn Mousseau, Norma Passmore, Bryan Bonthron, Billy Fink, Marilyn Ay- res, Elaine Bell, Bonnie Kyle, Car- ol arof Brown, Sharon :Smillie, Margar- et Smillie, Judith Ferguson, Gwen Chapman, Bobbie Middleton (four years old) ; vocal solos, --Robert Westlake, Rod • Ferguson, 'Jean Henderson, Donald Kyle. At the end of the enjoyable program, Carol Brown, six years old, play- ed a number of pieces from Grades 1 and 2 of the Royal Conservatory of Music. The Hensall Branch of the Cana- dian Legion 468 will sponsor a bingo and dance in Hensall on Fri- day evening. Mr. and Mrs, Laird Mickle and Ann visited on Tuesday, with the formers esothOL' MicJO$, in lidgeto Mie o tt toll, II/Upli Qd the. `l 'ela�ilia44�a9t A.,. rugby ole meld last $a! ., ny art the' Tittle' Meemorlal Stadtilm, • 1n don. Mr. William Male, N.vho is. an tending O,A)C„ Guelph, spent the week -end visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. L. Male. Mr. William Kyle, of Kippen, was very succes!iitl at the Kins- men's rifle -shoot at !StrathrOar out Wednesday, in winning three tur- keys. The Kippen E.W.I. left by bub Thursday morning for Toronto, where they will visit the Happy Gang, Casa Loma and the Ice Capades. Additional Hensall News on Page 3 BAZAAR Auspices of the W. A. IN THE SCHOOLROOM. OF Brucefield United 'Chij +ch FRIDAY, NOV. :Mk - BOOTHS: Country Fair, Home Fancy Work, Touch-and-Tako; Apron s, Quilts, Novelties, White Elephant, Candy, Post Office, Christmas Table. Afternoon Tea 3 to 6 p.m. STAY AND HAVE A•CUP OF TEA BOXING COMMUNITY ARENA, HENSALL TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 21st 8:30 p.m. 6 -BOUTS ----6 - Main Events, 5 Rounds Ken "K. 0." Hohner London's Newest Boxing Sensation Vs. Don Coffel, Woodstock Cowboy Al. Boyd, London VS. Jimmy Tobarz, Brantford PLUS 4 other Action -Packed 3 -Round Events AND ANOTHER BOUT BY THE MIGHTY MIDGETS MANAGER -Jimmy White, Chicken Coop, G. C., London Sponsor-Hensall Branch No. 468, B.E.S.L. ADMISSION: Ringside 75c; General 50c; Children 25c CONCRETE SILOS Say, Farmers, if you are intending us to build your Silo next summer, you must come in and get a contract signed at once, because we only con- sider signed contracts. Last season we turned down scores of jobs which came in the'spring and summer_ after we were filled up. Don't fool yourself with builders that promise you by word of mouth contract; it is not binding to any one. SEE US NOW ! J. E. HUGILL Phone 616-34, Clinton Phone 667-6, Seaforth Three miles west of Seaforth on Highway 8 P.S.-We also have a few good Used Cars and Trucks; one brand new Austin, and one 1950 Meteor Sedan. 00 You Get Bot in a Case Spreader * LOW HIP -LEVEL LOADING , • • • * AUTOMATIC SELF -HOISTING HITCH r